
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Conversation with a brother

Brother: I'm starting to realize that I have a talent for getting inside peoples' heads and figuring out what is going on in there. It kind of scares people

: Yeah, some people are private, or get creeped out by their transparency.

: Yeah. I kind of like that. I think that you and I don't have a set default so we can associate with and understand almost everyone's motives.

.: Yeah, true, we don't have a set default. It's kind of a super power.

: Yeah. We are like super heroes. You and i have the same powers but use them decidedly differently.

: How so?

: You use them to punish and hurt. Right now, I'm using mine to save a girl's life. So to speak.

: Sometimes people need punishment to keep them straight. Save a girl's life?

: It's a complicated story involving someone dying of cancer, and the girl in question not feeling that she will be able to live life any more after that person is gone. She came to me because I knew what was going on in her head and she wanted some advice. I don't say it to brag. I'm not proud, it's only the truth.

: Yeah, I understand. So what happened?

: Nothing yet. I have to write back to her. How is that for a difference between you and me? You aren't a bad influence. ou helped me realize an ability I never knew I had and I'm using it to help people. Of course if you look at it the other way, I could crush her and probably make her kill herself.

.: Ha, that's a good way of phrasing it

: No good

: Yeah, you could crush her, but won’t. Most of the time I make the "right" choice too :)

: Good. Me too. But sometimes it is fun to be bad ;)

: Seriously, right? I try to do it in moderation. And only when it isn't too horrible. There are certain wickednesses in my life that are so deliciously dehumanizing that i still lick my lips just thinking about them.

: I think I should do my work now.

: Yeah, work is good. Idle hands are the devil's tools.


  1. I believe personally that being good is so much harder than being bad. That's kind of why I associate myself with good. I'm so used to being good I honestly can't be bad because I know all the horrid consequences that would frustrate me. So I prefer to be good and do the harder thing of keeping some sort of twisted peace.

    Funny how that works out, huh?

  2. Haha, I understand almost exactly the thoughts here. But it seems to me that I only ever don't do bad because I don't want to be caught.

  3. Not sure if I'm a sociopath psychopath or just a violent man . Wen my grandad had a stroke and was dying in the hospital everyone else was crying. All I cud think was Wat I was gonna eat for dinner that night . I have nothing in comments with my parents and all they are use full for is money . I have little true friends and can be prone to outburst of sudden violence. My neighbour got the worst of it . He is an alcoholic and loud and a pest. Nobody in my block of flats like hiM.So one morning pretty early he is shouting and banging stuff.Woke me up out my bed in a real foul mood .i grabbed by wooden baseball bat from behind my door and unlocked the door . We start arguing and he calls me a faggot so I see red and smash him with the bat first hit hits his arm cuz he was blocking his face I heard a snap and he screamed like a baby. . he went down and got back to his feet. Next hit was his leg he slumped down on one knee screaming in pain.Next hit hit him on the top of the skull and he didn't get back up. by this time another neighbour has come out and seen it all happening. As I was walking up to his unconscious body to finish the job my neighbour screamed no he's had enough. I stopped seeing red and calmed down and put the bat back behind my door.I went back out and there was blood everywhere in the landing. He was kinda starting to come around so I stood over him and said a few times who's the he faggot now .. He wasn't ready for how violent a person I can be. he saw me as quiet and probley weaker than him .I was sick of being Mr nice guy to him for the last year I stood back and let him do what ever he liked in that building. He had been to jail before and was nothing but trouble for everyone in the building.The only good thing he did was not grassing me to the pigs lol. My neighbours all treat me like some kind of King now. Which I like. even the herion dealers from a few blocks up are scared of me now. The neighbour ended up with a fractured skull.3 broken bones in his wrist that required 14 or 15 metal plates in it.. And also permanently walks with a limp in one leg . He told the police he fell down the stairs and the other neighbour backed up the story I wasn't even questioned.. He never came back to his flat and moved out a few months later.still see him now and again but he always looks away and pretends that he didn't notice me but we both know he did. obviously I have no remorse about it as he woke me up out of a really good dream which is better than my shit life.Everything worked out as it is a really quiet block now and I can continue with my uninterrupted sleep ..I also would like to add that I have never hurt anyone that doesn't deserve it cCheers gfk Scotland.


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