Friday, October 26, 2012

Famous sociopaths: Louise Nevelson

American sculptress Louise Nevelson (1899-1988): "I knew I was going to become somebody very special. No . . . that I was somebody very special." The article notes that the actress who was playing Nevelson was able to "suggest Nevelson's chilliness as much as her charm, her dead heart as well as the life of her mind."


  1. God, your sicker than I am..., I guess that makes me feel better, but I don't feel..., we're all dead by this time next year, ssso NONE of this bullshit matters anyway..., think solar flares, super volcanoes...

  2. I can understand the lack of belonging, but sometimes I wonder if that's a mental issue, or simply not settling for an established system.

    You see it here.

    People come by and comment, because something you said (ME) stuck a cord with them. Of course they're not the same person, but the fact that something so core, so fundamental rung true for the first time was enough for them to throw their lot in with this label.

    I'm not even sure it's a matter of narcissism either, though I'm sure narcissism doesn't help.

    I think more than anything, it's a sense of previously unknown 'belonging', and could perhaps shed light on why 'The One True Sociopath' might actually come to a place like this, for all its faults.

    Whatever, I'm drunk. None of that probably made sense.

    1. I'm drunk too, but that's neither here nor there. You are kissing me's ass now (before you said he was an idiot). Sometimes people are just in the mood for SW and will post on whatever is near the top to communicate.

      I still say you are way over obsessed with narcissism and psychopathy. I am beginning to suspect BPD in your case.

      I hope none of that came off as rude.

    2. You're just a bundle of joy, you cute little aspie, you ^_~

    3. cord is spelled chord tnp

  3. Interesting woman M.E.

    Reading up about her on Wikipedia I couldn't help but think of the similarities between Louise Nevelson and Ayn Rand.

    Both born in Czarist Russia within relatively privileged Jewish families only to then have to relocate to the United States of America.

    Coincidence? Sociopaths? Or is it just that Russia has the monopoly on cold-hearted, vinegar-titted bitches? ; )

    1. Leave the Russians out of it

    2. Isn't that what Hitler said about the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact ; )

    3. Mindless, you lovable limey bastard. I'll have you know some of us bitches may be cold hearted, but with very sweet tits ;)

    4. Hey Bitch, pics or GTFO! :D

    5. Haha! Nice try. But if you were to go first...

    6. I bet green eyes is hot.

    7. nice song

      I like this one too:


    8. Haha! Monica, still no fucks were given, but funnily enough it did bring a man to mind, so thanks anyway :)

      Aspie, I love that song. My husband once dedicated it to me, so it always makes me smile.

  4. I am glad you did a piece on an elderly sociopath or narcisist, this subject needs to be written about more often.

    No one will be young forever and I am wondering how I am going to deal with my own aging, lonliness, inability or contempt to belong to society or its norms?

    1. That has been on my mind a lot here of late. What happens when I look in the mirror and I can no longer stand who I am?

    2. People change every day and we don't notice it. When you'll be old and look in a mirror you will think that you always looked like this. Your young days will seem like a dream, a film you watched long time ago... but you were in that movie, you lived in those memories and that will be all that matters. And death comes after that, but as I see it, death can only be scary if you lived a pathetic life. If not, when why bother? One story ends, a new one begins.

    3. I disagree Anon... I look in the mirror and think, "Shit, there's another line. I didn't have that ten years ago... FIVE years ago even. How do I get rid of it?"

      The vanity of a narcissitic asshole knows NO bounds. I don't want to age... ever; Peter Pan baby!

    4. that is because you are not very smart after all, you have not even on a basic level identified things that age and incorporated this knowledge day to day

    5. One Halloween in HS I dressed up as me as an old lady. I crinkled up my face and drew thin black eyeliner in every crease. I put baby powder on the areas away from the lines . Then I put on a button down polyester print dress with a huge bra on loose, and stuffed it so my breasts drooped to my waist.

      ^Do this.

      You will see later -you will always have mischief in your eyes. I have the picture. This is how I will look. Like a kid, just older.

  5. :) Good Morning sociopathworld!!!!!

    How are you all doing today?

    I have a cold and one of my teeth has an infection :(

    It hurts so fucking bad that I actually wake up in the middle of the night and cant go back to sleep because of the pain. It happened last night where I couldnt go back to sleep and last night I went to bed at eleven and woke up at 2 because the pain was so bad and I couldnt even go back to sleep!

    Luckily, I see my doctor for xanax today. Last month when I went I had a cold and he prescribed me Amoxicillin 3 pills a day for 7 days. But last month I started to feel better so I saved them but I have been taking them for the last 2 days, and today is the third...... Iam just hoping I get better soon.....

    Iam gonna ask the doctor for some Vicodin too and hopefully he will give it to me, nobody should have to live in this kind of pain.

    1. When the fuck are you going to go away? This isn't your fucking public diary, you two-bit junkie.

    2. PS- To anybody who wrote me with any questions yesterday, I will answer them when I get home from the doctors office, when hopefully I will be feeling better.

    3. Fuck you, TNP. I have alot more people here that like me than you do......

      If anything, they would want you to leave.

      PS- IAM NOT GOING ANYWHERE :) and I hope that fact bothers you :)

    4. This isn't a popularity contest, and the fact that you put value into your sympathy puppets is ever more indicative of your perpetual victim-hood.

      Who the fuck do you think you are, coming to a sociopath website with an iceman avatar and talking about how much of a pathetic drug addict you've become?

      Do you really think anyone comes to a site like this to hear that? Because when they think, hm, I should stop by a sociopath website, I doubt they think, I wonder what a junkie has to say about their daily life?

      Coming to a sociopath site for sympathy. You don't even realize how low you've gone.

    5. Rich your friends here are as hopeless as you. You are a worthless piece of shit and even they don't care about you.

    6. Rich,

      They are right. This is not a popularity contest. It is a test of patience and the ability to ignore... which TNP is failing when it comes to you. We have to learn to ignore the negative shit in our lives that really does not matter. The Neverending Post-commenter is old and nearing the end of his "movie" and he sees you as a waste of youth; and he's right. You are wasting it... but you're working towards fixing that and if this is "good therapy" for you, fuck him. Just don't respond. Concentrate on the positives and the assests you do have around here and let his sorry, lonely ass be.

      That being said... TNP, I LOVE YOU you Terrific Normal Person you! Keep it real you ass.

    7. I'm just some crotchety old man, right?~

    8. Crotchety - check

      Old - check

      Man - (benifit of the doubt) check

      So, yes sir... you are what you are:-p

    9. Hey Virus! Yeah he isint even worth my time, to me he is lower than anybody on this website and says things just to try to sound outrageous and smart, and he isint, it is just a mimicry of intelligence

      I let people like him roll off of my back all the time, and that is what Iam doing now. He is a nobody, he is probably just as fucked up in the head as I am just sober, which makes it even WORSE. He is definatly a sociopathic headcase. Since he is so lonely and cannot connect to humanity he takes out his frustrations on people that he ENVIES, like me. He envies all people who can feel the things he will never be able to feel, like love, empathy, compassion, and caring for somebody other than himself.

      It's actually very sad and to be honest the only feeling I have toward him is pity.

      But, anyway Virus, I just got home from the doctor and got my xanax cut down from #90 2mg pills a month to #60 2mg pills a month, I had to or they would start dropping my methadone dose.

      I told him about my tooth infection and asked for Vicodin and he said he would write it for me, but he reminded me that people on 40mg's of methadone a day or more (Iam 110mg's a day) have a "blockade" where they cant feel other opiates or the pain relief from them...... So he ended up writing me 30 muscle relaxers for the week. Iam hoping they will help, my mom is goin to go pick up the xanax and Flexeril right now so iam gonna try them out when she gets back. Iam not looking for a high, I just want this damn EXCRUCIATING PAIN to go away or at least dull down.

      Thanks for always being here to talk to and help me Virus, this is like a form of "therapy" for me..... That is why I stay here, because of people like you and Monica.

      If you ever need any feedback or questions about you and your wife's situation I would love to help you out in the same way you have been helping me. Thank you Virus, you and Monica are my best friends on here :)

    10. Yes, Rich. You have to learn to ignore people or laugh at them. This is a skill that really helps in all of life!

      You are right about people being jealous of the empath's ability to be animated etc

      Chill out TNP. Go listen to some music~

      * I have a virus in my computer so am having a hard time acessing my account.

    11. You have GOT to be shitting me. Me, jealous of you?

      What the fuck is there to be jealous of?

    12. try to lessen stress and see a dentist, you want to calm the nerve in that tooth down or else you are looking at a root canal (due to the nerves death or inability to calm the pain) ...

      try malwarebyes monica for the viruses, its the best

    13. I still think TNP is Monica.

    14. TNP IS Monica. Fess up, TNP!

    15. I am Monica!~

      Hip shakin' a makin' song gamin'!

    16. No, TNP is Rich!

    17. And the dreaded one-armed man who killed your wife!

    18. Rich i don't understand why you don't go see a dentist

    19. and this little bit from the internet:

      "if a tooth abscess if left untreated it can grow and spread through the soft tissue of the face and cause dramatic outward facial swelling called cellulitis. If the swelling grows under the jaw it can cause Ludwig's angina, block off the airway and suffocate the patient."

    20. and this gem:

      "It can be extremely serious, to the point of actually causing death. Ancient remains show that on some of the skeletons, the skull had holes in the jaw bone and then up to the area where the sinus and brain would be. It was determined that these people probably had an infected tooth and the pus eroded the floor of the sinus and went to the brain. Sometimes an abscess in the lower jaw can cause such a large swelling that will block off your airway. If you have an abscess, please visit your dentist today."

      yikes. i wanna see my dentist... :(

    21. Zoe_ Jeex I never knew that could happen! Thanks, my mouth is a bit swollen and my glands on my throat are swollen as well.... I hope these Antibiotics work but if not Iam just gonna bite the bullet and have to see the dentist.

  6. You are pathetic, TNP, with your one dimensional emotional palette which is as interesting as a set of fruit flies on a rotting mango~

    1. I'm hardly one dimensional. I've probably felt more things than you have, you equally pathetic sympathy-seeker. Keep prattling about your faked child molestation and your fake child to every newcomer. It's been working like a charm so far.

      I can't believe you even admitted to it when I called you out on that. Too fucking rich.

    2. Defending your bitch to make yourself look better, how clever.

    3. This dipshit out and out admits to faking the death of her fictional son and her fake sexual molestation as a girl, but has the audacity to come back and talk about her "problems".

      Unfucking believable.

    4. TNP
      I am not going to fight with you because, frankly, it is too boring.
      I just wanted Rich to know where I stood. Put on a happy face now, Brother ~

    5. Fight me? That's a fucking laugh in a half. What are you going to do, read my horoscope and suggest Jesus?

    6. Sure, what is your sign and Accept Jesus, Bro.

    7. Today’s Cuntis Major Horoscope:October 26, 2012 at 5:36 AM

      The constellation of Cuntis Major is in the ascendancy of Sockus Wankus. A certain wank-sock will begin to eclipse the universal onanistic body (‘unawanker’) which is straddling the precipice of an event horizon inevitably to disappear up its own black hole. Much hilarity can be expected for the Cunt today.

    8. :) thanks Monica! I truly believe that about him too.

      That is the whole reason he lashes out at the world, because he wants people to feel as empty and alone inside as he does. It's really pathetic!

  7. SociopathWorld Forum Digested ReadsOctober 26, 2012 at 4:45 AM

    Genius or Socipoath or Psycotic? [sic]/You’re Pathetic/Spatial Mind's sex tape - It has been quite the exercise both physically and mentally for our intrepid Forum Digest reporters to go in and out of these SociopathWorld Forum threads, not to mention, duck and dive once in them as digital spit-balls are spat and virtual hand-bags are swung between SociopathWorld’s most infamous Norse shape-shifting God – Loki and SocipathWorld’s shape-shifting rep-toilet overlord believing acolyte – Specious Mind. However, like yet another unwanted sequel to 80’s cult film, “The Highlander’ (‘There can be only one’) - the numerous battles rage on in various locations for ultimate idiot – sorry we mean, internet supremacy. How will this play out? Is it only a matter of time before we hear Loki say words to the effect of the Highlander’s infamous badass ‘The Kurgan’, “Specious Mind was an effete snob! He died on his knees. I took his head and raped his woman before his blood was even cold”. All things considered however, with regards to the film “The Highlander” – why was an American-born French actor playing a Scotsman while one of the most famous Scottish actors ever - Sean Connery - was playing a Spaniard? Riddle me that Batman. Or though perhaps we should defer once more to our sociopathic friend The Kurgan, “I have something to say! It's better to burn out than to fade away!”

    Chicken ? Who do you like ? – As it came close to our time to publish the latest edition of Forum Digest it was brought to our attention that ‘The Unawanker’ – Specious Mind - in a desperate effort to shore up support and circle the wagons from the repeated verbal slings and arrows of outrageous humour has provided a ‘who’s who’ list of ‘for and against’ the besieged Unawanker. This unprecedented action in SociopathWorld Forum history has startled even the most hardened SociopathWorld Forum regular. Battle-lines are being drawn and allegiances being sworn unbeknownst to the actual participants themselves. Is this the beginning of the end for the Unawanker? Is this going to be, as the evil high-priestess herself Ellicit ominously foreshadowed in the ‘GSP’ thread, yet another notch in the ‘MHOF’ post? We can only speculate at this moment in time here at Forum Digest, but we will be sure to keep our cherished and loyal readers *ahem* posted on these rapidly developing events as they happen.

    STOP-PRESS: Über numb-nut's interminable whimpering is called on by the commentariat on SociopathWorld's comment section. The fun just never ends here at SociopathWorld.

    1. Man, I want my unrestricted high speed internet back... some of this sounds funny as all!

    2. Hahaha You're a genius SW Digest.

  8. Sociopath Reuters News DripFeedOctober 26, 2012 at 5:02 AM

    News DripFeed Update: TNP has been removed from Specious Mind's 'Circle of Trust'. We repeat: TNP is no longer in the Specious Mind Circle of Trust. Updates to follow.

  9. SociopathWorld News-SluiceOctober 26, 2012 at 7:45 AM

    SNS - Where truth and opinion collide and facts are an obstacle to overcome.

    Headline: Unawanker in Omnishambles Crisis

    In what has been described as an ‘omnishambles’ by News-Sluice sources - the Unawanker crisis continues with no immediate let-up in sight of The Specious One’s delusional mind. The Unawanker is determined to hold on to his tenuous grasp of reality and perceived respected status at SociopathWorld. Proving indeed what has been levelled at him by the Norse One and others under no uncertain terms that he is struggling with his sanity.

    SociopathWorld punters however smelling blood are already setting up odds for the next all out text war of attrition. These include:

    AGreenGentleman vs Lucca - Let it not be said that SociopathWorld is age discriminate. Essentially SociopathWorld discriminates against everyone equally. You cannot get much more fairer than that. Anywhere. And what better way to demonstrate this reverse altruism than watch these two know-it-all, anti-social adolescents slug it out between them to see just who is the snottiest, brattiest, brassiest little fuck-knuckle that makes you rue that day corporal punishment was ever made illegal. Who really is SociopathWorld’s little Alex DeLarge?

    Blades vs Aye – Not only is SociopathWorld age indiscriminate but it is also racially and gender indifferent. Therefore, it is only natural that we would want to set our sexist foul-mouthed Japanese male new-comer ‘Blades’ up against bolshie, ball-busting Korean cunt – Aye. Crouching Samurai, Hidden Mama-san (style).

    Rando vs Poan – in terms of the sheer incomprehensibility and the unintelligible verbal shit-stains this match-up would encourage it is probably best avoided in the interests of mankind’s intellectual survival on this poker-faced planet we call Earth.

    1. Rando vs. Poan would be like watching Homer Simpson vs. Peter Griffin. SW fight of the century~

    2. I'll admit I may have a pottymouth; however I'm not japanese. I'm from kazakhstan. Our male genitalia are slightly more elongated.

    3. You lie! You pee-pee small like liddle panda bear pee-pee.

  10. Rich,
    Can I ask WHY you have not been to a dentist yet????

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Don't down load the Babylon toolbar or let it download, itself. It comes with a virus.

  13. I wish everyone knew my true personality and not be so stupid as to get scared xd

  14. So I guess this person is definitely a sociopath then? How was that determined?

  15. Replies
    1. Ah *sigh*
      -I lost my virginity to that song.

    2. I wish I lost my virginity to a song like that...

    3. You lost yours to the theme from the Howdy Doody show, did you?


    4. I'm sorry you have/had cancer. I am glad you are well enough to be "back"

    5. Howdy Doody lmao

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