
Friday, October 17, 2008

Sociopath advise on how to deal with sociopaths, part II

Reading these comments from sociopaths, you may be asking yourself, why does anyone put up with sociopaths in the first place? Can sociopaths love? Can they be in a relationship?
"In the beginning, what people are attracted to in psychopaths is they seem to know what you want, what you need, what makes you laugh, and feel good. They are mirroring what is inside you back at you, and throwing in what they've learned. In return, they absorb part of who you are psychologically. They become what you want as much as they can. The relationship feels good because it seems you've found your soul mate."

"I can't comment on what will be enough to have a specific person leave you alone. I can comment on what his motivation might be in continuing to contact you, assuming he is a psychopath. He might be after something you provide, such as money, sex, comfort/normalcy, a fear or fight fix. You might be considered part of who he is. He has absorbed part of your personality by mirroring and he wants to continue or have that back."

"Co-dependant people are attracted to us because we provide a complete immersion of attention and focus. But co-dependant people are not inherently strong enough of personality. The experiment fails and we begin to despise. If she begins to show weakness, such as eventually seeking our guidance or not maintaining discipline and surety of purpose, we begin to despise. We seek to give in a relationship, but we cannot give love, compassion, or empathy. We seek to give what we have."

"From my point of view a boundary is: "Either don't do this or I will do this unpleasant thing to you" and, "If you do this, I will do this nice thing for you." A psychopath will push you to find out how concrete those boundaries are. Willpower and discipline must be maintained in order to keep the psychopath in line until a natural order is established and a direction given (if the psychopath wants a relationship)."

"As an N, I also memorize other people's emotions. It's the easiest way to seem human because I have no idea how to feel them myself!! I'd be very easy to spot if I didn't know how to pretend to have emotions like everyone else."

"Normal people may sense or feel the presence of 'evil'. It permeates from the P. We react with nauseau, fear, and we often say "Oh, he doesn't mean that". It is often intangible and something we can't really define."


  1. Does no one comment? I see the psycopath as a mutant being , an accident or freak of nature then a combination of nuture but not allways just mostly in the poorer classes. God can heal you people but you have to become self aware enough to choose the right or the good rather than self! May His hand touch you all and heal your pain and fill your hearts with His Grace!

    1. If you believe in god you are stupid. I am too lazy to talk about the benefits/drawbacks of the mutation. Look up the price mutation.

    2. I meant price equation.



    5. Fortunately for us all, your opinion on the existence of God is not relevant to God's existence. And your language choice, etc indicate a high level of ignorance just generally, so... I guess I am not surprised by your comments. You, in your own world of issues, are safer if there is no God, and therefore, you create your own reality without one. Further indication of your own issues and limitations. Perhaps you can offer a standard or some insight nito why you feel that this is so? Or do you only have unfounded opinions that make you more comfortable with your life?

    6. If there is a god he created the entire universe, not just the earth. We are just a speck of dust on a canvas stretching miles and it would be extremely arrogant to think that he/she/it cares about us or even knows we exist.

      I think it's ignorant to believe in a god anno 2013, the evidence is heavily stacked against it.

    7. What does 'God' mean to you? If the word evokes an emotion, then there is something you might be avoiding.

    8. My god! After all these years, I have finally seen the light! I have let go of my fears and pain! Brothers, let the Lord enter your Heart and Spirit, and you shall be set free from the wicked path of Satan!

      I was once like you. Lost, confused. My heart was as black as the darkest nights. Frightened, rejected by everyone for being "different", I would do the most heinous and perverse things just to satisfy my urges. Endless daily sex was my diet. Destruction was my guide. Chaos was my lover.
      They dared to cast ME out; I showed them no remorse. I gave them no quarter, for I had received none. Good, bad, innocent, young, old, I cared not for any of those things, for the only important person in the world was me...
      Unbound by morality, I became Lucifer's child. I was so good I could get away with anything and none would be the wiser. After all, what is morality but a useless human concept, right? Why be limited by the shackles of morality when all it does is make you stupid, weak and a target to be mercilessly exploited?

      Were it not for the blessed comment, I would have stayed a selfish mutant freak, destroying and corrupting countless innocent poor souls, creating legions of monsters as my "legacy".

      The instant I laid my eyes on this... excellence, wisdom... this comment... I finally knew the error of my ways! No more will I serve the dark lord! No more will I be compelled to manipulate and destroy! The revelation struck deep into the very core of my soul, for my eyes were truly open for the first time in my miserable life!
      I could feel every fiber of my body being cleansed from the tainted grasp of the Darkness, for now I have been enlightened, basking in the euphoric light!
      And the next thing I knew, there He was, coming down from the Heavens, with his golden legions of singing angels, to personally deliver me message! Hallellujah! I hath called thy Lord, and thy Lord hath answered!

      I kneeled before His magnificence, for I felt that I, the mortal and a sinner, was unworthy to be in His presence! But the Lord's love, His forgiveness, knows no bounds, and before I could utter even a single word, he put His hand on my shoulder. I was in a trance! After what felt like days of blissful joy, He ascended back to the Heavens. It took my limited human comprehension ten full months just to comprehend the meaning of the Message He left me...

      Rejoice, my brothers! I bring you laughter and joy! For I have seen the Lord, and I have come to bring you his Message:

      Oh my fucking god! If I could laugh any harder my insides would explode so hard people would think it was another ISIS attack!
      Bitch get the fuck outta here before you miss your obligatory cult meetings!

      P.S. Feel free to comment again, I love a good laugh ;-)

  2. There is no god. The world is the Will To Power, and nothing besides.
    And it's NOT the "sociopath" who is codependent. Exactly on the contrary. It is only the "sociopath" who has become free.
    This is why he is universally "feared." What do the people FEAR more than anything else? The possibility of human freedom. This is what the free and unique individual represents.

    1. How is sociopath free? I happen to observe one for some time now. What I notice is an actor trapped in his own fictions. Mostly restless, unhappy, running, striving, winning, but not even feeling the win. Rather, he seems to experiene brief "feels" of the win. Enslaved by his own fictions and appearances, by his own unreality, he is perpetually starving even after consuming worlds most elaborate meal. He seems traped by his own starvation and non being.

      It is a wild speculation to suggest that psychopaths are universally feared because somehow they represent freedom. They might sometimes be feared, because if in the position of power they would set entire city ablaze if they happen to find the engulfing flames and burning human flesh aesthetically elevating. And that creates a problem for a person who wants to experience different forms of art, yet is forced to share this planet with someone who does not wish to respect that.

      You see, it is not the psychopaths "freedom" that is the problem. Rather the utter disregard for another's life. The worry is that a child's hand may press the wrong button and forever kill all art just because...

    2. Hi there. Just found this site and it's fascinating.

      RE: "And it's NOT the "sociopath" who is codependent. Exactly on the contrary. It is only the "sociopath" who has become free.
      This is why he is universally "feared." What do the people FEAR more than anything else? The possibility of human freedom. This is what the free and unique individual represents."

      Sociopaths seem to be "free" precisely to the extent they have "normals" to prey on and parasitize. Without us (well, I'm far from normal but emotionally-speaking I'm more "normal" than "sociopath"), you would have no easy targets and would have to deal only with each other, which would quickly end in a death spiral of mutually-destructive lack of empathy.

      Empathy (with the other social emotions) is a profoundly powerful tool for maintaining order and cohesion in the social environment. You may not feel it or appreciate it directly, because you have a brain difference which numbs those sensations. That's OK. But if you are in fact interested in the truth, rather than ego-serving delusions, you will see that without the vast majority of those "idiot sheep", you "wolves" would have nothing to eat (metaphorically if not literally--y'all might be able to feed yourselves if you had to).

      I hear this assertion from sociopaths often, that they are *superior* in some way to norms. I'll readily agree you are *different*, and your differences may lead to better success in certain situations, especially (for several reasons) in the modern world.

      Which brings me to this "evolutionary throwback/cave-man genes" nonsense. Early human societies, living in tight-knit bands built on kin ties and lifelong relationships, would have been a nightmare for "clinical" type sociopaths. They would get found out fast, and either group-murdered directly or expelled from the safety of the group, nearly as deadly. Of course, the "spectrum" encompasses many points, and the sub-clinicals would have, paradoxically, been prized for their coolness under pressure, fearlessness, and charm, just as they are today. So the traits would have been simultaneously preserved and suppressed/controlled to some degree.

      Today, with free travel and association and huge population sizes, it's trivial (and relatively safe) to drift around, never meeting the same target twice. This makes a life of sociopathy possible on a scale it never would have been in prehistoric times, because the kind of bridge-burning callousness associated with the presonality would have found itself running out of bridges, and fast. So I predict that sociopathology--prevalence and severity--should have increased historically along with social group size and mobility. Similarly I predict this will continue as communications technologies make a life of casual interactions more and more the norm as opposed to the lifelong, static social ties common to traditional societies.

    3. Great insights and well writing. Thank you.

    4. Parasitism is a part of nature and evolution , but we should not forget that humans have evolved to the point where they know how to identify and deal effectively with parasites.

    5. Sociopat is not free

  3. The sociopath still needs the sheep to fool the sheep; needs the sheep to learn to act like the sheep. Why do sociopaths seek to act like sheep, if they are so "free"? And, the freedom of sociopaths means the oppression of sheep, unless sociopaths choose to govern themselves. Perhaps we should be asking ourselves what a world full of sociopaths would look like.

  4. You obviously have no idea wtf you're talking about. The sociopath doesn't need the sheep at all. In fact, the only reason s/he might EVER try to "act like the sheep" is so that the sheep wouldn't force him to drink the hemlock.
    The "sociopath" represents the possibility of human freedom, which the sheep fear the most.
    The freedom of sociopaths has nothing to do with the sheep. This is perhaps the biggest thing dumbass sheep don't get.
    The "sociopaths" aren't out there trying to "control" the sheep. The sheep are the ones with the mania for "control." They are the neurotics, and the ones who are driven by perverse secondary drives.
    A world full of "sociopaths" would be a world where everyone loves freedom. We would have no need to crucify others, merely because we fear the freedom they represent.
    It is the "sheep" who are afflicted with "The Emotional Plague," which Reich discusses in the end part of CHARACTER ANALYSIS.
    And he talks about what we call "sociopaths" in THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION: TOWARD A SELF REGULATING CHARACTER STRUCTURE.
    Quit feeling sorry for yourself, sheep.

    1. well umm i dont like how you call people with emotions sheep for the most part i do what i want but i do care about others and their feelings towards things i want evryone to get alon and i dont think that people that are sociopaths are scarry or harmful but i defenetly do feel empethy for you i wish you would see not evryons agenst you and i hope you all the best luck on finding yourself and expresing yourself in your own ways and i dont think annyone is born without emotion its there you just have truble acseing it try meditating or thinking about how somone felt when somone els makes fun of them and try to conect with that emotion hert/pain/unloved im a religus person so ask god into your life

    2. That is not true. Sociopath people do need the sheep and they try to act like the sheep. I deal with one 3 or 4 days out of a week and trust me they need some serious help. The majority of them say there is no God but somebody got to help them.

    3. That is not true. Sociopath people do need the sheep and they try to act like the sheep. I deal with one 3 or 4 days out of a week and trust me they need some serious help. The majority of them say there is no God but somebody got to help them.

    4. Then Why don't you hang out together then and leave us alone? Make us all happy!

    5. @ Anonymous: You wouldn't be happy without sociopaths, the high functioning ones are the people that run the world and make the hard calls. Sure the world might survive if everyone got along but it doesn't work like that

    6. Sociopat není svobodný,protože nemá možnost volby.Nemůže si vybrat mezi dobrem a zlem.

  5. Here's a quote for you, sheep:

    "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted in a sick society."

    It is the condition of being "controlled" that makes sheep the sheep. They need to break on through to the other side. But we both know they never will, because they are terrified at the possibility of human freedom.
    It is NOT the sociopath that keeps the sheep "fooled," or "irrational," or "mindcontrolled." It is the lack of personal integrity on the part of the individual sheep themselves.
    Instead of becoming free or facing reality, they sit around projecting their Jungian shadows onto the free people, who they call "sociopaths."
    Allegory of the Cave, anyone?

    1. *Burp*. That's what I think of your comment.

    2. Fuck u Vigilius! UR full of bullshit and should read healthier literature. UR DUMB

  6. honestly, its a comfort to be able to see someone else be able to communicate such an untouchable partition of who i am.

    thank you for posting these.
    what are your sources? I'd like to read more.

  7. Ok Geraldine, I can give you the "Mind Control" Curriculum we developed at the Institute if you want.
    Read THE GRAND INQUISITOR by Fyodor Dosteovsky.
    THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA by Nietzsche, THE DEATH OF EMPEDOCLES by Friedrich Holderlin, which is an unfinished tragedy in five fragments, translated in Micheal Hamburger's version.
    As far as the Mind Control Material, that's a pretty good start right there. Also throw in THE EGO AND IT'S MECHANISMS OF DEFENSE by Anna Freud, with special attention to "Identification with the Aggressor," ESSENTIAL PAPERS ON OBJECT RELATIONS, ESSENTIAL PAPERS ON NARCISSISM, ESSENTIAL PAPERS ON CHARACTER NEUROSIS AND TREATMENT, from the "Essential Papers in Psychoanalysis" series.
    LOL. Don't get me started.

    1. Vigilius.. I too regard Reichian Character structures and his theories fascinating and useful. I like what you say..

  8. Oh yeah, get some Jung, too. Get MEETING THE SHADOW. Good shit.
    "Enlightenment doesn't result from sitting around visualizing images of light, but from integrating the darker aspects of the self into the conscious personality."
    -C.G. Jung
    Synchronicity as the result of unconscious forces is the biggest thing in mindcontrol.

  9. THE EGO AND IT'S OWN by Max Stirner.

  10. I feel terrible for you. Going through life not truly knowing how to have emotions, what it feels like to love, or be loved. But you are still a person, even though you are flawed. God is your ONLY hope. No medicine or therapy can ever heal you completely. Please seek HIM. It cannot hurt.

  11. I can't believe how self-deluded some of you sociopaths are. (Yes, I am an empath and damned proud of it.) I actually really feel sorry for you guys, at least in a certain way.

    First of all, the argument about "sheep" vs. sociopaths is incredibly base and unproductive. It could just as easily be argued that since the higher up the ladder you go in terms of "success", the more likely you are to find sociopaths, then obviously THEY are the ones who are "well adjusted in a sick society", not us "codependent underachievers". You guys may be a fairly small minority, but with your ruthless power and 'ambition', you are the ones who mould people into sheep in the first place. Essentially, you don't like the product of your own doing, therefore you are failures by your own definition.

    Altruism is more observed among the higher primates and humans than among the less-evolved/complicated life forms on this planet. What does THAT tell you? What about the mammalian instinct to provide a lot of nurturance to their young that other segments of the animal kingdom just don't seem to have in as much abundance? Although perhaps it's true that sociopaths are born, it cannot be denied that environmental factors contribute significantly to the production of sociopaths (absent mothers, etc.), and the absence of those factors is the absence of the better aspects of behaviour of the most evolved/intelligent species on this planet, as we know it, saving perhaps dolphins and certain species of whales that, unfortunately, did not develop opposable thumbs.

    The GOOD news is that you guys CAN change. I'm not a Bible-thumping Christian, so I won't introduce "God" into this, but I truly KNOW that it is possible to amplify one's emotions and do emotional work, resulting in a better, more emotive, more empathic, more truly powerful individual.

    Thank you

    1. Stop calling them SHEEP. Normal's are a lot more dangerous then sheep and we should always be on our guards because if we aren't we soon find mobs descending upon us. What people are afraid of they ostracize, isolate and kill. They might be ignorant as hell and stupid too but they are still dangerous.

      Examples of this: Include the witch hunts,KKK, nazism, crusades and I could probably find dozens of other examples. The point is that human beings are petty vindictive creatures that seek to fulfill two conditions: Greed, Self-Preservation and then complicate them and attempt to justify it so they can some kind of a "moral" high ground.

  12. hmmmm....I have no idea what you people are talking about half the time, but I do know this. There absolutely IS a GOD and I know this personally. When I asked Him at the age of 22 to show me if He is really there......boy did He ever! And I have not been the same since. Perfect? No. But definitely not the same. I have been overcome physically by His presence to the point that I could not stand upright. It is better than any drug or experience or anything in this world. When you say there is no God, it gives me chills. Chills of fear. For you. You may want to re-think that.

  13. You handle a parasite like any other. Leeches get the hammer.

  14. My "god" I just love a damned theist. I think it's time for you to lay out some empirical evidence to substantiate your god. Otherwise take your pathetic faulty logic and conjecture back to sunday school.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Dear Milo, I can't believe how self deluded some sociopaths are. I also cannot believe how self deluded some empathical people are. Stupidity is an equal opportunity employer.

    First off, I don't create sheep. I allow logic and facts to break them off. Am I a sociopath? Yes, to the core. It may come as a surprise to you that I am a veteran combat medic as well. Many sociopaths find a balance in society because they understand they preform better in certain posistions and careers and follow through. I support people who find their niche and create a better society. This is purely selfish of me indeed. It's also a mutual perpetuation of a tipping point. If you aren't familiar with the term then look into epidemiology. Malcom Gladwell has some excellent material on the subject.

    Now...since that is out of the way I noticed you just had to assert yourself as a superior emotional human and you'll now receive equal rebuttal. I truly enjoy how you compare yourself with an ape. Sure, apes nurture their young, but apes differ in humans in that they have lesser prefrontal development. The same prefrontal development in the brains of sociopaths that you feely-touchy humans don't carry equally. Can you possibly not beat your chest anymore?

    This is the part where you can take a deep breath and end your emotional torrent. The conclusion is that we are two different types of people. You excel at one area while we excel in another. Find your niche.

  17. Back when I was in college, I got played by a sociopath. He seduced me, cheated on me with my friends, then dumped me, but managed to keep me around by alternating between being a complete jerk (the way one would expect a sociopathic ex-boyfriend to act) and then being very tender and loving. Somehow he ended up having complete power over me-- I work for him for free, I cannot break off ties with him, and it has even gotten to the point where he has me doing dangerous stunts to entertain him and his friends (including new girlfriends). Every time I think I am getting better at ignoring him, he acts really nice and confuses me. I feel like a trained puppy, that keeps coming back to its master after being kicked--any advice on how to grow a backbone and stop being his slave?

    1. get a tazzer >:) tell him to fuck off go on with your life plain and simple and you know what you are doing is stupid so stop i think your problem is that you like haveing him boss you around and its sick so stop unless you dont want to then why bother righting on this site just kick him in the balls and go he still feels pain

  18. Anon:
    You have two options. The first is to set rules of conduct for yourself which you aren't allowed to violate for any reason. i.e. if a puppy was about to die and you could save it by violating the rule, you watch the puppy die and applaud your self control. I don't see this happening.

    The second is to cut him out of your life entirely. Move if you have to. Your freedom is at stake, and you're obviously too weak to handle him. Whatever you choose to do, do not deviate. Do not speak to him for any reason. If a puppy was about to die, and you could save it just by saying "hi" to him, you watch the puppy die and applaud yourself for your self control.

    And I'm serious about that puppy thing. If he can't play on your emotions in one way, he may very well put a knife to a puppy's throat and tell you to say 'hi' to him. Your only option is to separate yourself from any emotions he may try to evoke in you, especially guilt.

    1. I second that. Its ridiculously easy to manipulate people through guilt and the only emotion easier to manipulate then guilt is greed.

    2. There are so many so called normal people out there that play this game. Try ending a relationship with a partner who wants a co dependant relationship. He will send you the puppy over and over again. Your advice is perfect. Thank you for this site.

  19. Sociopaths and religion are largely incompatible. You can't use irrationality to convince a rational man of your ideals. Of course, a sociopath is more than apt to start a religion or cult. Jesus Christ may well have been a sociopath, if he even existed.

    1. Yeah Jesus was definitely a sociopath. I read the bible and the things he did were the mark of a master manipulator. I think we could all learn a little something from Jesus because he was certainly one the most skilled sociopaths in history.

    2. Why did he allow himself to be killed?
      He could have wandered off into the desert from the other end of the garden, and after searching for him a while, they'd have given up.
      Why didn't all the tortures make him tell his killers what he really thought of them?

  20. These comments really show what people will do for their flimsy emotions.

  21. "Jesus Christ may well have been a sociopath, if he even existed."

    LOL! I love it! That would explain quite a bit!

  22. (riq)

    Oh Daniel, don't tell me you've never considered that before. I've often imagined myself in his shoes, trying to achieve a sort of pseudo-immortality by becoming Judaism's messiah, creating a viral system of beliefs, and keeping myself at the center of it all.

    It's too bad we'll never know, eh?

  23. Riq:

    LOL. Tis true. When contemplating what to do with my life, starting a religion with me playing messiah was one of the options. It would be all too easy. I figured that keeping up the pretense would in the end become tedious, so I dropped that idea.

    But Jebus, on the other hand… Well if he planned an elaborate suicide by state, he’d only have had to keep the act going for a few years. Who knows? Maybe Jebus was nothing less than a great, if bizarrely masochistic, con artist. It is too bad that we’ll never know.

    1. Nah I think he pulled of that entire thing by using a stunt man for the crucifix and then "coming back" and disappearing. I also think that Judas didn't betray him he was probably a double agent that took the money from the romans and then lead them to said stunt guy on orders from Jesus.

  24. Wow, this may be the most senseless discussion I have ever stumbled across on the web. You are all so very ill-informed. All of you should hold up a mirror to yourselves if you want to understand the motives of a sociopath.

  25. There are some great points on here about human freedom vs conditioned sheep. But one aspect that seems to be missing is the idea that this universe operates on every level as a dynamic balance of opposites and containing a paradox. This was expressed as the yin-yang graph by the Chinese. In other words, maybe the sheep and the wolf NEED each other to grow beyond their inherent limitations. Like each half of the yin-yang contains the paradoxical potential of it's opposite which allows for Dynamic, not static balance. Religion always overlooks this too with their narrow minded,one way only approach. This is seeking a state of Static Balance and is therefore out of synch with universal law. BTW,the word 'Religion' comes from Re meaning "to do again" as in Repeat and ligion from the Latin Ligare meaning "to Bind" as in Ligature. So religion is BONDAGE by it's very definition.

  26. To the one who keeps getting played: WTF? Take back your power from this creep. I used to see this with domestic violence 'victims' I worked with. It's one thing to be physically trapped in a situation and quite another to repeatedly give your power over to another. "Fool me once..." right? Free the 'Wolf' within the socially conditioned sheep and get the hell out of the situation. Make "Du Hast" your theme song };) Cultivate your hatred for them, trust me, in this case it's appropriate & healthy. Anger is a Gift - Use it! All emotions are just energy, neither 'good' nor 'bad' they simply are. Like any tool, it's all in how you use it. You can use a hammer to kill or to build a house. To quote Rumi - "Out beyond notions of right-doing and wrong-doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there." You decide what outcome You want, Your Will is your own and you are a sovereign being if You Choose to be. Here's to your freedom! Cheers!

  27. I lived with a female S for two years. I resisted control and finally booted her out. She left with a number of my belongings and jumped into bed with a wealthy old man.

    Through a campaign of manipulation, she promotes herself as an innocent wounded monogamist and me as a child-molesting, stalking, perverted monster. She dealt with my complaints immediately and ruthlessly, summoning the police to my house, issuing threats, lying, tampering with my motorbike and smashing my belongings.

    In contrast to reports I've read about male S's she's made no genuine effort to "woo" me back. Is a female S less likely to do this or has she realised it's a dead-end? She's good looking, charming and has an endless supply of men wanting to jump into bed with her.

    I've cut all contact but sometimes receive messages accusing me of opening her forwarded mail. She also recently issued a vile and savage verbal attack on my new girlfriend. Following text-book advice, I never respond to any goading. This has worked very well generally.


  28. Reading these sociopaths' opinions is hilariously entertaining.

    Let me get my bowl of popcorn while I watch them try to justify their failure via internet comments.

  29. Co-dependant people are attracted to us because we provide a complete immersion of attention and focus. But co-dependant people are not inherently strong enough of personality. The experiment fails and we begin to despise. If she begins to show weakness, such as eventually seeking our guidance or not maintaining discipline and surety of purpose, we begin to despise.

    How very true. But if you happen to have a brilliant sadistic streak accompanying your sociopathic predisposition, then co-dependent people make the best victims as they try so incredibly hard to keep you. Once you get a great cycle of degradation and appeasement going you can reduce co-dependent people to depths much lower than your average empath and they'll thank you for doing so until you cast them aside.

  30. The sociopath in my life cannot be excised because she controls every family member. Within a few years, I will be breaking ties with all of them, for other reasons.

    Until then, I have to wonder if my strategy for dealing with her might be dangerous. Reading these comments gives me pause. Is a sociopath really someone you want to be consistently challenging?

    It would be really great if she were just a Narcissist.

  31. This entire story is quite intriguing. I've found that yes, a sociopath is fully capable of love. Well, passion anyway. I find myself constantly infatuated with psychology, the actions and reactions to situations, philosophy in general - all wisdom, for that matter. What do I love as a sociopath? Independence upon this constant journey to acquire the mysteries that the weak choose not to see. As far as loving another? A simple and elegant 'no' is in order. We are quite able to provide the illusion of it, and thus are able to maintain successful relationships given we keep our self preservation in line and only take as much as they're willing to give. Out of the people I've found, that seems to be a lot. Evil? Of course not... self righteous.

  32. Wow, This explains so much to me about the guy I have been dating for over a year. Thank you for sharing all of this and for everyone's input on here that knows all of the answers and posting it.
    I cannot explain how much I appreciate this site and how much it has helped me. Maybe it will help my relationship a bit as well since I know what to expect now.
    He has always said I was like a delicate and breakable object that he had to be careful with and yet at times he wanted to devour me and my soul. I thought he was kidding, now I know to take it seriously.

  33. Where everyone seems to see two conflicting sides; the majority of normal people and the evil, parasitic sociopaths, I try to see two approaches to human survival. I am a teenager and a sociopath (technically it's called Conduct Disorder until I turn 18). I expect most of you do denounce what I say from now on, but for the open-minded few... I have spent a lot of time studying the evolution of human biology and culture. It seems to me that most members of the gene pool survive by supporting one another in a seemingly altruistic, yet ultimately self serving way. Sociopaths on the other hand seem to serve themselves more directly, and be more solitary, which is why they can only occupy a tiny fraction of the gene pool. I love to see this kind of diversity in any species. Diversity, not monotony, is normal. So to all who think that sociopaths should reform and be like everyone else, or who think it would be better if everyone was a sociopath, consider this issue of diversity. Try to accept sociopaths, even if you see us as monsters, for without us, and all the other mutants, humanity's progress is impossible.

  34. I love my sociopaths! I go in strong with the dazzling co-dependency and when they start treating me like shit I storm away like a broken-hearted bird and ignore them for months. Then I show up in their line of sight and magically introduce myself back into their life with "new rules of conduct"...

    ...until I get them back into bed. Then I demand more than they're willing to give and storm out again. Really - socios are only good for one thing, so it doesn't really matter.

    If they get too close and try to hurt me...I mentally fuck them up. Once, I got one to shit blood (from stress). Got another to move out of state.

    Did I mention I'm a co-dep with socio tendencies? And yea, I love myself...more than I could ever begin to express. I also put myself last fairly often.

    It's a hot life.

    BTW, Jesus was a pawn. He was used as a symbol by a small group of socios that didn't want to take the heat for their work.

  35. so i read the comments and it really does aggravate me to see all these bible toting ignorant fools who think that a character in the largest fiction is going to save me and the fact that they call us "flawed" couldn't be farther from the truth sociopaths are the people that are needed in order for there to be balance in the world and as the number of sociopaths is growing soon we will be the dominant people in the world and then people will understand what a world full of sociopaths is truly like, wonderful with less restrictions on life and more self fulfillment and gratification for everyone

  36. I wonder if sociopaths can have long term relationships with other sociopaths? It seems unlikely, because I generally stay far, far away from anyone whose qualaties remind me of myself. Just general self intrest in my own well being. I tend toward taking the path of least resistance especially because at this stage in my life I strugle how exactly to fit in with the least effort possible, and my whole image could be ruined by such a relationship.

    1. That would be a very interesting relationship indeed. I'd have to say that it sure wouldn't be boring or maybe it would? I don't know Ill have to try it sometime.

  37. I want help from a sociopath please. What would make a sociopath father say please leave and take your kids and here's some money and don't ever call me again?

    1. If he is indeed a sociopath, and you are not letting your paranoia get the better of you, then the answer is nothing, not even the police. A sociopath knows how to work and twist the system in every direction, when it comes to divorce, child custody, child support etc. You will have to "co-parent" with this person in name only, while the sociopath plots his next move. He is your worst nightmare, and you are his ultimate toy until the day your children are adults! Here is my email if you want more information

  38. im in serious need of help i dated a sociopath for 8 years from 7th grade until 20 years old now its over nd he is in jail for brreaking into my house nd kidnapping me we have a long history of abuse and he is coming out of jail soon i would just like to speak to someone with his perspective so i can sleep at night. Thanks

  39. Thank 'god' I'm not a Sociopath! I love experiencing the pulls of emotion in tragedy or ecstasy. I love being empathetic and engaging in interactions that increase kindness in myself and others. I was with a Sociopath for a few years and it was all about his ego. It's a sickness and the word 'sick' implies an imbalance.

    1. That's a narcissist not a sociopath, please do your homework beforehand.

  40. Gone, POOF... just like that, without explanation or regard. All my attempts to make contact, completely ignored. I just want to know why, get some closure.

    I'm not sure what gave me the thought, but i'm so glad i looked up the term sociopath.

    I thought i was dealing with the cowardly lion, in need of some courage... turns out, he's the tin man, devoid of a heart.

  41. For the past six months I have been dating a guy who I now know fits this profile. Today he once again tried to have control of me and became angry when I told him I had errands to do. He commented that he did not like me leaving. I had already spent 4 hours with him today and most of the time he kept me in the bed for sex. Now I am debating whether or not to contact him any time again today. He has a habit of always wanting to know where I am when not with him and right now he does not know this info. I will probably receive a call from him. How should I react?

    1. Seriusly!! Why do people keep laying problems at our door? Do you people know how rare sociopaths are in the first place? Plus sociopaths aren't needy(I think) and also if a sociopath really wanted to know you wouldnt know that wants to know.

  42. I think that your hold on to sociopaths is
    because you allow them to have a hold on you. It is perhaps because you are lacking or have poor self esteem. Your dependence and neediness gives them power. One way to deal with them is while being civil, detach yourselves from them not needing their power over you. In order to do that, you have to ask yourself why is it that you rely on them and for what. They are after all fulfilling some need of yours. If you can fulfill that need without being dependent on such persons, then you can free yourself from their clutches.

    Try developing your self esteem for one, then ask why is it that you hold on to them, we are all selfish individuals, so you must be holding on to them because you are deriving some benefit from them. The question is: are the benefits being derived from the sociopath more than the problems that accompany those benefits ? are they really beneficial to us in the long run?

    That decision whether such a person is worth it is to observe the benefits and the downfalls or more so the consequences of being attached to such persons. Find ways to make yourself happy thereby replacing their involvement, and transitionally eradicate them, you will be happier.

    Another thought... If they love playing others, then give them a taste of their own medicine and see if they would like it !!! I don't think they will then you then they will rid themselves from you and save you the trouble !!!!

    1. The best way to protect yourself from a sociopath is to avoid him, to refuse any kind of contact or communication.
      Psychologists do not usually like to recommend avoidance, but in this case, I make a very deliberate exception. The only truly effective method for dealing with a sociopath you have identified is to disallow him or her from your life altogether. Sociopaths live completely outside of the social contract, and therefore to include them in relationships or other social arrangements is perilous. Begin this exclusion of them in the context of your own relationships and social life. You will not hurt anyone's feelings. Strange as it seems, and though they may try to pretend otherwise, sociopaths do not have any such feelings to hurt.
      You may never be able to make your family and friends understand why you are avoiding a particular individual. Sociopathy is surprisingly difficult to see, and harder to explain. Avoid hi/her anyway.

      If total avoidance is impossible, make plans to come as close as you can to the goal of total avoidance.

    2. Do not try to redeem the unredeemable.
      Second (third, fourth, and fifth) chances are for people who possess conscience. If you are dealing with a person who has no conscience, know how to swallow hard and cut your losses.

      At some point, most of us need to learn the important if disappointing life lesson that, no matter how good our intentions, we cannot control the behavior-- let alone the character structures-- of other people. Learn this fact of human life, and avoid the irony of getting caught up in the same ambition he has-- to control.

      If you do not desire control, but instead want to help people, then help only those who truly want to be helped. I think you will find this does not include the person who has no conscience.

      The sociopath's behavior is not your fault, not in any way whatsoever. It is also not your mission. Your mission is your own life.

    3. Be boring and he'll leave by himself.

    4. Here's the thing all the "survivors" don't want to admit: there's a reason they miss their soc's. If they feed off our emotions like vampires, it's because they inspire emotions worthy of being devoured. Mine never exploited me financially, but he put me through all the emotional ups and downs, and I'm not ashamed to admit that I miss him. He could make me miserable, he could make me ecstatic, but he never, ever, bored me. I'm tired of nice guys who think that gratitude inspires lust: well, no it doesn't. Gratitude might inspire me to return a favor or help you in some way, but it doesn't make me want to splice genes with you. I don't know if they're a throwback to ruthless hunter-cavemen or what, but I really think something about soc's can start that instinct: "this is the one I want to breed with. He's got survivor genes."

      I moved out of state and he phone-stalked me for a while before he moved on. I don't have the energy to go through another relationship like that, but I'm not sorry I ever met him. And despite the fact he's long gone on to other victims, he still badmouths me every now and then. Nice to know he hasn't forgotten.

    5. oh took the words right out of my brain.

  43. A sociopath is like a spoiled two year old. If the whole world were sociopaths we would all be wiped off the planet.
    Sociopaths have to compensate for the fear of a little child in a grown up world so they feel powerful by hurting people because they are very sensitive. They are merely bullies who dwell in their feelings of jealousy and fear. They have to have their way like a baby. It's really sad that a lot of them are still attached to their mom's apron stings or their mother's are overbearing maybe even absent or abusive father or family. I do feel really bad for the victims and the extent of harm P's inflict because they are so pathetic and cant understand why they don't always get their way. It's really quite sad the way they deal with their illness because they are so jealous of people they try to rain on their parade. It's sad to watch someone who is that"chained up". Sociopath's don't know what freedom is that's why they try to take it from others. I'm still surprised that they are proud to prey on women who love them. A real man protects them. Evil would be the only way to describe them, but I think to say that feeds there ego. I think it's really sad that they need constant attention like a fragile child. It is really sad. They are always right. Pretty good for a speck of sand in the universe. They must know everything just look how big and bad they are. Ya right. They are the most codependent people I have ever come across in my life. They are followers and fake. They have learned how to block the most important part of a human (a spirit). They spend their whole lives running from it. Everyone was born into this life. No one is more special then anyone else. Well from a two year old perspective they are the best. So to all the spoiled brat sociopaths do the planet a favor join the human race and grow up! You are taking this life for granted. Get help it's out there nobody is perfect. Its only and illusion that you are free. You have trained your brain to hide from truth. Only the truth sets you free! Psychopaths have an addiction just like any other junkie. Even non P's can relate to having feelings like yours from time to time. I wonder what it would feel like to you to be content for even a few minutes. To bad you can't experience more and get out of your safe little ignorant box you keep your self in.

    If any psychopath's have something to say to this, guess what...I don't care.

  44. Due to the fact that I have found myself married to a sociopath for the past 20 years and finally coming to terms that my marriage has been a complete lie from beginning to end... I have to say that these sociopath personalities are in common terms, egotistical, uncaring, unemotional, liers in the GREATEST sense of the word, sick, inhuman, and downright mean. If you ever find yourself involved with one... run as fast as you can.. as far away as you can... I am...

    1. Sorry that you went through the nitemare for so long. One HUGE SICK LIE!!!

    2. 12 years here. And I know something is wrong if I'm missing them after putting a knife to my throat and threatening our first born.

  45. Initially I read the posts by people admitting being sociopaths. My childhood was lived under the control of one and religious oppression that he used to control. As an adult, having realized that I have plenty of sociopathic tendencies because it was simply easier to confirm to society that way... The programming was in place... And then i found myself a wife and mother. Religion never freed me from any of this. Questioning fear and desire and what was at their root and what perpetuated their existence in my life brought me freedom. Arguing one side if a coin or another is pointless. One wants to live in a society free if fear, the other sees fear as a tool for fulfilling desire. Both are dualities and both require the other. Who would God be without a congregation? Saying God can free the sociopath will never be if assistance because the sociopaths main desire is to be a god. The oppressed oppress. Any concept can't free you from another concept, but tracing them to the root of their existence leads to the eradication of fear and desire. I'm sure people will disagree and that's ok. I'm glad people are talking from both perspectives of socko and psycho-path as well as general observer. Hearing one person talk about mirroring emotional behavior was eye opening because I had that behavior without being aware of it as well as experiencing it from a parent. I appreciate the sharing.

  46. Then why lie about who your are?

  47. I do miss my evil one- but its the evil in me he manifested or which I am. The strength and no rules thing is hypnotic. He calls me crying his gfriend stabbed him or his dog has no food etc. I just enforce- u hv moved on, stay there! 2 get rid of him, I put on weight, pretended I woz broke, became jobless because he keeps confessing undying love? I think we all have psyycopathic tendancies so that's how we relate 2 people like this. However 2 remember these people are medically and psychologically damaged, I used 2 try 2 stop him from robbing people, hurting himself etc, till survival overcame me and my emotions went dead- depersonalisation, dissacotiave disorders I developed, which I am doing self therapy, chakra balancing, eliminating toxic residues- its the damage + self unworthiness that brings hem 2 u- physician heal thyself :)

  48. I would have no problem with a sociopath extinction law. Annihilate them ALL and kill them ALL in their frozen cold lifeless blood. One thing is for certain, "they won't care," so why should any of you? They're filthy parasites that exist for the sole reason of sucking the life out of decent human beings. Just like you'd kill a tapeworm that is sucking the life out of you, you should be able to kill a sociopath that is doIng far worse to ANYONE they encounter and can "get something" out of. Sociopaths are truly soulless parasitic humanoids and they are everywhere.

    1. It would be interesting for this to happen, as the world is far too boring.

  49. Could not have said it better. Parasites. Wish they would all die a painful death.

  50. i think my sister is a not sure.....she kind of well had bedwetting issues till she was 12, and she was always very scared of blood, hers and other ppls. she seems really into jesus, but i think she kind of keeps taking my stuff, coz my stuff keeps going missing aound her. but she was always crying as a kid, i dont know if she still cries, and im kind of aspie-ish, as in i dont always understand people, or their feelings, we have narcissistic parents. dad is a show-off-fake kind. and mom is crazy- for-jesus kind. she sort of tortured me for not accepting religion, but my sis took to it all real fast. how do i know if she is....i kind of need to understand her motives. coz our parents are irresponsible pricks, and socio or not i want her out of our crazy house, she's my little sis, but i need to know .....
    i'd appreciate socio and non-socio answers alike

  51. oh and im not really sure, but i think she's been copying me, the words i say, the stuff i do.....but im not sure....coz were sisters...and well same genes...mostly......and she has mood swings like snap.........but im guessing thats coz mom told her im bad and evil....and told the the story of jacob and esau(bible shit) since we were kids....but again im not sure if thats the reason she kind of has some serious resentment......

    1. If your sister is a sociopath, then I would say she does not resent you for what someone else told her. If she has a problem with you, it is because you are too unaware of how you act or what you say. These things affect everyone differently except for a sociopath. We can understand why you do things and often before you do them. If your sister is a sociopath, then prove you love her like a real sister should. she can see through your fakeness.

    2. You sound sociopathic. Not your sister

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