
Saturday, November 8, 2008

One more way sociopaths are oppressed

As previous posts have mentioned, sociopaths seem to be overly interested in conspiracy theories. This could be another example of that--or maybe I'm reading into it too much. from a reader:

I was recently fitted with contact lenses, and had to pay extra for those fancy "extra water" ones because I have dry eyes. A few days later, this came up in conversation with a friend who is studying to become an eye doctor of some kind. She remarked that dry eyes are a common feature of empathy challenged individuals - sociopaths, aspies and the like. I was just wondering if you, or any of your readers, have similar symptoms? Do you think it is related to our absent

I don't know if this is true. I have never noticed this symptom before with myself. I wonder if any of my sociopath readers have? I can't really think of why empathy-challenged individuals would have dry eyes. Bladerunner style.


  1. Sounds a little bit far fetched, like someone mistook "dry eyes" as far as not crying to mean "dry eyes" literally.

  2. In Chinese medicine, dry eyes can indicate liver deficiency. This would tend to contraindicate the "sociopath dry eyes" theory, because liver promotes aggressiveness and boldness. Gall Bladder too.
    Although if liver yin was deficient, it could result in inability to restrain yang with excessive anger or sadistic aggression. So maybe from that standpoint.
    This could also promote headaches, or in extreme cases, stroke.
    Gall Bladder is more for making bold decisions, but liver and gallbladder are closely related.

  3. According to what?

  4. Have you edited your site? Some recent posts seem to be missing? Also why is it that everyone commenting fails to put down their name. Are we embarrassed to be reading socio stuff?

  5. For safety, not only from each other but also from anyone who might want to "discover" us here as sociopaths or potential criminals... it is best to stay as under the radar as possible for some people. I suppose some form of identifying each anonymous post from the other could be used, though.

  6. Earth names aren't shit.
    Is this that freaky stalkingbitch from that previous post? Angela Bauer or wtf her name was?
    Fuck you, bitch.
    None of us need to justify ourselves to you in any way whatsoever. How about getting some credibility? Maybe you could merit some information someday.
    Good luck with that.

  7. Have never commented before, but have read just about every post-admire you(r writing), thank you, etc.

    But, while on the physiology of it,I came across some stuff while reading up on sociopathy which I evidence in my sociopath. One, that Ss need more hours of sleep than non Ss (although my S is on anti-depressants) Two, that they often have body aches-like back aches, knee or shoulder problems. Three, that Ss have an extraordinary keen olfactory functions. I can imagine how the first two comes about. All that mental exertion (planning, plotting, defending, offending)can be really exhausting. Physical aches and pains COULD be just malingering-for pity. But sense of smell?

  8. Hey mk,
    The sense of smell thing sounds like hyperawareness. As for the back and joint pain, that sounds like foundational essence (kidney and liver yin essence) deficiency. There are herbs, acupuncture points and QiGong practices for that stuff. Dietary therapy too. Could be why he needs more sleep.

  9. @Vigiluis: Yes, hyperawareness. I too thought of another post of M.E.'s where he talks of heightened sensuality-(that thrives in the emotional void I think).

    Also, when I mentioned those, I was wondering if other Ss too have similar tendencies. I came across these upon following a link that M.E. posted-I think the sub-link was 'red flags' or something like that.

    Thanks anyhow.


  10. My sense of smell is less sensitive than normal. At least so my empathic friend tells me when she comes over. LOL.

  11. It's funny that you mentioned conspiracy theory. I used to be interested in it when I was younger. As a seasoned adult I personally think it's a bunch of tripe. The reason that sociopaths are so interested in conspiracy theory is largely due to our need to control anything and everything. If people can make you believe there are groups out their with a death grip on world affairs then in our nature we'd want to look into it futher and possibly get our foot in the door. Ever wonder why a lot of sociopaths gravitate towards freemasonry, vampire cults, and groups like the brotherhood of satan? It's not far fetched to see a lot of us as high priests, pastors, or master masons based on our thrill in powerful posistions. If you've ever watched Family Guy then you should recognize Stewie's complex lol. That's that in a nutshell.

  12. "Earth names aren't shit.
    Is this that freaky stalkingbitch from that previous post? Angela Bauer or wtf her name was?
    Fuck you, bitch.
    None of us need to justify ourselves to you in any way whatsoever. How about getting some credibility? Maybe you could merit some information someday.
    Good luck with that.

    Vigilius, your anger is cute.

    I'd say the phrase that applies to sociopaths like me is:

    "You can't defeat something that does not care."

  13. To my knowledge, I'm not a sociopath, but I find the concept very interesting, not to mention very confusing. The most accessible book I have read on the subject is "the sociopath next door", can't remember the author. I'm quite sure that she said that the only definite thing that sociopaths have in common is the lack of a conscience. I also think I remember her saying that if a person actually WONDERS if they themselves are a sociopath, it's a good indication that they are NOT. Yet you all seem to have asked yourselves that question, but are pretty confident that you fit the definition.
    It's strange to me that sociopaths are supposedly not capable of empathy, not "love", but can you have affectionate feelings toward other people? And can you really tell if you do or don't? Can you Hate? Do you get angry? Is there a difference between anger and hate other than permanence?
    I have watched Dexter, and to me he hasn't fit the profile of what I have thought of as a sociopath, other than that he kills without remorse. But he only kills BAD people. I am not a killer, but when I hate someone I think if I COULD kill them without anyone ever knowing, and there were NO chance I would be caught, I would. And I wouldn't feel bad about it. But I can't be sure of that, cause I'm not going to try it.
    Dexter also SEEMS to care about that stupid, annoying simpering girlfriend of his. I have read that sociopaths like to play with and torment people that they have relationships with, and man, not even being a sociopath, I would be tempted to squash HER. He seems to care about her children, too. So.. you guys are confusing!
    I also don't think Jeffrey dahmer was a sociopath.. He seemed to feel bad about what he did. I Do think our ex president was, and maybe ones before him. Not sure if you have to be drawn to "bad" things if you have no conscience? Are you necessarily drawn to pulling the wings of flies and torturing puppies? Why that and not curiosity about other things? Or is there? Ok, that's all. IF you can make out any coherent questions in that that you feel like answering... And then I have to try to determine whether you're BSing me! Oh, and what's this with COMRADERIE with other sociopaths? Having this blog... Dexter wanting a friend, companion, not wanting to be alone? I would think that sort of thing would be ant psychopathological. So what do I know?

  14. Who the bloody hell is this Dexter!!!! Has this guy started some sort of cult trend? Will someone please enlighten me, This Dexter guy keeps on cropping up time and time and time again. Is almost seems as if Dexter is some sort of role model for sociopaths or anyone who thinks he is "cool"!!
    Oh please.....

  15. Actually on that many "teenage kids" does this site attract??? Someone 25 and above please give me something of "substance" to ponder. I don't follow "trends". I have come to the conclusion that this Dexter person is exactly that.....a "trend", and its pissing me of!!.

  16. It never really came to my mind that this could be a trend.

    I suppose some 'sociopaths' would say that they are that because they think it's 'cool'. Those people would be easier to spot, I suppose.

    I don't really think there are any fake 'sociopaths' here, as from what I have read people seem to be articulated and educated.

    However, Dexter is a TV series that's quite popular.

    Whether or not Dexter is a trend, I don't know.

  17. "They" have already developed weak markers that provide insight into sociopathic tendencies. Oxytocin levels, for one. Put a person in a brain scanner, show them pictures emotive human faces, observe BOLD, see deficiencies in areas known for empathetic processing-- for another. Of course brain science in its infancy is rather fallible, but I would bet it won't be too long until there are definitive markers.

  18. This topic is a little old but I read somewhere (in some body language book I think) that sociopaths typically blink less which could explain dry eyes and why empathic people feel uncomfortable or awkward around socios.

  19. i think thisis far fetched cause i dont have dry eyes and i am a sociopath

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