
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sociopath quote: different viewpoints

It is told that Buddha, going out to look on life, was greatly daunted by death. "They all eat one another!" he cried, and called it evil. This process I examined, changed the verb, said, "They all feed one another," and called it good.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman



    1. Really, an anonymous is a waste of a first. I consider that to be no one winning.

    2. you seem a bit bored kany, why don't you go suck ukan's dick?

    3. It went into the scrote and won't come out until you coax it out. You scared it into bpd because you treated it like an object like you treat all people including the dick you say you love so much. go try to suck Uke's bpd dick out of its ballsac.

    4. ukan changed her, he made her into a little him, just like he tries to make most people he hangs around with. kany is easily manipulable or he would not be with her

    5. ukan changed her, he made her into a little him, just like he tries to make most people he hangs around with.

      so fucking true! they're even using the same words sometimes haha. kany's personality was absorbed by ukan's. she defines herself as relating to ukan somehow. look at the username! she's not her, she's HIS wife.

    6. lol who are you?

    7. ukan always says you should do what you want, you should make your own rules, you should live your life the way you want it to be lived and not be ruled by somebody else, but when it's people following his rules, then it's ok. lets think about this, do you think kany can do what she wants? do you think she can see anyone she'd like to see or hangout with anyone she'd like? i highly doubt it, i think he knows who she sees, where she goes and when. is that ok with you kany? do you like to be told what to do? now lets take another example, do you think he'd let you walk away if you wanted to leave him? you have very little power over yourself, very little power in the relationship and you're changing, he's making you like he wants you to be.

    8. It is weird that I would defend Kany, but she really helped me. I feel wonderful.

    9. doesn't make any of the above any less true.

    10. We become like each other. That's what a relationship is meant to do. Its the psychological reason for long term partners... so yes. I'd say its true. I grow to be more like my husband in all the ways I wanted or needed to.

      Now tell me, when do people not acclamate to their social surroundings? Are you not like your group of friends? And when you change that group, do you not become like the new group? Are you different at work than you are at home?

      So now who's missing an identity? I am the same person no matter who I'm around, and I chose my husband for the traits I desired in myself as much as the ones I loved in him.

      What is love to you? Being able to fuck someone on a regular basis?

    11. Has he become any more like you in the process?

    12. Yes anon 12:35. He's menstruating every month.

    13. LOL. Funny, but serious. People here have made the claim that you have become like him and you say that's natural; how, if he has at all, has he become more like you?

    14. We become like each other. That's what a relationship is meant to do. Its the psychological reason for long term partners... so yes. I'd say its true. I grow to be more like my husband in all the ways I wanted or needed to.

      no you become like him, not the other way around and it's not the way you wanted, it's the way he wanted. you don't even know what you want anymore.

    15. That's where I was trying to go with her, but with less assumption about who changed more or why. I would like to hear from Kany in the ways that he has become more like her. The evidence has already been laid for us in support of her becoming more like him.

    16. they're not going to answer, they get defensive and try to devalue people's characters when they're right. funny thing is that they try to face people's reality but they won't do the same, they like to live in self delusion.

    17. That is very true Anon 2:29

    18. Kany made the statement "We become like each other. That's what a relationship is meant to do. Its the psychological reason for long term partners... " and I don't disagree. She's right. She should show how her's is like a long term partnership relationship and less like a puppet to puppet master relationship. She can do that by showing how he has taken on any of her personality.

    19. Kany does pick people apart, so turn about is fair play.

    20. I've mentioned before some ways that have surprised me in how much he's changed and grown to be more like me. As an example, I'll say he empties the dishwasher, but I'm not going to indulge you further. Suffice it to say he's amazed me.

    21. hahahahahaaha, he empties the dishwasher? what a performance ukan
      you changed a lot!

    22. Does UKan wear an apron when he empties it?

    23. Oh, dang. Let me jump through hoops than to prove my relationship!
      I swear its true! He's changed! How can I make you believe me!?

      I could give a toss what you think... he's changed. If you don't trust me as his wife then you can believe your own perspective on the matter. Which means fuck all. Anything else I can clear up for you?

    24. Lol. My Hawaiian apron is all mine. I won't let him wear it. I make him empty it naked!

    25. you dont open up because he did not change thats why. you changed a thousand times more than he did you idiot.

    26. You're right.
      I am shamed.

    27. Your desire not to jump through hoops, not to share, is further fuel that you're Kan's muppet. If I may borrow that word, his voice comes through you. I think you were absolutely correct about relationships and long time partners learning to compromise can take on traits that they find appealing in their mate. Where has Kan done this? He's narcissist, believes himself to be God's gift to the world, what could someone of this would have that he might want to assimilate into his style? Fair questions that I know will not be answered.

    28. I like the anons today

    29. Well, as long as you know. If that's all the logic you need to determine my muppetry, then I must be a Muppet... I always wanted to be a Muppet.:-)
      How did you know?

    30. disgusting and pathetic and she's proud of being a MUPPET

    31. Your sarcasm does nothing to erase what you have allowed yourself to become. You are Kan's, not Kany. You have to know this. You can't be an individual in a narcissists world. You are an object. However, should you give some simple example beyond dishwasher duties of how he has assumed some of what you are then we too can see the beautiful life long relationship you two have built for each other.

    32. I live with a sociopath and you think YOU can manipulate me??? Please. You're like a bull in a china shop. You smell desperate, obvious, and tactless. Stop embarrassing yourself. Oh wait. You're also a coward. Well, please, then go on judging.

    33. No judgement, Kany. I don't think I will get an answer. Other's have noted your change, your transformation to something much more like UKan. You admitted that this has happened and that it is natural in a long term relation ship and I agree. So, where has he changed? Some just haven't seen the change in him like they have in you. How long have you to been together? Perhaps it just takes a little more time for the man.

    34. they're not going to answer, they get defensive and try to devalue people's characters when they're right. funny thing is that they try to face people's reality but they won't do the same, they like to live in self delusion.

      exactly what shes doing right now.

    35. Kany
      I appreciate your helping me, so I will return the favor. It is good to be honest and real about your feelings. I need to be more so and you showed me that. For that, I am grateful.

      However, you take it to the other extreme and think you can talk shit to whomever you want about whatever you want, with no or little regard for their feelings.

      Everyone has sensitive feelings Kany. You are being very Narc like to think that you deserve respect and regard when you give little to others.

    36. shut up monica, go somewhere else, we don't need you to talk about your feelings right now you dumb bitch

    37. Be quiet Anon
      It is late for your bedtime.

    38. Another tactic is the subject always gets diverted to something/one else. Most often Monica. Back to subject: Kany. Individual in a hedonistic paradise free to move and go and think as she pleases, or Another's device of flesh living within the confine's of the world allowed her? The world may never know.

    39. I just read through all this and it was the following comments that struck me as odd:
      "I live with a sociopath and you think YOU can manipulate me??? Please. You're like a bull in a china shop. You smell desperate, obvious, and tactless. Stop embarrassing yourself. Oh wait. You're also a coward. Well, please, then go on judging."
      1. I presume you imply coward because of the anonymous front. What are you there "student" who follows "sociopath world"? Surely that makes you conspicuous as hell. 1 in over 160,000 students (that's just bloggers not actual world wide students), oh but you are trapped in a relationship with yourself. I mean, who here can stand up and vouche for you being who you are other than UKan?
      2. Brings me to this. You two validate each other. Whether a ploy by an individual in some sick twisted alter-life or two actual people who do indeed share life together, you two need each other for validation. One without the other doesn't quite do it. Like chips with no fish.

    40. Right...
      Monica, I don't need your help, but thank you. I don't expect people to treat me with kindness. I don't value it, I don't like it. Kind isn't honest. I'm not upset or in any way put out by what the anons are trying to come at me with. I'm amused. I don't have to and won't explain my relationship to them because that would validate them. I know who and how my husband is and was. They know how he is on a site he comes to to fuck with and toy with people, and I'm supposed to elaborate and defend what we are and what "us" is? That's not going to happen. And a cowardly anon can say what they want. They have all the validation they need to enforce their beliefs.

    41. Monica, you don't get that it isn't about what "they" think. Especially here. The people here have no bearing on my life, no power, no value nothing. Their opinion doesn't matter. The way they feel doesn't matter. They aren't important to me. The opinions I do care about are those of my family members and friends. And if you value those, you can't value others opinions because they'll cloud those of the people you value. If you try to please everyone, you can't impress the people who you really want to leave an impression with.

    42. coward means nothing, you should know that by now. nobody gives a shit about honor.

    43. Cowardice isn't an honour thing, its a shame thing. You can say they're the same, but fear is worse than being dishonorable. Its being weak. Only you have to sleep with that though, I suppose. Some people content themselves in fear.

    44. I think I remember Ukan saying that instead of yelling profanities and kicking Kan in the head, he spun himself round in his chair and stood on his head or something and called her a potato. Is that what Kan means when she says he learned behavior from her? -I'm not judging, mind you.

    45. Constipated potato!

    46. Kany you make sense. It is no one's business to tell you what you should or should not love about your life.

    47. i remember that too. That reminds me of me when i was diagnosed with Conduct Disorder and how i overcame it with the help of jesus my lord and savior. now i masterbate about cutting people's throats, but i feel ashamed after. i pray to the lord for forgiveness because it was wrong. i have these urges you know? i think about beating my kids sometimes but instead i throw a pillow at the wall and yell holy smokes.

    48. Lol. No, don't immigrate her! Then she comes out of the woodwork!

    49. that was not Medusa, Ukan, it was anonymous.

    50. Kany, for you to talk with such lack of maturity in your words is strange. You are usually callous but not so off. You can't have night with out day, dry without wet, honor without shame. Cowardice is a flip of that honor/shame coin and has as much to do honor as shame. There is as much truth in kindness as there is hate. When did you start trying to validate things by illuminating others? Just because the head of the coin can not see it's tail doesn't mean that the other sides not there. Again, your logic is usually a lot tighter. Then you start rambling about validating anonymous posters. No, yo will validate yourself as Kany, an individual with substance and meaning instead of someone else's mouth piece. You don't talk because you will not give into a Anon, but your as anonymous as the rest of us. You one here is that close to our real lives for many of various reasons. Come off the Anon crap. Stop talking to Monica. Talk to me.

    51. eliminating not "illuminating", fingers have a mind of their own sometimes.

    52. When did you start trying to validate things by illuminating others?

      When and why would this be a weak thing?

    53. You're not an anon. You have been here too long.

      You are really trying to tell her that her life is shitty, and its just laughable. She just got a new waverunner today. Yesterday we went out to eat after leaping off a twenty foot rock, before that we went to an amusement park vip style where we can cut in lines. I know you don't want to believe people are doing well here because you're not, but believe me you wont find company in my family for your misery.

    54. If we're all anonymous, why can't you make a name for yourself. And you say I'm the one without an identity. That's what's interesting here as far as logical fallacies go, I think.

    55. @Anon 11:29
      There is one voice here, who is above the other voices in maturity. He/she has depth and understanding of the human spirit. I can identity him/her, now. It is this person. He is "Wise Anon"

    56. Ukan some people would find that lifestyle you talk about fun for a little while but lacking in substance. . If I had a(nother) bf like you I would be happy for a little while and I would compartmentalize you. I would call you "fun guy" which is a very nice compliment. But, um, I think there are people here who just find the descriptions of your lives shallow on a day to day, y'know?

      (Some people here are fucking intellectual snobs, not that there is anything wrong about THAT, I;m just saying you might be chatting up a mixed crowd here...)

    57. Good Alterego imitation lol

  2. Something tells me M.E. has taken to studying buddhism. Good for her. But these quotes suck though.. No offense. Bring back the inspiring articles and save the quotes for phone-it-in Fridays.

  3. Jimbob
    You said you were open to questions. I appreciated how clearly you explained the difference between a sociopath and a non sociopath.
    Here are some of my questions.

    Do you feel any emotions of a tender nature toward anyone?
    Do you feel these kind of emotions toward yourself, such that you can be sad for yourself, but not feel sadness about anoth person's plight?
    Do you feel an emotional response when you watch a poignant movie or hear a moving song?


    1. response posted under thread "new here" in forums. i'm trying to avoid speaking as "anonymous" too much at this point.

    2. Just write in Jimbob. I will look, though. Thanks!

    3. You can just select "name/url" when you comment dude.

  4. @Kany

    Well, the only reason I know she's anorexic is because she told me. But that's the exception rather than the rule. She said I was the third person she told about her eating-disorder, but I doubt that. I think I was the second.

    So... I would describe us as being pretty close, but in a really weird way.

    1. Why do you think you were second? Do you think she cares more about you than she says she does?

      What happened in the day the first time you decided to self mutilate? Can you remember how everything was and what happened? What made you bored of school?

    2. The first person she told was someone she met on vacation and never saw again after that. The second person was (according to her) her then-boyfriend, whom she only knew for three months. And they broke up two months later. So I think she wants to exaggerate how close they were. But I could be wrong.

      Normal day. Had a party that evening. Also had a headache. Cutting fixed that. Afterwards I was kinda worried that it might lead to more. And apparently I was right. But even before that, I kinda... 'unconsciously' self-mutilated.

      I got bored of school because it was boring. I chose poorly. Not gonna make that mistake again.

    3. Is your family super controlled, emotionally?

    4. Like stiff upper lip for all emotions?

    5. My dad is like that. My mum not at all. But I do kinda feel like I should. But I'm pretty reserved anyway.

    6. Do you have to save your mum from your dad?

    7. Nope. I usually exploit the fact that they're different regarding emotions.

    8. OK Well, obviously, there are intense emotions you are holding inside. Somehow, you have to identify them and let them come out in some way that you don't hurt yourself( or others)

    9. Maybe. But cutting is easy. And who cares if I hurt myself?

    10. Well, not even addressing the issue of hurting yourself, you will never be free, if you won't face what is inside.

    11. Who does care if your hurt yourself?
      What about the following time. Not just the headache.
      And regarding the party, did you drink or do any drugs?

    12. Wheatley, do you have any strength?

    13. In the words of david, fack off.

    14. Who are you talking to, Kany?

    15. Wheatley people who love you will care. People who are just fond of you will care. People who cut themselves will care. I will care.

  5. I saw the link to DSM-5 someone linked in the forum and took a look. For fun, I printed off the DSM-5 Clinician's Personality Trait Rating Form and gave it to my buddy who has known me for some time and as well as anyone. I asked my pal to honestly evaluate me as this person has said they think I have something seriously wrong with. It's always been said with a laugh but I can tell they think I might be strange for seriousness. I have the scores they gave me and the explainations behind them brought up some funny stories as well as some defensive reactions from me. It was fun. But what do these scores tell me? Anyone have a clue; i would happily tell you what my friend came up with if anyone could tell me how it all comes together and what it means.

  6. What drives someone to want to study sociopathy or psychopathy?

    1. If you have to ask count your blessings- and also stop revealing yourself as an easy target

    2. That makes no sense. Target?

    3. I would think close personal interaction with someone possessing this disorder. Trying to figure out what made that person tick.

    4. Wondering how a person in their life can act so stupid/immature/fucked up yet pass as normal for the most part.

  7. The last question is kind of the tough one. I use movies to train my emotional barometer, and in a way, i can sort of convince myself i do. I tend to overlay the hero onto myself, so the same emotions i just described about myself generally apply with movies. The strange thing, that i've never really understood how it came to be, is i almost always reflexively tear up a little at the climax of a good Heroic tale (think superhero movies, war movies, any of jet li's stuff before america ruined him). It's not that i feel any particularly strong emotion, i just get so nervously intertwined with the character that their success becomes mine.

    From my understanding of empathy, this is it. One puts oneself in someone's shoes and feels as if out of someone's eyes.
    Am I missing something?

    1. "Everybody's gotta learn sometime"- Eternal Sunshine

    2. Is that quote supposed to be profound?

  8. a little more on empathy. interesting read:

  9. Thought I would share one of the most astute comments I've read:

    "I don't think there's much stopping a sociopath from doing crime. Hare says there's sociopaths in companies who fake resumes and manipulate people into doing the work for them. I guess where a sociopath is raised in society and how they're raised probably effects how they do their dirt, but they still do their dirt regardless."


    1. Respect when due and warranted.

    2. Yeah I think its really stupid and pathetic whenever someone comes around and says "I totally fit the profile for a psycho/sociopath, but I'm not a criminal and I never do bad stuff!" Its complete bullshit, if you had this disorder there is no fucking way you wouldn't be trying to get away with all sorts of shit all the time, and to think otherwise is incredibly retarded.

  10. Event Series:

    Theme for UKan emptying the dishwasher

    1. I just spit out my drink -- couldn't control the laughter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Themes for SW RegularsJuly 24, 2012 at 5:39 PM

      *tips hat* Thank you, kind sir.

    3. Lol. Its funny but its so much the opposite.

    4. I love that commercial. does she actually say "give you the shiIiIiIivers in bed?"

  11. I prefer Ayn Rand to Buddha. Hell i prefer my self to Buddha

    1. I prefer my self to my other self.

    2. If a person has a few different personalities on hand, they should be able to have sex with one another.

  12. Theme for UKan's transformation to Metrosexual

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