
Monday, February 13, 2012

Sociopath quotes: denounce

Nothing is easier than to denounce the evildoer; nothing is more difficult than to understand him.

Fyodor Dostoevsky


  1. I would take the opposite stance on this, though I agree with the general idea. I find it easier to understand the deviant than to reject them.

    1. Figures you would give a retarded answer

    2. Anon you showed proof that it's easy to denounce this evildoer missus than understand. I reacted the same way and then needed to wrte it down as follows.

      easy to denounce and difficult to understand... for most others
      easy to understand and difficult to denounce... for missus

      I denounced her statement as idiot immediately, but now I understand that this is her reality, and this is why she is with shrek, she gets him and cannot denounce him... lol...

  2. Replies
    1. .....and I'll actually plead the 5th as well.

    2. are you now or have you ever been a member of the communist party?

  3. Good and evil are co-dependent cousins. Every person encompasses the potential for both within himself.

  4. Just heard a radio show by the author of the new book on Nixon.Nixon had Asbergers, according to this man who was a White House Reporter. A secret service agent got hurt in a motorcycle accident and was writhing in pain, on the ground. Nixon went up to him and said, "So, what do you think of this job?"

  5. Denouncement is mostly useless, I agree, but understanding the so-called evildoer will not always result to the evildoer’s benefit, either.

    I don’t like the Christian or religious connotations of evil (with all due respect, Alterego), but I find Goethe’s description of Mephistopheles rather apt in describing the sociopathic attitude.

    In Faust, Mephistopheles calls himself the ‘Spirit of Perpetual Negation’. He is the King of Cynicism. He negates anything that is not rational and rejects everything that is instinctively good, all intuitive wisdom. A bit like your latest twitter post that reduces everyone’s moral compass to what they think they can get away with and what is beneficial to them.

    That constant pounding of cynicism is psychologically amputating. So although I can understand it, it’s very wearying being around it too much of the time.

  6. Yellow, are you a softie under that crusty exterior?

  7. Themes for SW Regulars---Blast from the Past

    Orgasm Series because it fits SO good

    Theme for Eden/Raven/Turk/ Anon 1

  8. What PD's has a hard time letting go of people that wronged him/her? Like never being able to forget those times, and remembering them like it just happened? Sociopath? Narcs?

    1. A hard time... or an inability ?

    2. Sociopath. Narc forgets as soon as you stroke their ego.

    3. You dont need a pd to hold a grudge.

  9. Disclaimer

    A while back a fellow blog author and I had a debate about psychopathic and sociopathic traits. He had found an Online test that he suggested I try out, which I did. Since it was an Online self conducted test with less than 60 questions or so, the result wasn't the most detailed, but it was interesting to find that his and my results were almost exactly the same, except his result showed a significantly higher degree of paranoid tendencies than my own. It is funny, because it is I, and not him, who am about to implement a Disclaimer on my website.

    To be honest, I think the difference in paranoid traits as seen in the result from the test we did that day may stem more from an age difference than anything else. Thinking back I believe I was just as cautious about everything then as he seems to be today.

    As for my present disclaimer, this is something I've been pondering for some time. I have decided it is time I take this step mainly because I feel hindered in my freedom to express myself, since much - or part - of what I would say, if speaking freely, would have to be censored out of the texts due to possible legal issues or consequences that might follow if I chose to publish everything in it's original form under an Autobiography label.

    I have promised to be forthright in my texts, to provide a real insight in the life of someone such as myself, and in order to do so without overstepping legal boundaries, I am hereby implementing following statements:


    All illegal acts described in the texts within the domain of Psychopathic Writings, are to be understood as purely fictitious. No likeness with real or fictional characters or events are intended, and should be understood as accidental.

    All data and information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use. All information is provided on an as-is basis.

    This is a blog. That fact means nothing. It is not a peer-reviewed journal, a final archive of my writing, a sponsored publication, or the product of gatekeeping and editing. That does mean something…it means that while the ideas and thoughts are often vital and the product of a long gestational period, the writing itself is not. It is essentially as it came from the keyboard: spontaneous, unproofed, unrevised, and corrected afterward only when necessary to address mistakes that grossly effect the intent. Where such changes have been made they are explicitly noted…

    The opinions expressed by the owner of and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not reflect the opinions of anybody else. is not responsible for the accuracy of any of the information supplied by the Guest Bloggers or Interviewed Parties.

    While every caution has been taken to provide my readers with most accurate information and honest analysis, please use your discretion before taking any decisions based on the information in this blog. Author will not compensate you in any way whatsoever if you ever happen to suffer a loss/inconvenience/damage because of/while making use of information in this blog.

    Author may keep updating old posts on a regular basis and is not bound to explicitly state all corrections made.

    1. And we should care about this because...?

  10. Who just deleted my post!!!! I demand some respect around here!!!

  11. @ Themes - I only just got round to listening to your song for me :D Thank you so much, I totally love it. /dances. yaaay!

    @ Zhawq - When are you going to be posting on your blog again?

    1. When I get out of Jail. I'm such a badass!

    2. Turk/Eden
      Why do you care about Zhawq's blog. Do you want to fuck with him?

    3. Because I am a psychopath. They need to be around greatness.

    4. I just like Zhawq's stories, they make great bedtime reading.

  12. It would be easier to understand evil if they would learn to chew and swallow the entrails before trying to talk.

    1. If you want to understand evil, just read the bible.

    2. The weak believe in the bible, because they haven't the fortitude to face life on their own. They pray to god because they themselves have no hope. In return for hope they give their unconditional servitude and self loathing.

    3. Really, Bible Anon, did that joke fly right over your cranium?

    4. Joke? no. I don't care for your joke. But if you would like to understand evil, like I said, read the bible. Did you not understand that ?

    5. I dont need to read anything to understand evil. I understand it just fine. Hence the entrails joke.

    6. Like I said, don't care about your joke.

  13. Bible Anon----Da Real DealFebruary 13, 2012 at 7:41 AM

    I have an imposter. Eden must be manic, again. Slow Down, Sister. Read your Bible.

  14. Interesting you show up so fast. Ukan, I mean, MK, I mean Bible anon.

  15. Blast From the Past
    Orgasm Series because it fits SO good
    Who is Ukan/Missus Who is Caroline/Monica?

  16. 12 bloggers = 6 in reality.

  17. Alterego was already caught trolling. Adding middle finger art, but forgot to post as anon and added "Alterego by mistake" Didn't think anyone noticed ? I did.

    1. It was a person pretending to be Alterego

    2. How would you know Pussy Anon ? Have a source for your claim ?

  18. Alterego would not spam with the middle finger. I just know people, The Watcher. Don't let my name distract you.

    1. I care less about what you think you know, and more about how to came to think you know it.

    2. "I just know people"

      Why so quick to defend? Perhaps you "know people" because you are "those people" you pretend to ...know so well.

      Low functioning huh ?

    3. Fly Do you want me to define low and high functioning fer ya?

  19. Alterego is a serious person, in terms of not an asshole to spam with the middle finger. That would be Ukan's style.

    1. Yeah, on a sociopath blog site...real "serious"


    2. She IS serious, Fly. Just because it is a sociopath blog does not mean that people don't have the same needs as "outside" people lol

    3. blah blah blah means nothing.

  20. Pussy Anon = Ukan, Alter, Bible Anon, MK, monica, caroline.... etc etc etc etc.

    Best why to keep the blog numbers up. Something
    Zhawq failed at.

    1. Don't drag me into this!

    2. I will provide everyone with evidence once I complete my investigation.

      Stay Tuned.

    3. Great. This should be good.

    4. Paranoia much??

    5. Oh Heavens no. This is fun!

    6. David, no offense, but you have got to be the least observant, most perceptually challenged person on this blog. Your powers of observation fall short of your ironic moniker. :)

    7. Hey there, Alter. We like you, but no one messes with David.

    8. That's all well and good fan club, but you are not the one he is confusing with pop-tart! ;)

    9. Er, come to think of it, perhaps you are, lol

    10. Yeah think big, Like my HUGE set of socio balls

  21. According to NLP, there are two types of scripts that people play in their heads. There is a winner script, and a loser script.

    I am curious, do socios self talk? Do lots of random positive thoughts about yourself fill your minds? Do you only have negative thoughts about others, but never yourself? Do you ever get frustrated with yourself? Or is it just boredom with your own thoughts? What actually goes on in a socio's thoughts? Anyone brave enough to talk?

    1. Does that mean all you think about is corrupting innocence or threeways?

    2. Do you have some sort of problem with that ??

    3. I have no implied value judgement in my question. I was seeking only to clarify my interpretation of your image.

    4. Done. We clear?

    5. So all you think about is the hunt and the kill? Once you've secured your prey and haved toyed with them awhile do you get bored? Are you already fantasizing about the next conquest?

    6. I'm already bored with this line of questioning.

    7. I'll talk about the shit that stirs in my head, sure. It's pure do do, though. I am a borderline. But that doesn't mean I don't think about whether or not I'm being effective "securing prey" I can't even use that term without quotes because I don't like admitting I am good at the chase. I'd rather look like an amatuer in your eyes and steadily climb to where you'll bow down and respect my socio ass lol lol

    8. So are you a borderline or a socio?

  22. SW Master of CeremoniesFeb 13, 2012 02:32 AM

    Medusa You have earned the position of Ambassador of Maturity. No other SW member graced the pages of SW with an dozens of open asshole pictures and took credit for it. Good job and Congratulations, Medusa.

  23. Very informative blog. I have been trying to understand my fathers evil nature for years.

  24. SceliFeb 13, 2012 11:10 AM
    Anon you showed proof that it's easy to denounce this evildoer missus than understand. I reacted the same way and then needed to wrte it down as follows.

    easy to denounce and difficult to understand... for most others
    easy to understand and difficult to denounce... for missus

    I denounced her statement as idiot immediately, but now I understand that this is her reality, and this is why she is with shrek, she gets him and cannot denounce him... lol...

  25. Hey, she can be with shrek, but she does not have to be a an arrogant jerk.

  26. I agree Pussy Anon

  27. The sociopath is less organized in his or her demeanor; he or she might be nervous, easily agitated, and quick to display anger. A sociopath is more likely to spontaneously act out in inappropriate ways without thinking through the consequences.(Low functioning) Compared to the psychopath, the sociopath will not be able to move through society committing callous crimes as easily, as they can form attachments and often have “normal temperaments.” The sociopath will lie, manipulate and hurt others, just as the psychopath would, but will often avoid doing so to the select few people they care about, and will likely feel guilty should they end up hurting someone they care about.

    So, while these two terms seem interchangeable on the surface because they share many of the same characteristics, they are more like two sides of the same coin. Looking at the differences may seem futile; however, looking at psychopathy and sociopathy as different constructs may prove to be helpful in understanding the etiology of these disorders, and in the development of effective treatment methods.

    1. I wish I had a friend here. Will someone please be my friend? I am hurting inside, and oh so lonely. :(

    2. Sure, want to hold hands and skip down the street?

    3. Lets just hold each other's cocks for awhile.

    4. Pussy Anon 3
      I have a song for us
      Listen up y'all

    5. You are so yummy my fellow cock lovers. :)

    6. what about me? did you hear my theme and see my picture. do you think i am handsome?

    7. vote if you want to see frankfurt's picture?

  28. What is the meaning of the posts quote ?

  29. The truth is that all people are capable of what can be considered "evil". Of course, the definition changes depending upon who uses the word.

  30. Anon 12:10 what do you mean about the "quotes"

  31. I used to think I was cool because I thought I was a sociopath. But then I got a girlfriend, and I loved her so much. At first, I did think I was manipulating her for fun, and could destroy her whenever I liked. So that is what I did. I fucked another girl publically at a bar, right in front of her. My girlfriend cried. A lot. And then I felt it, the guilt...
    You people should stop fooling yourselves, you're not sociopaths! You're just cunts! And acting it up on the internet. But one day you will see how bad you can feel about your actions.

    1. Is that the real Alterego?

    2. I really want to be honest with everyone now. It's true, I've been playing you all like fools. Well, more so fooling myself actually. I wanted to be somebody, I wanted people to think I was somebody. But now it's time to tell the truth... I've played the sociopath deluded game too long, it's gotten me hurt. And I want to warn everyone else on here that are playing the same game to quit. You could loose something close to you... Even your soul!

    3. Did you have fun?

    4. Alterego, you sound DRamAtiC.

    5. That is NOT Alterego, I don't think.

    6. Oh, so it's like that here?

    7. I just cannot HANDLE people not knowing when it is an impostor, and NOT the real deal! I hate it!!! I absolutely can't STAND it!!! *head explodes*

    8. *Sniggers* What is everyone's deal in here? You're all so crazy about people pretending to be other people. Don't you understand, anyone that doesn't have a fixed account, must be considered an Anon'.

      Hilarious though Alter' - You sound like a little bitch! You should learn to understand yourself before playing games.

    9. Turk you say that shit, with an Anon account. LMFAO

    10. Doesn't stop it being true. I like having an anon account :) It's funny being accused of being Eden.

    11. Turk if you are not Eden, you fucking had the same life with that doofus boyfriend.

    12. How many times do I have to tell you? You really aren't as perceptive as you think. :)

    13. Ask Pussy who it is. So perceptive, that one.

    14. 'Cause you can believe anything that comes from someone that openly calls themself a pussy. haha.

    15. Pussy Anon Hisself Number OneFebruary 13, 2012 at 4:27 PM

      LMFAO You guys are so bad, BUT I love you, fool that I am.

    16. Ooh the PAIN! The GUILT! The harrowing shame!! I just can't bear it anymore.


    17. Ok, *that* was me. :-)

      Now. Was the fake, grammatically challenged Alterego spewing the "I'm hurt" crap Raven, or Kandy-Ass & Co.? David with a vendetta? Pussy Anon getting clever?

      Or... DUN DUN DUN DUN!

      Maybe it was... *Haven*!!!!!

      (Nah. She would never spell "lose"... "loose"... or WOULD she??)

      WELL LOOSE MY SOUL, SISTAH! The real me is *inimitable*, bwhahahahaaaa!

      (If only because other people don't use words like "inimitable" in their sentences!)


    18. Fuck this shit. Let everyone be who he is. I am Pussy Anon.

    19. Alterego you so funny!

    20. I love this place. There is no place like it on earth. Love you, ME

    21. That's because it's not earth. It's Planet S. You're other personality and I, will be letting you in on it some day. Until then, welcome to your false reality. :)

    22. Can I be his other personality?

  32. Replies
    1. That man, esp with the camera angle, reminds me of the Camel cigarettes camel.

    2. i have enough guilt to kill 300 beepers

  33. Since all the truth is spilling out today, I will finally admit it, I am UKAN

  34. Oh wow - Me too! We should all have a party, Ukan's fake trolling accounts party :)

  35. Theme Song for???
    Professor Plum, in the dark and scary basement, with a giant candlestick. ;)

  36. Replies
    1. Did you like the film? We need to talk about Kevin... If that is your real name *winkwink*

    2. No, my name is steve. Im a butt slut.


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