
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Rod Blagojevich

There's been a lot of discussion about whether former Illinois Governor Blagojevich is a sociopath. People assert that he must be crazy to attempt to sell former United States Senator and President Elect Obama's senate seat to the highest bidder when he knew that he was being monitored for possible corruption. According to one pundit:

He described what would now be called a “sociopath,” a modern-day term for the older “psychopath.” It’s a complex, hard-to-treat ailment, and “anti-social” is the key phrase here.

Among the prominent traits of one so afflicted is the absence of any sense of guilt or shame. Empathy is unknown. The truth may be told, but only when it serves the often bizarre purposes of the teller. Never for its own sake.
The governor’s astonishing dare — Go ahead and tap my phones — brings to mind the much more normal Gary Hart’s “Follow me.” (They did.) It is explained by the sociopath’s absolute conviction that he is somehow immune from being caught.

This appears to be connected to the sociopath’s trait of confusing his lies with reality. Unable to distinguish between the two, he proceeds on his brazen way, willing, like Richard Widmark in “Kiss of Death,” to push a wheel-chaired old lady down a flight of stairs to gain his purposes.

Gaylin reminds us that sociopaths are not always obvious misfits, as evidenced by their being found, for example, running major institutions. Often they have the acting skills of award-winning thespians, can exhibit great charm (though not in this case) and can fool even experts.
I disagree that a sociopath would never tell the truth for the truth's sake. I think a sociopath would tell the truth whenever it wasn't worth it to attempt a lie. And I don't believe that the majority of sociopaths are out committing violent crimes like pushing wheel chair-bound old women down the stairs. Sociopaths are unique, interesting, and scary enough without embellishing.

People hear or read about extremes of sociopathic behavior and assume it's true of all sociopaths. This is as ridiculous as saying black people sink in water, all Catholic priests are molesters, homeless people are addicts, lawyers are liars, doctors have god complexes, teachers "teach" because they can't "do," pharmacists couldn't get into medical school, women and Asians are terrible drivers, politicians are corrupt, danseurs are gay, Muslims are terrorists, etc. Members of those groups may or not be more likely to show those traits than nonmembers, but that doesn't mean that the definition of lawyer should include "liar," the definition of Muslim should include "terrorist," etc. Likewise, sociopaths may be over-represented in prisons, but that doesn't mean the definition of sociopath should include "criminal."

That said, I'm not refusing to accept Governor Blagojevich as a fellow sociopath. It's just that I wish people wouldn't always assume that whenever someone does something "bad," it must be because they're a sociopath (or vice versa).
The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary: men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.
-- Joseph Conrad


  1. If you want to be technical about it, unless he did something unlawful before the age of 15 he cannot be considered as having Anti-Social Personality Disorder which is the correct "modern" term for sociopathy.

    Blame the DSM-IV, not me, but we have to look into his past to see if he is actually able to be considered a sociopath - meaning a person with APD.

  2. Yes Alyosha - maybe he should have included blondes are dumb too.

    Read the whole post to make sense of it, please.

  3. First of all, BloGOYobiyatch was turned in by none other than RAHM EMMANUAL. He was the Chief Mossad Officer for North America under Clinton. I don't think he's a NEOcon, though. Could be "left mossad." Thing is, there's definitely an agenda there.
    As for Gary Hart, he WANTED to be eliminated. Probly took a large pile of gold bars (unlike John Kerry, who accepted silver) from the Bush Grime Family to do so.
    And don't bore me with dumbasses like Joseph Conrad. His shit is excruciating. Please.

  4. where dos socia go?

  5. All danseurs are gay.

  6. Is a corrupt government official a nutter?

    Who the fuck cares? Oh, you do, ME, because you don't want real sociopaths to sully the label that you went to a shrink to get. What did you equate them to, black people sinking in water? Heh, you're too much.

    The norm is called the norm, because it's the fucking norm. If you want to convince the world you're a five-legged unicorn, so be it. Don't think you represent the label in majority, though.

  7. You can't compare a person with a personality disorder to a group, or sub culture.

    True, not all Muslims are terrorists, but ALL sociopaths share the same cluster of traits. A lack of empathy, grandiosity, impulsiveness, exploitiveness and pathological lying etc.

    When a person exhibits all of these traits (which psychopaths do) then it's pretty darn hard, even impossible to lead an honest existence.

  8. Did you see your new Theme song TNP?
    Disregard the first few lines but then listen.

    TNP's Theme Song--Number 3

  9. I'm at Target giving people dirty looks.

  10. I'm at Target giving people dirty looks.

  11. I had a friend who would go to Wal Mart, late at night and walk down the aisles, talking to himself. Actually, he was a sociopath, I figured out, later.

  12. are you in love with tnp themes?

  13. Nope, not in love with TNP. Guess again?

  14. does that mean you are in love with someone else here?

  15. Maybe....... a teensie weensie

  16. Wheatley... this isn't you, is it? Shame on you! ;)

  17. Lol! I think it's a rather nice tattoo actually. But no; it's not mine... yet. :P

  18. Hi Haven
    I am working on another for you. These things take time :)

  19. The world needs another Hitler.

  20. Put it above your SociopathWorld tramp stamp, and send up pictures.

  21. Hitler was a nerd compared to Stalin or Mussolini.

  22. No worries Themes. All in your own time.

    Confession. TNP mentioned that failblog tattoos site and I checked it out. Holy f-ing shit. I could do better tattoos with pen ink and a sewing needle. WTF?!?

  23. Also VERY drunk, and gaming. will be on sporadically tonite.

  24. Me? A tramp stamp? Perish the thought. That'd be a tad inappropriate.

  25. I vividly remember that horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible horrible Twilight tattoo... *shuddders* D'you think that might've been M.E? ;)

  26. Sucking dicks would be less gay.

  27. OK. Not gonna lie. I have some issues with the term 'tramp stamp'. This is one of the very few areas on the female body (the lower back), that is not as subject to expansions and stretch marks as any other place on the body. It's a beautiful location. And yet, "tramp stamp". Fuck you. Ok, yeah, quite often the tats here are fucking stupid and ridiculous, but that applies to pretty much anywhere any doesn't gender discriminate.

    Skin is a beautiful canvas and the back is a great place to express yourself.

    (and yes, I do understand the whole 'from behind' implications of tramp stamp)

  28. Let us see the match Wheatley vs. Haven!

  29. The only person I ever liked with tattoos was Amy Winehouse. They made her more "her".

  30. I have some issues with you sullying the good name of sluttiness and tasteless ink. Also, that area is not immune to stretch marks. I've seen it at that site. *shudders*

  31. Fun fact: the German word for tramp stamp is 'Arschgeweih', which means 'Ass antlers'.

  32. These politicians seem to have hubris. I think that their egos make them feel they are untouchable. Look at Corzine. When they come crashing down, they are truly surprised that other man's laws are for them, too lol

  33. TNP Oh true. No area of any body is immune to stretch marks. But, there are plenty of us with tattoos that don't qualify for stretch marks. and when you consider the natural areas of the female body that are supposed to stretch because of other natural things like pregnancy (stomach, hips, thighs,etc)... the lower back one of the safer areas.

    Frankly i think 'tramp' is more of a a whole body term, not just a singled out tattoo area.

  34. Theme Songs for SW RegularsDecember 11, 2011 at 3:37 PM

    TNP Theme song number 4 He just makes it easy

  35. Thanks a lot, themes, now I want to go for a road trip. Asshole.

  36. NOW TNP Themes wants a picture

  37. TNP always seems to reek of someone who's on the defense but trying to appear sarcastic...No offence.

  38. I have on tattoo. That's it. I've no desire for another.

  39. M.E., I would have thought that the main issue is your regular itch to casually destroy people in their hour of need when you're tired of dealing with them. Whether you do it legally or not is irrelevant.

  40. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 11, 2011 at 4:34 PM

    i have a huge unicorn tattood on my forehead!

    and under it the words- who cares?

  41. I have 4 tattoos. 3 of them cover about 3/4 of my torso though and the one hasn't been colored in yet.

    Also, Pinnacle Gummy vodka with sprite taste just like gummy bears/swedish fish. It's amazing.

    What's your tattoo Eden?

  42. Michael Martin PlunkettDecember 11, 2011 at 4:51 PM

    on topic of body art-

    ya know whats funny? cosmetic amputations!

    i wuld like to get a few cosmetic amputations my left hand from elbow right hand from shoulder right leg from knee left leg from the hip i wuldnt be able to move or do any thing but i wuld be pretty

  43. Why the hell would some person wan't to get a tattoo? I see it as a form of self harm.

  44. ^Anon, you clearly live in a very small sheltered box with absolutely no cultural exposure to the reasons behind tattoos.

  45. Reasons? You mean, sabotaging your status, a chance of gaining a job, and any respect people had for you. Those reasons?

    Does it make tattoos acceptable, because a bunch of insane jungle people decided to tattoo themselves? Of course it doesn't. Haven, I believe your tattoo fetish is connected to your pd. I've noticed that lots of self mutilators are heavily tattooed.

  46. anon, you are slick :)

  47. UV Cake flavored Vodka, Ummmmmm

  48. I'm not sure what back water country you live in, but now a days, tattoos are actually relatively culturally acceptable. And some people even *gasp* get them where business associates can't see them on a daily basis.

    Weird. I know.

    Or there are highly respected research and development laboratories in the country, like, the one I work at for instance,that care more about your brain than the way you decorate your skin. Wacky.

  49. Actually, tattoo acceptance is not wide spread. It's usually more metropolitan areas, especially sea ports and other classically tattoo-cultural friendly areas.

    Tattoos are probably the most popular they've been since, I think, the 20s? Or was it 30s? i can't remember.

  50. I'm against tattoos, but some people can pull them off and there is requirements. You need a perfect muscular build, and if you're too pale it will look awful. Tattoos are like clothing, some look good, others look awful.

    Done right

    Just.. no

  51. Why do you care what other people do to their skin? Worry about your own.

  52. I like to judge people for not being as tasteful as I am.

  53. Actually, I like the second pic a lot more. The work was highly detailed, and the subject interesting. The first guy has some chick crying his stomach, "Elite" on his chest, and some weird poorly colored in sleeve. To each their own, I guess.

    Personally, I wouldn't bulk the hell up and get tat'd. Those muscles won't last forever. It's sort of like, the opposite of worrying about getting fat, and a lot more likely considering how big he bulked up his arms.

  54. Heh. I just realized his sleeve probably isn't colored, just has spray on tan all over it. Doooouuuchhhee Bag.

  55. @TNP

    It's about the look they give off. The meaning and detail is irrelevant. That won't get you admirers. Both guys take their shirt off at the beach, which guy is getting checked out first? First guy, without a doubt.

  56. I like to judge people for not being as tasteful as I am.


  57. Um... No shit, Sherlock. Fact of the matter is, the chubster would get a lot more positive attention with that ink than without, and the guido doesn't really benefit at all. He's an attractive muscle bound guy. His body is the only accessorizing he needs.

    For someone so obsessed with image, you're pretty unaware of how to build it.

  58. Nah, I know perfectly how to build my image. Do your buddies come to you for advice, before buying new clothes?

    What I am stating, is that the pale dude would look awful, if he walked around shirtless. The ink would only magnify and add to the problem lol :P

  59. You're bragging about your friends asking you what clothes to wear? That's your validation for understanding aesthetics, especially tattoos?


  60. Frank does not have tattoos.What about Gary,Harv,Hank and Hairy?

  61. ::sigh:: Style is subjective. Fortunately I don't have to give a shit what you think about anyone's aesthetics to still be good at what I'm good at and look damn fine while I do it (I know, my modesty is astounding.)

  62. A good fashion sense is something you need to be born with. I know men who have studied fashion for years, yet still have no idea how to dress. The trick is to keep things simple.

  63. Listen hear, McDrunky. Don't make me give you a lesson in aesthetics.


  64. Frank does not want a tattoo because if he robs a 7-11, he wants to get a running start.

  65. Hey Frank, been driving the woman like Haven crazy? She wants you. She is playing hard to get, Frank.

  66. Hank, Frank is fucking anointed with woman. They are hanging on Frank like insect repellent.

  67. I wish I could find someone that could drive me crazier.

  68. This look is pretty basic, but perfect for the bottom half of your winter outfit. I'd also add a dark bridge coat, along with a scarf (preferably gray or colorful) Be sure it's an expensive coat (people can spot cheap crap) And a dark shoulder bag to give off the impression that you're professional. This outfit looks amazing with an iPhone, or if you are relaxing in a cafe, whilst browsing your iPad. It's vital that you bring some color to the outfit, with a scarf. Otherwise, the outfit can be dull.

  69. Puh-leaze dog, just tryin' to keep it real.


  70. I can help you with that, Haven.

  71. You think you can drive me wild Eden?

  72. Are you inviting me to be arrogant without restraint? :p

  73. Without a doubt in my mind, then. Throw out the welcome mat. I'll be at your door in 30... lol

  74. I'll welcome you with open, arms, then ;) Heehee see you soon.

  75. Your look is boring Ralph, well suited for unshaven college students who've recently graduated from Pac Sun attire.

    People should wear what they really enjoy, because it boosts their confidence. Not some cookie cutter iCulture bowel movement.

  76. Who said bowel movement? Frank?

  77. Theme Songs for SW RegularsDecember 11, 2011 at 8:06 PM

    Frank bowel movement

  78. What sort of clothes do you wear, TNP?

  79. I have a large, very varied closet. I can be anyone, or anything, and have.

  80. Anyone see any movies lately?

  81. I recently watched The Shooter which was really good and then I saw Unknown and I wasn't impressed.

  82. *actually the movie is Shooter, not The Shooter

  83. I am so so. How are you, Sweetcheecks?

  84. I don't have any tats either because I don't wanna be easily identified by the police. They take pics.

  85. Did somebody use the word fugazie the other day?

  86. Haven said "And some people even *gasp* get them where business associates can't see them on a daily basis. "

    I make sure I only get tattoos where no one can see them.

  87. I saw Blade Runner for the 1st time the other day. It was interesting. I wanna see that new David Fincher movie.

  88. Putting temporary tattoos on is a good idea, when committing a crime. Or wearing a really good wig.

  89. I did Fugazi is the 1st concert I saw in 1989.

  90. what kind of crimes do you do, vm? I don't want to have tats bec i don't want my lovers to id me lol

  91. I like that word, fugazie I have relatives who use it all the time.

  92. Did is a better term. Only been arrested once in the last 5 years. Mostly possession, fighting. Nothing serious. I had a girlfriend who took 20 Valiums and drank half a bottle of GHB and fell down and smashed her head on a coffee table and ODed. They thought I beat her up until they ran a tox report. She was a cutter that left bloody suicide notes all the time. I dumped her after that.

  93. She actually OD again the day she got out of the hospital.

  94. Bella

    It is a good word to use around here.

    I am good had an amazing dinner tonight. :) Why only so so?



  95. Come on, TNP. Describe to me what clothes you'd wear regularly.

  96. Eden

    I have been trying to figure out how you filled up those bottles of blood. Did you rig up needles with tubes? For some reason I want to know the process.

  97. You don't get it, Ralph. I don't have a "Regular".

  98. It's 'naturalist', you swine!~

  99. Woa. That was trippy. Why are you thinking about that, Sweets?

  100. Speaking of blood in bottles the new Dexter is up onnnnline!

  101. Eden

    I have bizarre fascinations. Like I stated when you told that story, I thought it was beautiful. I have been pondering the process that you had with that on and off ever since, randomly. Does that freak you out?

  102. sc, I am in a general funk and it is the winter. It is not my time of year in general.

    vm that's pretty fed up about your ex.

    That's the song I listened to but the video was a fan made one.

  103. Bella

    You need to move to Southern Cali we have no winter blues here ;)

  104. I like how here's almost always 2 weeks of 80 degree weather in January.

  105. lol

    Freak me out? Come now Sweets... Don't you know me well enough by now? It was a Déjà vu moment is all. Like i had just been talking about it in a dream. It was a pleasant surprise.

  106. Eden


    Do tell! Tubes, needles, knifes, water bottles or mason jars...?

  107. I stole needles from hospitals. I have this extremely visible vein, on my right arm, that just begs to be poked. lol
    I would draw as much as a couple veils out at a time, and then add alcohol to it to prevent coagulation.
    Then let a couple days to a week go by, and add more.

    So some of the bottle was blood, and the other sum was alcohol. The thinning of the blood makes a pretty color of red. Very bright. Very attractive.

    Does that suite you well enough?


  109. thanks eden. I don't know why, but I also have a morbid curiosity. I have always wondered why that is.

  110. Eden

    Thanks. I had this mental image of you with your arm tied off and a needle with blood dripping in a jar as you were sitting in bed. I also had an image of your closet filled with pretty decorated bottles. It was a beautiful picture I painted in my head.

  111. Damn Sweets! Are you trying to seduce me? I was just about to go to bed too... ;p

  112. I had an image of you just with the vacu tubes and pretty bottles lined up like a calm, semi mad scientist. Oddly it didn't feel romantic to me. It felt removed-from-self and plainly natural.

  113. I said that I gave them as gifts, and that's the truth. But they were for one person only. Someone I knew could appreciate such a gift in more ways than one.

  114. Bella

    What kind of morbid fantasies do you have?


    LOL not trying to seduce ;)

  115. 947
    I liked that.

    I don't know how to hyperlink. I looked at the directions and I couldn't stay with them.

  116. Going to bed now ladies.
    Goodnight to you all.

  117. @bella i heard it today wanted to share

  118. Eden I know that you said you gave them as gifts. I was just relaying my feelings about MY image in my own head. I project that way..

    But I can imagine very well giving my blood to someone as a romantic gift. For me it would be like saying that they keep me alive. I get that.

  119. By more ways than one you meant drank your blood. Right?

  120. Now drinking blood, that is a no go for me.

  121. Yeah because hepatitis C can just be created in old blood. You don't even have to have it. Maybe the alcohol sterilizes it.

  122. no that's disgusting. I bet people do it all the time tho.

  123. I can't say the morbid fantasies sc.

    But there are also just scenes. I had one that was flashing in my head when I worked in a deli years and years ago. A meat slicer was involved. It came out of nowhere, but I like to see it once in a while. (I think that that is morbid in itself. ) Idk.

    What about you?

  124. Someone drinking blood RIGHT now. LOL

  125. I want to slice into an achilles tendon to watch it ripple up a persons leg like a science project.

  126. I ran a nuckle through a deli slicer once. I've punched a few windows too. I have all my fingers though just a few scars.

  127. I'm going to go to sleep now, too, before I sever an artery of my own ;)

    Gnight all.

  128. Bella

    Mine are best kept private for the most part, also.

    I do enjoy reading on unusual deaths for entertainment purposes. Have you seen that show 1000 ways to die? There are some weird ass ways people leave this world LOL.

  129. Oh sweetcheeks... That show sucks if you want to see unusual or depraved death scenes. Hit up a real gore site. They're a lot more interesting and don't have commercial breaks :p

  130. I've noticed is is usually when the comment section dies for the night. Its kinda sad. I need a new tv show to watch.

  131. I have streaming but nothing intrests me on there.

  132. What's that show called... Everglades? Something like that. Check it out.

  133. k tried watch the wire and 6 feet under. The Wire hits way close to home and 6 feet under is developing super slow.

  134. I saw the first episode of The Wire. Seemed really good, but I never found a reliable place to watch it.

  135. Bella

    good night


    LOL I have seen the gore sites (plenty) yet you don't get the cheesy reenactments with scantily clad women. :)

    I am turning in myself- goodnight

  136. i just search for the episodes. I have a link let me find it.


    Here's episode 2 of the wire.


    This is the site i got it from. No viruses yet.

    Night Sweets.

  139. Thanks, vm.

    Sweetcheeks, just imagine Ron Perlman doing a voiceover with a bottle of Jim and a cigar.

    That, or Horatio Cane doing some horribly cheesy one liners for the pictures.


    if i may comment @ the topic... no, he is not a sociopath, i feel he shows great empathy, except it is for the working classes, not the ultra wealthy. above is a link that will clear up any confusion you may have learned about his case thru the mainstream media. ps. he also wanted to purchase the drugs the the state of Illinois needed for their state medical programs, from the country of Canada. the state would save 1/3 to 1/2 than if they bought thru american sources.
    i heard an interview by michael jackson once, where he said..."the worse thing you can do to someones character is to label them "crazy", because at that moment, people accept the term and then dismiss anything they say from that point."
    there are always two sides to the story, when i heard his, thru the mainstream media, i thought to myself, WHY would someone do that, why, with so much to lose? I couldn't imagine someone in his position needing the money that badly and doing something so wreckless.


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