
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sociopaths and fearlessness

Sociopaths are generally more fearless than empaths. Is it because having no empathy/conscience leads to fearlessess? Or does fearlessness lead to lack of empathy/conscience? One psychologist thinks it's the latter:
Fearlessness is likely one of the inherited traits that predisposes to antisocial personality and addiction.
But does that seem right? Does fearlessness in a sociopath predispose someone to become a sociopath? Or is fearlessness another symptom of the underlying cause of sociopathy?

On the one hand we could argue that fearlessness leads to an inability for sociopaths to learn from experience: if sociopaths don't fear consequences, they are not going to modify their behavior as a result of bad experiences. On the other hand, it is difficult to argue that a trait such a fearlessness would lead to other sociopathic traits like an inability to empathize, failure to conform to social norms, being manipulative, etc.

Or maybe it's neither. Maybe sociopathic traits were evolutionarily selected to make sociopaths a specialty tool in the arsenal of humanity: a subset of human kind that evolved to take care of business while the rest of humanity pussyfoots around. Some sociopathic traits are probably evolutionary spandrels, but the rest might come as part of a package that compliment each other and make sociopaths particularly suitable for certain purposes, just like how a predator has complimentary skills and traits to make him a hunting machine.


  1. Fearlessness is an "inherited" trait? My god, I can feel myself losing IQ points, just by reading this stupid bullshit. LOL.
    He outlines THREE types of anxiety. There's REAL anxiety, which is based on genuine circumstance, symptom anxiety, which is based on acute neurosis and there is character anxiety, which results from chronic neurosis.
    Also see Kierkegaard THE CONCEPT OF DREAD.
    Thanks for playing.

  2. Sociopaths experience less fear due to the amount of grey matter in the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortext has two key parts being the lymbic system and the reticular activating system or RAS. The lymbic system plays a large role in emotion and behavior. Due to a decrease in the grey matter in this RAS section of the brain we encounter something called "Low Arousal." Low arousal is what happens when this part of the brain is dulled in comparison to stimuli that would otherwise cause the individual to be shocked and afraid. The other part of this, due to a less intense lymbic output, as it exacerbates the also less intense RAS that plays a major role in motivation. Basically we have:

    Less intense fear (lymbic system) + Less shock factor (RAS) + spontaneous motives (RAS) + Impulsive behavior (lymbic system) = our less afraid and possibly malicious sociopath.

  3. I don't know about this particular characteristic of sociopaths. I have fears, not that I am particularly fearful, but there are certain things that I am undeniably afraid of. On the rational side, I have a real fear of being locked up - jail/prison. I've been in jail before and it really disagrees with me, yet I still do things from time to time that could potentially put me back in jail and I am afraid of that possibility. I think I would rather be dead than locked up with no possibility of release.

    I also have a few phobias, or irrational fears. For example, I have a fear of heights, or more specifically a fear of falling, that is very pronounced. I also have a fear of public speaking, but I think that has more to do with the fact that so much of my public persona is based on lies. I tailor my lies to the specific audience (individuals or small groups), so with a huge crowd of people it can be very difficult to hit a tone that resonates with everyone. There is not much of a problem if I am reciting a prepared statement that has nothing to do with me or the like, but personal public speaking is no good at all. I like to control and mold people's view of myself and that is next to impossible (for me at least) to do with a huge crowd of people.

  4. Me, not counting my easily overpassed fears(height(something breaks in height)and speaking (It's always right before I start speaking. During, it's gone), I am basically fearless, even when something unsuspected happens

  5. More poppycock and crap.

    I can tell you now, a sociopaths biggest fear is EXPOSURE.

    The fear of their empty pitiful persona being exposed to the world, is the thing that drives their behaviour.

    Its a sad desperate place and as such they deserve our pity.

  6. i have to say, the man above me is right.

    i've HALO jumped from 30k into combat situations with not a lick of fear, and i've always stumbled to find something i was afraid of.

    but my best (only) friend, of whom for some reason still associates with me even after repeated unintentional bouts of manipulation, tries to get to know the real me, i fight with teeth barred to protect anyone from discovering that i'm nothing more then a blank slate.

    feels something like my only vulnerability.

    [although i'm sure once i tell myself that i'm better then anyone who might try to call me out on it i'll be fine.]

  7. I think a reasonable argument could be made for fearlessness being responsible for some of the qualities you mention but to explain myself I'd be writing pages : /

    I did want to comment quickly on your suggestion that sociopathy might be a specialty took in the arsenal of humanity though. I've long though sociopaths exist on a biological/genetic basis as a result of evolution but I think they're more the result of game theory than to help the whole. It's like how poisonous snakes will give displays of dominance without poisoning eachother. Game theory calculates that the best set of outcomes is available to a population where neither snake dies even though the winner would benefit more from killing the loser if they could guarantee their victory. Evolution works almost exclusively on the individual level and nature shows this because there are cheaters in the system. Some snakes do poison and kill their opponents and because the vast majority don't they are guaranteed their victory. I see sociopaths as these cheaters. They take advantage of a society that has developed members that work together largely on a trust system for the greater good to increase their own personal success (and the success of their genetic material).

  8. Fear is exposure? i glanced at that and have to say wronggg, i dont fear being exposed it would be as uncomfortable to me as you having your arm cut off but it isnt a fear.
    But not what i wanted to say, I think you kinda know your a sociopath if reading all these posts makes you feel uncomfortable and extremely content at the same time.
    Feeling that we can be open and still manipulate enough not to be seen. but at the same time facing the reality that there is this confusion of what you are, and even farther.. Do you care that your supposed to feel bad?

  9. My father was like me. After a conversation about human nature he told me:

    "When you have children, then you will know fear."

    It is true.

  10. Sociopaths do not fear exposure. If my wife accused me of being a sociopath in front of her family, I'd just dismiss it as a joke or ask her has she been taking her meds. Even if they did find out I was a sociopath I wouldn't be bothered.

  11. I do admit that the world would be better off without us. We don't do any good for others. We are entirely self serving. I don't know how that could benefit others.

  12. Hey what if you're bipolar and going through a manic phase doing lots of fearless stuff, downright risky behavior. When you're manic you can face anyone, spit in a man's face who's holding a gun, bring thugs home for cocktails, f.x.

    What if a paranoid schizophrenic got used to thinking the mob and FBI were after him/her? Do these types of repeated exposures of the brain to high anxiety situations have a cumulative affect on a person's fear response?

    Does the borderline get so desensitized to emotional ups and downs, HAVING to get used to emotional trauma as a defense mechanism to the point of "hey I might as well go down that dark corridor at 3 am, I mean what's the worst that a happen to me? I get "upset" my wallet is stolen ? big deal"

    What do these people have to lose? There minds? Ok, and? Been there done that.

  13. lmfao

  14. Psychopaths have an attention deficet that affects their fear / shock response. You need brain damage to be fully fearless. The levels of fear that a psychopath typically experiences are low enough to induce adrenaline excitement instead of causing panic. Check out Dr. Newman for more info.

  15. Lol. The nerd onslaught for this post is pretty amusing. I wonder why the type all of a' sudden.
    I can almost hear their x boxy nerdishness. And the manly affront is cute. "I have unreasonable phobias, but in general I'm a fearless guy". Find the oxy moron in that sentence.
    Anyway, I don't usually have a lot of interest in fear. I personally don't tend to feel much fear, particularly for a girl. I think women like to play their fear card a lot more than they need to for the protectability sex appeal. I think men have a need to feel brave. But other than that it starts really getting more into a motivational topic.

  16. the feeling of fearlessness come from the grandiosity. psychopaths can't empathize with others so they don't realize the full extent of the damage they cause.

  17. when a psychopath sees a person crying or in pain it doesn't trigger an emotional response. the psychopath finds it very hard to put themselves in another persons situation or mindset. as all selfish people would.

  18. you will never ever see an empath abusing an animal or a child. empaths love animals and children for the same reason sociopaths dislike them. the innocence and vulnerability.

  19. That a not true. You're dumb. Children abuse animals all the time. We have to be taught not to be amused by such things. Sometimes empaths hurt things just to see if they can, too. They just feel bad about it afterwards.

  20. Sometimes its refreshing that you don't have names. Then we can imagine that you're just pretending to be that dumb under the rouse of having no identity.

  21. where do you live, somalia? the children i know love animals. child aggression towards animals has been substantially linked to future aggression towards humans. that aggression doesn't entirely mean killing. it could mean using them.

  22. You're the idiot for replying to an obvious troll.

  23. Not everyone with an opposing view is a "troll" You spend too much time on the internet.

  24. Sometimes its fun just to fuck with them back. I like to hpe it'll stir up an interesting conversation. Isn't that what you're trolling for?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Oh come on, what kid has never burnt ants with magnifying glasses? Or made their pets jump through hoops just to see if you could?

    And Zwang, 'f.x.' is not a thing.

    It's either 'e.g.' (= "for example") or 'i.e.' (= "that is").

  27. Right? Little kids torture animals. Its explotative. I tortured Beatles with my friends.
    My brothers and I used to gut fish... it was fun, though not particularly torturous.

  28. and another example are the victims who come on here all the time with vindictive stories of vengeance they reap on their sociopaths. Besides, child abusers are rarely sociopaths, aren't they? Violence toward children is bo5h encouraged and accepted. In many cultures people condone no beating your children. My mother in law almost had a heart attack when i said we were going to spoil our children.

  29. child abusers are lacking in empathy and a lack of empathy is a defining characteristic of a sociopath. that answers your question.

  30. "My brothers and I used to gut fish... it was fun, though not particularly torturous."

    right. and you turned out just find didn't you?

  31. Lol. I did. And you don't have to lack empathy to be an abuser. Usually they're quite emotional, in fact. Was that judge a sociopath?

  32. your right, abusers have lots of empathy....

  33. most substance abusers are good people deep down and do have empathy. but people who willingly take advantage of children and spouses are lacking in empathy. the judge probably is a sociopath. it's been stated that it would probably take a sociopath to be a judge. to make a decision that could destroy a persons life.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. My wife is is an idiot. She has been trying to convince me to adopt a child or even a teenager. She had her friend over when she shared this idea.

    I assume she thought her friend being there would intimidate me and I'd go along with her plan. This made me even more against the idea. The only time she gets brave is when her friends are over, because she knows I wont be myself around them.

    I told her friend "There is no way I'm taking a stranger into my home. For all I know it could be some crazy psychopath. Anne, please explain to her it's a bad idea" I walked away with a smirk of my face.

  36. This is not clincal, per se, just talking for those who like to distinguish these things. However, do you think that is is diagnostic that sociopaths do not have fear and other PD's have a great amount of fear, almost a diametrically opposed response to fear? For example, BPD's have huge amounts of fear. Narc's have less, but a lot, still. Co-dependents have quite a bit of fear, as well. What do you think? I have heard this before, of course. I am not saying I made it up. I just would like your opinions on it.

  37. Excuse the spelling. My iPad 2 is being weird.

  38. Harv, how did you come to get married? Was it good at the beginning? If you could tell the history, I would be interested.

  39. harv, how can you afford an ipad if you don't even work?

  40. harv's wife wife bought it

  41. 182,150 at 7:54 am

    Anonymous said...
    watch UKan talk:
    November 5, 2011 2:35 PM
    Anonymous said...
    181,763 4:39
    November 5, 2011 2:37 PM

  42. I live off inheritance, but I don't like spending it when I don't have to. My parents were super wealthy. I could easily walk into high earning jobs, but I don't want to waste my time working.

  43. Harv, do you want a bodyguard? Frank can tag along.

  44. Frank does not tag along, Gary. Frank leads. Hi, Sweet Cheeks. Frank cannot forget to say Hello to his lovely lady, every day.

  45. Harv, what do you do with your time?

    i'm guessing you're new money. old money would have put you to work somewhere or other...

  46. Taking stock: Two married men who don't work, one gay prostitute, three beepers, and a drug-dealing semi-professional couple

    When the couple divorces which one will get to spend their time on SW on Sundays? Will they share the days of the week or will one get full custody of SW?

  47. Always this effort to make Sociopaths seem like androids...

  48. is that your prettiest shot?

  49. @Sweetcheeks

    If you happen upon this:
    I was blacked out when I was talking to you Friday night. A friend I haven't hung out with in a long time, played bartender at my place, and he always makes the drinks super strong... not to mention I'm a lightweight these days.

    I just had the chance to read our lil exchange, and it made me laugh! Especially when I told you I would strip you of your sanity. Makes me more curious about what's going on in my head during a black out.
    My friend was thoroughly entertained by me. He said he finally brought me some water once he realized I'd had too much; I sniffed it, called him an asshole for trying to trick me into thinking it was vodka, and poured it out on the floor.

  50. Good Morning dearest Frank!

    Eden - lol yeah I could tell you were fucked up ;) Did the beast come out?

  51. M.E. wrote...
    On the one hand we could argue that fearlessness leads to an inability for sociopaths to learn from experience: if sociopaths don't fear consequences, they are not going to modify their behavior as a result of bad experiences. On the other hand, it is difficult to argue that a trait such a fearlessness would lead to other sociopathic traits like an inability to empathize, failure to conform to social norms, being manipulative, etc.

    there are people born with a disorder where they are unable to feel pain, or feel very little, and have no idea what pain feels like. little kids who have it are intrigued by the sight of their own blood, not frightened. they break bones and feel nothing. they have to learn to about dangers and consciously monitor their bodies.

    athletes and circus performers learn to ignore pain, and perform in spite of it or make it part of the show. they also learn to ignore fear.

    i think as with pain, it's likely that the ability to experience emotions and the degree to which we experience them is something we are born with. but we can also learn to ignore fear, and even eliminate it, if we engage in an activity frequently enough and desensitize.

    the problem with the sociopath label is that it doesn't distinguish between the two. having no ability to experience fear is not a personality disorder, but may pose challenges in life, or even lead to a personality disorder. how do you empathize with someone else's fear? what sort of conscience do you develop when you are fearless? isn't fear the whip that drives it?

    on the other hand, not experiencing fear because you have conditioned yourself to suppress it may be a personality disorder. but you have to look at the context. when i was engaged in extreme sports, i learned to ignore pain, fear and even conscience (the impact to others if i seriously hurt myself!).

    in that light, what is really the difference between an extreme athlete and a hit man? other than different motivation and maybe cultural environment?

  52. I try to steer clear of liquor now because I wouldn't pass out- I would black out. When I black out, it can be pure mayhem.

    The idea of me on auto pilot walking around and talking but not being mentally present bothers me.

  53. @Sweet

    I wouldn't exactly say that. My friend said I wasn't offensive. Even when I called him an asshole, he said I acted like I was just thinking out loud.

    I've been told before that I just get really quiet, and act like I'm protecting a secret (paranoid), and say a lot of off the wall shit. I've gotten violent in the past, but only when people try to control what I'm doing.

    I once put a cigarette out on a friend's hand... and left bite marks all over another. He still has a scar on his arm. He told me what was really odd about me biting him, was that I wasn't acting aggressive, and again; I was just very quiet. I just latched on to him, and kept digging my teeth in like a dog who won't let go of a chew toy! lol

  54. "The idea of me on auto pilot walking around and talking but not being mentally present bothers me."

    I only get nervous that a more dangerous side might surface. That I might do more than bite.

  55. that picture fits very well with your stories and it's hard to decide whether to pity you or fear you. did the guy have to get rabies shots?

  56. an earthquake in Oklahoma triggered fear and caused
    1. a man to grab his rifle
    2. a family of four to get together for the first time in years(kids came down from upstairs)

    That's the United S of America for you.

  57. I won't go in to specifics, but normally when I am drinking with someone and go in to a black out, we both wake up bruised with bite marks and shit. My old friend threw me in to his fridge and I had a bruised tail bone for a week. Like I said, mayhem ;) He was a lot like me that way and he stopped hanging out with me because he thought it wasn't healthy. I don't get paranoid though.

  58. How are things at home, Sweet?

  59. Sweet Cheeks, your greeting warmed my heart, little lady.

  60. Same old I suppose. I am excited because my old job called me back for help for the holiday season starting next week. I processed claims from home for this company for awhile and two months ago they had to temporarily let me go.

    How are the kids doing Eden?

  61. Good deal. Extra spending cash?
    My kids keep me very busy. The eldest takes Dance and Theater. She had to help paint props yesterday for an upcoming play, then we went to a concert together. Nice to get some alone time with her.
    The youngling is a blast. I love this stage of development. She's a mimicking machine. Funny lil thing too. She has an electric personality.

  62. The conversations earlier pertained to ME's post, so if that's nerdy maybe you should choose a different blog, Missus. Since this is below your intellegence level.

    Maybe the major pecking hens should start there own.

  63. That is a great age. I bet with two you are very busy between being a Mom and running a salon.

    I like the job because it is a good resume builder. When I left my husband last year, I didn't have any serious job experience so I am working on that building that now so I can take care of me and my son when I leave. Plus, it keeps my brain busy.

  64. I start getting myself in trouble if I don't stay busy. Boredom sounds like a harmless thing until...
    Idle hands... right?

  65. "there are people born with a disorder where they are unable to feel pain, or feel very little, and have no idea what pain feels like. "

    Zoe, this reminds me of a joke Daniel Tosh made about kids born not feeling pain. the sound quality sucks so you have to turn it up.

  66. Sociopaths are very similar to androids and or machines.

  67. Sweet Cheeks, that sounds that a great opportunity for you and congratulations, hun.

  68. if you stay around a sociopath you will come away with some valuable information on life. it's completely lacking in compassion, but it's extremely logical.

  69. Oh absolutely. "extremely logical". They are the professors of the PD world... lol

  70. sociopaths like to pick peoples minds and motivations apart, but they fail miserably, as they have no clue what empathic people are about.

  71. Thank you Frank.

    Eden, idle hands are bad for me. I learned to thrive in chaos so I will create it all around me if I am bored, just for entertainment or a rush. Being held accountable each day by a job, friend etc is important for me to succeed.

  72. i would image the biblical satan was made to explain sociopaths at that time.

  73. **succeed with being a good mother that is

  74. eden and sweetcheeks. you both own cats. don't you?

  75. my goal in life is to become the biggest asshole on earth and make everyone loathe me.

  76. anon 12:04
    why do you think beepers own cats?

  77. eden is not a beeper. she cannot attach herself and likes to mess with the people and knife them. she does not deserve to be put in the same category as the beautiful sweetcheeks.

  78. all that fits what sweetcheeks told also. she bites just as hard. they both are beepers. and you, Frank, are a horny bastard who stays at home and holds on to his dick. give it a break, it will stay bent.

  79. I don't understand men who have pet cats. Get a fucking dog like a normal person.

  80. u ppl think everyonez a beeper

  81. For the record, I have one cat, one dog and my son just got a hamster to replace his fish.

  82. what is appealing about cats, sweetcheeks? they are horrid.

  83. eden is bipolar and stupid. sweetcheeks is better and smarter.

  84. bipolar, beeper, what is the difference. they both insecure bitches!!!!!!!!!!!!

  85. dog lovers are control freaks

  86. what is the likely PD when a woman has two sickly (one blind, the other three-legged) cats.

  87. Bipolar versus Beeper (BPD)

    According to Dr. Friedel, director of the BPD program at Virginia Commonwealth University, there are two main differences between BPD and bipolar disorder:

    1. People with BPD cycle much more quickly, often several times a day.

    2. The moods in people with BPD are more dependent, either positively or negatively, on what's going on in their life at the moment. Anything that might smack of abandonment (however far fetched) is a major trigger.

    3. In people with BPD, the mood swings are more distinct. Marsha M. Linehan, professor of psychology at the University of Washington, says that while people with bipolar disorder swing between all-¬encompassing periods of mania and major depression, the mood swings typical in BPD are more specific. She says, "You have fear going up and down, sadness going up and down, anger up and down, disgust up and down, and love up and down."

  88. There are good qualities to both cats and dogs that I enjoy, but if I had to choose I would take a dog. My cat is easy and low maintenance because she is mainly an outdoor cat.

  89. I am not a beeper just because I bit someone while blacked out. On the whole: I stay on a pretty even keel. My emotions don't tend to fluctuate much. As I've said before; my bipolar symptoms tend to be more of the physical, and it effects my senses... but emotionally I stay about the same. I don't really experience the sadness that comes with depression. I just get very exhausted, and want to sleep or be lazy. When I'm extremely manic, I get very chatty and horny... but even still; I maintain the same emotional state. Which I guess you could say is contentment? As for pets: I don't like having them. Does that make me a narcissist? lol retarded? Anyway... My eldest daughter is a big animal lover, and has 1 cat, and 1 rat. She would like to have a dog, but I don't think she'd keep up the maintenance, and I'd end up having to pick up the slack. I have to remind her all the time to feed and water the pets she has now. One time she even put her rat in one of those big pet balls, then forgot about her. We left, and the rat stayed in there for 6 hours. Dogs are too smelly and needy for my taste. I like things to be clean and without clutter. That's why I hired my sister to be my housekeeper. She's a bit OCD, and gets off on cleaning.

  90. Check out this guy, 83 and diagnosed with cancer and thinking he'll 'kick' it. How important is to kick anything at 83? Hope that he calms his soul soon.

    Singer Andy Williams told fans at a concert in Branson, Missouri, Saturday night that he has bladder cancer, a reporter who attended the concert told CNN on Sunday.
    "I do have cancer of the bladder. But that is no longer a death sentence. People with cancer are getting through this thing," Williams said, according to Tyler Francke with the Branson Tri-Lakes News.
    "They're kicking it, and they're winning more and more every year. And I'm going to be one of them," Francke quoted the singer as saying.
    Williams, 83, shared the news during his Christmas Show at the Moon River Theater, which he founded in 1992, according to the theater's website. "Moon River" was one of Williams' most popular songs.

  91. I don't dislike the nerdiness. I actually am usually a fan. I just thought the sudden influx of such a specific character was amusing. It wasn't the nerdiness so much as the feigned toughness that i found to be more entertaining though. I like this blog. You get a new one.

  92. oh, ever-so-important, missus. thanks for letting us know--NOT!

    so, sweet, edenis bipolar. are you a bipolar or beeper, then?

    and, missus, what are you, exactly?

  93. yesterday I stepped into a world I thought I knew a lot about and left realizing I didn't know shit. In all of my blatant arrogance the only characteristics I seemed to advertise was my obvious inexperience and naivety. I usually play the wolf, to be dramatic, and in such an occasion I still did, only this time the other wolves were ready to cannibalize my ass to satisfy their hunger.

    This world I am no stranger to, but do to my youth and ignorance ( and ego), I fucked it all up for myself, and my deal ended horribly. This time around I am learning from the masters, only in order to gain the dominance I am seeking I have to willingly submit.

    I don't like willingly giving up to anything. I get off on living life with my personal power and control I have over others. To give that up is not going to be something I can do for so long, but the ending result I figure will be more than worth it.

    I must say it was very interesting being bait to so many predators. The same tactics I usually use and figured I excelled at was nothing in comparison to these players. I am barely learning how to crawl in their world while in mine I was a sprinter.

  94. Piles, that sounds like an enlightening situation. Was it work related, or social?

  95. not everything is about dominance and submitting to everyone

  96. thats true, not everyone enjoys being dominant

  97. Missus: did you make the house in your image?

  98. To clarify (because you seem to be ignoring me): look at the dates on the first eight comments.

  99. The best place to be about deciding to have a relationship with a sociopath is that you just don't want it. You don't have to TRY not to want it. Would you want rotten meat for dinner? Would you want a big, shiny piece of cut glass if you could have a smaller, but real diamond? When you see the sociopath for what he is, you simply don't want him and then it becomes easy.

  100. I have a fear of changing my ways, so I have always ran after causing trouble. If I ran for good, it would be weak. I want to grow.

  101. I came for trouble initially and sought it. I got it, left for a bit and realized what I was denying myself.

  102. I stopped by the forum today. I can't believe the exchanges going on up there. I really can't wrap my brain around such delusional thinking, still. I feel like I'm watching two martians have a conversation.

  103. It is scary there, that's for sure. Someone needs to call house keeping and clean up that garbage

  104. @Bella

    What is you, exactly? Not sure where your posts are going.

  105. Check out that weird picture of the socio and narc

  106. This is regarding the post on fears- duh

  107. Bell, if it's all one stream of thought you're trying to convey, then why do you put that stream of thought on 3 different posts, and with 5 to 10 minutes separating them? I've noticed you doing this before. It makes you seem very fragmented, which confuses me.

  108. LOLOLOLOL sorry i get my thinking confused easily

  109. all these feelings, are hard to get threw when I write, it takes me time to do it

  110. Kao and Flawed Diamond are getting off massaging each other's egos lmao. They need to smush.

  111. All these feelings? So you shift through many different feeling in a short amount of time? Or are you saying you feel them all at once?

  112. Yeah, those are the two martians I was talking about. It's un-fucking-real! I don't know what to make of them.

  113. Reading shit like that helps confirm my sanity

  114. Check out the other worse nutcases in the forum.

  115. On the topic of fear: After age 15 or 16, I seemed to have severed by ability to feel fear as I did when I was young; not by choice either. I should say: I just don't respond to the idea of danger as I probably should. I have to have people remind me when I'm doing something that might put me in harms way. This doesn't seem very conducive to keeping myself alive for very long. I think it's important to fear the things that threaten out existence. It's the natural order, ensuring that we thrive as a species, much like the need to mate. Too much fear can be just as bad, as not enough imo. Being fearless is nothing to do with being superior in any way, or even useful. A retard can manage the lack of it.

  116. Worse? It's hard to see anyone but those two. They take up so much space I can hardly believe they ever leave their homes.

  117. The people in the comment section should launch a full attack with spamming and harassing. We should makes teams and go at it. We will have "Team Ego Crusher", "Team Spam" , and "Team Heckling" Full scale invasion.

  118. I stopped even clicking the forum link because of those two, especially the female. What a bunch of bullshit that comes spewing out of her.

  119. Did you see that very, weird picture? What is up with that?

  120. I had no idea. I saw you (Medusa), mention it a time or two, but I always forget the forum's even there until nothing much is going on with the comments thread.

  121. Are you talking about how Kao posted his legions of really skanky empty headed looking girls and asked everyone to spot the sociopath?

  122. Oh well Dusa, I'm sure your not missed on the forum either. After that ass shit pisture you posted, who fucking cares what you think. Just like your not missed on the blog.

    Gross misrepresentation of a female is so unattractive.

  123. No, there is a picture of 3 super hot guys and the person asks to pick out the sociopath.

  124. That makes me laugh! How the fuck do you get so many sociopathic females, in one room?? I thought there was supposed to be a lower percentage of females, not to mention that they haven't even studied much on them anyway. You have to be delusional beyond shadows, not to question that Kao kid!

  125. There's the spark. Things just might pick up a bit.

  126. Now Eden, I like your pic, soo hot.


  127. it is difficult to argue that a trait such a fearlessness would lead to other sociopathic traits like an inability to empathize, failure to conform to social norms, being manipulative

    On the contrary. Manipulation takes a lot of fearlessness, because you need to be comfortable using audacious methods to get people to do what you want. A lot of people are afraid even to ask for something they are entitled to, let alone to push people to do what they want. Confidence takes a good amount of fearlessness to accomplish and people only follow people who are confident.

    Breaking social norms takes a lot of fearlessness, especially if you are breaking the law.

    Generally my fearlessness helps me convince people of anything that I am speaking on. I'm not nervous or feeling guilty. Like when we got pulled over the other day driving on LSD. My wife and I were laughing as the police came to the window and they figured that there was nothing wrong.

    I've walked backstage and passed security with my wife and they never even gave us a glance because we didn't show any signs of there being anything wrong with what we were doing. We seemed like we belonged.

    One time a while back when my wife and I were first dating I lost our only club to hustle at the time because of a change in management and we were so broke we were going to rob a bank. She went and took a basket filled it with groceries and walked right out the store. I used to do the same thing when I was a run away.

    It is fear really that keeps everyone from breaking the rules and following the status quo. Fear keeps people complacent. Fear controls people and in the end that's what I do to get people to do what I want. I play on their fears and their pleasures.

  128. Eden, can you handle a half Italian/spanish man?

  129. @Alex

    I took that picture on Halloween... when I was in costume. You like the goth types, or what? My cousin told me it reminded him of Twiggy from the 60's. I don't see it.

  130. All I can think of is how I would make that make up run down your pretty face.

  131. @Alex

    Can I "handle"? Is there something about that combination that makes you harder to handle?

  132. Big dow eyes half filled with tears, fucking turn on.

  133. You have a crying fetish, or are you planning on choking me?

  134. Fetish, I guess I do when I look at those eyes.
    You look like your a very bad girl and need some lessons.

    Choke? Baby if you need it.

    But I bet you have a great little tight ass thats just begging for some discipline.

  135. I'd like to watch you with a girl and then make you my little whore.

  136. I'm disapointed Eden, no answer?

  137. Typically boring.

    Alex, use some creativity.

  138. Shut the fuck up penis envy!

    Go play with your fucking cat.

  139. fighting and fucking

    welcome to SW

  140. I think Dusa feels so ownweship with you Eden. It's cute but I like compition, makes it highly worth it.

  141. I think Alex that Eden likes to be the dominant one

  142. I am but I can see in her eyes, she needs it.

    Just try to turn the tables, thats a game I like. I'm at my best.

  143. @Piles, care to elaborate?

  144. I don't really care to own anyone. It doesn't really do much for me.

  145. Sweetcheeks, you have potential.

    I love loyalty. And yes I love, actions and preformance and displays.
    Twisted as they are, it's worth living for.

  146. I had shit to do Alex. Sweet may be right though. It's not intentional, but I don't like people trying to control me in any way. I'm fairly defiant. I can play for a little while, but I'm not very convincing imo. I have lied to myself many times about wanting a guy who could make me submit, but when it happens, I fight. Not sure I care to have someone completely submissive though, either. I think for the most part, I'm impossible.

  147. Maybe, I think it would be fun seeing where you would balk. Then maybe you wouldn't. There's a line i wouldn't cross.

    Those eyes are just the most amazing i've seen.

  148. The Wizard of Oz is on. I think I may just watch it. It's been such a long time, and being at SW changes the way I see the characters in every movie I watch now.

  149. They're just eyes. I don't see why people make such a big deal about them. What do your eyes look like, Alex?

  150. Broken is not attractive unless it begs.

    Standing up to me is so hot.

  151. Standing up to you? You haven't even tried to insult me yet. Why are you here?

  152. So I have noticed Alex

  153. Black with black lases, hows that?

    Their intense but I'm told when I smile light shines.

    Pictures of me are always different. Even though I don't give smiles easily.

  154. Are you hairy? I can't stand hairy guys.

  155. What's to insult? I know your bad, you just need to some leadership.
    But I know you have a bad core that needs to be kept in check, I have a hard need to please.

    But I can see that you have something that would change the game.

    Need to open yourself, it's so one way. Thats the attraction.

  156. No, not hairy. Not even my legs. How about you, do you shave?

    I can't stand hairy girls, that would be the break.
    You look like you take care of youeself.

    You haven't told me about your ass.

  157. That's okay Alex, I am already taken. Frank and I have been through a lot together and he is special to me.

  158. I like confidant women. Weak ones are clingy and I don't have the patience. It anoys me.

  159. I can be sweet Cheeks, as long as as they stay sweet.

    You have a side to you thats so apealing to make into a kitten.

    But Eden is a challenge that begs to be tested.

  160. What can I say, my Frank makes me smile :D

    I have a thing for creepy guys, but he is my creeper.

  161. I cringe when I see those sickly sweet comments. You must be fairly easy to please, eh Sweets?

  162. Sweet, you think Frank could satisfy you?

    Maybe thats what you need.
    You are a empty canvas. He could paint you with color's I bet you've never had, but how long would that last?

    Eden needs some light, little dark angel. Big eyes to enter into.

  163. @Alex

    And just how do you plan to challenge me? Flattery won't work on me, and neither do threats. You're just a bunch of words on the screen.

  164. Sweet Cheeks, I never wanted to be called a Creeper, but if it is you, Baby, I will take it.
    Thank you for even considering me someone in your life, at all, even a little bit. You made my day, and I mean that, Sweet Cheeks.

  165. Maybe babe, I only, I think your a whole lot of words. Actions are what count.
    I like protest, assert yourself, show me what you got little bitch.

  166. Alex / Eden

    I didn't say I would marry him. I live with a very negative, nasty narc. Do I think Frank is real or genuine, no. Maybe he is, but of course I am skeptical. I am used to being dragged through the mud and shit on verbally daily for over a decade now. That does nothing for me except make me excited to fight. When someone compliments me, it is totally foreign to me. He has been doing it daily for awhile now and I am learning to not fight at it, but enjoy it.

  167. I suppose there is no way to go past words here, Alex. Is there? My actions say only that I have no idea what would make me want to keep anyone for more than sex. Most people feel like a chore to me. Even friends are like a chore. I'm fucking lazy as shit.

  168. It makes my day, actually and I enjoy his company

  169. If that's what you need Sweet. Who am I to judge? I still think it's gross, considering the source.

  170. Sweetcheeks, are you Frank? Don't take offense to that. I'm just curious...I remember you said you created mulitple charcaters on this blog and that two of them were Stacey and Jane...Is Frank one of them?

  171. Eden, thank you for calling me gross, but you are not my cup of tea, either, so I guess we are even. Anyway, I like a woman who I can spoil, if even in this small way, on here. I thank Sweet Cheeks for allowing me to lavish my small affections on her and for accepting them, as she has. It has made my life a little brighter.

  172. Are you being serious, sweetcheeks? Frank isn't even a male.

  173. I don't think Frank is Jason or Erin. Could be, but anywho, this site is a sess pool of crazy I wouldn't be surprised if it was a setup, actually I expect it. It is like you said, text on a screen to me but compliments, I don't hear them much. I wouldn't say I take them to heart, however; in my dark little life, they are far and few in between. I appreciate them. They always have been.

  174. No Girly, Frank is not me at all. That would just be pathetic if I did that.

  175. Wow. I don't understand why it's so hard to see. It just seems so obvious to me.

  176. You people are sick------Eden and Medusa. You are sick because you can't stand that there is anything good in life that you can't fuck up. I don't care. I love to tell Sweet Cheeks she is special every day. Why do you, two, have to shit on it like bitter cunts? You, two, are so bitter that you have to call me names and try to make it ugly. Why do you, two, have to make everything ugly?

  177. I frequent bars so I am used to slime balls and their cheesy lines and shit. I either kick them in the nuts or have them buy me a drink before I leave. Consider this place, more safe for me, to enjoy a compliment in the morning and a friendly hello. Do I expect it to be there tomorrow- no. Do I expect it to be real- absolutely not. But still, its nice to hear.

  178. Thank you Frank for brightening up my day :D I need that sometimes.

  179. Eden and Medusa- I appreciate you looking out and being honest with me. I really do.

  180. Sweet Cheeks that is all I need to hear. Thank you for allowing me to do that and having that special happiness in my own day. Bitter people want to make it ugly. I don't care as long as it means a little something to you.

  181. Not looking out for you Sweet. Just surprises me a bit. I've no need to convince you of anything. Some people are satisfied with whatever bone is thrown their way. Even if it's a plastic one.

  182. Sweetcheeks said...
    Zoe, this reminds me of a joke Daniel Tosh made about kids born not feeling pain. the sound quality sucks so you have to turn it up.


  183. i know the character, thats what some need at that time . crazy chicks fight for their men tooth and nail i guess

  184. sweetcheeks reminds me of some crazy chick that would kill for her man

  185. Eden

    Of course I was kidding when I said me and Frank went through a lot together. Who doesn't like compliments though? It's not about accepting plastic bones or being satisfied with them. I am just saying I enjoy the compliments.

  186. I think entertaining the idea of some mentally disabled weird guy that you have no idea at all of what type of person they are is a pretty big allotment youre allowing yourself, there sweet. I'm gonna go ahead here and refer to the fact that you think youre leaving your husband, and you are not. Your husband doesnt give you compliments, and you feel comfortable with his condescension, and the only place you feel safe receiving compliments is on the internet from someone so safe and easy to disrespect he might as well not exist... which is likely that he doesnt. You said you frequent bars, as well, indicating that you have a barfly type, those creepy guys that feign all over you and smother you with attention because they feel graced by your presence and vice versa. You're settling for your desperation, and you can't express yourself withoput creating different anonymous roles on the internet. You really need to start learning to assert yourself in your life, and you need to face your insecurities that make you act so worthless. Your general feeling of worthlessness is carrying over into all your actions. I think maybe you should work on expressing that with your own name.

  187. Oh Missus, I know you don't think much of me. That is fine. All I said is I enjoy the compliments, who doesn't really?

  188. How's this for expressing my feeling with my own name, I don't care what you think Missus! I never asked for your opinion. I don't listen to your advice, because I don't want to be married to a sociopath. I like Franks compliments, big freaking deal. Would you rather me be a narc and laugh at him for complimenting me?


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