
Sunday, December 14, 2008

You must be a gemini

Some people are just asking for trouble. And by trouble I mean sociopaths. As further proof that those who seek after and date sociopaths are asking for it, here's a response to this email after my original personal ad:
Okay, actually, I should have added a few more things to my list: sinister, promiscuous, flexible definition of the truth, emotionally unavailable, able to rationalize almost anything to myself, manipulative, prone to boredom, weak sense of empathy. Still very Jimmy Stewart-esque, right?
"Marty" responds:
you sound like a Gemini!! I am a Taurus....Marty
Marty, you sound like you're asking for it. I hope you get what's coming to you.

You can kind of see why Marty would guess Gemini because they are two-faced monsters. But sociopaths are not two-faced so much as one-faced with a mask. Maybe that seems like a distinction without a difference, but I have the sense that not many sociopaths are geminis. I've often wondered if certain astrological signs had more sociopaths than others. I think cancers may be prone to sociopathy, but I am biased being a cancerian myself. I also think that even though Geminis might not be great sociopaths, they can easily be narcissists. But I don't really have anything besides anecdotal evidence to base these assertions on. Thoughts on the astrological connection?


  1. I would say Virgo since I am one and am cretain of about 3 others that virgos and have at least very strong sociopathic tendenancies.

    Being that you're dealing with a range of choices and a large amount of people, I doubt you'll find any distinct evidence of one astrological sign being more sociopathic than the other.

  2. I think you're an idiot for considering mythological bullshit to have any basis in reality. Really.

    1. I vote yours the best answer all seek!

    2. Or, rather than replying with a valid comment, you could completely attack the very basis of this conversation. This is why I just love Anons.

  3. Scorpios are sociopaths. Although I think Alexander the Great was a Cancer, was he not?
    I'm a Capricorn, but with Scorpio rising.

  4. More fun @: Find the Sociopathic Kitty

    Interesting view on the subject..

  5. Strangely, Your right about Gemini's possibly being Narcissists. Or It may just be right in my case. <3

    Although I doubt there's much evidence for astrological signs having any bearing on real life.


  6. To leave a little more insightful commentary - I believe, if anything, that astrological signs conduct how we behave because we all need something to mirror off of and astrological signs offer another way. In the case of Virgos, our whole life we're told we're perfectionists - thus everything we do we want to be the best at. So if there is a sign that has sociopathic inclinations it's only because it's been shoved down their throat their whole life.

  7. I am a Gemini, I have been acussed of being a narcissist, ergo blog writer must be correct.

  8. scorpions can hardly be sociopaths... come on... we dwell in our emotional fire all the time, our destruction is based on "too much" rather than "too little". and we simply hate being superficial.

    I think geminis are very close to being sociopaths. In fact I can't be sure when identifying one just because of this. And I am not a fan of horoscopes either...

  9. Resident astrologer Milo here:

    At least among serial killers, the 2 most prominent signs that feature among sun/moon/ascendant are, first and foremost, Sagittarius, and Gemini which is #2. Scorpio and Capricorn are also "up there".

    Sagittarius and Gemini are opposite signs - the 3rd and 9th signs. It has been shown that there is a higher than average amount of activity and certain stressors in both signs as well as in the 3rd and 9th houses of the natal charts of serial killers. There's something about that 3/9 axis... Sagittarius is the worst, though, believe me. Also, Scorpios and Capricorns are the signs that immediately surround Sagittarius, so I think there's a peripheral issue there, however there does not seem to be a peripheral issue for the 2 signs surrounding Gemini - Taurus and Cancer.

    In addition to the 4 aforementioned signs, Virgo, yes, can be problematic. There is no other sign as highly associated with narcissism as Virgo, and if you have a malignant narcissist - that's a recipe for danger.

  10. Oh, and anybody who refers to astrology as "mythological bullshit" has a TON to learn. Sun signs write-ups in the newspaper are CRAP, but if you actually study the art/science of natal astrology, synastry, progressions, transits and so forth, your mind will be blown. I have looked at the natal charts of so many people and they are really telling of those people's personalities.

    1. Can u tell me about me then? I am female born June 12 1992 in Indianapolis, in Marion county and birth time unknown

  11. I am particularly interested in anyone who equally observes the Claremont Serial Killer investigation in Perth, Western Australia.Are the investigators on the right track? IS a person blogging in chat rooms really on the ball re the locations he tells people to go to. Including Badgindarra reserve localities, Wellard x2, & Mundaring???

  12. The fact that you know your star sign and have considered it's effects on your personality demonstrates that you are not a sociopath. Sociopaths do not need to be told who they are or why they...they just are and why? because they are in control and they say so. And more to the point they really just don't care. Intrinsically believing in the zodiac puts the control of your daily life and personality in the hands of someone or something else. A higher power if you believe in that shite! A sociopath would never do that because THEY are the ultimate power...thus you cannot be a sociopath. I've read several of your posts now and you're a narcissist if I ever saw one. Sorry if you think that is the less "hip" of the two mental disturbances but too's true.

    1. My ex is definitely a sociopath (Scorpio with Cancer rising, moon in Aries) and he was very much interested in and believed in astrology. He is very intelligent and after realizing how accurate it can be, he then used it to his advantage as a tool to manipulate people better.

  13. Astrology is total bullshit like any other religious notion based on fantasies and magic. Utterly meaningless excuses to disassociate from reality and pretend like "other" external magical influences are to blame for this or that. Blah.

    But if you care, I am an Aries which hasn't been mentioned on here at all. So much for that theory. :)

  14. It's really frustrating that those who have no footing into the basics of astrology feel the need to call it magical and make believe.

    Is it possible that pseudo-science might have some valid arguments?

  15. I am a complete narcissistic sociopath, and I never gave a shit at all about astrology, until I started doing it for a bit of girly fun. It IS quite spooky how, when you do a proper natal chart, it really is quite accurate, in my own case, and many others as well! Having said that, I do not at all put any control/ authority in the hands of astrology (as one of the previous posters mentioned) just because I think there may be something in it. It is like the question of god- you could give me a ton of irrefutable evidence to show he/ she exists- but it wouldnt matter bugger all to me as I will still do what I want to do, and with no inhibitions, regardless of the answer. ;) I simply dont care either way, but it IS quite fun. As for the thing about Saggitarius- oh MAN you are right about that! I have an Ascendant on the Scorpio/ Saggitarius cusp, and Saggitarius and Scorpio in various other inmportant placements, and LORDY it is indeed a powerful loony combination- the Cusp of Revolution it is called- yeah, LOONY revolution!!! TeeHee. And I am a Pisces/ Aries cusp Sun sign, that also means I am highly unstable emotionally, with an ability to empathize completely with other people, but then to use that empathy and understanding completely ruthlessly for my own needs/ pleasures, with no regrets whatsoever! It is also the cusp of the master shape shifter, and ultimate psychological/ spiritual saboteur. I suppose my Virgo moon can see and appreciate these things quite clearly and exquisitely, which adds to my narcissistic edge. Also, I have a predominance of Pisces and Scorpio over all, and everybody into astrology knows that these two are the main narcissistic sociopath bastards of the zodiac, but the reason they dont get mentoioned as much in crimes is because Pisces is SO sweet and nice, no one would ever believe you could do such things, and Scorpios have second guessed and planned so much before hand, that they turn super psychic, so know when to get the hell out, and are so shifty and slippery, and if they ever are about to get caught, they both usually commit suicide before hand. Thusly- clumsy old Saggitarius and dippy old Gemini are more likely to get caught in comparison. Ah well- ya live and ya learn! Also, I do have Cancer in Mars- one of the main Mars placements for Socio Nutters. Huraaaaahhh!!! ;)

  16. Interesting about the Virgo moon connection. I work with two gentlemen that are both sociopaths and both have Virgo moons. I believe there is also a connection with squares from Venus or Mars to Saturn which denotes cruelty.

  17. well, my socio was a sagitarius.there you go milo. what are the chances...

    don't really know if it's bullshit.
    im an aquarius, strong empath - cascading water - yup, been described as a waterfall before.
    oh lord it's in the stars!!!!!!!!!

  18. I am a cancer, as well. Maybe we are both biased.

  19. Astrology does help with understanding behavioral traits in people, whether you're a believer or not.
    My encounters with Sociopaths and or Narcissistic people seem to be Sagittarius, Taurus, Leo and Pisces.
    The big problem is dealing with them.
    It's my understanding you can read more research on the FBI website

  20. All mutable signs have some issues with mental health going on, from my observation anyway. Sagittarius are definetely narcissistic, people who wield power over others successfully are mainly Earth signs. Re the Virgo thing, they seem narcissistic but I think that's just a reflection of their perfectionism.

  21. Oh and lastly, how could I left this out?
    Remember this famous kidnap and rape case that was only uncovered after 18 years, and the 11 year old victim, Jaycee Lee Dugard come out alive with two daughters? The total psychopathic pervert predatory pedophile is Phillip Craig Garrido, born April 5, 1951, Pisces in moon as well. During this period, he actually brainwashed her that should she continue to remain his hostage, it would serve a great purpose that she could save a lot other girls out there for he would not find any more victims.- even Jaycee also indicated his twisted and distorted mentality/ delusion.

    “You always justified everything to suit yourself but the reality is and always has been that to make someone else suffer for your inability to control yourself and for you”.

    In her grand jury testimony, Miss Dugard told prosecutors: 'Phillip always said, you know, in the beginning he said that I was helping him and that, you know, he had a sex problem and that, you know, he got me so that he wouldn’t have to do this to anybody else.

    Isn’t this what Pisces best at? Distorted illusion in their fantasy land. They live in it and hope people to whirl in with them.

    I can say all these findings is coincidently and one after another, with deliberate effort to study and understand the whole suspecting about Pisces moon as well. Yet this does not imply other signs like Gemini or Scorpio as matter of fact have no possibility or tendency for.

    Any astrologers or people that is well versed or with related experienced, feel free to comment.

    1. He@ Anonymous..born April 5 means sun signs Aries...not Pisces..very wrong

  22. Most serial killers in the US were Geminis and Virgos....hmmmmm

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  24. Im a gemini, with a sagittarious rising, and.. i definitely feel like a sociopath sometimes, but i do have genuine feelings of empathy and love ect. i feel bad about hurting people and usually guilt trip myself, most of the time Im purposely manipulative, but other times its like compulsory, like an autopilot of mental gymnastics. I think all signs could have sociopathic tendencies, but all the air sign seem to be the most prone to these attributes, libras and geminis especially.

  25. Don't know how I got here. Gosh, time is passing really fast if you are reading. Astrological signs are nonsense, bullshit. It works like cold reading etc.. The discribtion of every Astrological sign is somehow fitting on everyone who wsnts it to fit. That's all, pretty easy. By the way, I am born in the sign of Pisces. But I am nearly 100% rational and very tidily, unlike the normal definition of Pisces.

    1. "time is passing really fast if you are reading" neptunian/Piscean quality of immersion and being lost(?)

    2. "time is passing really fast if you are reading" Pisces/Neptune of being lost in your mind, immersion, loss of time perception, +/- addiction, even to reading..
      Of course it fits everyone, we are all made of the same dough.
      But all seem like a unique collection of features that grabs the eye..

  26. BTW, California is a Virgo state (Sept 9, 1850), with Neptune in Pisces! And side from embodying all the other Virgo/Pisces archetypes (lotsa New Age religions, the Gold Rush, detail-oriented Silicon Valley, Hollywood "illusions", the huge state health care & social services industry, "harvesting" Central Valley agriculture, etc.)… IMHO, there's no place quite as opportunistic, self-obsessed or narcissistic! Remember, another way to look at the Virgoan symbol of the "harvest", is "reaping OPPORTUNITY"!

    1. I better move. I have been hating CA more as time goes by. The people are materialistic and selfish. There are some nice people, but it's rare. Been thinking about moving back East.

    2. I hear 'ya, but originally being from back east, been there and done that (and don't wanna do it again…lol)! The climate here is pretty 'seductive" (there's that Neptune thang again), so will gladly put up with the narcissism and Virgo 'opportunism', if it means avoiding east coast humidity, freezing winters and bugs the size of Smart Cars! ;-p

  27. I have to say it's unusual for Aries with Pisces moon to be seriously abusive, both Aries and Pisces are generally more likely to be compassionate before they sink to that level, also there may have been a trigger for that sort of behaviour, they are rarely born that way.
    Whereas Sagittarius are definetely born that way and then some, no apology, no remorse, no guilt, mind you, it is hard being them, but also hard on everybody else as well. Gemini is a master of cool dispatchbut with Sagittarius there isn't even the temperature cool, there's just an utter absence of emotions which makes one think some part of their brain must likewise be absent. Total narcissists, but the way to beat them is to be totally secure,grounded in oneself and confuse them. Cheer if they tell YOU you are round the twist. Whatever you do, don't let these bastards get you down.

    1. I'm a Leo, trying to salvage a friendship with a Sag. She has been drifting away and I don't think she really cares about me anymore. I need to say bye to many people in my life, because they are users. I notice when I write an email to a Virgo, they will overlook much of what I said and rant about health problems which aren't big problems or about boyfriends. When my dad died, I told a Sag on the phone, and all she said was "Oh" . My best friends are other Leos, Cancer, Libras and Taurus. The rest are one sided selfish knit wits. I have to learn how to protect myself, these people are draining me.

  28. I find Virgos talk about their problems too much, but Sagittarians , do not value friendship enough. The Sag is so selfish, you might not hear from them to months or years, and they don't really care. They will change the subject when you need a shoulder to cry on, no sympathy at all. A Virgo will have sympathy, but a Sag will figure you are weak if you have feelings. An Aries I know , is bossy. I need new friends , I feel used, ignored and sad.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. *** I noticed some typos and they could not be ignored

    I would say Aquarians seem a bit sociopathic because they are known to be non-emotional, charismatic, highly independent, intelligent, and observant. I may be biased because I am Aquarius

    1. And you no doubt also with some 'Virgo' in 'ya if 'typos' are annoying (lol)! Have plenty of aquarian friends (they're interesting folks!), and while not necessarily 'sociopathic', which seems a bit harsh, yeah they do seem to distance themselves from their feelings a lot. And a strong sense of independence often makes lasting attachments kinda 'problematic', which also might contribute to their 'eccentric' reputations!


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