
Friday, June 26, 2009

Prototypes and archetypes (part 1)

A lot of heartbroken empaths have been seeking answers from me recently. Not to downplay anyone's personal tragedy, but they're all essentially the same story. So I am hoping that with this extra long, overly detailed explanation of love lost and my subsequent responses, heartbroken empaths can learn vicariously through others and we can start answering questions in bulk instead of one-by-one. Not like I am not flattered by the interest in my expert advice, it's just that I feel like it's getting to the point where I should be charging people. Actually... not a bad idea. Maybe I could set up some sort of hotline...
I recently discovered your website and have been reading your articles from beginning to end. I would really love if you would write back to me and give your opinion on things because I'm driving myself crazy with my thinking. Two years ago I started dating a guy (we're both in our young 20s), against all warnings from his friends that he will not ever treat me well or never stop talking to his ex-girlfriend (let's call her k). During our first date, K called him, I could hear her screaming on her end, but he just laughed at her and hung up the phone without saying anything. Later that night when I asked how he felt about her he said "i don't want to be with her, that girl would marry me in a second, i could have her if i wanted to any time i wanted" then he told me that i probably shouldn't get into a relationship with him because he will fuck me over. My naivety made me think, well he doesn't know me yet I'll be the one to change this, he just hasnt met the right girl, and up to this point in my life i have always been very sought after by men and had great relationships where i always seemed to be the one with the upperhand. But he pursued me and I pursued him so we started to date. For the first 3 months we had a fun time, he would spend the night almost every night, although he seemed to have troubles being able to be "intimate" with me, most times it just didnt work. He would get angry and punch the walls and say this has never happened to him before and that he loves to have sex, would do it morning noon and night with his exes, and that i'm the only girl he's ever had a problem with, and then roll over and ignore me for the rest of the night, usually while i would be crying.

During this time he refused to stop talking to his ex, claiming she texts him it's not his fault, wouldn't take pictures of them down from in his room, but said they were just friends. (Some behavioral background on him is he has also complained of being depressed but when i suggested seeing a doctor or going on medicine he would say absolutely not, no way, he has a very pessimistic view of the world, he drinks almost every night, usually blacking out and often partaking in really stupid, reckless acts, like wrestling with his friends, but usually to the point of bloody cuts and black eyes, and he smokes weed every day. He can get set off by seemingly nothing and become irritable and mean for no reason, which he would usually take out on me since he said "well i take it out on you, i can't take it out on my boys", close friends of his would not tell you that he is a good person, i've often heard people say he has a way of finding their insecurities and then going after them, he can be downright cruel to his closest friends, but then flip a switch and be nice as can be. His friends do not have a high code of ethics and none of them have much of a relationship deeper than hanging out and partying or doing drugs. People are drawn to him because he is extremely charming and funny and at any given time the center of attention and life of the party. He doesn't have any ambitions in life, and has worked partime jobs but with little pride. He was the same with his school work, hardly ever studying or putting effort in, failed many classes and barely graduated within 5 years. Still his professors would often grant him extensions for papers.

He often says i just dont care about anything, i cant seem to make myself care about anything. He often talks about how important it is to have control in relationships and that things will always go his way) Sometimes at parties he would distance himself from me, but if i didn't pay enough attention to him he would become angry with me, if we were out with his friends and i would be laughing with them he would get moody and when we would get home later he would say "i dont feel special, you can laugh and have fun with anybody, so what's the point of being with me" He never gave me an outright compliment, probably called me beautiful 1 time in our whole relationship, and aside from 2 times he got me flowers when i got home from trips, and a birthday present, he did not do much for me, most meals i paid for because i volunteered and said i wanted to, which was true at the time. 3 months into our relationship he gave me a beautiful handmade present which in it said "i hope what we have, whatever it is, keeps on going". Less than one week later he said he wasn't feeling it and stopped talking to me. That night he had k spend the night and i ran into them together at a club he knew i would be at, he did not seem a bit faltered and kept on happily dancing with k while i left the bar. two weeks later he told me that i was really the one he wanted to be with and he had made a huge mistake, after some reluctance, and since it was the first time, i gave in because i still really wanted things to work with him. 2 months later the exact same thing happened, he just stopped returning my calls or texts, one night he asked to come over when he was drunk and tried to sleep with me, his reasonings were always "you want to do it, why deny yourself something you want to do, you want to sleep with me", we ended up getting into a fight. i kicked him out. During this particular break he started dating K again, but later claimed his facebook status only said "in a relationship" because she got on his account and changed it. I was told that he would say things to K like they were going to get married, but then lo and behold 3 weeks later he came back to me BEGGING me, all over me, absolutely relentless, telling me he could see himself marrying me and that i would make a great mom, etc. etc., and again i took him back.

We would often have fights over him ignoring me at parties, treating me poorly, flirting with girls, etc. When i would leave crying he would never console me, if i asked him to come talk to me he would say "no way, im partying with my friends", most times while i was crying he would laugh at me and tell me i was being crazy, and i found myself always doubting my own thoughts, thinking that i was in fact being irrational. He would later admit "no you're not the irrational one, you never do anything wrong" when we werent fighting. During one particular fight i asked him to leave my apartment and he refused i was so upset i threatened to call the police and he just laughed and called me crazy and said im just going to sleep right here on the couch.

There were many times he would lie to me i came to find out, and sometimes would deny things that i had proof of - in fact during one break he walked up to me with a hickey on his neck and when i told him he had a hickey he said "no i dont" completely serious, another time i saw a girl kiss him on the cheek and when i brought it up to him he laughed and said that absolutely did not happen, he was so convincing i actually doubted what i saw with my own eyes. When he was in his good moods we got along great, we laughed all the time and had a lot of fun together. He would often say that i was the perfect girl, and that he knew i was the one for him, i knew him better than anybody. This cycle of relationships went on for almost a year and a half, his sudden lack of interest, then the insatiable need to have me back. His friend even said that he was really upset about it and pleaded for his case, which means he was showing sadness towards him about it which i would expect a sociopath to do. When i would ask why he just wouldnt leave me alone he would say well im always going to treat you the same, when i see you i wanna kiss you, im going to do what i want.

He would not often tell me he loved me, usually while he was drunk. He would get irritable with me but tell me he didnt know why, that he doesnt want to be, but he cant control it, like i just set something off him that made him want to be mean to me. He would tell me that i cared more about the relationship than he did and that i could do so much better, but would never peacefully let me pursue that option.

At this point, i have lost my two closest friends due to my deep depression i suffered from because of my insecurities caused by him and that they no longer felt they could support me, my family hated him and i had to keep that i was seeing him a secret from them. After the last break, which was about 2 months long, at about a year and a half in, I decided to move because i was so severely depressed and could not seem to rid myself of the problem. One week before i left, i ran into him and told him i was moving, he cried and said he didnt realize how much i meant to him, that i made him breakdown and he couldnt handle it and the next week was full of "i know ill see you and well be together again" "we can get a cabin and live together later on" "this isnt temporary, blah blah blah" and i received a sober and heartfelt "i love you" everyday that week.

After I moved he pulled away after about 4 days, [but then visited], said how he knew i was the girl for him, and cried when getting on the plane. For the next week he was completely lovestruck with me, calling me his girlfriend and i heard from his friends back home that he had been talking about how much he loved me and how much fun he had. However one week later, the hesitation in calling me his girlfriend came, as well as "you're not moving back just for me right?" (which seems like an attempt to look out for my best interest?) but along with that also the assurance that things will be different and that he wouldnt hurt me again like he had in the past. When i moved back 3 weeks later things were great for the first couple days, and i remember him saying my favorite person is back, and how much fun he has with me and so on. However 1 week later he became irritable towards me and then at a party later that night when he was drunk and i asked him why he was acting mean towards me, he said he wasnt he was just acting like i was nothing, when i further said well you cant treat me like nothing, im your girlfriend, things really exploded. He told me that he was thinking all day how things didnt feel right with us, things have never felt right, he has never been in love with me, that i had to have known and that i should have expected it because he told me the first date we had he would fuck me over. he said that sometimes he did feel strongly towards me and wanted to be with me and when he said those things about loving me he meant them in the moment and other times he just absolutely didnt feel that way, that his feelings were never constant, and said i couldnt blame him because he told me not to come home just for him. He left me in the yard, dry heaving from crying so hard. When i came to talk to him the next day when he was sober, he tried to deny everything at first and say he was just drunk but eventually confirmed what he had said the night before. When i called crying later that night saying because i really needed a better explanation for why he would do that to me he said he didnt have one, he didnt know what to tell me, all the while holding conversations with his friends in the background, he said he was goign to go watch a basketball game, hed call me back, and then hung up on me. When he called me back an hour later, i said no forget it, i'm done and he just said "ok" and hung up. he did not call me until a week later when i received a call from him at 5 am because he just wanted me to know he graduated school - he just thought i'd like to know.

the next night when i saw him at a party he didnt say a word to me. A week later we met up because i needed to talk to him because i was really taking it hard and i didnt understand how things had transpired. he told me that he had never been attracted to me and that the whole time it was just that he thought it was what he wanted but something was missing, that he tried to make it work because he wanted to like me but we just never had the chemistry. i asked how he could treat me that way and he asked me if it was possible for someone to not have a conscious. but also said that he didnt think he was a bad person and he didnt really do anything wrong. He also said hes not sure if he'll ever be able to love someone (and in the past hes often said im never going to get married or if i did marry im going to get a divorce). He did not call me after that, and i could not understand the concept of someone needing to talk to you everyday for 2 months and then cut them out of their life like it meant nothing.

I saw him just yesterday after about a month and after i had been reading a lot about sociopaths and their behaviors. I kind of wanted to test him a bit, so i asked him a few things, like do you tell your mom you love her and he thought about it and said that he no he didnt but he writes it in birthday cards (he is very sweet to his mom though), and it somehow came up about how when his ex K was dating someone he made fun of him and she immediately dumped him the next day. i asked him if he purposefully knew when he was manipulating people or it just happened and he said that he doesnt manipulate people, theyre just happier when they do what he says, and then smiled and said but it is a fun game sometimes. He said that he knows hes hurt people but he also gives them some of the happiest moments of their life so it evens out. i began talking further with him, like why he does the things he does and how he acts, i said that i know him better and the reasons he does things more than anyone else, and he agreed with me, but then said i he knows he did me wrong and i have a biased opinion of him. He became irritable and told me that i make him feel badly about who he is and that he cant rationalize his actions when im around. he said that he could feel him sinking back into the place he was a month ago because i make him feel badly about who he is, that my goodness doesnt match with his badness. Then he said that he didn't like me and that i should leave. He texted me about 10 minutes later that he was sorry he went overboard its just that i make him feel badly about who is he and thats not something anyone enjoys, and then apologized for saying he didnt like me, that it was rude and he didnt mean it. However, he will not return my phone calls, and i am left feeling like i really hurt this person's feelings by making him feel badly about himself.

I'm just hoping you could shed light on this for me. There's things in his personality that dont match the characteristics i read about - he loves his dog more than anything on earth, he's very sweet and kind to his mother, and he could be incredibly loving and amazing towards me, and i have seen him do decent things for people. I've never seen him set out to destroy anyone i dont think, but rather he just has a complete disregard for others peoples feelings in order to obtain what he wants. Plus he did apologize for saying he didnt like me in his text and since he doesnt want to talk to me now it doesnt seem like that was said just to get something from me or manipulate me. I just wonder if i was really just simply an idiot because i wanted to believe he loved me so badly - for instance he would tell me i deserved better, or that i should move on - those are selfless actions to save me from trusting in him right, but i ignored them? It makes me sick to think that this entire relationship was just his inability to be attracted to me or have that chemistry with me, like it's because of me - with some other girl he'll have the right chemistry and things will be great with them, and that the whole past year was him forcing himself to try to be attracted to me. I mean that would explain his problems with intimacy.

For some reason it was almost a relief to chalk this all up to him being a sociopath, like it was easier to deal with him not loving me if it was because he just couldnt love anybody. But now i just dont know. And on top of that i now feel like i hurt his feelings and i didnt need to make him feel like a bad person and i feel incredibly annoying because he wont call me back and doesnt seem to care to have me in his life at all, when by all accounts i shouldn't care to ever see him again. I cant tell you how much i would appreciate your honest opinion and insight on the matter. i cant believe it was so long, i had just never written this down before and once i started i just couldnt stop writing. I really hope to hear from you soon. Thank you so much for your time.


  1. M.E. I know you never respond to questions so this is rhetorical question. How do you stand reading that drivel? It's just pure protracted shit. You don't need to help these people. It's not the fact that they are too stupid or are probably not deserving of any better. It's because if they some how stumble into intelligence there will always be another to replace them. The stupid are like a swarm of ants, you can never step on enough of them.

  2. "t and since he doesnt want to talk to me now it doesnt seem like that was said just to get something from me or manipulate me"

    Why the fuck are you still obsessing about him then? Fucking chicks!
    I'm glad I'm thoroughly drunk right now, because if I wasn't my head would explode. Where is the fat girl that was posting the other day? I need a punching bag.

  3. Am i the only person who found the guy in the story funny!!! ha ha ha im such an ass!!

  4. Yes Tinkerbelle, you did spell blaspheming correctly. My iPhone is hard to type on.

  5. Thunderball said, “The stupid are like a swarm of ants, you can never step on enough of them.”

    Well said. Almost every day I find myself wondering how it’s possible for the world to be full of so many morons.

    And it seems like these romantic inquiries M.E. responds to are all variations of the following: “He/she lied to me, never returned my calls unless he/she wanted something, cheated on me, stole from me, manipulated me, gave me and my momma gonorrhea, burned down my house, pistol whipped me and then used that same pistol to shoot me, poured gasoline all over me and set me ablaze then pulled out a bag of marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate and made s’mores… BUT I STILL LOVE HIM/HER! And I realized as I was frantically rolling across the ground trying to put out the flames, that deep, deep, way down deep in his heart, he/she must still love me! Can you give me some insight M.E.?”

    I mean really, what else needs to be said but duh?!?

  6. see Daniel that is my point exactly!!! i had to read your comment a few times i found it that funny!!!
    How stupid can people be, i have the same problem giving a girl i know advice on and her disaterous relationship. JUST LEAVE HIM FOR FUCKS SAKE END OF PROBLEEEEEEEM!!! it really is that simple!!!!!
    more to the point how can anyone expect comments full of empathy on a blog about sociopathy LMAO!!! And i thought i was dumb...guess im not alone on that one!!!!.....

    I say M.E needs to stop posting this shit!! I much prefered the blog when it was all about himself actually, it was far more juicy and interesting!!! Come on M.E....less about them....more about you!....i haven't read your entire blog because i can't concentrate that update us on your life....thats what i really want to know!! And before anyone dare post it...yes im annoying....and no i don't care. I could say sorry about that, but in all honesty im not. Im afraid thats life!!

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  8. Tink and Daniel are right. This shit is straight out of the love fraud forum or any other borderline women forum. I doubt the majority of these guys are sociopaths. These chicks are scrambling for any explanation other then their own issues and stupidity. When I first started researching my sociopathic "issues" the majority of crap I found was this type of stuff. When I read sociopathworld I was relieved to find something different. I would recommend not turning into more of the same. Just a thought.

  9. Without the empaths, I'm afraid you socipaths wouldn't have a fan club.

    I could be wrong about that though. You all seem to be doing a splendid job entertaining each other, judging by the responses to these blog entries.

    I admit that I have been collaterally entertained as well.

    Just poking fun...


  10. Sounds to me like this guy's just a huge asshole.

  11. I actually would class myself as an empath...but i just can't empathise with this shit LMAO!!! animal cruelty. Yes. Child cruelty yes. Rape victims yes. innocent an i really mean "innocent" murder victims yes (lets be honest here, some people are just asking for it lol)...and thats about my view this woman already knows the answer....which is to GET RID OF HIM....jeez i wouldn't even give him a backward glance...i wouldn't piss on him if was on fire...i wouldn't give him a bed to sleep in if was homeless...i wouldn't...i think you get the picture.....

    he's lucky he's not my boyfriend! ha, id have castrated him by now and made him eat his severed balls!! (just kidding)

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  13. Why are you socio's so ruthless? Its not a crime to seek understanding and why not ask the people who claim to be sociopathic? Being involved w a socio is very confusing and you guys and gals should try to explain yourselves rather than bashing people who seek to understand your devilish ways.

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  15. lmao peter pan....i agree!!! As for twinkie...its not that its wrong for anyone to seek understanding...infact i don't think its that at all....this womans problem was just plain BORING. It was missing personality!!! She just droned on and on and on...when the answer is M.E had the patience to type all that out...well...i salute him! Peter Pans comment hit the nail right on the head!!

  16. Any empath who believes they can change or handle the sociopath needs the painful lesson they’ll soon be learning. More than once, they deserve it.


    Any sociopath who believes they can get away with abusing the empath needs the painful retribution they’ll eventually receive. More than once, they deserve it.


  17. Can we just keep in mind that this girl is only in her early 20's?

    I think we're all handed at least one disasterously, if not stereotypically trainwreck of a relationship.

    And (admit it) it seems soooo unique at the time.

    Ten or twenty years from now this poor girl will look back and cringe. Like we all do when we look back at our twenties.

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  19. Yeah bizylizy you have a point...bless this girl....however im a female in my early 20's and id still kick that guys arse!! ...Then again im a total nightmare by nature....i guess some females are wall flowers...omg i hate to think how bad il be when im 30..lmao

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  21. As a sociopath I can attest to the fact that I go very much out of my way to destroy people. What gets me off even more is when they try and take revenge, because it's pure and simple entertainment. I love watching the pain and anger in their face. I like thinking about them loosing sleep and grinding their teeth. I especially like it when all their friends become even more afraid of me because how destructive I've been. I become very single minded when someone goes after me. It's consuming. I don't think any empath could fathom the mentality. I've tortured people for years and I've waited years to extract my revenge. I never ever forget. I'll become your friend just to destroy you. I encourage everyone to fuck with a sociopath just so they can experience. Because what is life but an experience! Now before you go, "aww lawdy, that man is evil." Remember there is no such thing, only shades of grey. I give to charity, local and national. I take care of my family and take my dog for long walks in the park. So more then likely if some sociopath has an issue with you it's because you've made yourself a target. I ignore 99% of the jackass out there, its the one percent stupid enough to fuck with me who suffer.

  22. Thunderball, Why do you bother? The things you describe fall so far outside of the standard definitions of a sociopath, I wonder if you even are one. You seem more like Dexter or some other tv show.

    I wonder why that might be?

    Look up some medical sites, or even wikipedia.

    You're ascribing high functioning traits to a low functioning sociopath, not something that happens.

    Fantasies, are a common trait of the low functions.

  23. Thunderball,

    Which is exactly why anybody would be a fool to fuck with you - face to face. Unless it was to off you. If you’re being honest (which I doubt), you’ll be acquiring enemies to where retaliation, from which you cannot prevent or escape from, will be inevitable.

    In my world, Vito Corleone is a survivor, Michael Corleone acquired ASPD due to circumstance, and Carlo Rizzi is a true sociopath. It’s always a matter of time with the latter.

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  25. Nothing I've listed is high functioning traits. I donate to charity for the tax-write off. Make over 6 figures and you'll know why. I like animals and walks in the park... can't really expand on that. I take care of my family because how the fuck else would I look normal? My family members know and there is a long history sociopathic traits on both my mother and fathers side. Male family members on both sides have extensive criminal histories. So you don't know shit... just sayin.

  26. Was i the only one who found that episode of south park fantastic!! gave me a good little giggle, especially the way cartman rants lmao reminds me of myself at times!!! I never usually watch south park but that was funny! ( i know im such an ass)

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  28. "If high functioning sociopaths don't still have the traits of a sociopath, then why would one call them a sociopath at all?'

    I never claimed to be high functioning. High functioning means you don't score high on the PCL-R. Maybe riding the line between APD and psychopathy. I have terrible impulse control. People misinterpret holding a grudge as having a long term plan. Even though I may seek to destroy you over long term. I am using whatever is available in the moment to accomplish that goal. I don't plan anything. If I can deflate your tires one day and get you fired for a fuckup you think no one knows about the next I will. All acted on impulse and opportunistic at best. That's all. Just because I articulate it well doesn't mean it isn't chaos.

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  30. Peter you seem perceptive if not a little needy. What do you think of me based off of my comments? Don't hold back. Just type what you think...

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  32. Thunderball,

    All the terms you've used to describe yourself, sociopath, psychopath, APD, are the same. There is no clear definition between them.

    "High functioning," simply means that you can get on with life with nobody noticing, which you've stated you can.

    "Low functioning," or ordinary sociopaths, are people for whom the general dissociation with reality means they cannot function within society.

    SO, you're essentially stating, that you can function within society, despite your problems, and at the same time you function outside society, fulfilling your whims.

    Nice to meet you batman, is that robin up your ass?

  33. ooooooooo!!! FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT lmao.

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  35. Peter, thats the nicest thing anyone has said to me on a blog about sociopaths. If anyone questions my narcissism and polorising effect... look at how many people started posting when I did. Like most sociopaths I'm engaging. Love or hate me, I'm interesting motherfuckers. Anyone can counter this if they want, but the evidence stands.

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  37. When did I say no one noticed? Sociopaths have no disassociation with reality... that's the whole point. Moral insanity, not insanity. Look, you can argue with your ignorance but you are still are wrong and probably smell bad.

  38. Tink is right, if you want to argue with me anonymous readers, choose a name. You are still anonymous but I can reference you while eviscerating your stupidity.

  39. Sighs, let me guess, you're telling yourself, "I can be both!", thats not the point.

    If you can pass, you can, society won't notice. If you're so self absorbed that you can't, society will notice, and you'll have a legal record, social worker, psychiatrists, etc.

    I'm guessing you for the latter peterpan, and possibly a gimp suit, with a special zip for ass licking.

    Thunderball, car wrecks are interesting, so are clowns and puppies, it's only if you can't make the distinction that you are a sociopath, ego trouble?

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  41. Car wrecks are great, especially if they have clowns and puppies mangled in the wreckage. Really though, I think you need to read the "medical websites" that you are telling me to read. Better yet, why don't you read Without Conscience by Dr. Hare. You do read books? Just a question because you seem to have a comprehension problem. I have no doubt you are trolling because no one is that thick... wait, scratch that. Hey it's cool man, I went to school with some challenged kids. They seemed cool.

  42. Am I talking to the fat chick again? Just a question. I'm getting that funny feeling down there, if you know what I mean. Yea, totally lost my boner thinking of you, fatty.


    ROUND 2...dinga linga liiiing!!!

  44. Peterpan, just commenting on the tone of your posts, if you don't want to appear that way, then perhaps you should choose a different style, SIR.

    Thunderball, Lame, are you familiar with the term discussion? You say you're one thing then another, and you're so modest, I'll need to make you express yourself more for rational debate. Whats it like in your trailer park?

    I'll sign in by a name, since identifying styles seems beyond you.

  45. You can play too tinkerbell, you seem to have a fascination for electricity.

  46. OOOOOOOOOO!!! Now this is really starting to get meaty!!

  47. Yea, your right simplesimon I don't donate to charity, my wife does.

    "You say you're one thing then another"

    Gee, I wonder why I do that? You've invalidated your own assumption. Let me think, what do sociopaths do all the time? Right, I think they tell the truth. I also hear they represent themselves as they truly are never contradicting it. You'll never win because I always lie.

    Keep posting, I like fucking with you.

  48. when was the last time you "had" a woman simon lmao!! And i was off to bed...but looks like this is going to be fun tonight!!

  49. I stil think you are a fat chick simplesimon... that smells. Just sayin.

  50. So Tink you are saying simplesimon is a fat smelly lesbian? Awesome.

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  52. Thunderball, of course you lie, you mainly lie to your self, "I give to charity," then "My wife gives to charity," then "I am a sociopath," then whatever you want.

    If you define winning as lying to yourself, give you a pat on the back.

    Why is winning so important to your self esteem? Why is this a contest? Why pick a contest you're bound to lose?

    And tink, no, not had a woman in such a long time, I have all this pent up sexual energy, care to help?


  53. Peterpan, you're free to represent yourself anyway you choose as well, don't be ashamed.

  54. you guys are so funny...i love the humour on here!!!
    see simon its so much fun sticking one's finger in electric picking your nose!lol

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  56. Lawl, the fat lesbian wants you Tink.

    I love winning. I have won. Why would I lie to myself about giving to charity?

    I love your use of circular logic. I bet you are borderline... right? Never mind, don't answer that. Borderline people are renowned for their use of circular logic.

    I love lying. I do think you are very smart simplesimon and probably very sexually attractive. Touch my penis, please?

  57. You are talking to a guy with really bloody fingers here, and half a toilet roll.

    Can you use a soldering iron for cauterization?

  58. im usually pissed up in a night club on a saturday night...but this has been a great night in...thanks guys im laughing so hard right now!!

    Hey simon...your not serious...right? lmao

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  60. Peterpan, I'll talk to you sensibly any time you wish, don't just chime in with thunderballs posts and we'll get on fine.

    Thunderball, I can't really say anything to you that you haven't already done to yourself. I'm sorry you are who you are.

    My previous post was about nosebleeds, not some sick joke or power play, and referred to tinks previous post, if you're too lazy to read it...

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  62. oh shut the fuck up simon...are you some grumpy middle aged man...lighten up...jesus!!

  63. Ho hum, and here I was thinking there would be someone on this site that the terms minor digit spiral intersect didn't apply. Seven posts I think.

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  65. Wow someone is actually more of an idiot than myself. What a relief. I am pretty sure a lot of the problem lies with the empath in the relationship not thinking enough of herself to be involved in something that is actually healthy. The guy hates you chick, accept it, and get the fuck on with your life. Learn about sociopathy if you think it is interesting, but you best not be fantasizing you are going to change the man. And you don't love him. You just love the challenge, because you are used to having the upper hand in relationships you think he is better because he dicks you around. Well if you let him, then he is better than you. Don't be a dumbass. Let him be what he is away from your life, let other people be his game. Let it be his business, because it will never EVER be fun for you. And he can't even get an erection?Ew. You should have let him bite you.

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  67. Hey Scarlett did you get your toy!! im really liking this fiery side to you!!

  68. Simple's debates win. TB and PP are lame! Go simple, you really appear more in touch w reality than these so-called realists!

  69. Peterpan, What can I say? you are a weather vane. You probably are a low functioning sociopath, or a co-dependent.

    Scarlett, not interacted with you but I like your post, you seem sane.

    Thunderbird, you're a bit nuts.

    Tinkerbell, keep taking the medication.

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  72. Peterpan, I take great offense at the use of the word "irrational." really!

  73. oh the joys of medication!!! sweet!! lmao...

  74. Yep, I used to giggle for hours and hours, my toe nails were so funny, then when that "This little toe.." song went through my head...killer.

  75. Ha! I am an entirely different person when less horny. Almost like a personality disorder. Still waiting on that, but I did view some porn. All better.

  76. Don't be so fucking condescending far from stupid...yeah im self deprecating and sarcastic..its something us English do in my country. But im am kiss my arse!

  77. Hey good for you are such pigs to invest in a toy lol...its nice to have another woman on here are you anyway?

  78. Oh I am good, drinking some wine, thinking about carving the dudes intitials into my ass with a razor blade than falling asleep crying balled up under the covers...
    Um, not really. I'm reading a book on meditation. I needed a break from tranquility so here I am.

  79. Don't be so sensitive, was an actual anecdote from my life, and where in england?

  80. Oxford...I am a female with PMT at the moment...hence the reason im stuck in on a saturday night, so im ready to kill tonight simon! ha...
    I still believe you were being condescending toward me,
    Anyway...Scarlett, whats for you in this life doesn't pass you by...
    whoever that ass was who messed with your head wasn't meant for you...your'l probably meet your dream guy when you least expect it...

  81. Destroy him Tink! And never eat chocolate from the states, apparently it tastes like soap.

  82. Are you from England too scarlett? I do really like the American accent though...its sexy.

  83. Lol, I'm about 200 miles north of you, toe story is true. I just couldn't be bothered going out, too hot and muggy. Now I can't sleep and wish I had.
    Might go and wake up dog and go for walk, I don't think I'm going to drop off.

  84. Oh no, states. One of my clients just moved to my town from London a few months ago. She mentioned the chocolate is much better in England, and that ours is rather disturbing. Random.

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  86. mmm Cadburys or thornton's is my favourite chocolate, i couldn't live without it!

    Lol oh simon your English too!! i apologise for snapping at you..its my hormones! If your good looking i might take you to the pub and buy you a pint ;)

  87. "Thunderbird, you're a bit nuts."

    You know, madness is a lot like gravity… sometimes all you need is a little push.

    "I'm sorry you are who you are."

    I'm not.

    I can't imagine why you bought your high horse or what path you rode in on it. But I can't help but wonder what underlying issues brought you here. Because no one would just search out this place because they were perfectly stable and happy. Comon, give me the dirt. Did some scummy chick hurt your feelings? Did you find your way on here trying desperately to find any answer but your own faults. You exhibit quite a few sociopathic traits yourself. I cant decide if they are socialized. Give me the 411.

  88. There's a descending order of the goodness of chocolate from Belgium outwards.
    Belgium-98% cocoa solids, really good chocolate, definite sex of girlfriend.
    UK-68% cocoa solids, "What you bought it at the garage?" 50% sleep on sofa chance.
    US/East Asia 40% cocoa solids "This tastes like plastic!" spend night fending of sex perverts and brushing cockroaches off feet.

    This is my world travel guide to girlfriends.

    I might also add, giving a girl a tree frog in Hong Kong gives you flying home alone privileges. I never said it was a chocolate!

  89. I love how simplesimon is trying desperately to work himself into the conversation.

  90. I think simplesimon is a much of a needy smartass in real life as he is online. I could be wrong, but that last comment about giving a girl a frog screams needy dork.

  91. I have two written affidavits, one from an ex-girlfriends sister,and one from an ex-girlfriend, strangely I wasn't on good terms with either.

    "He was a right bastard, but god he was gorgeous." and "I have never seen a **** as big as that!"

    This is the only impartial advice I can give you. You can decide which was which.

    Oxford is a long way to go for a beer, coals to newcastle and all, but if you're ever in the area, I'll guide you round the wildlife.

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  93. Right on the ball Peter Pan.

    Inferiority complex and probably a oedipus complex. You like fucking your mother don't you? Mother fucker. Admit it simplesimon. We are all friends here.

  94. Thunderball,
    You can join the conversation if you want to, sorry for being rude to you earlier, Where are you?

  95. Fuck your conversation. Trite conversations about European chocolate make me want to kick puppies.

    I'm from Egypt. Come visit any time.

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  98. Hey Peter where are you from?

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  100. Peterpan, sorry you never left your mothers arms, there's great virtue in staying attached to the tit.

    There's a tradition in england of taking a year off to travel, the world I mean, not to a different state. So It's not so unusual and no ones impressed by it.

    Thunderball, I take it all back, you are small and sad, I'm sorry for you.

    Perhaps you can fester together for a bit?

  101. Thunderthighs,
    So what do you think about Iran? I'd have thought there would be many opportunities for a transvestite in the collapsing Muslim world? You know, dictators to blow, ballots to stuff? Tell me your thoughts.

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  103. Don't kick puppies. Stick to touching baby birds so their mother will abandon them. My country produces inadequate chocolate! crap

  104. Simplesimon, you still haven't answered my questions. Why are you here? Why do you love your mother in such an unnatural way. Why did god create such a smug and douchebaggy creature?

  105. " I'd have thought there would be many opportunities for a transvestite in the collapsing Muslim world?"

    There is, and yes I'd be happy to pimp you out.

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  107. To answer your questions in order,
    Peterpan, read ingredients labels, it might help with your gut.

    Scarlett, I'm slightly undecided, but if puppies snap at you ,you give them a bit of a nudge.

    Thunderball, What can I say? I've no idea why god created you, you're a good reason for the nonexistence of god.

  108. Lol, siimplesimon. Still wont answer. Pretty weak. Why are you here? Just answer the questions. It's so simple. Or are you too weak to expose yourself just a little bit.

  109. Thunderballs,
    as if I'd trust you to get pissed in a brewery, let alone pimp your own transvestite ass, I'll make sure you have a good manager, to keep you safe whilst you're blowing imams.

  110. Lindt is the best chocolate, Belgian. It helps with the PMDD.

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  112. Why are you here simplesimon? Comon tell the sad little story. Tink might blow you if your story is sad enough. Probably not though, she doesn't seem to be attracted to weakness. What about the fat chick that was posting. Tell you what, she will blow you. Now tell.

  113. "See? I knew you were lying when you said you'd speak to me reasonably."

    Peter Pan, thats because simplesimon is a sociopath. Games, games, so many fun games.

  114. Peterpansy,
    I said I'd leave off if you stopped too, you haven't and now your word is worthless.

    Chocolate in Belgium is governed by law and has to contain 98% cocoa solids. This is EU And Belgium law.

    There's a whole world outside your mind you know, you should take a look at it sometime, it's just to the right of the nipple.

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  116. Twatballs,

    Still no position on the conflict huh? Some Egyptian you are, must be all the hiding in the tranny ghetto's.

    Why don't you admit you just make stuff up? thats why you accuse others of doing it, you can't stand the though that someone might actually be quite proud of what they've acheived in real life instead of just imagining it? What about you? Is your trailer park with your fat mom comfortable?

  117. Woot! Go Peter Pan! Lying about facts on the internet that are easy to verify is the stupidest thing you can do. Stupid troll is stupid.

  118. "Is your trailer park with your fat mom comfortable?"

    You know, when you project you are saying more about yourself then the other person. Just saying.

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  121. Peepeepants,

    look up cocoa, and cocoa solids, two different materials I think you'll find, and I was quite careful to specify.

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  123. European rules specify a minimum of 35 per cent cocoa solids.

    You are a liar Simon.

  124. Thunderballs,

    Strange how little you let out about yourself, and how you feed of your little helper, what was the comment, butt licking gimp I believe. Then there was the fat chick stuff, you've used that on other threads, complex of your own? Are you a bit of a porker?

  125. This comment has been removed by the author.

  126. Ha, it all unravels because of the conversation simplesimon so desperately wanted to be part of. No one likes you. I am a narcissistic sociopath and I look better then you right now. So sweet, like chocolate.

  127. Peter Pan said... "This isn't going anywhere. He's just repeating the same drivel, ignoring all the points. Typical troll behavior. He's probably either in a rage or some kind of disillusioned manic state, thinking he's "got us on the run." Count me out til he changes his tune. This is getting boring."

    Same for me I'm out. I'm off to masturbate to Tink's blog... I mean watch some TV. ;)

  128. I think you're referring to "candy", milk chocolate? doesn't the name sort of give it away? Where are you getting your definitions? CALTech?

  129. Still like simple the best! Funny how the socios don't wanna talk once they are challenged. Great entertainment!! Simon, lol! You're great!

  130. are you kidding? they flamed each other for almost a hundred posts. i was glad when peter called it quits. i was surprized thunder even stopped. simple was annoying at best and to get caught out with such a stupid lie was just lame. thunder was way more funny overall. if this goes on every blog entry its going to get lame.

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  132. Oh, it's fun to bait them, freak out over chocolate? Like I know or care. They sort of miss sarcasm and irony too, and there is a sort of elegance to a well crafted insult that doesn't appeal to the socio audience. It does get old quickly though, short term endurance and lack of imagination are hallmarks. I'll drop this user name and use something different or just anon. Still, kept me amused for a bit, while I couldn't sleep, thankyou.

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  134. I didn't waste any time. It was great, would do again!! A++++++++++


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