Friday, July 24, 2009

Criminal sociopathy (part 3)


This is really what I wanted to write to you about. I have many crazy stories, because I've had a crazy life. The turning point in my life came when I actually understood and listened to those words. When I went to prison and had time to understand myself. That's not to say I'm not living a lie right now. Its to say I know I live the lie and I don't give a shit. Right. Like you said before, we all wear masks. Our sociopath brains are just programmed to take the information we receive and process it in certain distorted ways. The key is understanding that this happens and trying to learn our own brain's proclivities and those of people that we are trying to relate with or control.

I've stopped denying that I manipulate people. I know I do and I'm proud I can. Because of that I'm able to focus it on people I need to instead of doing it to everyone. Yes! So much of the maturation of a sociopath is learning how to focus our energies.

In reality people need to be manipulated and they want to be. So true. A good example I use with people is seduction. Everyone wants to be seduced. Also magic and religion. Everyone wants to be tricked, to believe in miracles. Even I do.

The difference between a sociopath and other personality types is just the amazing ability to manipulate on a grand scale and even manipulate ourselves. To believe that we are the best and the most amazing person in the world and put it into practice. his is something that a lot of low functioning sociopaths don't understand: you can manipulate yourself just as easily as you can manipulate those around you. iIn some ways it is harder because you are aware you are doing it and can fight against it, in some ways it is easier because you know yourself better and so can push your own buttons more effectively. Everyone does this on a small scale -- rewarding themselves for "good behavior," buying themselves an ice cream cone for job well done, etc. As a sociopath, though, I would say that this is the primary way in which I control my actions instead of giving in to every impulse.

We lie because people want the lie. They can't handle reality and for that reason they can't handle truth. Don't want it, wouldn't believe it even you told them it. People have their own view of the world, and if what you are telling them doesn't comport, they will just think you are lying or are ignorant.

I don't need to feel guilty or remorseful and I don't try to because everyone else thinks I should. People love me more for it. I get any girl I want. When I tried to go legit I got any job I wanted. I lied on applications, and elaboratly lied on interviews. I lie to my parents so much they think I own my own business when really I sell drugs. I change the stories about how I'm at the club networking for production companies to hook them up with DJs when really I'm there hustling.

Currently I'm using the clubs and my clients to practice manipulation even more. I get people hooked on coke at the club and call them to tempt them later in the week to buy more. I don't do the product myself and when they ask me why I tell them its out of respect for the customer. I tell them coke dealers who do their own stuff rip off the customer, which is true. The lie is the fact I don't do it because I don't need drugs to feel amazing I already feel that way. Excessive amounts of serotonin and propensity to feel euphoria. I always give people the lie that they seem most likely to believe, which is usually the one that is most complimentary to them.

I sell false self esteem to them that lasts a hour or two before their back to their pathetic life of misery. As for respecting the customer I lost respect for them the minute they bought the first 20 bag I used to get them hooked. if they had it at all.

I study personlaties, which is what's getting me into psychology. I understand people even though they'll never understand me (nor do I want them to). Me too, although sometimes I actually want to be understood. Or at least appreciated/admired.

Me and my homies call it putting people together. They do it on a small scale cuz I just started teaching them. I ask people questions about their life. I love the imagery of you teaching your thug friends all about psychology.

People like talking bout themself honestly(this rants one of the few times I actually talked about myself honestly), or sometimes dishonestly but they can't lie to me. It is amazing how willing people are to talk about themselves. They must realize how it puts them at a disadvantage. It can't all be motivated by narcissism. I have found that many empaths would rather be at a disadvantage, or at least would rather you have control over a relationship rather than them. Why that is, I have no idea.

I can see through almost any bullshit. One of a sociopath's most useful/deadly talents.

I let them talk and listen till I figure them out. I've discovered many personality types and how to identify them. How to find insecurities. How to exploit them or even how to fix them. Ha, it is so natural, isn't it? People ask how we do it, but it's hard to explain. I think it is because we just have no preconceived notions about people. Most people think that others are like them. We know that almost no one is like us, so we never make that mistake. People are always shocked at what I immediately recognize about them. Things that they think are absolutely private. With an artist friend, I immediately asked him why his paintings were monochromatic. He was shocked that he had never noticed that about them before (I was shocked too). I notice patterns, I make connections. I know why you didn't go through with your plastic surgery, why you refuse to fault your daddy for anything, when you are giving excuses and when you are telling the truth. And I know it within the first minutes of knowing you.


  1. drug dealer said... "ability to manipulate on a grand scale and even manipulate ourselves."

    You've manipulated yourself into believing you are greater then you actually are. You are a criminal who is going to get caught again and again. You've revealed everything you are because of your overconfidence on here. Let's see you're a coke dealer from California who sells in clubs and name is easily searchable due to your story matching up to court records under penal code 12303.3. Have I missed anything? I hope this blog can be used against you in some way when you find yourself in the judicial system again, which most assuredly you will.

    M.E. don't think posting this kind of shit wont catch up with you. WHOIS privacy doesn't mean shit if a prosecutor wants to know who is communicating with you. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. I would think twice about posting and glorifying criminal activity. You are being watched.

  2. DY n yr thug F? liv on d 'down low'? i heA lots of blk gang membRs secretly lov a sum skeet n d mouf. DY roll W d bloods or crypts? blk gangs r so dum. shootin ppl 4 warin diFrent colors. (8-}) C (8-}) do huh? evry1 nos their leadAs wrk 4 latino gangs coz n01 wnts 2 sell 2 blacks. dey nvr cUd gt drgs Ny oder wA.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. what are you some sort of snitch. ME has the right to protect his source as a journalist. He doesnt have to legally divulge it. Why are you so offended if your a sociopath.

  5. Fuck you sur rats. You are the dumb ones not blaccs. Thats why you dont have policy on not doing drugs, cuzz your a bunch of tweekers and junkies. At least blacc people independent instead of gettin orders from the bay like you crash dumbie surenos. That's why the whole PC yards (protective custody but u know that don't you) are filled with surenos rats and dropouts. Fuck sur rats.

  6. I wish there were some place on the internet where idiots didn't slowly leak in and ruin everything. If you can't spell and can't read, then stay at home and lie in your own vomit, funded by my taxes. That's why I pay them. It's the lesser of two evils to have people like you drooling on a table rather than posting misinformed comments.

  7. " He doesnt have to legally divulge it. Why are you so offended if your a sociopath."

    I am not a sociopath and you are wrong in both your assumptions.

    A judge ruled that bloggers are not journalists. M.E. enjoys no freedom from protection. The more you know.

  8. That should have been 'freedom from prosecution.' My mind was somwhere else.

  9. I couldn’t relate to parts I & II, but I understand the mindset on display here in part III perfectly. I agree with all of the points made. Fascinating.

    M.E. wrote, “it is amazing how willing people are to talk about themself. they must realize how it puts them at a disadvantage, it can't all be motivated by narcissism. i have found that many empaths would rather be at a disadvantage, or at least would rather you have control over a relationship rather than them. why that is, i have no idea.”

    Perhaps it has something to do with the normiopaths unwillingness (or even inability…?) to ruthlessly examine themselves, face the existential truth about their circumstances and “take responsibility” as it were, for themselves. If they understood themselves and faced the facts, regardless of where those facts lead, they’d be much harder to manipulate. It's their need to believe that turns into the "tools" they become. Well, I believe that's at least part of the picture.

    Anyway, excellent post M.E.

  10. Google search for this guy brings up nothing. I still think it is BS.

  11. ==B suckin niga 2 btch 2 let evry1 knw hu he S. evry1 knw nigas lk u sell coke 4 wyt boy ==B. fu ll.

  12. fu getto (8-}). u act tuf bt ura btch. 18th st 4 lyf.

  13. this place seems to be a meeting ground for retarded criminals. have any of you dumbasses thought that maybe this place is a front to catch up with guys like you? who the fuck is the guy who runs this website? his whois doesn't even come up. its all secretive and shit. they catch tons of criminals through the net. i think you guys are dumb as fuck.

  14. Thursday, July 9, 2009
    while i am gone, here is a question you might enjoy answering: do sociopaths who know they are sociopaths have a duty to warn those around them? does it matter if it is a friend? someone you are dating? work colleagues?
    Posted by at at 4:37 PM

    I wonder if M.E. was talking about this guy when he went on vacation?

  15. These comments on here are hilarious. We got thunderball who uses the comment forum as a dating forum with peter pan, and can't see past that someone might actually be a sociopath. Especially since thunderball wanted to be one so bad (who wants to be a sociopath really?).We got this offended do gooder who stumbled upon a site for sociopaths and wants a grand jury called in on some anonymous criminal who ME couldve made up. We got some gang members who cant spell. You got daniel who's gleaning tips on manipulation. Some snob who lost control of themself over the gang members and wants them to believe this sites a trap out of sheer desperation to silence their ignorance. Can it get any better? Faketeenth.

  16. We got thunderball who uses the comment forum as a dating forum

    I can't recall meeting up with anyone here for a date.

    and can't see past that someone might actually be a sociopath.

    Never said I can't see past this person being a sociopath. I just didn't believe the crime spree.

    Especially since thunderball wanted to be one so bad (who wants to be a sociopath really?).

    Wow. you totally missed the point. I never wanted to be one. I am happy at the explanation of why I am the way I am. I enjoy who I am in lots of ways, but, sometimes I hate not really having any enjoyable experiences with people other then gaming them.

    Your interpretation of my interaction with this site is pretty far off.

  17. You can game me Thunderball, see if you could win??? ;) lol

  18. He didn't win with the criminal

  19. He didn't win with the criminal

    Ehh, I found out he was black and from Cali. You win some, you lose some.

  20. You guys are sorry excuses for sociopath wannabes. You have faith in the justice system? Really? Give me a fuckin break. I can relate to almost anythinhg this guy says. I don't go to the criminal extent, but he's exploiting people's willingness to be manipulated to make money. So what if he's a criminal anyways. Criminal is a moral issue according to society and the justice system. You all call yourselves sociopaths and have faith in the system, but the system oppresses the sociopath. What ridiculous percentage of prison inmates are sociopaths? and what's their crime? Being the deviant of society. Being too powerful for all the weak minded empaths to keep control over so they lock them up. Come on. You people think that's what Should happen to sociopaths? Lock them up for being the only ones who don't feel sorry for weak ass people asking to be taken advantage of? Who cares that they take advantage of people. When people beg for it, what are you supposed to do. Thunderball would be one of those taken advantage of. That's why he's mad. He's weak too.

    ME was talking about this guy when he started this blog. I'm happy to finally see a real sociopath on a sociopath site. Not some annoying bitching "Functioning sociopath" but an actual sociopath by definition. It's refreshing to see, really.

  21. Thunderball would be one of those taken advantage of. That's why he's mad. He's weak too.

    Bawhahaha. Ohh god, too funny. You try too hard jascumflake. Just because I'm not a dumbass gang banger doesn't mean I'm weak. True, I'm not a primary psychopath. I don't have a propensity for criminal activity and work within the system. Doesn't mean I am weak, just means I like to be comfortable. You talk about being hard core, but on the other hand you talk about finding your one true sociopathic soul-mate, bla, bla, bla. You attach value to someone, even though you try and present yourself as such a hard core psychopath. Doesn't make much sense. You sound borderline attributing such value to someone else.

    Asides from that, you are saying ME is just as weak because he was put off as well. You perceive control over ones self as weakness. You worship the extreme in a primary psychopaths nature which makes me believe you are not what you claim to be. A true primary wouldn't give a flying fuck about anyone or how weak we supposedly are.

    As far as the justice system goes, its pretty multifaceted. You can't paint the whole system with the same brush. Plus, I'm talking about using it to get rid of the people who put the sociopaths with restraint in danger. Using something doesn't entail necessarily having faith in it.

    Criminal is a moral issue according to society and the justice system. You all call yourselves sociopaths and have faith in the system, but the system oppresses the sociopath.

    Maybe. I don't look at it that way. It serves a purpose as a tool, if your are smart enough to use it. The justice system doesn't oppress smart sociopaths. The justice system is like any societal structure you can easily navigate, if you have some restraint.

    Lock them up for being the only ones who don't feel sorry for weak ass people asking to be taken advantage of?

    Those weak ass people made up that system so people like that could be locked up. They did defend themselves, so, adapt. You have a very immature and simplistic view of the world. Your anger shows through. You are not cold and not very calculated. Your grudge against people is obvious. Your accusations could be put to better use if directed at yourself.

  22. I'd really be interested to know what any of you have learned about yourselves here. Most of you say you're here for self exploration, but I don't see much of that going on. Maybe it's going on behind the scenes, but I fail to see how any of these conversations truly benefits the regular posters.

    Daniel Birdick, you frequently mention using this site to explore yourself. What meaningful things have you learned here?

    Thunderball, same question.

    It seems like this place might be more of an interest or and addiction for most of you, not a tool.

  23. Daniel Birdick, you frequently mention using this site to explore yourself. What meaningful things have you learned here…

    Self acceptance. Reading M.E.’s posts and some of the comments, along with writing my own comments, has been therapeutic in the sense that it helped me identify the final piece of the puzzle that is my innate personality.

  24. It seems like this place might be more of an interest or and addiction for most of you, not a tool.

    Totally an addiction and a little self acceptance.

  25. Ok, but what is there to accept? I thought one of the features of a sociopath is that they don't see anything wrong with the way they are? Maybe I just don't understand what you're saying, but doesn't seeking an outside source of approval or kinship in order to accept yourself go against one of the core traits of a sociopath? What part of yourself weren't you accepting? If the inner conflict wasn't actually a moral conflict, what was it?

  26. Ok, but what is there to accept?

    The traits and characteristics that are actually there rather than the traits and characteristics you are told should be there instead.

    Maybe I just don't understand what you're saying, but doesn't seeking an outside source of approval or kinship in order to accept yourself go against one of the core traits of a sociopath?

    Notice that I said self acceptance. I was the one not embracing myself and therefore I was the one who needed to change that. There isn’t a soul here who’s approval I require. There isn’t a soul anywhere who’s approval I require for that matter. But social interactions of all kinds can serve as mirrors and that can be useful, if you know how to look.

    What part of yourself weren't you accepting?

    The emptiness. One other commentator noted that, which I found interesting. I tried for a long time to make the various masks I wore real with the view to filling the void where beliefs about morality and the universe and love and people are for others. It never worked.

    If the inner conflict wasn't actually a moral conflict, what was it?

    It was the attempt to make the mask real (thru sincerely believing in them) that constituted the struggle for me. It had nothing to do with morality. The world told me the emptiness was something to be feared and that I had to do all I could to overcome it. I believed them until recent months. Like so many of their other so called truths, what they said about the existential void was a lie, one that I eventually saw thru.

  27. doesn't seeking an outside source of approval or kinship in order to accept yourself go against one of the core traits of a sociopath?

    Sociopaths seek respect and love. Just because we don't have any for others doesn't mean we want it. I think ME needs to educate everyone on what being a sociopath really is. Everyone here seems to have this misconception if you are a sociopath you are a robot with no feelings or needs. If that was the case the sociopath would have no need to interact with anyone.

  28. Just because we don't have any for others doesn't mean we don't want it.


  29. I think I understand, but there's one more thing that's confusing me. On the one hand, Daniel says that there's not a person anywhere whose opinion of him matters, and I'm sure I've seen Thunderball post similar things. On the other hand, Thunderball is saying that sociopaths desire love and respect. To me, the responses you gave seem to conflict. How can something you want not matter?

    To me, it's like saying, "Snow cones don't matter at all to me, but I'm going to seek them out because I like them a lot."

    Am I missing some subtle shade of meaning, here?

  30. Its hard to control someone when they don't love or respect you. If everyone hates you, pretty hard to get what you want accomplished.

  31. I think I understand, but there's one more thing that's confusing me. On the one hand, Daniel says that there's not a person anywhere whose opinion of him matters, and I'm sure I've seen Thunderball post similar things. On the other hand, Thunderball is saying that sociopaths desire love and respect. To me, the responses you gave seem to conflict. How can something you want not matter?

    I have friends and family that I genuinely care about. But when it comes to self interpretation, my own opinion reigns supreme. It has to. Whether that mindset is a sociopathic trait or not isn’t relevant. To me that’s just plain sanity.

  32. I don't seek acceptance. I'm more than accepted everywhere I go. In fact people love me wherever I go. I'm the alpha of every group I'm in, so I mainly define who's accepted. From sociopaths I've run into in my daily life, this is the norm.
    I do find people's lack of self acceptance strange on this site, as I've had more issues accepting other people, because I find their general sympathy for others to be a sign of weakness and a waste of time. I feel like I'm the most amazing person in the world and the best at what I do.
    I actually came to this site expecting the same feelings from other people: Ambition, extreme positivity (What others coin as narccissm), and maybe people sharing tips on persuasion of others (What others would negatively define as manipulation).
    To be honest I've found a lot of the opposite. People defending their attitudes towards their life which is negative in nature.
    I love my life. More than love it. Everyday is so amazing. Everyone tells me how amazing I am and how much they wish they were more like me. Who am I to disagree. Usually this statement pisses off non sociopaths. On this sociopath site it's amazing to see how many people don't like people feeling this way. I would like to see more people who love themselves instead of posting self hate and crying about self acceptance.

  33. I love my life. More than love it. Everyday is so amazing. Everyone tells me how amazing I am and how much they wish they were more like me.

    Speaking of being bipolar, you seem to be on quite the upswing.

    I would like to see more people who love themselves instead of posting self hate and crying about self acceptance.

    Why would you care... ohh right, never mind.

  34. Bipolar would've required me to be negative at some time. I'm always on the upswing. Now you've learned something about me.

  35. Bipolar would've required me to be negative at some time. I'm always on the upswing.

    So you are just retarded. Thats cool.

  36. Truly a room full of psychologists here, eh?

    For all we know, this character (and even ME for that matter) may be fictional.

    Maturation does occur over time yet we still maintain a penchant for "stirring the pot"


  37. What do you call those of us who dehumanize the ones we can't respect, but feel intense guilt after we scam them and try not to do it again-till the next time?

  38. "These comments on here are hilarious....Can it get any better? Faketeenth."

    I am laughing a lot at what you wrote, you are so spot on. Oh no, not the Grand Jury! Get a grip,Upstanding Citizen, this is the internet where people are still allowed to talk to each other I hope. Another instance of the over protection of America. No wonder people are such victims, they don't want to hear how criminals think,which is the only way they will ever learn how to protect themselves against them. Ironic? Yes.
    Anyway, great post, you crack me up.


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