An "uber empath" friend writes:
I have been reading your sociopath blog and read the recent entry on power. I have a couple of thoughts.
When I was reading it, it made me think of a scene in Lords of the Rings. It's where Frodo and Sam end up "visiting" the wood elves. There is a scene with Galadriel, the queen of the wood elves. She is tested when Frodo offers to place the One Ring (the Ring of Power) in her keeping. In response to his offer, she presents an image of herself corrupted by the ring declaring; "And now it comes to it at last. You will give me the One Ring freely! In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night. Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain...all shall love me and despair!" But then, after appearing to Frodo both beautiful and terrible to behold, she fades and once again becomes Galadriel. Recalling the ambitions that had once brought her to Middle-earth, she declares, "I pass the test," and refuses the Ring, accepting her fate of diminishing (as the time of the dominion of men had come) and returning at last to Valinor (the Elf version of Valhalla).
You called me a super-empath once, but if I had power, this is kind of how I would envision myself. A seemingly benevolent but somewhat dark queen, who would demand that everyone love and be kind to one another (or else, of course, off with their heads!!).
With regard to your comments about power and communism/facism, I say this. The history of the world is essentially that of "the People," "the Fuhrer" and "the Poet." The People are the sheep. In order to function, they need to have the Fuhrer in place to direct them and tell them how to live their lives. Dictators and sociopaths achieve power because the People give it to them. They NEED the Fuhrer, for they secretly suspect they are incapable of living without him/her. Occasionally in history, a Poet figure comes along (Socrates, Jesus of Nazareth, etc. etc.). The Poet presents the People with the possibility of human freedom. He or she is initially greeted with enthusiasm and some of the People may even begin to embrace their freedom. But eventually, always, the People panic and reject the possibility of freedom. Then they turn on the Poet and destroy him/her, or turn the Poet over to the Fuhrer to imprison/destroy.
What do you think?
This "super-empath" seems like the poet to me, but with a twist. Instead of the poet being an actual sheep, they are the wolf dressed at the shepard, preaching one thing but doing the other.
ReplyDeleteI'm new here, name's mike hawk.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYeah, that was what he was going for, the poor kid.
ReplyDeleteYou might enjoy the writings of Machiavelli, Sun Tzu, and others who have considered how to gain and hold on to power. Perhaps the writings of Edward Acton ("Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.")
"Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat."
ReplyDelete--John Lehman, former Secretary of the Navy.
mitt romney wants a taste
DeleteI stopped reading at 'Lord Of The Rings"......Although written by a reader and not yourself it is unusually b-b-b-b-boring for you M.E...
ReplyDeleteI hope M.E. is at least fucking the 'super-empath' . . . though she can't be too attractive give her enthusiasm for LOTR.
ReplyDeleteOh please Edward Acton is specialized in Russian history. Need I say more? No great leaders there. I wish there would be more intelligent people on here. People who actually read more than just ol' Machiavelli. But maybe I missed out, Ive been away for a bit. I see one smartypants i luckily still here, DB.
ReplyDeleteDisney --
ReplyDeleteM.E.'s uber-empath friend might like to read what others have written about power, and doesn't seem to have read it yet.
What great books do you recommend for those beginning to think about how people and groups acquire, use, and give away power?
I don’t know about ME, but I’d suggest starting with the old standby’s like Machiavelli and Sun Tzu. Although “The Prince” is my favorite, Machiavelli’s “Discourses” are also enlightening and surprisingly less cynical. Ronald Heifetz’s “Leadership Without Easy Answers” is a good one. Also Robert Greene’s books of course. Another one that might not be immediately obvious is Richard Neustadt’s “Presidential Power”. It’s all about presidential politics, but he takes a decidedly operational approach to analyzing how the man in the White House can get things done, sans political creeds or humanistic idealism. For that reason alone, Neustadt’s ideas could possibly be useful in other contexts outside of Washington politics. I’d also add Paul Ekman’s “Emotions Revealed”.
ReplyDeleteWhile wanting to answer the question Anonymous asked I discovered Im too selfish. I like to keep the true gems to myself Im afraid. I suggest looking into more than just ' informative' reading like philosophers and historians and such. Yeah dont bother responding.
ReplyDeleteDisney said, "Yeah dont bother responding."
Ok, I don't know if it was because I'm drunk or there's something wrong with this site but I just lost a long rant about M.E's interesting post - I'm not risking losing another one.
ReplyDeleteIt's the spam filter. Once ME checks the messages marked spam, your message should populate.
DeleteCheers TNP. Also I happened to read your post in the forum about the book, "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski. I'll be sure to check it out. Sounds interesting.
DeleteIt's not easy reading (on purpose) but it is entertaining and bizarre.
DeleteEnclosed is a link to yesterday's Guardian (UK newspaper) about the 10 most difficult reads.
DeleteDepressingly I've read 2. Will Self - Umbrella (most recently) and Thomas Pynchon's 'Gravity's Rainbow' (several failed attempts - but finally within a wet winter weekend with appropriate drugs and a 'Gravity's Rainbow Companion Read' book to help explain it to me.
I think the drugs helped me better to understand it at the time. But I've since forgotten it all ; )
You are such an intellectual, Mindless Pleasure
Delete*bats eyes*
'Intellectual' is such a loaded word. If I was call myself anything it would be 'just another fucked-up individual of many that the system failed to fit into its conformist society by doing too many experiential drugs and absorbing subversive literature, art, music, film etc at an influential and impressionable age and is now probably beyond help to properly adjust to societies norms' ; )
DeleteOtherwise known as just a cunt
DeleteWhy can't you just accept a compliment, MP?
DeleteI would if it were true my dear : )
DeleteI've met and have known many intellectuals. I'm not one of them. I can hold my own in conversation - but that's about it.
In act, you reminded me of when I bumped into Will Self (the author I mentioned above) at my local book-store. I think I rambled on about some random shit and then got him to sign a book he had written the latest forward to ('The Master and Margarita') like some star-struck groupie. He didn't say much at all, nor looked particularly impressed. Though he was the typically polite Englishman and thanked me : )
As I should do now and thank you for the compliment : )
DeleteAww I don't think charm every goes out of style :)
DeleteI'm a charming cunt - that I'll concede ; )
Delete*Roll eyes*
DeleteMindless Pleasure,
DeleteIf you do not mind me asking, what is it you have done/thought which is "beyond help to properly adjust to societies norms' ; )"
failed too many times ; )
Deletewill that all you say?
DeleteMP - your interpretation of being an intellectual is spot on to me. Bravo!
Delete"uber empath" is that in the dsm
ReplyDeletesounds made up
No it is not in the DSM, but it is what I "identify" with more than any other Personality type. It basically just means you are super empathic towards other people and in life in general.
Deletei know i have a lot of (cold) empathy
Deletebut no hot empathy
does that count?
What exactly do you mean by "cold empathy", it is basically having empathy but using it for the wrong reasons like to hurt/exploit others? If not, please explain.
DeleteThis post should play with people for awhile.
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Sociopathworld!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow is everybody doing today?
Hey guys and girls, check this out on youtube, it is a guy who scored a 40 out of 40 on the Psychopathy Checklist. This is just a compilation of his parts cut out of the documentary but I will post a link to the documentary also. He is fucking fascinating...... How could he do that to his brother and sit there and calmly describe it like he did! It is CHILLING! Here it is, just copy and paste............
Here is the full version, it is by "Equinox" and is called "Psychopath"
There is also another guy they interview that is a 36 on the PCL-R, but you can tell straight away he has shallow affect and seems like he may have something else wrong with him, plus thick ass glasses, he is scary too, but not as scary as Wayne........
DeleteHeh, while watching the short version I remembered that folks often say that I could be a perfect president because of the way I talk. It actually annoys me a bit because I was never interested in politics...
DeleteOh and Waynes eyes are relatively similar to mine, however I don't need glasses and my eye color shifts from light blue-green to dark green, maybe because of lights or sth :/
And there was nothing chilling in the video Rich, maybe you are highly effected by the background music? I now for sure that music influences me (yet another reason why I don't like what themes is giving to me...) :)
what makes them chilling is not what's there but what's not there. neither seems engaged emotionally one bit.
Deletethere is nothing flickering in the eyes, nothing flinching in the face, nothing wavering in the tone. you don't get any sense of who they are or what they're about. the second guy did some weird thing with his hands that came off both as anxiety and contentment at once, and was creepy in the stark contrast with the rest of him. autistic maybe?
it's like they had been given new bodies that very morning and hadn't yet figured out all the buttons. i can't imagine how they would fool anyone.
i have interacted with many IT types over the years and the behaviour of the guys in the video is no different from them. they all seemed nice enough but did not engage emotionally, ever. these were not expressive people. the most i ever managed to evoke was a flicker of amusement, a kind of stilted heh heh heh response. but is that really personality disorder or just personality type?
i mean was it me, or them?
i dated a guy like that (IT type) and it didn't work. i guess it's a bit like being an artist and dating someone who is blind and mocks your passion for your art because it isn't real to him and thus seems stupid or trivial. or entertaining. there is this huge part of life that you just can't share.
Deletethe first guy walked stiffly like he wasn't completely in his body, like he was using his will to drag it along, like luggage. narcissist walk. the lack of emotion could be from shock stemming from some event. i wonder if they ruled out head injuries, childhood illness like meningitis and so on?
Deleteincluding past criminal behaviour in the psychopathy tests seems so stupid to me that it's almost not worth commenting, but here goes anyway.. if i were a psychopath i would potentially score low until i committed a criminal act. then my lack of affect, impulsivity or what have you would be married to my behaviour and suddenly i'm a psychopath. russell williams, for example. it's absolutely useless for catching future offenders.
so why not a psychopathy checklist for empaths? the checklist might include...inability to control rages, emotional ups and downs, fits of crying, previous criminal offences, childhood rages. etc.
i wonder if we would see thinks differently if we didn't deify emotion the way we do?
i could be way off here, and haven't really thought this through so feel free to disagree, like i know you guys will. :)
I am highly empathetic but scored high on psychopathic traits in a test- i take that as a compliment
DeleteLOL Mee, you dont think the way he described killing his brother and stabbing his "first man" with an ABSOLUTE lack of emotion in every manner, from his eyes, to his looks, to his tone of voice..... It is just creepy!
DeleteZoe- YES, EXACTLY!!!! When you said "what makes them chilling is not what's there but what's not there" NAILS IN ON THE FREAKIN HEAD!!!! There is something missing (conscience I guess) and it makes them COMPLETLY detached from all emotion.
DeleteI thought the same thing about that guy "Carl" who scored a 36, you can tell straight away that he has a very shallow affect, but it seems like more, like something else is wrong with him, like Autism or Aspergers or something of that nature..... But I guess you can be an Autistic Psychopath, right?
I think the reason they include past behavior on those psychopathy tests is because to doctors, they think that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. Alot of times a persons PCL-R score will be revealed for their parole from prison and be a factor in whether they are let out on parole or not, so being labeled a psychopath can stick with you for a LONG TIME.
I dont think they rule out stuff like head injuries but I could be wrong.....
That would be interesting to have an empath checklist, I would score very high, but I do have past criminal behavior and have been arrested 5 times in my life, but only been arrested twice since I turned 18, and iam 24 now.
Zoe, you write a lot and encourage arguing, is there anything I can do to improve our relationship status to "friends"?
DeleteFirst guy didn't looked very charming to me too, but they said that he scored 40 on the checklist, so maybe he was bored or medicated? Also he might have lost his charm in the hospital or he turns it on and off.
I am no expert in walking so I can't say anything about it except that it might indicate autism, spd over npd, actually it can fit anywhere, imo. Maybe he didn't wanted to do what they told?
Everything else is fine ^^
As for introversion, well I was in psych class and we were talking about mbti, as it turned out I was both IT and ET because I have traits of both and am changeable/adaptive maybe they are like that too. I haven't watched the full vid and still don't know the second guy and I have never talked in first guys tone, but IT/ET is a possibility since they wouldn't define child molester as charming without any reason :/
Rich, it was his decision to kill his bro and injure foe. Why do you care, they are nothing and he is nothing to you. He illustrated pclr (not successfully, but still) and has no other use for us (although I'm sceptic about it and think that he could've been an actor). Also he could pretend to care if he could benefit from it, but in his situation there's not much he can do.
DeleteZoe, one doc explained that psychopaths in Scotland are less charming than the ones in America. That second psycho was making hand movements similar to Hares, why is that weird?
DeleteMee- Iam not saying I care, I dont care, I just think it was an interesting clip and documentary to bring to SW.
DeleteIt just is strange that his first contemplation of criminal behavior was hatching a plan to kill his brother... Maybe there is more to the story, maybe the brother did something to him or fucked his girlfriend or wife, I really dont know, but in the context that he tells the story it seems like his brother did nothing to warrant him wanting to murder him and that he just did it to "see what it felt like" which is very disturbing.
I just thought is was a good clip and good documentary to start some conversation on SW, and it has....... You should check out the documentary, even if you dont watch it today..... It's interesting.
Also, as the documentary points out, in the USA psychopathy is prevalent in 1 out of 100 people, and in the UK psychopahy is prevalent in about 1 of every 200 people. Why do you think that is? Do you think we are just raised in a psychopathic society nowadays?
Also pclr is good to determine if one is antisocial, while psychopaths are slightly different, imo
DeleteRich, I watched it and it was quite good :)
DeleteYeah, we can only guess his motives, so might just leave it as it is.
:) Iam glad you liked it Mee!
DeleteI guess you are right, and maybe there was no motive at all, maybe he just wanted to see "how it felt".
Psychopaths are most definatly different than people with APD, I think with psychopaths it mostly lies in what their inner feelings are that they cannot change and their lifestyle because of it..... With APD I think it is mostly based on behavior and not based on any emotional or brain "deficits".
Zoe, you write a lot and encourage arguing, is there anything I can do to improve our relationship status to "friends"?
Deletein your opinion what is our current relationship status, mee? isn't it friendly enough? :)
i am swamped and look forward to catching up tomorrow on the interesting posts above.. for now what are Hares hand movements? hand movements Hares himself makes? they seemed too symmetrical or the rhythm was too regular or something. just creepy. i'll have to take another look.
Theme for Rich The Uber Empath
ReplyDeleteNew Theme Series
ReplyDeleteTheme for the Forum
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Deletethis comment section became the weak people's refugee, let me hold your hands for ya, yeah?
ReplyDeleteTheme Series
ReplyDeleteTheme for Anon 11:31
DeleteLMAO @ Theme for Anon 11:31!!! You are HILARIOUS Themes!!!!!
DeleteLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!! Check out this link..... It has a psychopathy scoring thing and one of the things that counts as a score says
ReplyDelete"Posts "first!" comments on Internet sites" LMAO!!!! That made me think of SW IMMEDIATLY, everyday somebody posts FIRST! LMAO
This link is called "The unburdened mind" about psychopaths
LOL I dont know why this didnt post before but I love it themes!!!!
ReplyDelete"It's only a day AWAYYYYYYYYYYY" LMAO!
OOPS It did post but at the wrong spot, so I deleted it ;)
ReplyDeleteGood Evening SW. How is everyone here tonight?
ReplyDeleteHi Haven :)
DeleteI'm fine. How are you? Did you get hit by Sandy where you are?
Night of relapsing so it's touch and go.
DeleteBut yeah, we got hit pretty good. Lost power and heat for a fair few days. Almost completely out of gas with no prospects of refueling. Parts of the city have been a war zone, as have been pretty much all gas stations. Hah.
:) Hey Haven, havent seen you for a few days..... How have you been? How are you? Well, I hope :)
DeleteOur power and internet has been out due to hurricane, so i've been a little unavailable. I've been better, but prospects are hopeful. How've you been Rich?
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteOh man Iam sorry to hear that Haven, I live in South Florida so we deal with that situation ALOT. I remember during hurricane "Wilma" Everybody in my old complex lost power for 12 days and everybody was lined up in person at the gas pumps with their cantainers of gas to power their generators, I waited on that line for over an hour before we could even get gas..... It really makes you see what we take for granted.......
DeleteI remember having to light a candle and take cold showers the entire time, our generator was used for us and our neighbors to power the refigerator and coffee maker and we basically just played board games, drank until we were very drunk, and smoked weed and went to sleep...... Unfortunaly since we live in South Fl it was really hot, so I would sometimes go out into our car, start it up and run the A/c and listen to the rasio and one night I was out there at 3am and sitting in the car with the AC on and BAM, the entire neighborhood lit back up again!!!! I was so happy!!!! It taught me how much I take the "simple things" like tv and a computer, and hot showers for granted.
:) Iam okay, thanks for asking! I have got to see my doctor at the methadone clinic tommorow for my "progress" on my drinking, which I havent quit but I only drink like 2-3 16 oz Steel Reserves a night (8.1% alcohol) and a glass or 2 of wine every night, but I cant drink much more cause in the morning they breathalyze me....... But besides that iam doing well and I have improved on my drinking overall, I havent quit, I just drink alot less.
DeleteSorrry to hear you lost power, that SUCKS so badly, from the story above, I know firsthand.
Glad to see you back at SW though :)
You are such a doll, Rich! you bring joy to SW.
DeleteYeah, for us it hasn't been A/C we need. It's dipping into the 30's up here and nights were getting ultra cold. For the most part I don't find. I have a library of books and stock in candles, which I honestly love. The no gas thing is what's starting to worry me though. I go stir crazy and I don't want to miss work. Crazy as that sounds, I would rather be at work and productive b/c I actually feel necessary there. Fortunately my place of employment is high on the priority list of power restoration.
DeleteRelapsing how, Haven?
ReplyDeleteDrinking and bulimia. Been fighting them both. Doing really well with my eating disorder, but in fighting the urge to drink, I relapsed on the binging. More disappointed in myself than anything. Relapse is a part of recovery. I know. But it still sucks.
DeleteAnd silence. Clearly out of your interest zone.
DeleteI struggle with self destruction, all the time. I force myself not to hurt myself. I know it is crazy, but I can't stop feeling I want to punish myself.
DeleteI punish myself constantly. My ways are no longer as apparent on my physical body, but I do. Yet, I do it as "honestly" as I can, or at least that's what I tell myself by being completely open with all of the bullshit I go through. Sometimes I"m not sure if what I do is to help others, or to punish myself, or both. Mostly I think it's both, but I just don't know sometimes.
DeleteI miss Raven. I miss TNP. I miss the brutally honest kick in the ass this place used to be.
How were they kick in the ass?
ReplyDeletePeople being able to say whatever the fuck they felt like saying without the constant beratement of "you're being rude", and sociopath world goes therapeutic? Sometimes it's really important for some of us to hear what people actually think without trying to coddle us.
DeleteThey haven't always been nice to me, but they've always been straight with me. This place just isn't the same without that kind of freedom.
Be straight. Who is stopping you? CEO was straight with me, recently. Honestly is the only way to heal.
DeleteHun, I'm always straight, well, with what I say. I have a tragic flaw when it comes to believing people. When I'm not getting an unsympathetic ear, or criticism, I have a tendency to not believe words spoken.
DeleteThis place has developed a sense of PC that I can't stand.
Hey, Haven.
DeleteI'm still around. I just don't come here to the comments section much anymore. I've never been one for group therapy, sympathy circle jerks, and long drawn out talks about feelings Etc.
That's what the comment section has become for me... and I am thoroughly beaten over the head for being myself here.
But if you start coming around more often... I'll be here. And hey... I'm here right now! Want to shoot the shit with me?
I miss your Self and your honesty Raven darling. I agree. The group therapy and drum circle mentality has destroyed what was so important to me here. Bleh.
DeleteI would love to shoot the shit with you.
I'm so sit of my RL. People get down on VL but I kind of love it. I feel I can be even more myself here than I can anywhere else.
I could really use some liquor right now. I've been dealing with overwhelming bouts of anger. I need to express my rage, you know? This place is a good place for that.
DeleteI've got a bottle of wine to finish and a bottle of vodka on standby. Rage away! I hate the world and my life so i'm all ears. Where's your anger coming from?
DeleteI saw that you have a t-shirt now. It has a phoenix on it? That's fucking awesome, H. That's a pretty big deal.
Delete::smiles:: It's an acrylic painting I did. The phoenix is the symbol of my life. born from the ashes of the fire that burnt down your previous life. I figure it made sense. Plus my father loved the design.
DeleteIntimacy issues. Channels the borderline side of my psyche. No way to deny that now.
DeleteI can escape it when I have no one but my children in my life. Then I'm just the detached, sadistic weirdo. LOL It's been so long since I've been in an intimate relationship, I forgot how much it can fuck with my head. Time to step back into reality. One I've never really made myself face before.
It's very difficult.
Did you ever read my poem that has to do with that? Being like the phoenix? I thought for the longest time that it was just a bunch of bullshit I was pulling out of thin air. But it's real. It's about what it's like inside my head.
DeleteIf you haven't read it... I can dig it up and post it.
I'm without any intimacy at all right now. I feel empty. I have no goals or motivation. I have my interests, my job, my crafts, but something is clearly missing. I can't quite tell if it's my PD or merely human nature.
DeleteEven in my last relationship I wasn't my usual "crazy". For as much as people call my PD a problem, it makes me feel alive beyond reason. I miss that feeling. I haven't felt it in so long I just can't tell if anything really matters.
What kind of intimacy issues are you dealing with?
I'm not really ready to share it publicly, just yet. I may not be able to ever. Let's just say that I'm madly in love... and now my head is on fire for it.
DeletePerhaps you're going through some dissociation? Or you could be right about it just being human nature. Sometimes you just plateau.
Please dig it up, I don't think I've seen it. It 's why I was so adamant about the tattoo on my side.
DeleteBut I totally understand not wanting to discuss in this forum. You know where to find me otherwise. I'm logged on if you feel like chatting.
There is a truth unspoken in dreams
Deletewritten: 6.15.08
To whom this is written,
The sun seemed to contradict itself today. It was bright enough to have a scorching affect, and yet a chill softly loomed.
Last nights dream of you came as a surprise. I've not dreamt of you since well over a year ago... when I was still at war with myself and playing puppeteer.
It was a surprise within a surprise, because there was a jovial playfulness between us. You had come to visit me, or the other way around maybe. The rain was constant and warm. In the shadow of this contradiction of the truth between us, lingered a question: Where has all the animosity gone?
But the question lay very distant to the welcoming of your arms around me, and all the affections of an endearing friendship. Do dreams lie?
Only daydreams perhaps, but they are dreams made up.
In my life awake, I once got to face my match, just as you said I did, and how I emerged from the experience the way I did.
A hundred years I've waited to hear the words, "I can find the darkest part of someone's soul just as beautiful as the lightest."
This was said to me after I confessed a fear of what I become when I get bored. I was warning him as always. But I knew better. As always.
Maybe fear isn't the right word to use when I talk about what stirs in me, when I get bored.
Exhilarated is more the word to describe.
Maybe I'll kill this too, as I shatter all things too fragile to hold on to.
And if I should descend into a thousand hells for calling a cease fire between two separate halves of my self, I want to be fully deserving.
They communicate to each other like a pair of identical twins. One understanding the other. Accepting the other. Dying without the other.
They operate as a complete and seamless form.
In my dream of us, this same unique understanding opened its eyes at me.
It reminds me that there, is where exists the thin line between love and hate; friend and foe.
There, is where both forces unite. They understand and accept each other without the questions or lies.
To whom this is addressed,
I never loved you in my life awake...
but in my dreams we are love and hate united. They pair for a virtue undefined.
I am still the Phoenix. I will always burn my whole world to ash to birth myself anew. I am still the puppeteer; dark and bored. You'll never know if what I say is real or an illusion.
Not in the life awake. Not ever in this life, awake.
But there is an Atlantis after all... and in deep slumberous isolation, I take you there.
I hold your hand and walk with you there.
You will never read this letter foe,
but in composing it alone, I am perfectly satisfied.
Happiest with the silence that preceded the blissful contradictions in me...
and paradoxical as the midnight sun.
That is beautiful, Raven.
DeleteI don't see it PC, as people call me on my stuff, all the time, but maybe Raven is someone to whom you can allow access into yourself.
ReplyDeleteSome things never change :D
DeleteHaven, I no longer have that gmail account I used to write you with, and the one I use for this account, I don't give out...
ReplyDeleteI can write you from my active account, but it's Yahoo... so no chat would be available. :/
I'm too drunk to properly respond to your poem atm, but visceral, alive, alive an full makes me feel.
DeleteMake a new gmail account! My account is the same as it always is. If you can't though I'll make a yahoo one just for you. I'm so bad at checking even my RL e-mail though. Feel free to write me. We can always correspond via e-mail.
Anything for you.
DeleteI will make a new gmail account tomorrow. It will be good to chat with you. I'm jealous of your drunken state. Maybe I should make a little trip to the store. :D
DeleteStore trips are always a good idea. In a bit i'll be passed out. But I can pretty much guarantee the same state tomorrows eve =) xoxo
DeleteThe dictators get destroyed too, you know. Probably even at a faster rate than the Poets.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone ever seen the science fiction series Invasion? It's about an invasive species that takes over human hosts. The story line seems so realistic! Or has anyone ever seen the Stargate SG-1 series, about power obsessed symbiotic species that takes over human hosts? I only mention it because the species has a Dark Queen leading it.... Strange coincidence, or is that too ridiculous? Am I just indulging myself? Thanks again for your valuable time and energy, and thanks again for your blog. You're doing God's work :)
ReplyDeleteThis is an excellent outline.
ReplyDeleteI think I'd be the poet with some Fuhrer tendencies. If I ever feel like a sheep, I'll end up hating myself until I can remove myself from that state of mind. But at least I'm always aware of it.