
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Conversation with a friend

This is a very early, pre-blog conversation I had with a friend.
M.E.: The other night I met these strangers and within hours we had all outted ourselves as sociopaths and started collaborating on internet startup ideas. There was one non-socio there who was asking all these questions.

Friend: Do you really feel no guilt?

M.E.: No, I feel guilt

Friend: Well, that's not very sociopath of you.

M.E.: Well, I am not full sociopath then maybe. But I mean, it's a different kind of guilt.

Friend: Are those people full?

M.E.: I don't know. The other guy was funny, he was like "good sociopaths" do this. I think it is true that there are good sociopaths. I don't know if I feel guilt. I feel regret.

Friend: How many of the symptoms do you think you have? It seems like a lot, I guess.

M.E.: I dunno, like everyone has different symptoms because they deal with the lack of empathy in different ways. Some people see it as a lack and try to make up for it, others don't see it as a lack at all and sort of exploit it. So the symptoms are very varied.

Friend: It seems that there are plenty of consistent things.

M.E.: Ha, yeah, well everyone is manipulative, everyone is trying to avoid detection, everyone is a little reckless. Anyway, I told the empath that it is probably harder for socipaths to become an empath than for empaths to become a sociopath.

Friend: Hah, funny that you call him an empath.

M.E.: Because there is low road and high road mental processes going on. High road is conscious thought, low road is unconscious instinct type thought. So I tried to explain to him that sociopaths are essentially just shifting way more of their decisions into high road thought than the typical empath. Empaths can practice that and get good at making conscious decisions about everything (socio). But how can socios conscious force decisions into the unconscious? I think it could happen but it would have to be through the influences of someone else training you, something that you could remain unaware of.

Friend: It's not really like that

M.E.: Like what?

Friend: high/low

M.E.: Yeah, it is kind of

Friend: Well, we disagree

M.E.: Or I mean, pop science stuff I have read has said that the brain works that way. Are you saying that that isn't the distinction between socios and empaths? Or just that the mind doesn't work that way? Or not all high roaders are socios?

Friend: It's not that you're more conscious. It's that all your conscious thoughts are focused on the single-minded goal of achieving your interests. To the destruction of others. Everything is a war game to you and the fact that you are more conscious than most just means that there are lots of dumb people.

M.E.: Yeah, good point. You hate that I am a sociopath?

Friend: That's like saying I hate you because of your gender or ethnicity. Doesn't mean anything, really.

M.E.: You hate the sociopath in me, though? You hate the tendencies?

Friend: Well, obviously I don't like that you are manipulative and megalomaniacal and reckless abt your life and others. But I mean, that's just a given, isn't it?

M.E.: Given meaning that's just who I am and always have been?

Friend: And I mean, who knows what else arises from you believing you're a sociopath. That's just who you are. Alright sociopath, I'm going to maybe try to take a nap.


  1. So, do you all think you are more conscious than the rest of us? ME certainly seems to think he is. Sometimes he seems like it too. Other times though, I don't see how he could be. How could someone who only sees love as, to quote him, "selfish intensity" and "devouring" really be more conscious?

  2. He's right. Love is really just a biological urge that encourages people to breed and protect their clans.

    Selfish intensity and devouring is probably correct in that it's motive is to conquer, fuck, and protect its progeny and resources.

    It's EVOLUTION, baby!

    ~Luv Lucyx

  3. Lucy dear, I don't dispute the evolution part of your comment. I do dispute the "just" part, as in love is "just a biological urge". Love is a biological urge and it's more than that. I've been in love only twice in my life, and the second time was the blessing in disguise that lead me to study sociopathy in the first place. I've also loved children, my family, my friends and my country and I know for a fact that although love may be on one level a biological urge, on another level it is much, much more.

    I truly hope you can find that kind of love in your own life. When you do, you'll know what I'm talking about.

  4. Normal Norma,

    When you say:

    I've also loved children, my family, my friends and my country and I know for a fact that although love may be on one level a biological urge, on another level it is much, much more.

    What do you mean? Much, much more?
    What is much, much more?

    The way you "feel"? Does love have any sort of magical properties? Or, does it just feel like a amazing "blessing in disguise"? Is it the way you "feel" when someone returns your "feelings"?

    My instincts tell me that "love" is no more than a group of conscious/subconscious brain associations that when activated, release powerful hormones. Hormones that one could develop a sort of chemical dependency on - a loyalty to.

    A drug dependency of hormones that are produced and released with stimilus, causing elation within the body. Euphoria.

    Two people become more docile and compliant (enough to breed or co-habitate) because their associations are compatible and induce chemical releasing.

    What else is love?

    ~Luv Lucyx

  5. I think ME's attempt to discuss "guilt" or remorse is interesting.

    I would never claim to feel guilt and remorse doesn't click either. But I do feel 'loss'.

    I can be pretty greedy and cruel. I'm definitely a sadist. But I often do "good" or kind things to avoid the experience of loss. On the other hand, I will also lie and cheat to avoid losing people I enjoy.

  6. Lucy sweetheart, have you heard of Carl Sagan? You sound like a smart person so I bet you have. In his "Cosmos" series, he gives this quote: 'If you wish to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe.' He goes on to say that if you cut a slice of apple pie 90 times in a row, you'd arrive at it's primary building block, the atom. What was Carl's point and how does it relate to this topic? Ok here goes nothing. I think Carl's point was that yes, the atom is the basic starting point of it all, but a level up from that you have what are called the individual ingredients, like flour, water, eggs, apples, etc. Finally, if you put all of this together in a certain way and bake it in a certain way, you get the applie pie. As you can see, the apple pie can be examined at several levels. But that doesn't in any way diminish the wonderful experience of eating a perfectly cooked and prepared apple pie.

    In the same way, talking about what happens inside the brain when people experience love in no way diminishes the power or the beauty of it; it's just understanding and appreciating it from another angle, that's all. Love is more than the sum of its parts. Aren't you? Aren't I? Aren't we all? :)

  7. Hello Harry. I really like your comments because they sound honest to me. And what you say about avoiding loss is interesting. Would you say that it's your own version of love, doing 'kind' things to keep from losing a person you 'enjoy'? You know, in some ways that isn't all that different from how we empaths relate to each other. I'd love read your thoughts on this.

  8. Well thanks. But I wouldn't say it's love. I'm pretty fickle and I get over stuff very quickly. Someone I want to keep this month, I could easily lose the next.

    I did feel bad for about a 24-48hrs when my last long term girlfriend finally worked up the courage to leave. I wouldn't say I was sad, just sort of aimless and frustrated.

    The 'doing kind things' is more about managing the other person. I always remember what people say they want/like -- I'm selectively generous and affectionate when I want to pacify or lead them.

  9. Norma,

    This was your original statement:

    "So, do you all think you are more conscious than the rest of us? ME certainly seems to think he is. Sometimes he seems like it too. Other times though, I don't see how he could be. How could someone who only sees love as, to quote him, "selfish intensity" and "devouring" really be more conscious?"

    Continuing the apple pie theme...

    You seem mostly unconcerned with the inner workings of the mind -

    And, if someone hands you a nice slice of apple pie, considering it looks nice on a clean plate, and tastes mostly like the apple pie your used to, don't care about how it's made, what it's made of, if someone slipped some a parasite into it during preparation, or perhaps... laced it with laxatives.

    You will blindly enjoy your apple pie, chewing away in ignorance, offended by anyone who dare question the applie pie.

    Consider for a minute what eating a piece of apple pie would be like for someone who has more taste buds than you - someone who has no taste or sense of smell - or someone who is so sensitive to every morsel, every ingredient, every spice and texture, that even the idea of eating a poorly prepared, strange, potentially parasite-filled piece of apple pie will cause vomiting, if not complete aversion.

    You see, Norma. When you look at things under a microscope, the pie changes. When you change the angle, everything looks different. Not everyone has the simple perspective and easy pleasures you do. Some of us were born or developed differently than you.

    In closing, here's a poem for you:

    Thank goodness you have a tongue
    And you weren't born
    Without one

    There would be no sweets enjoyed
    No bitters tossed aside
    No wrongs proclaimed to right

    So, spin the lazy susan
    The world is plump
    And vulgar
    To your delight and misuse

    Just be thankful
    You have a tongue
    And put it to good use.

    ~Luv Lucyx

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  12. as i read the conversation, i had kinda the same thought that p.pan had. to me, a socio would be more on the unconscious level, more animalistic or more driven towards his/her own basic needs or desires.
    where as the empath would be more conscious, kinda like the Buddhist saying, "do so that as you wish, so long as you are aware of that which you do."

    the other comment that i found interesting was how socio's contradict themselves frequently, i've noticed this in people, but now it clicks.

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  14. Oh Lucy… We seem to have missed each other somehow. I suppose that’s to be expected given that I’m an empath and maybe you’re not. I say maybe because I don’t think you’ve ever said if you were a sociopath or not. Maybe you’re an empath like me, only you’ve decided to focus on the most fundamental part of things, like say brain chemistry, while I’m focusing on not only the brain chemistry, but the effect and fullness of the experience. I am not offended by the thought that at a basic level, the profound love I have felt and still feel can be explained by neurochemistry. I just believe that there is a difference between explaining and explaining away. It sounds to me like you’re trying to dismiss something that you may know little about first hand, that’s all. It’s almost as if you’re trying to say that because movies are made one photo at a time, we should focus on one particular picture rather than the entire film. We don’t have to choose between one specific frame in a movie film or the entire film; we, or maybe just empaths, can have both.

    If I was really unconcerned with the inner workings of the mind, I probably wouldn’t be here, interacting with you, would I? :)

    Thanks for the poem, btw!

  15. And thank you for the response Harry Lime. I knew you sociopaths weren’t complete automatons!

  16. Norma Normal,

    You've fallen in love with a sociopath... I am highly suspicious of believing that an empath is operating at "higher consciousness" when simultaneously at their most vulnerable.

    What does it say of "love" when it's likely the product of deception and manipulation; unreciprocated, from a primitive mind seeking a narcissistic supply?

    How can an so-called highly evolved concept of love be present when illogical, blind, and self-destructive?

    If your type of love can be toyed with, turned on like a light switch, by a sociopath, how can you really believe yourself to be superior, Norma?

    Especially when, so often, empaths are unable to "turn off the switch" even when their very lives are at risk...

    To me, you seem like a slave to your primitive instincts, to your brain chemistry, and to illogical thought. Rather than the other way around.

    ~Luv Lucyx

  17. Well Lucy, you’re right. I did love a sociopath. And it scarred me. No question about it. He broke my heart, then walked away. It took a while to really get over it, but I did. It was only after I made my peace with what happened that I started to really wonder what kind of person does that to another person. Eventually my reading lead me here, to this interesting blog. I’m not ashamed of having cared for someone who truly didn’t – couldn’t – love me back. That’s the nature of love. It takes risks. Sometimes the risks are rewarded beautifully, sometimes they aren’t. And you’re right again. Love isn’t always logical or reasonable. When it hurts, it hurts like hell. But when it’s right… there’s nothing like it. It is the reason most of us live and breathe and I’m not ashamed of that Lucy. I celebrate it. My ex taught me that as important as it is to care for others, it is just as important to care for myself. I wouldn’t have learned that in any other way and for that I’ll always be grateful to him.

    I never said I was superior to anyone here. I’m not. I just want to gain an even greater understanding of people like my ex, that’s all. I really wish you could understand the depth of loving other people, not just romantically either. The affection that comes pouring out of my nieces and nephews eyes when they look at their auntie, the great times I have with my girlfriends on the weekend, sharing wonderfully warm memories with my parents on Thanksgiving, knowing that people will be there for me as I was there for them when the going got hard… All of that is love, and more. I wouldn’t trade any of that for all the cold, hard logic in the world Lucy.

  18. I just found this site, and I must say I feel awakened to a whole society who experiences things the same way I do. Its quite intriguing.

    Some of the "normals" reactions to experiences with socios has me concerned and hesitant to share this information with anyone else close to me, lest I be burned at the stake for merely having this condition/advantage.

    I hate to make this comparison, but the line from the most recent movie I've seen stands out: "Everything about me invites you in. My voice, my face, even my smell. - The unfeeling ones"

    cudos to the author as well.

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  20. Normal Norma,

    Your comment is full of logical fallacies:

    1. I’m not ashamed of having cared for someone who truly didn’t – couldn’t – love me back. That’s the nature of love.

    Please explain to me how that's the nature of love: the nature of love is... to love someone who doesn't love you back?

    2. I wouldn’t have learned that in any other way and for that I’ll always be grateful to him.

    Norma, you could've learned that "lesson" a million + one other ways. Rationalizing your pain for the sake of healing and peace is understandable. But, it does not change the fact that your sociopath destroyed you like a toy and walked away; leaving you mending the pieces of a broken life, in the midst of other potential difficulties - much like a victim of violent crime is left at a crime scene.

    3. Love isn’t always logical or reasonable. When it hurts, it hurts like hell.

    You mean the loss of your love, hurts? The object of your affection? The loss of your chemical dependency?

    4. ...knowing that people will be there for me as I was there for them when the going got hard…

    Norma, you sound extremely idealistic. Please take a little trip over to your local hospital, retirement home, or jail. Speak to the victims of abuse, there. There are many.

    For your sake of "existing within the safe nest of love" I hope your life isn't polluted by contradicting experiences - the process of learning that the ones around you are operating on selfish impulses. But, the honest truth is that you live within chaos, and very easily you will be forgotten, abused, or neglected.

    5. I wouldn’t trade any of that for all the cold, hard logic in the world Lucy.

    Well, Norma. The cold, hard logic will ultimately protect your survival, family, and resources - and prevent you from making the same mistakes, repeatedly - to your demise.

    Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. You may a bigger dose of it than you want to believe.

    ~Luv Lucyx

  21. Peter Pan,

    You sound defensive, subjective, and borderline delusional.

    ~Luv Lucyx

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  23. Wow Lucy, what a list you have here! That’s one of the things I truly admire about your minds, including my ex’s: some of you all can be so analytical. What an amazing strength that must be! Anyway, I’ll just go down your list point by point and answer accordingly:

    “Your comment is full of logical fallacies”

    You’re probably right! :) What can I say? I’ve got all these “crazy emotions” running around in my head!

    “Please explain to me how that's the nature of love: the nature of love is... to love someone who doesn't love you back?”

    That’s where the unconditional in unconditional love comes in. One of your other commenters here actually said it very well although I can’t remember who that was… He said something about being the cause rather than the effect of your life. I love that because I think it is so true! I learned I can choose to love, even if the person on the receiving end doesn’t want it. The choice is always mine. I have found this mindset to be very empowering. I am the cause of my own experience of love and I never have to wait on anyone to behave in certain ways in order for that to happen.

    “Norma, you could've learned that "lesson" a million + one other ways…”

    I don’t think I could have actually. My own brand of stubbornness would have blinded me. Besides, pain is one of the best teachers I know!

    “You mean the loss of your love, hurts? The object of your affection? The loss of your chemical dependency?”

    No Lucy. The loss of who I thought I was when I was with him, the loss of the dreams I thought I needed to survive and be happy. That’s where the pain was.

    And I most certainly have had challenges in my life, not just the ones involving my ex either. It’s just that I choose to see them as challenges rather than “pollution”. That perspective is both more empowering and liberating.

    Also, I see chaos and order operating in perfect synchrony. I don’t need to hate the chaos or cling to the beauty in order to be happy. Are you happy Lucy?

    “Well, Norma. The cold, hard logic will ultimately protect your survival, family, and resources - and prevent you from making the same mistakes, repeatedly - to your demise.”

    I have and would never suggest that anybody should discard logic! I’m only suggesting that there is logic and other things as well, and those other things are equally important to my way of life.

    “Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. You may a bigger dose of it than you want to believe.”

    And now can you see why I could say the same thing to you? Don’t throw love out with bath water. I don’t know if you’re capable of it or not, but if you are, give love a try. It can change your life! That's the one thing my ex never really was: happy.

  24. And one more thing Lucy. I think Peter Pan's comments were perfect! Well, no, they weren't because I wouldn't have included the last part about "the cripple". Otherwise, I think the analogy works. Maybe that's where we're disconnecting. Or not. Are you a sociopath Lucy?

  25. Daft,

    I agree with you 100% about this:

    The fact that she said that love isn’t always logical or reasonable leads me to think she know this to a degree. Perhaps her inability to understand that irrational love is what hurts and combined with the cold shoulder she receives emotionally, it hurts like hell.


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  27. Maybe the reason sociopaths don’t register emotions like empaths is because they are so analytical that they register them in a non-emotional way, like a mortician who keeps his emotions out of his job because they take the focus away from what has to be done. Maybe sociopaths are just born with that ability to put emotions aside in favor of a logical alternative. A lot of the people on here, ME included, seem to register their emotions in a different way then the norm and sociopaths or not some of thee people have potential in many areas of profession and will excel due to this emotion registry difference.

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  29. Normal Norma,

    "One of your other commenters here actually said it very well although I can’t remember who that was… He said something about being the cause rather than the effect of your life. I love that because I think it is so true! I learned I can choose to love, even if the person on the receiving end doesn’t want it. The choice is always mine. I have found this mindset to be very empowering."

    Why? Why would you choose to love someone who doesn't want your love?!?!?! That makes no sense!!!

    "I am the cause of my own experience of love and I never have to wait on anyone to behave in certain ways in order for that to happen."

    What do you need anyone for, then? Sounds dangerously self-centered. Almost like a type of logic, but not...

    "I don’t think I could have actually. My own brand of stubbornness would have blinded me. Besides, pain is one of the best teachers I know!"

    Well, then continue right on down the train tracks...

    "The loss of who I thought I was when I was with him, the loss of the dreams I thought I needed to survive and be happy. That’s where the pain was."

    Now, it really sounds like you didn't love HIM, at all ;) Even more irrational - you were in love with illusions of your own making! Thank you for proving my point, Norma!

    "That perspective is both more empowering and liberating."

    I don't see that perspective as necessary, at all.

    "Also, I see chaos and order operating in perfect synchrony. I don’t need to hate the chaos or cling to the beauty in order to be happy. Are you happy Lucy?"

    Happiness to me equates to being free to think and behave however I want... that's when I feel best.

    "And now can you see why I could say the same thing to you? Don’t throw love out with bath water. I don’t know if you’re capable of it or not, but if you are, give love a try. It can change your life!"

    Your recommendation that someone without the capability should allow themselves to self-decieve enough to "get high on love" with someone else - especially someone who may not be in love with me, and... someone who may or may not matter, because it's the illusion that counts.

    Poor, poor Norma. I see why your sociopath went for you. You're very encouraging, but you will never understand.

    Assuming a sociopath is not really a sociopath, is just one by choice, or is capable of "change", is the greatest illogical belief you have.

    My advice to you: change it before it's too late.


  30. Well then, if there was any doubt in my mind as to my being a just cleared it all up Peter, lol.

    I don't like plans because I'm more of an improv guy when it comes to most. Any plans I make, they are either too flexible to be called anything other then a blueprint or they are too planned that there is no leeway for the unexpected. So if being unable to make a plan is a symptom, then I must be a sociopath because I couldn’t make a perfect plan to save my life, but I can wing it like a pro.

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  33. Peter Pan,

    You have so many text book answers about sociopaths... and yet end with the simple lable of "cripple".

    You're arrogant. And scared. Do you need to have some sort of power over the ugly beast, so to speak?

    Sociopaths are not carbon copies of one another. And in spite of "disability", we fit in just fine... survive, procreate, and breathe the same air as you...

    Maybe take your parking spot at church, piss on your lawn, sleep with your spouse, have access to all the same things... and use them, just like you, but without all the delusional, emo-hype.

    You claim to insight is laughable.

    The prior insults were unqualified, because you're not worth the effort.


    ~Luv Lucyx

  34. Don't listen to her Peter, she just can't see where you or her place in this game of life and it is a game you know.

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  36. Daft,

    Only on my toes...


  37. Lucy, babe...

    It's CIAO, you dumb bitch.

    This conversation is boring.

    All about love.

    What the fuck is wrong with you people?


  38. It ain't easy being gay, is it, Peter Pansy?

    Didn't think so...

    What ever happened to Sarah? Lucy and Sarah would probably get along... both are sooooooooooooooo boring...

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  42. Been fine. Doing great. Reading a lot. Mostly self-help books. Think I'm not a sociopath, after all. Just have a serious case of the ass. Hahaha.

    (picture "The Shining"... with that laugh, please)

    How's life with the Daft Cap, Daft?

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  45. If I isn't worth it, why did you even reply?

    ~Luv Lucyx

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  47. Chow Petey. Go entertain yourself. Your not worth it to me.

    ~Luv Lucyx

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  55. "Or do you find that one's sexuality isn't something you can easily define, that there are multiple layers of factors that make up one's carnal desires?"

    That's one way of putting it...

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  58. chow. chow. chow. chow.


    P.S. That's the sound of me eating carrots at Walmart.

    P.P.S. UR RIGHT Pete. I can't appreciate your genius... I'm just like all of the other hookers.



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  62. One time, I did a porno where they threw ape shit at me.


  63. What the fuck is wrong with you, Lucy? All you need is a little love, according to Norma.

    Maybe loving yourself more will make you a better person!

    Think about it.


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  67. Peter Pan said: "Being a sociopath means being a cripple, like it or not."

    It's interesting that some of the "sociopaths" have reacted just like cripples, preferring to consider themselves 'special'.

    I will concede that having all of the social emotions in play would make life easier for me (as well as almost everyone I know).

    But I don't think of my brain as the 'economy' model. It's more of a sports brain -- all of the emotional comforts have been removed, I'm built for speed.

    Just as you couldn't possibly enjoy driving a race car to the grocery store, I can't really enjoy domesticity, community or success. But I can get there really fast!

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  78. WTF?! Stop stalking each other. Not cool.

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  80. A Sociopath's Guide to Dating:

    Editor’s Note: The following was found scribbled on a series of napkins in a dumpster outside a Friendly’s.

    First things first, when it comes to dating, you guys are doing it wrong. You know all that dating conventional wisdom? It’s time to throw it out the window. Okay, so let’s say there’s some girl you like. You’re probably thinking ‘Oh, I’ll just chat with her, get to know her a little bit, maybe casually say something like hey maybe I’ll see around.’ Wrong. I just came up with a nickname for you: Mr. Pussydick.

    Here’s what you do, start systematically having sex with all of her friends. Then she’ll know you’re serious. She’ll think to herself “Wow, this guy really likes having sex. And he likes my friends! I can see having a future with him.” Bam, you just killed two birds with one stone by establishing that you are incredibly sexually active and you both like the same type of people. Okay, so you had sex with all of her friends, now what? You better go ahead and have sex with her friends again. You don’t want her thinking “Hmm, I’m kind of into this guy, but I don’t know. I mean, he only had sex with all of my friends one time? How serious is he?”

    Well, she’s about to find out just how serious you really are… because you’re going to have sex with all of her friends a third time! She’s going to be blown away. You’ve really started to prove yourself at this point. Your confidence is sky high, you’re getting a ton of exercise, and you’re feeling great. Oh, one thing I forgot to mention: all of this sex needs to be unprotected. She needs to know that you are not afraid to take calculated risks. If word gets back to her that you’ve been using prophylactics, she’ll think to herself “This guy is a coward.” You’re thinking, ‘But what about unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases?’ Oh, great attitude Mr. Pussydick. Yeah that’s just what she wants, someone who isn’t good with children and is living his life in fear. As you’ve probably gathered from that last sentence, I am an expert at sarcasm. Here’s me being sincere: You need to show her you are responsible enough to raise children and that you have enough confidence in your immune system that you are willing to expose yourself, and countless others, to untold numbers of STDs by recklessly having unprotected sex with strangers. Confidence is sexy, and that’s a fact.

    Okay, so your plan to win over this girl’s heart is working beautifully at this point, but you better go ahead and have sex with all of her friends a few more times before we go into the final phase. Here’s the final phase, and listen closely because this part is really important: Spend about a week leaving her threatening voicemails; that way she’ll get an idea of your sense of humor. You’re not only someone who has a lot of sex with her friends, but you are also incredibly funny! Now it’s just time to close the deal. Unexpectedly meet her somewhere, preferably at night in a poorly lit, secluded area so she feels comfortable, and introduce yourself and profess your love for her. You’re welcome.

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  84. Pan is going to ass rape you.

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  92. Huh?

    Your medical records and mental health stuff is documented in graphic detail... and can be accessed by the public? Really???

    I'm fascinated...

    But, the two of you arguing is incredibly confusing.

    Who are you people?!?!?

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  116. I wish UKan didn't leave. That fucking drag queen was a lot of fun.

    Now, I'm stuck with you two lunatics.

    -Dirty H.

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  118. Too bad he didn't post your psych records. That would be fun!

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  120. What age did you start therapy?

    What reasons led you to therapy?

    Were those issues solved by therapy?

    What did you think of your therapist?

    What diagnosis?

    What treatments?

    How long did therapy last?

    Just for starters...

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  125. So, were you abused, injured, or just born a socio?

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  128. Tell me about causing your therapists to retire... :)

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  131. after psychologically torturing his cat, he moved on dogs

    here is daft at his greatest

  132. Peter Pan...

    "Yeah, I am" is my answer to everything you said. As my name is Daft Cap Wearer, I must be daft, manic and delusional living in my own Wonderland. Just like how you seem so childish sometimes and fly all over the place like its your own Neverland.

    All of it is okay since one here, this isn’t really me, its Daft and he says what he wants and he isn’t affected by much because he is delusional. The real me might be similar and might not. It doesn’t matter to me since I just don’t give a shit about what others think of me, online or otherwise.

    Perhaps though, you are right about this blog being a bad place for me. Life shouldn’t be spent online pointlessly gabbing about rather unimportant shit. I deleted many accounts because I feel that way. This blog used to worth reading, but ME seems to be losing his or her edge and the commenters don’t even discuss the topics of his posts anymore, some come up with good ones to take the place of the key topic, but mostly we just go on ranting and raving over stuff just comes off like noise.

    I Think I'll climb out of the rabbit hole and back to the real world...


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  135. Wow. I come back on for old times sake (ok, I wasn’t gone that long…) and what do I find? Peter Pan’s ran yet another poor soul away and some dimwit New Ager going by Norma is talking out of her backside. Jeez. I’ll have to admit though, I hate I missed all of those deleted comments. It sounds like Peter Pan outdid himself by getting truly personal. Well done sir.

  136. who'd he scare off?


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