I was recently asked whether there are any famous good sociopaths:
Famous good sociopaths? I don't think you would ever say that a sociopath was "good," per se, the same way you might about Mother Theresa, etc. They're always complicated. They can be good in the fact that they aren't bad... they can also be great, without necessarily being good. Is Dick Cheney bad? What about Julius Caesar? Sociopaths often lust for power, which can put them at odds with the people that they rule, but they can also do a lot of good things like keeping governments stable, or fighting off the invading hordes, or being a spy, or whatever else. Does that make them good? I don't think sociopaths have any sort of urge to do good things, just scratch their power-hungry itch. A lot of sociopaths specifically choose to use their powers for good instead of evil, but they're end game is not doing good, it's power or whatever else the sociopaths is after.
I think that a good analogy would be a corporation. There are a lot of corporations that do things that you like, maybe even good things, but the primary motivation is to make a profit. But just because you are trying to make a profit doesn't mean you can't do it by doing things you like, or that you are good at, or that comport with the way you see the world or want the world to see you. I terrorize bullies. Is that good? I help out friends and neighbors for all sorts of reasons. Actually, coincidentally, one of my readers sent this to me recently -- it deals with the idea of not having the same sort of of emotional connections to your actions as empaths do: "a comprehensive beginner's guide to becoming a sociopath." When I read it, I thought all of the good things were things that I might actually do or have already done. My bad things were different, though -- I guess I just have different tastes. But I see what the point of the exercise is -- divorce your normal emotional reactions from certain behavior. I bet it would work. I bet there a lot of things people would want to be a little sociopathic about, like having no fear if you do a lot of public speaking, or not having an emotional connection to food (I would bet the percentage of obese sociopaths is 1%, for purely genetic reasons). But maybe it is difficult to do, like being a little bit pregnant. A little bit anorexic? Or alcoholic? Or blood thirsy?
i think terrorizing bullies (with an ear to mercy) is good...
ReplyDeleteinstead of disconnecting or divorcing oneself from ones emotions as it relates to certain behavior, one can face them and see what one is really up to
i think you have to take a look at the belief system that is their context and see if that is working for you or against, is it something you like or not, is it reflective of you or is it a bad habit
lol, my second word verification was sness (are these set by administrator?)
I'm a 00, yet I take a certain intellectualized satisfaction from seeing the sadistic types suffer under my hand. I don't consider myself good or evil, just what I am.
DeleteI've worked on releasing beauty since the beginning of enhanced understanding of my "condition" and been able to get the warm feeling inside increasingly. I don't want to loose that, it gives me a long lasting high. Life is murder, yet the pleasure from preserving it gives me a sense of pleasure and pain which I lacked most of my life.
I don't understand what belief is, yet I want to discover that, if only to satisfy my curiosity.
I'm sick and tired of hiding what I am, because my society prefers the 90.
I know that when I'm disclosed completely I'll be rejected accordingly, yet my passion for loving what I own and hope to possess drives me to persevere.
I've only ever had lucid dreams and perceive reality as such.
I'll laugh at death all the way to my grave as I systematize it.
Please "forgive" me for my disregard for hate.
Jump little lemmings, jump.
ReplyDeleteThat is the best thing I've seen today, thank you
Delete"is dick cheney bad?" gee M.E. if you have to ask yourself that then maybe you should go to the middle east and check out all the bald headed babys. or for a real thrill check out the photos on the internet of what depleted uranium does to babies...
ReplyDeleteor talk to some of the cats still at gitmo, whos only crime it was was to be of middle eastern decent when america blew thru to "save the world from wmds". yea cheney is bad, yea he is evil, and yea, as a loving "normal" caring type person i have fantasies about ways to kill that prick.
oh and my word verification...herworec, what is that, elmer fudd talking about a female hero, well, i guess thats cool...
i like this post. we all do good things but as said in the post, there are motives behind it. i consider myself to be a good person, but there are definitely motives behind every good thing i do.
ReplyDelete"is dick cheney bad?" No. He's ruthless, and I'm sure one would think twice before crossing him. People look at the heartbreak and fear the media shoves down our throats on the evening news and take it to be the one and only truth. Sometimes one has to do things that are a little bad in order to gain footing or get ahead. Most of the time, people will never realize or appreciate it because they don't see the bigger picture. They get stuck on the temporary details.
ReplyDelete@C - i can imagine that lenin, stalin, hitler, and countless others used that very logic. i'm sure they've just been portrayed badly by the media, and we should all be thankful that they were willing to do a few distastful things in the name of the greater good. where do *you* draw the line?
That sociopath guide thing is really funny. I think the main thing about them is that they just don't care. But they can seem really protective and caring and charming when they want... it just doesn't last because they get bored with others so easily.
ReplyDeleteI was dating a sociopath and dumped him last week.... I think he was one of the non-dangerous ones (to make this more relevant). But now he is doing this really "depressed" act. I don't believe he really feels that bad, but is just trying to make me feel bad and play with my emotions. Or maybe he does feel really bad, I don't know. I was really harsh, and now I really DO regret it.
ReplyDeleteI'm a bad person to be asking where to draw the line. It zigzags, curves, breaks, and blurs. However, the Hitler/Lenin/Stalin argument doesn't quite compare. They established an official ideology. We could compare them to the ayatollah, perhaps. When arbitrary arrests, torture, and executions are preformed by the U.S. government (as dictated by Cheney) on its own citizens for public disagreement or religious belief though against its written constitution, I'll agree Cheney is a "bad guy."
(i would bet the percentage of obese sociopaths is 1%, for purely genetic reasons)
ReplyDeleteReally? How so genetically? In thinking of the criteria re .Poor behavior controls .Impulsive- and that often socios are drug abusers/addictive would it not follow that socios would be self indulgent regarding food as well?
@c - i absolutely agree that the line is terribly blurry. But you implied that cheney *is* bad when you stated that "sometimes one has to do things that are a little bad...". that statement implies that you even agree that he crossed the line...but just a little bit so it's ok. and you do have a line - you state that as long as these bad things aren't done to u.s. citizens, then it's ok. that sounds like a pretty specific line to me. could they get away with torturing british citizens, japanese citizens...oh wait, we managed to do that to japanese-americans so i'm sure actual japanese wouldn't be a problem.
Doing good things =/= good person.
ReplyDeleteThen again, there's no such thing as "good" people, just people who do more seemingly altruistic things than others.
Mother Teresa 'was' a sociopath.
ReplyDeleteHer hospitals were like prisons while that bitch lived in luxury. You have to admire how successful she was at maintaining the illusion of piety.
"Good" sociopaths? There are no good people.
"There are no good people.
DeleteAnyone, thinking Mother Teresa was a sociopath is one complete idiot!
I don't know if Mother Teresa was a sociopath, but she was no paragon of virtue.
DeleteTrue. Even saints are no saints.
DeleteTrue dat.
Deleteif mother theresa was not a good person i wonder what your definition of good person is
DeleteHow does doing bad make someone a bad person? Say a man's wife and child are sick with high fevers. He could get some medicine from the pharamcy, but he doesn't have the money and the pharmacist won't budge because of "policy." Is he a bad person for stealing the medicine? Stealing is bad. Is the pharmacist a bad person for not giving it to him? He was doing his job.
ReplyDeleteAgain, you are trying to compare two unlike things. Torturing Japanese-Americans and torturing people who are not citizens. First of all, Constitutional rights are only applicable to citizens. Secondly, if there were rhyme and reason to it, torture gets the job done. It's messy and it's mean, but it's effective, and that's the point. An interrogator doesn't torture because it's the nice thing to do. Would I torture someone? I doubt it. I'm not sadistic. But if I believe they are standing between me and my child, my friend, my sibling? I'm not sure if there's a limit to what I would do.
Yes, I drew a line. But my lines are inconsistant. At least, what "normal" people would consider inconsistant. This is why my idea of what is right/wrong will likely not jive with yours. This is fine; I'm not trying to change your opinion. I guess I must ask where you draw the line? Obviously it is not in the same place(s) or for the same reasons. The fact is, we all lack the capacity to judge good and bad. All we can do is weigh the consequences and (in the case of empaths) emotions. To be a politician, one has to divorce himself from moral notions. Or else he will surely be crushed by the bad when he does good and the good when he does bad.
Just because I feel like splitting hairs...
ReplyDeleteReally? How so genetically? In thinking of the criteria re .Poor behavior controls .Impulsive- and that often socios are drug abusers/addictive would it not follow that socios would be self indulgent regarding food as well?
The genetic comment is absurd, but I'm quite sure health has more to do with geography than anything. North American sociopaths are probably part of the more gluttonous variety.
One can also be self-indulgent regarding vanity.
gluttony and vanity lure those who identify with their posesssions and image, and i would say are
ReplyDeletenarcissist playgrounds, not sociopath.
but maybe it is difficult to do, like being a little bit pregnant. a little bit anorexic? or alcoholic? or blood thirsy?
ReplyDeleteor a little bit aware?
divorcing normal emotional reactions from behaviors seems potentially like a road to higher consciousness or even enlightenment. i don't see how you could actually do it without awareness of the process and the end result. after a successful divorce, there would be this permanent gap of awareness between your behavior and the emotional response.
Open your eyes and see. When the bell rings, does Pavlov's dog drool consciously? Exposure to the right circumstances can train a person's reactions without, or in spite of, their conscious knowledge. For example, repeated abuse of a child could possibly cause that child to completely withdrawal into themselves as a defense mechanism, without the child consciously intending to do so.
Deletegluttony and vanity lure those who identify with their posesssions and image, and i would say are
ReplyDeletenarcissist playgrounds, not sociopath.
Not when vanity is used as a tool to lure those who are attracted to charming, nubile sociopaths. Appearances do help, after all. Even empaths can attest to that. I don't identify with my appearances because they're merely just appearances, but nevertheless require time and energy in order to make them useful.
I don't believe he really feels that bad, but is just trying to make me feel bad and play with my emotions. Or maybe he does feel really bad, I don't know. I was really harsh, and now I really DO regret it.
ReplyDeleteLaura, if you actually dumped him how do you know he is depressed or doing a depressed act? if you feel he is playing you then it's probably better to just end it for good, nicely and cleanly. or do you have an interest in him still? if so, what does he do for you?
if you think he is playing you, you may be right. forget about what you think he feels. ask yourself what you expect from the relationship
i went out with someone once who was very charming, and very cute, and could talk about anything and everything (and very amazingly everything that i was interested in), and it was clear to me by the second date that he was hoping to get access to my car and also move into my home. he arrived by way of public transit to "pick me up" and later asked to stay the night in the spare room. he was on his best behavior the whole time, and sort of pathetic, like a stray. people reveal their intents early in the relationship, from the very beginning in fact, if you pay attention.
my ex on the other hand, who may have been psychopathic, was a model boyfriend. but a little different. he was passionate, but not emotional. he followed me around on the most boring errands, and made me watch movies to see my reaction. he was always observing everything, like a tourist, or some alien being. the first time we met he told me about the things he had killed and watched intently for my reaction (all legal, not cruel, a bit misguided). i never felt played, and appreciated his insights. it was fair.
i guess my point is people are what they are. you are responsible for meeting your needs, not him. if you feel manipulated and are seething inside, and he does not acknowledge your feelings by changing his behavior, then it's time to move on.
I don't identify with my appearances because they're merely just appearances, but nevertheless require time and energy in order to make them useful.
ReplyDeleteishtar i don't think that's vanity. you are using your appearance as a lure. but you are not vain. if you were vain, your appearance would be the point and others would merely serve to reflect it back.
cheney=still a prick, =still needs to die...
ReplyDeleteI'm a fairly good person, i will be kind and considerate. I keep good relations with people to make sure they don't forget me. I never know when i may need something.
ReplyDeleteI have stolen in the past, played mind games, tortured animals - if this means i'm an evil sociopath, so be it. But i am realistic and have my own code. The motives of my code are probably different to other people, but thats irrelevant.
I love this.
DeleteWe aren't evil; we are better.
I disagree, i think we are worse. Logical? yes. Intelligent? generally. Efficient? absolutely. But when i see regular people forego logic and efficiency for love, it impresses me. Logic has led me to believe we are lesser beings. They see something we don't, and it is more important to them than efficiency, sometimes more important than their lives. We are the superior tacticians, and can easily exploit these weaknesses. Many are aware this advantage though, and still choose to follow their emotions. Logic would dictate these people have superior judgement to us on the matter of what is important in life, they are aware of a side of the human experience we cannot be. They know they are vulnerable, not all of them, but many, this has led me to believe what they see is more important than us. They, as servants of this great sight unseen, are more important than us. I have come to believe our rightful place is not their rulers, but their servants, their guardians from the dangers they leave themselves so undefended from. They found something greater than we can ever know. So i serve them, i give them my honest and non emotionally driven guidance. I use my propensity for, and lack of aversion to, violence to protect them. We are more efficient, but in the grand scheme of things, were useless. We cant make the world better, because we cant care in that special way, but we can serve those would. I guess that is how one could be a "good" sociopath.
DeleteWow...Anonymous, that is an intriguing point of view. I just dated a sociopath briefly, not a severe one, had some emotions. He was drawn to me to learn because I am a very strong, honest, caring, adventurous, loving, passionate and intelligent person with a big heart. He was learning from me. We r friendly but its over. But I care for him n wish him well as I know he does me. I saw his behavior n attitudes toward ppl improve...he seemed more calm n hopeful toward himself n others during n after our encounter. Tho we were no longer together n only briefly would say hi, I observed him without his knowledge behaving much more kindly n friendly to others after we parted. He told we once I was a gd influence. He didn't admit to being a sociopath but the seduce, become bored, pull away pattern, the intense stare, great talker n writer, intelligent, occassionally redic bragging n odd lies and many many other things revealed that he was. I have some experience with them. However, I'd say on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 meaning most sociopathic, he was maybe a 6-7. Anyway, I don't believe most SPaths r monsters and I find being strong, honest, not allowing or accepting bs, but being clear n direct, firm, n mind, not compromising urself, these work well with those SPaths not out to actively harm or, like u, who see the benefit of trying to make the world better or trying to act kindly or seeing "winning" or "control" or "power" as possible while still help ing others or making things around them better and more positive for others. I noticed he had empathy and respect for ppl who r thinking, strong, unique individuals who also have great love n compassion and who r honest about who they are and show him genuine respect. Again, i find this approach won't work for a highly pathological SPath who is bent on causing death, chaos, pain, n destruction, especially if she or he is in a position of power. But I think it's important to note, as someone here did, that no two ppl r alike, including those with sociopathic traits.
DeleteSociopaths know the difference between right and wrong. You can do good for wanting to do good not always power hungry. This is a misconception , though there is no emotional reward that goes with good such as empaths feels. There is a since of reward in other ways.
ReplyDeleteA good way to understand true sociopath is to understand science fiction characters who are cyborgs or robots. They would be considered very extreme sociopaths and sociopaths have a greater emotional response than these characters. But like those characters they know the difference between right and wrong through and intellectual understanding. Think Data from Star Trek. Another way to look at it would be Aliens from another planet would they have the same emotional responses that humans do , probably not , but would they be capable understanding right and wrong and being good or not good.
Just like anyone else a sociopath is unique and not all of us are the same. We have our own characters and traits and personal wants. We are not robots with no concept of right and wrong. The way we process emotions and social cues are different.
Its ridiculous to think otherwise. A way a normal person can understand this is usually of eating meat. Does it bother you that you are eating a dead cow or chicken that the chicken was killed most probably not. Do you know its wrong to kill a chicken for no reason , of course , would you have an emotional response to knowing a chicken was killed for food, no.
You kill bugs all the time does it bother you ? No , does it make you bad no. Do you know the difference between right or wrong, yes . Just because you feel no emotions or guilt for stepping and killing an ant does not make you bad or good, just indifferent. But, you still would probably understand that going over and killing an ant colony in the wild is useless and not right to kill innocent creatures.
There are plenty of killers and murders who are sick and dangerous and do horrible acts that are not sociopaths. It all depends on you , what kind of person you want to be or how you were raised and in what environment.
Because I feel no guilt does not make me a bad person or a person incapable of doing good, for just the want of doing good.
It is a struggle at times to do the right thing. But never have I wanted to do the wrong thing. As a child I would not always know what limits are. But, as an adult I do . I have control of me through my brain and intellect. Others choose not to.
Unfortunately there is no room for those who cannot conform to society and live in harmony with them. I believe those of us who cannot should be locked up. There is no cure to this and if you are doing crime and bad things , then there will never be a cure for you , it will only get out of control.
Oh and one more thing
ReplyDeleteI never understood why people say sociopaths want power. I could not understand this. Wanting power is an emotional want you might as well want love, or want to be good.
How, I feel things work is that sociopaths do not have long term need for power, but rather just impulsive wants. Such as food, sex, money. You rob a store because you want money. You do not go get a job and become a CEO and "want" power like that . It would be more like you kidnap a woman and rape her because you want to control power and sex. Its an impulsive thing. You act on needs or wants. I murdered that guy because I needed his money. Why did you murder him though ? Because I needed his money. Why did you just not rob him. I do not know , I need the money so I killed him for it. Thats how it usually is. Its impulsive things are not thought through. Its like you are an animal such as a grizzly bear. You want to eat the contents of a camp site and if there is people there you might kill them in order to get to it. Why ? Why not. I wanted it and they were in the way. Does the bear go off and think about it and scheme things through. No, neither does a sociopath.
I believe that people like Dick Cheney or who ever who have sociopath tendencies but search for longer term power and money are not sociopaths and should have their own category. They diffidently have some sort of emotional wants and needs more than sociopaths. Vanity all that stuff does not make sense to me. Why would I care what people think of me or how I look ? If i want something I take it , I dont have to ask. Am I afraid of being caught no, Am I afraid of the consequences , No. Do I care about self preservation , NO. We do not have those traits in us. So I believe long term "bad" people are just that bad people. They know the difference. They have an emotional want. They want power , might as well be love. I mean what is the point of power like that to a sociopath. You dont feel it emotionally , you just feel things physically. I can understand a rapist, or a robber, murderer. That makes sense to me. I can see how they do it and why. Though I still know its wrong and I do not do those things. But, yes I see that is possible. If you are going to have long term goals its usually not for yourself because there is no emotional gratification. I graduated from college not for me but for my family. I work a normal job not for me but for my family. etc, etc.
Like I stated in my previous post you can intellect understanding on what is right or wrong.
You're not a sociopath, because you are willing to take responsibility and have a strong sense of morality. No true sociopath would do this. Spare me the bull@#$t.
DeleteThat's not true. There are all sorts of sociopaths and some are only mildly so. Done device to do good generally for various reasons. See my reply to anonymous a couple replies up...
Whatever. He's not a sociopath. He takes responsibility for his actions. Sociopaths NEVER do this. And sociopaths don't just do things for their families with no emotional gratification attached to it. He's a fake.
DeleteWhatever. He's not a sociopath. He takes responsibility for his actions. Sociopaths NEVER do this. And sociopaths don't just do things for their families with no emotional gratification attached to it. He's a fake.
DeleteOver the past few days, I realized that I am a sociopath..the funny thing is that I always thought of them as bad and evil and would look at sociopaths as bad people. But after carefully taking a few personality tests and actually "looking at myself in the mirror", I realized that I am in fact a sociopath. As far as being a murderer, or not being able to love, that is not me...but being power hungry, impulsive, having sometimes no remorse and looking at most people as "targets", thats me. I lie, I do not having a problem cheating to get things I want, I use people, and I am very manipulative at times. The true characteristics of a socipath - I guess I'm a monster!
ReplyDeleteMy questions is, how can I fix this? On the flip side, I have a good job, I will do good things for people, I like being in love...but I have this other side to me. I don't know....comments anyone?
Please no B.S comments calling me a pyscho or a POS - but real comments that can maybe help or comments that may help me become a better person would be MUCH appreciated.
It's just a word. A definition. Another societal restriction, something that sociopaths are supposed to break free from. I was prematurely diagnosed at 20, which was unfortunate, since all the pieces weren't really there until I was 24. Obviously I brushed off the diagnosis for a few years, mainly because I hated when people claimed something that wasn't necessarily real outside of a medical office. I've eventually come to terms with it, but in reality fuck them. The negative connotation associated with the word alone is enough to ruin someone if they're honest with their name and social circles. In reality, we function better, are self-sustainable, reliable in tough situations, and are practically unbreakable if it's something we really want.
DeleteAs an aside, not necessarily attributed to you, it is the most annoying thing possible when an "empath" tries to butter me up by saying they relate or are similar to me because they did a couple "devious" acts in their life. I'm pretty transparent and have joked about my "diagnosis" for years because no one takes anyone seriously these days. People tend to think I'm over exaggerating and try to open up to me by mirroring me. Either these are the shittiest sociopaths or they're empaths who want out of their prison.
We all develop rules on how to function in society and who we are "allowed" to fuck with; these people are always on the top of my list. I toy with them for years if they offend me enough.
Judging by your last two paragraphs, you are not a Sociopath.
ReplyDelete1. You say that you "like being in love." Although; Judging by your writing style, I am not entirely certain you mean that the same way in which one might initially assume you meant it if that makes any sense.
2. You want so badly to be "a better person."
I think that last comment sums up my point pretty well.
Sounds more like you are just a whiny teenager.
Also, your spelling and grammar are complete and utter shit.
so is yours
Deletei dont like you
Deleteif that's a picture of a good sociopath
ReplyDeletei'll say bad
thank you very much
that's actualy a good picture to memorise in bed in order to last longer
Deleteis that you demon?
Deletei've got news for you honey
Deletethat mask is not working
and it's not exactly incognito
Deletedoes that costume allow you to sneak up on someone?
Deleteit's not like they can see you comming
Deleteyou cast a shadow on the world
Deletedon't worry it's just an elephant
Deletethe elephant in the room
Deleteand the next one and the one after that
Deletehere special move is stampede and squash
Deleteshe's in a jelly commercial
Deleteshe's the jelly
fat jokes they never get old
Deleteor go on diet
The other day I came into contact with yet another narcissist who coulfd not help herself from trying to ruin my day. what is it with these people?
DeleteYou cannot be in a good mood around them.
I was happy and showing something i was proud of (rare for me) and 10 minutes later she got me alone and was telling me how she noticed i gained weight, and POINTED TO THE AREA on my body! Then ofc she was very chatty and trying to engage me when she noticed she was naughty and wasn't the person she should try this with.
I tell a friend, and my friend tells of all these things she says to other people too.
Where do these people come from? For a while I felt like a person who got fucked over by a narcissist, who now sees them everywhere, you know? They ARE everywhere.
Agree. They are coming out of the woodwork. Is it more acceptable, today? I think so.
DeleteI was in Macys clothes shopping and a complete narcissist stranger interrupted my time to invoke her take on my shopping. She didn't like my response.
what was your response anon10:14
DeleteAnon 7:53
DeleteI looked her up and down and "laughed" at her overweight body and walked away with my tommy hillfigher tops.
that is a good one.. I can't do that with this woman.
DeleteMay I ask you a question?
DeleteWhat did your response do for you inside??
For me, when this weird woman did that, I was shocked because it was so very inappropriate, and sure, she touched a nerve. I thought nothing about retaliating because I think she is troubled and bat shit crazy. I asked her some questions as if I was not effected because I was curious to know what loss was in her. -That was dissatisfying. She's completely unaware and i'm not interested in teaching her a lesson.
- -People who are batshit crazy are bat shit crazy. They would not understand it if i said anything to retaliate. -She has no editing filter.
More to the point, she is an anorexic. Although I was tempted, I would not be able to make her feel worse about herself than she does already, and she did not even have an idea she was making a stupid comment. There would be no point in saying anything.
Nobody likes her. She is pathetic. She doesn't know.
What is the point in doing the retaliation with the wackos if they aren't aware?
How to become a (good?) sociopath
ReplyDeletewho you trying to fool ME your bookreaders?
Unquestionably believe that that you stated. Your favourite reason appeared to be on the internet the easiest thing to be mindful of.
ReplyDeleteI say to you, I certainly get annoyed even as other people consider concerns
that they plainly do not understand about. You managed to hit
the nail upon the top and also defined out the whole thing with
no need side effect , other people can take a signal. Will likely be back to get more.
Review my blog buy followers
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ReplyDeleteMy head jangles as if a discordant symphony took root. It sucks and no one will tell the truth. I hate that about nouveau art.
ReplyDeleteIt is like my whole life. I was like like the child in "The Emperors New Clothes". All the lies multiplying like maggots and it takes a child to tell the obvious truth.
This must be why I am so anxious/depressed. I like art that makes sense, music with a melody and poems that rhyme. Fuck it.
The truth....? The TRUTH?! You can't HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!!! :)
DeleteNo sociopath is honest, but at least we can be truthful...
DeleteIm an unusually honest sociopath, it can happen. People just find you deplorable, so those of us who give it a try generally give it up very quickly.
ReplyDeleteI know you value self growth, so I am going to give you my opinion of your many comments to me. I know it is half in fun and half serious but I will give you my POV for what it is worth. I am going to say it straight out for ease of understanding, not to be mean.
Your black and white thinking thinks that you can tell someone something once and the thing will magically disappear. That is not how human nature works. If a person is screwed up( for a simple use of the term) he has layers upon layers of defenses. It is hubris on your part to think that a word from you( or anyone) could bring down these defenses in an instant( or even a short amount of time)
These defenses were adapted to save the person's life.
I like to pierce defences, because I easily perceive all of the weaknesses and cracks in broken things. It takes an onslaught of breeches over time to weaken a person's armour, but only they can choose to take it off.
DeleteMost of the time, people would rather walk around dragging their heavy, broken armour than admit it is no longer fit to protect them. Sometimes a good stab in an area that is vulnerable and exposed is what it takes for someone to perceive where they are weak. What they do with that knowledge is up to them.
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another"- Proverbs 27:17
DeleteIf you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
The law is simple. Every experience is repeated or suffered till you experience it properly and fully the first time.
DeleteFalter is monica taking credit for the 11:25? LOL....of course she is!
DeleteNot hers.......
ReplyDeleteI hear you. We are both right.
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ReplyDeleteCan someone tell me if being born by a drug addicted mother would this cause some of these behaviors?