
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sociopaths and animals (part 1)

A reader asks:
Dear ME,

After reading your website, I've come to believe that I'm possibly a mild sociopath. Not only is my world view and general behavior in many ways consistent with a sociopath but my childhood and teen years definitely have featured the kind of social rejection consistent with the development of this disorder. However one thing keeps on bugging me. A commonly described characteristic of sociopaths is cruelty to animals. But I have never been cruel to animals. In fact, I feel a profound love for animals of all kinds, even going out of my way to kill many species of bugs. In my childhood, I bought a pet snake, because I thought it would be cool but ended up in tears when I first watched my snake constrict a baby mouse. Indeed, seeing animals in pain or seeing people behave cruelly towards them has always been upsetting to me.

Is it even possible for an actual sociopath to feel this kind of strong connection to animals? Let me reiterate that my feelings towards humans are almost completely opposite: I'm a total misanthrope and have no faith at all in human nature. My theory for this dissonance is that, while humans have always treated me like shit, even though I've been nothing but kind to them, animals have always reciprocated my friendliness. One recent anecdote serves as a kind of mise en abyme for my entire relationship with animals. A girl I'd been hooking up with had inexplicably broken things off with me. I left her residence in tears, and collapsed in the woods outside her house. It was cold and I was sobbing in the darkness when I heard something coming towards me. One of the cats that lived at her house had followed me and rubbed it's face affectionately against my body, purring as it nuzzled back and forth. The cat was there to comfort me when the human had broken my heart. And that pretty much encapsulates my relationship with animals throughout life.


  1. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, love and acceptance is a core need of all emotionally healthy human beings. It is understandable that if one has had repeated bad experiences with humans that possibly the person would transfer the need for love and acceptance to animals. I have seen this alot with people who are possibly a bit different in some way and have been made to feel unaccepted. I knew a woman who had horses and made her whole life about the horses. Each horse had their own persona similar to human beings. This woman had little need for humans except in a practical sense. I would think that this would be a defense mechanism for survival and would not necessarily be pathological unless this aspect of the person's life causes them discomfort or grief. I would think that the strong caring that the reader expressed towards animals is a form of empathy and for that reason, it would be my guess that the reader is not sociopathic. If a sociopath is indifferent towards people than I do not see that they would be any different towards animals. Am I making sense here, socios? Do you feel any different toward animals vs humans?

    1. yes, very much so, I feel more like an animal than I ever did feeling like a human. I cry when that particular animal is not there to do what I ask it, and my love for the creature is reciprocated. but for humans it is not the case. I understand the rules of animals more so than man, I understand the rules of nature as well, so yes sociopaths depending upon who you talk to will most likely have more in common with wolves than with a human man.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I think it depends on the person.

    5. I think it depends on the person.

  2. that sounds more borderline than antisocial.
    Crying after a snake kills a mouse? Compassionate, maybe, but it's still a complete overreaction

  3. You aren't a sociopath; you are emo.

  4. Was going to write something long and smart here but I see Ryan already made the point, emo.

  5. One word: Really?

    How did you ever equate misanthropy to sociopathy? It's like whasdasghgasdkljasfiaogdkfjaswhat

    M.E., sometimes you sadden me. I think I automatically gained depression after reading this. Bravo, M.E., bravo.

  6. Hahaha. Poor kid.

    Advice: stick with the animals. The people will destroy you.

    1. Point made. Animals are WAY better than humans. I can't connect with a human like I can an animal

    2. ^ U an' me both.


    1. wow, you somewhat remind me of myself. since you favor animals over humans like i sometimes do, i might as will warn you of these pro-human and anti-animal websites:



    2. i'm back. and i found a thread of some dumb-ass who posted shit about about animal lovers and animals in this thread that he made:

      if you and/or the maker of this blog want to troll the fuck out o' that asshole, then be my guest.

    3. Hey, Pete! I found this blog about another animal-hating prick in case you want to troll him and his ass kissers for posting shit about animals not having rights:

  8. Peter, come on...

    You're doing worse than beating a dead horse. You're beating a dead emo.

  9. Wow, 2... was that fake empathy? Good job!

  10. C'mon, give me a break. I blame the booze. Again. :)

  11. Anon: "Wow, 2... was that fake empathy? Good job!"

    Thank you. I get my shits and giggles from pretending to be human and being emotionally melodramatic.

    Peter: "C'mon, give me a break. I blame the booze. Again. :)"

    So this is like drunk dialing meets the Internet?


    1. How pathetic and stupid of you.

    2. Oops I meant how pathetic of *me^ sorry guys.

      Jk, you're all fucking wankers.

  12. My father, who wasn't a sociopath, didn't believe that dogs were for companionship. He trained German Sheppards to protect our house when he traveled. He grew up on a farm in Europe so to him animals represented food and had some domestic function. When he was a kid he killed a turnkey playing stickball. The turkey was dinner that night. When he told me the story I was mortified that he ate the turkey and didn't bury it in the garden. He couldn't understand why I was so emotional about the story and what he did. To him the animal meant survival and it just so happen it was standing in the wrong place at the wrong time and its life was destined for the dinner table anyway. If I want to eat a turkey, which is rare, I just go to the shop rite and buy a frozen one.


  13. i avoid eating anything that sheds, shits, stinks, pukes, or makes noise.

  14. To all the people calling me emos: Please. An emo is someone who wallows in their misery. I rarely cry and only posted this example because it was important to the example. I don't focus on my sadness and I have plenty of "fake" friends and a vibrant social life full of mostly worthless people I can't rely on. You can be a misanthrope and pretend not to be. That is why I thought I might have been a sociopath.

    To the guy who says BPD. I've always feared that and it may be the case. BPD is a lot less sexy than ASD but sometimes you have to face facts.

    I have a lot in common with the common sociopath. I'm easily charming, I hide who I am, I can see the world as nothing but a series of inputs and outputs. That;s why I thought I might have been one.

    Thanks to the people who tried to offer helpful responses.


    1. I can see why you hate people!!!

    2. Hun no u r not a sociopath, however i think you should see someone for a diagnosis on the autistic spectrum disorders. People on the spectrum struggle with human relationships and emotions. You seem very intelligent so google aspergers or high func autism. Good luck with it all.

    3. Top fucking kek lol

  15. you might be a secret schizoid

  16. being "charming" (i.e. manipulative) may be a trait of psychopathy, but there is substantial overlap between the cluster B personality disorders. A psychopath however, would not actively hate other people - they would be more likely to see them as tools, or feel nothing for them. Hatred, and the other possibly excessive negative emotions you feel are related to the other cluster B disorders, especially BPD. The fact that you are more manipulative, and more adapted to society does not mean you have stopped being that way - merely that you have developed better coping mechanisms. Remember too, that if you feel nothing a lot of the time, this could also be a symptom of depression, borderline personality disorder, or even an illness related to schizophrenia (though maybe unlikely).

    If you think you are a psychopath, you should review some symptoms you may have mistaken for psychopathy that may have in fact been due to BPD:
    Both sufferers can react with inappropriate anger to certain situations
    Both are impulsive (though borderlines may do things like this to self harm)
    Both can "feel nothing" - though to a psychopath this is emotional shallowness, whereas to a BPD sufferer, this is "dissociation" (a defense mechanism)
    Both lack regard for social norms
    Both feel limited empathy: psychopaths for everyone, borderlines for anyone they dislike (in your case: everyone)
    "Borderline"s can overeact to happiness, and become overly friendly, or accomodating. Psychopaths outwardly appear to act this way, when in fact they feel nothing about the matter.
    Both can lie easily, from practice - psychopaths must lie to cover their lack of empathy, BPD-afflicted people, their pain.

  17. There's no shame in being emo! Not to say you are or you aren't.

    I don't know you except for what you revealed, but it sounds to me you are NOT a sociopath. I don't think a true sociopath would feel such compassion for animals. I also get the impression that you want to love humans, you are in touch with a degree of natural compassion for them, but these feelings have been somewhat stifled due to the fact that you have been hurt, repeatedly, by human beings. Perhaps you have come to feel bitter, and are trying to freeze your heart as a defense mechanism against the pain. But why did that pain arise in the first place? Because of your initial desire to connect and bond with humans... your desire for love. These desires were not reciprocated, in fact you got the opposite of what you wanted on many occassions. So in reaction, perhaps you are trying to shut out your desire for love. But it's there, and you are still in touch with it.

    I think you are an empath who has tried to make yourself a sociopath, with limited success, as a defense mechanism from pain. This is a shitty choice to make... I recommend against it. Read self-help books, get some therapy, and perhaps most importantly, find yourself a better community of people. Not everyone is a callous asshole. I used to be surrounded by not so nice people, and it's easy to think that all humans are like this. I'm now surrounded by truly good, kind, friendly people. I hang out with many vegans and lefty-progressives and activists, so they tend to be above average in compassion and kindness. Getting involved in such communities I guarantee you will find nicer people!

    You love animals... you should go vegan (doesn't make sense to love animals and NOT be vegan) and start hanging out with other vegans. Not to say all vegans (or all leftists or all activists) are wonderful people, but I have found they are more likely to be so, although there are still assholes here and there.

    You should also look into the BPD (borderline) thing. Because if you do indeed have BPD then even if you are surrounded by loving, kind people you will still feel rejected and hurt quite often, due to your own misperceptions.

    Best of luck!

    1. Because of that post, you're my favorite commenter in this blog.

  18. Hi, you are not a sociopath. There is no other way to put it.

  19. U are not a sociopat, you can feel strong emotions. I would rather go for the "emotionally unstable" label. You are just deeply hurt and resentful, but still capable of feeling something. Maybe you are asocial, but not antisocial. That's a big difference.

    1. I may not love the maker of this blog. But you do have some points.

  20. This is a ridiculous blog. The sociopaths are not the problem - it's those idiots who want to be sociopaths. Sociopaths are the clearest formation of 'evil'- they are simply inhuman. And I mean that because - until you have known someone whose life has been taken by a ruthless animal- you have no idea the weight of what it means to be a sociopath. HA there's no sociopathic spectrum. Most of you were alienated, and it pissed you off, so you created the frankly embarrassing delusion that you are 'special' in your social awkwardness. This is a mensa-esque website created for someone who isn't intelligent enough - or deep enough - to get into the intellectually ego driven clique. You infuriate me, because sociopaths should NEVER be admired, emulated, romanticized, or etc because of the countless small and big evils they have committed against human kind. That's why sociopaths never get out of prison/mental hospitals, you can't 'save' them - they're inhuman. A fact demonstrated by your continual sick admiration, emulation, romanticification, of sociopaths - those are all intrinsically empathic gestures. Ah. And you can't be 'mildly sociopathic'. Have you seen the bodies? Read the notes that cannibals wrote to their adolescent victims' parents - describing in detail how he ate their children? Maybe cannibalism or mutilation isn't every sociopaths fetish - but every sociopath does feel the same about it.

    There is no pride in claiming to have the same mind as those disgusting monsters. And you are a humiliating representation of a normal human being - but you are one. You won't understand any of this until you've met the true, true, emptiness behind a sociopathic face - and so you may never realize it. Ah - you admireres are such a humiliation.

    I don't want anything to do with sociopaths that isn't clinical research. But I want just a little bit less to do with people idiotic and shallow enough to romanticize the soulless.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. you are a really stupid asshole. you are why people romanticize sociopaths. Because they kill people like you. I'm glad. Noone else can bring themselves to do it. Humans are disgusting and cancerous on the earth and you are the reason. arrogant f**ks like you. Being inhuman is a blessing.

    3. Even though being a "really stupid asshole", and the reason "why people romanticize sociopaths", which I wholeheartedly agree with.
      What you said: "A fact demonstrated by your continual sick admiration, emulation, romanticification, of sociopaths - those are all intrinsically empathic gestures." was very insightful none the less.

    4. Non-sociopathic humans are just as fucked up as us whom you dont consider human. They hurt others the same way and just as often, the only difference is I dont have to feel bad about it! So i would say thats a loss for normal people. Anyone with any common sense at all knows emotions cause nothing but trouble, they get you into trouble and cloud your ability to think rationally! As far as Im concerned sociopaths are part of evolution and we are more evolved! Most of us have never been to jail or institutions, we function better and fit in better than most "normal humans". If I was weak as shit and had to attach an emotion to the majority of thoughts, events, etc. In my life, anger, hatred, and fear would probably fit well as they do in your response do to the fact that you probably would never be able to tell us apart from your "normal humans". Were your family, friends, and we may even end up dating your children if you have or have them! I think the part that would bother me the most though being you is that you can get the typical emotional gratification from angrily responding with negative comments about us, cause we could care less if your normal people lived or died! Emotionally driven humans are a dying breed that will be filtered out by evolution and the only thing theyre good for is the means to and end. Theyre equivalent to pawns in a game of chess. But hey, heads up, there are those that arent good for anything, so it could be worse!

    5. ^ well, look who we have here. another dumb-ass who's full of shit 'cuz he lies like the prick he is.

    6. If it makes you feel better to believe I'm full of shit, that's your perogative! I've never denied the fact that I can be a prick, so I guess ya got me there, though I could truly give less than a Fuck what you think! As far as the lying goes, the only liar here is most likely you, and what makes that fact the saddest is that your lying to yourself! It may not be nice or socially acceptable, but everything I've said is true! The truth isn't always pretty and with a lot of people it hurts too! Unfortunately, it's gonna hurt even worse when you finally come to that realization, and your overly emotional and judgemental add gets out of the pool of denial you've probably been swimming in most of your life!

    7. What a big fat know-it-all you are, Ministry. Don't you know that sociopaths are liars? It's pretty sad that you can't refrain from responding to those who disagree with you. Hell, you're so deluded in thinking that you're so evolved just because you're a sociopath. FYI, you won't make it well in life if you keep being that way.

      It's ironic that you claimed not to give a fuck about what the guest told you when you did just that. Well ,I got news for you: if you keep being an asshole to others your whole life, you'll get your ass handed to you like the delusional dickhead you are.

      And by the way, screw you and your social Darwinism.

  21. I agree that some true sociopaths can "supposedly" love animals...I have seen it. But, the reason their love is so "supposedly" intense for their animals is the control they can exude over the animal and they, I feel, help the sociopath keep their big time sicko sense of some kind of control! I knew a socipath who so loved his dog and a neighbor told me, after the fact, that it was the meanest dog he had ever known! Socipaths are true predators to all whom they meet and to those they just randomly play with out in the world. They can con their own parole agents. Glib, superficial, ooze such intense sincerity....all lies, a facade. Their lives are a continual, long drawn out pathetic movie that never stops as they do not have "feelings" as most humans to focus their minds on. So, they are continually acting and upping their game as they become more learned in their game of deception through people who don't even know they are being played. Great observers, so they can seem normal. Far from it! They love the sympathy card. Could say more but I get such a sick feeling when I think of these predators and the lives they mess with and usually get away with it. They must WIN, at all costs. Winning is destruction - phenomonaly sick players. Women beware. Go with your gut, always.

  22. Eeeeeks! I really believe that my gf is a full blown sociopath! Her life is a constant contradiction mixed with hypocrisy .....She told me she has cancer and had me drive her to a few(phony ) Dr. appointments. Everytime we showed up to these appointments the nurses/doctors and receptionists were CLUELESS(kinda like I was at the time) . She claims to be ex military/army as well. I believed that she was (until the contradictions began)....First she claimed to be in for 14 years, then 12 years....She also claimed to have been raped by an Afghani and impregnated .......Well, her pregnancy test came back negative. .......The breast cancer exam (that she finally took for certain) came back negative as well. I spoke to her grandmother on the phone and she was under the impression(via my gf) that she had the surgery(mastectomy )....Her poor grandmother thought she was suffering:( She has cheated on me(through texting other women ) and maybe more, lol who knows lol. When caught she swore they were simply friends of hers(even though I had read the texts)....Yes, I went through her phone do to suspicion ....I could go on and on about the lies and strange stories that this girl tells me. The last load of crap she spewed involved a contusion on her face. She arrived home with this huge contusion on her right cheek. She claimed it was work related. Upon talking to her boss a few days later, he informed me that she claimed to have been at a charity bbq boxing match lol. Just another lie she told me. I know I am a FOOL to still be with her. I do not feel the love for her that I once did. I find myself wondering WHO THE HECK SHE IS? Who is this person that sleeps beside me at night. She is not physically or verbally abusive towards me. She is good to my dogs and seems to always ne consumed with pleasing me, but the stories and lies that she tells have diminished this "relationship"...I have sunk to a new very low level and I am making my plan of escape! Everytime I try to break up with her, she attempts suicide. She had attempted this twice. She was diagnosed as bipolar a few years ago and is taking medication for this, but the meds do not seem to hangs the fact that she lies. When she is off of her meds there is no difference in her behavior. The only thing I can do os to leave her. She is also very selfish.....Continuing to ask me to be her wife and spend our lives together. How can I commit to her on that level after all the crap she had told me. I never know what's true or false....There are usually many contradictions surrounding her stories. I realize my post will be subject to criticism from people on this site. She is also on SSI and during a heated yelling match one day she threatened to tell SSI that I was stealing from her. I drive this person to all of her dr. appointments(amongst giving her a place to live and food on the table)....Im not doomed, just needed to vent and maybe get some other views from fellow readers/or sociopaths....

  23. She has borderline personality most likely, due to her constant suicide attempts which are often used as security measures when fear of abandonment is present .

  24. Replies
    1. Look who's talkin', you emo-hating dick.

  25. I believe we all express our condition differently. I mostly choose not to play mind games with people unless challenged. Then I am the master and I always win. The reason I choose not to play with MOST people is because I do not consider them to be worth my time.

    Besides, if I try to indulge in gaining power over others, would I not be admitting initial powerlessness to those I wish to gain power over?

    Why waste my time? Especially when people are more than willing to give me their power since I am attractive, highly intelligent, very sexual, magnetic, and make my living in the entertainment industry.

    I do not have to play games to get my way because most people want to be manipulated. It's rather pathetic actually. All I do is look deeply into their tortured souls and they just know that I understand them better than anybody else could. The fools.

    People do not interest me for very long and I certainly feel no empathy for them; however, I love my pets.

    I am currently involved with a narcissist and he is way too easy to mind fuck(it seems I cannot help myself). I am quickly becoming bored. However, I am never bored with my pets. I understand and relate to animals, domestic and wild.

    Mess with my pets, I will find a way to make your life a living hell. Who knows? I might even maim or kill you.


    1. your inflated sense of self is hilarious. the fact that you have such pomp over the internet is just pathetic, considering it's most likely all lies.

    2. You are a charmer aren't you thing is you will still end up as dust just like us all.

    3. im diagnosed with aspd and I still have feeling towards animals, I don't like seeing dogs abused or any other animal for that matter I have two dogs and treat them great.. but on the flip side I had a snake in elementary school and still have one now.. and back then and still today I enjoy watching it kill the mouse, to make it worse I use to hope the snake didn't eat it or wasn't hungry just so I could grab the mouse by the tail and smash it on the ground to kill it or shoot it with a bb gun

    4. I like you and I too would destroy anyone who hurt my pets. Christ people are boring and stupid. Most and always eventually. I only can love animals. Always been that way. Looking at people murdered or whatever and I feel nothing, don't care. Seeing a hurt animal even in a movie where I know it's not that real and I have to smoke a cigarette and think about how sickening people are. If this weren't a board I would expand.

    5. well considering psychology defines a sociopath as an individual who lacks any empathy (empathy for anything including animals), im pretty sure you guys are sad tards who got hit to way too much by their dads or not enough. Your misanthropic not sociopathic

    6. "your inflated sense of self is hilarious. the fact that you have such pomp over the internet is just pathetic, considering it's most likely all lies."

      You like a dog, asswipe. Everything that you typed in your post is hypocritical bullshit.

      "You are a charmer aren't you thing is you will still end up as dust just like us all."

      You're as deluded, fucked-up, and dishonest as the dickhead who posted here on November 5, 2013 at 2:02 A.M. If you and him/her (most likely, him) can't stand what the Anonymous who posted in this blog on July 6, 2013 at 11:36 PM, then you both shut the hell up and get the fuck off this blog.

    7. Damn it! I meant to put "lie" between "You" and "like." My bad.

  26. It could maybe just be a lot of coping mechanisms. I grew up with a single mom that ignored me and my relationship with my father has always been close to nonexistent. He was a heroine addict, abusive, and a stalker. My mom, though, would have outbursts. Always blaming me for a bad day at work, being angry with me for not doing well in school, all while neglecting to spend time with me. I learned to make myself scarce when she showed signs of an outburst. I hid food in my room so I didn't have to go downstairs and get screamed at for wanting food. I always had a cat that comforted me. I learned to lie about the truth according to what I thought she would believe so she would like me more. Later, I learned to do this with teachers, other students, even friends and the school psychologists. I do it currently at work with my boss and I know it's a direct result of how I was raised. Though, it took me a long time to realize this. She always looked like a saint compared to my dad. Coping mechanisms can maybe be linked to or mistaken for mental disorders. I remember I once saw a therapist that picked up on how I analyzed what the right thing to say was. But I picked up on that and altered my responses slightly. I was probably 9 or 10. Background has little, if anything, to do with being a sociopath, but could influence other aspects of a person's behavior and point towards one disorder or another.

  27. I have no doubt that I am a true sociopath. Humans slaughter, exterminate and euthanize the creatures I love. I am incapable of love toward a human. I am human so I have fallen in lust with male humans. But my love is only for animals including the persecuted species people consider to be vermin. I fully believe that many sociopaths hate people because of how people mistreat animals. That is my reason I hate people. I think many sociopaths couldbe profiled by an extreme love for animals especially including creatures like cockroaches. To me, humans are vermin!

    1. since you're animal-loving misanthrope, maybe you and the maker of this blog could troll this anti-misanthrope website:

    2. Still not understanding this. Hatred and love are not opposites, they are both identified as very strong emotions- the opposite of BOTH is indifference. A lot of you are self diagnosing, incorrectly I may add, and not understanding the true nature of this label you've self applied. This page is like if twilight was about Jeffery dahmer instead of vampires. Mostly fan fic.

    3. ^ such a know-it-all and liar you are.

  28. it's me again. and i've returned to warn you of some prick named henry rollins, who was wrestling an alligator in this video clip:

    i must warn you though that there are people who support that asshole's harming that reptile. and some of them posted shit to those who objected to it. so i suggest that you prove your misanthropy troll those turds who shit on animals and animal lovers.

  29. i found another website that features people who want kill animals. and it's this:

    the worst mother fucker in that site is usernamed Bluto because of his fanaticism for hunting and killing beasts. because he loves doing that so much, he threatens to harm and kill anyone who's against what he does for fun. and so, i suggest that you retaliate at that dickhead.

  30. Well, well, look who decided to spam this blog.

  31. i've come back to warn you of a dumb-ass whose username is Legend. in this website, he posted shit about animal lovers and threatened to kill them for stopping him or her (most likely, him) from killing a cat:

    if you won't stand for that animal-hating bastard, i suggest that you troll the ever-loving fuck out of him.

  32. Oh well, what do I care about you spamming this blog? It's your life.

  33. since you love animals and hate humans, does that mean you love reptiles and hate mammals? i'm an example of person with those kinds of opinions.

  34. it's me again. and i'm back to warn you of this anti-animal website:

    you're not going to believe but there are assholes in there who posted things like "Animals are dicks." if you're really sickened by all the anti-animal bullshit in there, you can prove misanthropy by trolling the crap out of all those animal-hating bastards.

  35. it's me again. and i've returned to warn you about an alligator that was killed for biting off a human's hand in this article:

    since you love animals and hate humans, you'll likely get super pissed by the gator's killer or killers.

    another reason why i posted that website in this blog is because some bastard had posted a hypocritical comment. how it's hypocritical is this:

    "he or she - most likely, he - claimed to disapprove of the reptile's death but also claimed that he isn't on the side of the organization that's known as PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals), a tree hugger, or narrow-midned stance. if you ask me, that prick is the one who's narrow-minded.

    if you ask me, i support PETA and side against those who claim bullshit against it since its members are misanthropes like us.

    now that i warned you of those things that i hate, i suggest that you troll the ones who i'm against, especially that fuckin' PETA hater.

    1. PETA wants to take all animals away from humankind, us animal lovers wouldnt be able to have a pet when they see their agenda. I had to have this proven to me, please stop spamming this blog with tryin to direct people to troll your enemies.
      If we are sociopaths, we will give no fucks about your sites and your desires, and this is not a misanthropy blog so lets keep on topic, or you are about as useless as the porn spammer.

    2. Here is a link FROM PETA for the info I just shared.

    3. And before you turn your holy grailing on me, I dont hate PETA, I actively supported them till I discovered that. To desire that no one ever had pets, I find a very hard line, all of us who were helped in our struggles would have never had that support if up to them.
      You can fight for animal rights and not have to be a PETA shill.

      Now lets get back to sociopathy, and please stop derailing the blog. I have learned alot from these blogs, but not from thread hogging that is off topic.
      I know you want to manipulate others to do as you want, but you are among other manipulators, and I think most people here arent flocking to your aid.
      Coz... we may care about animals or an animal, but your holy war I doubt is that important to anyone but you.

    4. you fuckin' hypocrite! i side with you and this is what you give me! you claimed that this isn't a misanthropy blog but it actually has misanthropy on it.

      seriously, you claimed to love animals and hate humans but refuse to do anything about animal abuse. you accused of manipulating others when you sociopaths do just that.

      if you ask me, a true animal lover would unite with other animal lovers against humans. but a true sociopath cars nothing for animals.

      how dare you equate me with that porn spammer. do you realize that you're like him or her? for your information ,sociopaths spam and don't give a shit who they harm.

    5. Le sigh. I wonder what this lack of intelligence feels like. To feel there's any consideration for "mah feels" in a blog amongst sociopaths and misanthropes.
      Also, instead of a captcha this site asks me to confirm I'm not a robot by clicking "I'm not a robot"... That's a tough one captcha, if I'm being honest...luckily I rarely am ;)

    6. ^ You're the stupid one here.

  36. The entire argument is ridiculous. It's called transference and you're making the point of how shitty humans are by even writing this piece . it's pathetic.


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