
Friday, September 3, 2010

Sociopaths in the news: teen angst

I can't get over the idiocy of the kid that wanted to "become the world's most infamous sociopath." This kid is obviously unclear of what it means to be a sociopath. Last time I checked, most sociopaths weren't shouting their identity from the rooftops, pitching their rape/torture/murder plans to anyone who would listen, like some sort of bad vibes Ponzi schemer trying to get people to bite.

What I find really compelling is this story of teens mysteriously getting killed in Colombia after being put on a "Facebook hitlist." Get past the fact that it sounds like a summer B movie plot and that the hitlist was posted on Facebook, and I think you'll agree that there is some crazed teen on the loose, the likes of which we have not seen since three-guys-one-hammer.

The one guy sounds like he wears too much mascara, the other one like he was the victim of some serious physical/sexual/child abuse and keeps people's fingernails as souvenirs.


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  3. Um, sociopath's don't shout their identity from one shouts ANY identity from the rooftops. Too much overcompensation leads one to believe they are full of shit. A hit list? Who doesn't have one. I'm sure we all have a list, real or fantasy, that exists, doesn't mean we all act on it.

    And on facebook, really? wow, that's original...


    He was "flagged up as a possible violent student over two years ago" because he was researching the Columbine shootings. In the school library.


  5. The story about the teen who was trying to be a sociopath is just upsetting and insulting. He was trying to learn how killers think!? No one an ever learn how to think and kill like a murderer. We don't know what's going on in their minds. He was trying TOO hard, and unfortunately he is going to get the attention and press that he longed for due to America's incessant need to boost the egos of the mentally challenged fame whores. Another negative checkmark for the sane sociopaths out there, awesome.

    He wasn't going to blow up a school. He wasn't going to kill anyone, or rape any woman, animal, or man with his limp dick. He more than likely doesn't even understand why he was drawing the swastikas, he justs figures he gets "Oh my GOD he's EVIL!" points from society. Everything he had conveniently lying around in his room was cliche HW psychopaths. He wasn't going to do a damn thing. If he was, he would have done so without mentioning a WORD to anyone.


    I know who to add to my hit list now, J-o-s-e-p-h T-h-o-m-a-s H-a-n-s-e-n...

  6. Three guys, one hammer. LOL

  7. This brought to mind a question: How does Psychopathy hold up in court as a reason for "not guilty by reason of insanity?"

    Currently, it doesn't, unless the defendant refuses to admit to ASPD, and makes a convincing insanity plea (schizophrenia seems to be the easiest and most common).

  8. This kid and his sort is becoming quite the cliché. Swastikas? Quiet loner? Come on.

    "He was a nice kid, well mannered," said Ostby. "He was a super nice kid so it's pretty unbelievable."

    Uh, not really. Doesn't every story where someone goes crazy have this quote by some random townsperson?

  9. Aerianne,

    I don't think sociopathy has ever been used as a defense. I could be wrong, though.

    My understanding with the insanity plea is if the perpetrator knows the difference between right and wrong. A sociopath understands the difference, and obviously if standing next to a cop, will choose to behave himself as such.

    The insanity plea, however, can be demonstrated in the example of a perpetrator killing someone because he thought the victim was an alien from another planet trying to attack him.

    Clearly two different mind sets. And yes, schizophrenia is often the biggest diagnosis for an insanity plea. From my understanding, that is.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I... just... *sigh*.

    People like the first make me want to go serial killer for a few months and cleanse the planet a little.

    As for the second story... it sounds more like a gang or a cartel than a lone nutjob. Also, are the deaths really mysterious if they say "Make the people on this list leave town or we will kill them"? Seems fairly straightforward. Jinkies.

  12. People like the first make me want to go serial killer for a few months and cleanse the planet a little.

    But it's the crazies and idiots that provide life with such humour.

  13. Hes probably happy as a clam. He finally got attention.

    Ted Bundy's Neighbor:
    "He was our next door neighbor, very charming, the boy next door, the last one we would ever want to suspect."

  14. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 6:44 PM

    you say "Last time I checked, most sociopaths weren't shouting their identity from the rooftops"

    but what the fuck are you doing?


  15. Hee hee. I recognize that rage. Felt you needed to vomit on another post did you? You might be better received if you actually made a point instead of just calling everyone wankers and cunts. This is why you lost the Revolutionary War. :P

  16. Hey Cunt Person,

    Last time I checked, the internet is not a rooftop, and is generally anonymous.

    Most everyone has the need to reveal themselves in some form or another... it's called expression and existing.

  17. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 7:22 PM

    Hello PosEmodern Sociopath

    You think you recognise that rage? You dont, you're just projecting your power fantasises of the last vulnerable person you bullied onto me.

    The point I'm making is that you're a tool. You claim sociopathy because you think it makes you superior, thus accounting for your unhappiness because "no one else is like me". a real sociopath wouldnt have anything to do with this site. That's the point. You're not a sociopath. You're a posing cunt.

    Hello Medusa (love the scary sexy name by the way)

    Youre right, people do have the right to express themselves, but I would extend that to everyone, not 'most everyone' as you said. Im wondering what are the criteria that someone has to meet before you allow them to express themselves? Apart from that, your post said nothing. You just felt threatened because someone had a pop at the website that represents your entire social life. Pity.

    Ps. Bring it

  18. It's come to puns, has it? *sigh*

    Please enlighten us, O Great One... why wouldn't a sociopath have anything to do with this site?

    I'm not "[unhappy] because 'no one is like me'". On the contrary, I'm quite pleased with myself because I don't foam at the mouth every time someone corrects my grammar.

  19. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 7:35 PM

    Hello Post modern tool

    Are you fucking dense? A sociopath wouldnt be on this site because they wouldnt feel the need to be validated by other people. Thats the difference between sociopathy and narcissism.

    Its really that simple.

    Ps. love you

  20. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 7:36 PM

    Pps. i look forward to your reply

  21. Who's looking for validation? The blog's relevant to my interests, and there're occasional bursts of good discourse. Lately, though, there seems to be a lot more of... well... you.

    And for fuck's sake... learn to use apostrophes. You're just atrocious.

  22. Youre right, people do have the right to express themselves, but I would extend that to everyone, not 'most everyone' as you said. Im wondering what are the criteria that someone has to meet before you allow them to express themselves?

    Heh. I just try not to speak in generalizations, that's all.

    You just felt threatened because someone had a pop at the website that represents your entire social life. Pity.

    Not really. I just like writing. And my brain likes wanking off a bit every once in a while (as you are doing right now). I am, after all, a bit of a narcissist, as I've said before.

    I do have a social life, when I feel like it. Sometimes I don't feel like it. Sometimes I just prefer the internet. Or sometimes I'm just procrastinating, and doing so here is preferable to, I dunno, say watching reality TV or some such shit.

    You having a good time?

  23. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 8:13 PM

    Weak. If you have to pick me up on my grammar, you're really clutching at straws. I thought we were beyond that type of pettiness.

    I only posted on here 90 minutes ago. Have I ruined the 'good discourse' already? Or can you just not bear the pricking of your ego?

    By the way, Your initials are PMS. Way to pick a cool name, dumbass.

    Ps. As you dont seem to have any real arguments, I'll give you a few minutes to run this through spell check. I have deliberately placed two grammatical errors in this reply for you to find and get excited about.


  24. By the way, Your initials are PMS. Way to pick a cool name, dumbass.

    Nice. That was just as lame as picking out grammar mistakes (i.e. apostrophes) as a means of "clutching at straws," as you say.

    You are lots of fun!

  25. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 8:18 PM

    Ps. Hurry up

  26. How's your social life on this Friday night?

    I see you are out partying.

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  28. Well, aren't you just the cutest thing? However, as you haven't actually come to a point yet and you prefer dancing around your own arguments, I'm finished.

    Also, it was three.

  29. Also, you cannot begin a sentence with a proposition.

    Such as "Or".

    That's three.

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  31. Excuse me, preposition.

  32. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 8:30 PM

    Hello Medusa, Thanks for replying.
    First, i apologise for casting aspersions on your lack of social life, and i mean that sincerely.

    Second, you're right, I'm not partying. I was, but its 4am here. There are other places in the world than the USA you know.

    But I dont think you should call PMS lame for getting upset at my grammatical errors

    And I was serious, I *really* like your name.


    PMS where are you? I miss you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  33. I guess your sarcasm detector is jacked up.

    When did I say that I lived in the USA?

    Anyways, thank you for apologizing.

  34. But love means never having to say you're sorry.

  35. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 8:40 PM

    There was 3 grammatical errors????
    Shit! i only thought there was one. I just said there were two so you'd spend time looking for the extra one. And you did. Are sociopaths that easily manipulated, or are they just pedantic?

    Or not?

    Or are they?

    Or am I beginning sentences with 'or'to give people something to gripe about?

    PostScript. I really like your t shirt xx

  36. "Your initials" should be lowercase.

    "you dont seem" should read "you don't seem"

    "I have deliberately placed two grammatical errors in this reply for you to find and get excited about." should read "I have deliberately placed two grammatical errors in this reply for you to find and about which to get excited. Also, I'm a huge failure."

    Okay, now I'm done. Totally worth it.

  37. I just said there were two so you'd spend time looking for the extra one. And you did. Are sociopaths that easily manipulated, or are they just pedantic?

    1. I knew exactly what you were doing.

    2. I'm not a sociopath.

  38. Addendum: I don't need to spend extra time looking for mistakes because I'm not an uneducated waste of oxygen.

  39. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 8:59 PM

    Hi thanks for getiing back to me.

    Medusa, you didn't know what i was doing. If you did you wouldnt have risen to the bait.

    PMS, theres more to life than grammar. i think you are focusing on that because you cannot fault my argument, which is that youre a narcissist not a sociopath. A sociopath would not have spent so much energy correcting irrelevant grammatical mistakes while ignoring the main point of the argument. I can only assume you did that because you know i am right.

    Im very disappointed in you. I expected better. You have let me down, you have let the oxymoronic sociopathic community down, but most of all, you have let yourself down. Must try harder.


    ps. fuck apostrophes

  40. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 9:04 PM

    you blocked my replies??

    You cowards!!

    Was i upsetting the poor defenceless sociopaths?

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Oh, was that your point? I'm glad we've come to it.

    Very well, my argument against.

    From the DSM-IV's account via the Wikipedia:

    "Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)"

    I do not exaggerate. I have talents and achievements.

    "Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love"

    I do not fantasize about much of anything, least of all myself.

    "Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)."

    Oh, yes, I'm a one-of-a-kind-snowflakey kinda guy. End sarcasm mode.

    "Rarely acknowledges mistakes and/or imperfections"

    To the contrary, I prefer to be aware of my mistakes so they can be corrected.

    "Requires excessive admiration"

    I believe my delight in your ragedump is all the argument I need for this point.

    "Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations"

    I prefer much harsher odds. Being a favorite is just boring.

    "Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends"

    Well, certainly.

    "Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others."


    "Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her"

    I hardly have time for envy. I'm busy bettering myself, thank you.

    "Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitude."

    Well, let's slap a gold star on that.

    Just because I'm a sociopath doesn't mean I can't engage in debate, fuckwit. Logic (though more of the mathematical variety) is one of my numerous talents.

    I await your reply with bated breath (and a raging hard-on).

  43. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 9:13 PM

    Hello Aerianne

    I posted a reply that may have been offensive to the oxymoronic sociopathic community. It appeared, then disappeared very quickly. Thanks for joining in though.


    You didnt know what i was doing. If you did, you wouldnt have risen to the bait so easily.


    You seem to be focussing on grammatical errors in favour of arguing against my point, which is that you are a narcissist not a sociopath. Try to move past the pedantry and get into the argument. I dare you.


  44. Oh, my, has ME laid the smack down? Ooh, new pieces in play. Good show.

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  46. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 9:22 PM

    Fantastically, the word verification for this reply is "predotr". I love these synchronicities!


    so far you have corrected my grammar, for which i am grateful, and quoted wikipedia's listed traits of sociopathy. Could you look up the traits for narcissism and check through them too? Just out of interest?

    Breathless with anticipation


    Ps. lovely to hear about your raging hard on

  47. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 9:31 PM


    i stand corrected! mea culpa.

    so what is it that makes you think youre a sociopath?

    Genuinely interested.

    Ps. seriously. genuinely interested

  48. No you aren't Smacster.

  49. To continue with the Wiki theme:

    "A) There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since the age of 15, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:
    failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;"

    Thievery, assault, habitual drug use, and jaywalking.

    "deceitfulness, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;"

    Only on days which end with "y".

    impulsivity or failure to plan ahead;

    Yes and no. It's really more akin to Xanatos Speed Chess.

    "irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;"


    "reckless disregard for safety of self or others;"

    Everywhere except when driving.

    "consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations;"

    My rapidly accumulating debt and continuing unemployment are testaments to this fact.

    "lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another."

    No real way to describe this to you, but yes.

    "B) The individual is at least 18 years of age."


    "C) There is evidence of Conduct disorder with onset before age 15."


    "D) The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or a manic episode."

    And check.

    Now I'd love to keep this up, but I hate pigeonholing myself with the DSM, and I have social obligations to attend to (surprise).


  50. Correction: "impulsivity or failure to plan ahead;"

    Forgot quotes.

  51. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 9:43 PM

    no dont go you sound lovely!

    whats a smacster?

  52. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 9:45 PM

    Damn, I've lost him.


    oh well

    good night

  53. you narcissistic wankersSeptember 3, 2010 at 9:56 PM

    I cant believe he went through all that.

    the word verification is now 'somnil'

    i really need to sleep

    Aerianne, you are the sweet cool voice of reason

  54. Medusa

    You didnt know what i was doing. If you did, you wouldnt have risen to the bait so easily.

    I did it out of pity.

    And I don't tell lies.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. What a dreadful bore that was. *sigh* Excuse me while I commit suicide to save face after having to drag out Wiki bullshit.

  57. Nice. Pawns don't know the games that the kings play. It almost pains me to watch you people display your weaknesses. You don't just bite the hook, you swallow the sinker everytime. I can see it.

  58. The 'C' word gets bad press, but used in the right manner, inflection, context and direction, it is very apt.

    PreSchoolIdiot, you are a CUNT.

    UKan, you delicious bottom feeder. Have you shat your insides out yet? x

  59. I would have but there's nothing to shit. Besides who needs anymore shit when were already hanging out in the stall.
    If you want to stay on the top the best way is to feed off the bottom. I'm sure you understand.
    I was worried what side of the board you would choose. There are so many pawns trying to make it to the end to find out they still aren't a king. Kings started out as kings. That's why they don't understand. They don't know the rules of the game. Some of them don't even know they are playing at all.
    Now that we know our pieces the real games can begin. How is your pawn game?

  60. Masks upon masks, my dear UKan. My delight only grows.

  61. I think that's the person from the other night using the c word again. I don't like using the term weakness but I don't know how else to explain my feelings.


    The more you rage you feel the more you expand that weakness within yourself and you will keep confirming to yourself that you're're doing a disservice to yourself. Don't you understand that? If you really want to be superior, not that you really could be, then grow up and type something up that we can really talk about instead of this bullshit. Or better yet, try another site where that kind of thing can confirm that you're above the rest. You're just taking a crap on yourself here. It must feel horrible.

    Now if you come back with more of the same..then what I’m saying here is what’s happening for you.

    p.s. I know this because I’ve done it and I know the results…not because I’m superior. I talk from my heart not my ass. Yeah..that’s how weak I am but I’m also free.


  62. I think that's the person from the other night using the c word again. I don't like using the term weakness but I don't know how else to explain my feelings.


    The more you rage you feel the more you expand that weakness within yourself and you will keep confirming to yourself that you're're doing a disservice to yourself. Don't you understand that? If you really want to be superior, not that you really could be, then grow up and type something up that we can really talk about instead of this bullshit. Or better yet, try another site where that kind of thing can confirm that you're above the rest. You're just taking a crap on yourself here. It must feel horrible.

    Now if you come back with more of the same..then what I’m saying here is what’s happening for you.

    p.s. I know this because I’ve done it and I know the results…not because I’m superior. I talk from my heart not my ass. Yeah..that’s how weak I am but I’m also free.


  63. @you narcissistic wankers
    Sociopaths like to play with people- how do visitors to this site so often forget that?

  64. Weakness brings you freedom. I couldn't have made that one up.

  65. The source of all beauty is weakness.

    Take your pick.

  66. I don't really like the word weak UK. Weak relative to what? A sociopath..than yes I would be condisered weak. But not so much anymore because I've come to learn a thing or two about them and about myself, more importantly. There is a part of me, maybe even most of me, that will never change and I don't want it to unless I'm up against something I have no control over and need to change. So I don't feel my weakness has overpowered the part of me that is free to be myself.


  67. UK's quite the magician, isn't he? By pointing out others' weaknesses, he diverts attention away from his own. How very clever of him. I'll remember that one for future reference.

    By the way, Grace, what compels you to prove yourself to those who shouldn't matter to you?

  68. I want to be right sometimes!! No other reason No

    I'm not proving anything here anyway..don't think anyone cares what I say. I respond the only way I know how to. I start classes again tomorrow and that's where I will prove myself. To be honest I've been a bit anti social lately and facebook bores me so I've been coming here. Back to reality tomorrow.


  69. I want to be right sometimes!! No other reason No

    This much is true not only for you.

    I'm not proving anything here anyway..don't think anyone cares what I say.

    It's 50/50. Not that it matters. It is admittedly fun to watch the occasional circus show that often pops up in the comments though. People take themselves much too seriously.

  70. HAHAHAHAHAHA!...Man that was friggin ENTERTAINING!!! Hi-larious - love it.

  71. Pollution Monitoring Satellite. Do you honestly expect anybody to take you seriously?


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