Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bad ex


  1. The problem with this would be that there are some people who think their love to be so pure; so powerful and all conquering, that they'd ignore any warning or even prohibitive law . Some people just love a challenge.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Isn't that what is about?

  4. Actually, don't date him girl is probably someone's idea of fish in a barrel. Aerianne, I don't think anyone has really come to their senses so you're in a league of your own now.

  5. For the hover text

    Blackhat is one of my favorite comic strip characters, ever. Gotta love the Nerd Sniping one.

  6. So, how is the weather for everyone today?

  7. Pretty decent. Just popped my head outside for the first time today. Waiting for coffee to do its trick. How 'bout you guys?

  8. Ha, coffee. Espresso does the trick :)

  9. That thread from yesterday got me thinking a lot this morning about my sociopathic information processing and my brain's DANGER DANGER triggers. I'm new to this site and a little shy about posting though. You'd all find that ridiculous if you knew me in real life (Calculating sociopath) but on here with sociopaths so much like me I feel a little exposed. Frankly, it's a little creepy to have you guys seem to get everything I wrote yesterday. Never had that before. So looking for a little confirmation before I start blathering. On the other hand, maybe it's not relevant to this thread at the moment. Which is cool too.


  10. It's a luxury, being able to relate to people here.

  11. What outstanding traits would qualify someone to be on the Notification list? LOL

  12. Appreciate the feedback. Just opening a couple of excellent gifts an old empasocio friend left on my front door (my birthday's this week). And what a bunch of presents! Even socios like presents, but only when they show you how much the giver knows about you.

    My my, I'm such a little empa today! Must be the lack of sleep. Back in a bit. :)

  13. What's the notification list?


  14. The Terrible Ex Tracking and Notification Service List. From the cartoon post.

  15. Hi Medusa. *waves*

  16. I can relate to you Aerienne. I was told about my ex but I was already falling for him. I thought for sure he would change his evil ways for wonderful me:) How pathetic was that:) But I do feel that even sociopaths would make adjustments to their lifestyle if they found the right person. No? Am I being naive again? Or are they destined to roam the earth without the desire/need for a monogamous relationship. I wonder.

    Funny post M.E.


  17. this i know said...
    What outstanding traits would qualify someone to be on the Notification list? LOL

    the wife trait

  18. Right! Just got that.

    So what I was going to say earlier was that I got to thinking this morning about what made me empasocio. I mean what about my brain's way of processing information--I'm going to skip over the why's and the how's (poor little me! will probably reemerge in a later post, but for now I'm just thinking of the machinery.)

    I've always been a sentinel--could see everything and everyone and no one could see me. I've always been that way, but I only realized it recently, and also that not everyone is like this. I wouldn't trade it for anything. It's kept me sharp and on my toes. But during times of extreme stress or suppressed internal conflict, the system has gone haywire, and then its primary defensive function became the opposite--it started cannibalizing my brain processes. I think I process information differently than other people, I pick up signals and clues and microexpressions and the slightest shifts all the time. A couple of times when I was under extreme pressure, the sentinel and filtration system went into overdrive until every little thing read like grave danger (shallow and scattered processing is how it was put in something I read). It got so bad that the tiniest thing would immediately cause a massive system shut down. Grasping around when I was inside of it, I decided that the way the feedback loop was short-circuiting had kicked into my synapses, had become biological, but that it could be remastered once the immediate biology was restored. I no longer felt I had control over it. I could look at the smallest thing and then BAM!, a second later the machinery would go nuts. After resisting and resisting I went on an SSRI, vowing that it would only be short term until the biology could unkink itself and I could think straight. Three weeks I was on them, and they saved my life by giving me some breathing room to reboot. I think what happened is that the system kept telling me that it had been breached because suddenly I couldn't regain equilibrium in the ways I had before. So I read threats where there weren't any and amplified existing threats by a magnitude of a hundred. It got so bad that anything at all triggered a full-blown attack. And the more that went on, the more it sped up the circuitry of future attacks. I'm a person who tends to thinks in metaphor. And when things finally settled down, the way I saw it was that I was trying to maximize efficiency within one operating system but that I could also try switching operating systems instead. One OS could be better than the other or not, but at least provided an interesting skeptical lens to experiment with. I mean a different set of cognitions by changing OS rather than trying to increase the cognitive efficiency within the existing system, which was just making it worse. The system was already being too efficient, causing the sentinel to mistrust itself, which ironically was creating the danger signals it was meant to filter out.

    Recently I read a couple of books about the Enneagram, which sounded like some Who Moved My Cheese kind of thing, but I actually found it very useful in its description of what happens during periods of integration or disintegration for Type Fives (which also does a good job of describing the sociopathic mind.)

    I'm tired and meandering, and I don't know if this makes much sense...

  19. you could be my doppelganger

  20. what is a sentinel, anon? a personality archetype?

  21. Anon, that was an aspie comment if I ever saw one. ;)

    Sounds like you have a low latent inhibition problem. Catchphrase of the week.

  22. Zoe, good question. I don't know--going to do a search now. Why, know anything about it?

    And Medusa, you bring up something I was meaning to ask earlier. Aspies keep popping up on the site. That's short for Asperberger's, right? If so I'd say they're the opposite of whatever we seem to be. We read facial and personality cues too well--that's one reason why socios are so good at manipulating people. It's been such a default that I tend to do it without noticing, but I've started to retrain myself by paying attention and then checking when and why I do it. I used to think of the skill in vaguely childlike magical ways, that I could smell a person's soul, but now I wonder if it's just the low latent inhibition. Could you explain that a bit, by the way? Aspies have LLI?


  23. Hello. I've been reading the site and I am really enjoying it. I wanted to pose a question to the group: in your experiences, how common is the sentinel type? I am a 22 year old woman who has always felt outside the system, including my gender. I don't imagine myself as male, but I don't particularly feel female either. As a sentinel, I guess I always think of myself as two genderless eyes peering out, but I don't have any problems being a girl. I like being a girl. It just seems limiting to have to #think# like a girl (or a guy). So I guess I'm wondering, are sentinels even rarer among women? I don't think I've ever met any others.


  24. You know, I don't get this thing about not being able to have a relationship with a sociopath. My boyfriend is one, and we really do love one another. Granted, he rarely comforts me and instead tells me I'm being ridiculous and illogical, and he doesn't understand why I want him to stand up for me in my absence... but... *shrugs* we love each other. It works. I completely understand him and the way he thinks, I just can't do it myself. If that makes sense. Out of curiosity, do you think someone isn't a sociopath if they're capable of such?

  25. to Ava

    i think it just means you are rational and appreciate that there are other types out there who you can emotionally adapt to.

    you can be rational and a non-socio. you can't become a socio as that is determined by a certain difference in the brain.


  26. I was reffering to my boyfriend, lol. Whether I myself am a sociopath, I have no clue. I have the...what you might call values, of one, and I agree with the way of thinking, but I'm extremely sensitive and empathic to the point I take on other people's feelings as my own, which would surely suggest otherwise.

    Nah, just wondering about him. I could explain why, but I'm just waiting for someone... 'normal' to come along and yell at me.

  27. I agree. Ava, it sounds like your boyfriend probably does comfort you in many different ways. Unless you're some kind of masochist! But it doesn't sound like it from your post, you sound pretty reasonable. No, he doesn't sound like a typical sociopath to me. The question is, what kind of person are you if you understand him so well? Maybe the kind of comfort you really need he already provides in ways he's not even aware of? Because he sounds an awful lot like you.

  28. You couldn't possibly know whether I enjoy pain based on the content of my posts :p

    See, this doesn't sound like comfort to me:
    "What now?"
    "No, tell me."
    "Well I was talking to (name) and they looked at me as if they were annoyed and..."
    "Oh, for god's sake! Stop being so paranoid! I'm not speaking to you until you stop being irrational!"
    "What the hell are you shouting for? I'm not allowed to be upset now?"
    (He puts the phone down, and refuses every phonecall for several hours until I admit I was being irrational)

    We have conversations along these lines every few days >.>
    He just doesn't understand it. And he thinks that if something upsets me that shouldn't, he shouldn't bother to comfort me. It's kind of lovable though.

  29. That sounds a lot like how I typically reacted to my ex's. Though, I wouldn't attribute that to someone being a sociopath. It is possible that you are simply annoyingly irrational or annoying :)

  30. Hmm. In my opinion it sounds like he is comforting you. Would you value the kind of comfort that most people provide, with platitudes that you just know are untrue and make you feel more alone and upset? And has he ever left, even when you're not talking on the phone?

    How do you respond to him when he doesn't get it?


  31. Hey guys, it's Tracy again. I just read the most recent posts on the last entry. Can anyone explain them to me? I got a little lost by the end. Anything that's worth addressing here?

  32. i assumed you were a strong empath (cos they are very accomodating) and was gonna ask you that actually.

    maybe explain to him (if he is a socio) that just as he hones in on people on one level, you do it on an emotional one and your instinct is innate. and btw, socios can be hyper-suspicious of others themselves, so don't let him belittle your emotional sensitivity, as it's simply a strength that he lacks and doesn't warrant an attack on his part.

    if he is a socio, then don't be too surprised if he always expects you to acquiesce to his way of seeing things. strong empaths are the accomodaters, not socios.
    just my two cents, from someone like you. :)


  33. And while we're on the subject, Ava--explain! I have to admit I'm a little confused if you are talking about yourself or your boyfriend? There's no one normal here to yell :)


  34. True, I am possibly annoyingly irrational. My point is he gives me little comfort when I'm upset, because it isn't a logical reason to him. That isn't why I call him a sociopath - he told me it from the start of our conversations (after the point at which he kindly told me he intended to change me, and I gladly baited him on. It was bloody fun, I must say. Lasted three months. I didn't win, time of my life) and he continued to prove it... I just never cared. I just wonder whether the fact he loves me means he might not be.

  35. Does no one else find hyper-sensitive people who bitch and moan about their lives annoying (especially considering in most cases, there are far worse things that could happen to someone)?

    I can't be the only one.

    It seems that some of you are over-analyzing the situation.

    "so don't let him belittle your emotional sensitivity, as it's simply a strength that he lacks and doesn't warrant an attack on his part."

    This made me laugh out loud.

  36. lol

    'Does no one else find hyper-sensitive people who bitch and moan about their lives annoying (especially considering in most cases, there are far worse things that could happen to someone)?

    I can't be the only one.

    It seems that some of you are over-analyzing the situation.

    "so don't let him belittle your emotional sensitivity, as it's simply a strength that he lacks and doesn't warrant an attack on his part."

    This made me laugh out loud''

    lol (again). i rest my case.


  37. Seems I missed a lot of posts while trying to form a reply...

    Well, to the first anon (n?), I...suppose I see what you mean. But I just want a hug. I can't have that if I'm miles away. He could just say a little something.
    I'll admit I get angry nowadays at him because of it, or I just sit and cry. I'm not putting up with someone shouting at me for being upset though.

    Anon b -
    Explaining doesn't work. He just gets angry. I suppose it's not surprising. I'm being a bit of a bitch, aren't I?

    T - Well, I'll call him S from now on. I've mentioned both of us.

    Oh, more posts...
    Well, I wasn't intending to complain at all, I was really just wondering about one thing. I answered questions and clarified that he does not comfort me.

  38. Oh no! Hold up everyone. I just wrote a long post that got lost when my connection went out. Retyping now.

  39. lol what is it with all these letters all of a sudden?

    for the sake of avoiding all the letters of the alphabet showing up, i'm changing from plain old B to Bastard.

    ok, let's say

    Bambi (haha!)





  40. Ava, sounds like he might just be a lot like you and feels so hurt and embarrassed and rejected when you get angry at him that for him just to remain upright seems to him a dramatic show of intense loyalty and still embarrasses him terribly.

    I don't think he realizes that you're asking for comfort. If you tell him, Go Away! or You're Shit! it probably hurts him like you really mean it, and after a few times he probably believes you do think he's shit and want him to go away.

    I bet that if you're very upset about something, rational or irrational, he'd give you all the hugs in the world as long as it wasn't unfairly directed at him or wasn't designed to hurt him.

    Sounds to me he may be more of a compensatory empath than anything else. But if that's the case, he'd never have the courage to tell you that he's been obsessed with you since he met you, has thought of no one but you ever since, and feels an impossible to imagine hole when he contemplates not being with you.

  41. And Medusa, you bring up something I was meaning to ask earlier. Aspies keep popping up on the site. That's short for Asperberger's, right? If so I'd say they're the opposite of whatever we seem to be.

    I think aspie types show up here as a general result of being detached from the majority of humanity. Yes, opposite in some ways, similar in others.

    I used to think of the skill in vaguely childlike magical ways, that I could smell a person's soul, but now I wonder if it's just the low latent inhibition. Could you explain that a bit, by the way? Aspies have LLI?

    It's one of the theories, yes. True for a lot of neuropsychiatric/developmental disorders. Check out Dr. Oliver Sacks for some more info, as he's a wonderful guy to listen to on this stuff, especially if you like music. You can probably find some documentaries and stuff with him on YouTube.

  42., sorry. We both know each other very, very well, so he isn't embarrassed and hiding it, etc. It's a good point you have, though, and if I didn't know him so well I'd consider it. :)
    I really don't mind the lack of comfort, though, anyway. I understand. He is what he is. I love him. I didn't intend to go into it really.

  43. Or if he ever did, he'd probably have to resist trying to take it back because he felt exposed and humiliated.

  44. Or he'd be kicking himself for saying something that sounded too intense and might scare you away. Which I bet he could do if you wanted him to backtrack because you were feeling trapped by him.

  45. Ava, just the fact that you are on this site shows that you are having serious doubts about your relationship. Listen to your doubts.

    I'm not going to offer much in the way of advice or insight on your situation, as I'm sure others will do that and it's available all over the internet.

    Just watch for when you start to feel confused about your own identity. That's the big warning sign to GET OUT. Don't disregard your need for comfort or emotion, and don't let him make you feel inferior for being the way you are, because there's nothing you can do about who you are, unless you don't mind having massive breakdowns.

    Just be honest with yourself, which is the hardest thing in the world, but one of the most valuable in the long run.

    All of the previous is true for any relationship, sociopathic or not.

    Saying "I'm not talking to you until you become rational" is not comfort. Not the type of comfort you need, anyway. It's actually abuse.

  46. In 2 words: affection starvation.

    Even a wild dog needs warmth, he just won't trust you enough for you to lay your hands on him.


    And please, people, pick a username. You don't have to give an email or URL if you choose the "Name/URL" option.

  48. Even if he did feel that way, though, I'm sure he wouldn't want it to freak you out. He might even go downstairs and grab some dinner to shake off his embarrassment.

  49. i agree with medusa. and it somewhat echoes what i was saying.


  50. If you're trying to call yourself what I think you're trying to call yourself, it's spelled blancmange.

  51. i thought i'd modify it to something more phonetic.
    you don't need to be so conformist.


  52. N, did Ava just call you? Because you read me perfectly. I was shaking it off downstairs, doing my version of Eva's sulk--what I like to call The Ostrich--until I realized what I was doing and forced myself to see if Eva wrote.

    And I URL'd myself. It's a start, right? Next I might even give a name.

  53. @ava
    you mention that you love him or you love each other at every possible instance - this means you possibly do love him but are worried that if he is a socio then maybe he doesn't really love you and is only acting. you are probably right to be worried...

  54. Oh boy, a reference! But I'm too tired to get it :(

    Blamange/Blancmange? Hints?

    Affection starvation: is that a term or your observation? Is that where this feeling comes from? It's so deep, this shame, it precedes anything I can understand on a conscious level.

  55. Just because Ava would like to feel comforted by her boyfriend and wanted to know if there was anything she could do to inspire a better reaction from him when she's upset does not make her irrational or complaining. She was just asking (hoping) if this was a lost cause.

    Probly is not going to change so.
    So you might have to find a way of taking care of those feelings yourself.
    And being on this sight does not mean she doubts the relationship but is trying to understand it better.

    She's still with him isn't she.

    With = win

    Without = lost

  56. what in the name of christ is going on here?

    i don't know what to say...

    blamange (blancmange for when postmodern drops in)

  57. Hey, I'm Steve, ABF's friend. (He gets shy, so he asked me to paraphrase for him.)

    ResCogitans: haha if Ava actually feels that way, because ABF once wrote Ava a very scary letter with every ounce of courage he had and was subsequently too embarrassed ever to bring it up again.

    I guess Ava's not in his head, so she doesn't know, but the idea that he could be acting is so unimaginable to him as to have literally never crossed his imagination before RC mentioned it.

  58. What is going on here? No idea.

    If only Ava knew the half of it.

  59. This contrived drama trumps all previous contrived drama on sociopathworld.

    A milestone.

    *sips coffee, cues up Muppet videos*

  60. ABF has also been reticent to address the topic because he didn't think Ava could like him as much as he liked her and felt insecure about Ava and other men.

    (Steve again, filling in.)

  61. She never said he was acting, she said that 'because he loves her' she wonders if he is a Socio because that is not a natural emotion for them.

  62. i think ABF, you need to let go of that inner turmoil. you may not even know it's there. but dig deep.
    she'll appreciate you more when you're a more rounded person.
    girls like to see men cry.


  63. I was just thinking that Ava and ABF confessing to each other on sociopathworld may be the most romantic story I've ever heard. Puts Amelie to shame.

    What's with the Muppet videos?

    Though merely an observer to this drama, as well as a sociopath, I confess to the oddest feeling of warmth in my face.

  64. Blackminge:

    But doesn't that show weakness? Leaving oneself open for attack like that? You think Ava would respond favorably if I were more expressive with my feelings? Because last time I tried she hurt my feelings and I didn't know how to try again.

    Who would think I was a 33 year old man?

  65. I can't get enough of the Muppets. Fraggle Rock I keep meaning to rewatch to investigate its racist/class undertones. Fraggle Rock did weird things to kids' brains I think. I remember it is a dystopian landscape that's shaped all my subsequent viewings/readings of dystopian landscapes.

  66. I've heard of fag-hags but socio-hags drinking coffee and giving insults to others that are looking for answers is a new one.
    What makes you two feel you have to answer anyone.
    Just stay up all night thinking about the the one you lost and needing a hug.

  67. When all that's deserved is insults, Anon, what choice do our little hags have?

  68. People so easily forget that this is a sociopath blog.

    Theory in practice.

  69. Aha. Just watched the videos. I like them.

  70. ABF

    does she have a black minge?

    if not, that's where you're going wrong my friend.


  71. Black minge. I think she does in fact.

  72. Once again, for the new people. It's not socio hag. It's "Psychophant".

  73. Oh wait, I may have misgoogled blackminge and thus misanswered. But yes yes.

  74. I'm usually against any article of clothing with words on it, but I do really want that t-shirt.

  75. doesn't sound like you are very observant, which verifies why she came here in the first place....


  76. Medusa, I will make one for you when I make mine and I'll mail it to you.

  77. ah, well, that's good news. you're in luck.

    just be patient with her


  78. urban dictionary? Can't find a t-shirt! (On two days of no sleep I'm like someone who just took Nyquil.)

    Ridiculous. I'm on google.

  79. Help! Another clue, something! Aaah. Not sure what you're saying but I know what black minge is but don't know if there's more I'm missing but think I know but don't want to assume in case I'm wrong etc. etc. etc. Help

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. Lols Twat Waffle

    Totally gonna use that.

  82. Anything you post will be met very favorably. I can't speak right now.

  83. The dude I used to hang with submitted a couple. Though from the way it reads looks like he must've been on drugs at the time.

    Plus they both describe himself pretty well.

  84. minge = female genitalia

    black = black

    = black female genitalia

    can we move on now?

  85. Haha. These are good. Send more code. Is he on drugs now?

  86. Supposedly clean for 10 years now.

    Though those definitions suggest otherwise.

  87. Does he need a sponsor? I might know someone.

  88. Oh, he still religiously goes to his NA meetings (probably to his detriment at this point), and I'm pretty sure he still meets with his sponsor.

  89. Feelings hurt. Possibly misreading message.

  90. Well you can only relive your past for so long before you get stuck in it permanently, right?

  91. Kermit needs to come to sociopathworld.

  92. Really? Did something happen to Kermit today?

  93. I ain't divulging that information here, sorry.

    Also, NA only addresses the part of the problem. Not the cause of the problem in the first place, you know? Most of the time it's not the drug usage that is the real problem, you know?

    If you don't eventually get the courage to face the real cause, the effect will haunt you in other ways, almost guaranteed, even if after you stop the drugs.

    Dude I knew got off the drugs, but he's still a junkie.

    Different strokes for different folks, though I guess. I ain't no preacher.

  94. I'm having a panic attack right now. I don't understand what's real and what's not.

  95. The cretins are out in full force tonight, I see.

  96. I know addiction is something an addict has to live with for the rest of their lives, every day, no matter what. It's a battle I know that I will never quite fully understand.

    But dude replaced the drugs with horrid relationships, sociopathic behavior and though patterns not borne of wisdom but of fear, certain sexual proclivities, psychological projection, unbelievably poor self-esteem partially hidden in narcissism, blinding periods of depression, and most recently, anti-depressants as a band-aid without the accompanying honest therapy.

  97. Does he want me to come over right now?

  98. Did you know that "cretinism" was originally the old word for "hypothyroidism"?

    Basically, means you've got a deficiency of some sort.

  99. True, Medusa. A person can kick the physical addiction to whatever they used to self-medicate the initial problem, but that doesn't resolve the issue(s).

  100. He's 42 and stuck in his ways.

    Not to sure there's anything to be done, unless he manages to hit rock bottom again, but not because of drugs.

  101. i understand. let me come over.

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. Though I did see him hit some kind of rock bottom a couple years ago, but he still chose to remain blind anyway. In his mind, everyone else in the world are the ones who are blind.

    Which is true, but he has his own type of blindness that's not necessarily any better.

  104. Aerianne :(

    I hope not, too. As much as I despise him, I'd be heartbroken.

    (Cue Oprah/lovefraud comment)

  105. let me come over, seriously.

  106. Of course, Medusa. It's always sad when life/death conquers someone.

  107. coming to your house right now, okay?

  108. Why did you just send me that text? I don't understand.

  109. Alright, you almost fooled the fool.

    Gold star for you.

  110. Do you want me to come? You need to answer me in real life for me to do that.

  111. Just tell me yes or no.

  112. Gabriel hasn't been around in a while.

  113. He probably has a lower boredom threshold.

  114. Or he's disgusted with the quality of discussion of late.

    Then again, our correspondence seems to have dried up a bit, too, so maybe he's just on vacation.

  115. Well, you know, there's only so much of the same thing we can say and discuss over and over and over and over and over again.

  116. That's where Muppet videos come in.

  117. Should probably be renamed

  118. I want my thirty minutes back.

    F*** this noise.

  119. That thirty is not counting the Muppet videos. I actually enjoyed those (mostly).

    But, by the time I got to the end, my effin' brain was so fried I forgot there was something to talk about...

    But I do feel that even sociopaths would make adjustments to their lifestyle if they found the right person. No? Am I being naive again? Or are they destined to roam the earth without the desire/need for a monogamous relationship. I wonder. -Grace

    I've made adjustments for a few past lovers, not cheating on them. However, I don't think I've ever had a need for a relationship. It's weird transitioning from one to being single again, but then it fades. This might sound horrible, but most of the ones I've been in spawned out of boredom, deciding to meet new people.

    Maybe there is that one out there that I'd be willing to break my back for and change. I certainly hope I don't find her anytime soon.

  120. @Postmodern Sociopath:
    I enjoyed the video that you posted. It reminds me of this video.

    Also, dangling participle is so fun to say aloud...

  121. Things that drive me nuts:

    "use to" instead of "used to"

    "suppose to" instead of "supposed to"

    "Awe" instead of "Aww"

    "Noone" instead of "no one"

    "Alright" instead of "All right"

    "Alot" instead of "A lot"

    Improper use of worse and worst

    And of course the whole "your/you're/their/there/they're" stuff.

    No line breaks between paragraphs.

    Ad nauseam.

  122. Post, that video seemed so succinctly, you.

  123. And of course the whole "your/you're/their/there/they're" stuff.

    This is especially irritating when it is regarding a cool Facebook page. I just can't press the "Like" button.


  124. a cool Facebook page

    This is a contradiction in terms.

  125. Actually, Medusa, when I learned it in school, it was "Alot".

  126. @Aerianne: Now when you think of me, you can imagine a jew-hunting Nazi.~

    And yes, now that you mention that relation, it does sound like me.

  127. Well if you break it down, all this stuff makes logical sense.

    Like the word "Lot". You know, like a lot of land, a car lot. So separating "a" and "lot" only makes sense.

    Indefinite article + noun.

    Though I'm sure "alot" is probably in the dictionary by now due common misuse. Such is the way language moves.

    Just ask Sarah Palin.

  128. Checked with Hubs and some others my age. We were taught "alot" and "alright".

  129. She used "refudiate" again last night to cover her tracks.

    Reminds me of certain sociopathworld commenters.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. This video popped right after the Grammar Nazi. I found it (the intro) somewhat relevant to recent YouTube links.

  132. Doesn't matter too much in the scheme of things, though. I'm sure at one point contractions (can't, won't, don't, shouldn't) were considered substandard.

    I would be surprised if at some point even the apostrophes in contractions fall into disuse. They already are in internet world.

    "already" is actually a good example.

  133. I can understand the argument from both angles. I was taught that 'alot' and 'alright' were acceptable and normal contractions while in school.

    However, my browser spell-check does not seem to like 'alot', but is perfectly content with 'alright'.

    If I let Google dictate more of my life than it already does on a daily basis, the terrorists win.

  134. It makes me wish a had one of my old spelling books from school.

  135. Typos in my previous post muddled everything, but I'm sure you can figure it out.

  136. I believe you guys.

    I also believe you guys had crappy teachers ;)

  137. That's why I want an old spelling book! I know our teachers taught us "alot". Now, I want to know what the spelling books said.

  138. The older I get, though, and the more time I spend on the 'net, the more confused I get about language.

  139. They also taught me that Christopher Columbus was a goddamn saint.

    Good times.

  140. And the angrier I get about idiots.

    T-30 seconds until Notable makes some flowery remark about the constant flux of language.

  141. Yeah, I think everybody was taught that pre-1990 or so.

    Just shows how much you can really trust education.

  142. er, the educational system.

    Now look at me, getting all OCD.

  143. @Postmodern Sociopath:
    In retrospect, if you really break it down, we can observe that I'm never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.

  144. I think the bigger issue is that we should actually be using "many" instead "a lot".

  145. ODE = Oxford Dictionary of English

  146. Notable: That joke is so old that it fell over, broke its hip, and said you're movin' with your Auntie and Uncle in Bel Air.

  147. I have never seen the OED called the ODE. Time's shittiness is the only thing about that article that really pisses me off.

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. Ha ha! Just you wait... I'm sure the NUB will show up on Amazon any day now.

    The use of "u" or "ur" is an ABSOLUTE deal breaker when considering dating prospects. Not even a question. And misuse of contractions as well, though I'm trying to ease up on that.

    But the "u/ur" thing — never.

    Clearly, I am still single.

  150. You've inspired biblical desecration.

    Give, and it shall be given 2u. 4 w/e measure u deal out 2 others, it'll b dealt 2u in return, lol.

  151. "John 8:24 - There4 I said 2 u that u will die in ur sins; for if u do not believe that I AM He, u will die in ur sins.”

    How can anyone, religious or not, take that seriously?

  152. This comment has been removed by the author.

  153. Okay, now I have to show you hers.

    "If u claim to be religious but don't control ur tongue, u are fooling yourself, and ur religion is worthless." (James 1:26)

  154. Oh Aerianne. I hate watching that kind of stuff and having to keep my mouth shut. I'm really bad at keeping my mouth shut. If I do manage to keep my mouth shut I end up talking behind their backs which is no good either.

  155. Wow, Aerianne. Cognitive dissonance 2 the max.

  156. Your daughter's friend either used a terrible translation or she paraphrased hard.

  157. This comment has been removed by the author.

  158. Yay tho I walk thru teh valley of teh shadow of deth, I shall fear no evl, 4 thou r w/me. Word.

    I would also like to note that my word verification was 'tesife', and now I have that damn Rage Against the Machine song stuck in my head.

  159. TheNotablePath said,
    "Yay tho I walk thru teh valley of teh shadow of deth, I shall fear no evl, 4 thou r w/me. Word."

    Now, that broke me up.

  160. Well, Aerianne, at least she got the gist of the meaning of the verse across. That's a plus. I guess?

    Maybe her peers wouldn't understand it if she posted it as written?

    Am I being an optimist here?

  161. I'm just getting bitter and cynical in my old age.
    Her lifestyle and this religious front just don't gel.
    I think their church teaches unlimited sinning equals unlimited forgiveness, which equals full pews and full offering plates. It's all so hypocritical.
    I hate religion.

  162. I should start selling indulgences the next time I'm short on cash.

  163. I think a group of us should get together and publish that NUB and split the royalties.

  164. Man, so many good business ideas come up here. Aerianne is a mastermind.

    This one douchebag published a bible in the style of Vogue magazine and it got him on the Colbert Report. I saw it and he was very much a douchebag opportunist.

    So I say, why not.


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