
Monday, November 15, 2010

Dealing with irrational people

Courtesy of a reader:

"Your father is being irrational and irrational behavior doesn't respond to rational arguments. It responds to fear." -Jack Donaghy, 30 Rock


  1. Awesome. I remember having a 'SociopathWorld' moment when I saw this episode and Mr. Baldwin (himself obviously of narcissistic bent) said that.

  2. Dealing with irrational people is a pain in the ass if you don't know which strings to pull in the context of the situation.

    It can be a bit of a cold-read scenario with strangers, if you will.

  3. Thats why I prefer to just make up excuses to get out of situations involving irrational or overly-emotional people, rather than putting up with their shit.

  4. Irrational people are a challenge, dealing with them is almost as hard as dealing with a sociopath of equal or greater skill, if you slip up once it could mean the end to the game and thats the last thing you want is an irrational person to get even more irrational and more emotional, or to lose the upper hand in any situation.
    The way i deal with irrationality is to confront it with passion and hatred, a passionate hatred you could say, it inspires awe shock and yes fear into the hearts of all around and pushes me toward the forefront of any situation to come out as the successor. the trick is to be mad at it for some basic reason that you uphold to for no apparent reason and always have some unfounded grandiose confidence that in the end you and only you will come out on top.
    It works every time to fool people into letting you beat your own path to wherever and in anyway you see fit.

  5. ...almost as hard as dealing with a sociopath of equal or greater skill, if you slip up once it could mean the end to the game and thats the last thing you want is an irrational person to get even more irrational and more emotional, or to lose the upper hand in any situation.

    Well said, Em-T

  6. oh my god. i think i've just had an insane moment. wasn't this article about loss a second ago?

  7. seriously, one minute i was reading about loss and attachment to dead people and the next minute the article is about this. i didn't click on an archive link at all.

    this is messing with my mind.

  8. ok, i must have clicked on 'attachment' and not remembered.

    mental crisis over.

  9. Nutters r welcome!:-)

  10. I only seem narcissist because mainstream humanity has lowered itself even below the line of sociopathy and that is simply a line I cannot allow myself to be under (or above).

  11. I can't imagine it's hard to get into that, Pythias. I'd totally be down for it.

  12. Post, I think you'd be great at that; and TNP, he could be Dickens re-incarnated, what with his "walls of text" as Medusa commented to him.

  13. Irrational people are the best, really. There's almost always rationality behind it--it's just based on a different set of beliefs, so-called "givens," and perceptions. Figure those out, and you're primed to take control, because you'll be the only person in their life who understands how they think.

    1. Is the irrational person a conservative? If you google "conservative brains psychology today" you'll find that conservative brains are underdeveloped in the higher thinking region and overdeveloped in the reptilian "fear center" of the brain. Further they fail to generate the proper amount of electrical energy in the region of the brain that's supposed to tell us when the evidence in front of our faces differs from our beliefs. Another study shows that conservatives are just "low effort thinkers". To sum that up conservative brains simply do not function correctly. And you shouldn't expend any effort into trying to change them. They make their minds up before gathering facts and stick to their beliefs in opposition to all facts and logic. Expecting them to act in any other manner is illogical. And while all this may seem like nothing more than a base insult every bit of it has been documented by hundreds of studies including MRI and EKG machines. Its actually a well documented medical condition.

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