
Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure

The title of the new self-published book available from Amazon that has apparently successfully triggered a boycott. As reported here:
An author named Phillip R Greaves 2nd stirred up fury on Amazon today, self-publishing an eBook entitled The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure.

As of this 4:20 p.m. writing, more than 300 people had given the book a one-star rating and angry reviews. The book has also received the “boycott amazon” tag, a category urging boycott over 30 controversial books about topics ranging from dog fighting to Scientology. UPDATE: Amazon has sent a statement to TechCrunch that says, in part: “Amazon believes it is censorship not to sell certain books simply because we or others believe their message is objectionable.”

Greaves also published of A Government of Service to All, Our Gardens of Flesh, and The Grand Delusion.

We downloaded a free sample of the eBook, exploring the first few pages–a section called “Facts and Fallacies.” If you wish to read an excerpt, we’ve included a brief passage below.

“While it is not my intention to promote or excuse this practice, I would rather see pedosexuals conquer the world than hear of even one more child being killed because another pedosexual-pedophile is driven into a state of pedocidal-psychosis, or a paranoid-panic-attack, due to the constant hate-mongering which can be heard from every corner of the Earth, demonizing every juvephile regardless of the quality or character of their sexual relations with minors.”
Even though the book itself is down, the forums discussing it are still up. They're pretty entertaining, especially this one. Poor pedophiles.


  1. My favorite comment:

    "YES! Now let's get all encyclopedias taken down, and reality will disappear! HOORAY!!"

  2. I was just reading about this last night. Freaky, M.E. Get outta my head.~

  3. The do-gooders over there at Amazon are positively Pavlovian. They’re response is irrational and I find it unpleasant. You’re right, M.E. Emotionally aroused, self righteous mobs are indeed disturbing.

  4. I bet half of the out raged morons are predators themselves, and now they are pissed for their secrets getting out, that, or middle-aged women who have STILL have not gotten over their "sexual child abuse trauma".

    It's a book, I don't see the problem. It isn't the first book on child lovin', and it won't be the last. GTF over it.

    Daniel, couldn't agree with your statement anymore.

  5. i don't agree. people are stupid and impressionable.

  6. "While it is not my intention to promote or excuse this practice, I would rather see pedosexuals conquer the world than hear of even one more child being killed..."

    i would rather see pink panty wearing rapist colonels conquer the world than hear of even one more young woman being killed....

  7. Nice article, Zoe.

    I don't think I've ever been revolted by cannibalism. The idea of someone killing me and eating me is a scary one, but the act in general never triggered some primal, instinctual loathing.

    The title book sounds like it is going to sell like hot cakes in the Scientific and Hipster communities. No such thing as bad publicity!

  8. Nothing wrong with Russell Williams, but just once I'd like to see a woman grab his underwear and parade them with a serious face. Not to see the topless woman, but to see his reaction upon viewing the photos and realizing the atrocity she committed.

  9. i don't find cannibalism disturbing either, just gross. but then i'm vegetarian.

    pink panty wearing rapist colonels on the other hand...

  10. Not to see the topless woman, but to see his reaction upon viewing the photos and realizing the atrocity she committed.

    what makes you think she would be topless?


    based on a true story. hehe

  12. Zoe, surely a woman wearing ONLY a man's underwear is not hard to imagine, is it?

  13. My girlfriend was not pleased when I showed her that video of the cop getting shot to death that I posted yesterday. She was disturbed and called me a serial killer. She was mad athe police the other day so I thought she would get a kick out of it. She's still not talking to me. Just a FYI, be careful what you show excitement for around other people.

  14. anonymous said..
    Zoe, surely a woman wearing ONLY a man's underwear is not hard to imagine, is it?

    no it isn't, anonymous, however russell williams wearing only a man's underpants is.

    hard to imagine?

  15. Heh, you should show her 3 guys 1 hammer UKan.

  16. notme said...

    based on a true story. hehe

    there really is someone for everyone.

  17. "i would rather see pink panty wearing rapist colonels conquer the world than hear of even one more young woman being killed...."

    So you too support the reformation of the Great British empire? ;D

    Unfortunately enough I think an Oscar Wilde quote is actually fitting here... "There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all."

  18. Zoe you missed the point, but that's quite alright.

  19. all other male animals are attracted to females as soon as they are sexually viable. humans are no different. any guy who says he isn't attracted to a 12yo girl is either brainwashed by society or lying.

  20. hello Mr. Fox. i like your Oscar Wilde quote.

  21. lol Anon. "They MUST think like me!"

  22. Anon said...
    "all other male animals are attracted to females as soon as they are sexually viable. humans are no different. any guy who says he isn't attracted to a 12yo girl is either brainwashed by society or lying."

    I understand that humans did not have long lifespans in the past and reproduction needed to begin early for that reason.
    I've wondered why human female's bodies haven't evolved away from being sexually viable at such an early age. I know not all of the world uses medical technology to prolong life. Still, I've thought how it would be more in fitting with modern society if female humans weren't able to reproduce at such a, relatively, early age.

  23. When I was a kid, I was jealous that men didn't have to take off their underwear to pee. Cue interesting experimentations.

    Also cue Freud.

  24. I've wondered why human female's bodies haven't evolved away from being sexually viable at such an early age.

    I've asked the universe this question many times; it's fucked up. What's even more fucked up is that puberty is rapidly coming earlier and earlier in the US. Opposite of what should be happening.

    Probably due to the crap in American food and medicine.

  25. Maybe nature knows that man will fuck up everything with his technology and man will need to start over from scratch.

  26. As it turns out, Medusa, what causes puberty to kick in sooner in the US is the rising incidence of childhood obesity. Apparently the body waits around until there's enough fat built up to sustain gestation.

  27. And, conversely, anorexia and malnutrition cause amenorrhea.

  28. Ah, interesting, PMS. I alway assumed it was due to hormones in cow products.

    Might as well start puberty as infants. Nice amount of baby fat then, why not?

    Maybe in the future human reproduction will be like Matryoshka dolls.

  29. Olawd... baby's baby's babies.

    There are hypotheses about the effects of hormone additives in livestock feed affecting the onset of puberty, but I haven't seen any with a significant amount of data to back them up.

    As for why not as infants... well, I suppose the body's just clever that way.

  30. So now you guys are promoting sexual abuse on 12 year old girls!? This is crazy. Animals do a lot of things that humans should not do. Animals don't have a economy, or politics. The point is made that we are also animals, but to behave like beasts is a nonsense arguement. We are civilized. Anonymous, have you had sex with a twelve year old?

  31. hehe, i'm getting my popcorn...

  32. Right of course you can't. The champion of feminism is trumping child abuse


  34. Aerianne, I totally remember when that clip aired.

    Absurd how there would probably be all kinds of outrage if it aired today.

  35. Right poor opressed you and the rest of you victimised people. What a joke. Poor women on the interent they are so abused-. All I see on the internet is women objectifying themselves all over myspace and facebook. I find it funny that the logic shield is over the man. Usually its the women who won't see logic.

  36. All I see on the internet is women objectifying themselves all over myspace and facebook.

    You are correct. Those women are fools as well and are the real victims. They are no better than the men with logic force fields.

    The logic force field it not gender exclusive, love.

  37. The whole 'female sexuality is empowerment' thing that strippers like to use is usually bullshit, a retroactively convenient neutralizer of their shame.

  38. It was pretty gender specific in your comic.

  39. It was just a well-illustrated and easily understood example. Like I said before, it applies to much more than just sexism or feminism.

  40. 'Usually its the women who won't see logic'


    i rest my case.

    btw dividing the world in this way by a gender line is rather misguided, pandering to a meme that if i weren't so cautious i might say points towards some sort of conspiracy.

    not to mention that it does point to an insecurity born out of denial/ignorance when anyone asserts this meme.

    there are female fools, and male fools. there are famale half-fools, and male half-fools, then there are the demi-gods...hmm...

  41. "Retroactively Convenient Shame Neutralizer"

    Should come in a can, on the shelf next to "Mote Remover".

    Cross-marketing at it's most useful.

  42. I took a nap and woke up to this shit? It is not femanism that lead the blog in this direction, it's ignorance. How dare you try to impose your thoughts of 12 year olds on me, I..I..I swear she was 13.

  43. @ pomoso / medusa
    interestingly, an absent father figure also correlates with an earlier onset of female puberty.

    "I've wondered why human female's bodies haven't evolved away from being sexually viable at such an early age"
    evolution doesn't shape us into what we want or think is right, it shapes everything based solely on whether it makes it more likely to reproduce successfully.

  44. Being the only girl in school with a deep voice doesn't help either.

  45. i lived in japan for a bit and the legal age there is 13. i think bulgaria is 12 and spain 14... i'm sure many other countries have quite a low age of consent. and why not? so long as you stay safe and free of religious 'the body is evil' dogma it is just recreational fun~

  46. My thinking about early age of consent, and even about being able to reproduce at those ages, is that modern society is not set up so that 12 year olds can support themselves and their offspring.

  47. Whats the difference between pedophiles and socio's?

  48. The whole 'female sexuality is empowerment' thing that sociopaths like to use is usually bullshit, a retroactively convenient neutralizer of their shame.

  49. On this site there doesn't seem to be a difference. In the philipines you can have sex with 9 year olds. How productive is that?

  50. all other male animals are attracted to females as soon as they are sexually viable. humans are no different. any guy who says he isn't attracted to a 12yo girl is either brainwashed by society or lying.

    Some men do only think with their dicks.

  51. Bulgaria still has forced marriages. If that country is your ideal then you are backwards for sure. It sounds like your kind of place though. You can molest away without being arrested.

  52. In Cambodia you can kill that 9 year old. Also, what is this shame you speak of? Last I checked this wasn't the blog for Antidepressants and Muse, yet is turning out to be proof of today's THC deficiency in us all.

  53. On this site there doesn't seem to be a difference. In the philipines you can have sex with 9 year olds. How productive is that?

    Anyone who has sex with children should be euthanized.
    The world is FUCKED!.

  54. Define "children" so that we may draw a line at a certain age that shouldn't be crossed.

  55. Nowhere on this site am I seeing anyone advocating having sex with children, Pavlanon.

  56. The whole 'female sexuality is empowerment' thing that strippers like to use is usually bullshit, a retroactively convenient neutralizer of their shame.

    Funny. That's what my anthropologist ladyfriend said just the other day.

    Sexism debates on a sociopath website? Really? *facepalm*

    As far as an age that shouldn't be crossed? I don't think there is so much as solid number, as there is that a young adult should have at least had one consenting, sexual relationship with someone their own age before attempting one with someone at least twice their own age. And I don't mean a one-night stand, either. Otherwise, it's just perverts taking advantage of someone's raging hormones.

  57. Yeah, what is it that makes those younger women attracted to older men so much, Notable?

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Not sure, precisely. I can speculate, but try here and snoop around.

    I've almost exclusively dated older women, but probably due to practicality and my somewhat asexual nature. I'm looking for a person, not a cum receptacle that can't string a sentence or resist the urge to check their text messages every thirty seconds. Sadly, it seems that type of woman doesn't disappear until around the thirties.

    Probably has something to do with archaic mothering to hilarious and tragic effects.

  61. Define "children" so that we may draw a line at a certain age that shouldn't be crossed.

    If thats what you need, you should be euthanized.

  62. Tell me anon, what magical, maturity effect occurs when a young adult turns from seventeen to eighteen years old? I must have missed that day in school.

    I'm not defending pedophiles as much as calling you an idiot, by the way.

    "abuser" is my word verification. *chuckles*

  63. lol, i don't believe these word verifications notable.

    a favorite of mine was 'trafoo' and that's not even a word.

    i was gonna make a point but i've changed my mind...suck on it peeps.

  64. Anon is right, the world IS fucked. But me, euthanized, just because flagrant idiocy from the likes of them makes this place a laughable joke? No thanks. It's no wonder P-Mod would like to see the world burn, but I don't want to see it burn so much as I want to make some smores using his fire so you can take your shame somewhere else.

  65. I liked the other discussion better, so I’m addressing that one.

    I’m not a population geneticist, but maybe I can still shed some light on why we aren’t evolving away from early puberty.

    First, there are two reasons to evolutionarily select away from some trait. One occurs when individuals in the population are more successful at breeding without it. Since I doubt that girls are less reproductively successful because of early onset (precocious) puberty, I don’t think that this is the case. The other (Genetic Drift) occurs when the trait is neither beneficial, nor detrimental. In this case it is (almost) random whether more individuals with the trait or without the trait are most successful, and so the population will sometimes, with no direction, drift away from that trait. So, it looks like an evolving species’ chances of getting rid of this trait are reliant on (almost) random drift. Neither of these things is happening.

    Second, evolution takes many generations. Females require many initial menstrual cycles (sometimes years worth) to settle into the optimal 28 day sequence of events for reproduction. My great grandmother and other equally mature relations all started having children between the ages of 14 and 16, which means that hitting puberty at 13 would have caused a late start. It’s the early adopters that had 6 children instead of 4, making them more reproductively successful, so their early puberty genes were passed on to more individuals and so on and so forth. I think that we may now be seeing the effect of that evolution.

    I’m not an endocrinologist, either, but for poops and giggles:

    As for why not as infants... well, I suppose the body's just clever that way.
    Indeed. The body generally gets to a certain stage of sexual development between 12 and 36 months and then suspends the development of primary sexual characteristics until puberty. That period of pause is what is currently being shortened, so infants aren’t quite set up for puberty.

    The reason behind all this has been speculated on, and researched, but none of the current theories have sufficient evidence. Yes, there are hormones in our environment. The ones in some drinking water are probably the most significant, but there are some in the food as well. Yes, there is a correlation (repeat after me: correlation does not equal causation) between obese children and precocious puberty. Yes, we are all healthier, and so our bodies might “recognize” that they can afford the energy expenditure on reproduction since we don’t have to fight off any lions or plague this week. Yes, Bisphenol A down-regulates a hormone that tells females to ovulate, so the body may have a feedback system that recognizes this and starts pumping the “ovulate now” hormone out like crazy. And on…and on… Many suspects for one crime, and it will probably be a few more years before one is convicted. In truth, the delicate balance of the governing hormones can be affected by everything from stress to infection. It is even possible that early puberty is programmed into the child as a fetus by something she was exposed to.

  66. Do people who have no respect for others have any self respect?

  67. Do you have a broom? I spilled my cereal.

  68. Pythias, thank you for endocrinology/genetics précis.

    The infant thing was a not-thought-out joke on my part, but I'm glad you took it seriously. Interesting stuff.

  69. 'Do people who have no respect for others have any self respect?'

    i think that depends on a person's own interpretation of their 'self.'

    my mum would say to me, make sure whatever you do, you don't lose your 'self-respect.'

    it boggled my mind for about a second. what and who defines one's self-respect?
    life and its tribulations constantly forms new grooves in one's concept of self, so it renders the notion rather dubious at best.

    i have self-love. self-respect is not something that means much to me. its too abstract (and ultimately an extension of social expectations once again,) whereas love is about being good to yourself.

    maybe those lacking in self-love treat others like shit when they don't deserve it, yes. (e.g narcissists). and for those lacking in a solid sense of self altogether, well, they are ammoral by definition.

    i am not a socio, just an intruder.

  70. Empasocio is the coined term. The Umpalumpas of the pathology spectrum.

  71. sorry medusa,

    could you elaborate? the coined term for who?

  72. I dunno, whoever feels like using it I guess. Perhaps those who don't feel like they are either sociopaths or empaths, or those who don't desire a sensical label.

    One of the anons came up with it.

  73. oh ok. i don't mind saying i'm an uber-empath.
    philosophically, i'm pretty ammoral.
    uber-empath is so pretencious sounding but i use it for clarity, 'normals' are not the same.
    even 'superwoman' would be less pretencious.

    i'm ready for bed, christ.

  74. Everyone is so often gone when I'm around. I need a more sociopathworld-conducive schedule.

  75. I don't believe in free speech. I believe in my way. Maybe your ideal is a world where your free to fiddle around with little girls and boys, but in my ideal world we would execute people like you and burn your books, and erase your name from even your birth certificate. If you vote for UKan this coming election I give you justus.

  76. You spelled justice wrong you idiot lol Ukan is retarded I would never vote for you

  77. Wow. M.E. should post that as dumbest comment of the month.

  78. Hah anon doesn't understand subtlety.

    Or how to use people's arguments against them.

    Is this some kind of foil? Because it's too stupid.

  79. Affection. Lots of it.

  80. I'll probably be very unpopular for saying this, but: I don't think laws against expression is ever the right way to go about a problem.

    I agree with Amazon's policy in this regard!

  81. Thanks, Pythias. Sometimes I forget how recently these life-extending medical techniques have developed.

  82. X-ray vision strikes again eh Medusa?

  83. Amazon pulled the book. Freedom of speech is over rated. If you gave me power I would choose what makes sense for you, since obviously people are in need of some common sense.

  84. but who is going to decide what makes sense for you, numbnuts?

  85. Embed hidden tracking devices in the books... problem solved. Another form of data mining or marketing research applied?

  86. All pedo are socio's fact... Have you been at it yet PMS?

  87. All pedophiles are NOT Socio's. If they were much less of them would be in jail.

    Personally, I prefer pedophiles to most other criminals. Namely because I'm safe. That's logic, not perversion. Empaths are too distracted by being idiots to fully utilize the ever important Neocortex.

    And honestly, 12 is a tad early, I mean come on-they're practically eleven! 15+, that's when all the 'important' growing happens (and I hope you read the sarcastic tone there which I must mention as a result of a decided lack of faith in the intelligence of humanity). Although in my warped opinion sexual attractiveness can be expressed graphically as a negative quadratic function where age 35 is the vertex.

  88. Why are all these moralfags here on Sociopathworld complaining about morals and stuff..
    (sorry for the degraded level of writing, too much 4chan lately)

  89. Coz no one here is stupid enough to brag to a bunch of bloodthirsty witchhunters you numbnut!

  90. I found this book to be a delicious read

  91. I'm a "do-gooder" sometimes. Maybe you'll laugh at me. I actually cry, when I listen to some music.

    Anyway, I've been wondering sometimes, when I kiss my son... I was wondering how kisses started in human history, you know, the culture of kissing. I was wondering whether my ancestors were cannibals (it could be that Korean ancestors were cannibals, and European ancestors were not, so if you're not Korean, possibly you don't have to worry), and kissing was like "almost" eating someone. Maybe it's just that one day, a cannibal said to themself, "My son does look very tender and tasty, but I think I actually find his jokes funny enough, that I'll just go find something else to eat." and with that, she gave her son a kiss - which is like, "almost" eating. You get a whiff of the person's scent, and then, that's it.

    If there's any other Korean's, please tell me whether you think our ancestors were cannibals.

  92. Is that the sound of vomiting?

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. I just read something. Maybe kissing has more to do with early human imitation of animals practicing mastication (which in the act of imitation, may have led to other 'loving' acts, and so came to be associated with romance or love or affection), than it has to do with eating (or cannibalism).

    Maybe I am over-valuating the eating function of the mouth. After all, we do speak with it, amongst other things, not only eat with it...

  95. I had a dream (no it WAS a nightmare) that a sociopath was trying to kill me because I found out he killed someone (I was apperntly a detective). Anyways I ended up taking control of my dream and killing him with a gun, and crushing his skull with an office capinet.
    This relates to this because he was a pedro.

  96. nature was around before laws, relatively early? 13 year olds are getting the urges to have sex and get the equipment, the problem is that people set the age to 16-18 so they can prepare them for the world but then the over protective mother kicked in and nagged our forefathers into writing laws against under age sex cause they dont wanna handle a child for their child, nor do either parent want to see their child being sexually active. everyone assumes that "why are they ready for sex so early?" why are we so late is the better question. the mind develops after the body to promote sexual activity. I dont see why anyone would care about this stuff most teens have sex anyways.


    Read about Chris and Clare Godson who lead the paedophile cult operating in Benevent l'Abbaye.

  98. In an ideal world, I would see the age of consent fixed at 21, after which you are assumed mature enough to make decisions about sex by yourself, based on a reasonable amount of life experience.

    At the same time, a free short course should be made available to (though not forced on), any teenager/young adult over the minimum age of 13, teaching sexual maturity (particularly the importance of not allowing yourself or your partner to get pregnant unless you can financially support the child) and STI awareness etc, followed by a multiple-choice style final exam, the successful completion of which would grant the participant in question, full right to circumvent the previously mentioned automatic age of consent of 21, allowing them to have sex with any equally applicable, *willing* candidates (of either gender, equality ftw :P ) as they wish.

    You CANNOT, in all honesty, tell me that my idea doesn't make sense...

    If a person is both physically capable, and deemed mentally responsible (having been given all the facts they need to pass a test with a fixed difficulty regardless of the applicants age), that that person should be denied the right to use their body as they see fit, just because *some* other people the same age as them are still too immature.

    If a successful 13 y/o female candidate should decide to willingly have sex with a ~30 y/o male, that is her choice, and neither of them should be made to feel bad about it or persecuted for it.

  99. @ChaoticDark It makes a lot of sense to introduce a standard test (administered and fee paid to the government!). I'm pretty sure you'll not garner support for 13, but the general idea is likely to appeal to everyone.

    This did make me laugh, as it reminds me of my motorbike test, take another test for higher capacity or wait for 2 years. Seriously though, their are a great number of people at magical ages like 16, 17, 18 and beyond who will hurt themselves and ruin their lives though uninformed choices.

    Personally education from a very early age was enough to put me off sexual activity (practicality, life choices, fear of 'oppsing', etc.) to my current age of 29. That and as another poster pointed out, our generations fixation with mobile phones and other mind-numbingly trivial crap.

    However I can appreciate the situation of legally under-age relations occurring within a stable loving relationship, which two parties undertake in realisation of self. Unfortunately this is where the law harms the law abider's more than the out-and-out criminal.

    The difference between a 'Jerry Springer' relationship and a paedophile is that the person is irrelevant, just as with other legal relationships which are bad for one person - they are objectified to nothing more than a commodity satisfying a base urge.

    To the Anon who said: "all other male animals are attracted to females as soon as they are sexually viable. humans are no different. any guy who says he isn't attracted to a 12yo girl is either brainwashed by society or lying." I agree, though I'd have preferred you'd have narrowed it down to 'a' or 'some'. In certain circumstances, sure it's possible that a young girl can be particularly attractive; Maybe she's learnt by imitation that being alluring and flirty gets results quicker than tantrums and begging. The issue is how you act, we punish and correct not for perceived EVIL doing but for lack of CIVILISATION.

  100. Please consult:
    for informatin about the cult operated by Chris and Clare Godson in Benevent l'Abbaye, Central France.
    This is a paedophile cult with many tortured victims.


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