
Monday, December 6, 2010

Cyanide and Happiness

A reader suggested this comic. Pretty charming. Can you read it? If not, go here.


  1. Cyanide and Happiness has always been fun. Repetitive, but fun.

    Definitely not a source of high brau entertainment, just unadulterated "guilty pleasures"

  2. jesus Notable. still up? are you on crack?

    i'm off to bed. night night.

  3. good morning, i believe i have asperger's syndrome, and i also think i might be dating a sociopath. i humbly request your analysis and advice.

    i have been dating a woman who i have known to be a liar for some time, primarily because i can relate to her selfish attitude and shallow emotional affect. she lies to mutual friends about our relationship (he asked me to move in, etc etc), thinking i never find out(i keep the knowledge to myself as a tactical measure), and has lied to me in the past to get money. namely money given for an abortion was spent on a shopping spree while welfare paid for the abortion itself. this is just one example of her dishonesty.

    that being said i am much smarter than she is, but she is quite adept at finding emotional kinks in my armor and trying, sometimes successfully, to exploit them. she claims that one of the reasons she admires me is that I'm not afraid to say no to her, which I do quite frequently when her requests don't have an acceptable risk-reward ratio or would set a bad long-term precedent, however i can see that strength breaking down as she finds more effective ways to appeal to my emotions.

    my questions to you are a) whether or not you think this woman is a sociopath and b) whether or not you think a long-term relationship between a sociopath and someone with AS is viable. i do truly admire her selfish nature and constant attempts to get what she wants out of me, because it is something i can relate to. also, i'm better at intellectualizing morality than she is, and she seems to appreciate it when I break down the hows and whys regarding her friction with other people in a logical manner. thus far i have been capable of controlling her to some extent by virtue of the fact that she wishes her motivations to remain secret... hence when lies are discovered, the knowledge of their discovery is kept to myself and other actions, if necessary, are taken to contain any damage.


  4. a) whether or not you think this woman is a sociopath

    The validity of diagnosis by blog comment (and someone who isn't a psychiatrist/psychologist) notwithstanding, she sure sounds like she might be.

    b) whether or not you think a long-term relationship between a sociopath and someone with AS is viable.

    I think that in general, yes, that relationship dynamic can work. The real question is: will you and her work? It sounds like you two are in a constant struggle, which will probably not be conducive to a long term relationship.

  5. My advice, supposed Aspie, is to give her some more money and then cut ALL ties to her RIGHT afterwards(avoid and detach 110%).

    Hope you understand, that's probably the best you can do unless you don't mind knocking a few of her teeth out and could actually manage not getting in trouble for it :)

  6. Do any of you guys have the PDF version of Martha Stout's Sociopath next door? Please guys help me with this even if you don't have a conscience.

  7. I dunno.

    She kind of sounds like a cunt.

  8. I guarantee the majority if not all the faggots who claim they are psychopaths on this site are not.Have you ever tortured animals as a youth? No didn't think so.You are pissing on the face of a real psychopath such as myself.I admit im not angry with you all but im frustrated if i could push a button and have you all wiped out id do it.Hope you all enjoy living a lie in your little make believe world you bunch of bad asses lol

  9. I'd gladly finance your operation, Anon. But you're right, I probably wouldn't push the button myself. I'd make you do it.

  10. you've got to be kidding me. I had a similar outburst a few weeks ago.

  11. You'd 'push a button'? How scary. You must be a real badass.

  12. no Mike. i don't have it.

  13. Thanks notme, anyone else? Please?

  14. First to the guy who is dating a Sociopath... It is hard to say if she is really a sociopath when using a blog post to identify her qualities but I will say she could be one. If she is and you want a relationship to work with her (doesn't matter your affliction empath or aspie) then you will have to accept that she lies and just enjoy the ride. I will tell you that as a socio female I have never dated anyone who could distinguish my lies and certainly never anyone who would consider themselves smarter than me.

    Anon who thinks that you are the king of Socio's for some reason ... Please look up the definition of narcissist as I think you are confused. ( It's okay though sometimes uneducated people sometimes get confused) Abusing animals is not the sole signifier of Sociopaths. Also you sound angry at a blog post, which is hilarious because as a sociopath, I can't even imagine feeling angry because of something so small.


    ps - my word verification was nonsad lol!!

  15. I want some friends too, narcissist. Maybe we can watch some movies together. You can be psycho with me <3

  16. Oh well, hey Notme, you up for a movie instead?

  17. tempting. but mummy told me not to accept invites from people on sociopath blogs. so, sorry. ;)

  18. Anon 8:32 AM

    I tend to agree: Most of the people who comment on this blog are not psychopaths, and probably not sociopaths either (you know the theory that they're not the same, right?).

    I've also wondered why nobody tell about the animals they've killed or some other details about how they enjoy to inflict pain. Maybe a story or two about how they hurt someone at school permanently, or about how they ruined someone's life by terrorizing them for years through high school or something like that.

    I mean, that's the kind of thing that should turn up at least once in a while when psychopaths talk about things they like. But no, not a single post like that.

    But tell me, you say think 'the majority if not all' here who claim to be psychopaths aren't really psychopaths. Does that include the blog owner? And if so, what do you think make him and those who comment say these things about themselves?

    Do you believe those who do not claim to be psychopaths are telling the truth and they're really not psychopaths either, or are they lying too, and they're really psychopaths having a go at the posers?

    Just some random thoughts. Would be fun if you'd answer - maybe throw in a few lines about the animals you've killed. And no I'm not making fun of you, I just want to finally hear something from one who may be the real thing.

  19. @Mike you really need to go to the site. Most of the jokes are really fucked up. That's the whole point. My fave is one where a stick-guy is writing a suicide note and his friend points out a misspelled word. Love it.
    The best is the purple shirted eye-stabber!
    Funny stuff and you don't have to be a socio to find the humor.

  20. But even the narcissist didn't want to :(

  21. @ angry anon

    whats your goal dude?
    also the lol at the very end is amusing

    so if we didnt torture animals we are out of your club?? well i have(not trying to sound like im gloating) and i dont wannt to be in your club. As for people pissing on your face, it sounds like a personal problem

  22. @Mike: Don't bother. It's a terrible book.

    @Angry: Come back when you've tortured something bigger than a breadbox and we'll talk, sport.

  23. Hey P-Mod, wanna go see a movie?

  24. it really is kind of like "cyanide and happiness" here.

  25. I really thought she was getting one for herself since she looks depressive and was planning suicide. I love the glibness of the Walgreen guy.

  26. nothing really is what you would expect it to be, and it's funny.

    it's kind of like someone showing up randomly on a site for sociopaths and cheerfully inviting everyone to a movie.

  27. What are you on Anon!?!

    we're probably on opposite ends of the planet and you wanna see a movie together?!

    Macjesus. :P

    suggest a film and i might just consider hopping on a plane.

  28. I wanna see a movie... my world has recently become very boring! Will someone buy me an Icee? White Cherry Please!

    I am not willing to go anywhere though so notme you guys will have to fly here.

  29. i meant no threat by that. but it definitely isn't something you would just any where. :D

  30. Has anyone here ever lost a game you were playing? I was dating this guy who had a really extreme since of morality. I got him to sleep with me despite the fact I was dating his best friend, and he even took my side through the whole thing.

    Then all of a sudden he's over it? WTF I have never lost before... he stopped answering my texts, won't message me to come over for sex, I'm at a loss. I don't miss him just the fucking and I hate losing.

  31. I'll have to agree with Steve. He knew you were an easy piece when you wanted to go behind his friend's back. One trick go played and that was you.

  32. ^one trick "got" played

  33. I havn't been out to see a movie in ages. What a comment for the first time I've commented on this site! That what being drunk'll do for ya. Still you guys are fascinating. The only thing I don't understand is the helping people to deal with socios/understand them, that just makes no sense... I'm totally gonna wish I hadn't done this tomorrow morning.

  34. And to think I wasn't even expecting the much of a response... assuming you were responding to my comment... how sad is my life on a scale of 1 to 10... 10... I don't get out much :)

  35. Notme, I exist on the opposite side of the alien ant farm from where people say "Mummy". I'm worth a drive, purely for conversation alone, but I'm not worth the flight.

  36. Anyone wanna have a chat this time of night (thought i suppose it depends on where you as to what the actual time is)? I was about to do the whole if confused and lonely ploy like I would normally but what self-respecting logical (socio) human would give a shit about that?

  37. Anon @ 2:12, Not only have I lost a few games but I've even faked losing for others so they falsely interpret it as "winning" for them. I do this when people too easily fall into traps.

  38. Come back when you've tortured something bigger than a breadbox and we'll talk, sport.

    That's hot.

  39. God damn it, can't youevern delete your own coments. lame-ist.

  40. As it goes if id comented whist sober id have made some sense and had some eloquence. unfortunately i'm really stupid. i'll stop talking now.

  41. why do you wanna delete your comments? you can talk crap. look -
    i'm a potato and i'm so tasty cooked in trees. :)


    lol - u drunk.

  42. on a site where i could be myself why would i wanna be the stupid intoxicated version of myself. thet version sucks.
    i like shoes and 50's armchairs
    ps.i'll try an get my name rightthis time.

  43. " i believe i have asperger's... might be dating a sociopath.. who i have known to be a liar for some time, has lied to me in the past to get money..for an abortion... spent it on a shopping spree while welfare paid for the abortion itself.. i am much smarter than she is, but she is quite adept at finding emotional kinks in my armor"

    Everyone on this blog is smart and look younger. This new smart guy is asking for socio advice, paying for abortion. Whose baby is that? Either way you'd be an idiot (idiot if someone else's baby, idiot if you can't pull out on time). Your idea of smart is to inventory her lies, in case it will be a tactical advantage? How about she's planting those to make you think she really is into you? Dream on sweet Aspie, and keep money coming.

  44. well she has a reputation for being a liar and a manipulator with those who are closest to her, and i've never seen her express genuine disgust at anything. its all very shallow, and sometimes she asks very strange questions about emotions and social situations. she has robbed her father, the list goes on... but she has been very tame for the past several years. she has children now and has just had to fight the state to keep them, so she's on a super mom kick when she thinks people are watching.

    i believe she is buttering me up to finance her childrens' lives, which is fine as long as i get what i want out of the relationship, however i do not want to be placed in a situation where she will use them as leverage against me, as it would be very difficult to maintain my reputation if i refused to comply. that i think is my biggest fear. i dont really care if she lies to me or others, her lies are typically benign and cost me only what i'm willing to part with. i.e. money willingly given for an abortion that did in fact take place. so far she hasnt really found a good way to lie to me, because i tend not to react overtly... its more of a transitional thing. she also believes that i myself am a terrible liar, that i blush when i lie, which is of course false and that could be used against her if need be.

    it's difficult to say if this would work. it's fun sparring with her, but i think over time my emotions might get the best of me and cause me to let down my guard. the last thing i need is to be stuck with children that arent mine or find myself faced with paying alimony if things play out that way. on the plus side the boost to my morale that having her in a real commitment would bring could be an asset, as would having something to "fight" for aside from my own pleasure.

    sorry, i'm just babbling. just trying to get this all figured out.

  45. Nobody cares. I don't understand why you wouldn't just leave her, and at the same time leave here and take your arrogant, slightly pretentious, sob story with you. That may have come across as rude but i was merely stating the facts. Well. That and my annoyance at your desire to broadcast them.

  46. anon i already know she isn't into me, that isn't the issue. quite frankly i don't care, because it doesnt matter one way or the other how she feels, just what she does and how i personally feel. i'm willing to pay for that.

    believe it or not, sociopaths arent the masters of the universe. their primary strength lies in their ability and willingness to play on emotions, and if those emotions are kept out of play then the field is level. you learn a thing or two about yourself, other people, and acting, when you grow up as naive as i did. i'm no stranger to it myself.

    and yes, anon, i do believe that observing an opponent's deceptions and allowing them to believe they were successful presents a tactical advantage. in fact, it's the exact same advantage you seem to think she has over me. does she know that i know that she knows that i know? all her angles push toward the same things: money, sex, security, and status. there's nothing more honest than the intersections between probable chains of events that people's words or actions might set in motion. it goes much deeper than any language or any act, and she isn't at a level where she would be capable of faking to that extent, as is evidenced by the state her life was in when we met and how it is now. nor would she suspect me of paying that much attention. she has dated stupid men until now, and i don't think she fully comprehends what it means to have an intellect in the top 1% of the population. that lack of comprehension on her part is a very nice advantage.

  47. sorry that you've taken matters of fact as evidence of arrogance. i apologize for offending you

  48. Ok, not arrogance then. Pretence. the desire to manipulate the manipulating. Or its just one of those normal weird things I don't understand.

  49. anonymous @ 4:45:

    you wrote: "quite frankly i don't care, because it doesnt matter one way or the other how she feels, just what she does and how i personally feel. i'm willing to pay for that."

    in the next paragraph: ...sociopaths aren't the masters of the universe. their primary strength lies in their ability to play on emotions."

    if the last line of the first paragraph is true, it sounds as if she already has.

    if you look at this from a strictly logical standpoint (no emotions involved,) you can get a much better idea of what the costs and benefits might be of staying vs. going.

  50. yeah really no one cares...

  51. anon 5:04 you are correct sir. thanks.

  52. Like I said before, and have not said anything since, give her some money for no reason. Leave her life immediately for no reason. 110% Avoid and detach. Otherwise, knock some of the stupid bitch's teeth out and stay with her. If you really cared about yourself you wouldn't be with someone who has kids that aren't yours, although I know you won't see it that way I'd be using that against you as well OR cater to it all too well. At least you can know the choice would be yours.

  53. anon 5:30

    i prefer "mistress."

    you're welcome. :)

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. yes, mistress. mistress it is.

  56. @whiny aspie

    who cares if she is a sociopath or just a cunt trying to land a guy with money, what does she possibly have to offer? she has kids so shes probably not that good looking and it will end up being a liability for you. you really are not that intelligent either if you are logging her lies to use against her later while she gets your money. well that's all the give a fuck i have in me today. thanks asshole for depleting my very limited supply, you need to atone by killing yourself now. go

  57. An Anonymous temper tantrum.

    Nothing new on tonight. :-(

  58. what does it matter? aerianne is inviting us all for drinks. :)

  59. Lock up your cats Aerianne.

  60. If you want something new buy a pony.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. I'd go, but I doubt we are even in the same country.

  63. Most people here seem to be in the States or British Ilse-y.

  64. We could have a toast like they do in a civilized cultures and pretend we're all normal.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. At least it would interesting to say the least.

  67. a plateau of socios sprinkled with oddballs. fucking funtastic I say.

    a recipe for... :)!

    my mummy won't be pleased.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. you mean drunk typing?

    oooh, dangerous/funny/as good an excuse as any.

    By toast, i assume that permits heavy drinking? that's the only way i drink after all.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. hehe. ok.

    name the date.

  72. @Whinging Anon:

    I've actually read your comments as opposed to just scanning them, and I think I have a solution.

    Garrote her children in their sleep, and shoot her in the temple, trying to make it look like a murder suicide.

    Problem(s) solved.

    On that note, I'll drink with anyone not named Randy, and I'm only in it for a movie if there's more alcohol involved. And possibly something more. I'm not too shy.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Democratic process stemming from a sociopath blog.

    Yeah, it's time for more liquor.

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  76. damn where's the spontaneity? I was hoping for, i dunno, right now. except i'm not stocked up, so organisation wins the day this time.

  77. I'm drinking right now, darling.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. damn you Notable.

    i got nothing. :(

  80. i know. i just start salivating at the thought. how can i keep salivating for two weeks. that's not healthy. hehe.
    no seriously, i haven't had a drink in a loooong time, that's why.

    talking of which. my favorite word is synchronicity. :)

  81. I have most of a handle left of Jim Beam and a shitty day at work to forget.

  82. i'm with you in spirit my dear.

    i tried commenting on Aerienne's blog but it won't post without an ID. but there's no anon option or URL option. what do i press?

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  84. Are you in your pants, in spirit? Pants optional, by the way.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. thanks Aerianne. (i'm thinking the last option might work, though i didn't try it).

    by pants, do you mean in the american or british usage of the word? here, pants always means panties.

    and yes and no is the answer. panties, for me, are always optional.

  87. The aim of my tongue was towards your lexicon.

  88. Damn. I drunk texted my socio-ex last night (though I don't recall doing it my "sent" messages tell me). Thankfully I just requested "getting in touch". Though... there's nothing productive for me to say to him I feel very satisfied that he not only texted, but when he received no response he also called.....twice. I ignored both calls.

  89. perfect Aerianne. you sure work fast.

    and Notable, stay down boy.

  90. drunk-texting, drunk-calling, drunk-anything = shit can happen.

    at least you had a lucky escape Amelia. He vants you!

  91. I went to this place where for $5 you may spin a wheel and you end up with any number of results. I happened to get 1 hour open bar(well liquor). Luckily their well whiskey was Jack. I managed 6 Jack-and-Cokes and felt that I got more than my money's worth but wasn't a total wreck. That didn't happen until the bartender started buying us shots.....

    "Punishment" is one of the results on the wheel. There's an old-fashioned paddle on the wall.... I'm not sure I would have been disappointed to get that one.

  92. Notable, your blog was at 666 views just there. i presume an aspie was the last peruser.

  93. I was already down, notme!

    aspie demons wouldn't exist if women would stop fornicating on full moons.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. the moon is awesome with sex and thus there will be no end to aspies.

    if you don't start slurring your perfect sentences - you aren't drunk! which is sacriledge.

    are you wearing panties Noti?

  96. i know you were down. i was making sure of it that's all.

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  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. Everyone went away :( And I'm trying to procrastinate preparing this background material over here :-P

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  101. im here. i can't feel my lips and the movie im watching is in english but i have no idea whats theyre sayin

  102. lol. i thought you'd conked out.
    what's the movie called?

    i can't sleep and i wish i was drunk now.

  103. s&man

    thats how its spelled

  104. Hehe- sounds like a good night, TNP :)

    I wish I wasn't writing an overview of cardiovascular, reproductive, and immunological effects of chronic allostatic overload for the kiddies. Stress is such a boring topic.

  105. @Pythias: It'd be hilarious if one of my transfer schools turned out to be yours. Might have to warn your husband that a young gentleman'll be battling for your affections. ;)

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. @Post
    Indeed, though we could literally run into each other and never know it was us. :-P And I'm quite flattered, good Sir, but alas, I am far too involved with my consumable empath to look beyond him right now. Aren't you the charmer, though ;)

    Well, you're stress may be quite interesting :), but as a biochemist and molecular biologist, the squishy world of stress is obnoxious. :-P

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Lots of aspies ending up here.. Just wondering why.. I also have aspergers diagnose, but thinking i might just be a socio.. Or maybe just evil aspie :D

  110. The majority who post on this site are not psychopaths.As a child did you torture animals? If you didn't then you are not a psychopath.If you feel bad when something happens animals then you are not a psychopath.Would you care if your parents died? If you would then your not a psychopath.The biggest indicator of psychopathy is cruelty to humans and animals.For me it started off with insects at a very young age.Trapping wasps in a bottle shaking it until they sedated then putting them on the ground and cutting them in half with a coin.When i was around nine i drowned my pet cat that me and my cousin had bought and i tried to rape one of my aunties friends when i was six as she slept.When i was in highschool i had a notoriously short temper.An asian kid got in my face once so i beat the fuck out of him i punched him in his nose and broke it when he was on the ground i stomped him out there was blood everywhere.The principal brought me into the office and i blamed everything on the gook and made myself look like the victim lol.When i went home i told my mom a bunch of crap and she believed it in the end i was allowed back in school but i assaulted another kid five days later.Moral of the story is most of you arnt psychopaths.

  111. I was about 8 years old, alone with couple friends at my home, they are starting to put out clothes on.. they are leaving soon.. I suggest we play a game, circus trick I saw on tv not so long ago, I tell one of them to go stand by the outdoor, he does that and I pick couple really sharp knives and start throwing them at the door, first ones stick kinda far from him, I want to get closer, then one sticks right by his ear, he gets scared but I command him to stay still or I might miss and hit his eye with it.. so he stays for the last knife im holding, it lands just next to his arm, then they just call me crazy and they go home. The only thing I was worried of was the marks on the door.. Would mom see them and would she be angry to me..

    Does that fit better to weird aspie behaviour or does that (among many other such things) make me a sociopath??

  112. No that means your a fucktard and you suck at telling stories.

  113. @GRK
    Love you too darling :)

  114. Aspie:

    Forget all the crunk coming out of these young socio-fans. Let's talk about your situation further. Ignore the comments who say shut up, just carry on.

    So you give her sex, money, status, and attention. What does she give you? Sex. Anything else? Do you get invited to more events because of not being single? Is that important to you. In short, what are the pros of being with her, and what are the cons other than occasional financial help. Is she better educated than you? More sophisticated in general? Charming your friends? Making you look good and you doubt that you may not find another woman who looks just as good? Do your friends look up to you because you are helping a woman with children?

    About the lie where she shopped with your money and used welfare for abortion.. How about she used your money for abortion (sounds like you are the father of the child) and used the welfare money for shopping? I mean, you realize you are a cheap bastard for bringing that up, right? I mean here she is getting no joke health issue because you're a dick, and you worry about paying for the abortion? How about if she had the child and forced you to marriage or child support?

  115. sure crunk, i'm game.

    she gives me sex, companionship, and attention, requiring a minimal amount in return. when i get wrapped up in something else or don't feel like talking, i just ignore her. she doesn't get genuinely butt-hurt about it, and i think that's amazing. but when i need attention or intimacy, whether it's sex or just someone to lay with, she's there ready and willing to give it to me. she took me for that money once, yes, but i've been careful not to let anything like that happen again in the past few years. since then the only price i've paid has been paying for someone else to go out and have a great time with me. to me, it's not such a great price to pay. i don't worship my money like some do, i look at it strictly as a means to an end, a way to turn my desires into reality. so when i compare what i'm gaining, something i could not receive elsewhere (having my emotional needs fulfilled without the chore of worrying about someone else's) without putting myself in jeopardy, with what i'm losing... enough money to take an extra trip that i could afford to take anyway... it seems like a no brainer at this point in time. she isn't especially smart, but she has enough advantages over me to keep things interesting. if i were to go with another woman with similar tastes, it's quite possible that said person would be much smarter and capable of tying a leash around my neck and leading me blindfolded wherever she chooses. even if things get bad with this girl, her reputation is already tarnished and for the most part, i think i could get out with an acceptable amount of damage to my reputation if i had to.

    your comments about the abortion, i don't even know where to begin. she already had money set aside for the abortion, at no cost to her, so neither of us should have had to pay a dime. that remains true no matter how you slice or dice the numbers. regardless i've already said that this doesn't really bother me, because in the end i got what i paid for and learned a valuable lesson about her. if that makes me cheap, then i must be cheap.

    she didn't want another kid just then, anyway. the abortion was her idea. it wasn't until she came to my house and saw how i lived that she miraculously decided that she wanted another child and started trying to push me to get closer to her kids.

  116. Aspie, it sound slike you have a pretty good deal going. What is bothering you? What would you like more to happen?

    You have been a gentleman, and stay that way. Honestly, your deal is much better than most married folks who spend a ton of money and listen to all kinds of bs. I really wonder what the true problem is for you. Are you worried that you may be getting too close and you may want to marry her? Say that is the case. Think about it, the society surely rewards married folks more than not, especially if you want to climb the social ladder. Anyway, more after I hear more.

  117. getting much closer to her would require sacrifices and opening myself up emotionally to her children. i generally wind up wanting to kill lovers' live-in pets because they are annoying and not well trained. i can only imagine what life with rambunctious children would be like. unlike pets, i cannot throw them at the wall in a fit of rage when they do something i don't like. so how would i cope? this utopian relationship could easily turn into a living hell, and she would have emotional leverage to keep me burning there for a long time, with even more monetary costs than i'm facing now.

    you ask what i want, and i suppose the truth is that i don't know. the potential benefits are many, as are the potential drawbacks. my emotions are making it difficult to decide where to place my next step.

    the social ladder doesn't matter to me. tax benefits are nice, so would be the sympathy i'd gain from having children and a woman to provide for. but i'm very content with my place in life and where it could lead if i didn't choose to settle down. i enjoy traveling, occasionally making radical changes to my life, choosing to do crazy things on a whim. this has the potential to drain the excitement from my future for an extremely long time.

    perhaps i should direct my attention to my concerns more directly? work toward creating an understanding about the limitations of my responsibility for her children, find a way to secure my freedom despite their presence?

  118. Exactly (to your last paragraph). Looks like all your concerns are in your own mind. You are NOT expected to mingle and care for her kids. Just refuse flat out any involvement with the kids, in a nice way. Is that not possible? What has your involvement been with the kids so far?

  119. Well, these may be just my favorite comics in a long time. I don't spend a lot of time searching comics out but I found these to be seriously funny. Thanks!


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