
Friday, December 31, 2010

Risky business

I was never really conscious of being a big risk taker when I was younger, although I ended up in urgent care facilities more than average, have woken up to medics and oxygen masks, etc. All growing up my parents made me take extra safety precautions that even my siblings did not have to do take -- helmets while skiing, mouthguards for sports, elaborate buddy systems, and emergency contact information on my person at all times. All my instructors and guides would laugh when my parents warned them to keep an eye out for me. I was a bit of a daredevil, but it was more than that -- I would often take risks that people wouldn't even have considered to be an option, wouldn't have predicted the need to warn me about.

It makes me wonder, are sociopaths risk-seeking or risky? Risk-seeking would mean that they are willing to take bigger risks for bigger payouts. For instance, between two choices of a 100% chance of winning $10,000 or a 1% chance of winning a million, a risk-averse individual is more likely to choose the former and a risk-seeking individual is more likely to choose the latter. The difference between the two becomes more stark when losses are involved, for instance a 1% chance of losing a limb vs. a 100% of breaking a limb. Which would you choose? A risk-seeking individual is more likely to choose the small chance of losing a limb and a risk-averse individual is more likely to choose the certainty of breaking a limb.

In contrast, a risky person takes illogical risks just for the sake of risk. For instance, a risky person might choose a 1% chance of winning only $500,000 rather than a 100% of winning $10,000. Likewise, a risky person might accept a 3% chance of losing a limb rather than the certainty of breaking a limb. A risky person may behave this way because (1) they are incorrectly assessing the risks and payouts involved, (2) they are correctly assessing the risks, but get some other benefit from the risk itself (i.e. psychic benefit from the risk itself), or (3) a mixture of 1 and 2.

Of course most choices we make are not as simple as 100% of $10,000. Even for a choice where you are certain you will either lose a limb or break it, everyone will value their own limbs differently and in different situations. Assuming two people are similar in every way but one is a sociopath and the other normal, I wonder what exactly would make them different when it comes to risk.


  1. The pleasure from it.

    Assuming both individuals are the same, and assuming that neither has an extravert personality (since most of those tend to lean towards risky activities, ie: rock climbing, dangerous sports). Even though not all extraverts are this way, we assume the two individuals in question do not fall into the category. The difference is endorphins released upon said risk taking.

    We're not an exact science, but despite my usual disposition which tends to lean more towards "quiet intellectual" (it fits my looks so its easier), I love the excitement from risks, no matter whom it concerns. But for me it's never the possibility of being caught (which I hear all too often from some of my friends after they perform some minor act of vandalism), it's the risk itself. Performing it.

    I personally can't explain it, I only know what occurs biologically.

  2. Risk IS Reward.

    I'm not sure if you would classify me as risky or risk-taker. I don't think the two are, or have to be, mutually exclusive.

    When I know I'm taking a risk for a long-shot, there is a bit of a rush that brings some about of pleasure. I think that's perfectly normal though. What might not be is the proclivity to do so.

    I'd posit that a lot has to do with impulse control. I don't go bungee jumping, sky-diving or free-form rock climbing. I don't take risks for the sake of taking risks. If I'm presented a situation though, that's an entirely different situation. Do I do it, or do I walk away? Even when the stakes are high, sometimes I can't resist a roll of the dice. Thankfully, sometimes I can.

  3. that's a lot of risks

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  6. I think the bigger the risks you take, the bigger will be your fulfillment when you can finally say: "I've got/done it".

    just a thought though, based on my own experiences that ended up with this awesome feeling of fulfillment. I wonder if others have this kind of ecstasy sensation when they've achieved their goal.

  7. I'm always looking for shortcuts in life, and risks are shortcuts. I would say that I'm a risk seeker. I like to put myself in dangerous situations because it's exciting. I'm extremely wreckless. I do everything like I don't give a shit. I've ended up seriously hurting myself on a number of occasions, and my actions have wound up getting others seriously hurt and even killed in the past.

  8. I wonder if the other sociopaths can relate to what i am about to discuss, I find it that when I ingrain a moral or a world view into my self it's very unstable and i could drop it with ease, even things that people would find disturbing, like blaming a family member for something you did are things I do every time I get the chance. Do the rest of you have morals or a code that you stick by? I usually break my code within a week, that's IF I create one.

  9. For example, everyone I know loathes child molesters, but I have no bad blood towards people like that, even if I forced myself to hate those sorts, I couldn't.

  10. well if you had a child of your own, I doubt you would still feel that way. Would you?

    You'd probably kill someone if they hurt your kid.

    I'm not a sociopath but if someone tried to hurt my son...they'd be pusing daisies.

  11. I honestly wouldn't care grace.

  12. You can't say that for sure Anon. Sociopaths are all about their instincts and it is instinctual to want to destroy someone who hurt their kid. If you didn't want to respond that way, you would be mentally retarded.

  13. Sometimes I try to create my own "code" to guide myself down a certain path or to keep myself out of trouble, but I always end up breaking my own rules as quickly as a break other people's, so I don't bother anymore. I guess thats the trouble with being impulsive.

    I get what you mean about your feelings towards child molesters. I'm not angered or disgusted by any of the things that most people are. Like when I hear about pedo's or terrorists on the news, I really just don't give a shit.

  14. Don't come here grace if you are getting annoyed with my lack of compassion, it's called sociopathworld for a reason, there are only a few places where we can discuss this sort of taboo, go fuck off over to love fraud if you have problem, some sociopaths despise kids, generally because we don't like the weak and needy.

  15. Would you got ape shit if someone harmed your children MIsanthrope? Assuming you had one that is, I can't see myself doing that. My brother thinks I care about him because I jump in when he fights, but it's so I can fight, not because I like him.

  16. "generally because we don't like the weak and needy."

    Lol. I love the weak and needy. They're the easiest to master, and take from. You sound more like a narcissist than a sociopath.

  17. I am narcissistic sure, I take from them too Mis, old people, retards and naive, do you not look down your nose at those sort of people?

  18. It's funny, the theif looks down on the target and the moral target looks down on the theif, but who comes out the better man? The theif walks away with the goods and the target has his morals. It's symbolic to the socio vs the average Joe, they get their kicks out of invisible non existant substances.

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  21. I imagine it would depend on the individual. I'm not socio but I'm what a lot of people would consider a risk taker. For socios, and please correct me if I'm wrong, it seems like it woud depend on how much attention they want to draw to themselves or whether they want to try to blend in to the community at large. Being risky or a risk taker would draw attention to anyone, so I imagine it would be counter productive to a socio trying to avoid notice for who they really are. Or maybe it would couple with their charisma and spin off as an adventurous thrill seeker type? Individual reasons depend on the individual socio.

  22. I'm not annoyed Anon. Not even. I was just making a point. I think you're annoyed. But that's ok with me too.

    Don't relate to lovefraud.

  23. TNP, been to Cali? seen the hoes there?

  24. When are we going to see some pictures Haven? You should know that the women on here don't get listened to, unless we know they are decent looking.

  25. Anon, let's ask some of the resident sociopath's what they would do if someone harmed their offspring.

    Hmmm...I know what Postmodern says about what happens if someone breaks one of his "toys". Do you?

    I also know that UKan wants a child to carry on his line and I'm sure he would love to elaborate on the ways he would torture and kill anyone who harmed the child.

    You are mentally challenged, Anon. There is no place for you among us.

  26. No apostrophe in sociopaths. I know.

  27. Anonymous wouldn't have the chance to care.

    Nobody would want to reproduce with them.

  28. He doesn't have a legacy to begin with, so how would his child "carry it" on?


  30. Despite my appreciation for the math involved here, I couldn't imagine someone being risky 100% of the time. The day the sociopath stayed home: The day the risk was not discovered and the opportunity lost and given to someone else.
    Having said that.. I don't think it matters much. There's so much to win and lose in life and yet life itself is not something that can be "won", and sometimes you have to lose to win depending on what your goal is and who made what rules for the game you're playing.

    But OH the day the children here discuss much about this :)

  31. Anon, this is how I know you are mentally challenged. You cannot retain what you read even when you have it before you to refer to.

    I never used the word legacy you shit head.

    The word was line.

    There's a difference you obviously can't understand.

  32. Listen here you piece of dog shit, we don't give a fuck about kids here if a child can't fend for themselves then fuck them. I will get people to hold you down, then i will pull out your finger nails, smash your teeth in with a hammer and stand on your ears until you go deaf. Then we will fuck around with your body and write "slut" all over it and piss on it. Then i will kidnap your family fuck your mom if she is good looking and your sisters then torture them.

  33. I'm sure they have boards for the mentally challenged. Don't they?
    You'd be in your element and could masturbate until you were raw. The other mentally challenged might even make you king or something because they'd probably be intimidated by your big talk.

  34. Anon, maybe you could go workout. You know, pump yourself up a bit. I'm not talking about giving your impotent mind or ineffectual mouth a workout. Do it to build a physique instead of that scrawny body of yours. Girls go for that, sometimes.

  35. yikes.. happy new year tools.

  36. Lol. This is most likely just little Glenn fucking around, again.

    I think that if I had a child of my own, I would be fiercely protective of it. I mean it would literally be something that I created, and I wouldn't stand for anyone else damaging my creation. I still wouldn't care much about anyone els's kids though.

  37. See. Neener Neener, Anon.

  38. The Sadistic Personality Disorder is characterized by a pattern of gratuitous cruelty, aggression, and demeaning behaviors which indicate the existence of deep-seated contempt for other people and an utter lack of empathy. Some sadists are "utilitarian": they leverage their explosive violence to establish a position of unchallenged dominance within a relationship. Unlike psychopaths, they rarely use physical force in the commission of crimes. Rather, their aggressiveness is embedded in an interpersonal context and is expressed in social settings, such as the family or the workplace.

  39. Site your source, Anon. Otherwise you have no credibility.

  40. Sadists like to inflict pain because they find suffering, both corporeal and psychological, amusing. They torture animals and people because, to them, the sights and sounds of a creature writhing in agony are hilarious and pleasurable. Sadists go to great lengths to hurt others: they lie, deceive, commit crimes, and even make personal sacrifices merely so as to enjoy the cathartic moment of witnessing someone else's misery.

    Sadists are masters of abuse by proxy and ambient abuse. They terrorize and intimidate even their nearest and dearest into doing their bidding. They create an aura and atmosphere of unmitigated yet diffuse dread and consternation. This they achieve by promulgating complex "rules of the house" that restrict the autonomy of their dependants (spouses, children, employees, patients, clients, etc.). They have the final word and are the ultimate law. They must be obeyed, no matter how arbitrary and senseless are their rulings and decisions.

    Most sadists are fascinated by gore and violence. They are vicarious serial killers: they channel their homicidal urges in socially acceptable ways by "studying" and admiring historical figures such as Hitler, for instance. They love guns and other weapons, are fascinated by death, torture, and martial arts in all their forms.

  41. No credibility, Anon.

  42. There are a few folks around here who are sadistic. I think Misanthrope is a sadist.

  43. heh, I certainly have a sadistic side, but what gave YOU that impression?

  44. That's my point Misanthrope. I wasn't talking about love and compassion. I was talking about instincts..that's all. Plus no one wants to read how someone couldn't give a shit if a kid was harmed in some horrible way. I don't care what kind of blog it is.

  45. Is this seriously the subject of an argument?

    It doesn't matter, so why bother. If he's talking about something that you don't like to hear then ignore him. What did mommy and daddy teach you about bullies?

  46. risk taking is about weighing up the benefit over the risk, but for me part of the benefit of a risk with something physically dangerous is that it makes me feel something.
    drugs, snowboarding, fighting MMA... it's all about reminding myself that i'm alive.
    the non-physical risks are good too - lasting longer but being less intense.

    as for abusing children... i've got nothing against them, but i eat steak and a child under 2 is of lesser sentience, awareness and intelligence than a cow ;)

  47. MMA is cool when you have to brawlers going at it, but i usually flick the channel when it goes to the ground, fight goes downhill from there.

  48. @grace
    yes, it is absolutely natural to be protective of your genetic progeny. but also realise it is not natural to be as protective of other people's and also that not everyone is neurotypical ;)

  49. hm - the Friday night cage fight in sociopathworld started prematurely today. Happy new year everyone ~ cheers!

  50. Anyone doing anything for new years?

    I'm considering going to a house party full of people I don't like. Last time I went there was a lot of cash lying around for some reason, which made it far more enjoyable.

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  52. Did you take it? Or was the satisfaction of simply being near the money enough.

  53. All the comments here are funnier on an iPhone for some reason.

    I'm enjoying Grace's new fiery attitude, too.

  54. Did you pay the full price for your iPhone? Bet you did. What the heck are you all talking about anyways? Are we adopting Manson's philosophy? "No sense makes sense"

  55. I am going to get fucked up on new years! I haven't drank alcohol in four months.

  56. Where is your club UKan? That's were we are going! Big socio orgy.

  57. @Anon... my profile pic is as close to accurate as you're gonna get, except my hair is a deep black cherry. Deal.

  58. No, i don't come to terms with your deal.

  59. dinner with my best guy friend and the people who are going to be in the wedding party with me (I'm the best man). Then a party with people I know from my socio ex. Not sure if he's going to be there, but I'm making sure to look my best and be prepared in case we are in close quarters. i know he won't run the risk of ruining his image in front of these people so I'm thinking he'll make nice.

    Then old punks playing old punk, and finally, at the end of the night a place within walking distance of a place i can crash so I can get my drink on. Or....I may just run into an old flame I wish to ring in the new year with. Let's hope.

  60. Anon-

    Nyx didn't type "Deal?", just "deal" as in "deal with it".

  61. So shes giving me attitude?

  62. Heh, yes, I am giving you attitude. Perhaps as Amelia stated I should have elaborated more and just said; Deal with it.

  63. I'm kind of a big deal.

  64. You're kinda funny. I'll give you that.

  65. Why are you not @ borderline world? What do you have in common with psychopaths?

  66. I dissociate and don't process emotions or have empathy the way I 'should'. For a while I thought I might be socio but my doc says otherwise. I'm fascinated by people and interested in what most consider 'personality disorders'. I like to see how others do. I'm curious.

  67. Anon, you going to take that shit from a nerdy self-harming goth?

  68. So, you could do terrible things and not feel bad about it?

  69. I have, I do, I could ::shrug::. Depends on the horrible thing I suppose.

  70. Nice, how do you think you would feel if you murdered another person?

  71. I think I would give more pause to killing an animal than I would to a person. I don't have much empathy for people in general. I'd rather not get arrested though.

  72. I'm going to my club in a couple of hours. This is the day of the year that I make four times what I usually do. Its brilliant.
    I love playing for keeps. If you don't risk your life regularly you aren't living, at least under the age of 30. I risk my life going to work everyday. Honestly I risk myself so much my fiance thinks I won't be able to settle for a normal job, because there's not enough risk. I disagree. I think I've put myself through enough. I always say that though, then I get bored. I go out and start wars, even though its against my best interest, causes attention, and I lose money. What's even more funny is that while I'm doing it I blame the poor saps I'm fucking with for gumming everything up.
    One time on valentines day a few years ago I wanted to do acid with this bird I was dating (not the one I have currently). She had never tried it and id though I would give her a experience. I went down to this bloke that said he always had some on him.
    Besides weed I don't use anything. When I do its acid and its rarely. There is a lot of bullshit acid around so I told this bloke, "Look, don't fuck with my acid. I'm serious when it comes to this shit."
    Of course he gave me some bunk acid....(1)

  73. UKan, tell me the name of your club. I'm not going to rat on you I'm not like that.

  74. Yeah, i notice that about a few borderlines, they would rather a person die than an animal, bunch of freaks if you ask me. Oh well.

  75. Bunch of freaks? Yeah I guess that's accurate enough. And possibly a backhanded compliment b/c who the hell wants to be normal anyways?

  76. This bunk acid dealer looked like a tool. He had glasses, a nickname to match them, and his girlfriend kept hitting on me. This guy happened to also offer something else, that I happen to have had a market on at the time. I was already furious, so I put two and two together.
    I looked to my friend and told him we were going to rob this guy for being so cheeky. My friend said he had to agree, after all I warned him about fucking with my acid.
    We went to his house to retrieve a couple of guns. As it turned out his brother took the vest, one of the guns, and the bullets for the sawed off (why would you do this?). I was furious. All we had was a fucking unloaded gun. I have a rule that I never take a unloaded gun to do a job, because its not there for a show. However, I figured that it would be fine since he was a mark anyway.
    I gave the four eyed bunk acid dealer. I toldem I changed my mind on the other stuff, and I needed a lot. He asked how the acid was and I toldem it was fantastic. He sounded nervous. I convinced him that everything was fine.
    So on our way to his house we went ...(2)

  77. Lots of people want to be normal, abnormality is looked down upon. I'm not talking about psychopathic abnormality for obvious reasons, society envies serial murderers, that's why you see them all over the news. But borderline abnormality, like self harm is looked down upon, it's weakness.

  78. When I got there he had two people laying on the floor in the first floor of the wharehouse (yah the loser lived in a wharehouse) and some fifteen year old girl on the bed upstairs who was really jittery and nervous. When we got upstairs my friend had him start getting what we needed out. My friend told him to double the order. He was such a tool he still couldn't figure it out and he showed us his stash.
    My friend tasted what he had and it was fucking salty. I was even more furious. I pulled out the gun and pointed it at the girl. I toldem if he didn't give me the real shite I was going to kill her in front of him. He didn't seem to concerned for the girl so I put it on him. He still wouldn't move. I couldn't shoot the bugger now because I had no fucking bullets. I got mad and lost my temper and went to smash his head with the gun when he surprised me. He grabbed the gun and we started struggling,
    Meanwhile the stupid cunt on the bed went running towards the door screaming. I told my friend to shivvy her up before she wakes up the blokes down stairs, but she escaped out the fucking door. This fucking four eyed guy was stronger than we thought. He didn't want to die I guess, because he turned into superman. I told my friend to help me secure him...(3)

  79. Even the way sociopaths move is frightening, my friends say to me i have strange body language, domineering but with child like mannerisms, when i walk into a room i stare at everyone's faces, i have a huge staring problem.

  80. I agree such things are looked down on, but you have to understand the real reasons before an accurate assessment can be made. I can't stand whiny emo brats that scratch themselves up for attention. No one that actually knows me would ever think to use 'weak' to describe me. Self Harm is one of my issues, but I'm a big fan of the old adage, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. And nothing has killed me yet, nor will it.

  81. To me wanting to be 'normal' is akin to wanting to be a clone. There's enough cookie cutter toys out in the world. I'd rather be different and living my own life than have society dictate one to me.

  82. We finally got the gun secured and him when all these blokes came running in the room with a mop, bat, and things of that nature. Now I wished I had bullets. I knew it was a matter of time before they figured it out, because they were already starting to wonder why I was hesitating scatter shotting them. They stould still and I told them we are leaving slowly and that if anyone moved I would scatter the whole room. We slowly backed down the stairs and as soon as we got to the door we bolted.
    I laughed about it the whole way home. My friend looked like he was traumatized. I told him if you play for keeps everyday, you appreciate life more.

  83. only a socio can keep telling when noone appears to be listening, and i'm not referring to our beloved 'noone' keep going UKan..

  84. I thought you weren't an angsy emo brat?

    Who cares if you are normal, when you look respectable and dress nicely, you can get away with just about anything, providing you are likable. When my girlfriends family come over they never suspect how badly i treat her. She told me that they think I am the sweetest person they ever met.

  85. you have no idea how stupid you appear in that story Ukan. great example of what we were talking about earlier. repeat, repeat....

  86. LMAO. Amazing story UKan.

  87. Where can i read "Without conscience" for free online?

  88. I can afford to look stupid, anonymous, something you can't do. That's called being secure with yourself.

  89. Never trust a man who needs a haircut every week.

  90. Lol, the narcs in here don't get self deprecation. Not every story needs to be about you looking good, and winning. Maybe he's being honest?

  91. I don't emote to be considered angsty. I just don't bother much about fitting in. I am smart enough and adaptive enough to get by in life quite nicely and I don't need to be a clone to do it. Who cares?... is exactly the point. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks of me. I am as I am and that's what I will be.

  92. Suit yourself, i care exactly of what people think of me.

  93. That's because you need to feel accepted, because you can't accept yourself

  94. Not really, I just don't take no for an answer, if someone says no to me i try harder. I often sit down and think of ways to seem great, i picture my face all over the news, i get shivers when i think of it. Just to have that spot that nobody can even touch you.

  95. dumbest are the most confident... clueless...

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  97. So you admit you live in your fantasies, because in real life your nobody. You sit around dreaming of being famous and being great. What a wanna be.

  98. @Anon... it seems more like you're interest in caring what people think of you is a tool, a device. The facade you create that people care about is just a method to get what you want. You're not actually putting who you really are out there for people to judge so you can't really be caring about what they think of YOU, you care about what they think of your facade.

  99. Sure, i see my image as perfect, for someone to remember me as being amazing, the most magnificent person they have ever met. I don't mean in a way that they are on the same path as i am, i want them to see me as something they can look at but never touch. Hm, it's hard to explain, maybe be their god but without having a connection with them?

  100. Ha ha, this clown is great. Brilliant! A god now you say?

  101. Before i developed some schizoid traits, i wanted to become a police officer, in the end it fell through generally because I'm hot headed. Now that i have no steady life plan, my imagination is running amok, i think i want to become notorious now.

  102. You can start by cutting off that mullet

  103. How's your grandma doing?

  104. Mullet? I lost that in the 90's.

  105. You don't fantasize postmodern?

  106. Post, well done. I'm on that program. Am I the only one who always seems to interact with people who are always doing imaginary things with imaginary money? It's tedious. People who seem to be waiting on their proverbial ship to come in for so long that they could have just bought themselves a plane ticket by now and been there.

  107. I got invited to a major concert tonight at a sports arena that holds 21,000 people inside. Party time!

  108. "Assuming two people are similar in every way but one is a sociopath and the other normal, I wonder what exactly would make them different when it comes to risk."

    I don't see how an S and an N could be similar in every way.

  109. I almost had a child once. It wasn't one either of us really wanted, but abortion was out of the question for her. When it miscarried, I was relieved. I wasn't going to be the child's father unless I fought for it legally. I was going to be a monthly check.

    If I was in relationship with someone, serious, and we were going to have a baby, I might have sung a different tune. I imagine if I had a child, I'd be very protective of it. I have a feeling that's more biological than personality. I have to agree with Res though, at a certain age, if the kid doesn't make it, no crying over spilled seed. Miscarriage was extremely common not so many years ago, as was child death. In some countries, especially the more third world, if I child doesn't make it to six or seven, that's life. When they die after that, then it's a tragedy.

  110. How fast does your hair grow TNP? Just out of curiosity.

  111. I'm almost positive i would abandon a child if i had one, even when my brothers kids are running around my house i don't go out of my way to be friendly to them. They get a rude awakening because everyone else treats them nicely, i suppose it's good for them in a way, shows them how the world really is.

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  113. Excellent idea. The only reality check they're getting is that their uncle is a dick.

    I actually get along pretty well with kids until about the mid to late teens.

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  115. Does anyone else find movie portrayals of psychopaths disgraceful? The only one who does us justice is Pat Bateman.

  116. Do you consider yourself a sociopath TNP?

  117. hey guys! happy new year and all that jazz!!!!

    'Excellent idea. The only reality check they're getting is that their uncle is a dick'

    hahahaha!! so true.

    I absolutely love kids and they love me too. I want kids soo bad.
    I was in macdonalds and came across a 13 year old ASPDer. He was with his little sisters. He looked about 9. He kept asking me if i had a spliff in my bag and said he wanted to rape me till i liked it! His 'minders' were sitting within ear shot, but weren't really listening, so i just humoured the rascal. He had to leave but waved to me, i think he liked the banter. He kept trying to provoke me so I just played with him. haha!

    Kids are cute. I especially love when they jump into your arms and hang onto you like a little koala bear!!!! Awwww!
    I'm definately the fun aunt that let's my nephews and nieces get away with things. Can't wait to be a mum. :)

    My colleague brought her little kid to our bar. She took to me and she was a delight, so I made her help me collect glasses. The customers found it absurd that i'd let a child mess around in a bar. I thought it was charming!! haha!

    I'm such a big kid after all.


  118. Okay notme, I'll give you a kid and stick around for a month.

  119. hey where did zoe go?
    happy new years zoe!

  120. She's still around, aspie.


  121. Shut the fuck up you bordeline sluts, and narcs. Go out today and suck dick anf get fucked by two gujys at once while you sniff coke off a dick.

  122. I'm being the super way cool aunt right now. They love me, yes they are on me like koala bears. I don't treat them like idiots like most people treat kids. The kids and I are all on the same level.

    This crazy aunt role is perfect for me, I don't I think I could deal with being a real mom.

    Kids are like permanently drunk midgets, they don't give a shit.

    Kids I'm not related to can be annoying though, like ants.

  123. The only time i like kids hanging out of me is when i go to Thailand.

  124. You've never been outside yer moms uterus, let alone Thailand.

  125. Lolz, Wanna sell me your iPhone for half price?

  126. Sure, cuz I got it for free.

    Need a bridge, too?

  127. It's not like you can't get another one, your a super badass socio, just steal one.

  128. I'll sell you a free phone for $50.


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  130. Medusa, I never wanted kids before. I never envisaged myself with the standard family thing at all. Then I fell in love with someone and suddenly it all kicked in. I would love to have a child with someone I love. It would make me happy beyond words.

    Anon, you want to give me a child?
    You'd give me a whole month!!! WOW. how could I resist!

    I don't think i need a man to bring up a kid. I have enough love and understanding in me and enough money in assests.

    Tell me Anon, what do you look like? I'll need to know what I'm dealing with. Oh, you're that Glenn fellow aren't you. Hmm, possibly. I'll need a closer look. Give me your e-mail and we'll talk. Rest assured your progeny will be in safe borderline hands. ;)

  131. It was a joke! Seek help. I'm not Glenn, i assume it was a troll? what's wrong with Notable? He enjoys kids.

  132. what's wrong with you? why do you always back out of things when things gets serious? huh?


    Enjoy your next 'trip' to Thailand.

  133. That would require sex with Notable. How about you give me the child, and Notable can take care of it?

  134. HEY, that ^^^^ wasn't me.
    Notable would be great. But alas, he has a gf.

  135. It's new years, go find your sugar daddy, make sure he is big and fat so he doesn't abandon you.

  136. okay, i'm being called. off to drown my sorrows.

    Enjoy yourselves tonight everyone. Bye bye 2010. Never shall we meet again. :(

  137. in honor of teena marie, who passed away in the last week, i offer this link:

    f and d

  138. Aspie, why do you post tributes? I thought you aspies had no compassion?

  139. post tributes to pay well deserved respect

  140. Jeffrey MacDonald seemed somewhat attached to one of his daughters — the knife stab wounds showed hesitation marks.

  141. That means "i love you" in sociopath.

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  146. I smell bad today

  147. take a shower daniel

  148. Happy Fucking NEW YEARS! Without a doubt my favorite holiday ^_^

    Daniel, my condolences.

  149. Happy New Year all :)

    Also, has anyone seen Better Off Ted? My husband said I had to watch because one of the characters reminded him of me and I finally gave in. It really is cute if you are looking for something light and funny.

  150. happy new year everyone!

  151. Q: what's the definition of a surprise?

    wv: dinglog (hint)

  152. Heh

    Oh, by the way Medusa, I liked the finale for Season 3 of Breaking Bad. Good stuff. Have you finished it yet? Total BS that I have to wait until July to see season 4... >.>

  153. This comment has been removed by the author.

  154. apsie you my second favorite aspe. moss from it crowd ius my first lol :_

  155. A: a fart with a lump in it.

    Happy new year, psychos

  156. Yeah I did see it all the way to the end. Jesse was all like, ah fuck.

    Good stuff, that show.

    wv: diedur

  157. happy new yars you crazy at lady.

  158. Happy New Year! I'm glad to be home from the concert.

  159. i LOVE moss!!!!

    HAHAHAHAHA! Note are you dunk??

  160. ive had a few.

    fuck you anon lol

  161. Good night!

    happy new year, all

  162. What are you drinking tonight, Note? Sailor Jerry's?

  163. Notable, check your messages. I have an important question to ask you. :)))))

  164. whiskey sours jim beam

  165. Ah, enjoy. I'm so tired that I'm glad I didn't drink much and it was early in the evening when I did. I'd hate to be this tired and drunk, too.

  166. i cant feel my nose

  167. Hey AeriannE!!!!

    Happy new year hun!

  168. Happy New Year, Notme!!!

    Note, I've already been out so I'm not really looking for a party, but I am starting to look longingly at my bed. Fuck! No wonder! It's almost 4:30 here!

  169. omg bed. i want a bed. is yours comfy aerian?

  170. Mine's comfy as can be. It's a sleep by number bed.

  171. communists aren't people. natuallry

  172. Lol, whatever. I'm taking my hedonist ass to sleep in it. 'Nite and Happy New Year!

  173. night Aerianne.

    AND gooooo commies!!! or something...

  174. Sweet dreams sweet pea.

    This is war, notme. A very cold war.

    Just kidding ^^

  175. This comment has been removed by the author.

  176. Fearlessness?

    Aren't socios prone to cold, rational evaluation in face of danger? I didn't read all the comments, but fear - in this case, an [i]instinctive[/i] urgency to avoid damage, to the point of panic if need be - is a strong component in an empath's evaluation (and reaction). And isn't a socio's heartbeat more stable than average in many situations?

    An then there's testosterone, wich correlates positively to risk-taking and recklessness. But that's for socios and empaths alike.

  177. First of all, you're confusing the term sociopath. They usually come from low income families, have been abused or neglected, are rarely educated, their ability to charm doesn't last as long, and though they share similarities with psychopaths, they are different.

    Psychopaths usually have a higher IQ, have some or have finished college, will be diagnosed with ADHD or fake depression to get away with stuff, have nice things, play sports, have close friends, are adept at using people but try not to make it a habit, are far greater liars than sociopaths because they're easily manipulated, and always try to fit in.

    Ted Bundy, Psychopath in Lie to Me(which was flawed and had Logan from Veronica Mars), Dexter, Patrick Bateman, Jeffrey Dahmer, many politicians and CEOs are all psychopaths.

    We blend in, are often articulate and understand the words we choose, read people and try to have sympathy while occasionally having some over a pet, a friend who died years ago, the girl who got away but was actually a fake as well, our younger lives when we weren't college educated to see that we're either psychopaths or evil narcissists. Our charm can be real, but is often fleeting. We get bored fast, and want a new challenge.

    Some wet their beds or torture animals(but I've found that not to be true), but we all had everyone fooled except one baseball coach or one of your friend's fathers. Ciao!

  178. the worlds risky business to know just copy and paste the below link­12/08/­ml)


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