
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sociopath quote: choices

"What makes us most human is not whether we are or are not biologically driven and determined beings; but, rather, how we respond to this relative truth. The conscious choices we make in related to the dynamic, psychobiological forces of the daimonic define our humanity."

-Stephen A. Diamond


  1. Hyperintellectual twaddle does not amuse me. Don't go Notable on us.

  2. This place is crawling with fricking sociopaths, it's worse than the trading floors at wall street!

  3. hate it, quotes are supposed to reach into your soul. this one leaves me empty.

  4. This quote makes me think about self acceptance. I like it.

  5. It makes me think of Jack Handey.

    Maybe it's just the photo.

  6. Hyperintellectual twaddle does not amuse me. Don't go Notable on us.

    Correction. That would be Pseudo-hyperintellectual in the case of Notable.

  7. So unexpectedly I met two other sociopaths (work, known them a bit, see them a couple times a week.) It just suddenly came up in a conversation. It was a joking remark at first, but then I admitted I might be. We went from there.

    Now my thought is, would other sociopaths make good friends? We lie to each other all the time. Its interesting since I've never been around people who could lie so well (usually I can almost always tell).

    On the one hand we have similarity. On the other we'd each throw the other under the bus if it was good for us.

  8. You told you're work buddies, that you are a sociopath? And there i am thinking most had an above average IQ..

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  10. if you don't get what ME's post is about you are obviously not as bright as you think: it is very relevant to self-aware sociopaths who don't have a self control problem.

    when do you give in to your instinct and when do you hold back?

    as i part posted in response to TNP's latest blog entry:
    if i give in too often to impulses then it becomes harder to tell myself that i am in control, that i have free will, a thinking thing, am alive.
    if i choose to treat myself every once in a while, then i am free-will deciding which impulse to act on, and so retain my sense of being in control of me.

  11. UKan Freeze My HeadJanuary 9, 2011 at 1:39 PM

    I left you high and dry on the answer to your question Misanthrope:
    The cost of cryo freezing for your head is 10k. The cost of freezing your body can be up to 200k. You can, however wrap it into your life insurance policy. That's the best way since they have extra cost, such as the technicians and things.
    I think it would be cool if you die, then in a blink of a eye, wake up in the future. Hey, if it didn't work you wouldn't know or care anyway.

  12. Sociopaths who don't have a self control problems? Those are called narccissists, and you people are annoying.

  13. 10k is alot cheaper then I would have thought, even if it is just for the head.

  14. yeah there's prob as much narc in me as socio. but are you saying you don't have any self control?

  15. I think ill go for the body freeze, since that would probably be the first out. Plus, I like how I look.

  16. If I had self control I wouldn't be making a living as a criminal.
    Matter of fact the reason why I'm so happy and decided to re-up on living was because I just got out of four months of bullshit regarding a incident where I lost control. Now I can breathe easy.
    I constantly tear shit up that I build. I build it up and burn it all down around me. I make sure Im standing straight in the middle of it when it all comes down so it lands on my head.

  17. i somewhat envy someone who behaves on instinct... to a point.
    i don't fit into any cluster B box particularly but can identify with the thought processes. pathologies are defined by behaviour so i would never be diagnosed with one. my self-control is a defining characteristic of me and it is extremely tiring at times - if i'm not emotional, have no conscience, and always act rationally, then am i any more human than an android?

  18. but i do have non-rational instincts and giving in now and then helps keep me sane ;)

  19. ResCogitans, the DSM lists poor impulse control, not, no self control. How poor that level of self-control is probably varies from person to person. I'd have to agree though that having good self-control doesn't sound very sociopathic, but maybe someone who is sociopathic deems something good self-control only because they have had something worse to reference it to.

  20. yeah, as i said i know i don't fit in any box really. to encompass what i am i would have to invoke a complicated cocktail of co-morbidity.
    i am a special snowflake ;)

  21. You could buy a jet pack (now) for the price of freezing your body (later).

    Depends on whether you value the now or the later more, I suppose.

  22. Now my thought is, would other sociopaths make good friends?

    Sure, if you call UKan and TNP good friends.~

  23. Self control is impulse control you idiot. Stop trying to bend every word to support you being a sociopath Not Able. You are a tool.

  24. What? Where do they sell jetpacks?

  25. Damnit. Now I have to put extending life on hold. Are you getting a jetpack?

  26. This ain't no 30 second Michael Jackson stunt, either.

  27. If had I money I would.

    I will start with baby steps by getting a para-cycle.

  28. I'm a socio with high impulse control. This came from a very disciplined childhood and learning martial arts because I like to know and feel how to hurt people. But what I didn't realize was that it was teaching me self control too.

    I still want to know if you guys think its a good idea to be friends with sociopaths if you are one yourself.

  29. "Damnit. Now I have to put extending life on hold. Are you getting a jetpack?"

    Fuck that, you could probably buy a hover car in the future!

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  31. Yah but you have to wait till you die. I want stuff right now.
    There's no buy option on the jetpack, its a prototype for now. damnit medusa.
    The bird bike looks like a lot of fun too. I live in a high altitude area, so I should start flying off the cliffs.

  32. Does your freezer have cryostasis as a temp setting?

  33. These guys are selling a UFO.

  34. UKan, the jet packs are slated for release later this year.

    You can try and get on the list to secure an early production, if you wish.

  35. TNP, that's a retarded statement.

    If it's identified, it's not a UFO, by definition.


  36. Don't worry he can change that

  37. UFO sounds better than flying disk thingy.

  38. Anyway, I've wanted to fly forever, ideally in a craft that doesn't require much power and uses the least amount of materials possible. The closest to having wings that I can possibly get.

    I don't even need to go really high, just mostly want to skim over the world.

    Many years ago I started up a plan to build a man-powered craft that would stay up in the air for as long as I wanted it to (not a glider), but realized that it would require a 90 ft. wingspan.

    Didn't have a garage that big.

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  40. Yesterday I was driving up the moutain and was above the clouds. It was amazing. I can only imagine if I had a parabike or jet pack to skim over them.

  41. It's like in dreams.

    That's what I want to replicate. Flying in dreams.

    When all it takes is your body and a running start in your backyard.

  42. I once flew to Romania with my father that way.

  43. I was thinking more along the lines of dropping nails and razor blades on the population below.

  44. I'm thinking more along the lines of being an indifferent God.

  45. You flew to romania without a machine just your body.....?

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  50. Lol, Aerianne. Originality is not the point.

  51. Trust is not a strongpoint for me.

  52. I would be a different god for each culture. Some I would torment. Some I'd be the trickster. Some I would bless so they worship me.
    I feel like a god sometimes. When I come back from the club mostly. I get paid for people telling me how great I am all night. I already have a big fucking ego. Once they are through with me I feel I need to step up to being a god. It would be good to have a cult.

  53. RE: balloon-lawnchair dude:

    He was immediately arrested by waiting members of the Long Beach Police Department; when asked by a reporter why he had done it, Walters replied, "A man can't just sit around."

    Love that.

  54. I feel like a god a lot, too. Especially lately. Always have, though I had hard time trusting that feeling for most of my life.

    Now I feel like it's a responsibility, if you know what I mean.

    Sometimes I have to check myself to make sure I don't go off the ego/narc deep-end.

    The depressions made for a good check-and-balance, I suppose. Not sure I'll ever go into a real depression again, though.

  55. can socio's control thier lies? can you just decide to tell the truth when you want to and how does that feel..boring. are you compelled to for no reasonable gain..about little meaningless things.If your not lying do you lose control/ what does lying do for you when it doesnt mean gain. tell me all about lying..pls

  56. It's interesting how once I began to trust and own that God feeling, the people around me kind of treat me like one.

  57. Check your mail Notable. ;)

  58. I don't feel like a God. If I did, I think I would be deluding myself. I do however feel like the greatest human being that ever walked the face of the earth.

  59. Telling the truth shocks people. I'm all about selective honesty. When people expect a lie, especially when you've been caught in the act, drop honesty on them and people don't know what to do.
    I dupe people for no reason at all. I can control being dishonest, but I can't control the impulse to dupe people if that makes sense. I don't lie to look good, or gain something. I lie to get people to do something or say something stupid. I like to make people do shit in a subtle way.
    I do know what you mean Medusa. Being a god is a responsibility. Everyone thinks you're air tight so they try to fill your ears with their problems. You can make them go one way or another. You can be cruel, or you can be just. Either way they will follow.

  60. Misanthrope you are missing out.

  61. pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffft!

  62. For instance, someone just came over to give me money for a job that hasn't even taken place yet, and I'd be surprised if it actually does take place. I did not ask for the money, he offered it.

    When I feel too god-like, like right now, that's when I know it's time to get some weed.

    Which is exactly what I'm going to do with this money.

  63. By responsibility, it means I can't just sit on my ass feeling like some god, keeping all this godness to myself.

    I have to let it out on the world. The world needs it.

  64. The world needs it more than I do.

  65. That's right.
    I'm rolling a blunt right now, coincidently.

  66. "I did not ask for the money, he offered it."

    He probably want's sex.

  67. Naw, he knows he's not getting any.

    He wants me to produce a recording.

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  69. "Naw, he knows he's not getting any."

    He still probably wants it though, lol.

  70. I could pretend to be humble, but you're probably right.

  71. I laughed more than I had any right to, Aerianne.

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  73. Reading up on Marquis de Sade's life was tragically hilarious. That guy got around. I'll have to find and read some of his works one day.

  74. what's going on here - people thinking that they're gods and that world needs their godliness. sheesh. We impact best on others and the world, inadvertently and unconsciously, not when we think we are gods.

    But carry on...Perhaps i'd just like the self-assuredness that you seem to have. We all seem to operate in different ways after all.

  75. It's the Muppet

  76. When I was living at my art teacher's house while she was away, I stole her big ol' fat de Sade tome, along with a big piece of blood red velvet.

    Skipped to the juicy bits and had a good time. Many years ago.

    Currently have the velvet covering the TV in the next room, but the book is somewhere in a box in my parents' house.

    Not sure how I would go about asking them to ship it to me.

  77. did you like Milena?
    Not feeling very Milena-like today.

  78. You can always change your display name to whatever you "feel" like at the time. Pretty quick fix.

  79. like that?

    btw, i did the PCL-R thing for the first time and scored 14. Most of those were factor 2s I think.

    So yeah, apparently NTs score 0-2, at most 5. I'm 11 points away from being a sociopath by UK standards. lol. It's all a bit of fun, or something.
    Note, what did you score?

  80. That didn't cure my god syndrome, but it did knock me out for a few hours.

  81. Notable, dude, i mailed you again.

  82. I think I'm weirding my housemates out because I'm always home playing piano like some kind of an addiction.

    They probably want some sexing time and wonder if I'm some aspie freako.

    I really hate not living alone.

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  85. I don't feel like a god, more like a solipsis (sp?). Which is kind of similar, just less arrogance. I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this.

  86. Actually I was thinking about solipsism in my head yesterday.

    Same thing in many ways, for me, hence an "indifferent god".


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