
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sociopath song: Smile

This one is for socios and vengeful empaths alike.


  1. Since we got another video post I'm going to flip the topic. Let's talk about intimidation.
    I decided I want to look for something legitimate because I'm bored. I decided to pick up Snakes With Suits since it has to do with sociopaths who successfuly penetrated the business world.
    In the book they did a study on how people feel when a sociopath is in the room talking openly. Most of the subjects felt fear and anxiety in various forms. The same response that all animals get when confronting a predator. The study concludes that sociopaths are intraspecies predators.
    I mirror everyone. I am a mimic. When I speak to people I do it indivdually so that other people can't see that I've totally changed faces. One of my employees is a really great earner, but she bad with money. She's also codependent which makes her a people pleaser to fault. Everytime I do the count she is off. Most of the time she can cover the loss with her commission.
    When she is short I change. I don't put on a mask, I reveal myself. I talk to her in a low tone with pointed questions. I start using words like 'dangerous' and 'risking you're own life'. When she tries to lie I call her on it and dig further. As she's panicking I bring her back by telling her that she's my friend and I hate being put in the position she put me in. I tell her that I warmed up to her while doing business and that I tried not to be her friend but I couldn't help myself. I make her feel special.
    Next I come back and ask her if it was because she was using the merchandise and she started crying saying that she only wants to make me happy and that she's bad with money. I told her to go to the atm and make it right and she did.
    I immediately changed back to the mask she knows and loves. The one that protects her like her father never did. The one that helps shield her from her problems so she never has to deal with them. The one that's her friend. Now she's happy again.
    My intention wasn't to intimidate her. She is fragile so I have to use positive reinforcement. When she was intimidated this time i realized why I kept on intimidating her instead of conveying my point.
    I never realized why I intimidate people. I'm not big, and I have a very boyish look. Now I realize what it is. I understand why we can never show people who we are. Because once the illusiion is shattered there's nothing left but the real you. The real you is already dead.

  2. Since we got another video post I'm going to flip the topic. Let's talk about intimidation.
    I decided I want to look for something legitimate because I'm bored. I decided to pick up Snakes With Suits since it has to do with sociopaths who successfuly penetrated the business world.
    In the book they did a study on how people feel when a sociopath is in the room talking openly. Most of the subjects felt fear and anxiety in various forms. The same response that all animals get when confronting a predator. The study concludes that sociopaths are intraspecies predators.
    I mirror everyone. I am a mimic. When I speak to people I do it indivdually so that other people can't see that I've totally changed faces. One of my employees is a really great earner, but she bad with money. She's also codependent which makes her a people pleaser to fault. Everytime I do the count she is off. Most of the time she can cover the loss with her commission.
    When she is short I change. I don't put on a mask, I reveal myself. I talk to her in a low tone with pointed questions. I start using words like 'dangerous' and 'risking you're own life'. When she tries to lie I call her on it and dig further. As she's panicking I bring her back by telling her that she's my friend and I hate being put in the position she put me in. I tell her that I warmed up to her while doing business and that I tried not to be her friend but I couldn't help myself. I make her feel special.
    Next I come back and ask her if it was because she was using the merchandise and she started crying saying that she only wants to make me happy and that she's bad with money. I told her to go to the atm and make it right and she did.
    I immediately changed back to the mask she knows and loves. The one that protects her like her father never did. The one that helps shield her from her problems so she never has to deal with them. The one that's her friend. Now she's happy. (1)

  3. (2)
    My intention wasn't to intimidate her. She is fragile so I have to use positive reinforcement. When she was intimidated this time i realized why I kept on intimidating her instead of conveying my point.
    I never realized why I intimidate people. I'm not big, and I have a very boyish look. Now I realize what it is. I understand why we can never show people who we are. Because once the illusiion is shattered there's nothing left but the real you. The real you is already dead.

  4. (1)
    Since we got another video post I'm going to flip the topic. Let's talk about intimidation.
    I decided I want to look for something legitimate because I'm bored. I decided to pick up Snakes With Suits since it has to do with sociopaths who successfuly penetrated the business world.
    In the book they did a study on how people feel when a sociopath is in the room talking openly. Most of the subjects felt fear and anxiety in various forms. The same response that all animals get when confronting a predator. The study concludes that sociopaths are intraspecies predators.
    I mirror everyone. I am a mimic. When I speak to people I do it indivdually so that other people can't see that I've totally changed faces. One of my employees is a really great earner, but she bad with money. She's also codependent which makes her a people pleaser to fault. Everytime I do the count she is off. Most of the time she can cover the loss with her commission.
    When she is short I change. I don't put on a mask, I reveal myself. I talk to her in a low tone with pointed questions. I start using words like 'dangerous' and 'risking you're own life'. When she tries to lie I call her on it and dig further. As she's panicking I bring her back by telling her that she's my friend and I hate being put in the position she put me in. I tell her that I warmed up to her while doing business and that I tried not to be her friend but I couldn't help myself. I make her feel special.
    Next I come back and ask her if it was because she was using the merchandise and she started crying saying that she only wants to make me happy and that she's bad with money. I told her to go to the atm and make it right and she did.
    I immediately changed back to the mask she knows and loves. The one that protects her like her father never did. The one that helps shield her from her problems so she never has to deal with them. The one that's her friend. Now she's happy again.


  5. Since we got another video post I'm going to flip the topic. Let's talk about intimidation.
    I decided I want to look for something legitimate because I'm bored. I decided to pick up Snakes With Suits since it has to do with sociopaths who successfuly penetrated the business world.
    In the book they did a study on how people feel when a sociopath is in the room talking openly. Most of the subjects felt fear and anxiety in various forms. The same response that all animals get when confronting a predator. The study concludes that sociopaths are intraspecies predators.
    I mirror everyone. I am a mimic. When I speak to people I do it indivdually so that other people can't see that I've totally changed faces. One of my employees is a really great earner, but she bad with money. She's also codependent which makes her a people pleaser to fault. Everytime I do the count she is off. Most of the time she can cover the loss with her commission.
    When she is short I change. I don't put on a mask, I reveal myself. I talk to her in a low tone with pointed questions. I start using words like 'dangerous' and 'risking you're own life'. When she tries to lie I call her on it and dig further. As she's panicking I bring her back by telling her that she's my friend and I hate being put in the position she put me in. I tell her that I warmed up to her while doing business and that I tried not to be her friend but I couldn't help myself. I make her feel special.
    Next I come back and ask her if it was because she was using the merchandise and she started crying saying that she only wants to make me happy and that she's bad with money. I told her to go to the atm and make it right and she did.
    I immediately changed back to the mask she knows and loves. The one that protects her like her father never did. The one that helps shield her from her problems so she never has to deal with them. The one that's her friend. Now she's happy again

  6. (1)Since we got another video post I'm going to flip the topic. Let's talk about intimidation.
    I decided I want to look for something legitimate because I'm bored. I decided to pick up Snakes With Suits since it has to do with sociopaths who successfuly penetrated the business world.
    In the book they did a study on how people feel when a sociopath is in the room talking openly. Most of the subjects felt fear and anxiety in various forms. The same response that all animals get when confronting a predator. The study concludes that sociopaths are intraspecies predators.
    I mirror everyone. I am a mimic. When I speak to people I do it indivdually so that other people can't see that I've totally changed faces. One of my employees is a really great earner, but she bad with money. She's also codependent which makes her a people pleaser to fault. Everytime I do the count she is off. Most of the time she can cover the loss with her commission.
    When she is short I change. I don't put on a mask, I reveal myself. I talk to her in a low tone with pointed questions. I start using words like 'dangerous' and 'risking you're own life'. When she tries to lie I call her on it and dig further. As she's panicking I bring her back by telling her that she's my friend and I hate being put in the position she put me in. I tell her that I warmed up to her while doing business and that I tried not to be her friend but I couldn't help myself. I make her feel special.
    Next I come back and ask her if it was because she was using the merchandise and she started crying saying that she only wants to make me happy and that she's bad with money. I told her to go to the atm and make it right and she did.

  7. (1.2)
    I immediately changed back to the mask she knows and loves. The one that protects her like her father never did. The one that helps shield her from her problems so she never has to deal with them. The one that's her friend. Now she's happy again.

  8. The first comment is actually the last part. The system is erasing stuff again so I had to switch it up.

  9. Sorry to repeat but am still interested in what books you read.

  10. UKan do you often intimidate people unintentionally?

    I will occasionally make people uncomfortable, or at least they appear uncomfortable, but I wouldn't say I intimidate them.

  11. apart from than snakes with suites

  12. I haven't read SWS. With regard to your legit business apirations and abilities, it seems destined to be completely reliant on your personal attributes and the people who will respond to that. How will you be able convert your success into a legacy if for some reason you are unable to be there and there's no one you can trust to take over? Going legit seems to be a huge step and the values aren't all that clear with the people you are likely to deal with at all levels. Just like your employee they will have different (or as you put it, no calculativeness) accounting systems. And thats only at employee level. What about your peers and business partners? Just as in prison a lot of successfull normal people will try suss you out before letting you in based on values which might be alien to you. How long will you be able to keep a convincing mask?

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  14. Its not about keeping the mask, because everyone slips. Its about how well you can adapt when it does. What slips out? Your deviousness? Your greed? Your rage? You have to paint that slip into a strength and use it to your advantage. Everyone has weaknesses, and when you can't admit you have any you become a ostrich; burying your head in the sand because you think that will make the problem go away. That's why its important for sociopaths to have a empathetic friend who knows you well and you allow their critisism. It gives you a perspective you wouldn't see. You allowing them that critisism satisfies your power dynamic, while still allowing you to get a honest look at yourself. Once you honestly assess your strengths and weaknesses you can predict when you will start slipping. When you get bored, or when you get angry. Why you get angry. This allows you to keep your character.

  15. Aeriane! Why did you let out that you were Psychophant? Posmo wouldn't do an assange on you would he?

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  17. 8===========D~~~~ -.x

  18. What about masks for your value system? Though I haven't been in prison I do see some aspects in the cynical normal world of today. Like some people in power making you jump through hoops and loops that they know is exactly the opposite of what you believe. For example, making you feed the poor, employ the disabled or give up something intrinsic before they let you in on the deal they know you want.

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  20. Truely powerful people know the power of charity. Otherwise it is useless. Popular support from the people around you is like having a thousand lawyers come to your defense no matter what you do. Osama bin Laden started his group building schools and community infrastructure. Today he is able to recruit masses of people to his cause because he created his own culture.

  21. I have three friends I've had my whole life. I know when they will disappoint me so when they do its not a let down. With other people I just can't seem to look past their weaknesses.
    When I had jobs I excelled for short period. Really excelled. However, I would get bored and create a crisis. I didn't know myself like I do now.
    As far as my appearance I still look 19. I haven't changed a bit.

  22. Aerianne:

    I doubt I qualify as a sociopath, but I have some socipathic tendencies.

    Do any of you change your physical appearance very often?
    No, the only thing that changes about me is when I grow my beard. But as soon as it starts to get itchy, I shave it off.

    Do you change jobs very often?
    Well I'm a student, but the jobs I have had haven't lasted long (in one case it only lasted one shift) since I tire of it very quickly.

    Does your circle of "friends" change very often?
    I have many different circles of friends which I change between often. I rarely exclude people from my life completely.

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  27. Well it has not yet been proven that he (Osama) is not a believer of the cause he represents. Dubbya on the hand,...well cudos I guess to a system that can spin a political gymnist out of persecution. Would like to hear your take on continuance. The world at large still likes to keep appearances of supporting and respecting nobel aspirations inspite of the backstabbing and double dealings. Leaders topple but the next one still need to uphold the same aspirations. On the other hand, at least in technologically advanced societies, better information is gonna feed a much more complex range of demands than a system built on personal charisma and power.

  28. I'm not saying your goals are political but since you brought up the anology...

  29. Political systems like people have weaknesses. They keep power through dependencies. When they don't meet the needs of the peopple you can create a dual power structure within the system that addresses those needs. If you can create more dependency upon your institutions than that of the current power, then you can compete for that position. That's true within companies, criminals, or any structure that creates and keeps people dependent.

  30. I'll participate Aeriane (I'm not just an observer ok), though I don't know what I am.

    Do any of you change your physical appearance very often?
    Never thought much about my appearance until recently. Changed my hair only since the last 4 years.

    Do you change jobs very often?
    Yes but I'm very good and focused on whatever I choose to do to the point of ignoring the human dynamics. When that overides the work goals is usually the point when I loose my muse.

    Does your circle of "friends" change very often?
    Yes, I'm naturally curious and have very low tolerance for set group dynamics so my social life is very much defined by that virtue.

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  32. If by that you mean blackmail and bribing the people you need, I see what you're getting at. But wouldn't you agree that this is just gonna get harder if you stick with the same principles in an environment which can't be relied to not learn from experience shared, personal or theorised?

  33. Im giving you a overall strategy. Bribery is not neccessarily what I'm talking about, though it is a means. I'm talking about how to use a dual power structure to weaken the existing power structure to a point where you can dominate it by fulfilling people dependencies. I think only a few readers will get what I'm saying.

  34. When you said "dual power structure", I thought you mean puppet regime, shadow power figure or the like. As I said, I haven't read SWS. Or did you mean the "dual role" routine you used on your employee to bring her around? "People dependencies" is again something which could be defined as almost anything. From materiality, fetishes, to uncompromising yet impersonal beliefs. Exactly the complex and dynamic situations I had in mind in my earlier questions. Are you saying you are confident enough in your personal ability to fulfill and tolerate the whole gamut if necessary?

  35. it seems a little ambitious to me, especially if you're talking about one person setting the whole thing off. and what would you offer that the current structure isn't doing now? it seems pretty much a repeat of what currently exists, just with an even greater emphasis on creating dependency.

    it's also true that when the current structure is seen as creating too much dependency, people rebel. look at what happened to welfare. people tend to see through paternalism, or instinctively push against it, if only because it hits their pocketbooks (on one side) or their pride (on the other.)

    then, too: people still (for the most part) aren't questioning the basic structure much, no matter how blatantly power-oriented its behavior becomes. possibly this is because, on some level, they have some limited belief in the paternalistic mask: they must think on some level, things are really done "for our own good."

    or... maybe we're just apathetic, lol.

    that's how i see it, anyway. i may have missed huge pieces, because i feel that i have missed something.

    but--if you want to replace what we have now, much of the same but with more hip hop--that might be kind of fun.

  36. Most people are dependant. Also most people are not having all of their needs met. They never will. People want. Its not the welfare state that causes rebellion, its the opposite. When peoples needs are not met they will flock to the one who can meet those needs. The reason sociopaths can use people so easily is because we know what your missing. We also know how to replace it with something that you can only get from us.
    When I say dual power structures I mean creating your own position. Say you work in a company and you take a interest in the rookies. You tell them if they work for you to do the grunt sales work cold calling for double what they usually get. Say you have five of them and you are making a favorable percentage of the commission off each. You train these people in what you do to get them a step up from their competition in promotions. Now say the managment finds out about your little program you got going on after work hours and promotes you to manage them as a team. You created your own position within the company.
    Like I said earlier it is similiar the way social movements and revolutions work. When the masses lack what they need someone shows them in practice what they need to do to take it. That is why when you see guerrilla movements they have a civilian front that does work on schools, feeding the hungry, and general help on infrastructure in impoverished areas where people are desperate.

  37. It is when you create a organization within a existing structure in order to envelope the organization with its own membership. When you provide more for them then the existing structure then the existing structure is obsolete. They are ignored, because nobody needs them anymore.
    When that happens the existing organization will usually crack down on its own members alienating them, and promoting you as a liberator. Take that into your workplace tommorrow and I guarantee you will be in a good position.

  38. Gag I already have done this. The company crashed (unrelated).

  39. None of this is in SWS by the way, gag.

  40. When I was taking my final in anatomy class the woman across from me tried to cheat off me. I did give her one answer and almost got caught. When she continued to signal me I ignored her. We did study together from time to time during the course of the semester but she really couldn’t contribute to the discussions. I felt I was tutoring her more than anything. As it turns out she failed the final and got a C in the class. When I saw her Friday she just turned to me and said I’m selfish and stuck up. She will not get into the second part of the class in Jan without being questioned by the professor about her intentions with her studies and if she feels she belongs there in the first place. If we don’t get an A or B+ they will try to filter us out. My advisor told me to stop helping her and remember that I come first and need to maintain As. I feel bad about it. So cut throat already and I hate it. This is the part were I'm "weak" and I will pay for it if I don't mind my own business and stop coming to the aid of others. I've done this before and I know it's not good for's a matter of survival at this point.

  41. Why do you feel the need to come to the aid of others? Is that a role you are used to?

  42. I don’t' know UKan. I just see the problem and the solution and I want to get in there and help. That's why I thought nursing would be good for me. But I'm going to finish this and then train to be a flight medic.

    I think it's because I grew up in a crazy house and I was always getting in between fights and trying to stop arguing. It's almost instinctual. Maybe I'm just so uncomfortable with people being I've yet to understand this part of myself.

  43. I might be able to relate. In one of the companies I worked for, when I still believed. I went from "superhero" (the exact words one of the bosses used) to threat against the interest of the company in the legal case.

    Still my question concerns maintaining congruency in this day and age of scrutiny fetish. For example how would the cause hold up if pictures and information of Osama were leaked, showing him all pimped up and doing snow with a bunch of Hip Hop Honeys? Also wouldn't the example you gave about the claim to power from subversion based on fulfilling the purely selfish dependancies only command loyalty as long as the personal rewards are there? This is quite different altogether from what is known about more pervasive guerilla movements or causes for rebellion. More analogous with tales of mutiny and piracy perhaps.

  44. That anecdote/example of creating your own position in the company, that's something I've done numerous times. If I can't be handed power, or take it, I'll make it for myself. I'm doing the same thing at the company I'm currently working at.

    Do any of you change your physical appearance very often?
    The frequency in which I change depends on what is changing in my life. Lovers, friends, job situation, where I'm living, et cetera. So often times, yes, I do change.

    Do you change jobs very often?
    The longest job I ever had was a little over two years, and it was agony near the end. On the plus side, it scored me a glowing recommendation, indefinitely. That was quite a while ago, too. I still call my old boss on occasion from that job, just to keep a good rapport. I just get too bored with these jobs. It all seems so futile, on the people become infuriating to deal with. It's sort of like family. The more you know someone, the more you're going to be an asshole/bitch to them because you can get away with it. Fuck that noise.

    Does your circle of "friends" change very often?
    I've probably only had about six to eight real friends in my lifetime. I would have had less if I didn't move so much. Acquaintances, on the other hand, and those who are close to being friends, number in the hundreds, if not thousands over the course of a few decades. It's very easy for me to "make friends" with others. It's equally easy for me to move on and completely forget about them. I have faces stored in my head, with their likes, dislikes, weaknesses, strengths, and oddities, but their names are something I can't be bothered with, nor contacting them.

    I created my own custom mold for them, and know what was needed for that. But that was the extent.

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  46. sorry, ukan--i have a tendency to take things very literally. i thought you were talking about going onto the political scene. :D

    i think i see. you're talking about taking high-mach principles and using them in business, and not so much creating dependency as using people's dependencies to push them where they need to go. in the mean time, things are streamlined and the original business structure becomes obsolete. then--you win. :)

    it's kind of a simple summary--i'm not very business-minded.

    aerianne's survey:

    (i'm definitely pd, but not certain i'm socio.)

    physical appearance: doesn't change very often, i hate to shop.

    jobs: yes. the longest one i held was for three years.

    circle of friends: yes. i tend to burn bridges fairly quickly--i don't think i attach well. also, people get fed up with my behavior. :D

    --the anon who wishes to have trolls for breakfast

  47. I'm BDP, not socio, but I'll respond to this even if you're not interested...

    Do any of you change your physical appearance very often?
    Yes. I love to change my look. I costume, I RP, I love to get different looks. I grow my hair out, cut it short, wear wigs, change my make-up, my clothing style, hell even my attitude if it suits. I love when people judge me on my appearance b/c the next day it just proves how wrong they were.

    Do you change jobs very often?
    I usually stick to a job for at least a year or two. I've yet to find one that can hold my interest for longer than that, and I do work in a professional industry.

    Does your circle of "friends" change very often? Again, I seem to change every year or two. I have intense, but relatively short lived relationships. The friends that I have 'for life' are over 500 miles away and I don't see very often. The one's I am in close contact with I manage to drive away or push away til I find a new group to establish myself in.

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  49. What I think is happening here is that you were trying to make a blanket point about what defines the reason people act. I won't deny that you have certain abilities and personal strengths that might work given some situations or people, for eg. in business as what the anon posted. But I think the general political analogy was too long a stretch.

    On that note, I think mimicking, mirroring and saying the right thing is the social skill of today and certainly not confined to socios. My nephew, niece and some of their peers are so much more adept than me and my peers were at their age. As a consequence we seem comparatively more focused as well as predictable being more inclined to maintain congruency with deeds rather than convincing words, enigmatic pauses and body language.

  50. @aerianne

    look - i don't change my look often unless you count shaving my head to 2mm and then letting it grow until i get bed-head, then repeat.

    job - i get itchy and feel the need to move on after approx 3 years. it's more than just getting bored...
    i've been in my present job more than 3 years because it is well paid and i'm trying to save enough to just trade stocks, but it's doing my nut and i'm looking to move.

    friends - coincidentally i was telling someone today (that i'm 'out' to) that my 2 best friends live in budapest and vienna. everyone else i view as temporary in my life, purely there to entertain me until i get bored of them and create a new group of friends.

    why are you asking?

  51. She already explained why she asked.

    I just wondered if these traits were common to socios.

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  53. My look - No, i rarely change my image.I keep my hair shortish and as for my wardrobe it has stayed similar for most of my life, polo's,sweaters shirts and chinos, that sort of clothing, i like to dress sharp.

    Job - I have a hard time with impulse control so it's hard for me to hold down a job, i have been fired for stealing and harassing other employees, and i am a paranoid so i am generally suspicious of others.

    Friends - I have no "close" friends anymore so to speak, others usually grow tired of my haughtiness and all round lack of concern for the feelings of others.I am a hateful spiteful individual, if someone does me wrong i will openly talk about getting that person/persons back.

  54. Just wondering, have any other sociopaths ever developed schizoid like traits?

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  57. I don't remember if you were PD'd or not Aeriane, but it seems like you don't have the ubiquitous lack of control over the relationship with a socio.

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  59. Anon @ 3:43

    To me it seems some schizoid and antisocial traits overlap, for example being emotionally detached, or cold. The difference being a sociopath will hide this coldness, and present you with a warm smile and a firm handshake.

  60. Since ASPD is one of those lovely PDs you can be born with, co morbidity is not uncommon. Your birth seals some of your fate, and the world can fuck the rest of it up for you.

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  62. I agree with that statement, most if not all the time i do present a respectable image but you could probably relate to the fact that you grow bored of a person, and you want to show them the "true" you, see how they react.If they leave, who gives a damn? I get a feeling on this blog sometimes, that people think sociopaths are charming and mister suave twenty-four seven, that couldn't be farther from the truth.

  63. Aerianna, what would the husband say if he knew you were on a blog complimenting self diagnosed psychopaths? :P

  64. I have read somewhere that in order for a serial-killer to be formed, there must be three factors, Abuse,genetics and brain injury.The sociopaths on this blog have one or two.

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  66. Grace you already figured it out and need to take a lesson from these guys theres no need to feel bad when someone is trying to put faulse guilt on you because they are not able to use you.

    They didn't care if they ruined you. apparently she's not mentally up to passing on her own and should not be a nurse

    I also don't think she should work with people who are in a weakened state.

    I'm sure anyone here would rather someone of your character be thier nurse then someone so inept.

  67. If i were him id ban you from the internet (:

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  69. He sounds like Darth Vader or some shit.


  70. You sure he's a sociopath? I mean we usually go for superficial features in our woman, and uhhh that's you in the photograph, isn't it? :3

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  72. A month or two ago Aerianne you were saying he cut you out of his life now your talking again every week, what happened that he's your boyfriend again?

  73. this i know: If you've been paying as much attention as you'd like to act, you would have already known the answer. Scuttle about in the archives.

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  78. Thanks for answering, didn't realize it was a problem since all you seam to want to talk about is yourself incessantly.
    I should have realized from the archives that there really isn't any room on this blog for other's when certain poster's need to be attened to so that thier emotionally fragile ego's can be feed.

    Time for me to go scuttle or maybe pop in a movie.

    I have a better idea I'll take a shower verbal vomit smell that has emitted from my computer.

  79. ban her from the internet? what?

    This is know,

    My problem is that I'm nice. I should have never been involved with a student who can't pull their own and pull me back trying to help them. I didn't notice this was happening to professor did and he was more upset with me than with her. But this is nothing new with me. See now I'm just pissed off at myself because I don't want to be know as a people pleaser or hot shot cause I'm not. She asked me for help and I helped her. She will fail in the second class. The other thing is that she's not from this country, not that it matters, but that's another situation that I don't even care to get into. I'm born here and I worked for most of my life and now that I have an opportunity to imporve myself I'm not going to let some woman from some other country get my seat in that school. NO WAY. See now look what happens to me, I get pissed off for some silly reason. That's why I have to change.

    In the end my grades will get me my seat. If I still want to even do it at this point. I can just continue will a science degree and teach.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. I'll just ignor you Socio hag, attention whore.

    Grace there's nothing wrong with being a genuinely good person and you should continue with what you really want. This person will be gone soon enough.
    Don't let her take anything away from you.
    Your stronger then that, you survived a sociopath and a BPD mother. Good luke you deserve it.

  82. Ty, good luke to you too.

  83. LOL, but I spelled whore right ;P

  84. crazy people..i didn't post that 6:36 comment.

  85. this i know

    is english a second language for you?

  86. has something changed radically, or are none of those posts actually by "this i know?"

  87. but we do the best we can to take care of the love between us.

    Huh? That sounds weird, considering.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Don't worry, it's me. I starting signing in when I was posting stuff that I might have wanted to delete later (didn't).

    When the login time runs out sometimes I'm just too lazy to type in my password.

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. The song should be called smirk.

  92. I didn't ask a question.

    I was just under the impression that your relationship was intensely unsatisfying.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Lol anon agreed, show me a sociopath who can smile and I'll give you a hundred dollars, it's called a smirk.

  95. Gag, that stuff is obviously beyond your comprehension. Explaining it is becoming irritating because you don't even understand what I'm saying. Your responses back have nothing to do with what I mean.
    If you think everyone can mimick, mirror, and say the right thing like sociopaths do, well you are in for a rude awakening. Especially since you are having the wool pulled over your eyes by your niece and nephew.
    People are extremely predictable. That's how I can stay lazy and paid.

  96. the love between us remains.

    Me and my ex love to hate eachother.
    It's so fuckn sick, but it is

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. you're cuddly when you're mad, ukan. *covers head, runs like a deer*

  99. It's fantastic, Aerianne.

  100. Nothing like a good hate fuck.

  101. lol Yes. I know about those. It's not for me anymore. I'm done with that kind of omg.

  102. i hate you ukan. wanna fuck??

  103. I always heard it called a grudge fuck.

  104. grudge fucking is like make up sex. Hate fucking is pure malice.

  105. well then what is the difference between a vengeful empath and a sociopath? cause if you ask me, the two are one in the same. i get that sociopaths like to win and play with people's head but if that is the definition we go by then you are talking about 70/80% of the population that are sociopaths. or maybe people just suck.

  106. Anon @ 10:03
    You don't have a clue what a sociopath is.

  107. Your life is just like china white. Whens the comedown, pal?

  108. ^not me
    And to answer your question you never come down.

  109. This anon reminds me of The Great Cornholio with holes bored into the brain from sniffing glue.

  110. well then what is a sociopath anon 10:05?

  111. Anon @ 10:20

    I'll give you some free advice. Get the fuck off this blog since you don't know what a sociopath is.

  112. Go to
    They will love you.

  113. wow. i forget there are morons everywhere including the net. am i supposed to carry around a "sociopath for dummies" so i won't fustrate you by asking questions? you claim to be a self diagnosed sociopath, so what is a sociopath?...oh that's right, posers. nevermind.

  114. wow. i forget there are morons everywhere including the net. am i supposed to carry around a "sociopath for dummies" so i won't fustrate you by asking questions? you claim to be a self diagnosed sociopath, so what is a sociopath?...oh that's right, posers. nevermind.

  115. i can't stand it any more, all these anons. i'm choosing a username.

    (ergh. now i'll have to be somewhat consistent.)

  116. Anon @ 10:31

    Are you stuttering?

  117. yeah, yeah, carry on with your delusional self diagnosis. you want a special label but can even define exactly what that label means. so obviously, that label is not unique to one way of acting or thinking,it's on a spectrum which leads to my original theory that there are more sociopaths than we'd like to believe

  118. This comment has been removed by the author.

  119. well then what is the difference between a vengeful empath and a sociopath?


    cause if you ask me, the two are one in the same.

    No one was asking you.

  120. Sure anon, there are sociopaths all around you, most are bottom feeders, but i hold a special title for worst of the predators, the psychopath, What is the difference? A sociopath can befriend you share similar interests and they may respect you, that does not count out the fact that they may lie or steal from you, but they can relate to you.

    Going further into the abyss we meet the psychopath, this is the child who hung dogs from the barn, slashed animals throats all in the name of sadism, the brain does not understand language as you or i would, for them the word "rape" carries the same emotional response as "cheese", they are ruthless, calculated and forming relationships is beyond the psychopath.

    This is of course purely my perspective, but many others share similar beliefs to mine, in short, what i am trying to say is the sociopath inherits his lack of empathy from the external world, a psychopath is born bad so to speak.

  121. Evil monologue much?

    Anyway, on the subject, it's possible to be... well, both a psychopath and sociopath, I suppose, if you take the Nature vs. Nurture arguments into account. If one has the genetic cocktail for psychopathy, they don't need to have a neglected child hood to have ASPD. But what about both?

    For me, I've always been the way I've been; Amoral and without conscience, empathy, or remorse.

    Not only did I have the genetic proclivity towards psychopathy, but had the upbringing to nurture sociopathy. So does that make me a Psyciopath? :P How far down the abyss am I? Haha. That's a rhetorical question, by the way. Being a pure psychopath doesn't make you a special snowflake. If anything, it gives you one less excuse for being a dick. And stories about hanging dogs won't win you any bad boy points here. That's kids stuff.

    UKan, didn't you also remark on how you come from a long line of people with ASPD? Do you have the genetic proclivity and the upbringing to garner both? I would imagine such would not be uncommon, considering the tendencies and lifestyles of many with ASPD.

  122. Your irritation is besides the point Ukan. I meticulously read what you write and take great care in my responses. I was just stating the fact that your ad libbing of personal anecdotes, business and political analysis of human behavior is pretty neat, but doesn't entirely reflect reality for people such as myself inspite whats written in war/business strategy bestsellers.

    The example of my nephew & niece was just a fancier way to illustrate that these traits are not as uncommon. The difference is just the in the intentions because they are perfectly normal teenagers. In simpler terms this would just be called a "generation gap". Something that just is, where there was non or less before. For the record, there's no popularity or power contest for me here, just curiousity and interest in people's point of views.

  123. Agreed, i think the bed peeing part of the dark triad should be removed, i think sociopaths/psychopaths who were severely abused (i wasn't) are the ones who pee the bed, further subjecting them to humiliation, which obviously isn't very healthy.

    And stories about hanging dogs won't win you any bad boy points here

    I wasn't trying to win anything?

    Maybe not here, but out there..

  124. Notable, did you maim small animals as a child? I'm not trying to patronize, but i would surely argue that all psychopaths do.

  125. Heh, what about re-labelling as borderline empath disorder? maybe there would be less contention.

  126. Then why bother putting it in the same sentence as, "Going further into the abyss we meet the psychopath"?

    Animal killing isn't exactly exclusive to psychopaths, either. That's not being farther down the abyss.

  127. Yes, I killed and tortured animals as a kid, and liked to set things on fire, but, I'm not sure it was to the extent of an uncontrollable pyromaniac. So I guess you could say I only have a 1 1/2 out of 3 on the MacDonald triad.

  128. Interesting video on psychopathy.

  129. I suppose i let my imagination get the better notable lol.

  130. Animal killing isn't exactly exclusive to psychopaths, either. That's not being farther down the abyss.

    How do you make that out? Are you referring to hunters? Fast food/farming industries?

  131. What do you call an animal killer who isn't a psychopath?

    Answer; The butcher who weeps!badaboom phsheesh!!

  132. A kid having fun at the expense of the misery of other creatures? Animal killing isn't exclusive to dogs and cats. Are you trying to tell me that little boys cry tears of guilt and for killing a lizard or a rat? Their parents would probably pat them on the back.

    Cruelty for entertainment or pleasure is hardly exclusive to psychopaths.

  133. TE-HE-HE ^__^


  134. Notable, that is pathological and strays far from the norm, your child is going to have it easy, are you going to pat him on the back when he mutilates his first victim?

  135. It's not. You've clearly never lived somewhere with pests. Probably some suburb piece of trash with an armchair degree in Bullshit.

  136. Psychopaths can never be true Buddhists as they may be reincarnated as a dog, rat or lizard target. BPD's on the other hand would be perfect.

  137. i'm not even sure what that means, gagreflex. but for some reason, it's still endearing.

  138. *yawn* someone hijacking my name again? make it more witty next time please.

  139. I was about to say...

  140. the little rascals just won't be told.

    i thought you'd pick up on it.

  141. Good night, Nick. Good night Honey. Good night George. Good night Martha.

  142. Gag you are a muppet. You just say whatever comes through that small mind of yours. None of it makes any sense

  143. Maybe you are right about the pointlessness of taking this conversation beyond your comfort zone and thats perfectly understandable. My nephew and others like him will most likely have more finesse and hopefully earn more than you when he comes back from an American Business University. I just hope they won't even have to pretend to understand their girlfriends/wives too.

  144. ^LOL

    American Business University.

    Is that to insult his residency in UK?

  145. Anon @ 1:18, Gag doesn't live in the UK.

  146. I just dumped my socio boyfriend of one year and now I'm meeting all these normal guys and because I miss him so and am bored out of my mind..I am incorporating him and playing with these new ones like he did with me. I feel nothing now..dead and I love amusing myself with the games I learned from him. now I wonder if the origional attraction was there because I had the traits but they were dormant and it took one to wake me up. Does this happen..or am I just going through a small phase. also I put alot of shit in his food during that year to make him punish him when he told me a lie that made me feel like a fool. also I think alot about getting some of my thug friends and destroying his place.

  147. More than likely, if that's the case, you simply weren't aware of them when utilizing them. You probably didn't notice it until it was used against you.

    Sort of like, getting a new car, and seeing your type of car all over the place, and being amused when you see them.

  148. I don't understand your reply..but I will say that in retrospect I have always selected partners who were emotional cripples, like blank slates and then I would embue them with the personalities I other socios do that, I mean invent people from weak identities and then play it out like their own personal little dramas. I always noticed that when I begin to see flaws in my characters I beat a quick retreat and move on to my next creation.

  149. Why is that in anyway peculiar? Standard Female Egostists behavior. Project superiority, idealise main man of the moment. Make stories about, or from them. An extension of playing with dolls, or giving dogs names. Move on or make reasons up for staying on when shit happens. And men keep responding so why would you not continue?

  150. I swear I fucking love lilly allen, if you have seen the video to her song LDN you will see it relates strongly to the psychopathic experience. In the video she's only paying attention to the positive information around her and therefore she is only feeling positive emotion, LOL.

  151. Womanizer - Another great sociopath song for empaths(:

  152. This song fits me perfectly. I even laugh just thinking about it. Hurray for pain :D


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