
Monday, January 31, 2011

The comedown

From a reader:
I have been slowly snaking my way in to my ex's life again. I am not too sure on the purpose to be honest. I like to think she is my obsession, and that I love her in the way that I can love, but I can't figure out if it is my form of love or not. I only want to destroy what she has going for her to leave her isolated. I won't want anything to do with her once she is single again. I have nothing against her current girlfriend other than the fact that she is rather weak. When I make this about myself I'm a little insulted that she didn't snag on to someone better, stronger. For pleasure I have been that "friend" she needs to talk to. I listen to her complain about her girlfriend's many afflictions and weaknesses, and humor her as she compares herself to "sociopaths", and how she has recently began to lack compassion, and takes pleasure in mentally breaking some of her roommates (so she says). I am being patient and humble, but I am afraid I moved in too soon. Since she read up on your blog, and did her own research, and called me out a while ago, I admitted to some things, and now she has become paranoid with every move I make. Even when I am being sincere (hardly, but there are times), she takes it with high caution, like I am a tempting mermaid that will drag her into the lagoon should she step too close to the shore.

She's very paranoid. She never answer my questions, but this is normal between us. HUGE power struggle. She thinks I am playing games when I am not, and she keeps things from me in order to control the situation. I, in return, give in to allow her that control, only for her to open up later. To be honest, I never saw what I did to her as that damaging. I don't recall ever demeaning her so bluntly. To me she sounds like the typical victim that found a title to blame all of my characteristics on, and she leaves with nothing wrong on her end. She's taking all of what was true between us, and now fabricating it in her mind as a long abusive relationship. I guess I will never truly comprehend what damage I may have done because I don't think I caused any. She's just too fragile. I will admit in this case, her paranoia is not biased. I don't have any good intentions for this in the end.


  1. I like to masturbate to Family Guy.

  2. Typical victim sites love to say this:


    Further validation that they're comparing themselves to kicked, innocent puppies, when the fact is, they were probably pissing on the floor, ripping up the sofa and chewing daddy's shoes.

    No one is innocent in a bad relationship. There might be a greater devil of the two, but two still exist. If they were so perfect and accommodating, the socio wouldn't have felt the need to destroy them.

    Good luck, reader.

  3. I have to say dudes, your vision is clouded. A sociopath doesn't have that normal way of looking at things like "Hey, she did that so i will do this". A sociopath is more like "I want that - I get that - Booga Booga". A sociopath will hurt someone even if that person is perfect in every move. And a sociopath doesn't care about that person at all. He just cares about what happens in his near vicinity.

    Notable, you are not a sociopath, you just like to think so.

    You just search really hard within your tiny head for a logical explanation for every emotion you feel and then you put it on your blog. You are like the Christians, you deny what is right in front of you with scandalous explanations.

    You try so hard to fit the description just like someone is trying to fit some religious pattern in order to get into that religion. Nothing more... Notable Sociopath my ass...

  4. I wonder if Notable is trying to be on par or somehow relate to his BPD ex by calling himself a sociopath. Wants to be as fucked up as her to somehow stay close to her in his head. Just conjecture, though.

    Anyway, this reader has got some cognitive dissonance going on.

    I only want to destroy what she has going for her to leave her isolated.


    this is normal between us. HUGE power struggle.


    She thinks I am playing games when I am not.

    What kind of fucking sense does that make? Of course she's playing games. Her whole relationship with her is a game.

    Of course the reader doesn't believe she really ever damaged her lover. Because she doesn't take her lover seriously when she said she is damaged. When a person says they are hurt, and the other person is all like "whatever that's bullshit and unreasonable", that's generally considered abusive.

    In the same way that it's the easy way for some empaths to play the victim role, it's often also the easy way for sociopaths to assume that their empath is putting themselves in the victim role, or to chalk everything up to the person just being "too fragile" and not once questioning if maybe the issue is really that the sociopath is just too mean.

    Both are ways each side can refrain from taking responsibility for themselves.

    Just because you don't think you caused any damage doesn't in any way mean you are right about that.

  5. Oh my god I should just shut my mouth because what I said was so vacuous!!!

    I should just kill myself

  6. Who here believes in god? Of any sorts...

  7. She's stamped her mark on her and now she wont let anyone else have her, even if they are broken up. Like in war when you capture a new territory, you don't just leave it behind for the enemy to recapture. It sounds like a game thats worth playing, especially if her ex has listed all of her new girlfriends weaknesses. What more ammunition do you need?

    "I like to masturbate to Family Guy."

    Well at least your being creative.

  8. Do you believe in god misanthrope ?

  9. That's essentially what it seems like, Misanthrope. Two birds with one stone, and the smug satisfaction to go with it.

    What's there to masturbate to in Family Guy, anyway? Shitty pop culture references?

  10. "I wonder if Notable is trying to be on par or somehow relate to his BPD ex by calling himself a sociopath. Wants to be as fucked up as her to somehow stay close to her in his head. Just conjecture, though.

    Are you saying this for real? Like you really believe it? Or is it just sarcasm towards my theory?

    If it isn't, i wouldn't know. Like you said it's just conjecture. But i am certain that he is not a sociopath. He is just a pseudo-intellectual who really wants to fit the description of a sociopath. Enough to lie to himself and everybody around him.

    He really believes that he is one and every time some new theory arises that makes a little bit of sense, he searches in his past for a happening that fits that description and says it out loud. And if it doesn't fit he makes it fit. That's how Notable is a sociopath.

  11. I wasn't being sarcastic.

    It's just a theory though.

  12. Yeah, I don't know about this girlfriend of his but who knows, might be the way you said it...

  13. Why on earth would I want to be a regular sociopath when I could be an Autistic Sociopath (Aspies)? They get all the sympathy and positive attention.

    Logically speaking, it would put me in the near blameless, yet fucked up situation, where I could both equate myself as damaged goods like my ex, yet, have the get out of jail free card with the Diagnosis of the Day.

    Poor man's got Aspergers, he can't help it.

    It would be a win-win in the case you presented.

    I'm like the Christians? What would GOD have to say about that? Where is that cheeky little bugger, anyway...

    Anyway, continue your diagnosis, Doctor Anonymous. Bring this false church down to its knees.

  14. Well, you wouldn't fit the aspie diagnosis even in our wildest dreams. But the sociopathic one is much easier to reach.

    You don't need a get out of jail free card, you wouldn't risk getting a parking ticket, would you? You just like to march around with the title of a sociopath, ain't that right?

    I don't know, maybe life wasn't very giving to you so you found your act here...

  15. "I will admit in this case, her paranoia is not biased. I don't have any good intentions for this in the end."

    The reader's ex must know the reader's intentions aren't good. That's a pickle.

    To the reader: Time and patience may pay off. Then one day you may be able to talk openly about misgivings and betrayals. But trust really is hard-earned.

  16. :O What's wrong with a BPD ex? I for one was VERY accepting of mine.

  17. She deserves every bit, if you can't help yourself no one else will.

  18. That's a rather weak cop-out. You're basically claiming that I'm going out of my way to study, learn, and try and become something I'm not, to what, entertain roughly a dozen people out of the blue? Sounds like a lot of work for nothing, and I'm usually a pretty lazy person. You don't know. But you sense that something is amiss. I can't blame your paranoia or fact finding mission, just realize how ridiculous your accusation sounds.

    I didn't think I was this broken, horrible person before, or after I was with my BPD ex. When I first met her, she was in pieces. When we were together, I spent time trying to build her back together. And in the end, she went back to pieces. Thus is the cycle of BPD. The Humpty Dumpty of PDs.

    Having dialog with people who think and act like me, which is very counter to most people I know, and being able to write out my thoughts at my own blog is a great form of introspection. The more I know myself, the better equipped I am. If I didn't come here and have the keen, gleaming blades stuck in my guts once in a while for a reality check, I'd still have all the blind spots I did several months ago.

    There's a lot of great advice and insight to be found here, even if it is in the form of an attack. I add my two cents where I can, whether you like it or not. Sometimes it's naive, and sometimes it's spot on. I have no illusions about that. Hindsight is a merciless bitch, but a helpful teacher.

  19. No Notable, I am not saying that. I am saying that you are going out of your way to make yourself believe that you are a sociopath.

    Hindsight is not that merciless when you aren't being objective and you want to reach a certain outcome from it.

  20. It's like justifying something in my head to not feel guilty about it. Everyone can do that. That's what you do, only you do it to justify that you are a sociopath...

  21. As Vaknin said, just because you are aware that you are a sociopath/narcissist, doesn't mean a thing, if anything, after you figure out which one you are, you can master it, the folks with BPD will need to build self esteem, once they know what they are, the narcissists will seek more admiration, before the diagnoses he didn't know why he was hunting for admiration, the sociopath will need more power, although obviously others will tell you to respect others, just because they are burdened with a conscience.

  22. That last one wasn't me Notable, don't take it into account...

  23. Some people on this site have interesting opinions and insights but I don't really take advice from anybody. Same goes in the real world. I put all of my trust in myself, and non in others. I believe that I know best. Shouldn't everybody aim to be that way though? It's extreme self-confidence and belief, and thats definitely a good thing.

  24. I'm really wary of advice from others, especially vague advice, since a lot of it stems from the context of their own experiences. Same goes for philosophies, there's no true One Way. When I receive advice, I'm more receptive when I hear the direct context of its root.

    I like to take new views and insights with a grain of salt, and weigh their relevance to my situation.

    The beauty and horror about confidence is that it's never wrong. It's a state of being. With enough of it radiating off you, you can convince almost anyone of anything, even yourself. It's incredibly hard to stay grounded, and there's little point to it other than being highly realistic about things. There's a time and place for that business, but it's not serious business 24/7, not by a long shot. That would be a shyte life.

  25. Sure, that's a good way to live if everybody around you is speaking bullshit, but if someone is really making sense and you can see his point in his babbling, maybe an opinion doesn't harm anybody, instead it helps you develop your sight a little better...

  26. Sure, that's a good way to live if everybody around you is speaking bullshit...

    That's exactly what it seems like, most of the time. Copious amounts of bullshit streams forth, because people are more comfortable regurgitating babble they've heard before without bothering to dissect it to see if anything in the middle was meaningful.

  27. That's exactly what it seems like, most of the time. Copious amounts of bullshit streams forth, because people are more comfortable regurgitating babble they've heard before without bothering to dissect it to see if anything in the middle was meaningful.

    Notable, that puts everyone commenting here in this category...

    People, what do you feel about what Notable said?

  28. No, it doesn't. Re-read the comment, dummy.

  29. Are you referring to me ?

  30. You all look the same.

  31. Yeah, whatever. You aren't a sociopath. Think that you are, go ahead, believe it.

    Who cares ?

  32. Whatever, no time for games right now, got to get to work, so I'll explain.

    The anon who I was quoting was referring to those around me. In my mind, that means, well, those around me. Co-workers, family, friends, acquaintances, et cetera. A lot of their commentary, advice-wise, is blind regurgitation. They heard something at sometime, it and sounded like a good idea/view, and instead of applying critical thinking, they simply embraced it, and felt the need/desire to share it with others without first getting to the bottom of it.

    People are comfortable doing this, and through applied logic, most of the stereotyped advice can be countered, regardless if it is 'good' or 'bad' advice. You see the confusion on their face, and then it dawns on them that maybe they should have thought it through before applying it as a life philosophy. Most are content with being gullible as opposed to being critical. It's the easier of the two, after all.

    As for people here, yes, there is banal, regurgitated mantras here and there, but they're not the people I visit here for, and thus, are not "the ones all around me", if that makes any sense. You can choose who you are around online to some extent. You can't be so selective in your actual life, unless you want to be a strategic hermit (which is probably just as silly as it sounds).

  33. People either share my opinions or they're wrong(speaking bullshit). There's no space for other peoples views in my world. I'm not out to get people who don't share my opinions(I probably would be if I had the resources), I just want them to keep their mouths shut. I can't just directly communicate what I really think or what I really want other people, otherwise their repelled. I have to convince and charm other people into my world and my way of thinking, but still have to filter alot of stuff out for them(which is what I've done with my friends). Or I have to enter their world and pretend to be just like them, which is obviously what have to do most of the time. Sometimes having to smile to peoples faces and pretend that your interested in them just to get what you want can be annoying when all you want to do is smash their faces into a cinder block for being so fucking stupid. That's also why it's fun to manipulate for no reason. Its like play time.

  34. And what is it that you want Misanthrope ?
    What drives you?

  35. I dont have one particular drive. I'll see or think of something that I want and then I'll think up ways to take it. Everyone was going on about entitlement yesterday, but I don't care wether I'm entitled to something or not or not. It's all about force and power and wether or not your capable of taking something from somebody by whatever means. It doesn't matter whether it rightfully belongs to you or not.

  36. Anon, why do you think Notable is trying to pass himself off as socio?

  37. Yeah, that's what a sociopath would say.
    ~wink wink~

  38. Same reason everybody would want to be a sociopath. It takes a whole load of responsibility off your shoulders, you can do whatever you want without thinking about repercussions, you don't have to think about anyone else etc.

    And if something really really bad happens and you end up in jail you can only tell yourself "Hey, I am a sociopath, I don't know any better..."

    If you didn't pose to yourself as a sociopath you would have to be a civic human being because if you weren't you would end up in jail and you would be like "It's all my fault ~cry cry~"

    Who wouldn't want to be a sociopath ?

  39. This article sounds like a situation I had about four years ago. My girlfriend had left me for someone else after a two year relationship. After a long time of "love", she proceeded to get over me by constantly informing me (while dating this guy she left me for) about my shortcomings, faults, mistakes, and everything wrong with me.

    I knew what she was doing. It was actually a little funny. She had called me a sociopath on a few occasions and used that against me as well. It was the box she could put me in so she wouldn't feel terrible. It would justify her actions and allow no consequences.

    I don't know what "love" feels like, at least not in the normative sense, but I do know I plotted my revenge about a week after her leaving. I wanted to make this new guy hate her and leave her helpless to the pain of both his and my absence. So I did.

    In hindsight, I was technically the one at fault. I still don't remember everything I did, but most of these memories indicate events similar to what I've read from others. People should probably state what they're feeling more clear. It's like a fucking cryptic puzzle half the time.

  40. @Loki, how did you do it?

    @Anon, do you think Loki is another pretender?

  41. I have no idea who and what Loki is...

  42. That doesn't matter.. I meant judging from his/her comment. Nevermind.

  43. This article sounds a bit like an experience I also had recently. It sucked and we both lost. I can give more details but it's pointless. I can get from this site and others' opinions about what went wrong in my relationship, but ultimately it does take 2 people to break up. I know myself well enough to take responsibility for my part. And I can let go of the past. But I won't forget the past. That would be irresponsible to myself.

  44. Oh you really are incredibly stupid. If you ignore other peoples words, thoughts, ideas, you will never learn. Take them, strip them down to the bare points getting rid of all the emotion people put in them then analise the points for yourself, think them through. Otherwise you will never get any cleverer.

  45. We're influenced by the people around us in one way or the other wether we like it or not, but that's a whole separate thing. I don't usually take advice because my way of doing things is better than other peoples.

  46. I have never been broken up with. Before I leave someone I shatter them to the point of being broken, so the next person who dates them gets a bitter and suspicous bitch. After that I never talk to them again.
    Like misanthrope said, before you abandon land you have conquered you burn everything on the way out so the enemy can't use it.

  47. Congrats TNP, you're cleared from the diagnosis.

    I guess that means you're free to think about things like how if you're a sociopath you HAVE to think a certain way, and of course never grant exceptions for the action of burning what you abandon (no exceptions because you're a sociopath).

    Why if I were to narrate that myself I bet I'd sound cool.

    What are you going to do to celebrate?


    Anyone else applying for a job?

  49. just read through yesterday's and today's comments. ROFL :)
    most entertaining. not interesting, or informative, but very entertaining.
    i think i agree with mis today, leave them broken, if you know your opinion is more valid why would you take anyone's advice?

  50. That type of thinking is designed for that "5 minutes only" person who posted here last week. They exist the way they do because they have use to EVEN you as they can't think 5 minutes into your master plan.

    A cookie for the reader who can tell me why.

  51. coz they're psychopaths?

  52. Well, that'll work for now I suppose.

  53. smarter then a sociopathJanuary 31, 2011 at 1:13 PM

    Honestly listening to you all go on about how brilliant and how cunningly you can deceive those that care about you is pathetic and sad.

    The odds are against you, nothing lasts forever.

    Your proof Satan does exist and he has his hand right up your asses. Your just his hand puppets and he repays your service with taking the fall while he laughs at you for being so weak that you fall for everyone of his tricks and lies.

  54. I'm sorry? I thought you said you were smarter than a sociopath?

  55. I don't burn people if their not worth the air they breath I walk away. I don't have to sleep with one eye open or worry about being jailed.

    I have people who would kill for me if someone hurt me. I have love and give it. No manipulating, I don't have to.

    And as for Satan he already knows his demise, he's just taking as my of you with him that he can. And your all doing it willingly.

    Is what I'm saying seem critical to you? It's not how I want it to be, I wish you could open up your minds to the way you yourselves are being use in the same way you use others.

  56. Give up your belongings and live in the woods.

  57. My favourite sexual position is the JFK.

    I splatter all over her while she screams and tries to get out of the car.

  58. Smarter then you poserJanuary 31, 2011 at 1:46 PM

    Very cute, but I don't need to.

    I actually get along with others and enjoy them.

  59. funny how someone who claims to be smart gets:
    your / you're
    there / their
    wrong more than 50% of the time. a monkey would choose randomly and get 50% at least...
    this retard gets 4 out of 4 opportunities wrong.

    go bother jebus somewhere else you muppet.

  60. I have people who will kill for me. The difference is your people don't kill on command. When your so called friends lives are really put to the test you will find out how many cowards you really know. Your god doesn't protect you and the weak people you wish you could defend.
    You don't have to sleep with one eye open or go to jail? Of course not. You choose to play it safe and live a meager existence. Your coming and passing will be unnoticed. You are like the tree that falls in the forest when nobody is there to hear it. How boring.
    Satan doesn't exist you cheeky cunt. I do.

  61. Hypocrite. What are you doing here if you clearly think we're not worth the air we breathe. And I hope thinking people would kill for you brings you comfort because it would never actually happen.
    Satan you say.. You do realise it was your God didn't give me a conscience. Cruel of him, don't you think? To create things so evil, that have no choice but to hurt others. Why would he do that?

  62. No need to be smarterJanuary 31, 2011 at 2:03 PM

    I have nothing better to do.

    Spelling doesn't pay me anything but if it annoys you it amuses me.

  63. So what did he do to you Smarter? Bitter Betty got fucked over by Socio Sammy?

  64. it's grammar not spelling. you are so retarded you don't even know what it is you don't know. have you noticed how you and other god-botherers tend to have a low IQ... it isn't a coincidence.

  65. "if it annoys you it amuses me." So you'd go out of your way to hurt people who haven't done anything to you. Well it looks like you're coming to hell too.
    Hey, that's funny. You don't seem to have answered any of my questions. I wonder why that could be.

  66. its so hard to have a conversation with so many anonymous people, who could possibly be all the same anonymous person. at the very least it hurts my eyes.

    to the reader... it sounds to me your ex wants to reverse the roles. the hardest thing about being treated like a victim is that you end up acting like one in one way or another. its frustrating when you are not one.

    having a s'path as an ex is no fun if you ended up becoming the victim. even more so if you are an s'path yourself. reminds me of a good joke:

    "why dont sharks eat lawyers?"

    "professional courtesy"

    in the meantime sounds like your ex might have sociopathic tendencies and has only just realised. maybe she would just like you to see this instead of placing her in the "all used up basket"

    i think wanting to and taking pleasure in tormenting people is an "add-on" to basic sociopathy. i have made the connection before, that sociopaths are more likely to destroy others and empaths are more likely to destroy themselves, thats just a statistical fact. however this trait is nothing to do with having inherent cruelty, this is a learned behaviour.

  67. Res, I'm on your side mate, but you can't pick up on that and not use proper punctuation.

  68. No UKan and because your the most honest here I mean no insult.
    Do you realize that the ones you have under your command will be the same ones to stab you in the back literally.

    No Socio's giving me a hard time.

    And to Anon 2:00 why did you take it personally about not being worth the air you breath?

    Do you all realize how much fun you have jumping all someone that questions your intentions.
    For all of you're intellegence you really don't have anything profitable except UKan from all your efforts.

  69. fucking hell nuts, you're... speaking on topic lol.

    i'm with you about the inherent cruelty thing - as i've said before, there's a difference between amoral and immoral. the amoral are certainly more likely to be cunts but it isn't a done deal.

    anon - my punctuation isn't bad! unless you are referring to lack of capitals? that is not necessary for clarity - whereas spelling and grammar are - and i'm all about the efficiency ;)

  70. lol
    "Safer then [sic] you" knows all our bank statements. fucking hell you must be one great hacker.

  71. oh and note I totally agree with you, people say a lot of stuff on here because they can. sometimes it gives them the balls to be more honest than they would be in TRW (the real world), but others see it as a game. this is why i post comments as myself - i would rather people take my comments seriously, even if they dont agree. a proper debate fails when people can hide behind a wall and say whatever comes off the top of their heads. this lowers the IQ you were talking about rescog

  72. And the award for the most narcissistic, under-educated, tedious, infantile, unwittingly confused contributor goes to the highly ironicically named 'Yes Smarter.'

    Go knock on people's doors, though i presume the sound of your nauseatingly insincere tone probably doesn't get you far on that front.

    You qualify safely as the dullest human being I've come across. (not to mention the idiocy, but some idiots can be a right laugh).
    Your dullness is your main crime here.

  73. I didn't, it was the fastest way to pointing out your hypocrisy.
    Of course I realise. This is delicious. This is a game, one of my favourites, not that I'm likely to win, you're far too delusional for that.
    How could you possibly know what we have from all our 'efforts', you don't know who we are.
    Oh, still no answer, interesting.

  74. Oh, yeah, I meant the capitals.
    And I like that it can be serious sometimes and a silly game at others, except when the silly arguments interrupt something really interesting.

  75. Complaining about grammar and spelling is weak and easy and irrelevant.

  76. Wow, these are some of the most bland comments i have read in a long time.

  77. Anon you have freewill don't you?
    You are in a position to make choises aren't you?

    Or are you saying that you are controlled and have no choise?

    What exactly are you saying, you we're created evil, it's not your fault you can't make your own choises?

    When God created you He did not create you evil.

  78. Not only is it funny when Christians take the concept of Satan literally, it's even funnier when non-Christians do it.

  79. M.E, can you exterminate the relevant commenter.
    I'm far too constipated to tolerate it.

  80. Nope. No free will. Hey, what if I told you, God told me to do it. Cause I only take down dishonest people. That make it ok?

  81. Considering your recent conversation Medusa I don't think you're in any position to talk...

  82. how to lose an online debate:

    1. get angry (any other strong emotion will do)
    2. insult people (ad hominem)
    3. create a new arguement off topic to divert away from the fact you were failing at the first one


  83. About grammar and Satan? Not following. Nor do I really care.

  84. God told me to do it. Cause I only take down dishonest people. That make it ok?

    haven't many mass murderers used that argument? :) who was it said "good people will naturally do good, evil people will naturally do evil, but to make a good person do evil it takes religion."? makes sense to me.

    medusa - i haven't in a long time, but this case warranted it to point out the level of their own stupidity. i've never commented on yours have i?

  85. *sigh* Damn it dudes, I tried to get something amusing out of this but I don't see it happening. I'm off to christian chat rooms to see what happens when I tell them the love of my life just committed suicide.

  86. From a human stand point I'd like to say yes it's okay but being as imperfect as everyone else (only in different ways) No it doesn't make it right if it's done in physical and emotionlly harmful ways.

    And I don't believe God told you to, but if you do why are you so offended?

  87. I thought it was pretty funny.

  88. Oh, it's not over.

  89. *sigh* Oh please tell me you're not. That. Stupid.
    I don't believe in God you foolish little creature. That question was not only hypothetical but dripping with sarcasm.

  90. "being as imperfect as everyone else"

    More imperfect I would say. You heaped praise on someone who hurled abuse at you(UKan). Wheres your self respect?

  91. hey i had an interesting debate the other day - who is pro/con taking a DNA sample from every baby when born?
    it would cut crime a lot...

  92. Yeah but, you've gotta love the persistent ones.

  93. *sigh*

    this HAS become boring, no real debate going on here. if i wanted to listen to petty insults i would go hang out at the primary school...

  94. Of course I didn't believe you, why would I?

    I don't mind this game at all.

    But you kept asking!

  95. Con, but then I quite like crime. It wouldn't feel quite right, kind of like assuming everyones a criminal. Only not... I'm too drunk to try and make any sense of it.

  96. You'll get arrested if you're not careful. No risk getting it here... You smell like poop.

  97. con, it reeks of genocide.

    I don't mind what UKan hurls, this is the internet.

    What gets to me is the way everyone supports wronging other's they feel are weak.
    Whats weak, it seems anyone that actually cares about you.... so logical answer is you don't want to be cared about.

    My first remarks were caring, you know what I am stupid for that.

  98. It's not that we don't want to be cared about (we couldn't care less either way). Personally I just don't want to be bored.

  99. i think we're headed for a society with routine genetic testing like that... like the one depicted in Gattaca.
    i think i'm instinctively against it as an infringement of my freedom. i think part of everyone's sense of self is rooted in their freedom to choose to be bad. if DNA testing meant the odds of getting away with being bad were much reduced, i think the suicide rate would shoot up.

  100. I despise sociopaths, sociopaths meaning the impulsive thug ones, i generally associate serial killers as being psychopaths rather than sociopaths, they are much more interesting than your typical sociopath who stabs four people outside a bar for taunting him.

  101. Well I'm not trying to judge you, I'm trying understand you.
    I've been reading this blog for almost a year and almost everyone here is trying to do the same.
    It doesn't effect me when you go on the attack I expect it.

    I'm going to care even if your never going to, thats the way I was made.

  102. And yet you're not willing to accept the way we were made?
    Do you really have this outrageous delusion about God? Because if you do I think you're going to find it very hard to understand anything.

  103. I never said I don't except the way you were made. I did ask if you had a choise, which would be freewill.

    Yes I do believe in God, I have evey right to just like you have the right not to.
    I am not religious, thats man-made and full of laws and control over others. Thats not what God wants, He wants a relationship with me and this is what I have.
    It's between me and him.

  104. My christian neighbour told me that he will always follow his Bible. So I threw it off a cliff.

  105. Serial killer are not impulsive? Come on. Do you even know what a impulse is?

  106. OTYS is mistaken. I don't want a relationship with that fool.

  107. Do you know why you believe in God?

  108. "I'm going to create man and woman with original sin. Then I'm going to impregnate a woman with myself as her child, so that I can be born in human form. Once alive, I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself. To save you from the sin I originally condemned you to. Ta dah!"

    God - master of logic since the beginning of time.

  109. People are predispositioned to the 'choices' they make in life by biological and enviromental factors. Free will is bullocks.
    I make people do things they would not do out of their free will constantly by convincing them, conning them, manipulating them, or coercing them based on how they are predispositioned.
    Free will is a cop out as to why god never materializes to man. Its a way to explain away all the horrors and anguish this god leaves you to deal with. Even if there was a god he deserves nothing. Supposedly he created us and left with no trace. How convienent.

  110. It's planned impulsiveness.

  111. GOD and SickJokeGuy, you make my day.

    Understanding that you do not start with free will and control is key to grabbing them by the horns. Once you shatter that illusion, you can take its pieces and create something real. It will never be perfect, like the lie displayed to you, but a hell of a lot better than the BS people ogle at most of their lives.

    I'd agree that serial killing is more interesting than petty murder, but that's where my interest stops.

  112. Those that have been forgiven much love much.

    I'm not trying to change your opinion just answer you with mine.

  113. suicide is the ultimate free will

  114. I have been forgiven many times and love is not something I have much of.

  115. UKan your girl is a priceless gift.

  116. I'm heating up my popcorn and waiting for the Bible Tracks, if I don't pass the fuck out first. Been up way too long...

    I love it when those people hand those out, and stop you and say, "YOU NEED JESUS! YOU'RE ON THE ROAD TO HELL!" As if they can discern who is "saved" and who is not, by a mere glance. I'm sure it really pisses off the Christians when their fellow brethren do that to them, haha!

    There's really no win for you, bible thumper. You've alienated and attacked your core, target group, and even if you hadn't, no one would have taken you seriously. If you aren't a Cannibal Troll, you're simply a colossal failure, just like most of your flock. Sheep with a Bark. Pretending to be something you can never become.

  117. I love you too Noteable <3

    If you didn't have people like me you would be even more bored.

  118. I've spent two years looking for my ex-girlfriend's killer.....But no one will do it.


  119. If you didn't have people like me you would be even more bored.

    True dat.

  120. She is a precious gift.

  121. Unlike most people who stray away from religion, i don't sit around thinking about my faith, i don't give a damn, i just say I'm agnostic, i didn't have a shitty childhood that made me lose faith, i was a bastard even as a kid. People who argue over religion are retarded, atheists are just as bad.

  122. By every right, i should be a serial killer, i thought about it a few times, I'm never going to do it though, i think people expect it of me after a while of knowing me ha.

  123. But my current girlfriend really is one of a kind.

    Ever since I murdered her twin.

  124. People who ignore it are even worse.
    Also I just realised I was stealing from about the age of 8. Ah, good times.

  125. I'm not a deep thinker, i can honestly say that I've never had a self reflection moment for any longer than 5 minutes.

  126. I'm not entirely sure that's wise. It's probably why people would have you pegged as a possible serial killer after knowing you a short time.

  127. I know when I'm not wanted :(

  128. Your opportunities haven't been much present, to be fair, DidHeDiedGuy.

    At least we know you didn't died.

  129. Notable, would you consider yourself a deep thinker? Would it be fair to say, any deep thinking individual would have a desire to change?

  130. Yes. To the second question.

  131. I think the only deep thinking I do, is introspection. Taking my experiences and dissecting them, trying to figure out my subconscious motivations, if any. Why I react to certain situations one way, and completely the opposite another time. Sometimes those answers are simple, and annoying. Sometimes they take a lot to figure out.

    I desire to have my blinders removed, and to be able to see as clearly as possible. That's not changing myself, so much as it is bolstering myself. I hope that answers your question.

  132. Deep thinkers are more undesirable to the masses.

  133. I actually took my girlfriend round to see my family today.

    My wife went fucking mental.

  134. The truth about me is that I am a very very sensitive individual. Death is always right around the corner.

  135. My ex wife and I planned to commit suicide together.

    But once she'd killed herself, things suddenly looked a lot more positive. (;

    Right, I'm out. Laters.

  136. A question for the sociopaths. When you see the history of infamous sociopaths, Hitler, Stalin and all the well know mass murderers, do you ever ask yourself, would i really like to end up like those? In the end they were all miserable lonely men, i think if a man like Hitler had have used his gifts for a greater good we all could have benefited, nobody enjoys suffering, I'm sure for the sociopaths it may give you a tingle here and there, but would you not rather everyone live in harmony? Or are we damned so long as the ego exists? Just a thought for you guys.

  137. i just wish i knew what happiness felt like for more than 2 seconds

  138. In the end everyone is miserable and lonely. Besides, it's not about the end is it? It's about the ride. There's really no incentive to do things for the "greater good", the only one I can think of is it would make you feel good about yourself, and that really isn't an issue for me. It's not so much the suffering as the raw emotion and all that kind of stuff which is just fascinating. And it's exciting, that's realistically all that I care about personally, I will do anything to stop being bored. The killing thing I haven't got my head around yet, I imagine it would be the most amazing feeling but I'm not sure why, something to do with the taking of life perhaps, I don't know. Would you really like to live in harmony. Harmony is just... Dull. Nothing happens if everything is going just fine. It's monotonous drudgery, there's no excitement in it.

  139. Say what you will, i know you are miserable, mental clarity is most important.

  140. ive never known what it feels like to be loved

  141. You're not gonna get put in jail for it.

  142. Grace, in the UK it's not illegal, but assisted suicide is.

    I wouldn't be surprised if it's illegal in less developed countries, even though it's like making breaking your leg illegal. Logic fail.

    An attempted suicide may land you in a mental hospital for a bit, at worst.

  143. I was just wondering..I can look it up. It's for a nursing class..death and dying. Assistant suicide is legal in the state of Oregon. If you have only 6 months to live it is acceptable. But no other state allows it.

  144. Why are you talking about something so negative? I pity your life.

  145. oh wouldn't you like to know Adam.
    never tried. no.

  146. And I pity your existence, here's a thought anon 7:55, maybe you could test it out for us, we'll find out if it's legal that way.

  147. What's the difference between my hand and a six year old? Around a yard difference.

  148. Okay guys, you know what we should do? Try to come up with an alternative funny name for some movies, okay?

  149. I know what you did last summer = I know what you did in the back of that hummer.

  150. Are you asking us for help with your media homework anon?

  151. Sociopaths are less likely to believe in god, right? Do any of you know/are sociopaths who do believe in god?

    (non-socio non-believer here)

  152. All I did was go away for several hours and the god-fearing hippie pronounced UKan the chosen one.

    As far as the god topic, you can usually tell the base of one's intellect by how they choose to word their way around their supposed beleifs.

    Anyone with a brain realizes you cannot prove god exists, and you cannot prove he doesn't. Anyone who allows such an arguement to continue farther than that has down's syndrome.

    Either that or I guess I'm the sober one today.

  153. Hi. I am only just coming back from posting this AM and dashing.

    For the record, "Use it" @9:21, either you are defensive or I didn't make myself clear. I AM using it. I do exactly what it is you describe I should do. I am not "stupid."

    My "I can get from this site and others' opinions about what went wrong in my relationship.."

    was meant as a compliment to the effort here and elsewhere.

  154. And to the person who doesn't think Notable is a sociopath, what difference would it make to you if he wasn't one? He speaks to socios who are keen enough to recognize themselves in his description of himself, and his advice is good. Furthermore, if he is an empath, he is giving you fodder to use them better. It is a win-win situation, so don't complain

  155. Anonymous said...
    Are you referring to me ?

    January 31, 2011 7:29 AM

    TheNotablePath said...
    You all look the same.

    January 31, 2011 7:31 AM

  156. Anonymity said...
    Anon, why do you think Notable is trying to pass himself off as socio?

    January 31, 2011 8:43 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Same reason everybody would want to be a sociopath.

  157. Shutup cunt, no sociopath is going to read that dribble.

    'Keen enough to recognize themselves in his description of himself, and his advice is good.'

    I just have to laugh. I don't recognize myself in his dillusions, so stop speaking for sociopaths on here you fucking sucker.

  158. If a hippy god fearing shaman declares me as the chosen one I feel that's that. I am now a god.

  159. People don't like to be the prey of intraspecies predators. The best way for sheep to hide is among the wolves.

  160. goes the other way too. Where would you be without your sheep's clothing? And why are you having a convo with yourself?

    Mila, i don't think certain people think Note's an empath - he really isn't to my mind. I should know...

  161. He's the Sam Vaknin of intentions.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

    The prose is not nearly as interesting and poetic, though.

  162. I don't think he's an empath, either, notme.

  163. she likes that. I should know ;)

  164. no, not really ukancallmecunt, you don't know.

    'I should know' in that I can tell - it's pretty easy.

    Mila, that anon wasn't talking about you earlier btw.

  165. Which anon?
    fuck you, youcan't

  166. Ah it's like old times.

    I wonder what ever happened to Ms Aerianne.

  167. lol, i know.

    arieanne and aspie and pythias. Hope they're still alive somewhere. :D

  168. Yes, aspie. I like aspie. GagReflex, too, despite his curious semantic and syntactical choices.

  169. You have to believe there's a good side don't you. Hopeful Path. If he's a sociopath then he's been fooling us all. If its so easy to spot a sociopath then why were you such a easy mark.

  170. This site is sick. Its basically abusers reliving their abusive behaviour towards people susceptible to abuse. You people can't get enough abuse either. Its insanity.

  171. I love aspie, and Gag too, (totally brilliant enigma as far as i'm concerned).
    I like a lot of people here actually.

    Ukan, who is Hopeful path? You should signify who you're addressing, I'm assuming it's me cos i have a big head.

    'If its so easy to spot a sociopath then why were you such a easy mark.'
    i wasn't.

    what do you mean i have to believe there's a good side? In Notable you mean? I'm confused.

  172. Hopeful path is the one who hopes he's a sociopath, according to some.

    Observer, thanks for your input. Our lives are all changed now because of your comment.

  173. Hello Medusa. I'm Mila. I'm confused. Do you think I am a "Hopeful Path?"

  174. i have a habit of ruining people's 'games.' I do it irl too. I don't like seeing people being led on. I force myself to not do it here. You know how when there's always that kid that has to ruin the magicians set? Yeah, that's me.
    I mention it cos it's relevant to all the antics in this place.

    Note is the talk of the town. Stop flattering him Ukan, if you really hate him so much. I suspect that this hate, is actually true love. *cuddles*

  175. Hello Mila, I'm Medusa. Are you a 'he'? If not, I do not quite understand your confusion.

  176. mila - totally off topic, how do you pronounce your name?

    mee-lah or my-lah.

    my friends have had a baby and are having an outrageous fight about the spelling of her name. its pronounced mee-lah. one wants to spell it "mila" and the other "mela"

  177. Medusa:
    Aah.. very good.
    No I am female.

    May contain..

    I think I wanted the derivaton to be about money. Mile with an accent on the e. Would make that Meeleh. Also if you are French it is like saying "Me Here" (or there?) Meelah. Suit yourself.

  178. Oh Wow I just clicked on you, May Contain. Will read you. Tx

  179. Medusa wrote:

    "When a person says they are hurt, and the other person is all like "whatever that's bullshit and unreasonable", that's generally considered abusive."

    It is?

    When people tell me I have hurt them I don't tell them it is bullshit and unreasonable. I act as if I believe them, but I must admit that I can to some extent relate to this reader, even though I can also see the flaws in her reasoning.

    I always feel that whatever I've done it's not really that bad, even when obviously it is (to that person!).

    I'm not disputing what you say, Medusa, just pointing out that I too find myself in that situation.

    What's more to the point if you ask me, is Why make such a big issue of it all? If you're beginning to feel the game isn't fun because your target has closed down towards you, move on! Find another one!

    Once she has it in her head you're a sociopath her mind is already made up: You're evil no matter what you do! You'll always be wrong in her mind.

    Like Notable mentions: The victims never do anything wrong!

    And now this girl's ex/temporary whatever is a victim ... and a smug one at that: "...compares herself to "sociopaths"."

    That's my advice to this girl, M.E.: When it's no longer fun and the tap water has been shut down, move on!

    Or maybe that's not the sociopathic thing to do? Oh well, never said I was a sociopath anyway. Maybe this girl could benefit from taking advice from a 'normal dude' like me. :)

  180. I always feel that whatever I've done it's not really that bad, even when obviously it is (to that person!).

    Yeah of course, otherwise you probably wouldn't have done it in the first place.

    I was just saying that being dismissive of another person's feelings, and telling them so, is, well dismissive of them as a separate and real person.

    "You can't be right because you don't think like I do. And I'm always right, because I'm the only one that matters."

    So yeah, some call that abusive.

  181. The weekly "you're not a sociopath" bandwagon has rolled in :P Later this week, I'm looking forward to the "YOu have NPD" and Sunday will include "12 diagnoses from Armchair professionals". Busy schedule.

    UKan can't comment on my blog because he doesn't read it. It's just his hot air in the wind.

  182. hahaha sickjokeguy you mad my freaking day dude keep coming back. back to being bored i suppose

  183. Medusa, would it be considered abusive to dismiss the dismissive attitude? I'd think so. Diversity is diversity, right?

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