
Thursday, January 20, 2011


A reader pointed out that this site is now within spitting distance of beating out lovefraud for traffic, at least according to Alexa (which may surprise some of you who assume that she makes a living from her site). This is particularly satisfying for me because the purpose of the blog has always been to shape the discussion of sociopathy to include a more balanced representation, which we are accomplishing little by little.

When we outrank them, we'll have to celebrate. Something token, like maybe I'll actually reply to people's inquiries in the comment section for a day (by the way, my suggestion of what to say to Dexter while on the table waiting to be killed: "We've got to stop meeting like this."). Email me if you think you have a better idea.

Next step, showing up on the first page of google search results for the word "sociopath."


  1. This is fantastic news :)

    Congratulations, ME, on your preemptive celebrations!

    I do find it interesting... A lot of people who contact me through my blog are actually "ex victims", some current. It's nice I suppose to be able to help them possibly understand our point of view, other than "Socio bad! Kill it with fire!", which really doesn't help the healing process and just makes you more paranoid...


  2. damn you Note, you beat me to the post. hehe, pun intended.

    Excellent ME!!!!! I would appreciate if I could get a huge chunk of the credit. ;D thanks.

    As for the video, is that a ritual ceremony in honour of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? In which case, I bow down humbly to his noodly awesomeness. Seriously, wtf is that video about? :DD

    If only Lovefrauders knew how much more fun it is here than in that dismal place they'd all be over here. Lamoes. :P
    I'm super mature right now.

  3. wish i could "like" this. that place is misery by choice =)

  4. I concur nutty nut nut. :)

    wv squingoo lol.

    ME, can you grace us with your almighty presence soon, I can't wait too long - I may be gone to a distant, far off land by the time you beat the lovewhingers!

  5. Anybody here been using this id for trolling?

  6. u r very boring!!!

    omg go team donna!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Get back in your box, bit¢h.

    Team ME, all the way.

  8. And like a good sociopath I will refrain from raining on this parade... for today.

  9. I find the human mind, in all it's forms, fascinating. I love being able to see such a distinct point of view. Congrats indeed.

  10. M.E, why don't you reply? You post most days, so obviously time isn't a problem. You shy bro?

  11. Haven, shut the fuck up you slut, i will murder you.

  12. This site would only be boring to someone that wants to talk about themseves endlessly as victims.
    And receive pity and be told how viciously they we're treated. So do everyone a favor and cry to Donna. Oh yea maybe those that like to look at the damage and take notes so they can switch up their game.

    This site and the blogger's that are reaching out to other's are actually accompliching a very unique form of opening themselve's up that even therapy doesn't accomplishing.

    I find it amazing, thank you M.E. and the other fearless S/P's, little do you realize how unselfish
    your being.


  14. Oh and the Anonymouses to feel like they have some power, even if their invisible.

  15. I think ME is on antidepressants or something because the last two posts seem actually happy unlike the ones before especially that one about the mid-life crisis.

    But that's just me...

  16. this i know, omg!!!! that's just how my ex spath speaks to me!! are u stalking me luke??!

    if its u leave me alone an no i am not giving u suki cos she's my kitty an its over!!!

    ps i will not cry to donna luke cos u are nothing to me!1 nothing!

    team donna!!!!!!!!!

  17. The best part of being a sociopath is never having feelings of inadequacy.

  18. Congratulations, M.E. :)

    ♥AnTiSpaThS♥: I'd assume you're joking/trolling, but when I was younger I actually knew girls who behaved in the same way :/ Mind you, such girls wouldn't be on any website with the word 'sociopath' in it...

  19. The best part of being a sociopath is being unburdened by unnecessary things. I'm not a sociopath though.

  20. Antispaths, how cute are you)

    Go Team M.E.

  21. Nyx, it looks as though you made a friend. Clearly they are not able to appreciate such things, I think that's why P-Mod always talked about supporting Eugenics. I, for one, would rather them just be our slaves as they belong rather than "cleansed".

  22. ♥AnTiSpaThSaSiF♥January 20, 2011 at 9:34 AM

    Bravo L, you caught me out, hehe.

    I've known whiny little bitches like that too.

    Why is it that they're always Dexter fans, always taken aback by the damage to their heart by the time I’m done with it, and always gagging for more mind-fucking?

    Oh wait, don't tell me, because...omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    As for their retarded cats: let's just say that no one replies to their 'lost' notices for a reason ;)

  23. Dexter is a faggot, murdering prostitutes is cool, not murdering evil people.

  24. congrats ME, and i'm glad you seem to be feeling less down (meds? staring at a lightbulb?)

    the dexter writers pissed me off by murdering his wife - that was the easy way out for them rather than have him deal with her if she found out about the type of person he is (not necessarily about the murders).

  25. Season 2 was the best.

  26. the whole dead dad ghost thing just doesn't gel.
    still a great series though. am halfway through s2 of breaking bad - not that fussed about it so far.
    when i'm done with that i think i'll start on the sopranos.

  27. I'd rather watch jersey shore.

  28. Fuck everthing else, just watch the Sopranos


    Look at that video, then tell me that Bill o reilly isn't a sociopath.

    Glib - marked by lack of intellectual depth; "glib generalizations"; "a glib response to a complex question"

  30. Congratulations 'PathJanuary 20, 2011 at 11:39 AM

    One of the posters is obsessed with Bill O'Reilly. I'm not sure why.

    More traffic to you, ME, and, um--plenty of noodles.

  31. I'm not obsessed, just frustrated that there is a sociopath is plain sight and nobody is doing anything.

  32. *there is a sociopath in

  33. Fuck off narcissist, stop trying to destroy the object of your envy, go take over the world like a good little narcissist.

  34. Where are all these 13 year old anonymouses coming from?

    And Antispath, is your name Cedric?

  35. I wonder if Donna is even aware of this site.

  36. She is. I've tricked several of their users onto here. She tells them to stay clear for fear of them being hurt. That bitch oxdrover watches this site sometimes.
    If your reading this ox, get over it. He left you fucking years ago.

  37. Here's what I want to know: If Dr. Hare now states sociopathy is not a pathology, then what will it be called. Since its not a pathology will it even be in the DSM anymore?
    I've always said sociopathy was not a disorder, since suspicously there is no cure through therapy.
    I wonder what the next new name for sociopathy will be. Maybe we can come up with a more friendly name. Like Antipath.

  38. "If your reading this ox, get over it. He left you fucking years ago."

    And I still think that you're the unfortunate result of one night of passion shared between Ronald McDonald and Chucky.

    Sometimes I like to think of myself as "Anti-human"(but that sounds even less friendly). I think that "Severely Empathy Challenged" is a nice way to dress it up. All sociopaths could be known as SEC individuals, or something.

  39. What do you think of supreme being? We need something a wee bit cheeky.

  40. That or Homo Superior.

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  44. The funniest thing is that even if the Lovefrauders read your list, they still wont be able to stop the game from being played. It would be funny if Sociopath world "troops" could wreck her site. It would probably push her to the edge. Her fans are all she's got.

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  48. hmm see last night's last posts

  49. What's up with last night's posts Mila?

  50. I feel like I've missed some juicy bits :P I really should get a reader feed.

    Homo Superior, heh. Sounds like a gay catholic. Cheeky nonetheless for a good chuckle.

    How about Unsympathetic Personality Syndrome. UP Syndrome, heh.

    I think I understand why Hare has said stance, but I think it's BS. He's getting old, he's "mastered" psychopathology, and now he needs an excuse to destroy his master work, like all humans.

  51. So this is where you guys just sit

    around smug about all the lives

    you wrecked. One day all of you

    will wake up alone and without

    anyone. Dying Alone.

  52. these are nervous times when everyone in in the world has a self-diagnosis. sometimes it's freeing to take the "worst" one you find

    and just embrace it.

    congratulations, ME. continued flight!

  53. I don't get why people say stupid shit like that. "You'll die old and alone."

    First off, if I make it to "old" age, that will be a fucking miracle. Second off, dying alone (at that age) would mean I outlived everyone else, also, highly unlikely.

    So for you to wish me to die alone (and possibly old) is basically wishing me good luck in life.

    That just made me more smug.

  54. Boring as usual. Yawn. You must all be alone right now and that's why you are so boring. You only get a temporary personality from someone else. Pods are not creative or interesting. "Prick" you with a pin and it's like the movie Men in Black. I've tried to stick with this site in the past... but i can see nothing has changed. Yawn.

    The regulars here sound like 12 year olds.

    Being smug does not conceal your misery.

  55. i believe that's the smuggest comment i've ever seen.

    did you know that chronic boredom is a possible signpost of sociopathy? better watch out. this is the age of the biblical dsm. no one escapes: heeeere comes the label!

    and when you get it, i hope you can dance with beautifully. because so many on this blog do.

    cheers to you, and joides too. (wv: joides)

  56. Why would I feel miserable? I enjoy my life. That's why it isn't miserable.

  57. Disorder | Rating
    Paranoid: Very High
    Schizoid: Very High
    Schizotypal: Moderate
    Antisocial: High
    Borderline: Low
    Histrionic: High
    Narcissistic: Very High
    Avoidant: Low
    Dependent: Low
    Obsessive-Compulsive: High

  58. I have become comfortably numb.

  59. Looking forward to reading you M:E ;)

  60. Well Notable you've got one up on me. I AM going to die cold and alone. I accepted that some time ago. But I'm not miserable about it either.

  61. ME, I am very happy to hear your good news that the site is now widely visited, but I certainly would like to understand better what we are talking about. Do we have thousands of silent observers who have no need to say anything? Or, are we talking about random clicks as opposed to regular visits? And, thank you for your notice and contribution to the funny list of phrases by Dexter victims.

    Fellow bloggers, I will propose a new funny bit topic every Monday, at which point I'll also present the compilation of the previous lists.

    Next Monday the topic will be what Dexter would say to his victim/himself at any point between his wrapping and disposing of the body in the ocean. At this point I'd appreciate it if people refrain from sending me their responses and wait till Monday's call. But, I'd like to hear your suggestions on funny bit topics for the future.

  62. What I dont understand is (are)
    - Are you yourself a sociopath/psychopath/narcissist/whatever?
    - Are you in favor or against socios/psychos?

    Thanks for answer.

  63. I don't get it? Dying alone seems ideal to me.


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