
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Guest post: A fellow sociopath

Hello, I'm a fellow sociopath. I've read your entire blog, all the way from the beginning, I thank you. My father called me a psychopath when I was very young, between the ages of 5 to 8. I didn't get certain things, certain emotional things, certain norms.

How I got this way, I do not know. I had a traumatic event at the age of 14, I got jumped because I was messing around with somebody's girl. Her boyfriend found out, beaten me up with the help of his friends in front of the entire school. I didn't even go home that day, I slept in an abandon house, in the cold and the rain, plotting to kill this person. I had drawn up a plot to break his knees in and cripple him with a baseball bat.

Sadly I got arrested before that could happen.

I believe this started my extreme sociopathy besides the lack of empathy. I became a misogynist, a manipulator, extremely cold by that point. My mother had me put into therapy until we moved.

I was juvenile delinquent at 14, breaking and entering, shoplifiting, skipping school, a smart ass, constantly in the principals office. After my beating, I calmed down, cause I realized I was never gonna get out of high school at that rate. I had to be low profile, and just get out of high school. I was a gifted student so not like the work was hard.

By 16, I've began manipulating girls, collecting what I call trophies. Maybe nude pictures or videos of them. Females became my victim. I rarely had sex with them. Cause I'm asexual and find females weak and gross. Sometimes I do it, just to act out my urges of dominance and power, make them easier to control. But certain qualities I can find and like, for the most part, I'm not attracted. I do have them, every sociopath/narcissist, has his partner, his play thing. House/Wilson Sean/Christian....


  1. This guy sounds like a psychopath, not a very smart one at that but he sounds ruthless.

  2. For some reason I feel sorry for this person. He sounds like a victim himself. It just takes one event to hit a person the wrong way and they're forever changed.

    1. That response you gave just officially made YOU the victim!!!

  3. His story sounds similar to mine, wish you the best man.

  4. I think every socio narcissist reaches a point when they walk around with a chip on their shoulder, it's the me against the world attitude, most people look down on that. It's a very good tool to have if you are smart enough to hide it, and learn what others find most attractive.

  5. It can happen Grace, I have seen it. Some victims can adapt the sociopaths behavior of backbiting and smearing, unfortunately they never do it as cunningly as the sociopath so they are likely to get caught and they might react more aggressively, the sociopath can handle conflicts very well, Ive witnessed it, if you try to make a circus out of a true sociopath, they will make an example out of you.

  6. amoral/conscienceless
    care only about appearances
    critical of others
    disappointing gift-givers
    don't recognize own feelings
    envious and competitive
    feel entitled
    flirtatious or seductive
    hard to have a good time with
    hate to live alone
    hyper-sensitive to criticism
    lack sense of humor
    strange work habits
    unusual eating habits
    weird sense of time

  7. nocturnal
    allergic to garlic

  8. Random: what's with the fat-free Mayo pic?

  9. I'm dieting, i want to be a bony emo slut like you.

  10. Entertaining

  11. Entertaining

    Opposites of a sociopath.

  12. Entertaining

    True ^ went downhill after that .. Multi tasker? Cmon lol

  13. Anon@ 7:25 and Anon@ 7:30

    Perhaps you do not read history and understand the capacity of this "socio-wiring" for breaking through the cultural mire. The fools who make history are not "typicals" The personal lives of these contributors to our planet leave a path of destruction and cruelty in their personal lives.

    The "multi-tasker" should perhaps be relabeled as "multi-gamesmanship"

    There should be a humanities course for Sociopaths called "How to see Greatness in the Bullshit - Great Leaders and how they fucked up those around them, but moved culture forward" or another course could be "Your misanthropy blinds you to your potential so stop being a lazy ass and make positive use of your destructive gifts"

  14. I had a traumatic event at the age of 14, I got jumped because I was messing around with somebody's girl.

    How the hell is this traumatic? Enough to condition someone to become a psychopath? Hardly.

    Sounds like the lunatic ravings of another delusional adolescent.

  15. Anon 5:14 AM

    You use the wrong term. It's not Sociopath, but Antisocial Personality Disorder.

    Apart from that, I agree with you.

  16. M.E., why did you use that picture?

  17. Oh, one more thing.

    M.E., it's good to see you're beginning to do something extra with the blog. I really like it - the T-shirts thing is a good touch! ;)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Isn't that what secondary sociopathy ( or psychopathy) is?

  20. Factor one psychopaths, are known as malignant narcissists, factor two are antisocial personality disordered.

  21. I can't point to one single event that put my mind into this state. I know I was always manipulative, because I can remember back when I was a child making adults do things they wouldn't normally do for a child.
    I know I became violent at some point when I was a child. I fantasised a lot about various things involving shooting people in power. My mother used to worry and took my toy rifle away, because she said I was obsessed with violence.
    I was bullied through school and my dad was extremely abusive. I remember the day I hit him with a chair like it was yesterday. I aimed for his head but he ducked over and it hit his back. I left home and they never heard from me again until I was on trial.
    I hired a body four months ago because I knew things were getting to a boiling point with those around me. I knew if I didn't step back from putting in work o would be up on a murder charge soon. He used to be a armed robber. In prison he got his masters in psychology which surprised me, but alarmed me a little.
    Last week we were talking about a incident we hard and he stopped and looked at me funny. He said you know there's a term for people like you. He knew. I didn't say anything. He told me that it was ok with him because he was accused of being one too.
    I faked ignorance and asked him why he thought I was one. He started asking me about killing animals when I was younger and I just laughed. I told him I wasn't a serial killer unless you count cornflakes.
    He told me he wasn't either. He decided to clue me in on who he was. He started talking about how he would shoot neighborhood dogs. I never did that. I told himi shot birds off the wire because they woke me up. I saw myself as a hunter. He asked what I did to them when they couldn't get up. He knew. I told him. As it turned out he did the same thing.
    Finally I admitted it to him and we started trading stories I haven't told anyone. He warmed into them from the man he killed that sent him to prison to pumping out a 16 year old when he was 26. I laughed about it and told him about something I can't to into. He was encouraged. He told me that he pimped out his sisters. I told him I don't think I can top that.
    It was one of the most open conversations I've had. It feels good to know im not the only one. I asked him what he does with people like me, and he said most of the time he stays away from them. This time he made a exception.

  22. I don't know why, but I'd constantly ask questions when i was a child.

  23. Who will read ye ol' wall of text?Cut it down you clown.

  24. "It was one of the most open conversations I've had. It feels good to know im not the only one. I asked him what he does with people like me, and he said most of the time he stays away from them. This time he made a exception. "

    Well said, I can relate to as much.

    It's one thing saying it out on the web. It's another when you're trading stories over food and beer.

  25. I was bullied ruthlessly as a child, I bullied younger kids too, now that i look back i think it was because the others had a stronger emotional core than myself, i didn't become jealous like they did, but i was awfully envious, i liked being around the best looking and best dressed, i saw my family as below me, i had to have the best everything and still do.

  26. this is the most self obsessed blog i have seen

  27. That T-shirt site provides other stuff too. The socio teddy bear > all:)

  28. For as long as I can remember I have lied to myself and others freely. I never thought twice about it, as long as I didn't think they knew I was lying I could lie without nerves.

    However the more I break out of the self-deception, the less psychopathic I seem. It is not that I enjoy hurting people, but when it is necessary I disregard peoples feelings for my own sake.

    This is what confused me for a long time, in daydreams if I imagine hurting someone I empathise with my imagination, but out in the real world I hurt people without a second thought.

  29. Anon -

  30. I have a question for one and all . . . What has been the effect in reading this and other blogs, writing or in verbal confessions of experience? What has been the contribution? How has it served your life?

  31. Adam, I believe the chip on the shoulder moments have a big part to play on how the psychopath views the world. If I had never had them I doubt I would have developed my own utilitarian perspective.

  32. I destroy anyone like my father. I feel this overwhelming fire in me and I can't control myself anymore. Once I see someone get out of line with me it takes someone to pull me out before its too late. If im by myself its over for them. I try to keep someone close to me that I trust, who knows me well.
    Its spreading though. It extending to anyone who challenges me at all. I will find what makes them suffer and I will twist it in. I wont stop at anything until they beg me for forgiveness. I wont be able to sleep because it will consume me until its over.
    I forgave my father and we get along now so I don't know why its still there. Maybe that day I beat him felt so good I want to keep reliving my victory. Maybe that's how I learned to deal with people challenging me. Honestly I never loved life till I made people fear me. Now everday to me has been amazing.

  33. It hasn't affected my life in any way other than having an outlet when I'm bored.

  34. I'm in that process UKan, i fantasize sometimes about getting even with people who fucked with me in the past, even in small ways. I think I'd truely come into my own if i got one back on those people, it's not like i was humiliated or anything like that, it's just i tend to escalate even the smallest criticism, that is the downside of having too much pride. How did it feel to get that sweet revenge?

  35. This place gave me a forum where I can say who I am without people getting scared and try to take actions to bring me down. I tried talking to my old business partner about who I was before I mines what it was really called and he tried to bring me down, because he thought I would eventualy turn on him or that I was already manipulating him.
    I tried with my fiance and now she calls me a demon. She thinks everything I do now is a act of evil even if its a good thing. People take things you have done to people and look at the reasons you did it. Soon they think your reasons are so vague that they could be in violation at any time. After a while they resent you for being fearful of their every move even though you haven't done anything to them.

  36. I remember how even from an early age I used to take control of other people. I liked to force other children into doing things that they were uncomfortable with. Like I'd frighten them into going into shops and stealing something for me, then I'd tell them that they could keep it, but at some point later I'd force them to give it back to me, just to see if they would cave. One time I found this stanley knife lying on the pavement, then I threatened to stab these to kids that I knew(boy and a girl) if they didn't snog each other. They did as they were told. I used to kill animals for a while. for instance, one time I climbed into my neighbours garden and threw their cat into their pond. I remember when I was about 10, I started breaking into peoples houses. Sometimes I'd steal things, other times I'd just smash something and run off. When I was 14 I met this guy who owned his own workshop, and he taught me how to make knives, and I used them to mug people(with a friend usually). I've always been this way.

  37. I remember how even from an early age I used to take control of other people. I liked to force other children into doing things that they were uncomfortable with. Like I'd frighten them into going into shops and stealing something for me, then I'd tell them that they could keep it, but at some point later I'd force them to give it back to me, just to see if they would cave. One time I found this stanley knife lying on the pavement, then I threatened to stab these to kids that I knew(boy and a girl) if they didn't snog each other. They did as they were told. I used to kill animals for a while. for instance, one time I climbed into my neighbours garden and threw their cat into their pond. I remember when I was about 10, I started breaking into peoples houses. Sometimes I'd steal things, other times I'd just smash something and run off. When I was 14 I met this guy who owned his own workshop, and he taught me how to make knives, and I used them to mug people(with a friend usually). I've always been this way.

  38. It feels great. Until I pay the price it will continue to feel great. I love seeing the surprised look and the explanations pouring from their mouth. The incident me and my bodyguard had I wouldn't accept the guys apology. It only made me hurt him more. That's why my bodyguard asked about it.

  39. Does it transpire all the violent and stupid ones here were weak, bullied children... I'm not sure I'm all that surprised. But, I should try not to generalise all the same.

  40. Hm. Depends what you consider bullying, TN. Kids picking on me? Sure, that happened. And they usually paid for it, too. I never met someone in my age group that I couldn't lay out if they pushed me too far, which wasn't far at all.

    Were you never picked on as a child? Were any of you? I don't remember any child going 'unscathed'. There's always an antagonist, an adversary.

    I didn't consider myself a bully. I was more... floating, you know? Just floating through life, very reactionary. I was and still am, the center of my universe. If something entered it, I noticed, and if I entered someone else's I noticed, but I wasn't always on the look to ruin someone's day. I never understood that mentality, and still don't. I get that itch, but it has a cool-down. I can't imagine doing that every day.

    Sources like these help me understand myself better. I'm my own worse enemy, and the more I know my enemy, the better off I am.

  41. The only ones who are weak are the ones who had no adversity, or succumbed to the tragedies in life only to become pathetic. Adversity makes you strong.

  42. And for clarification, I do consider my youth as "violent and stupid", past tense. Thankfully.

  43. 12:15:I prefer Joseph Newmans attention deficit theory, but who knows after I get therapy maybe they will tell me i have dissociation

    Soulfulpath: The blog is what made me first think I am psychopathic, specifically the post linking to the episode of office hours, explaining psychopathy.Also the posts about unstable identity.
    It hasn't made a big difference in my day to day functioning.It has inspired many ideas, since visiting I care less about morality, but am also less volatile.

  44. Severe emotional abuse in childhood generally does make one empathy challenged, such a person would see the world as hostile.

  45. tn. Are you saying that yo've never flipped out and beaten the shit out of somebody? And what was your childhood like? I wrote apost about some of things I did when I was younger but it hasnt shown up yet. I attacked my dad once as well. I had just kicked the washing machine in, and when he came downstares to see what had happened I just started punching over and over again. The next day it was as if nothing ha happened. I was never bullied at school. I was the bully, and I used to encourage others to follow my lead.

  46. It's the way you all say it, you make it sound as if you were THE bullied kid. And like you let it happen. The only times I can remember being bullied it was easily ended by a few quick words, mainly 'cause bullies are generally stupid and all you had to do was insult them in some slightly more intelligent way, possibly using words they didn't understand and they were rendered speechless and, of course, humiliated.
    It's like violence thing I still don't get, killing I understand, but just violence, threats, fear, it all seems very crude. Don't get me wrong I've indulged in violence but it was never all that exciting.

  47. I think it's a matter of hitting back at someone who attempts to do you harm vs. taking it out on those who had nothing to do with the pain.

    Hitting back directly at the source is the strongest and most effective reaction. Unfortunately, there's sort of a pandora's box to a socio's rage--or maybe to just the lack of "warm fuzzies" that most people seem to experience in the company of others. Manipulation often seems like the auto-pilot setting. Is that due to rage or lack of empathy---or both?

    It's difficult to say.

    Either way, I agree with M.E's "Moral High Ground" post: "... I do everyone a little wrong."

  48. I'd say ive been in at least 50 physical fights, I usually assault someone for no reason though, just for the praise i suppose.

  49. I think I know where you are coming from dallas figuratively and literally

  50. I remember one time when i was walking to school, there was this business woman a bit in front of me, these two scruffy looking girls asked her for the time, when she put out her arm, they start beating on her and stomping on her head, she looked a mess afterwards, I didn't know what a sociopath was back then but I would label those two with it, they had no remorse, the woman is unlucky that i was the only person around other than the attackers.

  51. I remember seeing this black guy getting stabbed my first thought was run, next after the attackers left, I couldn't help but walk up to him with a little smirk on my face like "haha, you became a drug dealer and you lost" everyone else around started discussing what happened and calling the police. Later on that day I looked back on it and I couldn't believe what I had seen though at the time I found it amusing. This pretty much sums up my experience of things.
    Another psychopath moment was in primary school when I was crying, I was asked to go outside, as soon as I was out of the classroom any residue left from the crying episode was gone, it was like it never happened. Iwas actually happy, anyway I decided to continue acting sad to the teacher. I never really thought about that till recently.

  52. What's the deal with asexual psychopaths I don't get it

  53. In my school you fought or became the victim. I wasn't the victim cowering in the corner. I fought even when I was out numbered. Eventually you earn your respect on the streets.
    You wouldn't know about earning respect with your pristine pathetic life. One second in my shoes and the people around you would eat you alive. The bullies at my school shot at you. If you come with all that talking somebodies going to pull your ticket. I learned to get off where I got mad at. I dont say anything. Once someone crosses the line I fuck them. Once someone thinks they'll cross the line ill pull them over it and fuck them. People who haven't lost a fight haven't fought enough people. If you want people to respect you lay down examples.

  54. TN, get off your high horse and shut the fuck up. You claim you mentally confounded every bully? Bullshit. You just need an excuse to elevate yourself from the 'rest of the filth' here, you fucking twat. If someone's out to get you, they aren't always going to stop just because you said something clever.

    If you can't understand the mentality to battle, or the need to survive, then shut your fucking trap. No one gives a shit that you were a sheltered child with a charming childhood. Save it for Disney.

  55. my sibling is the socio in the family, and must have felt hostile and vulnerable around kids, wanting to latch unto me all the time, and not realizing what was going on I kept away, sure hated me too. i was not only never bullied, i was the sunshine of all kids, partly because i was the source of fun in their lives. if i am a sociopath i am a very high functioning one and i really like people without getting anything from manipulating them but inspiring and leading them to higher states for themselves. i may be a very very high functioning socio. could we call an idealist that?

  56. We can call you an asshole, delusional narc, or just a delusional asshole. Flip a coin.

  57. "really like people without getting anything from manipulating them but inspiring and leading them to higher states for themselves."

    Tell us about all the great things you've done anon.

  58. "really like people without getting anything from manipulating them but inspiring and leading them to higher states for themselves."

    Tell us about all the great things you've done anon.

  59. aren't you fucking jealous, notable?

  60. I feel like Louis/Armand; surrounded by imbecile predators who put no thought into who they are or their actions.

  61. Danm you guys need a vacation in the sun, maybe Aruba.
    You make my empathy level soar and it fucking hurts.

    Note your usually the more calm one here.

    Before I call God in,

    Lets change the subject.

    What is up with asexual psychopaths?

    WV; tesse

  62. Simple. People are gross.

  63. You guys really need to pay more attention. I said the only times I can remember being bullied. Not, I'm a fucking genius and you're all lowlifes. In fact, I said nothing about "the rest of the filth", no, I was only talking about the violent/stupid ones among you, and only making a suggestion.
    As for not understanding the need for survival, seriously? Just... What?
    My childhood wasn't charmed, I was merely questioning why violence and threats are your first port of call. Where I come from, unless you've been seriously slighted, it doesn't make you respected, or even all that feared, not when there's richer, cleverer, more powerful people running things, you just become pawns. Oh and just in case you were wondering, I do not think I am one of those people.

  64. I think that alot of people have gotten the idea that asexuality and psychipathy are linked from Dexter.

  65. Alright if asexual means your not attracted to others for sexual reasons, do you have any sexual desires? Or is the whole point there isn't any sexual desires?

  66. Just started watching Sherlock Holmes last night.

    He's portrayed as asexual as well. Gay, but still asexual. "I'm married to my job"

    For some people, sex is a distraction and a wet rag upon one's ambition. (Tesla, e.g.)

    Some argue that sex and genius spring from the same font, but there is limited supply at any one time. Hence sex deflates ambition.

  67. Does that mean that those with lower intellegence are prone to be hypersexual?

    That could explain alot.

    Actually sex tends to energize me and I get alot more accomplished.

  68. I'm not interested in sex unless I'm having sex. Sounds ludicrous put that way, but that's how it is for me. I have a sex drive, and I do enjoy sex to some degree, but I don't get lost in the act or whatever that means, nor do I pursue it. People pursue me, and on rare occasion, I them. When one or both of us decide to step it up, or if it's a one night stand, then it's all fun and happy. But before that point, I really couldn't give a shit about it, or them.

    I care about getting rid of boredom, and nothing stagnates to boredom quicker than a dim-witted woman, which the world seems cursed with mostly. The issue there being, should I find a smart and sexy person, I'm more interested in their mind, not their crotch.

    Asexuality in the spectrum is certainly not universal. Nor is it rare. We're not all cookie cutters of ourselves with every trait. As for why some people have it an others not, I'm not sure.

  69. Studies have said it's higher testosterone levels that make the level of sexual activity increase.

    So is it estrogen level for women?

    Dim-witted women can be fun.

  70. Note, do you (and any socios here) ever use sex to let off steam, when you're pissed off or pumped somehow?

    lol, dim-witted women...
    i won't bother asking about that.

    So i guess M.E's officially on holiday...i'm jealous.

    Note, what's ramon?

  71. Notme is looking for a sexual fantasy

  72. no, i have a plethora of fantasies already thanks. I'm asking based on experience. If you don't want to answer, move along darling...

  73. Ramen is a noodle dish.

    I don't use sex to reduce anger. I have had my share of angry/aggressive sex though, but not for the purpose of letting off steam. Just because we or I was angry and horny.

  74. I think Dexter is a disgrace, it takes away how unsenitimental and raw we really are.

  75. Any real life sociopath would rape Faxter.

  76. I'm not asexual, I'm hetrosexual. I don't think of sex that much but I know it plagues my sub-conscience especially sexual control. Asexuals are just people who need an excuse for why they can't get any.

  77. This notme chick is disgusting, starving for affection.

  78. I think we should start using the joker as our mascot and not Dexter, agreed? I mean how lame is killing other serial killers? Who wants to root for that guy? Not fucking me!

  79. Kuklinski said the only thing that gave him any rush is sex. Then there are sociopaths who could not care about sex but enjoy someone around. In three occasions I've been with macho socios who just wanted to sleep by me, no attempt for sex. They were used to women who would jump over and tear their underwear for some pacifier and would not care one way or the other that I did not feel like doing that. They sure seemed to have no interest in giving me any attention other than watching me sleep either. Weird shit.

  80. ramen. yeah, i got it wrong. thanks.

    Adam, our feelings are mutual.

  81. I go on lovefraud one time and there is an article on Rod Alcala the genius serial murderer from cali, and then in the comment section you have all these fucking lame o's saying

    "Oh i wish Dexter morgan was real, so he could kill him"

    Who the fuck wants that? Nobody likes the guy sticking up for the common good.

  82. Hi, Post, nice to see you.

    Are you complaining? You should've been used to living surrounded by lower IQs.

    No matter what I really enjoy it here, like one big family in orgy of not holding back the truth, very Biblical actually.

    I miss your truth often.

  83. well, I do, I love Dexter for upping the other socios. don't you like doing that? Dexter sustains, darling. Ignore that he's doing it for common good bs, he is just competitive.

  84. Dexter can't pull it off ever, simply because he isn't one. End of story.

  85. No, i avoid other people like me, I'm quite lazy, actually very. I have lazed about all day. Why make things hard for yourself?

  86. Anon, that's not Post (there's no blogger icon).

    Adam, are you addressing me?
    well, you're clearly looking for a fight...

  87. You are missing the point tn, I'm not violent with everyone, i specifically said i do it to the ones i know will take it from me, I'm not going to pick on someone who will fight back, you may call it cowardice but i call it survival. If you think violent men are "dumb" then I assume you are either gay or a woman.

    Every red blooded male is aggressive at times if he isn't there is something wrong with him, men like that don't get anywere. I love being impulsive when you walk outside the door you don't know whats going to happen that day, I'd rather have stories like that to tell.

  88. And you are missing mine.
    Ok so you pick fights with people who won't fight back, where's the fun in that. You can call it survival, you can call it cowardice, fact remains survival would be not getting into fights. Get a punchbag, I did. I said violent and stupid not all violent men were stupid, though there does seem to be a strong correlation.

    "Every red blooded male is aggressive at times if he isn't there is something wrong with him, men like that don't get anywere."
    I really wish you'd think about the shit you come out with before you say it. As for being impulsive, ALL your stories consist of violence, where's the variety. Doesn't it bore you?

    Anyway, I've realised what my main problem with these peoples specific brand of violence is. You are proud of it, that in itself is not an issue, no, the issue is that anyone can be strong, fast, violent, make threats. There's nothing special or unique about it. It's not hard. You're just proud of something everyone can do.

  89. Shut up, you just feel sorry for my aunt.

  90. Adam are you making a joke?


  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Really Adam? Well I'm just a teensy bit... disappointed. But I suppose that proves my point.

  93. If I thought I could get away with it I would euthanize my siblings.
    Of course that putting politely.

  94. I mean its not putting them out of their misery but it would relive that of others. Particularly that of those whom are important to me.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. is their a will involved?

  97. Medusa:

    First off, make sure your share of the inheritance is intact. Second, figure out what is needed to keep your parents afloat until they kick off. (Get advice from a good Jew lawyer/acct or actuary). Give this "friend" a cut of your parent's money to sit down with your brother (over coke and hookers) to point out how it will benefit him to take a certain percentage (whatever amt is convenient) This is a temporary fix until your bro comes again, at which point you will probably have to switch it up a bit.

  98. Dexter isn't my mascot. He's a serial killer, so not my demographic.

    "The Killing Joke" Joker is all good fun. There might be a character out there mascot-worthy, universally. I don't know of one yet, though.

  99. tik said: So is it estrogen level for women?

    Women also have an increase in testosterone. It increases sex drive, strength, stamina, etc.

    NotMe said: Note, do you (and any socios here) ever use sex to let off steam, when you're pissed off or pumped somehow?

    I don't exactly get pissed, as that is too passionate an emotion. When I'm "pumped," I'd say I'm more interested in working out, dancing, or building something. I have, however, used sex as a distraction when I was too focused on something I shouldn't have been.

  100. I'm just looking for someone who will give an opinion of the way i am, as i believe many people have attested to on this blog self analyzation can be difficult. Before finding this site i just thought i was good at manipulating people, when people asked me about how i could get away so much i would always explain it as thus "It's not about what your actually doing, it's all about what you make people see that your doing. Make them think they want what you want". I know that this may be a bit ambiguous but i'm sure someone on here can relate to that. I have friends, and can care about people. As long as they have something to offer. I was in a long term relationship with a pretty average girl and was basically using her for physical gratification. When situations changed, we split. She still loves me and i am self admittedly extremely calm about it. I guess i kind of thought that everybody was like this, to some degree. If you ask anybody at my school i'm charismatic, funny and will be the first person to help you out if i can. But i do so to further my own goals, i'm nice because it's easier to get things when people like you and i'll help people so that they owe me. I can insult, persuade or cause guilt by making indirect comments that most would never know where meant for that. I'm highly cautious with my manipulations, and i always have an out. I feel that i can relate to sociopaths (to varying degrees, i've only ever met one other person who can see my actions for what they really are. We have a mutually beneficial friendship but it's more of a pact because neither of us wants to have to deal with the other one on the playing field. Anyone have any thoughts on me?

  101. You should repost this on the newer thread. You'll get more replies.

  102. Maybe there is a respect for one another that has grown. I find that my most gratifying relationships are with people I respect. I actually listen to them. With most others, I rarely think twice about their comments. I rarely ask advice from someone I don't respect. As for "dealing with the other on the playing field" I am of the opinion that the bonds of mutual respect( mutual benefit ) are at risk for being broken. Trust is not the same thing as respect. I can only trust my dog.

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. Hrm interesting but in all honesty you need to work on becoming stronger in my opinion... Work on something greater then just earning trophies. They're boring later. (also I'd take up chess if I were you.)

  105. Notable:

    "Zhawq, you're hardly qualified to make such a distinction. As someone who claims to not be a psychopath, but diagnosed as one, and further writes a blog on psychopathy, I find it hard to take you serious in any facet concerning the precise diagnosis distinction between three potentially different disorders when you can't even make up your own mind about You."

    You can take me serious or not. That's on you.

    I give my opinion as I see fit.

  106. PMS:

    "I feel like Louis/Armand; surrounded by imbecile predators who put no thought into who they are or their actions."

    You can say that again!

  107. Am I the only one who's wondered if my psychopathy is a result of a bad childhood, etc. or a real brain abnormality? I show all the classic signs of a socio/psychopath, and my older brother is one as well. This post in many ways relates exactly to my life. However, both my parents were very emotionally, psychologically, and physically abusive. My whole family was. It's occasionally difficult for me to tell if I display these behaviors and think the way that I do because of that or because I'm a "born psycho"

  108. A sociopath ruined my whole entire life, ever since my early teenage years. I've grown up to become a very moralistic man, being that I'd never see a woman, child or animal harmed in any way. But in the back of my mind, I'd derive great pleasure from seeing a sociopath getting tortured, they're not even real human beings. They are retarded and defective and deserved to be rounded up and executed in the most horrific way.

    Yours sincerely...

    Victim of a sociapath

  109. Anon 8:02, I'm not sure what you're trying to imply, but I dare say you are suggesting genocide? Just because you've been bitten by a dog it doesn't mean all dogs should die for your little quest of petty revenge.

    How did this Sociopath destroy the ENTIRETY of your life? Ever since your early teenage years, so I suppose that Sociopath is still destroying you this very second. Are you the type to stand in a heap of burning coals, complain about the pain, yet refuse to move from your position? The only way to get rid of us is to move away either physically or socially. So get those metaphorical legs moving, mate, and stop whining.

    "These people deserve to die, they're not even real human beings, they are retarded/defective and deserve to be rounded up and axecuted in the most horrific way."
    The last time someone thought in that exact manner, 5 million Jews died.

    Yours sincerely...

    A sociopath


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