
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Actual sociopath quote

From a reader's sociopathic co-worker:


  1. Fuck yes. That's exactly how I feel. I'll try anything and I never worry about screwing up or making a fool of myself as most people seem too. I feel like I'm capable of anything so there's no need to worry.

  2. Anyone in a manic phase or a person with a little bit of narcissism could say this, doesn't take a sociopath. If you want me to listen to it then add more information on the suspect.

  3. Oh, so sociopaths can faff about with font formatting on autopilot? Wow, I'm jealous.

  4. 'Fuck yes. That's exactly how I feel. I'll try anything and I never worry about screwing up or making a fool of myself as most people seem too. I feel like I'm capable of anything so there's no need to worry.'

    that's because you are awesome, misanthrope, just like all other socio's. I wish i was one, i really do. :(

  5. but i'm curious about the name, 'misanthrope'. do really hate all of humanity? are you a modern day scrooge?

  6. My misanthropy is of a different kind. I'll smile to you're face while I think about how stupid you are and how best I can use you to get what I want. I don't isolate myself from other people. I spend most of my time around them for my own amusement. I've got alot of "friends". I don't sit in my room all day thinking about how much I hate everyone else and I don't come across as a miserable or grouchy person. I don't think highly of anyone but myself but I'm good at at making other people feel like Jesus. But in the end I feel like most people are just wasting my oxygen.

  7. How is your misanthropy unique? You don't have to be a loner to be a hater of mankind.

  8. I don't know that is unique in real life. But I do know that when most people think of misanthropes they do think of the Travis Bickle and Scrooge types. I don't care about other people's flaws, and I'm the last person who'll point them out. I use they're flaws against them for my for my own advantage.

  9. There are two types of misanthropes, one type hates mankind because he/she is an angsty loner, and there is the type that feels superior and wants to punish others, I'd class myself as the second, I don't doubt myself.

  10. Think of it like this

    Angsty loner - Travis bickle
    Superior egoist - Bateman

  11. "I don't think highly of anyone but myself but I'm good at at making other people feel like Jesus."

    Same here.

  12. HA! Look at them, all crowding around Misanthrope. I see it all the time with him and UKan, it's fascinating. They don't even have to say anything particularly important, or insightful as so many others do on this wonderful blog, and yet everyone listens to them. THAT, is raw magnetism if I've ever seen it. Keep it up Mis, we'll pass the 100 comment mark in no time!

  13. "But in the end I feel like most people are just wasting my oxygen"

    It really is hard to keep the ones you enjoy being with if you don't give more. I envy people who cultivate relationships. It's hard work. Not passive. People don't just come to you. -Unless, of course, you have an awesome blog site.

    Misanthrope do you spend any physical time with others off line?

  14. And another thing, has anyone else noticed how both Misanthrope and UKan say everything with such force? "I DID this" "I believe THIS" "I'm right, you're WRONG" etc. I think it's an intimidation tactic, or perhaps that's just the way they are...

  15. Adam : "Bateman" or Bates?

  16. anon 6:21

    That is interesting. I guess I should pay more attention to those cues. Never though about it. It does rub me the wrong way.

    I wonder if I do that. Do you?

  17. "Do you?"

    I don't think so. I'm not an aggressive person, but it's very noticeable in those two.

  18. I get about the same feedback as UKan and misanthrope, if not more.

  19. Of course I spend time with real people offline. Thats what I just said isn't it? I'm not some kind of geek who sits on his computer all day long. I have no trouble making friends and girlfriends. Half the time when I comment on this site I'm using my phone. I don't think I could stand sitting in doors for more than one day at a time. I'd probably go crazy unless I had something to do. People do come to me as long as I make an effort to appear open and inviting. I don't chase after anyone unless I have good reason too. You never want to come across as desperate. Remember that.

    "has anyone else noticed how both Misanthrope and UKan say everything with such force?"

    I don't even notice it.

  20. "You never want to come across as desperate. Remember that."


    I get about the same feedback as UKan and misanthrope, if not more.

    you wish, adam.

    "I get about the same feedback as UKan and misanthrope, if not more."

    you wish, adam.

    ukan has been here longer than misanthrope, right? i'm not sure, but i think they've both probably been here a long while(too lazy to scroll back through the archives). and i agree that both of them are very forceful with what they say.

  21. oopsy daisy. typo above^

  22. Anon -"It really is hard to keep the ones you enjoy being with if you don't give more. I envy people who cultivate relationships. It's hard work."

    Cultivating relationships is an artform. Even if you are using people or greatly care. Like any passion or hobby the more you put in the better. Mastery becomes its own creative reward. Plus alliances create a support system. It make economic sense.

    Or in Misanthrope and UKan's case one just has to be a beacon lighthouse and see who shows up in the game.

    There was a great foreign vampire film called "Let the Right One In" That another part of the equation. Choose well and the relationship has a chance to take root and yield abundance for both parties.

  23. Stop licking balls Zhawq.

  24. What rules do you guys follow?

  25. Lovefraud author Donna Andersen -

  26. It's not that great the doctor guy is a fool.

  27. Funny you say that. I told my girlfriend a while back when she was worried that I can raise a army where I walk. Its true and more so than now.
    A couple of years ago I saw what im going through coming. I knew if I had something good going the vultures would circle. I knew I needed soldiers.
    One guy works at the club as a bouncer. People think he's intimidating but I know he's a square. The other is a ex robber and pimp. He's the one people thinks is nice. In reality as the months have gone by he has openened up and told me his mother was a prostitute that hit him with a belt with razors on it. That he cut his brothers throat. The next week he admitted to pimping out his sisters. He's come with a line of hungry soldiers looking for work.
    The opposition is a drug addict and a women surpisingly enough that I didn't fully understand. She had embedded herself in the community while i isolated myself. I thought it was her boyfriend making moves when I first caught on but he turned out to be a bitch. I backhanded him on new years and he didn't do anything about it.
    His girlfriend has a team of birds that goes around seducing men to get what they want. They had a whole team of them in the club putting me out of business. I thought it would be a easy remedy, but she is smart. She raised her own army with her seduction and influenced someone who has decision making power in the club. At some point as much as I couldn't believe it, this girl became a threat. She won't stop.
    The games began. I decided to make a lot of diplomatic moves at first which helped setup today.
    That's all I got time to tell write now. I need to sleep.

  28. NPD and Psychopathy shouldn't be classed as personality disorders.

  29. "What rules do you guys follow?"

    Ha ha. It's the wild west in my head.

    "one just has to be a beacon lighthouse and see who shows up in the game."

    That's a good way to describe it. Everyone who comes into contact with me is part of my game wether they like it or not.

  30. Misanthrope

    something more useful like blinking when someone says something they think its complicated.

  31. It's a sad thing to say, but sociopaths are the only ones who can both destroy humanity or save it.

  32. Not sad. The truth.

    The question is what activates one to go in either direction? Crusader or crusher?

    Necessity of nature?

    Perhaps we are all just puppets to nature's master plan . . .

  33. Well it's a matter of benign narcissism (healthy) vs Malignant narcissism (Destructive) which is more attractive? Well that depends on the sort of person you are.

  34. It's not my own doing that I'm abusive and vindictive, I am a victim of the circumstances, I was never given a fair chance.

    It makes me sick when I look back at how immature and un wise my parents were with me, having a mother who wanted to own me and smother me and a father that tried to control everyone in the family, i thought about murdering them numerous times, but i couldn't just throw my life away for two old lower class peons, I'd truely enjoy butchering them both slowly, they have no idea of the horros I'm capable of, family means nothing to me. If i could click my finger and have them gone without the recoil I'd consider it.

  35. Misanthrope,

    and many of you guys... Yeah, what can I say. It's another 'familiar' thing.

    Are we really SO uncommon? It just seems so... normal... to me.

    My old song, eh, M.E.?

    It still strikes me how you can keep pulling new bits up that just seem so normal to me. And yet, a few of the comments on your board and a lot of texts and books describing psychopaths, says differently: That it is US who are 'uncommon' - and not only uncommon, we're apparently even strange, and bad too, AND evil, simply because of all this which to me generally speaking is simply normal.

    But THAT's what I still don't buy: I still think it's a trait of the time we live in that people like us must be seen as 'wrong' and 'unnatural', etc.. A trait of a time in history where only that which fits the profile of the masses is good and right.

    Look back in history and prehistory, guys, a lot points to very different conclusions!

  36. It amuses me how normal is thought of as best. When normal really only means being one of the majority, average.
    But then I suppose, while we may perceive ourselves as the best, what is best really only depends on what the goals are. Best at what.

  37. Imagine a whole world of Socio's.
    Only Socio's.

    Who would come out on top?

    You would still all be under someone else.

    How about a wourld full of Adam's, now thats scary.
    How long do you think that would last with no one to grub off of.

    But Adam is amusing.

  38. Anyone can do unspeakable things when put in positions of power, even you tik. Who would have known there were so many sadists in nazi Germany?

  39. It just occurred to me that I rarely think "I want to kill them" but usually "I want to end their life".

  40. Just imagine being in Japan now, having all those abandoned cars and houses to loot.

  41. ukan 744

    he he -Ukan is sucking up for the good of ukan.
    You are hearby Forced to masterbate!

  42. Soulfulpath are you or are you not going to start your blog? I am absolutely positive it will be a treat!

  43. And when and where is this sw summit to take place?

  44. I love tn


    -I interview my dates to make certain they are NOT normal.

  45. you would say that,
    anon 1:02

  46. I love tn is getting political at 12:49

    Someone is rubbing off on him/her.

    I will bite. Why so interested NOW in mercy killing?

  47. Ugh, I don't know. I think I perceive my traits as common enough, but I'm confronted with the fact that I am not like those around me.

    Sometimes it catches me off guard, but I think more often than not I catch them off guard.

    I seem likable enough. I'm complimentary, insightful, occasionally helpful, and seemingly loyal. So when they see my "inhuman" side, they either try to rationalize it, or it scares the piss out of them. Either way, I win.

    Today's quote was one of the best ones we've had here.

    Yes, gloating about our auto-pilot. Sure, you might have an auto pilot too, but ours is better, and no one gives a fuck about your auto-pilot.

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Political? Really?

    Ahaha mercy killings, now there's a thought. Though I'm not sure "I want to kill them because they irk me" Is quite a good enough excuse.

  50. That move looks great soulfulpath. Thank you!

    adios vamps

  51. Adios

  52. What is wrong with NORMAL?

    You can play with us, then beat us up, then play angain, then take everything we have and we'll say thank you.
    Thank you sir, may have another?

  53. Yes, gloating about our auto-pilot. Sure, you might have an auto pilot too, but ours is better, and no one gives a fuck about your auto-pilot.

    Sense of humour failure, much? I'd like to be able to *not* feel the fear and do it anyway. But the mood and tempo of the letterforms scrambles my brain.

  54. It's not my own doing that I'm abusive and vindictive, I am a victim of the circumstances, I was never given a fair chance.

    The "it's mommy and daddy's fault" excuse has a statute of limitations, you know. After a certain age it's just pathetic and weak.

    But THAT's what I still don't buy: I still think it's a trait of the time we live in that people like us must be seen as 'wrong' and 'unnatural', etc.. A trait of a time in history where only that which fits the profile of the masses is good and right.

    Bullshit. It's celebrated. Why do you think there are so many idiots who look up to Charlie Sheen and Lady Gaga?

    Also, people aren't being killed anymore for being witches, heretics, lepers, non-Christians, black, gay, female, etc. So a case can be made for saying that the "time we live in" is more tolerant than previous eras, at least by appearances. Especially as we become a more individualist culture with every passing year.

  55. "Also, people aren't being killed anymore for being witches, heretics, lepers, non-Christians, black, gay, female, etc."

    Do you live under a rock?

  56. Ha ha. It's true. People are still being killed for all of those reasons. Even the witch one.

  57. I guess some people only live in the magical world of America-Land. Oh wait, people are still being killed for most of those reasons in America.

  58. Individuality is looked down upon, that's a lesson in deception, following a cause might do your "spirit" good but it won't do you any favours in the eyes of the masses, how people perceive you is all that matters, I'd take appearance over substance any day.

  59. My point is that the killing is not institutionalized.

    Zwang was trying to say that being "abnormal" is frowned down upon as if it's some new and modern thing in the history of the world.

    If you think there is no attempt to give the appearance of "acceptance and tolerance" in modern society, then I think it's you that's living under a rock.

    Individuality is the new conformity.

  60. Medusa, realise that people with a PD can miss the whole picture.

  61. Zwang???? lmao...

  62. Zhawks azn bro in law.

  63. poor name selection. can't blame his parents either. zhawq? What kind of name is that? zwang?

  64. zhawq.. you have a very asian style of recognition of ME. where are your parents from?

  65. Did they drowned?

  66. Daytona bike week, low and high functioning socios on bikes....

    Over the years, Daytona's Bike Week became seen as a hangout for dangerous motorcycle gangs involved in illegal activities.

    They still exist, but not to the extent as it did in the late '80s, yearly attendees say. Some bars in Daytona, however, still have signs on their front doors telling bikers to not wear their bike club "colors" or logos on their jackets in order to keep peace among opposing bike clubs or gangs.

    But the only gang that has over run the town this year has larger waistlines, graying hair and a whole lot more money to spend. Venders sell everything from tourist trinkets, leather gear and motorcycles accessories. The motorcycles themselves that can run as high as $35,000.

    It's more and more commercial just like everything else now a days.
    --Jerry Howell, biker
    "It's more and more commercial just like everything else nowadays," said retiree Jerry Howell, describing himself as 60-ish -- while sitting on his motorcycle with his new 60ish- year-old girlfriend.
    Howell, who recently moved to Florida from Baltimore, says he sees himself as a "biker" because he has been riding motorcycles for 50 years, unlike those attending Bike Week today.

    "Nowadays, you got the lawyers and doctors or everybody is a biker. It used to be -- 'bikers' who were here," he said, wearing a jeans vest full of biker pins, a biker's head wrap and a face shaven precisely to produce a white mustache and goatee.

  67. zhawq, you seem like an intelligent and far more interesting version of TNP... you don't come off as P at all to me the little I have read of you

    sociopathy is lying manipulation at best... it's as far from say buddhism for example as you can get

  68. We know that humans have larger brains and, within the brain, a larger angular gyrus, a region associated with abstract concepts. Also, male chimpanzees have smaller penises than humans, and their penises have spines.

    Not like porcupine needles or anything, but small pointy projections on the surface that basically make the organ bumpy.

    Gill Bejerano, a biologist at Stanford University School of Medicine, and colleagues wanted to further investigate why humans and chimpanzees have such differences.

    They found that in one case, a switch that had been lost in humans normally turns on an androgen receptor at the sites where sensory whiskers develop on the face and spines develop on the penis. Mice and many other animals have both of these characteristics, and humans do not.

    "This switch controls the expression of a key gene that's required for the formation of these structures," said David Kingsley, a study co-author at Stanford University. "If you kill that gene -- smash the lightbulb -- which has been done previously in mouse genetics, the whiskers don't grow as much and the penile spines fail to form at all."

    Humans have kept the "light bulb," however -- we have androgen receptors, but ours don't produce whiskers or penile spines, he said. Chimpanzees do have small sensory whiskers, not as externally obvious as in cats or mice, but we don't have them at all.

    To sum up: Humans lack a switch in the genome that would "turn on" penile spines and sensory whiskers. But our primate relatives, such as chimpanzees, have the switch, and that's why they differ from us in these two ways.
    And humans are somewhat exceptional in this regard -- a lot of male primates have bumpy penises; mice, which are rodents, have them, too.

    So, there must be a good reason that the guys you know look different.

    In fact, speculation abounds about what purpose the spines serve. One theory is that they are used in sperm competition; if the male's goal is to get his mate pregnant, he will want to take out her previous partner's sperm if she's recently had sex. The bumpy penis may be better for removing that sperm from the female, scientists theorize.

  69. Vrooom! Vroom vroom!March 12, 2011 at 7:41 PM

    Anonymous at 7:11pm:

    I think more people are encouraged to try on more identities for size these days, which more often than not translates to on a surface level only, and is a reflection of our society’s obsession with living life in a perpetual state of adolescence. (Read: buy more stuff.)

  70. adult onset narcissismMarch 12, 2011 at 7:45 PM

  71. Once again, you're living under a rock if you think killing/persecution of those groups is not institutionalized.

    If you want to pick a specific country, by my guest. Otherwise, can it, wench.

  72. Medusa said . . . "The 'it's mommy and daddy's fault' excuse has a statute of limitations, you know. After a certain age it's just pathetic and weak."

    I agree with this greatly. It's a creative brain drain to hold this concept of blame. Holds one back from seeking the possibilities of finding love and community in the future. 'If ya didn't get a good meal when you were a kid, best seek out the best nutrition as an adult.'

    Adam - It's a brain switch worth the effort. You cannot fix the past, yet one can rewrite history which empowers the present and future. Focus on a couple attributes you admired in your parents. Positive projections raise the room. Negative ones serve a purpose until they don't.

    Aspie said . . . "sociopathy is lying manipulation at best... it's as far from say buddhism for example as you can get"

    Manipulation is not always attached to lying. To lie is to fear. When one is not attached to desire (a Buddhist tenet) manipulation turns into persuasion, a more effective 'weapon of influence.' One is still shaping reality, just fearlessly and without strong ego based attachment.

  73. Notable and Medusa are throwing rocks at each other, while people in other countries are being stoned . . . But not as many in this day and age.

  74. Notable, I get you, but you miss the point.

    If you don't think that modern Western culture is one of individualist/Randian values I don't know what your problem is.

    I'm not talking about the fucking Congo here. Or the Middle East.

    The whole point being that being not-normal is not anymore of a problem now than it was at any other time in history. If anything, it's less of a problem, and we begin to see "not-normal" being celebrated.

  75. it's not always attached to lying but it often is and can be....especially as employed by s... buddhism is ultimately about empathy and compassion, this is the goal and point.. the opposite of S... the mention of S in this context is either manipulation or ignorance

  76. Aspie - Compassion is a fierce goal and point and INTEGRATES raw aggression. NOT OPPOSITE. You are thinking too narrow.

    Case in point . . .
    Palden Lhamo is one of the main Dharma Protectors in Tibetan Buddhism and form is that of a fierce female ogress, with jutting teeth and fangs. Her three eyes represent her ability to see into past, present and future realms without any type of obstruction. Her right hand is in the sky holding a skull cup representing the destruction of obstacles. She carries a human-skin bag full of diseases that she collects from those who invoke her. (S traits, ya think)

    Palden Lhamo is the personal protector of all fourteen incarnations of the Dalai Lama. She is practiced within all four schools of Tibetan Buddhism.

    This is not the angelic face of forced empathy. I rest my case.

  77. from the desk of Palden LhamoMarch 12, 2011 at 10:11 PM

    The only reason i seem to do well is I can do a lot of things that people have the most trouble with, without even thinking.

  78. you can rest your case all you like but facts are that S is devoid of empathy (beyond an interest in target suffering) and compassion... this is why S speak of "the void" or fear of that which thinks that... there is no element of empathy and togetherness for the S... the imagination/brain doesn't permit it

    the buddhist becomes one with the universe and has compassion for it and all within it... the S is forever separate from it... and seeking ways to convince otherwise for control purposes

  79. So now you're excluding the entire Middle East and a lone African country? Hilarious!

    No, being "not-normal" is even less accepted than it was before, if anything. There's a label now fr anything, and a vast list of pharmaceuticals to compliment almost every one of them. Hell, even Psychopathy has experimental drug therapy nowadays.

    When a six year old kid is med'd up for being rambunctious, you have to ask yourself, what is tolerable?

    Even in the United States, there are towns where Homosexuals and people who are not the majority race in that area are literally in mortal danger.

    In China, being born a girl can be a death sentence.

    I don't see a heightened amount of toleration around me, I see a higher amount of people who are willing to accept what once was taboo, and now are doing their best to nip in the bud what annoys them instead. People have to hate something, to have some sort of obstacle to overcome.

    Whether it's stupidity, or homosexuals, or even so-called witches, it doesn't matter. They'll find something to persecute or kill.

  80. Have you ever considered this lack of empathy; the void as an alignment to the Buddhism concept or awareness of "emptiness?"

    Perhaps empathy, manipulation and form are all the same dance of duality. (subject-object)

    Typing this while watching "Dumb and Dumber" with a group of laughing drunks.

    Just got to love the paradox.

  81. I'm going to get (more) drunk and watch a movie, but before I do that, I have a present for you SW denizens. I stumbled across this in my inebriated web adventures:

    Villains Wiki


  82. "normal"

    = Boring AND Balanced.

    It just isn't appealing All The Time.

    I can't imagine that people don't try to mix it up a bit in a relationship even when there's no socio.

    Leaders need to act rationally. I'm sorry to say this, but the fact that there are so many doctors who seem to have god complexes, is because they cannot afford to feel the pain of the patient. If the patient is bleeding and dying, that is the "emergency situation." But those things also require the person to CARE about said patient/project/institution.

  83. Speaking of "institutions", has anyone here ever successfully escaped from one? I have!

  84. Sorry I can't be bothered to read your comments beyond the first sentence, TNP. You are arguing just to argue, trying to blow it up into some big stupid thing just so you have an excuse to attack me. Yawn.

    I was responding to:

    I still think it's a trait of the time we live in that people like us must be seen as 'wrong' and 'unnatural', etc.. A trait of a time in history where only that which fits the profile of the masses is good and right.

    Obviously the quote above is false, and an unfounded blanket statement. That is my only point.

  85. The world as a whole is not necessarily more or less tolerant than in the olden days, as Zwang seems to think.

    And in the Western world, where Zwang lives, tolerance and individualism and sociopathy is currently trendy.

    So shut the fuck up.

  86. I am doin xperimentin here and see that switchin up behaviour and masks many time is too much energy to do. so
    I get tired of wanting to please socios. I wait for them to drop me.
    To keep them I look and feel the fool and desprit?

    CORRECT!!!!!! Projection? YES.

  87. I am going to a place where they can appreciate me for who I am. And where I can just be myself and be accepted. This is NOT FUN. Please mind your manners and be NICE to people once in while!

  88. It's pretty simple.

    Sociopathy is all about Ego.

    Buddhism is all about getting rid of it.

    The end.

  89. They are doing Fire play right now on Real sex.

  90. Buddhism is great. Everyone here isn't one. OR are they? Are the regular sociopaths here buddhists or only you, Medusa?

  91. What do you think of Falun Dafa?

  92. People often think I'm Zen or Buddhist for whatever reason, but I haven't really spent much time studying it.

  93. Since when is sociopathy trendy to the masses? I don't get that impression at all.

  94. Medusa, I agree.

    The cult of political correctness is trendy and has now become the dominant ideology of the West.

    But what it boils down to is in order to get ahead in society one must follow a new moral code based on being 'polite.'

    It doesn't need to be an authentic personal expression from the heart, and often, isn't - it's just another box to tick.

    So no, I don't believe that the West is more tolerant than it was, especially as political correctness is more often than not synonymous with 'minding one's own business' and 'looking the other way.'

  95. Medusa, i think you're reading too much into 'trends,' perhaps it's the kind of thing that matters to you...

    Point is, the movies, TV, books are not real. Real life is standing some crazy dude in the face, knowing full well you'd rather take that person down or run the hell away.
    I don't get why you don't see the difference between the abstract and the reality?

    (As for your blanket statememt on the m. east...I won't take offence. Just hope you don't think we're all the same. hm)

    We aren't talking about hair colour differences here, we aren't talking about the fact i like folk music and you like metal. We're talking much heavier stuff that impacts the entirety of someone's life and the way they interact with their environment and those around them.

    And refering to fundamental psychological deviations as 'trendy' is laughable. Trends have no meaning to the actual people dealing with these things. And neither do the police nor anyone associated with these people care either.

    i'm tired so i hope what i'm saying doesn't sound too obvious. I have a habit of sounding like i'm talking to a two year old. Not that you are. I'm so smmooothhh right now. ;)

  96. oh god i wrote too much about crap. great. i need sleeeeeeppp

  97. Hmmm, I believe that Byronic heroes and anti-heroes are currently popular - not sociopaths per se.

  98. "Hmmm, I believe that Byronic heroes and anti-heroes are currently popular - not sociopaths per se."


    I think at most, sociopathy is admired from some people at a distance.

  99. I'm having a hard time being interested in the conversation here lately.

    I came to stir shit up because I was bored. I'm still bored.

  100. well you certainly brought some of your own. hahaha

  101. oOOOOhh the missus has gotten sassy.

  102. Boredom can be cured. With a bullet. In your head. God Speed.

  103. Well if spending a good part of my day commenting on every post on every sociopath/borderline blog in the known universe is the alternative, I would indeed much rather be shot.

    How do you have time for a life? Do you even have one?

  104. It's called a Smart Phone.

  105. That doesn't change anything.

    Go on. Refresh. refresh.

  106. Maybe I'd take you more serious if it wasn't the end of a Saturday night.

  107. Medusa said "It's pretty simple.

    Sociopathy is all about Ego.

    Buddhism is all about getting rid of it.

    The end."

    Therefore Buddhism would be the perfect cure for anti-social boredom. Getting rid of ego for a sociopath is the Mount Everest of experience.

    Let's have a contest to see who puts the flag on the top first!

    Not the end . . .
    Just the beginning . . .

  108. Seriously though, a flexible ego is another mask or lens to serve one's gifts, especially if the ultimate agenda is to chase away viral boredom. Just as an athlete trains in one sport and can succeed in many others, an observed and reflective ego serves its master.

    Think of the leaders in Scientology.

  109. I'm hungry.

    "Seriously though, a flexible ego is another mask or lens to serve one's gifts, especially if the ultimate agenda is to chase away viral boredom."

    Right. Because I don't know about the rest of you, but there are no facets of my "personality" that I can't change at will.
    I know people who see social interaction the same way they see a page of math problems. They aren't sociopaths, they just can't see past the impressions they want to impart, and it's because they see their own worth as being dependant on external forces that their real intentions are lost somewhere in a vague disarray. An absence of that weird dependency makes social interaction like driving on the expressway. You switch lanes when you want to, but it doesn't take the same kind of effort because your goals are giant targets staring you in the fucking face. Everything you have to say to get there just falls into place. Sociopathy is not "all about ego," it's all about the id, baby.

  110. "see their own worth as being dependant on external forces that their real intentions are lost somewhere in a vague disarray"

    The id --that's the baby in us? I agree wholeheartedly.
    Again, a reference to soothing the baby.

  111. oh this made my Monday. Thanks for posting this ME

  112. OK i need very good advice here. I have borderline personality. The man i am in love with is sociopath with 73% of it doesnt have feelings and that is all he told me this so i am lucky but is it true that you can only have some traits and not have all the other traits as a sociopath? he aways clam when i am in rage state but i think sometimes he wants to leave lol he cant win with my moods swings every 5 mins or 1hr or who knows. But i think its funny how i feel the whole thing and most days emptyness and i dont exist so i block out and he acts upset but then i feel good about it that i hurt him but feel guilt afterwards its weird how i work and task people with mind games.


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