
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Guest post: Sociopath song -- Polly


  1. Could ya mix it up a little.

  2. Anyone who posts after this point is a faggot.


  3. O__________________O shave my ass

  4. What do you guys think of this article?

    "The Hidden Suffering of the Psychopath"

    Sounds alot like bullshit to me?

  5. "Psychopaths are at least periodically aware of the effects of their behavior on others and can be genuinely saddened by their inability to control it."

    that is utter bullshit. no doubt about it.

  6. It's the rejection and loneliness. Otherwise they could care less.

  7. Sociopathy is a depression beyond depression, turned outwards. Which is anger and numbness.

    How do you like that?

  8. "Sociopathy is a depression beyond depression, turned outwards. Which is anger and numbness."

    that is utter bullshit to

  9. SanctuaryForTheAbusedMarch 27, 2011 at 11:45 AM

    Does that person hurt you constantly, show no guilt and make you feel that its your fault?
    Does he/she constantly make you feel guilty and sorry for him ?
    Does he/she lie with ease?
    Does he/she take money and other stuff from you and avoid returning the same?
    Does he/she emotionally blackmail you regularly?
    Do his/her moods change rapidly?
    Is he/she extraordinarily violent and cruel to people or animals?
    Does he/she think so highly of himself/herself, that it borders on megalomania?
    Does he/she resort to any degree of unethical and immoral acts to win or get, what he/she wants?
    Do you often feel manipulated, used, back stabbed and feel betrayed by this person?
    Do you find his/her behavior extremely hypocritical?
    Has he/she had an extremely abusive and violent childhood?
    Does he/she show sexual promiscuity?
    Does he/she have no friends?
    Does he/she take sadistic pleasure in hurting people or seeing people suffer?

  10. sounds like high school not sociopathy

  11. "Sociopathy is a depression beyond depression, turned outwards. Which is anger and numbness."

    So if depression is rage turned inwards does that make sociopathy rage turned inwards turned outwards? Hahaha.

  12. it means i have no idea what im saying but it sounds smert

  13. take out:




    define "cruel"

    and #4 is just foolish

  14. 'So if depression is rage turned inwards does that make sociopathy rage turned inwards turned outwards? Hahaha.'


  15. That about says it, yes.

    Good job.

  16. I gotta get me some more nirvana.

  17. me†al s†orm takes his muslim shit pretty serious lol

  18. "Sociopathy is a depression beyond depression, turned outwards. Which is anger and numbness."

    Not nearly enough to classify it as socio tendency alone. Anger and numbness. This describes me all to well a lot of the time.

  19. Most of your stuff is directed inwards, though.

    I'm saying it's the source of all the other crap that makes up sociopathy. Like, you know, the exploding particle to the Big Bang.

    I'm just dickin' around, besides, looking for reactions.

    I think Misanthrope kind of accidentally nailed it, though.

  20. Sociopaths have the hardest time keeping friends out of all pd's, this is because of their lack of motivation of forming strong bonds and domineering nature.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Sounds like that wouldn't much bother them :P

    For me, actually, most times it doesn't. Maybe there are times it does, but I can't remember ever being hung up about not being able to make 'real' friends. I befriend the people that are going to have some impact on me. Why bother with loose change?

  23. If you make TRUE friends then you are loyal to them, and psychopaths aren't loyal to anyone, it's not made up it's fact, ask Hare.

  24. What if you are loyal to them but they aren't loyal to you? Does that mean you're a real friend and they're not?

    Friendships come in a variety of different forms. It's not always black and white. {ironic smirk to Self}

  25. Im am loyal to the people I lead. What Hare calls loyalty is to a leadership above yourself. That's a aspect of loyalty, but in that position I can't possess that trait. Unless I have control of that person and they are leader only in name.
    Loyalty is rare in people unless they have a good leader who understands what motivates them, understands their weaknesses, understands their vices, and reads their morale.
    I like to be among the people. My only talent really is finding good uses for people and why not? People always want me to tell them what to do. They even pipe up like I failed them if they didn't do something and tell me to get on them about it.
    A sociopath is lonely, but a key trait of a sociopath is his/her charm? Fucking wanker. I suppose theyre like some people who come on here. Muffiny muppets wearing makeup and burning pigeon dung on satanic stars. Your not alone because you are a sociopath, you are alone because nobody likes you. Why? Because youre a fucking wierdo.

  26. Muffiny muppets wearing makeup and burning pigeon dung on satanic stars.

    New song lyric. Fuck this Nirvana bullshit.

  27. Medias looks good in black we can make an exception.

  28. all you people who say psychopaths are rational are hilarious, they are the least rational people on earth, look at gaddafi.

  29. Anything beyond me blending in when necessary is bullshit.

    My alone time is necessary but still bullshit.

    My time with friends I do not bother wearing a mask for is enjoyable bullshit.

    Pretending to be "normal" is pretty much my only "try".

    And my depression because of it, it's just bullshit too.

    Any and all of your reactions to this, are bullshit.

    I suppose now we've narrowed it down.

  30. What you wrote is bullshit. Everyday in your sad life is bullshit. In mine I walk amazed.

  31. Every time UKan speaks my dick gets hard.

  32. My dick is awesome. And probably bigger than yours.

  33. What a strange place to come to learn anything that could possible enrich your life or add any answers to an already greedy me first society.

    I guess it's just to help with survival.

  34. Someone help me out here. The hidden suffering of the psychopath wrt loneliness and associated sadness. I've been living like that for 25 years now. Does not motivate me to harm someone or myself, instead I have this huge awareness of living in myself. As if only a few authors are really potential candidates to make not feel lonely, one-of-a-kind person. I am either an aspie, or a narcissist, or both. All for truth, love the planet and all its objects (live, dead, tangible/intangible). I may be an uber empath connected to the universe and I may be a socio who is not connected to any one individual. Confused like hell, and bored like hell.

    Soulfulpath, reason with me.

  35. "I am either an aspie, or a narcissist, or both."

    "I may be an uber empath connected to the universe and I may be a socio who is not connected to any one individual"

    Now thats bullshit. You're just trying to fit yourself into a certain category to explain your weird behaviour and feelings. You're just an oddball who's life is slipping away.

  36. Adam you don't own anyone or anything.

  37. Either you, hamsha, are the biggest fucking muppet that's walked onto sociopathworld, or your trying to entice verbal bashing on yourself for your personal entertainment. Either way you are mentally ill. Lonely. Yes that describes you well there is truth in there.

  38. Misanthrope, you sound like you don't have anything in this life that matter"s, do you enjoy anything?

  39. UKan and Misanthrope are verbal spanker's.

  40. No Baby it's M.E. he's the one who was brave enough to start a blog that delves into the dark, forbidden souls that have that have been dwelling in the shadow's and the secret places.

    Your on his tailcoat.

  41. What does muppet mean in the context of the statement below by I assume a fake UKan?

    'Verbal bashing on myself for personal entertainment?'
    Who does that?

    "Mentally ill. Lonely."
    Are all lonely people mentally ill? It is hard to meet someone and feel connected. I am pretty much heart-broken, heartily ill, as opposed to mentally ill?

    UKan said...
    Either you, hamsha, are the biggest fucking muppet that's walked onto sociopathworld, or your trying to entice verbal bashing on yourself for your personal entertainment. Either way you are mentally ill. Lonely. Yes that describes you well there is truth in there.

  42. Not the fake UKan.

    Muppet = Surely you know what a muppet is, in regular usage. Now use your brain and think about it for a minute.

  43. Soulfulpath, reason with me.

    Hamsha, it will all come out in the wash, my little cherub.

    And if it doesn't, have some fun. Be responsible with your power, if you can find it amidst the confusion.

  44. "You're just an oddball who's life is slipping away"

    Wishful, projectile thinking, again, Misanthrope?

    No one cares, sweetheart, either way. When will you?

  45. 'Verbal bashing on myself for personal entertainment?'
    Who does that?

    Comediens. And they "get off" on it. Because everyone around them who will listen hears their own inner neuroses. They may be tortured, but they're also invited to all the fun parties. And they get hot chicks/dudes. -Whata shitty life THEY lead... uggh utter bore that is

  46. Went to a wedding today. Fucking fun.I say solve your loneliness by being a better friend. Loyalty is a paint brush. Experiment and create a masterpiece.

  47. Next you're going to be telling us to let love conquer us, release our worldly possessions, and become one with nature. Save your hippy bullshit for people who it could actually apply to.

    Be a better friend? Be more loyal? Experiment? As if the thought has never occurred to any of us to at least hazard a try out of nothing else, boredom. It doesn't work. There's a reason it's classified as a pathology, not just 'troubled'. I can't turn off my need to be domineering and controlling. If I try, I just end up lashing out more so than I would have before.

    Some things can't be fixed with whimsical fuckery.

  48. "Whimsical fuckery.


  49. "Wishful, projectile thinking, again, Misanthrope?"

    No you fucking idiot. He said that he'd been feeling like this for 25 years.

  50. Note, your "come to you senses sting" from my very drunken after wedding post was like when Sir Richard Branson threw water at Stephen Cobert on the air.

    I'm soaked.

    I knew my post would inspire some sort of reaction in this wireless wild wild west. Hypocrisy beware.

    "I can't turn off my need to be domineering and controlling. If I try, I just end up lashing out more so than I would have before."

    Why would one change weather? Earthquakes? It's nature. Destruction has it place.

    "whimsical fuckery"

    You have just classified a new category in personality disorders.

    Hilarious and biting humor Note!

    Check out this dual . . .

  51. Love conquers all, release your worldly possessions, and become one with YOUR nature.

  52. "Love conquers all, release your worldly possessions, and become one with YOUR nature."

    Lol fuck off

  53. Hamsha has weird behavior and feelings?

    Hamsha please elaborate in your own words what these weird behaviors and feelings are. It is the only way the gods of sw will be able to assist you.

    Misanthrope, you may NOT participate.

    Details please, Hamsha. I am all ears for you

  54. Notable you have needs. Great. It's good to know them. Find people who will accommodate. If no one will, you will compromise. And you suffer a bit. It will only make you more appreciative the next time someone comes along who hasn't a problem fulfilling your heart's desire. Good Luck from the bottom of my heart.

  55. Loyalty is for those who prefer to not account for the full consequence of their personal actions and so could always justify any deed in the name of allegiance.

  56. Hamsha, have you ever tried sticking a dildo in your ass, when you're lonely? It's what I do, and it works wonders. I wouldn't get off any other way so it's basically out of necessity. I find it puts me in one with my true eternal dashma(Chinese for the Hindu god of Na'avi) and releases holy knowledge from my wisdom tree.

    Wow, I'm soaked

    Let's get real here guys: Psychology is the new religion. People used to point to the Church regarding all moral problems, and now they rely on psychology. The fact is it neither have all the answers.

    Sociopathy is such a vague thing it's at least partially bullshit. So every bad person in the history of the world was a sociopath? Get your head out of your ass. Hitler wasn't a sociopath, on the account that he loved his mother, his sister, Eva Braun, and his little fucking dog. He just had a completely different moral system that permitted killings of "sub-human" jews and slavs.

    My point is that a lot of this is paranoia on the part of normal people, and just lame bitching on the part of so-called "sociopaths". It's got the making of junk science already and then you get this crying faggots saying their sociopaths. You're not a sociopath, you just don't have a life. You don't feel a connection to other people because you have crap interpersonal skills. IF you really want to change that, you can. Start now and stop trolling boards about psychological disorders.

    A sociopath just sounds like someone without a true moral compass. You don't need a psychological problem to have no morals. If Hitler felt compassion and empathy and could still do what he did, then you can be without and still be a good person

    Fuck the whole sociopath thing. Just try to be a good person and live your goddamn life, free of lame labels

  57. Why does everyone assume M.E. is a man?

  58. This song actually isnt a sociopath song. Its about a girl who was kidnapped from a show around where cobain grew up, and raped and tortured with a blowtorch. She did escape though. But its a rape song. Not a sociopath song.


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