
Saturday, March 5, 2011


Are a sociopath's impulse musings as inane as everyone else's? Check it out @sociopathworld.

In other news, I'm still traveling, but at least now in country. Email me if you would like to guest post.


  1. there have been a few discussions here about impulse control. This article is about research that shows you make better, less impulsive, decisions when you need to pee. In fact, you don't even need to have a full bladder - you can simply imagine you do. so, all you impulsive socios out there, just practice imagining you need to pee all the time to have better self-control!

  2. All sociopaths are impulsive one way or another, it can't be changed. Even as a child I was an impulsive wreck.

  3. Who can explain? Narcissistic personality disorder is identical to the primary psychopath checklist, so what's the difference? There's none.

  4. the distinction can be a purely academic argument. there is a spectrum for both, and a lot of overlap. generally speaking, narcs are more delusional about how great they are and also have better self control - that's why narcs don't score as highly in the type2 traits, which are essentially behavioural

  5. we discussed this before, the difference is you can pump a narcissist and get him to do things for you, he won't mind being the provider (elevates his ass). Now, try that with a socio..

  6. gotta read this and look at the eyes...

  7. waste of thoughts in 140 characters or less. enjoy.

  8. haven, what are you referring to?

  9. The eyes LOL, I think he was trying not to cry.

    You guys read to much into them.

    Socio's are like trying to domesticate a lion. They have jungle cat eyes.

  10. that doctor first writes the wrong dose then cuts her throat out... hero or socio?

  11. i see a trapped wife for life

  12. Anonymous @ 11:21 doesn't understand the difference between the diagnostic criteria and the biological/psychoanalytic theory that explains why they act that way.

  13. 'After a slow day in the emergency department, Tim Delgado was excited to be called to the helicopter.'

    referring to the situation when heading to a head injury.
    somebody is lacking empathy here, or am i an hsp?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. @Anon 12:16a.m.... with Twitter you only have 140 characters to express a thought. It' s a forum for random thought status updates.

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  18. conspiracy theoristMarch 5, 2011 at 4:04 PM

    I told you M.E. is planning a revolt. Egypt was just the template.

  19. that should read overdo

  20. The 1st rule of SW is that you do not talk about SW.

    The 2nd rule of SW is that you DO NOT talk about SW.

  21. random thought status updates...

    when there is an emerging issue that needs to be communicated quickly to large masses twitter is great, otherwise what a joke.. amazing that herds love to hear about the rest of the sheep all the time... baaaa, baaaa

    look how stupid ME sounds on the twitter, compared to the blog where he allows people state their opinions...

  22. yeah... interesting though

  23. I would follow but then you fucks would know who I am.

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  25. Re: "I see a wife trapped for life." He saved her life and took time off to attend to her recovery. Ominous.

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  27. This isn't a goddamn twitter feed, aspie. Take your song-filled voids and put them there instead.

    A sociopath twitter? As if I need to look into the mirror of someone's mind of the same crap that passes through mine every day. No thanks.

    I'm sure it will be SO interesting for the hungry mouths to feed on that they cannot stomach themselves. Gorge yourselves and choke on it.

    Most interesting thing today at SW: Bladder control.

    'Nuff said.

  28. I have drained a lake.
    I have to pee.
    I am holding back.
    I control all of you.

  29. "I control all of you"

    Hold it for me, do you mind? Sometimes it just has a mind of its own.

  30. What mind? More like the zipless fuck . . .

  31. It does prefer to be zipper-free.

  32. I despise twitter, bunch of narcissists.

  33. adam i thought you said you were the perfect example of NPD.

  34. Someone keeps stealing my name and I'm too lazy to set up an account, 11:50 was someone else.

  35. bullshit. and you already did set up an account i've seen it.

  36. ME proved that sociopath cannot indeed plan ahead. He could have created an inventory of posts and simply popped them out everyday. Now i wonder if he'll survive the recent drag in the long term. It would have been better to call for a definite shutdown for a period of time and let the last post be that announcement.

    he's lucky amelia showed up. What I see in this place is amazing. Too much of bullshit won't be allowed, sleezy sex talk will not be allowed. There is a pretty interesting style of governance by the regulars. ME was first happy a long time, expressing himself, without people really leaving comments, then the regulars pumped his ego and and now he is in a downfall. Instead of tweeting he could share his inner thoughts here. The narc is bored of this place.

  37. A Northwestern University professor is defending a controversial after-school demonstration, which featured a naked woman "being repeatedly sexually stimulated" by a device he called a "fucksaw" in front of students.

    on a scale of 1 to 100 where does this professor lie in terms of empathy?

  38. Egocentrics are going to talk about themselves, they aren't going to compliment other people, he should have cloaked himself and pretended to help abuse victims if he wished to have his ego stroked, remind you of anyone?

  39. Donna anderson! Notable is probably a narc too but a small time washed up dumb ass narc.

  40. So Notable is a narc? who would you all say the real socios are? i'm not good with this stuff but i want to know.

  41. Idk but most of the women on here are BPD. That's why they are attracted to abusive males.

  42. when beepers attackMarch 6, 2011 at 8:43 AM

    i picked up the brick and i swung it at my ex's window cos i wanted to hear the glass crack and rip and splinter and i wanted to rub my wrists over the shards til they bled not cos i wanted to die i didn't i didn't but cos i knew there was no place for the noise to go it was trapped in my head and i was trapped in my head and i knew i just knew that if i bled everything would be all right everything would be okay i wouldn't have to know that i wasn't enough for he who was enough for me who was my everything and then i rubbed my wrists over the shards and my skin tore but it wasn't enough and the noise wouldn't stop so i screamed and screamed and yeah

  43. most socios have narcissistic traits, what matters is what is the overriding disorder. note is more socio than a narc.

    i am a woman but not a beeper. i never cry, none of my ex-socios saw me crying. i ran into one the other day and he asks me if i'm still breaking hearts. he has no clue how much he broke my heart, because i just dumped him without giving him any reason, without showing him he was breaking my heart. i just kept quiet and listened to his words and ways till i had enough info, no need to discuss anything at that point.

    i am actually boycotting ME and planning on not writing any more shit on the new posts. by the looks of it i am not the only one.

  44. there are only a couple of real sociopath regulars, and TNP isn't one of them.

  45. I'm starting a new blog.


  46. ResCo,

    lol, that's a funny idea.
    I wish it would work though, but with me it's almost contrary to what you say. - Not that I become more impulsive when I pee, but if I pee and an impulse comes over me, I stop peeing, usually immediately. It's as if my body decides it's time to take a pause from peeing, because Zhawq wants to do something else, and my body knows I'll always come back to where I was. Hehe.

  47. Anon 11:21 AM:
    "Who can explain? Narcissistic personality disorder is identical to the primary psychopath checklist, so what's the difference? There's none."

    Is that so?
    Hmm, I'm primarily a primary psychopath. Maybe that's why I always get those annoying high scores on narcissism, which most people (myself included) can't really relate to how I actually am ... not specifically, anyway.

    But it does sound a little odd to me, that a narcissist should have the same traits as a psychopath, AND as a Primary one at that!!?
    Something doesn't cling completely right here. ;)

    Care to mention where you have your info from, Anon 11:21 AM?

  48. Wikipedia, grandiose sense of self worth, pathological lying and lack of empathy are also present in a narcissist, it's only when a narc murders someone he becomes a psychopath? Doesn't make sense.

  49. zhawq, that stop and go type of control when you're peeing that's good for your clitoral stimulation later. that is how you orgasm. those are called kegel exercises and strongly recommended by doctors.

  50. I charge for those sexual secrets. Damn you antotest!

  51. "being repeatedly sexually stimulated" by a device he called a "fucksaw" in front of students.

    I have a "fucksaw." My cats rub up against it when I'm not using it.
    Cuz it's noisy as hell.


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