
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Guest post: Protectionism

When dealing with a social path one must ALWAYS remember and look for those signs that are what I call "Protectionism"...

Here are the (real life) signs I endured;
  • Look for other bank accounts or funding that will aid their "escape" when they are ready to leave.
  • What they show as a "openness" such as the sharing of email passwords, bank accounts, etc. or things that typically would be shared between "trusting" couples, you can bet they have another bank account they funding, another email account they are confiding or undermining the relationship to someone they trust very much...Maybe a Sister, Mother or a "friend" that you will seldom have access to or see very sparingly as to ensure "innocent" conversations never lead to some information accidentally leaked out.
My comments to the above: My wife has what I call "Escape-ability Issues"... When one looks at her history, funding her "escape" from day one is key. They will bankroll their plan by skimming a few dollars here or there. What my wife did was to take full advantage of my lazy and uninterested attitude in what bills needed to be paid, how much was being deposited or taken out of the accounts. For me, as long as the bills were paid and no bill collectors calling - I was fine. This was the key for her. While both our pay checks were deposited into the same account it didn't take long for her to open another account in another State (Usually where a relative or Friend lives). From there, she would take a few hundred dollars and U.S. MAIL it to that friend to deposit into the "secret" account. Soon as I was to learn she actually had 5 bank accounts.

As our divorced neared, I began to check the bank statements.As my trust in her built, the bank accounts were created. By the last 4 years of our marriage those bank statements showed my 2 checks per month being deposited and only one of hers (because she knew my habits of never checking) What really gave this away were the many Post office Receipts I found from many Post Offices around her job, where we shopped and a few near us but nearly all the receipts continued to show the same amount ($1.06) and certified mail. It was the weight of these envelopes that were all the same...In a test, I mailed myself a check to my house from one of the same post offices she used. The weight and cost was exactly what showed on those receipts. I then asked for the cost to States using the same method she mailed to (California, N.C., PA.) and it was the exact same for the weight.

Lastly, Watch for those (seemingly) innocent trips. In my Case just two months before we were to be married, her Mother was in NYC, just a few hours from where we lived yet, she met up with her Mother but....Advised me it was a "Girl meeting"....Like, WTF? We're getting married in two months, I never met her Mother and this was a great chance (Her mother lived in California)...Yet, she didn't want me to meet her.

In another instance, her "Best Friend" was getting married but only the wife was invited....I later found the invitation with both our names. Her "Best Friend" was also the person she was sending checks to deposit to for years.
My best guess is that she never wanted us to meet thus jeopardizing innocent conversation to reveal anything....Which means, my Wife was probably lying to her to make deposit's...and of course, setting up the stage of when she left...She had the perfect cover story....The old, "I never wanted to tell you"...

They Calculate like a Cray Computer but, sooner or later when they are discovered failing to note some "loose ends", they leave your life as fast as they came into it and they have no fear because they have already funded their escape. They move on to their next prey.



  1. A lazy mind harvests a shitty crop.

    Better luck next time, Mike.

  2. Sounds to me like Mike's wife was hiding stuff, and too afraid to tell him that he wasn't good enough for her. All he talks about is how bad she was. Is he from Denmark?

  3. I'd like to hear from the wife.

  4. I can't read this with all the superfluous Capitalization.

    How is it that English has suddenly turned into German?

  5. Must be unique or something.

  6. trap me if you canApril 2, 2011 at 1:55 AM

    Surely any sensible woman does this in a marriage where she is, or is going to be, economically dependent on a man?

  7. yo tn u want sweet 8========D ><><><><+ )*:?


  8. You morons, ME is a girl.

  9. We get it she's female. So what!? And how do you know?

  10. I've only ever noticed people say "ME is a girl" on guest posts, these people ought to learn to read. Either way it's hardly relevant.

    Ha. Medusa <3.

  11. @trapme... It doesn't sound like this woman was {completely} financially dependent on her husband as they both had income. She definitely conned him and took advantage of his laziness though.

    Lesson learned: Ladies, always make more money than your man. It leaves less of a paper trail to track you.

  12. what a shame most women wont make more then men because men are superior in every way. we rule the world you cunt bitch whores.

  13. Anon there is just so right. I mean how could we ever compete with men, they're just sooo impressive.
    Once bitten, twice as insecure and bitter, eh Anon?

  14. why did she leave?
    why did she feel the need to stash away secret money?
    What is her side of the story?

    without those answers, this sounds like another wounded Ex story instead of she left because "she's a sociopath who used and played him" storyline.

  15. we got it all bitch. you should keep your mouth shut unless there's a cock inside of it.

  16. I know! Just let me count up the numbers of men I've been with that were SO much more capable and better equipped to be providers than me, oh wait, that's right. There haven't been any ::eye roll::

    Little insecure there for sure ;)

  17. Yeah I can tell from the way you can incapacitate a woman with a single glance. Oh wait, that's me.
    Seriously though darling, your low self-esteem isn't doing anyone any good. Maybe you should seek counseling.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I'm inclined to agree with Anon 3:06. Without a broader perspective on this womans behavior she could just be a manipulative gold digger that's possibly having an affair. Not necessarily socio. But who knows.

  20. lol shut up you stupid bitches. the day i take what a female has to say into consideration is the day hell freezes over. there's no denying that the world is dominated by men so shut the fuck up and get your asses back in the kitchen.

  21. "...get your asses back in the kitchen."

    The better to poison you with my dear.

  22. Anon is so hot, you know I would. I totally would... Kill him that is. Other than that I can't say I'm interested in any way.

    Haha. Haven's on fire today my dears.

  23. you were a stripper haven and that's only one step above being a full blown whore. you sold your body for money and i don't care how you see it coz i'm telling you that that's the way it is, you very clearly don't have any respect for yourself self so don't expect respect from others, i've seen rats whith more honour than you slut.

    and btw all women should know how to cook as suckin dick and cooking is about all you hve the potential to be good at.

    ps@ i love nt, you could not kill me coz men are faster and stronger than women so go find a dick to suck, there's a good girl.

  24. Darling Anon,
    Learn how to read.
    I love TN.

  25. are you to ugly to sell your pussy on the street i love tn?? go to cooking school you fat whore.

  26. Well now you're just dull. How disappointing.

  27. you didn't answer the q bitch, so i will assume that you're as ugly as fuck and as dumb as bricks, please tell me all about your good quilties coz i sure as hell can't see any. mabye answering simple questions is far too complicated for a bitch so entirely devoid of intellect as yourself.

  28. Sorry, maybe I didn't make myself clear, you cease to amuse me and, it seems, everyone else. Go home.

  29. no good qualities. understood.

  30. you don't seem to understand i love nt, i did this to amuse myself, thank you for taking part.


  31. oh yeah and are you still interested in my sweet 8=======D?

  32. ^Classic troll. Don't feed em, because we don't need em.

  33. Anonymous said...
    what a shame most women wont make more then men because men are superior in every way. we rule the world you cunt bitch whores.

    hey genius with a penis, it's "than" not "then"

  34. Anonymous said...
    you didn't answer the q bitch, so i will assume that you're as ugly as fuck and as dumb as bricks, please tell me all about your good quilties coz i sure as hell can't see any. mabye answering simple questions is far too complicated for a bitch so entirely devoid of intellect as yourself.

    i'll play!!

    let's see. i am hot, smart and apparently easily entertained.

  35. holy shit zoe! i don't know who the fuck you are, but you came out of nowhere and smacked me with THAT. omg, that really hurt! pointing out a minor spelling mistake crippled me inside and caused me to lose the will to live! you are one cold blooded bitch, and you are clearly highly intelligent, seeing as you were able to come up with an insult as cutting and as hurtful as that! my god!

    speaking of penises are U interested in my sweet 8=======D?


  36. only if i don't have to do any of the work and if you leave me alone afterward so i can sleep.

  37. I know, I know. But I fed it cause I'm bored and drunk and really bored.

  38. u just lay back honey, i'll fuck your pussy red and raw and then i'll cum all over your face. )*: LOL (;

  39. I love tn said...
    I know, I know. But I fed it cause I'm bored and drunk and really bored.

    they're fun to feed. you can even teach them to do tricks for food, kinda like those amazing live sea monkeys

  40. Anonymous said...
    u just lay back honey, i'll fuck your pussy red and raw and then i'll cum all over your face. )*: LOL (;

    and no talking

  41. you're bored i love tn. LOL if you had a real life you wouldn't have that problem (;

    ps you know you're an alcohol when you start drinking alone, there's something to think about.

  42. Yes, the context of the situation does matter, what doesn't is her label. She had been sneaking around him since before they were even married. Being a thief doesn't mean someone's a sociopath, but being a sociopath could certainly lead to being a thief.

    The fact that she decided to pick a guy who wouldn't have made her 'set for life' (she still worked) means she wasn't a classic gold digger. That much is obvious. Why this ruse has been going on since before marriage doesn't make a whole lot of sense, to be frank. Why bother marrying the guy? Or did she *gasp* actually like him, but like her money too? This could be a case of dissonance where one fights their own nature (and loses).

    It could be many things. But a sneaky, thieving style of 401k Plan doesn't sound all that normal to me. Either she is paranoid as shit that he was going to leave her, or she's a thief who doesn't have a pair. Either way, clever way to take advantage of a fool. Too bad it5 back fired.

  43. I can't help but wonder why Mike never pushed for an explanation that she didn't want him to meet her mother when she was nearby.

    Then again, probably it's how it is when people are in love. They let little inconsistencies slip by, thinking the best of their loved one.

    It's not easy from a short description to tell if his wife was a Sociopath, but obviously she can have been.

    I'd be interested in hearing how you do with women in the future, Mike.

    Either way, good luck!...

  44. What's up with this woman hater anon? Are you some idiot come to spam us into dying from boredom?

    What a moron. You need to seek up one of those sex forums. They'll know how to appreciate you.

    Obviously, nobody here does.


  45. Mike wrote:
    By the last 4 years of our marriage those bank statements showed my 2 checks per month being deposited and only one of hers (because she knew my habits of never checking)

    she must have made a lot less money than you for you not to have noticed the absence of the pay cheques.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I'm just kidding. If you want some of those pictures for yourself go here.

  49. TheNotablePath said...
    Either she is paranoid as shit that he was going to leave her, or she's a thief who doesn't have a pair.

    i was thinking paranoid personality too. something in mike's story doesn't add up, however, and i find myself feeling rather sorry for her.

  50. This place is as dead as her ---------------------->

  51. Aw Anon, you're barely literate. How cute. Literacy... it's useful.

    Whore = taking a man's money and giving him exactly what he wants.

    Stripper = taking a man's money and getting exactly what you want. His money.

    There's a difference. Learn it. Moron.

  52. Adam what's that picture of? it's too small to see. What happened with the blog?

  53. Haven, I do like option 2.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Option 2 is aces.

    I may be a manipulative ::cough:: but at least I'm up front about it.

  56. @notme. Hover over the picture and click "view image/open picture". It's my aunt, I thought you all would be curious to know what she looks like, the blog is on it's way, hang in there.

    Haven, I'm not one to judje but stripping is very sleazy, where is your self respect? You are lucky you aren't my daugher I'd beat some sense into you, not because I care about you, the fact that you'd ruin the family image would be enough for punishment.

  57. nah it doesn't work Adam. oh well. I don't know she'll like you posting a pic of her anyway.

  58. Wait. You're not one to judge?

    My self respect is fine. I did what I needed to do to take care of myself when I needed to. It was what I made it to be, and I made it work for me. All there was to it. As soon as I had a better option I made a better choice.

  59. It never crossed my mind, what she will think. It's not her though, it's a randomer woman who hung herself, the blackish bits at her arms is blood pooling, I wanted to scare you. :D

  60. @Haven. When you see my picture, how does it make you feel? Does it make you want to hang yourself? I'm not being condescending, just curios..

  61. What should i name her? I own her now.

  62. you own who? Be more specific cos i don't readily understand your intriguing inner world.

  63. @Adam... picture?

    Brain cells are certainly starting to die.

  64. Nevermind, it's from a suicide method website, I was looking for a bunch of hangings.

    I've had a voyeuristic facination with gore ever since I watched the origninal faces of death at aged eleven, hangings are the most rewarding to look at though, I'm not sure why, it's their rawness.

  65. Haven:

    "My self respect is fine."

    Yeah, and it should be! Strippers have the guts to let men know they're beautiful and get payed for doing it on top of it.

    You girls rock! Play those stupid males who can't seem to know how to treat a lady.

    And these kids here? They have no clue, don't waste your time on 'em. You're too good for them, that's all there's to it.

    Same goes for all ya fine women around here. Personally, I'd be quite flattered to have such an audience.

    Yep, there's certainly SOME good folks debating on M.E.'s articles.


  66. As for comments on today's article, I actually think Notable did it best.

    Harsh one, perhaps, but the truth also. I reckon Mike knows it too. ;)

  67. lol Medusa.
    that was funny.

    'You're just like my dad stop trying to control me!' haha

  68. California is socio capital of the world.

  69. Dude - I don't know about bank accounts but as for the method used to keep the secret and the result - happened exactly to me - except her bank account was another man - or many other men as i have heard. Good luck

  70. Wow, I am new to this forum but anon is really brave and rude. No wonder he is anon. He sounds angry and it is clear he doesn't to put his dick in many girls mouths or he wouldn't speak of it with anger. Any guy who gets blown a lot would not be so bitter. Or he must have a really small dick that doesn't get much attention. Anyway. I am a stripper. I make tons of money, have no drug problems, have a bachelors degree and laugh at idiots that insult and cut women down like this. If this wife hid money for a escape she was wise. She probably has been ripped off and turned off by men just like this. Cheers to her. Protect yourselves ladies. Do your best to find good men. But never be foolish or fooled. A REAL man would bitch slap anon for being a pussy and a cunt! Cunt is a compliment to a poor excuse coward like anon. Be fabulous bitches. It is always. The best revenge!

  71. I failed to mention I own 2 homes. One I reside in. One is a 2 family I rent to 2 single moms who juggle raising children, working full time and doing there very best without any child support or. Welfare... so anon for all your big talk having a dick does not and will never make you a man. These women, all women and myself think you are a pathetic joke. Go suck your own dick cuz u know we ain't ... ha ha. Honestly women united. Support eachother. Isn't it a shame the failure failure of men has brought it to this... be fabulous ladies and always have a escape. It is men like this that ensure we do need to always have one!


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