
Monday, April 4, 2011

Let's play doctor

From a reader:
I was wondering about sociopaths and have a feeling that I may be one.
So I've been scouring the internet searching for some sort of answer. Every site has different answers to what makes one as well as their tendencies differ. Unfortunately it seems I can confirm a majority of the tendencies. I play mind games with people and enjoy it when I hurt them through them. Breaking people up making them cry. Weird things like that. Also since noticing that I'm positive for things like that I've been thinking back on certain things. Everything I ever do causally with other people some how turns into a contest in my mind and I have to do everything possible to win. Extreme hatred towards loud obnoxious rude people (aka narcissist).

Also my ultimate goal is to take over the world... Has been for a long time. Long before I even started thinking about if I was a sociopath. I have had daydreams and dreams of gaining power for as long as I can remember. I've also had other dreams from about when I was 13. The first one was watching some kill themselves and it was extremely exciting. There have been other ones. Most recently I've been excited from the thought of watching as a rain of fire kills everyone on the earth. I know these things are "Wrong" but the thoughts of killing people is so exciting. I don't see anything wrong with it. It's supposedly just our animal instincts to kill. Of course I wouldn't kill anyone for pure pleasure right now. I still have no power and even though I could probably get away with it saying that they attacked me first. It would be a waste of time right now. I have an obvious lack of respect for human rights and people as people. I've thought before this that people are simply tools and I still do.

Your recent sociopath test was extremely helpful. The second question is exactly what I've always done for as long as I can remember. Lies about things that happened to gain sympathy, trust, or interest from other people. My favorite one is pretending to be grieving for an old friend who died of cancer. Of course I've learned that if you add some truth from a story that you have heard or read people believe it instantly. Yes again to questions 3,4,6,7,8 and 12.

As for why I think I am a sociopath I noticed it awhile ago when reading up on some stuff online and I came across the term sociopath for the first time. Now that I've read your site more I'm almost positive that I am. I guess I just came asking you for confirmation. Kinda pointless. I don't think it's a bad thing to be one. In fact supposedly from all I've read being a sociopath makes you superior to everyone else. That's pretty much all I can come up with to tell you. I don't know if you can tell me if I am one but thank you for your time either way. The only other question now is whether I was born one or if it was from childhood trauma. A bit of both I think. My parents were a bit abusive at times. Anyways thank you for your time and your Blog. It has been extremely helpful.


  1. The last question this reader mentioned about being created or born is similar to one I've been thinking about. I always showed most of the traits of a sociopath as a kid, but being raised in upper middle class with a good family probably helped prevent any criminal tendencies. However at the age of 14 I had a near death injury that involved alot of blood and "Trauma". Since then all my sociopathic traits have increased in intensity (especially what you've described in an earlier post as bloodlust). So I think it may have been a combination - Nature acting upon my genetic potential.

  2. Narcissists RULE, Sociopaths SUCK!

  3. "In fact supposedly from all I've read being a sociopath makes you superior to everyone else."


  4. This reader is ahead of sociopath, has psychopathic and narcissist tendencies as well.

    The question is now that he has labeled himself will and when will he start implementing some of the potentialities?

    Based on what Sylar said, will his actions be instigated when life throws some fateful events at him?

    Life is a series of tests on our genetic and learned material. Those who did not respect other human beings (immediately suggest projection to self also) immediately fall on one side of the spectrum and things get deeper from there. Anytime anyone seems to slight them are target.

  5. this post is laughable. your comments are laughable.

  6. Narciccist only believe they rule sociopaths make sure we do.

  7. you're an idiot. you can't even spell narcissist even though it's written right above of you. the rest of you're sentence barely made sense, you retarded son of a bitch.

  8. Anonymous above me... "you're sentence" ... You have no right calling anyone else dumb when you make 3rd grade grammar errors like that. Thanks for the laugh.

  9. For the record, dear readers, I do not see myself as superior to everyone else. I see myself as aware and others not. My capitalizing on this perception alone proves my point more often than not, and when I meet someone else aware enough for conversation I genuinely appreciate them until I'm done with them.

    I also don't hate narcissists the way most of you seem to, they have weaknesses too. However, I will say hatred is for the inferior. Hate is a profound gateway to harness and use people otherwise too smart for the sort of thing :) Ahem, sociopaths.

  10. Can you expand this linwool? What do you mean exactly cause

    "Life is a series of tests on our genetic and learned material. Those who did not respect other human beings (immediately suggest projection to self also) immediately fall on one side of the spectrum and things get deeper from there. Anytime anyone seems to slight them are target."

  11. i don't think that "rights" are particularly important on sw.

  12. cause i don't seem to get it...

  13. I been researching sociopaths for months kinda looks like I am one. But I'm not sure. Spelling mistakes and grammar errors annoy me too. If I am a sociopath why wasn't I diagnosed with it when I won a spelling bee when I was seven? I also like exclamation marks. Also scared to use exclamation marks at SW in case people think I'm a narc.

  14. I love it when M.E makes posts like this.

    We get to roast all the wannabes.

  15. Sociopath world is a hierarchy, nobody gets noticed unless they are exceptional (my case) It will remain that way for a long time.

    Just because you are a sociopath doesn't mean anything, there are loser sociopaths and winner sociopaths.

  16. You're like the town idiot around here Adam.

  17. Look at your name, you can't speak. You are worse than Zwang with the wolf picture.

  18. OMG you guys are sooooo stupid!

  19. I don't need to argue with you. I just have to wait untill you say something so stupid that you make a fool of yourself. Oh wait you already did that and you'll do it again soon enough. The funniest thing is that you think other people take you seriously.

  20. Adam, however intelligent you might be, your arrogance far surpasses it, to the point where your egos blinded you from your own stupidity.

    I doubt anybody actually listens to what you have to say. Posting a bunch of crap to make yourself look good has obviously back fired and Now your just being ridiculous. Nobody cares. Go back to world of warcraft.

  21. This whole society that has formed around here is kinda like world of warcraft. People thinking that they are sorcerers and shit. OMFG hahaha

  22. Fucking anon field day today. But it is starting to get funny. If you think about all the anon comments as one person it is actually really hilarious. Like watching a schizo have a convo with himself.

  23. But your anon too. Does that mean your just another one of the collective personalities?

  24. Nate, I can't say you're alone in that, but I can't say that's a key diagnosis tool. Everyone wants to think they exhibit "qualities" of a sociopath. This is the first mistake. They talk about aspects in the form of quality and not necessarily detriment, but I suppose that is inside looking out.

    I've met quite a few socios and during my time playing that game I can recall switching from intelligent conversation to slang and they would correct my spelling for me as if they had some sort of OCD issue that apparently I do not possess. I am comfortable with MOST forms of communication, the only disappointment I carry is usually the comprehension skills of the ones I communicate with.

    As I stated earlier, you are either aware, or not so much.

    Last I will say that the world does not revolve around me. If you are unaware, my disappointment does not equal your sin.

  25. The guys name is Syndicate and he is calling people nerds.. If i knew you I'd shoot you.

  26. Syndicate^ +1 to you sir. Good point. I easily could be.

  27. Who's next? I already got rid of Zwhawq and Havan.

  28. kesu stands at the near anon rank

    he's been around long enough for people to recognize him, he's created a screen name, but he still hasn't said anything noteworthy and/or interesting, and isn't one of the stand out characters on sw.

  29. I have no plan to either. If I really cared that much I would make an actual account.

  30. That would probably stop people from mimicking me.

  31. ^It probably would. But it wouldn't be as fun. :D

  32. I'm ranks brother wank.

  33. rank, what is the official ranks? And what are the prizes?

  34. I love it when M.E makes posts like this.

    We get to roast all the wannabes.

    Congratulations; from having used the term "wannabe" as a bid to separate yourself from their supposed insignificance (and in such a case why bother?), you've passively included yourself as one of them!

  35. you realise the winners from the losers, they come in here and take shit over, fuck you wall flowers.

  36. Simply poetic, nigger. Are you published?

  37. This is for Richard. As for the others, sorry that you will 'yawn' or insult me.

    Imagine a child who was fearful of strangers very early on. Her mother was the same way, so the child not only got the genes but also the upbringing. Mother kept feeding her own fears to the child. It is very hard to respect strangers when you are fearful of them, respect out of sheer competence/good will respect and respect out of fear are totally different animals. The child started growing up, disrespectful, powerless, but over the years more than momma's stories life really started challenging the child, beating the child, increasing fears decreasing respect not only towards individuals but also humanity in general, and completely feeding the inner child with self-doubt, lack of self-respect, ready to attack at the first possibility of someone dissing the inner child.

    Richard said...
    Can you expand this linwool? What do you mean exactly cause

    "Life is a series of tests on our genetic and learned material. Those who did not respect other human beings (immediately suggest projection to self also) immediately fall on one side of the spectrum and things get deeper from there. Anytime anyone seems to slight them are target."

    April 4, 2011 8:09 AM

  38. @Kesu… thinking about all the anons as one person. That’s pretty hysterical.

    Heirarchy? Everyone gets thrashed here.

  39. @Adam... you really think you have the power to get rid of anyone?

    Some of us just have jobs and/or lives so we can't troll about the interwebs all day.

  40. Haven, you're mistaken. "Everyone" gets thrashed on here? I don't. I can now if someone is too bored not to, but thus far nobody has been able to figure out how to attack (unless I create a name such that I can be tracked). As such, only UKan has been foolish enough to try. Medusa observed and did not offer him much help. She's not without a guilty conscience.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Being Anonymous there's really no way to distinguish which anon is which. You all look alike. You could make any claim you like and have it be as inane as any other comment left here. Only you would know because your identity is nonexistent. Perhaps you're so gifted with speech and opinion that all your statements are flawless. Or maybe it's that being anon you are often ignored because there's little to seperate you from the crowd. Who knows?

    I could argue that Ukan 'try'ing, is still inclusive in my observation that everyone is set upon in some way or another.

  43. Hey look Medusa, you're popular =)

  44. Linwool:

    "This reader is ahead of sociopath, has psychopathic and narcissist tendencies as well."

    I can't agree at this point. However, he shows signs of AsPD.

    There're a few bits missing for me to recognize him as a Psychopath.

    Also, one should notice that he's a teenager and has apparently not been tested by professionals. When an adult can't test themselves easily, how should a teen be able to?

    It's basically not in character for psychopaths to seek answers from others about what we are. I only began doing so recently and I'm over 40. I've never felt anything was 'wrong' with me. In my mind it was always everybody else - and mind you, I've done a lot of jail time being sentenced for various crimes (some of them violent).

    Sure, you may be right, but we can't tell from this mail alone.

    Again, the AsPD signs are there, but that's about it. - And some Narcissism, but that could be his AsPD also (some traits looks a lot like Narcissism but the underlying psychological mechanisms are different).

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. And Adam,

    I played you less than a week ago, I showed you off to the world for the idiot that you are.

    Now go home and get dry behind your ears as I told you to do. There's a good boy!

    (Fucking idiot kids messing a good blog comment board up like this!...)

    I'd teach you a few tricks, son, such as how to get your arse striped purple for the year to come. It'd do you good too!

    Anon 8:09,

    You seem alright to me. So long in between decent newcomer. ;)

  47. tn:

    "Do Anons avoid identity out of fear?
    I think so."

    Perhaps. In some cases, no doubt.

    But generally speaking I don't think it's got anything to do with fear. If you don't have a purpose with leaving a permanent fingerprint, then why do it? You can still get your message out, after all, it's not the name that tells it.



    not every commentator wastes time with trying to out or cyber spank other commentators.

    I for one only makes sure others don't get in my way. Other than that, they can spam and flame each other all they want.

    As I've said before, I'm mainly here to comment on M.E.'s articles. For I know when there's sense in giving someone my support. There aren't many who deserve it, but M.E. happens to be one. My reasons are my own, but there you are nevertheless.

    I quite like this Anon!

    He has sense and he speaks it too.

    Here's to you, Anon: *s*
    (no sarcasm).

    And that's enough with the chatter, unless someone comes up with something new and exciting. Zhawq does not get bored! ;D

  48. I didn't mean it really, I was just trying to wind them up, I was going to troll the trolls but I can't be bothered. Ha.
    Zhawq's the only one who thinks Zhawq doesn't get bored though eh?

  49. The owner of the Gulf of Mexico oil rig that exploded last year, killing 11 workers and leading to what has been called the worst oil spill ever, said Monday that calling 2010 its "best year" in safety "may have been insensitive."

  50. You could just be an attention seeker seeing as you took the time to post this. Sociopaths are secretive and here you are being the opposite. If you ask me he is lying for attention which is a disorder in itself.

  51. sociopaths are secretive, right along with untrustworthy, but the key trait is they play A LOT and by a lot, i mean A LOT of mind games. don't play it if you want to win, or escape from the madness. drop them.

  52. YUNG RICH N BEAUTIFULApril 4, 2011 at 5:28 PM

    "I only began doing so recently and I'm over 40"


  53. YUNG RICH N BEAUTIFULApril 4, 2011 at 5:31 PM

    zwang, i bet you couldn't wipe your own asshole until you were in 15 you aspie bitch HAHAHAHAHAHA

  54. I'm going to nuke all of you.


  56. The comments on this site do appear to be getting more and more inane.

    I can tell the Reader has been doing a bit of reading. Your ultimate goal is to rule the world? Who are you The Joker? The last person you should be questioning about your intimate identity is a group of psychopaths. Your post sends a message of neediness but not quite narcissism.

    Back to what others have been saying. Having a traceable identity is a bold move in a site such as this. It is like wearing a Jersey proclaiming you a player in a teamless game of mind-rugby. Not everyone is constantly on the attack, but only those insensitive to the childish yet invasive barbs a comment of theirs could spark would be willing to step onto the field, so to speak.

  57. ZKM, one look at your blog and I can tell you are an idiot.

  58. If anyone is trying too hard ZKM, it's you. You are building some dark lord persona, and it's pathetic. You think that people will see you as intelligent because you use big words.

  59. ZKM trying too hard? Have you met Adam?

  60. I really don't get why anyone cares that much? If you don't like something. Don't read it.

  61. And how do you know you don't like it unless you've read it?

  62. Hah. Point. Maybe I should amend that to... don't /continue/ reading it.

  63. grow thick skin, you pack of hypervigilant sluts, your ex should have knocked some sense into you.

  64. Haha, I love how within minutes of making a point it's proven. I apologize dearly for not using small words and improper grammar so that people can realize how SMORTE I truly am under my idiotic speech. OH! I get it, is that what you were going for Anonymous? Do you think that by posting twice I will feel cornered and teamed up on? That by mentioning my blog I'll quake with fear. "OH NO! He can read... what in the world will he do next!?"

    I like people like you. You hide behind ambiguity because your ego is too big for your britches. When anyone makes you feel inferior, which is common, you seethe for days and your only solace is to blindly try again with a new face and another feeble mask of over-arrogance, hoping this time you'll get the acceptance and adoration you crave.

    I don't pretend not to be a bit narcissistic. You shouldn't pretend you've got the stomach to demoralize anyone but your own mother.

  65. Even look at the color of your blog, purple and black? PLEASE! I only comment on nice looking blogs.

  66. Guys. Chill. Some of us are different, others aren't. Nobody needs any of you to prove how sociopathic/narcissist you are. As for hating on the anonymous, I simply don't have the time nor the motivation (or reason) to make an account. I'm a busy person. So, as a recap, nobody needs a demonstration of how sociopathic you are, and giving those who actually are sociopathic (or...mutts, in my case) a demonstration of how bad ass you think you are, definitely isn't going to gain you any respect. Have a nice day.


  67. YUNG RICH N BEAUTIFULApril 4, 2011 at 8:15 PM

    Aaron if i had have listened to your small man philosophy, I wouldn't have this title.

  68. "zwang, i bet you couldn't wipe your own asshole until you were in 15 you aspie bitch HAHAHAHAHAHA"

    etc. etc.

    "ZKM, one look at your blog and I can tell you are an idiot."

    One look at this childish mud and anyone can tell you're an unintelligent AsPD'er who'll spend a lot more time in jail than I ever did, for much less, and in a much, much different manner.

    Well, one good thing: I can tell the future is going to be even easier, with all these primitive mindsets. I'm definitely content! :D

  69. I could do anything better than you, even all that intellectual babble, but it's boring.

  70. You know it's moronic the way you try to make being intellectual seem like a bad thing. It's like saying "You're stupid for being clever".

  71. This is probably one of the more odd "Am I a Sociopath?" letters I've seen.

    Perhaps I'm reading into something here, or not enough, but when the reader commented on how they wanted to take over the world, it seemed like it wasn't very enthusiastic, or confident for that matter. If seemed the reader was more stating a fact than anything else, nonchalantly, and then moves onto a gleeful image of mass destruction.

    Frankly, there isn't anything here that spells out Sociopathy dead to rights. I can see a possibility of ASPD, but the lack of overbearing narcissism is either the reader being tactful (not open) or offbeat when in comparison to most I've read.

    It could very well be sociopathy, but there isn't enough to touch on here. If the reader can identify with most Sociopathy traits affecting their life in a pathological way, then there certainly could be some merit to it.

    We need to see more on a behavioral level and less on a cognitive level, as you've already provided much of that.

  72. psychopaths with an antisocial personality disorder are the most dangerous type, those are the mastermind serial murderers/serial rapists.

  73. "but the lack of overbearing narcissism is either the reader being tactful (not open) or offbeat when in comparison to most I've read."

    That is a huge indicator in my book, I see it in you and a few others on here but some don't have this, people forget that psychopaths have pathological narcissism, to the extent of npd.

  74. I know you have it because your blog looks really good.


  76. That was surprisingly good from a layman.

  77. Aren't you a layman too TNP?

  78. Reader: Let's play doctorApril 4, 2011 at 10:41 PM

    Thank you to the few who responded in helpful advice.

    Much has changed since I sent this email to M.E, the statement of my goal to take over the world is the biggest change so far. Instead of taking it over just wanting to put it out of it's misery. Or return it to a time when just "being" was enough. There is simply to much sadness and destruction generated from this world we have created. If anything I would be fine to just kill enough people to stop us from the continuation of destroying our planet and over population. (I found anarchist beliefs)

    Anyways just a little more info on things I'm slowly learning for myself. Thanks for the useful replies and I hope for any more input.

    just another confused person.

  79. "You know it's moronic the way you try to make being intellectual seem like a bad thing."

    All you need to do is look for the kind of idiotic something that means:

    "Sociopaths and Psychopaths can't be intelligent!"

    Then you know it's a poser who don't have a clue. That's really all there's to it.
    Let them sit in their pig sty and dig that hole they're so eager to fit. Eventually you'll hear the sound when they fall - and they fall deep and hard!

    They're of no significance, whatsoever...

  80. I can't take a male lady GAGA fan seriously..

  81. @Reader: Now that (shift in desires) is something I can definitely relate to. And I don't think it is an uncommon desire, either. I've heard lots of normals remark on it.

    Technology with humans is sort of like animals in really nice cages. You can occupy yourself all day but your nature can scream at you that you need to get out of it, if you've ever known the pleasure of being out of 'captivity'.

  82. Is it technically a position of layman when you're the main part of the subject?

    I guess you could argue that on an academic level, I'm no expert.

    But layman? I'd like to think I'm an expert in knowing me at the very least.

  83. wants to rule the world, ... it's stewie griffin!!!


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