
Tuesday, April 19, 2011


From a socio reader:

S&M is cleaner sex, at times. I take it to a totally different unnecessary level (well, when I was sexual, haven't been in a while now), and make it messy with the blood that was shed, but S&M, is mental fucking more than anything. The masochist already has this fetish to be hurt and disrespected, which is a mental issue in its self, why would any one enjoy being disrespected and humiliated, and it is up to me to deliver this mind fuck that they want. I know of some Dommes that actually have sex with their pets, and customers, but for me I only want it to be mental. I will be able to control them anyway I want, and I am using sex (as in sexuality, being a woman) to do this. Power isn't created with the actual act unless it is rape, and even though rape is literal power over another, it isn't a meaning of creating power.

I actually can't stand sex. You know this much. Others were confused about being an asexual but engaging in S&M, and sadistic sex. It is definitely over rated (the act of sex). I can get my orgasm with some perverted thoughts and a dildo. I don't like people enough to have them hump me for minutes. Sex with women is far better, but I relate more to a male, and I love watching their reactions to my touch. Again though, I am not into vanilla sex (regular sex) that much, and I have cut off my sadistic sex completely.

I watched this old HBO series called OZ, and there was an inmate on death row for killing two women through strangulation or suffocation during sex. He confessed to killing over 39 women, but told the priest that he "loved" them all, and that he truly "loved" all types of women. When asked why kill them if you love them he replied, "Loving someone means they own part of you, and I refuse to be owned by anyone."


  1. "Loving someone means they own part of you, and I refuse to be owned by anyone."

    Very true.

    1. Well, then you shouldn't be owning anyone. Everyone deserves freedom so you shouldn't be owning anybody. Get it?

  2. Wow no comments today? Is it because M.E. finally came and said she was a woman. We all knew it anyways. For the asexual though what does one think about to achieve sexual arousal? The asexual isn't attracted to either sex sexual and can even lack a libido. I can understand the sexual sadism since you could do this to either sexes and achieve the same result.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. did i miss something? when did she say she's a woman? and how do people know? and more importantly, why am i acting like i care?

    i think it's cool she tweets people's comments. lol.
    I apparently don't cut it. :D

  5. I think the woman thing is supposed to be some sort of running joke/insult.

    I always forget about the twitter. Yay, I'm quoted.

  6. I've been quoted the most times, and I barely comment.

  7. O shit. I thought this was a post from M.E. Oops. My mistake. I still think M.E. is a chick.

  8. Why do you think it's a girl?

  9. you haven't been quoted once adam, you faggot, and you do comment here all the time cos you don't have a life.

  10. Just an impression I get.
    1. Males generally don't try to hide their gender because it is the dominant gender.
    2. Females try to hide their gender on the internet because it makes them more subject to criticism and harassment.
    3. A lot of M.E.'s post involve an experience with a friend. The tale is wrapped around the shared experience. Males tend to tale the story from just their perspective while anyone who was there was there through circumstance and not really important. The focus is more on the event then the people involved.
    4. Lots of little things. The lackadaisical attitude. It has always been my experience that women(particularly the good looking ones) generally worry about things less. Like consequences aren't as serve for them or things will be easily forgiven.
    5. M.E. seems to have several friends who know about it and aren't afraid because of it. It has always been my experience that there is a little bit of hesitation from the other side. The friends of mine that know are hesitant around me with few expectations. They are careful. I think when you have a personality who is supposed to be dominant and aggressive(male)and combine it with a type of pd that is suppose to increase that you get a personality that looks dangerous. Females on the other hand aren't suppose to be domineering or aggressive so it doesn't look as dangerous.

    Like I said though it is just an impression.

  11. There're all kinds of signs but nothing solid.

    One time when I was set to guest post I noticed a post that was unfinished and way old that went something like "For a female sociopath like me..."

  12. Notme,

    your avatar kinda make me think you have masochistic tendencies

  13. My friends always try to look their best for me.

  14. lol Gag, I can't possibly say.
    But I like it cos I have a lifelong symbolic connection to them...
    And also was told i look like a deer and i bizarrely have certain deer-like mannerisms.

    We also had 12 in our garden at one time. I dunno, i guess i like them. :)

    I wonder what animals people here resemble...

  15. I killed a dear once.

  16. the more cutesy and smiley a person is, the more i want to cut their fucking vagina out.

  17. To 'Kesu'. On M.E.s gender: Quite frankly I can't imagine why you'd care.
    All of those statements really hold no value on account of the fact that it is (according to you) the majority, and therefore exceptions can are made, and if all of socio/psychopathy isn't an exception from the norm I don't know what is.

    P.s. I really hope that wasn't actually Kesu. Although he's not the sharpest some of his opinions do hold some merit, but assuming things over the internet based of spurious guess work... Oh dear.

  18. I've decided Notme is a most delightful kitten and boy! Would I treat her well.

    Mmm... I'm drunk...

  19. it's funny because i actually thought that kesu was girl until he said otherwise(mabye he is). there's something very feminine about his writing style and the way he communicates.

  20. i love tn is the biggest wannabe on this site, we all should lynch it.

  21. anyone who doesn't show me respect will be lynched.

  22. oh thanks tn. lol, a boy. :D

  23. I love it when people play detective here, and scour around for clues, just so they can say "a-ha!" and think that people care or that it's important.

    Also it's clear that Kesu knows nothing about women.

  24. Oooh. I didn't mean you were a boy!! I just meant "oh boy!" as an exclamation. I'm sure you're a delightful lady. :)

  25. hehehehehhe :) hehehehehehe :) :) :)

  26. -eye roll- First I stated that it was just the impression I got. Not that it was fact. Second the only reason I gave the explanation was because Adam asked. So I answered. Third Medusa we all know that you are a feminist nazi. So I don't give a shit what you say because obviously anything that isn't to the point of WOMEN ARE ERRR SUPER-IOR IS DERR TRUTH is going to give you ammo to fire off.

    Anonymous said...

    it's funny because i actually thought that kesu was girl until he said otherwise(mabye he is). there's something very feminine about his writing style and the way he communicates.

    I can certainly see that. I was raised by women with no male role models for my early life. At least from the point of 4 on when my grandfather died(I found his body. It's my first memory).

    Lastly as why would I care or care to share what I think. Why does anyone share any opinion on here? Answer that and you have your answer. Other then that I like to know what makes people tick. Being male or female will determine a large amount of their opinions and experiences in life. Even in sociopaths. So knowing something like that will allow me to understand the stand point from which they are coming. The fact of the matter is that you can't lose all socialization. Just not possible to escape every bit. You have to learn from others. You learned language from them, how to walk, how to dress(though style I'm sure is up to personal preference).

    So please commence the rage and shit storm.

  27. i beleive ... . . IN HOMICIDE!

  28. i believe in homicide i rest my case,
    don't cast a sigh you'd better believe it,
    that's the truth of it take it or leave it, resign to it homicide,
    homicide, homicide, homicide
    no one cares when someone dies they'd rather say that it's a red alert
    you'd better believe it,
    that's the truth of it take it or leave it,
    resign to it homicide, homicide, homicide, homicide homicide, homicide
    homicide, homicide
    you try to tell me it's his fault because he's down
    and let him lose this homicide all over town
    i'll take enough but i'll take it down what's your address,
    i'll write it down i'll be in touch
    so don't leave town in a big black car
    (solo) homicide, homicide, homicide i believe in homicide
    i rest my case, don't cast a sigh you'd better believe it,
    that's the truth of it, take it or leave it,
    resign to it homicide, homicide, homicide ,homicide homicide, homicide
    , homicide ,homicide homicide, homicide, homicide ,homicide homi,
    homi, homi, homi, homi, homi, homi, homi homi, homi, homi, homi,
    homi, homi, homi, homi homicide

  29. you fucking sociopaths have nigger brains, you think like blacks, whites do not kill their own.

  30. @Derek Then what are the thousands of years of war that Europe constantly stayed in? The civil war in America? WWI and WWII? Seems like a lot of white killing white.

  31. have you ever confronted a bully with facts and then seen the bully act aggressively? this is because the bully is shallow.

  32. Ignorance is a hard pill to swallow. When a person is met with a task that they can't mentally overcome they become frustrated. It is the natural reaction of all humans for the most part. Frustration can quickly lead to anger. The less mentally apt a person is the more frequent this response occurs and of course the easier it happens. Pair that with a person who is already abused, has some type of complex, or whatever maladjusted oddity they own and you have the outward display of aggression.

  33. What are you're political stances? I'm a strict conservative.

  34. aggression is a strong trait, it's like pride, anything self directed is weakness, e.g guilt, low self worth etc.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. I love tn, is that glucose?

    if so why?

  37. The narcissist actively solicits Narcissistic Supply – adulation, compliments, admiration, subservience, attention, being feared – from others in order to sustain his fragile and dysfunctional Ego. Thus, he constantly courts possible rejection, criticism, disagreement, and even mockery.

    The narcissist is, therefore, dependent on other people. He is aware of the risks associated with such all-pervasive and essential dependence. He resents his weakness and dreads possible disruptions in the flow of his drug: Narcissistic Supply. He is caught between the rock of his habit and the hard place of his frustration. No wonder he is prone to raging, lashing and acting out, and to pathological, all-consuming envy (all expressions of pent-up aggression).

  38. It is, yes. Why, because I'm sweet like sugar of course. :)

    Congratulations on your observation Phaos. Above that of others it seems.

  39. kesu said
    Ignorance is a hard pill to swallow. When a person is met with a task that they can't mentally overcome they become frustrated.

    i'd agree, and add that there is an element of them knowing deep down that their self-perception is a optimistic deception of self. this cognitive dissonance causes them to lash out.

  40. aggression is to be used from above, never below.

  41. @Clean then what do you call Napoleon Complex (AKA Short man complex). They are overly aggressive and they are never ABOVE. :D

  42. Res and Kesu, but there are those who are so limited by their intelligence. Surely they can't be aggravated by everything they cannot comprehend?

  43. Give a retard a square peg and then tell him to fit it into a round hole of same size. See how long it takes him to throw the block.

  44. Beautiful!...

    I'm completely with you, baby, and then some!... ;)

  45. well yeah tn, sure have a read of this post on "lack of self insight among the incompetent". my 4th ever post so not sure many have read it...

  46. Third Medusa we all know that you are a feminist nazi. So I don't give a shit what you say because obviously anything that isn't to the point of WOMEN ARE ERRR SUPER-IOR IS DERR TRUTH is going to give you ammo to fire off.

    Case in point. And such a banal reaction.

  47. oh lordi. who's toxy now. Can't you people just stay the same!
    My head doesn't like it today.
    Zhawq, stop being cheeky. Too much cheek in this place.

  48. medusa you might like a good line i came across today:
    arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics.
    you might win, but you are still retarded.

  49. lol i love that.
    There's a funny cartoon along that line. dunno where it is though.

  50. Hah. Don't I know it Res. It's my weakness, I've been working on it.

    Only a fool argues with fools, etc etc

  51. zhawq is making up these female psychopaths who in contrast are just as pathetic as he is. look at the names, zhawq, zadie and toxy, does this freak think he is in the world of mad max or something? i bet he has blow up dolls named zadie and toxy. to make matters worse he doesn't change his writing style at all when he is impersonating as toxy, what an autistic mess.

  52. res, i never heard that line before..

  53. We all know he is clean cut, but we don't want to say it to him.

  54. I don't argue, i shoot.

  55. zhawq's got problems. he lives out this strange fantasy online and you can tell he's desperate for attention.

  56. That's a weird-ass blog post, I concur. Why is it written in "How To Get Your Ex Back" and/or "The Secret?" language?

  57. notme - just type "arguing on the internet" into google images.

    clean cut - how do you know toxy isn't the real person and zhawq is the fake persona? ;)

  58. The language makes it pretty obvious. And the number of exclamation points.

  59. okay. shall we black-list zhawq then? he is clearly a nut.

  60. Mmm. Toxy doesn't ring true to me... Overzealous.

    Res, I think I read that at some point. My brother insists on using the word "ain't" and telling me he "ett this but don't like eatin that". Honestly, how someone can tolerate being perceived as that stupid when they aren't... His lack of intelligence and deliberate attempts to irk me make me want to kill him, but that just me. (And no, that's not an attempt at being 'hardcore', i could tell you I don't care but that would be lying, and what good is the anonymity of the internet if you're just going to lie)

  61. talking to NTs is boring. i know how they think. what they are going to say. i wouldn't want any 'nut' to be blacklisted even if we could.
    i was chatting to someone a couple of weeks ago and pushing them out of normal smalltalk and they admitted they'd been treated for schizophrenia in the past. they remarked later that i completely and instantly changed demeanor - from cheerful and chatty to very matter of fact as i simply asked them bluntly questions about it.

  62. You just stated my point about you Medusa. Any time anyone remarks about women being anything less then superior your reaction is drab, linear, and redundant. At least we are equal on this. I suppose.

  63. I've never implied that females were superior, dude.

    My problem is that you made so many ridiculous generalizations, as if all people of any given gender have the same personality.

    You are the one that said "males are the dominant gender" Mr Kettle.

    I dare you to take any one of your points at 11:27 and try to apply them to me.

  64. "i wouldn't want any 'nut' to be blacklisted even if we could"


  65. I like Zhawqy. Leave him alone. :D

  66. i think everyone here is a nut, especially the regulars.

  67. Women are on the planet for one reason, reproduction, men who befriend women are closet gays.

  68. My favourite music is that which I cannot predict, all contemporary music I've heard and most classical follows a formula, so once you've heard a minute of it you can't say, there will be a crescendo here, then a slur as it gets lower in pitch, then staccato as it gets higher or whatever. It becomes so predictable you can almost sing along with it perfectly. There is nothing I enjoy more in music than not knowing where the piece is headed.

  69. Of course it was a generalization. THAT WAS THE POINT. The general view that society has of each gender. That is why I also said aren't SUPPOSE to be and not are not. When one is always looking to be attacked one certainly always feels attacked. You might want to check your trigger seems you let a hair fall on it.

  70. Cue to Mandusa jokes in 3, 2, 1...

    Brainwashed sheep fucks.

  71. In my oppinion sterio-types are always spot on, most blacks have a low IQ, people who play the guitar are losers, women are submissive.

  72. Most classical music doesn't follow a formula... unless all you listen to is Mozart and Beethoven. Go listen to some 20th/21st century stuff.

    You should try listening to more metal! That's exactly why I like it so much. Way less predictable than most rock music, especially the stuff being made currently.

    And Kesu, 'suppose to be' according to what and who? You need to qualify such a specious argument.(Anyway, it's SUPPOSED to be. Not 'suppose'.) It's thinking like that that is part of your brainwashing, even though you think it's everyone else that is brainwashed.

    I don't feel attacked, this has nothing to do with me at all, I'm just annoyed by your ignorance and sheep-like obviousness.

  73. Adam, I could destroy every one of your statements in 5 seconds.

  74. Mmm, metal usually contains a lot of repetitive bass lines that tend to guide the piece, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's very enjoyable. I suppose if I played less instruments it'd be less obvious to me. Curse the boredom that lead to my extensive musical instrument collection...

  75. You make me roll my eyes any more Medusa they may just fall out. You act like you are totally unaware of general trains of though that are common place in society. If you really are that oblivious... Well congrats. You're bubble is hermetically sealed and should keep away all those bad and nasty germs that the brainwashed sheep of the world carry. You've brainwashed yourself into a paranoia of epic portions. Lord let no one run at you with a needle. They might trip and you would suffocate of the things that you would have to see. What people discriminate and make generalizations? They take the traits of what is generally seen or considered traditional and use it as a guide to create idylls of normalcy. O no how cliche. The amount of unrest that is creeping around in your head is only paralleled by your penis envy. BTW yes men rule the world. They have for a long time and the situation of equality is a slow one to change. GET OVER IT!

    Now just because I know and understand why said stereo types exist doesn't mean I subscribe. Generalizations are generalizations because they apply to the general masses. Most women aren't nearly as out spoken as their male counter parts.

    On a final note stop projecting on me. You are the one obsessed with brainwashing and standing outside the crowd. Not I.

  76. If I was to drop all my bad deeds and sprout a conscience out of nowhere, what would stop me then from abusing family members and friends? Religion? I'm immune to religion as it is, I never even made a conscience decision to not believe in god like most people, I was always amoral, I didn't decide to "turn" agnostic.

  77. Nope. Metal is a huge genre with a huge expanse of styles. Bass is generally much less integral in metal that other rock forms anyway. Half the time it's so low in the mix that it's not even really audible.

    It's a bit of a running joke in the metal world about bass players.

    Nice narc add-on, though.

  78. You act like you are totally unaware of general trains of though that are common place in society

    The whole point is that you are lost in said trains of thought. As most are. Repeating them and using them doesn't help, in the name of 'reality'. It just feeds back into the matrix. Rise above. Are you capable?


    Ha. And who's the one writing long angst-filled defensive comments?

    Nice how you try to use my own arguments against me, like all the others who fail.

    Nap time.

  79. I don't want to stand out from the crowd one bit, I seen it's consequences.

  80. Nice how you didn't have a counter argument. Now scurry to hide under the covers.

    (My Word Verification is cattle... How appropriate for this conversation.)

  81. a sociopath or a narcissist is inherently much wiser than an average person, they aren't driven by emotion so they tend to learn worldly things quicker, rather than getting attatched to make believe stupid shit like philosophy, they are driven by greed.

  82. Notice how you didn't answer this:

    I dare you to take any one of your points at 11:27 and try to apply them to me.

    If you can't see how my response was a direct response to you, oh well, nothing to be done for you except to someday grow up.

    You really expect me to respond directly and specifically to such crap like statements about penis envy? If you don't even see how even the concept of penis envy is about male superiority, made up by a dude (Freud) with serious personal psychological issues with regards to women/his mother... good christ. You are lost.

    Everything you accuse me of you are guilty of yourself. No surprise here.

  83. You idiot. Are you serious? You are by far the most oblivious person ever.

    "I dare you to take any one of your points at 11:27 and try to apply them to me."

    Of course they don't apply to you. They were never meant to. You strive to not allow them to apply. As far as penis envy goes you most certainly have it. Whether freud was a nut or not has nothing to do with it. You covet the traits that are considered masculine. You strive not to be meek or submissive. You make sure to raise your voice at every point possible and then point out the fact that you do. You try so hard that it is obvious that you are trying. Why do you do all that? Simple because you deem those traits as stronger. YOU ARE BRAINWASHED! Congrats now take your place amongst the sheep O one of black wool.

  84. You are brainwashed by these ideas of what makes a man and what makes a woman. You really think they are truth, don't you? Who told you that this is the truth? The world? The world that is full of 'sheep'?

    Seriously, I have to be meek and submissive to still be considered a female?

    You just outed yourself, dude.

    (Not to mention you must be the most boring ever try-to-be-macho predictable guy ever, living the most stereotypical male template. You probably yell at the TV during football games, wear your baseball cap backwards, spit a lot and drink a lot of PBR. Dime a dozen. And so. fucking. boring.)

  85. kesu is the least likable person here.

  86. O so hormones have nothing to do with personality or for that matter brain wiring? The things that are false about masculinity and femininity are the activities. However the more base things are for the most part true. Men tend be more forward women tend to be more passive. Don't believe me look at courting rituals. Of course they have developed over the years but not so much as to be truly different.

    As far as the activities I enjoy. Yes I like to drink. What I wear and how I wear it on any particular day is subject to change the next day. I dislike watching sporting events. I prefer to play.

    On a side note I detest shows such as Jersey Shore and Jerry Springer. I have no wish to watch the dregs of society.

  87. Then you must avoid the mirror quite often

  88. Kesu said...
    ..As far as penis envy goes you most certainly have it.

    i've always wanted a penis so that i can pee in a cup when i'm stuck on the highway. oh and write my name in the snow in long loopy girly swirls.

  89. Strangulation during sex is fun. I prefer to use a pillow on them because it doesn't leave marks and there's less of a chance of crushing their windpipe on accident.

    Personally, I can't stand masochists. Not real ones, at least. I want to know that someone is frightened and scared of what I'm doing to them, and barely tolerating it. Real masochists take all the fun out of it.

  90. A cute? deer just looks like a juicest target here. It's like wearing meat armour in the coliseum.

  91. Rule me, dominate me, command me, master dog! How can I serve you now?

  92. are u sure we are inside the mind of a socioapth

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Whatever. We all get what we deserve


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