
Thursday, May 26, 2011


I know most of you don't think there is anything up with them, but I keep reading stuff like this, so I'll probably keep posting it until I get vindicated. In regards to a recent premiere arrival:
Needless to say, everyone lost their sh-t and [the interviewer doing the press line] had to step aside and wait for the crazy to calm before she could resume her interviews. I’ve seen this happen in person before. I’ve seen this go down, I’ve watched [Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's] reactions. It doesn’t faze them at all. People could be hurling themselves off of balconies and in between moving vehicles, those two behave as though they’ve seen it all before, so pedestrian, like it’s the natural order of things. And because they act like it’s a given, people keep responding to it like it’s a given. This is what I mean when I say they know exactly how to play it and work it to their advantage. You know in sport when coaches study tape, look at how a formation develops, analyse what was effective and not the last time around, what to tweak, what to move or modify? The Brange is so good at what they do, it’s like they take the same clinical approach to their brand. One day, in 50 years, when their time will have passed, I hope we get a book about it. They could teach the others so much.
I hope there will be a book, but I don't think it would happen unless it was Brad writing about Angelina after a messy break up in which he is blinded by his (narcissistic?) rage to lash out where he thinks it will hurt her the most. What Brad will fail to realize until it's too late is how masterfully she will take him down like she did with her father Jon Voight.

Actually, the Jon Voight example is a good cautionary tale for those people who feel like they want to "take down" a sociopath, as some of readers are eager to do. Back in 2002 Voight said Jolie had "serious mental problems," which at the time was almost credible. In fact, the producer of Tomb Raider sequel, which she was then filming, actually felt the need to address the accusation, explaining "I have an excellent team around her. If there was a problem, I would know it." She immediately cut off all contact with her father, claiming that the toxic relationship would be detrimental for her newly adopted son and asserting that her father's motives for wanting to "help" her were entirely dishonorable, he was an absentee father, a cheating husband, etc. Voight's claims, without anything else to substantiate them, ended up making him seem infinitely more crazy than she was, in much the same way that gaslighting works. The lesson to be learned is that claims that are already outlandish sounding, e.g. "X is a sociopath," are very hard to make credibly without the accuser seeming crazy (even when the accused someone as clearly off, e.g. Joey Buttafuoco).


  1. Hmm, if she IS a sociopath, she is quite the character.

    Adopting 6 children for the heck of it? Seems like a hindrance to me.

    1. I find it perfectly normal. They are just a tool to show around how humanitarian she is, how she is the best mom in the world, and so on.
      If I knew she doesn't even talk to them I won't be surprised. I easily picture her ignoring them and kicking them if they annoy her.
      Related to this, we will now see the consequences of approaching a sociopath with Brad Pitt. Prepare to see see her maul him down:smear character assassination, and much more (some of it likely not true).

  2. Abysmal...:( I was anticipation an epic revelation but the John Voight take down and make up just makes them sound like a normal family trying to make sense of human bonds in a high pressure 'reality' (hollywood). Shit this just makes me realize that the domestic domain is where everybody learns trick's of the trade in human study and 'manipulation' including the much vaunted 'gaslighting'. We're just told to grow out of it after 9. Those who abide matures into empathic adults. Those who choose to retain this remains sociopathic..;)

  3. *anticipating*^

  4. The missing part's for my on going geek project finally arrived today so I'm outa here for until wheneva..So long SW!

  5. something def doesnt ring true to me about those two its almost as if there acting

  6. slightly off topic but I love your blog and was wondering if you could recommend any other socipathic themed blogs?

  7. something def doesnt ring true to me about those two its almost as if there acting

    May 26, 2011 4:11 AM
    that's hilarious! iv been reading this site for bout a month. i find it fasinating. im normal.... sori to be so boring, i have a question, what is it about socio's that draws ordinary people to them? they def have something behind the eyes.. a magnetic pull.. by the time u realise something is wrong its usually to late <;>

    1. They can just stare at you withou feeling any emotion. We are used to people looking away getting embarassed ect. It makes them out to be super confident and have strong sexual chemistry however they dont we give them that by finding their stare hypnotising and believing it to be something it really isnt!

  8. not sure whats so funny anon i was being serious i am alergic to flattery and attention seekers pls go away

  9. I wonder where is GagReflex from cause his english is BULLCRAP. Hey Gag, are you chinese or something or are you just mentally challenged ?

  10. GagReflex is retarded lol

  11. She probably "had mental problems" as a result of "having had her brains fucked out". Given her looks that would hardly be surprising.

    On a more serious issue, is "gaslighting" in any way related to farting while riding on public transportation?

  12. all sociopaths mainly love sucking bunghole.

    people like angelina because she is physically hot, no other reason, basically, the crazier the more attention to see she is physically hot.

    all sociopaths are usually fat, ugly, tards, trying to be "cool" with a fat mans cock in their ass.

  13. I understand your needs,..Frank. After all, we produce all your stuff. Stay tuned and learn Chinese!

  14. not sure whats so funny anon i was being serious i am alergic to flattery and attention seekers pls go away

    May 26, 2011 9:46 AM
    ah cum on,, ur jokin rite? they are bloody actors... and isnt dat wot socio's are? actors, u shud go to hollywood n make a go of it,and then u can be on twitter! now thats a stupid word if ever i heard one,,,:

  15. all sociopaths are usually fat, ugly, tards, trying to be "cool" with a fat mans cock in their ass.

    May 26, 2011 3:50 PM
    now how cud u know dat? that's a fair stupid thing to say.. im starting to think theres a lot of silly people on this site, if that's all they can say!!! whats your iq?

  16. i will finish today by saying that today was not the most interesting in terms of information,or blogs... except for 1 thing... it was my first time leaving any comments!!! i think this is my fourth.i would love a god user name, if any one can come up with one, im willing to listen???#

  17. s -sociopath sucks cocks.
    o -only takes it in the ass.
    c -cock sucks twice!! again, again.
    i -it only requires anal entry for the sociopath.
    o -optimum returns of shit on dick.
    p -pays for cock too!
    a -all ANAL!!
    t -ten cocks assed at once is best!
    h -holy grail of the sociopath.

  18. This blog is tragi-comical navel gazing self obsession. So exquisitely self obsessed. The best way to take down a sociopath in a relationship is to ignore them. In plain sight. Angelina Jolie....tries too hard to be a sociopath. She is this blog writer's fantasy of a female sociopath obviously. Sad.

  19. i'd bet ALL of the "sociopaths" here have jobs akin to "walmart cashier", and are financial "losers" resorting to "manipulation" aka "sucking ass" to try to make ends meet.

  20. no! all real socios do NOT take it in the shithole!

  21. Frank, sounds like you are into autoerotic defestration

  22. Gag, that girl's taking a leak.

  23. Wow, I was wanting to talk more about Brangelina, not taking up the bunghole! LOL!

  24. I think they are just dysfunctional and hating on each other as opposed to Angie being a sociopath... She has too complex of an image to be a sociopath. Plus, her tattoos indicate to me she has deep emotions.. unlike alot of sociopaths or narcs who have like their own names tattooed on themselves... or "jesus" if they are in the southern us... sociopaths just want to decieve people so they can manipulate them.. either angie is a genius and a sociopath... or she's just a dynamic person who has some dysfunctional relationships... Likely #2.

  25. Shr is a total sociopath...her children she bought like some actresses buy clothes, to make her look good - anyone who really wanted to care for third world children would NOT adopt them into the hollywood circus she has created - its not the normal or stable life an adopted child needs....there ahve been so many reports of her being cruel and cold to her kids (she will get worse as they get older and find their own voice,rather than try to please her all the time)which is too strange tobe completely unfounded.. A really kind and altruistic person would have concentrated on raising money to help MANY kids IN their own countries....I think Brad has an ego on him but is basically a good guy, who stays with her for the kids protection....I bet they love him most!!!

  26. FWIW- Brad lacks self awareness or depth where it qualifies. This is what makes him far less likely to be a socio. He's the personality of the woman he currently screws. (If it's not too boring-)Observe the majority of females with whom he's had relationships. He molds into them instead of having them mold into him & lacks obvious power. Methinks either the upper management handlers of Brangie -or- Angie herself are the ones in actual control. He's a fool of a dog without fangs, who follows tail & comes out looking comical or quizzical. He seems to be a 2nd-3rd tier actor that made the big time & has a good bit of the populace fooled by what many consider(ed) stunning "beefcake" looks. He has the vibe of try-too-hard minus mastery & well-carved intellect. All his beneficial schemes are likely, Angie's. Good for her, if so. If she is genuinely socio: He's her long-term pet project. The best success he's ever had is acheiving all this attention without offering a worthy body-of-work deserving of banter &/or acute philosophy.
    Should one seek to view someone closer to an actual sociopath- study Kevin Spacey as John Doe in Se7en.

    1. I agree. After a while the narcissist target shares the pathology. He must have woken up and that's why it's all over now baby blue.

  27. Angelina Jolie is not a sociopath. Jon Voight is... It's not that hard to take down a sociopath because they have a lot of enemies. I would know because I take down loads of them. People are only nice to sociopaths out of politeness, sociopaths do not have REAL loyalty of the populace. Jon Voight was a sh*tty father, he cheated on her mother, and he was never there for his kids - THAT'S A SOCIOPATH, are you kidding? THAT'S WHY he's easy to hate. He randomly said she has real mental issues, starting drama for attention.

    If Angelina was a sociopath, she would constantly give interviews talking about how she adopts children, etc... as if reminding the world she's a compassionate person BUT she does not do that. She does not want credit for doing the right thing, she's not a sociopath. Give me a break. The girl has a soul, the father doesn't.

    1. Except Jolie has constantly harped on and on about her kids in interviews (gigs that she very likely exercises considerable control over, mind you, and with which she thus enjoys a relative degree of freedom to divulge what she chooses) and pimps them out routinely to the paps every chance she gets -- and she is touted as being an uber-compassionate saint for this. Oh, she knows how to play the media.

      I don't know about her being a sociopath -- that might be a bit exaggerated -- but I don't think she's as grounded and emotionally and mentally stable as she projects. She strikes me as a narcissist, a possible sufferer of BPD, and an extremist, which manifests itself on both ends of the positive-negative spectrum: she does good works on quite a grand scale, but she also seems to self-exceptionalize and do whatever she needs to get whatever (or whomever) she wants to obtain, regardless of the costs or the ethics involved.

      I think she's painfully self-aware and very concerned with how she's viewed by the public (even though she adamantly denies both of these things). She also seems to have an insatiable appetite for attention; she's just changed her means of going about getting it over the years -- she no longer does things like lavish her own brother with graphic PDAs; instead, she does things like write an op-ed in America's most popular and widely distributed newspaper to announce that she has undergone a preventative mastectomy, all in the name of raising cancer awareness and doing good for humankind, of course. Never ever is she concerned with or interested in the amount of attention this will get her.

  28. She self mutilated as a teenager which means she's not a socio. A sociopath would have too much self regard to do something like that. It's possible she's psychologically disordered in other ways though.

    Plus, what sociopath would choose a life that draws so much attention herself? True power is in the shadows.

  29. This woman is severely deranged. She has been suicidal since she was 12 years old and spent time at the UCLA neuropsychiatric institute in the late 90's where she was diagnosed with BPD. Angelina Jolie has had a long history of self-mutilation, drug abuse, cruelty to animals (came from her own admission in a video all over youtube), suicidal tendencies, and extremely unstable interpersonal relationships.

  30. Well, here we are in 2015 and given the duration of time, from which this "asinine" article was first written, time has certainly smashed the validity of the author and cleared Brad and especially Angelina, from the typical, nut jobs, whom attempt to demonize Angelina, as some psychopathic monster, because she had mental health issues as a "child"... and she was "allegedly" diagnosed with "PRESUMPTIVE" BPD as in not in a hunch...and her actions coupled with her personality,. have smashed that myth into a million pieces as well...I am a survivor of sexual abuse and I had the utter "blessing" of corresponding with Angelina, regarding what happened to me...She is one of the most compassionate human beings, which I have interacted with, in my entire life...She did this with me, purely out of the goodness of her heart, when she was struggling with her own, "life threatening" health issues and also, the usual barrage of cruelty against her...

    Something tells me the author doesn't posses such, empathetic traits, as Angelina does...I can't help but, absolutely adoring her...we need more people like her and less like the aforementioned...

    PS lets see you post this...

  31. They are both narcissists. Anyone who can pick up that quickly without blinking an eye is a narcissist. They both cheated on Brad and Jen's marriage and paraded around without any sensitivity. Neither of them has a a lot of character.

    1. I think Brad was brainwashed. If you've ever been targeted by a narc, it's pretty easy to cheat. You think you've met the love of your life.

  32. She is obviously a compassionate individual. can't be a narcissist and have compassion. Actually you don't get two Narcissists attracted to one and other. Narcissists are attracted to empaths. They hook the empath in by love bombing them (basically a very intense passionate way of making the empath feel incredibly special & hooking them in)
    Then comes a very volatile, passionate & dysfunctional relationship. The narcissist constantly picking fights with the empath over every tiny little thing (basically emotional abuse) but the empath feels like they can't leave because nobody has ever made them feel as special as the narcisist and they think they have a special deep connection - this leads to a codependent relationship where the narcissist gets supply from making empath feel shitty which in turn makes the narcissist feel good. You may think why doesn't the empath leave but it's so hard as the empath feels intense love for the narcissist & they're willing to try anything to make it work. All efforts will invariably be in vain & it can take years to get over this type of person till you realise actually if your partner really loved you they would number 1 care about you!
    Another thing is that if the empath has wounds that are unhealed on a subconscious level. Obviously Jolie has wounds left from her dysfunctional relationship with her father. Empaths are attracted to a narcissist in the first place because of this subconscious believe that they are not worthy of love. Therefore they seek live from one who is not capable of loving another.
    Jolie is obviously the empath & Pitt the narcissist. Whatever... it's not about taking sides and the Narcisist will have endured childhood trauma to cause them to detach from having feelings for others but anyone who has suffered in a volatile relationship with a narcissist will know how insidious it is & needs to focus on themselves, self love, and self preservation. ❤️

    1. I have no idea how she is 'obviously a very compassionate individual'. It's impression management. I'm sure there are loads of catholic priests who are 'obviously very compassionate individuals'.. until the lights go out.

    2. You are dead on here Believeinyourdreamz. Anyone who's been in a relationship with a narc can see that Brad ticks all the boxes. A huge red flag of narcs is a string of relationships and switching partners quickly. They cannot be alone, they are addicted to people/attention


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