
Friday, May 6, 2011

Hollywood = sociopath enabler

There are some fun parallels between sociopaths and Hollywood. First of all, Hollywood movies make grossly unrealistic expectations seem plausible, which enables a sociopath's behavior like little else. Little girls and boys dream of a certain type of love, a certain type of life. Nothing will ever come close to this illusion, with the possible exception of another illusion. Sociopaths are the masters of catering to individual fantasies, and since sociopaths and Hollywood are the only people who can scratch this particular itch, in order to keep living in this fantasy world many people are forced to choose between watching romantic comedy matinees before going home to feed their 20 cats or be satiated by their sociopath bad habit.

I don't think the parallels between sociopaths and Hollywood stop there, though. In fact, the more you understand the way that Hollywood manipulates you to want certain things and consequently accept certain crazy things as normal, the more insight you will have in how a sociopath achieves the same. For instance, this article talks about how Hollywood makes outrageous stalker behavior seem normal and even desirable in an intense lover, from the quintessential "The Graduate" to the lesser known "Revenge of the Nerds":
At the end of Revenge of the Nerds, Lewis Skolnick finally wins over Betty Childs, which is absolutely astonishing when you consider that he engineered a midnight break-in of her sorority house, which involved he and his buddies scaring the shit of a bunch of co-eds, stealing their underwear and planting hidden cameras around their house, and later actually raped Betty inside of the moon room while pretending to be her disguised boyfriend. I mean… what? How did this dude not end up being hauled away in handcuffs as the credits rolled? How unrealistic was it that he took off his mask in the moon room and Betty didn’t freak out and begin screaming for help?


  1. Clap your hands, everybody!
    And everybody, clap your hands!

  2. Oh, indeed: romantic idealisation, involving such distortions of reality that only actors can (re)produce it, is very much a sign of the times.

    The ugly-guy-hot-girl media trope has taken over the world to such an extent that somewhere in the male consciousness today nestles the delusion that they too could seduce Megan Fox if she would just give him a chance - one chance! How unchallenged 'hot' predatory females must currently feel.

    Unfortunately this popular fantasy, and the availability of easy sex in a society that promotes effortless infatuation as worthier than working at love, has rendered modern men immature and unformed in the eyes of modern women who are weened on equally improbable idealisations of chivalrous heroes and happily-ever-after matrimony.

    Too often the average man brings nothing more than having a job to the table because being 'himself' in all his emotionally stunted glory is all that is required of him to gain, and maintain, male privilege. Whether this is acceptable, or not, as it has been for millennia for the purposes of procreation is of course another topic – but for most of today’s women who have been told not to 'settle' because 'you're worth it' it is not.

    This chasm between expectations and reality is, of course, where the 'romantic' predatory male swoops in to enjoy his own success. Courtship rituals are dead, and with them the physical and emotional safety they afforded women, to such a degree that if he can resurrect the illusion of a fairytale 'Prince Charming' by being the antithesis of today’s average man he is as likely to easily devour his prey as his female counterpart.

    Yes, much sexual aggression, including stalking, is indeed couched in the language of romantic ideals that (still) blames women for provoking men, renders it invisible, and shames her into silence – but I’d wager it always has been.

    (Note to newlyweds: Every Breath You Take by The Police is not the 'love' song you think it is.)

  3. i know if i could date megan fox she would fall in love with me u r just jealous cos all girls want me but u will never have me cos u r sooooooo lame and boring

  4. crispy the niggerMay 6, 2011 at 4:08 AM

    What are you talking about Medusa?

  5. Anon @ 3:22am:

    What's your favourite death trope, dear? You know I'm a wonderful actor and it really would be ever so much for to distort reality with you one last time. Can you swim? Might you outrun a bear? I'll even let you dig your own grave :)

  6. stfu sabian u r not intersting at all and r not even a sociapath but a thespean faggot. if u were a sociapath u would know that we can outrun bears.

  7. Megan Fox is trash. Just sayin'.

  8. The oppressed, the silent, the stalked and what have you not.

    Just observe when women compete for the same thing. Socios stand back!

  9. Yeah she is total trash once you get past the gorgeous long legs, ample chest, perfectly constructed face, round ass, and bang-in body. Total trash after all that.

    Her sex tape(s) need to hurry up and be released.

  10. jolie was hotter when she was young.

  11. hotter than megan fox i mean.

  12. That woman still is hot. So is Jenifer Lopez. Man you gotta love botox and plastic surgery.

  13. yup, i'd still give jolie 9/10.

    10/10 for fox

    7/10 for lopez

    12/10 for alba.

  14. Jessica Alba is the fakest black model I've ever seen american men get deluded with.

    J Lo is the farthest people ever got from barbie aesthetics. And Kim Kardashian.

  15. Love Jolie, wish she wasn't skin and bones now. Girls should have curves.

    Fox is Jolie-Light with a faux bad girl image, fraction of the brain,and a 2 cent vocabulary. That's what I find so unattractive about her. Vapid, unintelligent, unattractive.

    Monica Belluci. There is hot personified.

  16. are you bi-sexual, haven?

    the only film i've seen with belluci is one where she's raped and beaten to a pulp in an alley by a crazed pimp...

  17. Any other PD site that is interesting to follow? I know Haven mentioned she followed some, which ones?

  18. I read what is below and think poor Kesu, has not met his match yet. Spending time with trash, going back to some trash he dumped just to get a little bit of gold action for himself.

    Kesu, sweetie, one day you will ask a woman 'are you Sceli?' when she turns your life upside down. Learn to up the stakes, learn to go after hard catches, stop easy prey. Oh, I know this beeper with AIDS who won't tell anyone. Maybe one of those will be the one where you don't pull out. Last long in there, it may take longer than you thought to get her little germs. You are the KING, the one who can last, the one who does not pull out, the one who lets her take all the risks. You are DUMB!

    Kesu said:

    When I heard she was suppose to be engaged soon I called her. We got to talking. Just about this and that. After awhile she told that she got engaged. Soon after I told her to come over so we could have sex(I love being blunt). She said no at first. After all she just got engaged. Within a week she was sleeping with me again. After a few times I dropped her and stopped talking to her. So about a week ago she calls me and we start talking again. After a conversation she calls me and tells me that I need to tell her if I want her or not before she is married because she will break it off if I tell her that I will stay around. I am a drug. People relapse.

  19. How could I forget Monica Belluci. I was so enamored with her for some time. And I'll have to disagree with you on Megan Fox. She is wild. She might come out as trying too hard some times, but she has some material to back it up. I don't mind her having two brain cells (fuck and cash), she knows what she wants and sticks to that game, wich is not a turn off.

    I don't get it though why some women are considered hot and sexy, while being so bland. That's what J Lo and Jessica Alba strikes me as.

    I think both were considered the sexiest women in the world at some point. A young Carrie Fisher puts them to shame.

  20. "are you bi-sexual, haven?"

    Yes. I prefer women. Men cause me too much grief. Of course, that's never really stopped me before.

  21. Jessica Alba is the fakest black model I've ever seen american men get deluded with.

    Uh, Jessica Alba is not black. She is half Mexican. I've never heard anyone think she is black.

    J Lo is the farthest people ever got from barbie aesthetics. And Kim Kardashian.

    Are you kidding me? Your world must be really fucking small.

  22. My socio friend fucked Jessica when she was in my country shooting a movie. Lol! Temptations of the exotic east.

  23. "My socio friend fucked Jessica when she was in my country shooting a movie"

    did he tell you that?

  24. Jessica Alba is portrayed as black flavored, that's what I meant. Like Eva Longoria... "exotic", but not quite, except from the skin and hair tone. If one thinks hispanic, there's Eva Longoria, for instance...

    "Are you kidding me? Your world must be really fucking small."

    Pick any american list. 80% are skinny blondes, 5% meaty gold blondes, 5% regular brunettes and the other 9% are the real exotic ones. Oh, and 1% black.

  25. If one thinks hispanic, there's Eva Longoria*, for instance...

    My bad. Eva Mendes.

  26. @sceli I read what you say and see someone who has been used before. You relate to my ex. It even explains why you have that abstain for things just being about sex. Maybe you were just used and discarded or maybe you were raped. The details matter little.

    "Kesu, sweetie, one day you will ask a woman 'are you Sceli?' when she turns your life upside down."

    I've heard this statement all my life. Well first they'd have to make me actually care for them. Good luck. I may give the impression that I care but that doesn't mean that I will ever really care.

    Also why would I ask this question? I care nothing for you and think nothing of you.

    "Kesu, has not met his match yet. Spending time with trash, going back to some trash he dumped just to get a little bit of gold action for himself."

    I like this statement. First you put me above those other women. If you relate it to the statements you made it means you think you are my match or better. If you are looking to take me on in the battle of "love" well I'm afraid that wouldn't be a fair match for you. However, I've always liked a challenge. Maye you do to. Feel free to try. Don't be surprised when I never make a real connection.

    "Oh, I know this beeper with AIDS who won't tell anyone. Maybe one of those will be the one where you don't pull out. Last long in there, it may take longer than you thought to get her little germs. You are the KING, the one who can last, the one who does not pull out, the one who lets her take all the risks. You are DUMB!"

    Mmmmm. I like all the assumptions you make. Well that is what they are after all. You must think I never take any precautions. Don't get me wrong I've had one night stands. Remember though that sex is an act of submission to me. So it isn't really the sex that gets me off. In truth I don't get much pleasure from sex by its self. I do get the urge to have sex though. So I don't care much for one night stands. Cause they are equivalent exchanges.

    BTW she told you. So obviously people know she has AIDS. I just have to do a bit of searching to discover that. People have conscious if they like me and I reveal that I am going to sleep unprotected with her someone would own up about what they heard. Hell I can bring up that kinda of thing in general conversation and a lot of people will tell if they are in the right mood. People so love to gossip. O well keep assuming.

  27. "Black" isn't the only "exotic", dude. Non-white does not automatically equal "black-flavored".

    I can't stand the adjective 'exotic', by the way. I get it all the time and it means nothing at all.

    Also, if you looking for something as far from the Barbie aesthetic as possible, try Iman, Rosario Dawson, Naomi Campbell, Beth Ditto, Helen Mirren, Tilda Swinton, Frida Pinto, etc....

  28. Rosario Dawson man she was so hot on Clerks 2... A bit too skinny on rent and Sin City. Maybe she was just younger. She just didn't have that great chest that she did on Clerks 2).

  29. To me, this is the hottest woman ever.

    Former 90s supermodel.

  30. Why exactly is she the hottest woman ever to you Medusa?

  31. "I can't stand the adjective 'exotic', by the way. I get it all the time and it means nothing at all.

    That's my point. If you go to Spain and Mexico (and maybe France), you'll see two things: ethnicity is more equally divided and mixed people may be the norm. So US's beauty notion is locked in a shell. Some countries are worse, though. Like Germany.

    PS: I stand corrected on Jessica Alba. Didn't know she was half mexican, but if you're familiar with black/native american mix like I am, you'll never call her hispanic. If at all, she has blackish features over her dominant white.

  32. you're all idiots. everyone knows that that indian bolly wood bitch is the hottest woman ever, jesus!

  33. Soooooo, this whole comment page has just been you guys hanging out, shooting the shit, huh?.....very interesting.....

  34. Just because sociopathy falls under ASPD doesn't mean we are actually anti-social. Quite the opposite.

  35. No no I'm just saying, it's a very interesting discussion you've got going on here....kinda like on one of those super interesting social networking sites.....yeah.

  36. My favourite screen sirens are Winona Ryder, Beatrice Dalle, Isabella Rossellini, Juliette Binoche, Julie Delpy, Isabelle Adjani, Monica Belluci, Bridget Bardot, and Sophia Loren.

  37. some resemblance to you, Adam? Kesu?

    In 1982, Dahmer moved in with his grandmother in West Allis,[14] where he lived for six years.[15] During this time, his behavior grew increasingly strange. His grandmother once found a fully dressed male mannequin in his closet; Dahmer had stolen it from a store.[16] On another occasion, she found a .357 Magnum under his bed.[17] Terrible smells came from the basement; Dahmer told his father that he had brought home a dead squirrel and dissolved it with chemicals.[18] He was arrested twice for indecent exposure, in 1982 and 1986;[19] in his second offense, he masturbated in front of two boys.[20]
    In summer 1988, Dahmer's grandmother asked him to move out because of his late nights, his strange behavior, and the foul smells from the basement.

  38. that red head from madmen, fuck yeah*drools all over the keyboard*.

  39. I also like Drew Barrymore and Kate Moss. Alas I can only think of one male screen siren. Hmmmm.

  40. the red head on MadMen was hotter when she was on Firefly.

  41. that sceli was not sceli. kesu, you see sceli in the red one or not? let notme tell you.

  42. Jolie creeps me out, I don't think she's that great, then again I'm very picky. I wouldn't look at hollywood or acting in general for cute girls, I live California, I see those every day, thin, tan and blonde.

  43. Hollywood or the US says, anything is possible. This way you can keep working at minimal wage jobs, and keep dreaming. It is like lottery, someone is gonna win, and the rest (millions) will pay for that someone's but more importantly the state's win.

  44. Ladies, which guy you'd like to see naked?

    Haven, how is being bisexual? Does that mean whoever comes after you that you find attractive or do you actively pursue male or female you find attractive? Also, how do the qualities differ in terms of your being attracted to in men vs women?

  45. The red one could easily be Sceli. I just chose to identify people by their name. I don't care if it was or wasn't Sceli. She isn't normally hostile towards me. Whether that was or was not Sceli the post still remains the same. The fact of the matter is Sceli likes to change names often. She even likes to borrow peoples names on occasion.

  46. most beeper women are les because they got pwnt by a man earlier in life.

  47. Or for that matter makes names for just a single or few posts "someone".

  48. Love this post, M.E.

    Hollywood also helps the socio's cause in love by promoting the idea of whirlwind romance working out into happily ever after. I've seen a movie junkie girl go from "he's cute but not my kind of cute" to "we're getting married" in less than a month when a socio boy was involved. Unfortunately for him, she figured out that he was more sociopathic than empathic after living together briefly.

    Her lesson from it: background checks. In case Kesu was wondering.... ;)

    My lesson: fly solo to the bar where the band is playing & trust Hubby to sense disturbances in the Force....

  49. i think charlize theron is hot, and it is cool that her mother killed her dad in self defense.

  50. i want to see keanu reeves naked. kesu, who do you resemble?

  51. I can't stand Keanu reeves, worst actor ever.

  52. Adam, which actor looks like you?

  53. If anyone I'd be Heather Locklear in looks. Sorry to disappoint (whichever way the disappointment goes).

  54. "kesu, who do you resemble?"

    Steve Buscemi

  55. I knew you would say you resemble you, kesu. should have asked who resembles you, lol...

    this picture is very close to me, but gotta make the waist a little tinier

  56. Al pacino! Are you serious? How tall are you?

  57. steve buscemi looks like someone I don't like in person.

    remember the shower scene, hugh jackman, oy vey

  58. the hottest black chics are not in hollywood. they can be found in LA, NY, ATL, CHI, and any other major city. alot black girls are hot but the media likes portray a different image that's contrary

  59. but if you're familiar with black/native american mix like I am, you'll never call her hispanic.

    Mexicans are not mixed historically with blacks. "Mexican" in no way infers any black blood. Many South Americans and Puerto Ricans are, though.

    Why exactly is she the hottest woman ever to you Medusa?

    Probably because she looks like neither a man or a woman. I suppose I have an androgyny thing. And the long grey hair does it for me, too. And she looks strong and scary.

  60. steve buscemi is hot

  61. are you in the ufc medusa?

  62. black guys look the best naked. the curls look so statuesque. softest skin...

    white guys look like dead meat, purplish.

  63. medusa can bench 250

  64. medusa, you'd go to bed with that woman? what would be your fantasy?

  65. I second the Keanu Reeves comment. Perfect body. Met him a couple times -- I love that guy. Nice and polite and doesn't give a shit if he looks homeless most of the time.

    And yes, anon, I do have insane muscle tone. I get stopped by someone who feels the need to comment on it every five minutes in the summertime.

    It's funny because I'm a very sedate person and do not exercise at all.

  66. they were telling you your dick was hanging out

  67. Keanu is in Vancouver?

  68. best thing about american guys is they are mostly cut. uncut is such a turn off.

  69. can u post a picture of ur stomach medusa?

  70. @Anon 4:58... you think so? Maybe they just tell you they're lez so you leave them alone.

    Clearly you've never been involved in lesbian drama. That's just as unfun as dealing with male bs.

  71. accept it, you have a pathological hatred of men, we stole your soul.

  72. As far as what I look like. 6 foot broad shoulders barrel chested dark hair sometimes my eyes are dark sometimes they are bright. They are hazel though. I have a five O'clock shadow even after I shave.

  73. "Haven, how is being bisexual? Does that mean whoever comes after you that you find attractive or do you actively pursue male or female you find attractive? Also, how do the qualities differ in terms of your being attracted to in men vs women?"

    @Anon 4:54... Being bisexual is pretty much like being anything else. I’m attracted to certain kinds of people. The rest is just anatomy. Plumbing isn’t really much of a concern.

    I’m actually pretty selective in who I date. I actually don’t like people in general so I’m not attracted to a lot of people and almost no one based solely on how they look. I do actually need to get to know someone before I develop a real attraction to them. If you’re physically beautiful with the brain of a rock, right out. If you can’t hold a conversation with my I get bored really fast. I tend to pursue women. Men tend to pursue me. It’s easier to find men than it is to find women simply from a numbers stand point but that’s not really an indicator of quality.

    Actually the qualities I find attractive are pretty consistent regardless of gender. Physically there’s obviously some aesthetic differences I appreciate in different ways depending on gender. Personality types, interests… all that stuff, a lot of things grab my attention but they’re not gender specific. ::shrug::

  74. I don't have a soul to steal, so good luck with that. People in general suck. I don't like anyone until they show me I should. I dislike people when they show me I should as well.

  75. I'm 6 ft exactly, thin, dark brown hair, pudgy cheeks and I have an aquiline nose which looks great on me.

  76. why are you interested in sociopaths haven? isn't there a beeper forum for you?

  77. Geezus this again. it's not just sociopaths.

    I read this blog b/c I have a PD and I'm interested in other people with PDs, other types of PDs. This is hardly the only PD/Mental health blog I read, follow and participate on. Peoples psychology and pathology is fascinating to me.

    My entire life and blog revolves around BPD. It's nice to get out into a different forum. What do you care?

  78. but sociopathy isn't a disorder.. you are the outcast because you have a mental illness.

  79. stop shit stirring, anon. everyone here is equally screwed up.

  80. I have a terrible weakness for pale redheaded women with green eyes. Also, fit short haired brunettes as far as whites go. I'm not a big fan of Mediterranean women, and only when they're young. Some goes for Latinos. They both look like crazy hags when they get old, usually. And most SE Asian women that aren't thin get chubby little fat legs which is a major turn off for me. I do however like Black women. Muscular with meat? Hell yeah.

    And you can't forget the Eastern European gals.

    Most female celebs don't look all that great when they aren't sporting a lot of make up and a salon fresh hairdo. A lot of them are quite average when it comes to natural beauty. I can't think of any off the top of my head that I've seen Natural that I like, but I don't follow celebs very close.

  81. Ah, I also have a big thing for redhead ladies. Also pale black haired ladies with light eyes, ala Trinity. Or that lady from House.

    Note, I am the best of all of your favorite worlds.

    Kim Kardashian is the only celeb I've seen that still looks good without makeup.

  82. Chick from House... you mean Olivia Wilde? Hot but really skinny. I like more curves on women.

    Dig your taste Note.

    I favor dark hair and light eyes. Good ink, too. Don't need to be in excessively good shape but I appreciate someone that takes care of themselves. Not ghostly pale either, just doesn't look healthy sometimes.

  83. No, not Olivia Wilde. That woman looks weird.

    No, I mean Cuddy. The boss lady.

  84. She does have a weird look but I dig the different.

    Meh. I don't care for Cuddy. She always looks like she's going to cry.

    Tell a lot about someone by their eyes.

  85. I don't like muscular women that aren't Black, I should add. I dunno why, but they have to be Black or very dark Latino, otherwise for some reason it's a turn off. I think chicks with a six pack looks gross personally, I usually prefer curves. I don't want to be rolling around in bed with someone who is bony and tough. And as I don't like to roll around in bed very much as it is, I'm especially picky.

    I'm not sure what I like more, ghostly pale or midnight ebony.

  86. I dug the red head from Luther. Her looks plus the fact that she was batshit crazy (and sometimes looked it) just did something for me :P

    I know why I have a thing for insane red heads! My Dad dated one for a while that I had a huge crush on as a boy, that is until she chopped down our front door with an Ax after he broke up with her. Sounded like a fucking banshee. Thankfully the cops didn't shoot her.

    So does that make it a paraphilia under the circumstances? Psychotic red heads? :P

  87. I appreciate being in shape. I like to keep a nice tone, I have a natural hour glass so I couldn't look like a 12 year old boy even if I wanted to (which I don't). Body builder type women kind of make me cringe.

    You like the extremes. Can respect that. I'd not be your type, I have something of an olive tone which really makes no sense at all.

  88. Red heads are disgusting. I prefer athletic women. I can't have a fat slob lying around my house, my aunt already holds that position. I dislike sentimental women, warmth and kindness turn me off, but I choose those sorts sometimes for obvious reasons.

  89. I remember you posting a part of your face, and I remember it not being dark. So I guess it doesn't really matter if you aren't :)

  90. You're an idiot. I'm your dream woman.

  91. You're a psychotic pale red head with green eyes? I'm positively swooning.

  92. I used to be a redhead and I'm psychotic enough for government work.

  93. Natural? It's gotta be natural.

  94. Ironically my preferred woman is exactly like me. :P

  95. Ironically? I think it's fitting that you'd prefer {someone like} yourself over any other type haha.

  96. I actually do enjoy the company of highly intelligent narcissistic women. I had one as a roommate once. It does keep life interesting so long as it's in small doses. But for romance? I think it'd be stale or end up in murd...manslaughter.

    Just regular old highly obsessive/psychotic works for me :)

  97. hi. That wasn't me earlier, ignore that Medusa.

    I can't log in anymore since I deleted my blog, so my name will probably be hijacked a lot. Whatever.

    Hmmm, i like this topic. My favorite male is this guy

    scuse the dumb video. He looks STARTLINGLY like my ex (with hair though) who i met AFTER i fell in lust with this guy.

    And my favorite female is rachael weisz.
    Can't be bothered to insert a picture. I love pale skin, on men and women.
    I'm not gonna list other things i, eyes, blah blah, i just like natural looking people. And done up hair on guys makes me despair. Either shaven or wild and unkempt. That's what i like.

  98. That guy's devilishly handsome. Good taste, notme.

  99. haha. I do have mighty good taste. :) Well, i would say that...

  100. would you blow him note?

  101. I'm not gay but baldness is never acceptable, even on a man. I feel superior in ever way in the prescense of a bald guy, I've always been a hairball.

  102. About eyes: the BPD women I've known have all had "Olivia Wilde" type of eyes, sort of slanted and almond-shaped with arched eyebrows. Is this a possible genetic BPD thing, or just coincidence? Anyone? Also, re: Olivia Wilde, something about her makes me crazy, yet Megan Fox, Jessica Alba and Angelina Jolie make me YAWN.

  103. hmm, i'll link to a pic of my eyeses if you like. :)

    I say everyone post a pic of their eyes. NAO.

  104. I think Jason Statham pulls off bald really well. I saw him with hair once (possibly a wig) and he looked ludicrous.

  105. Suits his tough guy image, but the tough guy image is always maladaptive.

  106. My ex looks like a thin Nathan Explosion.

    With a Louis Cypher flair.

  107. well, goodness knows why but both my last two exes were shaven/bald.
    And i'll just say, that they were very attractive. So, dunno where this paranoia about going bald comes from.

    A good looking person is good looking whatever they look like. It's kinda obvious.

    hey Note, did you notice i deleted my email too?


    i found one. Ain't she pretty.

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. actually, i can see the menace in there Adam.
    No joke.
    Lemme find one of me.

  111. Really menace? I just see blankness.


  113. kesu let's see yours.
    weird, i can't get on adam's blog anymore.

    i can only post mine through imgur since i don't have a blogger account anymore. hm.

  114. CAn't say they are to different then Adam's. Though he looks to be very young. Strangely enough though his seem feminine to me. He could be a cute little girl if he had some freckles across his nose.

    Why did you get rid of yours anyways notme? I miss the deer picture already.

  115. haha, i miss it too. I had an impulse attack and just felt like doing something destructive since i was feeling so angry about something the other night. hmm. I'm a retard. :- /

    It was a pretty blog, if low on hard-hitting content... :(

  116. This comment has been removed by the author.

  117. O well. No one says these blogs have to save the world. You should try and get in contact with someone from blogspot customer service. Maybe they can recover it for you.

    As for my eyes. Funny thing that we pick eyes today after I post my new picture. I actually picked this picture because about 2 weeks ago I wrote a post that just seemed off the wall mad. A blood vessel in my eye burst at that same time. I was having really bad sinus pressure. It made my eye fill up with blood though. I wish I had taken a picture of it through the phases of it draining. One part it was like dark veins crossing my eye in a spider web like fashion. Then it formed little rings around my iris. It was pretty cool. People felt so uncomfortable making eye contact with me though. It was hilarious.

  118. I find female eyes more attractive than male eyes personally... that is probably because I'm attracted to females more than males. I think the reason they look female is because of how your face in that picture looks like it has gentle curves. Rather then the rough hard lines most males have. Then again I can't really see the picture that well.

  119. the 'blankness' in his eyes is what i perceive as menacing. Only cos i know blank, vacant eyes are the sign of something being off.

    i read somewhere that the stare that intimidates people has a physiological basis that comes from the the part of the brain relating to some sort of emotional dysfunction or void. Hence, the look. Eyes are important in detecting what is going on or not going on in the brain.

    i don't know what i'm saying, me tired.

    kesu, that sounds painful. :(

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. it won't let me see, it just redirects me to another page. Adam, have you set it on private viewing or for blogger account holders only or something?

    either that or my computer hates me.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. yay! It worked.

    Yeah, you look young and fresh faced, dare i say, cute?
    But, i wouldn't trust you as far as i could throw you.

  125. I've been told that I have very pretty feminine eyes, and I also have fairly long lashes.

    And also that I have crazy intense eyes too :P I guess it depends when you catch me ;)

  126. He looks like he is 15. Which would explain the gentle curves to his face too.

  127. This comment has been removed by the author.

  128. Adam has a blogger account so now he is special

  129. Looks bored and blank... Same kind of stare I generally wear. Just blank like nothing is there.


  131. Adam, I didn't leave that last comment about you. It was an imposter who doesn't have the gall to express himself in person.

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. Cool, I can see some resemblance with mine note, although you'd look 50 times more bad-ass if you chopped off those eyelashes. :P

  134. do you have problems adam? i can see repressed rage behind ur eyes...

  135. Maybe a little, you can make assumptions. I'm not sure I have any problems.

  136. I can't really draw any conclusions from that but it still looks female... WTF is with me and eyes looking female tonight. I think it is just your lashes though. Long and separated.

  137. Like I said, I have very feminine eyes.

  138. I didn't really see similarities between ours at all, though.

  139. Yeah, not really, but mine are dark and you can barely see the pupil in your eye either.

  140. The only way I could see is the stare is common and the dark eyes. Tonight has made me think to much. I kinda dislike it. Maybe it isn't that socios don't self reflect but rather that a piece of them keeps them from real self reflection. I mean the grandiose self image. The narcissism. The disassociation. The compartmentalization. With shallow emotions and no guilt what is there to reflect on? It isn't like I get truly happy or sad. I don't have anything I feel bad about. Logically I know why I do things for the most part. I don't have anyone that I care for.I don't really worry and I don't feel stress. I dunno my musings.

  141. That is why we always strive for superficial means, looks, power, ego. There is nothing inside.

  142. Yeah. That is pretty much my conclusion too.

  143. i felt sad at this conclusion.

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. If such was the case, what it says about the 'intelligent' people who are fascinated or are addicted to you is even more profound.


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