Friday, May 27, 2011

Mirror image

A reader asks me about mirrors:
A blog follower of yours mentioned mirrors once. He/she said that they are fascinated by mirrors and treat them almost like it was another person; not themselves, but someone else they can converse with. (at least that's what I think they said) I only ask because I would have to agree with this particular sentiment. I too do not see myself when I look in a mirror, but something more like a friend who speaks for me, who wears my mask, who is my flack jacket whenever I need her. Do you ever feel this way? If this is getting too off-topic, no worries, I understand.
M.E.: Mirrors are funny. Sometimes if i am having an emotion, crying at some sappy movie, etc., and I am alone, I'll go to a mirror to study my reaction. It is endlessly fascinating to me to see my face reflect what appears to be true joy, to see a tear rolling down my cheek, or to see what my death stare looks like. Other times when i see myself in the mirror, i have the sensation of wanting to seduce myself, to be physically intimate with my reflection. (Interestingly, Sam Vaknin thinks narcissists are prone to molesting their family members for this reason: "The narcissist is auto-erotic. He is the preferred object of his own sexual attraction. His siblings and his children share his genetic material. Molesting or having intercourse with them is as close as the narcissist gets to having sex with himself.") I wonder if these things are really that abnormal, though. don't you think many people indulge in these mirror games?

As for mirrors, I'm not sure how many people feel the same strange kinship to the people they see staring back. I guess it could be just a reflection without personality or interest for some people. But how many people openly recognize how they act in front of a mirror? I'd say a high level of self awareness is needed. I think I am very self aware and perhaps that is why i look in a mirror so often - I want to be sure the look on my face is appropriate for the occasion. I need to make sure my sad face is sad enough. The same with my concerned face. I've been told I suffer from eternal bitchface - even if things are sunkissed and roses in my mind, my face is often stuck in an eyebrow-arching evil queen from Snow White expression. Practicing my softer expressions takes constant practice if I want to seem interested or pleasant. And the little narcissist in me can't stand to constantly be seen with a sour expression on my face. I'm much prettier when I smile - even if I don't want to.


  1. Since my beginning I've ran like hell away from mirrors and find the gaze and presence of inquisitive strangers mostly intrusive. Without specific purpose or necessity, my interactions with known people fare no better. Yet when I occasionally chance the risk of a brief glance at my reflection, I can see why some people feel compelled to engage me although the only reciprocation I have is suspicion and resent.

  2. i look in mirrors to put my makeup on, my makeup is my face.. once i have it on i can go out and face the world.. with makeup i am confident, i am amazed at the difference it makes. its like a before and after picture. (to me at least)i act totally different with my face on,(make up)and if i were going out and dressed up, hair perfect, make up immaculate, im even more charming, talkative,funny, i draw attention without even trying, the ego boost is immense!but once everything is in place i rarely look in the mirror except to take the 'face off' i prefer leaving the face off, but if i don't put it on then i couldn't leave the house for work or any reason..**

  3. ME, I would have to say my experience is pretty spot on with yours.

    I also used mirrors and reflective surfaces extensively when I was young to practice facial expressions. I still do sometimes to this day if I see an interesting look I want to learn to emulate.

    Mirrors are like backboards for tennis. You just keep practicing until you think you're ready to play with someone else.

  4. The fetishes of other people repulse me and everybody has fetishes. Everything in everyone's lives is a pathetic fetish except they all think it's real. Without the anesthetic of mind altering rewards or depiction that it's extraordinary, how can I, be a part of that without feeling I'm needlessly contributing to someone else's perverted reality?

  5. Damn you facial expressions! Surely one of my most annoying habits, allowing the disgust in the conversation or person in front of me to creep to my face. Assuming I'm trying to gain the persons confidence in front of me for some reason (or I wouldn't be talking to them, right?) I spend the rest of the conversation trying to make sure my face is reacting as an interested "normal" face should. Usually I end the conversation early out of annoyance of my mind state.

    Almost always I realize shortly after that the person never caught my facial change and I was only assuming they did. I am still amazed how few people watch others constantly as I do.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. M.E. is clearly a woman if she cries at soppy movies.

  8. elleon, right on. i've noticed my expressions can be exaggerated. I do not like seeing some of those images. And then with the ugly ones, i am sort of fixated. Do I really look like that when I feel this way? eew. Yeah, do not like to show too much with some people.

    Then I eye roll a lot. Have always wondered what that looks like. But I don't think it's easy to see yourself in the mirror while eye rolling. Cause your eyes are up in your head. Dammit. i will have to video tape that for a good laugh.

  9. When I look in the mirror I get spooked a little. I don't really recognize myself in my own image. It's like, I think of myself as a normal dude, but when I look in the mirror I feel a little bit frightened. It's like my image in the mirror beckons me to engage it in some way. An involuntary smile springs up and I get even more spooked by it.

  10. If you just met me IRL you would think I'm either just the shy type or decently polite and empathic. In my thoughts you are probably already nothing or close to being remotely able to keep my attention. My performance and reactions for you is out of some internalized auto response that has disastrous consequences for me as it could lead to prolonging an unwanted interaction or expectation of the same response sequence in the future.
    My biggest hate is that I am too hung up about being consistent. Because my first level of rationalization tells me that being too engaging or too non participative potentially makes me the unwilling target for random people who are always looking for to affirm their convictions of the day. Can't win either way but 'nice' requires less energy. I am the pet that pretends to have learnt.

    What annoys me even more is that when I occasionally want to engage something 'real' or at least open up fresh possibilities, I too have to couch or package myself as some kind of sensation reciprocating apparatus in a human body. This required 'special connection' is nothing more than, an exacting sequence of assertions, restrain, facial expression and body language that most closely matches the fetish terrain of the moment. Nothing asphyxiates me, and brings the emptiness into light more than this masquerade of spontaneity.

  11. I used to stare at my own reflection alot when I was little. I liked looking into my own eyes. I mimicked expressions that I'd seen on other people's faces and that I hadn't recognized but I didn't even know why I was doing it. Sometimes I used to show expressions that were out of tune with what was going on. Like if somebody mentioned something that was supposed to be sad I'd look happy just to see what reaction I'd get. I don't have to control and put thought into all of my expressions when I'm talking somebody and I don't find wearing masks or being social difficult. It's important to put thought into your next move in conversations and arguments where you have a goal to reach, because then it's a tactical exchange and every move counts. When I am faking facial expressions I just reflect other people's straight back at them. Or I can just pull it out of nothing.

  12. I don't wear masks for everybody. Alot of the time I just say and do what I like and I don't give a shit wether you love or hate me. It's only important to were masks when your trying to achieve something. Sometimes I slowly bring people around to my point of view and make them see things from my perspective. If you've ever seen Training Day, it's alot like what Alonzo does to the other cops in that.

  13. Oh and shut up 50% you fucking freak.

  14. Never practiced facial expressions in a mirror but I am in love with my own reflection. There are only 2 facial expressions you need. Happy and sad. Anger comes naturally. Everything is just one or the other. Concern is sad excitement is happy. Worry is sad and congratulations is happy.

    I'm more worried about how to display the emotions then what my facial expressions is. Example. Sadness comes in waves. So you have to let it wax and wane. Facial expression wise you go from sad to flat. This is useful when someone dies. That is suppose to be true loss.

    I prefer to stay flat. Then I just get everyone around me to think that I am extremely stoic. Also with the constantly flat expression you can get people to think of you as consistent and level headed. You just have to make yourself look like the rock in the storm. It is great for business. People know you aren't going to freak out if the pressure is on. They think of you as reliable.

  15. You're no better than anyone else misanthrope. Nothing but just another believer in your own shit. Means nothing to me at all..needy badass nothing.

  16. 50% you're no better than anyone else. Nothing but just another believer in your own shit. Means nothing to me at all..needy empty nothing.

    Amazing how that statement can be applied right back.

  17. Mis when i stare at myself, I can look right through me.
    i can see myself as a little scared person even if I catch myself in the mirror being really really genuinely happy. It feels like: shit, i am happy. Look, I AM happy dammit. But as soon a I acknowledge it to myself in the mirror, if I look deeper and i see the eyes of my soul, I see the same eyes from photographs of me as a sad and lonely little child. But I snap out of that and shake it off. I resume the happy look, but then that second take is not the same as the first.

  18. "My performance and reactions for you is out of some internalized auto response that has disastrous consequences for me as it could lead to prolonging an unwanted interaction or expectation of the same response sequence in the future"

    Who the the fuck talks like that?

    "Amazing how that statement can be applied right back."

    Yeah it was just one of the templates stored in his system memory.

  19. badass muther fuckerMay 27, 2011 at 9:10 AM

    Who the fuck wants to look at your core, anon 9:06

    Keep that shit to yourself. You're bringing this place down. Go over to haven's blog and cry into your cup of tears there. ur pissing me off.

  20. "My performance and reactions for you is out of some internalized auto response that has disastrous consequences for me as it could lead to prolonging an unwanted interaction or expectation of the same response sequence in the future"

    is that lying?

  21. Why are you telling me this shit anon? Go see a psychiatrist or punch your parents in the face or something.

  22. kesu said:
    People know you aren't going to freak out if the pressure is on. They think of you as reliable.

    Are you not reliable? I am . But i get tired of it.

  23. "Go see a psychiatrist or punch your parents in the face or something"

    as if.

    "Well, why don't you Do something about that dear. Go out get some fresh air, talk to a friend, pet your pussy."

  24. did some pussy anon mention pussy?
    I get plenty of pussy. all day. I'm tired of it. All I see is pussy pussy pussy. I need me some fat dick.

  25. misanthrope @9:13
    been there and done that. Time for something new. please leave me suggestions somewhere where you can find me? you know who I am.

  26. Kesu been there done that

  27. Do it again then. Then find a really tall building and fly away. Just jump and flap your arms really hard.

  28. Kesu, why is that so amazing? Unless you really think there is something. How much worth are you to something that doesn't need your approval? I don't even want to know but it seems some people feel compelled to share their opinions or how they feel about others to assign worth to themselves or to what they're convinced about. Something is definitely expected. Tell me how exactly should I respond? Should I feel degraded, fear, anger or show more respect for Misanthrope?

  29. "Are you not reliable? I am . But i get tired of it."

    Yes and no. I can be a complete flake telling people I will do it then never doing it. It just matters how important it is to me. How important that person is to me. If I don't care about you and it isn't important to me I'm going to flake 100% assured. If it is important for me to keep appearances with you then I might do it. If it is important for me then I will do it. See very simple. That image is for the general population around me. I keep a distance from every one anyways. I'm in arms reach but you have to stretch. So I can step back and away any time or I can step forward and embrace you. It allows me to move seamlessly between business associate and friend.

  30. Misanthrope, try not to move your chain of thoughts too far from their usual closed loop. Something might give as that's not the original design intention. You are one of few originals.

  31. @50% I don't give a shit. I just don't like you. Yourself righteousness and the all knowing small man are fucking annoying and weak. I'm a complete nihilist. So nothing has meaning to me. I don't give a shit if you feel fake day to day. Think you are the only one? O fucking well. Have a pity party or whatever it is you want by yourself in a airtight container buried 6 feet under. I can respect being robotic. I an respect hating people. I know I do. But fuck that meek weak little bitch shit.

  32. Come on Kesu you are as fake as me. You too also show your magnanimity and humility on strategic occasions, but only from a position of strength and achievement. What is the worth of the small and flawed man's humility and admission of emptiness compared to that?

  33. Well my socio doesn't even to act like he cares about anything concerning me. I don't ask for anything and he doesn't give, he demands what he wants and I give.
    Hey it works.

    Reading this blog I get the best information to understanding our differences, I wouldn't want to work my poor master to hard.

  34. Btw I don't give a crap about your respect so it's interesting that you think I'm being preachy. Btw It's ok to be wrong too unless you are in a realm where everyone's red eyes are on you waiting for the slightest show of weakness and you can't run away without losing face. Oops are! In which case I wish you the best.

  35. Some of you take this blog way too seriously.

    Psycho-analyzing random anons who post here like Misanthrope?


  36. your all nuts,nothing ye say makes any sense.. is that part of the plan? or pure self obsession? boring... i'll take some drugs, come back in an hour and maybe it will make sense then**

  37. Try spending some time in the real world and learning how to interact with real people. Then mabye you wont worry about "prolonging and unwanted interaction", mirrors, and people staring at you. Or just fuck off and sob into your pillow about how empty and lonely feel inside you pathetic loser, because I nobody else wants to hear it.

  38. I hate mirrors. Looking into mirrors can be very much like looking at a stranger for me. I don't connect to the reflection. It feels entirely seperate.

    Cognitively I know this is my face looking back at me, but I am not attached to what I see. Couple this with a contradictory desire to alter everything to perfect what I do see to be an idealized version of myself.... mirrors are very disconcerting.

  39. Wow this is quite the reaction!I was just saying what I felt without intending to compare anything. But it seems to have affected some of the tougher guys here in a rather personal way. I wonder which raw nerve did I accidentally hit?

    @Misanthrope. But I have to learn and interact with 'real people' in my 'real world'. I just have my way of processing as best as I can, as do you. But I'll keep that advise under consideration if it makes you feel better (empathy). Your wish to oust whom you want from your 'world order' is touching and shows just how fragile it is but no, because it's not mine and I'll repeat just for the interaction, I JUST DON'T FUCKING CARE what you think so STFU

  40. aaahhhhhhhh...........# has an hour past already? i would love a socio for myself... how do i get one? do u have a dating site? do tell***

  41. Maybe Misanthrope is having an argument with his alter-ego. Hehe!

  42. lol, i don't think you hit a raw nerve, 50, it's just that SOME PEOPLE here a ridiculously aggressive.

  43. tike, it sure as hell feels like lying, which is why it doesn't always succeed even though it's the only thing to work with. Getting over that and accepting me for me would be a huge step to more purposeful response options.

  44. "I JUST DON'T FUCKING CARE what you think so STFU"

    Heh. Yeah I feel the same way. Your opinions are like white noise to me.

    If you don't care what I say(and you obviously do seeing as you turned hostile when I insulted you), stop arguing with me. End of story.

  45. Haven, I don't connect with or trust anything that is capable of reflecting me. Do you have anything to base the idealized version of you and how firm is that?

  46. Dude, I think you just kicked 50%'s ass.

  47. You have now been ousted.

    Jason. I wouldn't consider what I said as psycho-analyzing.

  48. Ok, what I don't get is though it seems the Socio's here are cognizant enough to present that they're being unfairly misjudged, need understanding and acceptance above all else rather than being witch hunted to extinction, they are also the first to label, judge, ridicule and threaten to obliterate others who have flaws different from theirs.

  49. 50% you talk like a fucking android. One of you robot blokes again talking about how your central proccessing unit wires information about how your supposed to feel and your memory bank fires the correct response in lightning fast speed. We've heard it before. Robopathy. People don't like you because your weird. Or should I say 'different'. You have no social skills.
    I used to sank to myself in the mirror. Ill be the first here to admit it. I am so caught up in myself its ridiculous.
    I used to practice the winning smile, and it paid off. People always tell me I have a smile that lights the whole room up. I have always had a intense gaze so I didn't ever practice that.
    Icon you want a sociopath just be codependant and useful, the rest will follow surely.

  50. Anon I have always been the first on this forum to say we are not hunted and persecuted. People don't know what I am and most people love me. I get what I want because of that and most sociopaths do. People don't hate sociopaths till they get fucked over by them. Even then some will still defend them.
    As for the ridicule of others, they deserve ridicule. The weak and the pathetic deserve to be judged. Everything to me is black and white.

  51. Robopathy?

    I thought it was psuedo-intellectualism mixed with a massive case of Aspergers.

  52. Ok Jason, I stand corrected.

  53. "One of you robot blokes again"

    Yeah how do these people keep finding their way here? Do most people think of sociopaths as these weird monotone freaks who show no emotion?

  54. thanks ukan, i have tried that, but i get annoyed and frustrated while i wait..have you ant tips for me????

  55. I have been playing this game l.a. noir where you have to investigate murders and interrogate suspects and witnesses to find out who did it. The cool thing about the game is that it uses this new technology that records the facial movements of the actor and animates it almost life like into the game. You have to read their facial movements, voice inflections to figure out if the person is lying or telling the truth.

  56. icon why are you still waiting? You will continue to be codependent and useful.


    usefulness to sociopaths is a finite resource. It can be an abundant resource, but its finite. You just need to play the doormat, and then wait for a hole. Even though socios are good at manipulation, they aren't perfect. There is usually a hole, you just have to find it. Once you find the hole, go in, take what you want, and never look back.

  57. 'Once you find the hole, go in, take what you want, and never look back.'

    sounds like my saturday night. (:

  58. @50… I do, and I don’t have things that my idealized sense of self is based off of. I don’t necessarily have solid images so much as a solid visual association to when I am most in control. In control of my body translates to in control of my life. Or vice versa. They’re one in the same really. So my idealized version of my Self is one that is in control. Take a wild guess at how often I attain that feeling.

  59. Why would you purposely seek out a sociopathic man? After the first year of dating me my wife's whole reality was shattered. It took her another year after to recover.
    Misanthrope, I think they do. I think they are schizoids and loners trying to explain why society thinks they are wierdos.

  60. Social skills! You mean people presenting themselves as what they think others want to see to achieve some kind of affirmation? Only problem is that as more and more people learn to apply and counter apply this to achieve clever ends, its just gonna make the promised results more fake and inconsistent until the implied 'integrity' and 'loyalty' in intuitive human bonding becomes just a representation, replaced by purely tangible (robotic) exchanges. If that romantic form of 'social skill' is a sustainable necessity. I'll believe in Santa Claus.

  61. 50% was just a new person to initiate.
    Doesn't mean they were run off.

    Not sure who's stronger the one's who dish out the abuse or the one's who take it. My vote goes for the one's who take it.

    So there's my 2 cents.

  62. Has anyone here got comments from peers,family,or freinds, that they look like serial killers?

    Someone told me today that it looks like I never show emotion, but I do.

    I guess it's because I spend alot of time in my own head. I may appear to be blunted.

  63. "Social skills! You mean people presenting themselves as what they think others want to see to achieve some kind of affirmation? Only problem is that as more and more people learn to apply and counter apply this to achieve clever ends, its just gonna make the promised results more fake and inconsistent until the implied 'integrity' and 'loyalty' in intuitive human bonding becomes just a representation, replaced by purely tangible (robotic) exchanges. If that romantic form of 'social skill' is a sustainable necessity. I'll believe in Santa Claus. "

    If you learned to apply social skills, you wouldn't have to talk to yourself in the mirror at night.

    I never knew institutions allowed patients to go online anyway.

  64. I do what I do with no effort on my own part 50 so it is as real as anything genuine. I couldn't stop mirroring people and manipulating them if I tried. People are magnetized to me even if I am just typing something. I can't change, and the only difference I've had in learning about who I am is being able to stand back at the end of the day in amazement at what I do. People read books on how to do the things I do subconsciously. Sometimes I feel like a god

  65. Tik it is very idealist of you to think victims are stronger than those who victimized them. Its not a reality.

  66. thanks for that jason... but if i act the doormat, and find the hole, but dont know what i want, how do i take it? also if i play the submisive to his dominant,n wait till he needs me and come running to do his bidding this will work? or should i play hard to get?##

  67. Really Ukan? I believe you've had your share at the hands of other's, weren't you the stronger one then?

  68. Icon play hard to get, but don't play it to strong or you will be just annoying and he will lose interest quickly. Use it to obtain a commitment, but know that once he gets what he seeks you are over with. So you better have something in you he wants that is not short term. Unless you want short term.
    Tik anyone who tries to victimize me is a fool. I will bring down heaven and hell until I feel vindicated

  69. Ukan, vindicating and abusing someone because you have them at a disadvantage or because you see them as weak is two different things.

  70. ukan, were u speaking to me when you asked why would i seek out a socio man? because normal men dont hold my interest. if i get involved with 'good' men, i feel suffocated by there devotion and have to run off. i cant seem to accept it... having said that i dont want the shit bet out of me either!!! something in the middle?

  71. You're looking for a jerk, not a socio, icon

  72. icon, something in the middle is not a socio, they are the far extreme. Very charming when you meet them because they are mirroring you or what they see you want and then will take it away as soon as they see you have fallen for it. Thats when the nightmare begin's.

  73. The best thing you can do is to avoid a sociopath icon, don't be stupid. You could end up dead.

  74. The chances are they won't ditch you. He will keep you around, take his anger out on you, belittle you, blame you and make you do every chore.

  75. "Ok, what I don't get is though it seems the Socio's here are cognizant enough to present that they're being unfairly misjudged, need understanding and acceptance above all else rather than being witch hunted to extinction, they are also the first to label, judge, ridicule and threaten to obliterate others who have flaws different from theirs."

    Welcome to the pathology. We are abusive people by nature. My friends constantly tell me that I am a violent person. I don't see it. I can't help it if I find it funny to punch someone in a fresh wound. Watching them pant and cry in pain has always been funny to me.

    The real point is that if we see weakness we jump on it. Things such as depression, self-pity, and self doubt, come off as completely weak. I don't particularly get the entire hate for mechanical thinking. If that is the way most people think of Sociopaths then great. You'll never place me. What the general population thinks of sociopaths doesn't bother me. The more incorrect their thinking about it is the less likely they are to say I am one. Though I have been called one on more then one occasion.

    Here is some food for though though. The main culture in society allows for a lot of diversity. Sub cultures on the other hand demand more adherence to idyllic models. take Christianity. As a whole there are many different types with many differing views. The top culture just says you have to believe in God and Jesus as messiah. How often you pray, when you pray, church attendance, particularly beliefs in passages, and a literal or metaphorical interpretation, matter not to the top culture. The subcultures though may demand you to observe the sabbath or other traditions to call yourself one of them.

    This kind of thinking is apparent in all types of close knit groups that constitute a subculture. Such as cults, gangs, fraternities, and various other groups.

    Take goths and gang bangers. Racist between the two is in opposition. Gang bangers are generally African American or Hispanic. Goths tend to be white kids. Gangs are generally kids from poverty. Goths are generally upper poverty to middle class. Even with those differences the way the groups function and the rules that go along with them are very similar.

    Both have dress codes. For gangs it is an affiliated color. for goths it is black. Both tend to be violent. Drugs are a heavily influential in both. Weapons are another common factor. Both have a type of music that is preferred and closely associated with the group.

  76. O k there's the main reson icon you won't even know that they are one, and chances are you met several to many and never knew it. They were the one's that totally distroyed your freind's lives and walked away with out looking back. So go find yourself one and have a ball.

  77. Just because you don't want a tart doesn't mean you should go for a sociopath. For one you are looking for a very small percentage of people. Two, a sociopath is someone you kind of end up with and learn how to deal with. Seeking one out seems a little naive. Everything about sociopaths is extreme. Most have no idea who they are and throw their power around blindly. Power is talkin thy understand.

  78. Most narcissists and psychopaths come from low to middle class, abuse and oppression breeds mean people.

  79. Just to interact here. Ukan you don't fool me even for a second. I'll wager that the way things operate for you to assert your influence and win trust is by always presenting rather limited options or only the truths within your control say purpose, money, protection, threat of violence and eliminating the slightest of possibilities that doesn't support the congruity, as 'freedom to choose' and now with icon's case, even offering counter-advise instead of a hard sell.
    It's like the minimum security conditions the first convict prisoners discovered when brought to Australian Continent in the late 18th century. The good natured guards just laughed and got drunk when prisoners talked of escape. Those who attempted ended up as dried bones in the desert or meat for the natives or each other when their food and water ran out. Wanna guess if they wised up and saw the truth in working the chain gang of their own accord? How far am I?

  80. It is unknown whether sociopathy comes from genetics or environmental factors.

    I actually agree with zhawq, with a few distinctions, that sociopaths, pyschopaths, and aspd, are all different conditions. Each with it's own way of coming about.

  81. Psychopathy and Narcissism are more a like than psychopathy and ASPD.

  82. (Better known as the UKan Mania Fanclub, Int'l)

    I am feeling oddly magnetized*Jaw dropping, eyes glaze* You are a God! *despondent* Alas, that was just the metal plate in my hip.

    Kesu-- You have a nice eye. I'd probably identify you and nether of us would be anything other than mildly amused.

    UKan Mania--I recognize the disclosure of this rather primal attraction you inspire to be factual. Enjoy.

  83. thank u tik... iv had one of them in and out of my life for 12 years, but its only because of this site that i discovered what he was.. thank god for something! do you know the film 'hancock'? with will smith?when they got close they almost destroyed each other? well thats what it was like with us, i would end it when it got too much but he would always return, and it would start all over again. just like you said, win me over, even if it took a month-6 weeks, longer.. but the moment i submited, and trusted him,then he would start to take it away bit by bit till i could take it no more and end it, which i now know is what he wanted. but now i know, it has changed how i see him, he is like a puzzle i want to figure out. he destroyed me mentally and emotionally, but know i know the truth, the old me is back. am i playing with fire. it has gottin more interesting now,and i think thats the hook, 'cos lets face it, life is dull alot of the time;;

  84. ..Oh, and also the fear of discrimination against and not being among the pre-selected. The very same mechanisms used with great success by some of the major Religions.

    ..hence the 'Sometimes I feel like a god'

  85. 50%.. what advice would you give me?

    ukan.. thank you for yours

    tik yes, i know people whose lives have been destroyed by brutal unreasonable men. ive even known some of them socially, but i have had no interest in them. oh, they have charmed and flirted but i was immune to them for some reason. maybe the other one ruined me for any others? or maybe he just tried harder?

  86. What have I been trying to fool you on 50%? Spell it out and stop with all your gibberish.

  87. @icon or it could be that one has made such an impression on you that you can't think of anyone else. That isn't an uncommon happening.

  88. He made her emotionally dependant on him.

  89. short story:

    me: hey trevor, have u fucked up any 'paths today?

    trevor: nah, almost though, but the fat fuck 'path was too ugly, didn't wanna dis my hand, i'll save it for the "pretty" ones!

    me: that's cool, they LOVE wearing the markings of a beat down as they "feel" it is a "badge of honor" or a "proof" they tried to "manipulate" aka "suck someone's ass".

    trevor: you'r preaching to choir stupit, everyone knows that.

    me: well did u know neo-hitler targets 'paths as the new "vermin" to correct the mistake of previous wrongful targets?

    so it's really cool to fuck up a 'path, as they are the only ones that fuck up the world anyway, ie. pollute the environment (aka dick cheney), and rob people's retirement money (aka berney madoff), and kill their kids (aka casey anthony).

    fuckin 'paths up is right on!!!

    trevor: sweet, i'll be looking forward to fucking up the next one i find. peace!

  90. Right. Because people that go around beating people use psychology slang.

  91. icon, try someone you know is close to a socio and who your not really into and be the socio for practice. Sound like fun?

    Anyone comes on like a god to me, gets nothing but thinks they will.
    They never stop being nice, and either do I. But inside I win. Small victory but I win.

  92. kesu.. i think you are spot on with your obversation.
    ukan.. you to are right, he has done that. but i must have something when he keeps comming back? we have never lived together, when i say coming back, i mean tx, phone, meet, mental sex.. then the pull back, etc. nutsville!!

    i would love to be in a room with all u clever, charming things and see what you would make of me....
    oh the thrill, i can feel

  93. oh i have just got a text from him... i had to share it with you all!!!! he's asking me do i not think i have made a mistake, letting him go? i 'let him go' last week!!!! that didnt take long....
    jason, i must have something, this man is very articulate, clever, or maybe im just stupid?? except im not, gullible..perhaps? trusting? yes, kinda. street smarts... no. but intelligent.. yes>>>


  94. What do you have to offer?

  95. ... He is telling you to let him go? Do you want to let him go?

  96. ajsjkdsf;ldfncvn,xcn,sdfopjkjsdfklj im gay l;ksa;dlkas;lkdl;ksd;lksd nobody likes me askldjaskldjaslkdjalskjdlkj onomatopoeia sadkasl;dk;laskdl;ksdlksd.

    Did anyone understand that?

  97. tik... thats exactly what i do when im out, oh the buzz.. the ego trip
    small victory.. but nice
    p.s. if spelling gets bad.. thats the drugs lol

  98. 'path name: dr. Ukan Phuckoff III Jr.

    phd in: cocksucking, ass-sucking, anal bleeding, anal streaching.

    honors: anally wedged-up master/20in. butt plug, triple-fist fucked.....;)

    he's got the knowledge.......that's for sure!!! lol

  99. ukan... i havnt a clue... i thought u mite no?

    kesu.. he pushes me to the point of telling him were finished, then comes back asking me 'do i not think i have made a mistake?

    50% not a clue.. but i didnt study it///

  100. I loved Alonzo in Training Day. His attitude and demeanor is so similar to mine. It is like a mix of mentor and sadist, where you draw someone in but constantly push their buttons to see what they're actually useful for, and learn their true worth, as well as push them beyond their limits so you know their true breaking points.

    Most people can't stand that, and I made the conscious effort to not do it as much when I got older, but to this day I still do it with people I for some reason or another want to take under my wing. I want to build them up for some measure of fun, or curiosity, but I'm going to put them through hell first to make sure they're properly forged.

    Is it necessary? Of course not. Is it fun? You bet your ass it is.

  101. anon 3.36pm.... what you got against anal sex? ***

  102. thenotablepath... what you just said, is that applicable to my situation?

  103. Icon, that is the first comment of yours that I have read today. I've ignored pretty much everyone's windstorm of crap, including yours.


  104. i think it's really funny that dr ukan phuckoff was able to fit both zeric's and noteablepath's heads heads up his ass and they even had a conversation up in there because they didn't want dr ukan phuckoff to hear it....they wanted to talk about "manipulating" him ie who would get to suck his ass first. lol

  105. @icon. What are you saying? It's difficult to get a sense of your center. Do you know what that means? Have you looked at Haven's blog to get more ideas about that? Are you saying you want to break away from a predictable cycle?

    From what you have said here, I can only theorize that after you're done thoroughly analyzing the sorts that you like here and from your own real experiences, that you widen the field of your perception.
    I would suggest that you also explore what you rejected in the first place, meaning the normal good guys but this time, try to make learning as much new stuff about yourself as you can the objective, rather than drawing any black and white conclusions about others or seeking the usual easy gratifications. You can only do this if you open up all options including learning what makes others tick without fear of rejection. Hopefully at some point you will get a better sense of control and make new realities of your own will.

  106. @TNP

    are death threats involved?

  107. I don't know the man, nor have you discussed much about him. How would I know what he desires in his life.

  108. More like insinuations than outright threats, especially under risk of betrayal. Why do you ask, Jason?

  109. Sorry Ukan, I'm still laughing at your attempts at being intimidating. I know, totally the wrong reactions. That's me being all weirdly wired I guess.

  110. 50% you are a complete fool trying to shroud yourself in the cloth of wisdom and its pathetic.
    She can't go back to some weak cockroaches after shes been wih him. People have relationships where the other person fulfills their emotional needs. Now that he's not around she feels emptier. Thirsty you might say. A small drop of water wont quench it. It will just evaporate. At this point she would have to be strong enough to not be broken by him. Maybe that's why she is valuable to him. If she got some 'good guy' she would eat him alive. The good guy couldn't handle her and she would ruin him.
    Go back to banging symbols on your key you fucking muppet.

  111. 50% he has my center, all over the place.. i did have one once.. yes, i want to break the predictable cycle, its boring, i want him but im tired of the repetitive downword spiral after the amazing ascension... i know we could aspire to better games than this, maybe he's not as smart as i think he is? if he plays the same games all the time? and he is the player, i was a total innocent when i met him first

  112. ukan.. thats it exactly!!! you worded that brillantly...

  113. @TNP

    Was just curious.

    Say, do you know how to calm someone down who you have pissed off so badly that they want to cause massive harm to you?

  114. thenotablepath... im honoured so, that you took the time to read mine, thank you oh mighty one...
    but you must be reading some blogs as you are replying to others
    or do you just write your own meanderings and wait to see what is said in return?
    an exchange##

  115. Sorry again Ukan, but I'm not religious so I don't subscribe to the perfection of God's will or anything black or white, least of all Ukan's online law of absolute needs. I have only one life as do all of us and I intend to make the most of rejecting and accepting anything I choose anytime. Typing symbols furiously now..NOT

  116. jason.. give him some ketamine lol

  117. Its the only reason to keep you around for that length of time. When you are a sociopath most people who spend any long period of time with you become poisoned for lack of better terms. They shatter. People are fragile and we can't help but be cruel. It disgusts me when someone becomes broken. To find someone who wont break is a breath of fresh air. I patch their emotional holes up and boost their security, but I sacrafice their innocence that they had.

  118. Your name is fitting.

  119. Calm down, there's no need to shroud suggestions that are different from yours as 'clothes of wisdom'. I'm sure there are tons of other suggestions from heaps of other people in many other situations. Wisdom? Not by a long shot. Mistakes and Improvement? Don't we all deserve a few shots at that?

  120. These aren't my laws by the way its basic fundemental psychology. If you don't understand why people in general initiate relationships why would you give your worthless advice to someone who's dating someone so complex, in a very complex situation? If she's seeking a sociopath how would she even be attracted to a good guy, unless through despracy?
    More on religion. Your parents must have been very religious. Things are black and white 0% that's why everything is so predictable. Its not about morals its about motive and that you will find is everyone's meaning life. Their actions are predictable because they follow suit.

  121. ukan and 50%, i assume your both male as theres alot of tetesterone flying around. lol

    thenotablepath feels male too... but im not sure

    tik and kesu are female

    i want to thank everyone for there advice today and if you have any more i would appreciate it.

  122. Mistakes and improvement, yes. You are a mistake. The first improvement you can make is to condense your sentences so you aren't using a entire paragraph saying absolutly nothing. At least then you wont waste as much of people's time while they read your rubbish.

  123. Icon's boyfriend is complex? He seems simple enough. He is looking for confirmation from her that she loves him and is willing to bear repeated emotional blows for him. I've done that in just about every relationship I've had. Not just the romantic ones. That is like emotional manipulation 101.

    When I do it though I want them to come to me. I like to make it look like I am closing the door but have left it open just enough for them to push their nose in and reopen it. The cycle of them coming to me over and over again escalates over time. I need larger and larger acts of love from them.

  124. I think icon has it right. You talk too much, say very little, and are generally irritable.

  125. Are calling me a woman note?

  126. He needs twelve years to feel confirmed, why would he give a shit? Even a insecure person would feel confirmation after that long, and we are talking about someone who has a grandiose sense of self worth. The truth is always more complex than face value.
    Sociopaths aren't seeking a confirmation of love because its already assumed to be there even if its by dillusion. The only things sociopaths really desire is something that's out of the ordinary. Something that's a breath of fresh air in this predictable boring bunch of pests that is the
    general population.
    I know because I'm married and when I had relationships I would end all contact with the people I would break up with because they were worthless to me. When I found someone that wiloukd be strong enough for me and wouldn't break I kept her. Now she's mine.

  127. Having someone in love with you is having control over them. If we didn't need confirmation we would never do tests to see how far we can take things with people.

    The idea that we don't need confirmation is the illusion. The reality underneath is that we are looking for it.

    Why take all that time practicing in front of a mirror if you thought your smile was perfect from the get go. You knew it wasn't. You knew it could be better. After that you used it on people and made sure the reaction was the one you wanted. Confirmation attained.

    People never stop needing confirmation. If they did people would only ever say I love you once and then leave it at. They wouldn't need social contracts like marriage to bind them together.

  128. People appear simple and predictable because society or social conditioning expects them to develop so called 'social skills' which for me has reached over the top emphasis, making them totally boring and vulnerable. I know lurking deep inside everyone there's still a very smart, creative and self sufficient and adaptive animal that can be summoned to do whats right if things get too ridiculous.
    The boredom and complexities in the case of the relationship that you are referring too is purely an aesthetic choice not necessarily a practical one at its core. If you understand the immense power of social conditioning at all levels, then you should understand the source and power of creating addiction. Human existence has never seen the extent of self enslavement as the era in which we are in. IMO this is unprecedented. Romantic relationships in contemporary societies are grossly distorted and coded by projected desires and canned subliminal influences whereas things were much more simpler and functional before. There's a shroud for you. We are told to expect intensity as the all defying affirmation of bond among partners. So we have already created the first object in our mind, followed by the objectification of physical attributes, social status, material wealth etc. Fetishes..

  129. kesu..sori for thinkin you were female but 1 out of 5 isnt bad!

    akon..the reason i separate the sentences is because each mgs is for a different person.and stop picking on 50%. he gave me some good advice to.

    and i make no apologies for my quirky sense of humour.

    i enjoyed our conversations dis evening, well i wont lie notablepath, your a bit of a grumpy ol thing arnt ya?? but it takes all sorts, and it would be a boring old world if we were all the same.

    another reason for separation of the paragraph.. change of subject

    has it occured to any of you, that maybe 'god' put you here because you are different from us? you might even be angels. now theres something for you to think about.

  130. My horns are there to hold up my halo.

  131. I said before that relationships are a good way to trap people. I don't think I ever want to get married or have children though. Alot of people say that socio's get along with children but that's not true in my case. I really hate them. Babies disgust me and I don't even like touching them. How do the rest of you feel about children?

  132. Ukan needs to think that he is picking on someone all the time. We have already established that. What a control freak. I wonder if anybody in a relationship with him ever stands down from DEFCON 2.

  133. Don't mistake grumpiness for not giving a shit about your relationship, or lack thereof.

    And get off my lawn, you damn kids!

  134. I personally think note has low T. That is why he is so very grumpy. It's ok though lots of old men get it.

  135. You needd confirmation Kesu, lets not project ourselves on everyone. I don't because I already have it and I'm sure her boyfriend does too in this twelve year struggle.

  136. I think the cure for grumpiness is to light a nice big juicy cigarette.

  137. I like how you think I have to be grumpy in order to insult you. Are you rationalizing why anyone would dare do such a thing? Typical. That, or projection as Ukan put it.

    Does not compute, Robopaths?

    This whole exchange has made my day shine brighter.

  138. And he did insult you as well, via line:

    "I personally think note has low T."

    So it's a combination of projection, hypocrisy,and failing pretty hard.

    Just stop posting here kesu

  139. waaasssssssaaaaaapppppp!!!!!!!

  140. It wasn't an actual insult, it was just bait. He's completely translucent.

    Kesu will continue to post here until he either gets bored or lonely confused hearts stop asking for his "expert" advice.

    Even his avatar shows that he's trying too hard, probably attempting to emulate Zhawq's red eyed menace. It's all very pathetic, a mixture of misunderstood mimicry and a cry for attention.

    As long as he's here, we'll have a stable whipping boy. He's always up for a lashing, and enthusiastically too. How can I resist?

  141. In addition, he's the only person who claims to be a P/S type I've heard from who hasn't admitted to spending a good amount of time in front of a mirror practicing. That shows indifference to blending in, and apathy, even from a young age.

    I think you are right, Ukan. He is probably just some angst-filled schizoid weirdo.

    But like many who come here, he thinks his flat affect is his official Sociopath badge.

    Robopath. I like it. It suits you well.

  142. Robopath was for 50%.

    Part of the windstorm crap you missed, and someone irrelevant.

    A temporary whip toy for everyone involved.

  143. It seems applicable enough for him too. Oh, and all that talk of how empty he was inside, Jesus, it was like reading bad teenage poetry.

  144. Oh Gawd, the cheap trills and victory badges you guys beat off on! And I had expectations..

  145. On to bigger and better.

    Have you tried speed?

  146. That last one wasn't me by the way. I don't know what the point of that impersonation was.
    I read about 50% of that long lesson on learned human behaviour beofre I dismissed the rest of it as theorist rubbish. Usual 'free yourself from the constraints of society' bullshit. Typical college student who thinks they can learn about society from a few books and imagination. I bet you have typed more words than you have spoken.
    If you are wrong a belittle you. That's how things go around here. I don't attack everyone just the weak.

  147. Like we're all perfect here Note? Surely you are more substantial than making join the mob remarks like that? What happen to the "I stand apart from other men" attitude that first drew me to read your blog?

  148. It deviated from your typical writing style, but addressing you as "Ukan Be Conspicuous" seemed like a bit of a waste at the time...

    @Jason: Not sure who you were addressing, or if it was general. I haven't had speed before, but I do like enjoying things that give me energy jitters. What was your experience like?

    I usually don't react well to most drugs. I think I'm allergic to all forms of opiates or something, because the ones I have tried have all made me feel incredibly sick. Oxy, morphine, codeine, etc, it has never ended well.

  149. who started the hate on 50% mob?

  150. Hey, gotta couple of questions:

    What's up with all the lying? What in the world does that do for the sociopath?

    What's up with the denial? Can sociopaths ever get past that characteristic?



  151. There's a reason for college and education Ukan. Ever heard of change, reformation and improvement? I dare you to support your wife to study the Social Sciences and travel on her own around the world as a volunteer. She could teach you a thing or two when she returns and then maybe we can all have a decent conversation.

  152. Who strives for perfection? I strive for satisfaction.

    Your very name is a form of self deprecation, a sign of weakness. Consider this another lesson not written in the annals of my blog. How fantastic it was for us to have this intimate conversation.

  153. entary huge, huge cocksucker, with a fake dick, and totally huge cock rider!!!!

    up for some hefty "manipulations" are we?

    but when you do get out, how 'bout that bike you ride, yeah, the one with the seat you replaced with the 20in. wide dildo?

    and how about how you cant get to sleep without having that other vibrating 20 incher pad-locked-in REALLY tight, because sociopaths get SO bored!!

    ...................../..../ /
    ..........''...\.......... _.•´

    go sociopaths!!!

  154. "You needd confirmation Kesu, lets not project ourselves on everyone. I don't because I already have it and I'm sure her boyfriend does too in this twelve year struggle."

    So in other words you needed confirmation at one point then you got it "ukan have confirmation". Thanks for confirming that.

  155. I love how these two think internet badassery is the unquestionable mark of a sociopath. Also I've posted a lot on the other things then my flat affect that make me what I am. IDC though.

    You two are so full of yourself and blind delusion it wouldn't surprise me if you had distended guts that didn't let you see your feet. Of course that would mean that you were floating on air because you can't see your feet so to you that must mean they do not exist.

  156. Kesu, you left yourself open for attack......

  157. UKanReallySuckOneOffMay 27, 2011 at 7:10 PM

    kesu.....duh!.....they r suckin' each other off ferociously at the PLEASE don't disturb them...on THEIR love nest least one is wearing a to switch to anal mode working at mickey dees, a double pounder shift mind you.


  158. UFuckedJesusTwiceMay 27, 2011 at 7:18 PM

    you pussy!!!!!

  159. Keep projecting and that little bulb of yours is going to fizzle out from overheating. This is hilarious. God forbid some day you sprout common sense, I will have to go somewhere else to get my kicks.

  160. aka dr UKan Phuckoff

  161. These anons are really looking for some attention.

  162. Note's being rather oblique today. It's hard to say for sure who or what he's addressing. But its a rather becoming and consistent quirk that the 'evil eye' for socios seems to be weakness and emptiness. You are keen and quick to point out and project these into others but supremely skittish about their slightest association with your person, unlike my (insert label) kind. BOO! *WEAKNESS!* I'm weak! you're weak! Emptiness and meaninglessness is all there is!

  163. UKanFukTheNotablePathFor1CentMay 27, 2011 at 7:24 PM

    mwaahahahaaaaa fuckers!!!!!!

  164. No 50 I'm strong. You are weak. That's everyone's stepping on you.

  165. too weak and empty to rebut your statement.. You strong,...seems,..almost real.

  166. The point is not whether everyone needs confirmation of love which is a retarded concept reguardless, its whether this bloke does. You are trying to tell me that this sociopath is going back and forth with her for twelve years because he needs confirmation of her love. That's ridiculous. If you do shit like that you are a flea, and they way he impacted her would not fit that description. Like I said you are projecting yourself and you admit it. Not everyone is desperately fawning for love like you snivelling puppy.

  167. What ever happened to the spectrum of ASPD-S/P?
    Whenever someone expresses a different you all beat them down.
    I guess that's where you get your superior attitude food from.

    Your all different, that's why this is so intriuging.

    And you all have a different approach to life. Your not Robopath's on the inside, but you are all in control and make choices that are goal oriented for your own gain moreso then empath's that would concider other's maybe even before themselve's, thats why you love interacting with us. You feed off us for substanance and entertainment.

    How boring it would be if the world was all S/P and no empath's.

    And I still say your Nephilum. Not so far from icon's opinion of angel's.

  168. No I'm not just saying that. I'm more saying saying that it is a single reason. The overall is that it's an ego boost. Everyone loves ego boosts. There is no other reason to do it. Unless he is really in love and has commitment issues. Which still leads back to confirmation. Confirmation is simply the endorsement by another of something you believe or want to believe.

    The idea of doing anything for 12 years seems absurd to me anyways. The idea of a socio in love is also ridiculous. You can be obsessed. You can be in lust. To be in love though... Not happening.

    Also some people can never feel confirmed enough. Have you never had a person ask you a question three times in a row even though you answered the first time? Even afterwards they are nervous about proceeding.

    "Ukan not deviate" there are other trains of thought. Maybe it is you who is projecting. All in all we all are going to project a bit. To make sense of the world one has to project.

    @Jason the absence of the guard is the presence of the fist.

  169. For some the goal is to enjoy getting to know themselves and for others it's the enjoyment of making others believe that they already know everything.

  170. "For some the goal is to enjoy getting to know themselves and for others it's the enjoyment of making others believe that they already know everything."


  171. This is rich, you come in here claiming we're projecting while you're projecting mid-sentence. You just can't make this kind of stupidity up. I'm thoroughly enjoying the entertainment tonight.

  172. Actaully you did say that.
    you said:
    "He is looking for confirmation from her that she loves him...."
    In reference to him not being complex and the situation brig simple. Obviously not simple enough for you.

    Now you are all over the place. Now your arguing I need confirmation and so does the rest of humanity. Your views are wrong because they are bullocks. Its that simple.

  173. Why would someone spend twelve years with the same cunt trying to get a ego boost? That's ridiculous. Why wouldn't you go get some new shoes? You are a dumb fucking test Kesu. And you are desperate for love.

  174. Dumb fucking twat I mean not test. Stupid spellchecker

  175. Those spell checkers can be a real piece of shot.

  176. Its on my phone I just figured out a way of turning it off.

  177. Every cuss word autocompletes as a mispelled word. Twat should be in the dictionary and kesus face should be presentned in a prominent position next to it.

  178. I have always found looking into a mirror similar to listening to yourself on tape; logically you know it is you, but you don't feel like it is you.

    I don't know what people see in smiles, I hate seeing mine in the mirror, but I test it none the less.


    Throughout high school I was told by most of my friends I seemed most likely to kill hookers. At the time I was heavily into drugs and didn't hide myself from them. It kept them scared of me, while still having someone to hang out with. I always wondered if I would end up doing it, so far I haven't even though the desire is there. Coming up on 30 quickly and it seems money has become a bigger desire, so pushing my way to the top seems like a better way to go for now. I find the money to be an amazing outlet. I fucking love it, just having it. The amount I make now is pretty damn good, but I want a lot more. It seems like it can only get better as the pay goes up. It really is like a drug.

    In people I confide in (they accept me for what I am and I get someone to bounce things off of, good trade off) they tend to compare me to their vision of what sociopathy is, people like Dexter was one recently when I explained how I change my personality depending on how I want someone to react to me.

    I find it funny cause I can have a conversation with someone about sociopaths, without them realizing they are talking to one. I have one in my family and I have turned many of my other family members against them.

    No emotion seems to be my default state but I learned that people hate that, so I have to put on some sort of emotion lest they question me. I find the reasoning the same as yours, I am usually just thinking and analyzing and I tend to tune the rest out.

    This of course doesn't mean I don't feel emotion, if anything it is the opposite, I feel too much. Granted it tends to be just anger and laughter, but emotion none the less. Hell, sometimes I randomly cry, still not sure why as it usually has no link to anything, maybe subconscious practice as I have used it successfully before to mess with an ex. The crying seems different though, I know it is happening, but I feel like I'm laughing and angry at the same time I am doing it.

    The anger and laughter, those are the only ones that feel right, feel real.

  179. I have always found looking into a mirror similar to listening to yourself on tape; logically you know it is you, but you don't feel like it is you.

    I don't know what people see in smiles, I hate seeing mine in the mirror, but I test it none the less.


    Throughout high school I was told by most of my friends I seemed most likely to kill hookers. At the time I was heavily into drugs and didn't hide myself from them. It kept them scared of me, while still having someone to hang out with. I always wondered if I would end up doing it, so far I haven't even though the desire is there. Coming up on 30 quickly and it seems money has become a bigger desire, so pushing my way to the top seems like a better way to go for now. I find the money to be an amazing outlet. I fucking love it, just having it. The amount I make now is pretty damn good, but I want a lot more. It seems like it can only get better as the pay goes up. It really is like a drug.

    In people I confide in (they accept me for what I am and I get someone to bounce things off of, good trade off) they tend to compare me to their vision of what sociopathy is, people like Dexter was one recently when I explained how I change my personality depending on how I want someone to react to me.

    I find it funny cause I can have a conversation with someone about sociopaths, without them realizing they are talking to one. I have one in my family and I have turned many of my other family members against them.

    No emotion seems to be my default state but I learned that people hate that, so I have to put on some sort of emotion lest they question me. I find the reasoning the same as yours, I am usually just thinking and analyzing and I tend to tune the rest out.

    This of course doesn't mean I don't feel emotion, if anything it is the opposite, I feel too much. Granted it tends to be just anger and laughter, but emotion none the less. Hell, sometimes I randomly cry, still not sure why as it usually has no link to anything, maybe subconscious practice as I have used it successfully before to mess with an ex. The crying seems different though, I know it is happening, but I feel like I'm laughing and angry at the same time I am doing it.

    The anger and laughter, those are the only ones that feel right, feel real.

  180. A mirror is not a likeness. The moment an emotion or fact is transformed into an image of "twat" it is no longer a fact but an opinion. There is no such thing as inaccuracy in a mirror image. All projections are accurate. None of them is the truth.

    Ukan I relish in how you stand up for your choice in mate . . . very noble.

  181. Actaully you did say that.
    you said:
    "He is looking for confirmation from her that she loves him...."
    In reference to him not being complex and the situation brig simple. Obviously not simple enough for you.

    Now you are all over the place. Now your arguing I need confirmation and so does the rest of humanity. Your views are wrong because they are bullocks. Its that simple.

    First I'm not all over the place. I'm saying the same damn thing. You are correct though in me saying humanity as a whole looks for confirmation. Cause they do. Guess what else. Ego boosts keep people doing what they are best at. Why? Because it is a fucking ego boost. It's addictive. Pleasurable sensations are addictive.

    Now could this mean that he had other goals along with it... Yeah. However I say the top one is the confirmation. People generally do things for a multitude of reasons. Maybe he comes back because she gives him finances as well. She didn't say that but it might be whats up.

    Did I project mid sentence, nope. Does ukan keep doing it, yup. He keeps saying how he can't see that. In other words he says what I(ukan) am projecting is this. Because if someone doesn't think like me that would be absurd. This is the only train of thought possible for me so it must be the only one others are capable of.

    Note if you bury your head in ukan's ass much further you two are going to be tonguing.

    Lastly stop trying to twist my words. Your arguments are simply opinion. You haven't tried to back up your side. Why because you can't. Your doing the simply tactic of I say it therefore it is truth. The numskulls who fall for this stupidity are even lesser then the one doing it. So please respond in the same fashion of you are an idiot and I'm going to try to twist what you say to put you on the defensive derr derr derr. I however will not be giving any evidence to support my position herrr derr derrr derrr. Idiots.

  182. Ego boosts keep people doing what they are best at. Why? Because it is a fucking ego boost. It's addictive. Pleasurable sensations are addictive.

  183. You men are all are just a bunch of bored sex weapons.

  184. And you all need a war to keep yourselves occupied.

    I find it just adorable.

  185. a lot of you here are not sociopaths but only sociopath wannabees, basically little fuckers going around thinking "i am so above everyone", trying to trick yourself into thinking you are higher than others to "feel better" about your fucking ass self, by trying to fuck people over, aka "manipulate", aka "dick cheney", aka "bernie madoff", aka "casey anthony", not only fully knowing you are "poison" but thriving off the "pain" you pre-meditatively induce into to others, while trying to "prove" to yourself you are a "sociopath", for the sake of sucking your own cock.

    you aren't a sociopath because sociopaths don't exist, what the term "sociopath" attempts to define, coined by bullshit "observations" of freaked-out shrinks, is simple:

    "infant feeling powerful by inflicting pain". sadly, when we torture sociopaths they often cry, and that's how we know they aren't what they think they are.

    i'll be sure to give ya a used motor oil enema before i break your back with a dildo of 4ft circumference.
    ...................../..../ /
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    go sociopaths!!!

  186. ........................./´¯/)
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    ..........''...\.......... _.•´

  187. Sex weapons? Does that make women scabbards?

  188. Jeweled and velvet brocade scabbards. Beware of the teeth.

  189. Speaking of teeth, I have a machete scabbard with a built in blade sharpener.

  190. The weak and the strong reality really puts it out there for you huh? Talk about grasping at straws of desperation and the glaring lack of imagination in put downs. Substantiating your arguments, not personal attacks or twisting words makes you the man of intellect and ideas you numskull. Now I say this to you as a weak and empty person to save you the trouble of your usual defense by personal attack so that you and the blog can move on.

    You don't even actually care about this woman or her relationship for chrissake, just making sure your piss can be smelled by everyone. Not that I care, but if she's dumb enough to think that you are doing this for her own good then you've rightly earned yourself another testosterone addicted zombie but empowered none but yourself. Soul too needs to understand and differentiate between testosterone and ideas driven discourse here to consider and contribute to the possibility for generating new insights from a woman's perspective.

    I propose the theory that the quality of men are not, should not be, affirmed only by the black and white differentiation of the weak and the strong for whom the purpose of women is just to assign favorable regard and loyalty as the spoils. A world that fails to transcend this, seems likely to be retarded by mediocrity in spite of any intellectual and experiential progress for both sexes.

  191. Very practical, handy and efficient there Note. We now know who to call for a lush Jungle guide. Will you wear Khaki as you slash your way clearing a path in the dense vegetation for other Paths?

    You kinda do that already metaphorically already, ya think?

  192. 50% I love your preachy voice. You remind me of myself.

    Transcendence is nothing is you lack the embrace of mediocrity. Now that is a dualistic and limiting judgment. The two are secret lovers. One cure for impulsive superiority is to fearless our common nature.

    You are trapped by hierarchy. Look in a mirror and then jump out a window into love's embrace.

  193. Soulful, I'm all for exploring our fearless common nature and impulses with less of the intimidation, and stigmatization of social pressures within and outside of the individual.

  194. then you will go far . . . grasshopper.

    Intimidation is always a game. And we will never outgrow our desire for play.

    Your passion is more like 80%. Keep the faith.

  195. You got 50% right. Youre right I don't care about this women. Its obvious by my use of the word cunt as a filler for her name. Why would I care? It wasn't until she gave me a chance to discredit you that I actually gave a shit enough to figure out what her relationship meant and I'm sure she can understand this. You looking like a fool is my motivation. She benefited from that. Is this clear enough for you?

  196. No she didn't. I don't think you served your purpose either. Gotta love the magical thinking though.


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