
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Socio crack

A reader writes:
You dont know what addiction to a sociopath is...He is my crack and i cant put the pipe down.

After being used, discarded, depressed, and all cried out, i met different normal men who wanted a relationship with me. I tried. I am decent looking so meeting men and keeping them interested has not been the problem. I am sorry if that sounds a little off but i am being truthful. The problem is that i cant and wont let go of him. Now, he is back in my life. I told him that i only wanted to be friends...Well, we seem to be seeing eachother quite often, "as friends". We all know where that is going although i am trying to convince myself that i wont get romantically involved again with him because i dont want to get used and discarded again. However, he is like an old pair of jeans that i cant get rid of. He just is the icing on my cake. I feel at home with him. I know he is wrong for me and not the right influence for my two little girls. I am a professional woman with a masters degree and i cannot get this man out of my system. I guess what i want to know is that , could be anyway that he could care about me or its all a game always? When we are out "as friends", he shows his claim on me and wont let another man step up to me. Is this for my benefit or could there be jealousy?

Is there anyway a sociopath could care about a love interest? What can i do to keep his interest so he doesnt get bored again?
M.E.: Having an addiction to him is a different problem than getting him hooked on you. You won't be able to get him hooked on you as long as you have an addiction to him, and you probably won't care to get him addicted to you once you don't have an addiction on him.

I recommend that you read the Art of Seduction and the 48 Laws of Power. You'll see why you are an addict and to what exactly you're addicted. It's not because he is anything great, he is nothing great, but he is good enough at manipulation and deception to fool you initially into thinking that you are getting something that you want. Right now he has accomplished the ultimate success in making you believe that all you want, more than anything else in the world, is him. But it's not true. even when you write this there are certain things that you know that you won't stand for, certain things that if you knew for sure you would break up with him, but you are willing to fool yourself and he is willing to help you do so just enough that you never ever will face the truth. You need to disassociate things that you feel about him with what he actually is. Maybe write down a list of what he is and how he makes you feel -- be very careful about that distinction. Realize that how he makes you feel is manipulation and all that is left is what he is.


  1. Everything I read on this site makes me want to run the other way. I actually feel revulsion at most of what I read. I suppose sociopaths would write that down to me being "weak" or "ruined" or any of the other lovely terms used here to express contempt towards people kind enough to give you a chance. If you have a heart that tries to love and aches when hurt "use it to your advantage" (as they like to say on this site) and follow it elsewhere. The yuck will wear off quite soon. Bye now.

  2. I don't get it, just because he cares about you don't mean he can't use your and discard you. Why do people think that way? The reason why you love him is because he sees you for who you really are, and treats you accordingly. Deep inside you know you are the worthless piece of dirt that deserves to be stepped on and spit on. ;)

  3. You arent worthless, but in a sense that is why you tolerate it, because you deep down believe that to be the truth. And the way he treats you resonates with the way you see yourself. In some ways maybe you stay because you feel deserving of it or his treatment of you makes you feel "at home" with yourself. I became indifferent to my Socio the day the behaviour crossed the line to him treating me worse than I truly felt about myself. Alot of what we feel about others is really how we feel about ourselves and we reflect that onto them.

  4. I dont see why on the only website for sociopaths we are constantly trying to destroy all of our kinds efforts.People are supposed to be used and even if they're miserable it is what they want. allow them to be miserable.

  5. anon May 4, 2011 5:05 AM and post

    You are both selfish. He has a neurological condition that prevents him from feel all the things you hold dear, rather than helping him to deal with it you projected your values onto him. No wonder he dumped you. You are just as selfish as him, you believe that your world view in the only right one, rather than taking the effort to understand his condition you choose to basically slap his face and tell him he is not good enough.

  6. I dont think its a matter of one person being "better" than the other. Just functioning differently. And if you choose to stay in a relationship with someone who "functions" in a way that makes you feel badly, you are making the decision to stay, which in many ways reflects how you feel you deserve to be treated.

  7. What about the all normal men that the reader supposedly rejected?

    1. The normal men that i met were emotionally available but i was the one that wasn't. I couldnt get him out of my system that that time. I am, however, happy to say, that that nightmare is over and i am remarried to a wonderful man. Now, i am helping a friend who is married to a socio with her nightmare.

  8. He is a thin shell of YOUR hopes encasing YOUR fear. The reason this feels like home is because it is where you live, He is only squatting there.

    While the result can be a relationship of some intensity, love, in this instance, is simply a delusion he has stoked in order to feed off you. A bitter pill, and if you swallow it, you might wake up.

    What you get from so called normal men will be different, They will not appear as soulmates in the brief time it takes for a mask to slip into place. You will have to show them how to ice your cake and seek to understand their desserts. They will not necessarily exploit your vulnerabilities.

    You have told your lover what you are looking for and he has mirrored that back, the pain inflicted is the exchange rate for time spent in that ill fitting You suit.

    Fix your seams.

  9. What is this boring drivel?

  10. Thank you M.E. This is super helpful to those of us recovering from an experience with a sociopath - to see it as manipulation of us through our weaknesses and that's it. Recovering from this, though, at least for me, was fairly long, painful, and complicated. One will need a therapist that is familiar with psychological trauma. But when it comes down to it, distance and time (18 months, generally) is the best cure. Meanwhile one will probably be pretty unstable.

  11. An anonymous one asked, "What about the all normal men that the reader supposedly rejected?"

    I did not write the letter, but I know what the writer means about the addiction because I share it. Oh, I know he's bad news. I know that any "good" I credit him with is accidental, part of a set-up, or in my head. The neutral things, our common likes & interests, make it easy to project the good on him. He functions cleanly enough in the world to be an easy target for fantasy. Since so many women have been brainwashed to look for the fantasy (as have men at this point), as well as being told "there is good in everyone" to the point where we buy into that patently false theory. (Thank you Luke Skywalker). I love you=you cannot be evil/bad/callous/uncaring/sociopathic is an INCREDIBLY HARD mindset to break.

    But no, he will never be "just friends" with you. And he will never do what is best for you, at least not intentionally. I refer you to the story of the Scorpion & the Frog--it's the nature of the beast.

    But DAMN, it's a fun fantasy game while you can keep it going....

  12. Not another of these goddamn posts. Boring and lame.

  13. It's the non stop spewing mouth that as long as it doesn't devalue the speaker, attracts the attention and stops the babies in us crying. Age helps as there's more trash to recycle.

  14. I thought you were one of them?

  15. the baby or the mouth?

  16. Oh, you wretched sociopath junkie.

    Manipulation, seduction, coercion, pair-bonding chemicals, trauma bonding conditions, and defence mechanisms are a heady mix to whack up.

    But denial is, as they say, not just a river in Egypt. It's a brutal enemy.

    You'll only stop your cravings and compulsions when you admit that you're addicted and kick your drug - hard, in the groin, until he turns purple.

    Going cold turkey won't be pleasant, but it won't kill you.

    The black stuff will slay your soul...

  17. Its interesting how people can be hurt by a relationship. If injection is a defense mechanism than i theorize that these man/women will end up with a s/p again, just to get rid of the pain.

  18. this reader is how i visualize soulful path. addicted to a socio with children. particularly after looking at the photo she chose for herself. she thinks she is a bomb shell mother and a poet.

  19. why does sociapaths have such thin flat speaking voices

  20. I have an option to share with the reader in M.E.'s post. This wont necessarily work for everyone, but it works for me. It may work for you, too. Here goes: Find ANOTHER sociopath and get involved with him, too. Tell each guy that you enjoy the company of the other and that you want them both in your life. You will probably have to resort to manipulation and a certain amount of deception to get things rolling. Don't be afraid to lie. It's okay in this circumstance. The rewards are AMAZING. You will get so much wonderful attention, and they will make you feel like the QUEEN that you are. Best of luck to you!

  21. Chloe, you are a fucking retard. You and Lero should get together and fap over flat effect.

  22. I think not, Cycla. Lero is clearly an imbecile - note the three grammatical errors in his one line post. I'll "fap" with you, though. Are you a good fapper? Fappin' dumbass.

  23. Chloe,

    You are playing with fire. I'll bet they will see through it and team up on you. Also forget about revenge because you never hurt their feelings.

  24. ooooo, but Kesu it is so much FUN playing with fire! And they make me feel so goooood....

  25. Hah Wet, I know where @Anon 5:05 is coming from… I had that same cut off. When I finally hit a point with my narc-ex that was beyond what I would tolerate, I switched mode and he was done.

  26. Chloe, my dear, I'll gladly fap over your corpse when your boys are done with you.

  27. Chloe, that's probably the best suggestion I've heard here in awhile. Fantastic.

  28. Cycla, dahling, my boys have been eating out of my hand for years. There will be no fapping over my corpse.

  29. Chloe

    I agree, you are accepting them for who they are and even adopted some traits for your self. Why stop with two go for more. Be warned power is addictive once you have opened this door its hard to close it. You might not like what you find.


    My dear, you have helped me to figure out the secret to this blog's success (in terms of traffic). People who get dumped for what ever reason needs something to blame, their pride will not let them blame them selves so why not just say he/she is a s/p. And injection can help decrease the pain so once they read the blog they will keep reading it.

  30. whatever i heard a sociapath speak today and he sounded like a robot

  31. Lero

    My natural voice is monotone, because i don't feel that words have feeling. I think in your case he just don't feel its important enough to pretend.

  32. yes i seen that he cant do feeling in his voice before

  33. @Wet... ??? Half the blame for staying with him was my fault. He may have been a narc bastard, but I stuck with him... the reasons for this may not have been rational (b/c hi BPD) but there that is.

    I interject about personal experiences when I relate to someone. It's an empathic trait that no doubt you don't understand.

    I read this blog b/c I have a PD and I'm interested in other people with PDs, other types of PDs. This is hardly the only PD/Mental health blog I read, follow and participate on. Peoples psychology and pathology is fascinating to me.

  34. Haven

    Now i understand your picture. You think too little of me. I can use injection too, just limited by what my brain allows me.

  35. Wet: I have been on the lookout for man#3, then I can be puppet-master to the triumvirate from hell. Muahahahah. I'm kidding, sorta. ;)

  36. Haven said: This is hardly the only PD/Mental health blog I read, follow and participate on. Peoples psychology and pathology is fascinating to me.

    Me too!

  37. @Wet... I don't know you. I don't think too much or too little of you. All I have to go off of is what you put out there. I understand the empathic limitations and that opportunity for interjection may also be limited here. I empathize with too much so I have more opportunities to be shut down apparently.

    I'm also reactive and defensive.

  38. @Chloe.... just warn us of the proximal geolocation. That way we know how far we need to be to establish a safe zone from the fallout hahahaha

  39. Haven, that was brilliant.

  40. It depends on how you define "care" I can care about playmates, but not according to the traditional definition, more like a self-serving one. I care as long as my relationship with said playmate gives positive returns, once they start costing me more than they give, the "care" disappears.

  41. Red, As a "method actor" you have the unique insight to dig into the character more deeply. I know you can give the audience something to remember.

    Or perhaps someone else can elaborate on victim theory.

  42. Kesu said...


    You are playing with fire. I'll bet they will see through it and team up on you. Also forget about revenge because you never hurt their feelings.

    Kesu said...


    My natural voice is monotone, because i don't feel that words have feeling. I think in your case he just don't feel its important enough to pretend.

    ^Not me. So ha. No more faking being me. I think I know who it is too.

  43. his lack luster arrest in florida was the beginning of the end, for the most notorious serial killer in history

  44. why do you psychopaths sit around on here when you could be planning to be successful. Do you know how much of a gift it is to have no conscience? make the most of it.

  45. I think this whole site should be renamed, "Go Don't Cry, Emo Kid".

  46. For the Socio's,whats the longest you've stayed in a relationship?
    I've been seeing one for two years and it's been a real ride.
    Always seems on the verge of ending either by me or him.

  47. Anonymous said...

    why do you psychopaths sit around on here when you could be planning to be successful. Do you know how much of a gift it is to have no conscience? make the most of it.

    Same reason you post on here. What do you think we are capable of that you in all reality aren't? It's just things you have problems doing we don't. People need to stop making this shit a super power.

  48. wish i knew said...

    For the Socio's,whats the longest you've stayed in a relationship?
    I've been seeing one for two years and it's been a real ride.
    Always seems on the verge of ending either by me or him.

    Without breaking up? A month. With breaking up. A year.

  49. Out of curiousity.. have any of you socios ever thought about becoming a serial killer? Is it a conscience choice or an overwhelming need to kill? I doubt there are any. Psychopaths are rare, serial killers much more so.

  50. I mean is it a hobby, or a must.

  51. Kesu, after you have sex do you close off from your partner and want no more contact?

  52. "What do you think we are capable of that you in all reality aren't? It's just things you have problems doing we don't. People need to stop making this shit a super power."

    There's humility in this atatement. The real humility of achievers, not the worthless humility of loser victims.

  53. wish i knew said...

    Kesu, after you have sex do you close off from your partner and want no more contact?

    Matters what I want. Early in the relationship probably not. The early relationship is about making you fall in absolute love with me. I want to be a drug. I want you to be absolutely addicted to me. So much so that even as I destroy you you can't help yourself. You have to embrace me. Now it is rare for me to just want sex. Sex to me is an act of submission. From the other person of course. Also it is why I don't use protection and why I don't pull out. As far as I'm concerned the female is taking all the risk. The fact that she knows this but she rather take the risk to please me is what I want. I love that. I want to be first before even yourself. I want my well being to be the first thought to enter your mind when making a decision.

    To answer your question if it is just about getting my rocks off I would shut down afterwards. After I get what I want from you you hardly matter.

  54. @ Anon @ 9:45--I'd be happy to try character analysis.. or are you looking for me to analyze myself more clearly as the foil to my favorite S? (Thanks to him, I figured out I have at least one other in my life--he's my favorite tho.)

    My favorite & I have similar tastes in media entertainments, and tend to like/appreciate many of the same things. The shared interests are what make him attractive (he's also relatively, if not objectively, good looking). It is also part of what makes him frustrating. I still haven't understood on an automatic/intuitive level the disinterest in friendship as I view the concept. That's part of why I'm here--to better grasp the concept of not wanting to "hang out" with someone you have things in common with. It is alien to me. He knows it hurts my brain, too. Probably why he persists in being unavailable for socializing. He has a fondness for making smart girls feel foolish & dumb.

    Part of the attraction is the uphill battle--the quixotic challenge of it all. There's also the competitive aspect of going up against someone who seems to have you all figured out, just to prove him wrong. Foolish, yes, but... I am the sort of person who has a hard time turning from a quixotic challenge.

  55. Kesu, if they except that and leave with a smile on their face is that what you want?

  56. Yes and no. Eventually the submissiveness becomes... boring. They become putty. You don't have to beat them anymore. You can just mold them however you want. They cry almost on command and become emotionally unstable. Not even emotionally unstable their emotions are purely based on you. They are emotionally dependent. It's like Stockholm Syndrome. They just want you to stay with them. They lose care about everything else. As long as you are there with them they know everything will be fine. Even though you are their disciplinary.

    I think what you are looking for wish is something that doesn't exist. You want some type of knowledge that if you give them what they want play the game the way they want that you know they will stay around. If he is like me one of the things I always make clear is that I am very willing to leave you high and dry at the smallest occurrence. I prove it too. He won't form a real connection. The worst way you could probably hurt him is his pride. However pride heals quickly and vengeance facilitates the process.

    There is no real advice to give on it. You can run or you can ride. If you enjoy it more then it hurts stay if it hurts more then you enjoy it leave. Simple. However never expect permanence. Just because he doesn't leave you today doesn't mean he won't tomorrow, in a year, in five years, or in a decade. He might leave and come back. I often do this. I like to do it especially when I've heard they are happy with someone else. One of my ex's is getting married in about a week or two. When I heard she was suppose to be engaged soon I called her. We got to talking. Just about this and that. After awhile she told that she got engaged. Soon after I told her to come over so we could have sex(I love being blunt). She said no at first. After all she just got engaged. Within a week she was sleeping with me again. After a few times I dropped her and stopped talking to her. So about a week ago she calls me and we start talking again. After a conversation she calls me and tells me that I need to tell her if I want her or not before she is married because she will break it off if I tell her that I will stay around. I am a drug. People relapse.

    1. Kesu
      Thank you. You just told the story of my relationship with John. He became everything i wanted and needed and he played me like a violin. He used sex to control me. Its that push and pull nightmare. Every word you wrote is true. Its only when you have detached yourself,moved on, and then read, it all makes perfect sence.

  57. Red, Thanks for your response.

    "He has a fondness for making smart girls feel foolish & dumb" How did you become acquainted with this charming characteristic? Did he state it explicitly as such or, do you feel foolish & dumb? If so, not phrasing it as personal experience is a very interesting choice. In any event, we'd probably agree he's a sadist.

    "My favorite & I have similar tastes in media entertainments" While you explained your choice of the phrase "my favorite", Objectifying another human (saying essentially this is what they are to me and this is how they serve) is a highly sociopathic trait. Empaths do not in general relegate friends and family to roles based on how they serve. Careful there, you might just be catching a bleed in your frontal lobe.

    By the way, what would make you think the similar interest in media entertainments isn't feigned? Why would your friendship have lost its value, if it provides entertainment. Oh, and what does a hurt brain feel like?

    Quixotic is used twice. You must be bright-- It is such an interesting word, conjures visions of a drunken Don Quixote charging at windmills. Chivalrous romantic visionary idealistic and impractical and of course, futile. You do come across as smart, Tell me, do many smart people engage in quests they consciously define as futile?

    By elaborating on victim theory, I was looking to understand why a "Smart Girl" such as yourself, might sign up for the punishment of dealing with someone who has feigned his character, objectifies her and with whom she feels she can never win. My personal sense is that victim theory, why and how the other half plays, is quite limited and I had supposed that as someone who did not present themselves as the walking wounded, you might have some insight. I had thought that as an actor, you might have noted some of the nuances of victims. The response does read a bit like you are still outside looking in. Perhaps some anecdotes would make uncle Stanislavsky proud. And of course, Go girl! I'm sure it amuses your favorite when you endeavor to top from the bottom.

  58. Kesu, I've never cryed and if he hurts me I stay away awhile and he doesn't try it again.
    How can I make it exciting?

  59. Matters what he is like. Gotta tell me about him.

  60. Haven,

    When you cross the border do you only imagine things or can you actually see and hear them?

  61. My longest relationship lasted 4 months and that was a while back. I like to move on as much possible and I prefer fuck buddy situations because most of the time I am only interested in sex. I'm probably a sex addict but I don't see that a negative thing. If girls get to clingy I cut them loose unless I have a good reason not to. I don't like being depended on unless i'm trying to trap people. When I am in a relationship I make the girs world revolve around me. Romantic relationships are the perfect way to trap people if you can make them fall hard for you. I'n every relationship that I've been in I've made an effort to leave the girls emotionally damaged towards the end because I don't want the next guy to enjoy her. We were talking about that a while back(burning captured territory before you desert it).

  62. Sex he loves sex. I'd like to find us a girlfreind.
    Easier said then done.

  63. Do you mean bringing someone in for a threesome?

  64. I am dating my art (power/work). Relationships have never interested me. They are usually short and unproductive, with a high financial cost. But most importantly it costs time. No, i am not someone who leach on a women for money and than leave her broke.

  65. All types Wet. LOL ask Mis he sounds like the same type. BTW how do you know this guy is an S/P?

  66. Find someone less attractive than you for a threesome.

  67. Mis, I won't . I just haven't found one yet.
    He is a socio who thinks he's a god so I have no problem being his loyal subject. To me it's a game and I love playing it.

  68. Kesu,

    You make as much sense as the camel i rode on yesterday.

    My ideal girl friend is someone like Dagny Taggart.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. But how do you know wish? Just sounds like your run of the mill narc.

    @Wet whatcha mean exactly?

  71. hello again Anon 9:45--I shall try to answer some of your questions a bit more fully.
    How did you become acquainted with this charming characteristic (of making smart girls feel foolish)? Over the course of many months. He is a coworker and "has dated half the [office]" per another coworker with whom he toyed (also an intelligent woman). Additionally, he lived with & planned to marry one of my best friends. And yes, they met through me. It was messy for about a week-I felt rather betrayed by his violation of his & my friendship. So it's safe to say that I feel foolish & dumb, but I'm not the only woman to feel that way after dealing with him.

    Objectifying another human (saying essentially this is what they are to me and this is how they serve) is a highly sociopathic trait. It seems wiser to name him "my favorite" than to give his name. I've seen names used as labels, why not vice versa?

    By the way, what would make you think the similar interest in media entertainments isn't feigned? Because his geek side predates knowing me and has not changed during the course of our "relationship." We've been "entangled" for over a year at this point--and that part rings true.

    Oh, and what does a hurt brain feel like? How good are you with math? Pick a challenging but enjoyable subject & find a difficult problem. It feels like that, including the frustration of not being able to ask the problem why it's being so hard to solve.

    You do come across as smart, Tell me, do many smart people engage in quests they consciously define as futile? Depends on the upbringing, I suppose. This is where the emotional part comes in--consciously, I know it's futile. The best case scenario is a draw, where we bow & part company. But the emotional side, the part that feels, the part that ached when my best friend broke his heart... that part is unconvinced that it's impossible. That's the thing with Don Quixote--he never thought it was futile. Impossible, perhaps, but not futile. Hope is a damn hard thing to kill.

    My personal sense is that victim theory, why and how the other half plays, is quite limited and I had supposed that as someone who did not present themselves as the walking wounded, you might have some insight. I had thought that as an actor, you might have noted some of the nuances of victims. Each victim shares an insecurity which is tangled up with our vanity. I know I'm smart & pretty... but not to the point where I don't look for some external confirmation. Each woman I have observed him attracting/ensnaring shares the intelligence, but the "pretty" is debatable. Not one of us could be called "hot" by an objective panel of judges. Physically, we are all rather dissimilar. Intellectually, tho, we tend to be quite alike. Which in many ways makes us harder to break. He also seems to go for collateral damage whenever possible--a wedge between best friends, for instance.

    And of course, Go girl! I'm sure it amuses your favorite when you endeavor to top from the bottom Ha! given the innuendo that passes between he & I... your statement is rather apt.

  72. Oh Wet, that’s actually a really tough question. See and hear them, yes. If it’s something personal, human, they’re all colored with my emotions though. Which means intensified. Incredibly dynamic. And often incredibly crazy. The intensity of feeling is often beyond normal manifestation, but it’s not imaginary. Not for someone with BPD. Because I’m so cognitively aware I know that these things may not be rational or even strictly real, but they certainly feel real. However, I will say that this also doesn’t apply to everything. Intensity of feeling is directly correlated to intensity of connection. I have an extremely difficult time connecting to things b/c of my dissociative disorder. Which I suppose only contributes to things feeling less real. I’m a mess. That’s not a question.

  73. @All... threesomes are fun. Just pick someone you're both attracted to but have no intention of keeping around.

  74. Kesu,

    b/c we both want the same thing.

  75. Thanks Red, appreciate your answers.

    What does this mean " intellectually we tend to be quite alike, which in many ways makes us harder to break"?If you are alike, then you are familliar. In what way would this make you difficult?

    Doesn't sound like you're wounded.

  76. Addiction is a pleasure centered endeavor. It's greed which gets one into trouble. I have an addictive personality and I like to focus my obsessional mind to beneficial ends. Sexual power play and games are grand. Again its the greed of thinking you want it to last forever which breeds discontent. And I have been on both sides of the fence on this one, and I always suffer if I am greedy either as the object of desire or the one who keeps the chase on. Greed is another form of needy. Possessiveness is playful, demanding need, impotent.

    Robert Greene's "Art of Seduction" and "48 Laws" are idyllic prose which even though the message is predatory, the hidden vein underneath the surface is a surrendered mastery to natural laws of exchange of energy. One of the underlying messages in "Seduction" is that everyone want to be seduced. Everyone wants 'the drug' And the one who delivers the drug the most efficiently wins.

    Love and pain have the same energy delivery system. I guess its a matter of taste to where one gravitates as a drug source.

  77. Love is the Drug

    T'ain't no big thing
    To wait for the bell to ring
    T'ain't no big thing
    The toll of the bell
    Aggravated - spare for days
    I troll downtown the red light place
    Jump up bubble up - what's in store
    Love is the drug and I need to score
    Showing out, showing out, hit and run
    Boy meets girl where beat goes on
    Stitched up tight, can't shake free
    Love is the drug, got a hook on me
    Oh oh catch that buzz
    Love is the drug i'm thinking of
    Oh oh can't you see
    Love is the drug for me
    Late that night I park my car
    Stake my place in the singles bar
    Face to face, toe to toe
    Heart to heart as we hit the floor
    Lumber up, limbo down
    The locked embrace, the stumble round
    I say go, she say yes
    Dim the lights, you can guess the rest
    Oh oh catch that buzz
    Love is the drug i'm thinking of
    Oh oh can't you see
    Love is the drug, got a hook in me
    Oh oh catch that buzz
    Love is the drug i'm thinking of
    Oh oh can't you see
    Love is the drug for me

  78. To be an addict is to trade one life of monotony for another.

    I binge. I obsess. I go completely over the edge so I can peel myself off the bottom and thank my lucky stars I'm alive the next day. Drug of choice? No such thing. There's so many choices in the day and age. Pills, herbs, lovers, adrenaline, prey, they all taste so very good, can be so thrilling, can make you feel so alive (or dead, for that matter).

    I guess I can't understand the addict's struggle. To hook yourself on one thing and watch yourself wither away.

    But then again, a lot of things don't make sense tonight.

  79. i'm getting really tired of all the lame male-centric socio comments and canned 'scary' details. What about the stories and details from women ASPDs? I know they're here. But are they something entirely more than socios, that the roles and the reality is so internalized and interacted with, that even the contemplation shared here is just a shell of the full event, hence the masks of all masks?
    Where are the blunt stories and details of how even worthy men became the toys and crash dummies for sex, leadership, money, properties, babies, scintillating conversation, a sense of purpose and 'love', whilst keenly observing and wondering (without judging of course) about their hysterical and befuddled reactions that eventually lead them to psychosis, crime, or suicides when they are denied, discarded or recycled once too often?

  80. What do attractive women really think about date rape? Are they that surprised? Kesu, do share your thoughts and experiences.

  81. Just Another Male SociopathMay 5, 2011 at 2:05 AM

    i'm getting really tired of all the lame male-centric socio comments

    Oh, please. If you're not interested in the myopic projections of a male sociopaths' unconscious you can fuck off. Have I told you that I own one of the finest collections of broken hearts in the world?

  82. Did I specifically say male sociopath? I said 'male-centric socio comments' which also covers anyone who supports the same or similar conclusions.

  83. Seriously, when does the excitement end about the reactions and repercussions of a woman being manipulated. So she's confused, she leaves to think about things, confuse a few other men, then she comes back to for the challenge trophy of the whole office. Ok maybe there's some color in the masochistic aspect.

    I think men as victims or pawns of would have so much more really trippy details considering the range of their reactions and positions in any situation. Think, unlimited greed, murders, voilent bizarre obsessions, world conquests, genocide..

    It's the second time already that a woman has been appointed to head operations against the mexican druggies.

  84. Savage LibertineMay 5, 2011 at 5:06 AM

    "Have I told you that I own one of the finest collections of broken hearts in the world?"

    Come now, braggart: my own collection would rival it.

    The only girl in the world today who has not fallen in love with me is a deaf, dumb and blind wretch who carries upon her shoulders the brand of an imbecile and in her loins the lust of a stone slab.

    The girl is only immune to my diabolical cunning because she is immune to all diabolical cunning – her heart has not the hunger to be invaded by any man let alone an avaricious master of his craft such as I.

  85. lol or maybe she just thinks ur a dick savage libertine

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. "Oh, please. If you're not interested in the myopic projections of a male sociopaths' unconscious you can fuck off. Have I told you that I own one of the finest collections of broken hearts in the world."

    I find the humor exquisite and am flattered by finest, as if being included in the good doctor's cabinet were a mark of distinction. However, as aligning with this dominant will has turned me to salt, I'll withdraw from consideration and you should have no trouble finding a weaker specimen among my sighted, lamb loined peers.

    With fond regret,
    Hear no evil, speak no evil, brand of an imbecile and what have you.

  88. lol! thats awesome

  89. Aw, spoken with all the sincerity of an oleaginous sociopath.

  90. women, for the most part, seem to be pretty stupid

  91. Aspie, I've already asked you to stop stalking me. Go and make another sociopath your interest. You're not wanted here.

  92. Yes Aspie, it is true no one quite understands you like that watermelon woman substitute. Of course, She's nothing like those tubers from last winter. Kept you rapt all season, Remind me, which was the smoothest?

  93. I should say many women.

    Anonymous #1: you're paranoid
    Anonymous #2: see a shrink


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