
Friday, June 3, 2011

Diet and exercise

Here are some links readers sent regarding the importance of diet and exercise to regulate some of the negative symptoms of sociopath:

Fish oil to mitigate violence

Exercise improving focus and other attentional problems.

Some have suggested the ZoneDiet or other protein heavy diets. I like swimming for the white noise -- very calming.

Any others suggestions?


  1. Well I guess that explains why I was made to take fish oil as a child.

  2. Millon and Davis (2000) describe the malevolent antisocial as follows:

    As a blend of the antisocial and paranoid or sadistic personalities, malevolents are the least attractive antisocials. Belligerent, rancorous, vicious, malignant, brutal, callous, vengeful, and vindictive, they perform actions charged with a hateful and destructive defiance of conventional social life. Like the paranoid, they anticipate betrayal and punishment. Rather than merely issue verbal threats, however, they seek to secure their boundaries with a cold-blooded ruthlessness that avenges every mistreatment they believe others have inflicted on them in the past. For them, tender emotions are a sign of weakness. The goodwill of others is never genuine, but instead hides a deceptive ploy for which they must always be on their guard. Where sadistic traits are prominent, they may display a chip-on-the-shoulder attitude and a willingness to confirm their strong self-image by victimizing those too weak to retaliate or those whose terror might prove particularly entertaining. When confronted with displays of strength, malevolents are experts at the art of posturing and enjoy pressuring their opponents until they cower and withdraw. Most make few concessions, and instead escalate confrontations as far as necessary, backing down only when clearly outgunned. (pp. 112–113)

  3. Oh, please.

    Millon and Davis are merely describing people who haven't yet discovered the joys of popping fish oil and protein in between swimming laps.

  4. You feeling lazy today M.E.?

    Being EDd for 18 years I can probably give you all the diet and exercise tips you could ever need.

    Lately: Krill oil instead of Fish oil, but both are good.

    SLEEP! Not getting enough sleep fucks with you in more ways than you can reasonably imagine.

    Eliminate as much fructose from your diet as possible, ESPECIALLY high fructose corn syrup.

    Reduce alcohol consumption as much as possible, if not entirely, limit to one glass/day. (This is my new thing bc I drink way too much).

  5. Sleep has already been important to me. I get hostile when I'm sleepy. Actually I get hostile whenever I feel the least bit wrong(sick, injured, tired, hungry, etc).

    Either way I always have to have 8 hours of sleep. I prefer 12 though. Which is what I do on the weekend. I think it has to do with my diet though. I don't really pay attention to what I eat and I only eat once a day. I try to get everything in one go vegetable, meat, carbs, but I know it is completely unhealthy. If there were 2 things that I would like to get rid of in my life it would be sleeping and eating. I would have so much more time to do other things.

  6. Contrary to this blog post, diet and exercise cannot help you with mental and emotional issues that much.

    I know from experience. When I started working out and eating correctly, I thought that loosing a-lot of weight would mitigate my 'problems'. The only thing that changed after my significant weight-loss was that I turned more into a narcissist.

    Even when I continue to diet, exercise, and see results, I just think about myself. I just sit in front of the mirror and smile at myself.

    So anyone looking to get into diet and exercise should be balanced. :p

  7. Jason you confuse being healthy with being on a diet. Losing weight is not the main objective of exercise and balanced eating (and if it is you are either already unhealthy or insecure and therefore unhealthy).

  8. If I am sick watch out.... Tired hungry make me not think so clearly....

    Why fish oil? M.E. Send me a note about this as I am interested in how diet helps you? If it does...

  9. Diet and exercise help maintain chemical balances in the brain. Also, exercise releases lot of endorphin and other feel good chemicals. When you feel good you have a better disposition. If we were immersed in pleasurable sensation then I would say most of us wouldn't feel the need to put others in their place. We would be to busy enjoying the pleasure. Of course putting people in their place is pleasurable... Meh.

  10. My regime of fruit, vegetables, fish, and water gives me quite the edge when I'm finessing my enemies with a sort of psychological jujitsu - never mind kicking sense into them.

    Not imbibing artificial flavours, preservatives, colourings, or pharmaceuticals also keeps me feeling even-keeled and content.

    As for sleep, I despise the stuff: four hours a night is quite enough, thank you very much.

  11. Rrrraaawwwrrr!

  12. fruit is for faggots squishees and burgars and speed help me beat the fuck out of vegatarian loosers way better

  13. Wow, you're so badass, JC. But I thought hardcore sociopathic vampires drank blood?

  14. I drink period blood from your mom Rain.

    I'm that badass.

  15. i am a evolvd sociapathic vampire rain we eat what we want and drink blood we are anarcists an we dont let anyone tell us what to eat are you a hippy vegan rain cos i like to eat them to

  16. yeah, well that's great and awesome, and FUCK YOU motherfuckers.............
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  17. that wasnt me but i will suck your tampon rain

  18. really i meant.......SUCK MY COCK, to ALL on this forum!!!
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  19. My wife asked me a odd question last night. She asked if people screaming in their last minutes before their death aroused me. She asked because I posted a link to this video of a police officers last minutes of his life in a shootout with a crazy american vietnam war veteran. I watched it several times including showing to people who looked at me odd.
    I had to think on it because its not something I paticularly would want to admit even if its true. I did deny it, but I'm going to admit to its validity on here. I wanted to ask does anyone on here feel that same sensation

  20. dude.......i would absolutely love to hear you screaming before death, would like to hear yourself?

  21. Proper nutrition (not a diet) and exercise are how I regulated my moods for years. To this day they're still the best regulator that I've found, despite the rollercoaster of medication I've been on.

    It won't cure a PD or anything, but it sure helps control the mood swings.

  22. Cage raised flank, entwined, a light tear braise, embedded with thorns. My corps is easily fed.

    Perhaps Millon & Davis have published a cookbook for the remainder.

  23. seriously?

    i thought all you and your "corps" needed was a bowlful of cum.

    fuck you

  24. I find peoples pathetic cries very amusing.

  25. me too, especially yours faggot.

  26. FukU

    says farewell.........

    ...................../..../ /
    ..........''...\.......... _.•´

  27. Come get me detectives I left another clue.

  28. have to say today post is very short. not much to it, must be a slow day. but the one a few days back bout narcs was excellent.

  29. When i was in china, these old doctors told me to eat a bit of chocolate a day for depression, and also to eat my food warm.

    i take vitamins and I swear by almond butter. It's like the perfect food.

  30. If you separate ur carbs from ur proteins and fats, you'll fart less, adam.

    More comfy when I'm fucking your ass

  31. jc, you are the opposite of an anarchist. You’re an archist. You believe in subjugating humanity and animals to your arbitrary whim. Socios and narcissists love to identify with the oldest political movement to justify their selfishness as being part of something greater, but that’s just pathetic. You want a movement to validate you. Sorry, you’re on your own. And you are no anarchist. Anarchists organize to create anarchy. Anarchy means no rulers, no power, no violence. You’ve just seen violent people in movies and TV call themselves anarchists and you want a piece of that too. Pathetic. You’re not an anarchist, you’re a nihilist. At least own up to it.

  32. " I wanted to ask does anyone on here feel that same sensation "

    No, that's weak.

  33. " Anarchy means no rulers, no power, no violence. You’ve just seen violent people in movies and TV call themselves anarchists and you want a piece of that too. Pathetic. You’re not an anarchist, you’re a nihilist. At least own up to it. "

    Thicko would be more appropriate. Or are all nihilists thickos ?

    Boring farts, certainly.

  34. Fish oil is good for the heart. You can also take some supplements like CoQ10 which is also a good supplement for the heart. To improve your heart's health and the health of your entire body, then you need to eat balance diet and do proper exercises.

  35. I agree with the last comment. CoQ10 is one of the best supplements for the heart. You can also eat foods that are rich in Omega 3 which is also known in giving a healthy heart. Balance diet and exercise combined will make you healthier and stronger. It is also advisable to take supplements that will boost immune system to combat infections and other diseases.

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