
Saturday, June 4, 2011

"Emotion is weakness"

From a reader:
I recently went looking through my old schoolwork from ages passed and was somewhat surprised to find that the sociopathic vein in my writing was clearly expressed as early as sixth grade where I, in a possibly narcissistic move, took the time to keep a book filled with my quotes. One of the first quotes simply stated "Emotion is weakness." This was around the same time that I started receiving court-mandated therapy to cover any possible psychological side effects of my parent's divorce. Those therapy sessions were where I first realized that I was different. I saw these sessions from the viewpoint of a bystander, and marveled at how stupid my therapist was. I made sure to get on her good side, covering up my extremely introverted personality by bringing comic books (Calvin and Hobbes) and using the topics of different strips to control the flow of our discussion. In later meetings, I managed to use up most of the time by getting the therapist to talk about herself. Later, I eavesdropped on her reporting to my mother that I was charming, outgoing, and generally well adjusted. It was then that I decided that I never wanted to be normal, to be as blind and stupid as this woman. My mother became friends with her and I had to visit often. It was annoying until she died of cancer, a few years later.

I bought my first copy of The Art of War in seventh grade, Machiavelli's The Prince in ninth. By eleventh grade, I had a fully formed self-concept, complete with a self-diagnosis of ASPD, and took home the school library's copy of Mein Kampf, only to be disappointed by the obscuring emotion that riddled the work. Most of my time since sixth grade has been spent furthering my self-concept, and honing my skills. The Myers Briggs personality inventory classified me as a strong INTJ (The mastermind) with 20 out of 20 points in introversion. I had two close friends at the time, and both of them were also INTJ's (which only appear in 1% of the population), as well as being in the highest intellectual tier. I don't form complete social networks; I merely connect with the 'elite' and the 'delinquents' (My esoteric personality is largely ignored by the vast majority) who think as I do. From them, I had complete access to whatever I wanted.

However, problems arose at home, where my addictive personality resulted in major cracks in my mask, leading to a rift between my father and I; and causing a complete lack of trust between us. It was a major obstacle in my maneuverings until I left home. My method of theft from him had to be complicated multiple times until it became easier to simply get money in other ways.

During the last few years of high school, my relationship was so grating that I constantly had to seek catharsis, which led to increasingly risky activities. Fortunately, I still had enough peace of mind to think before acting and to plan out these releases, although the family dog almost died (luckily, the only bruises were on her neck, which could be explained away) and I was almost caught breaking into a nearby university at three in the morning (The night Janitor was there early, which I later learned was due to an event scheduled later that day).

During philosophical conversations with my inner circle, I was forced to defend my actions (as part of the argument, no one was offended, they’d done worse) so I stated my worldview something like this: I don’t care if there’s a god or an afterlife because either way, I won’t know until I’m dead. I believe that nothing exists for a purpose, and the only meaning in this world is the meaning we create for ourselves. My ultimate goal in life is something to give meaning, something almost impossible to achieve (I chose world domination because I could play it off as a joke if anyone asked). Long-term hedonism is good, but the will to power saves one the time of making reasons, because it is a reason in and of itself. Live life with one principle, to regret nothing.

Those are all the answers I need.



  1. Now that's what I'm talking about.

  2. you are welcome.

  3. I also keep a book filled with my quotes. Anyone else do that?

  4. Here are some books you might also enjoy.
    anything regarding
    Social engineering, objectivism, and military history.

  5. thank you for the social engineering reference, that was a majority of my research last year. google searching persuasion and psychology can greatly aid in understanding social engineering if the resource you use does not. enders game was one of my favorite stories in elementary school. (he isnt quite how i view myself, but closer than anything else has come. )

  6. OP, I too marvel at the folly of the moral enforcers of our times, especially therapists whose perceived wisdom is merely intellectualised classism made even more myopic by a life of privilege.

    Their thought processes as they generalise a human life experience and apply their universal psychology to it, all the while dismissing human diversity, are nauseating.

    Still, playing cat and mouse with these glorified thought reformists is a pleasant way to pass the best part of an hour, all the while testing one's manipulative prowess against those who may one day try to reform me in earnest.

    Your commitment to world domination sounds a little half-hearted. Have you considered country, state, city, or suburban domination? All are worthy conquests and your being drawn to the will to power theory tells me you're off to a glorious start.

  7. I do like the sound of Ender's Game! Thank you, Wet.

  8. you sound like a faggot not a sociapath reeder when my folks split i didn't write faggot poems about them i selabrated cos there was no one round any more or to tell me off when i fucked shit up an when i found moms wedding ring i pawned it to by hash an burgers lol

  9. I see you stopped going to school too JC "cos" you "selabrated" too much. Good for you.

  10. Sometimes I collect other people's quotes, and remember them, drill them into my brain, and then use the philosophy for comfort. Notable used an expression: To "right a wrong." It's a great one, and one my narcy father used verbatim, many years ago. It made a lot of sense re: one difficult decision I reversed. I can totally see how using that phrase can excuse and change a lifetime.

  11. A video of projection and disgust

  12. thanks 10:23. I hope you have a loverly saturday in the park dreaming of brighter days, as well.

  13. why do you think it was projection 10:23? - Because his life felt more meaningless than the bum's? He had to destroy the guy instead of looking at his own emptiness, which would, in a sense destroy himself?

  14. As a non-sociopath who doesn't like the fact that I somewhat identify with certain sociopathic concepts, I'm deeply disappointed and disturbed at the thought that someone can seemingly chose a sociopathic adaption due to experiences such as the reader has described. I have a feeling this person is more a result of nurture than nature, I think there is a psychological tendency to automatically deviate from anything we deem undesirable. As a kid I hated narcissists, what made them so sure and proud of themselves? Fuck them. As a result, I decided it was better to have low self esteem and began to cultivate it. It seems like this person did something similar, they saw people they didn't not want to turn into, labeled them "normal" and decided the sociopathic adaption was a good alternative to normal. I'm convinced that society is either creating, and or exacerbating unhealthy dispositions. I was also once made to see a counselor of sorts, and have often found them to be dumb, and bad candidates for the people-helping business. Its too damn easy to evolve into a jaded cynic with all the shallow, stupid people out there. There's nothing wrong with realizing the norm is fucked up and disappointing, then wanting to do something different, but still... sociopathic, psychopathic, and narcissistic dispositions are just as pathetic, if not more pathetic than normal personas. Although, I definitely feel like normal people and sociopaths aren't so different, sociopaths just seem more extreme. Normal people are incredibly sociopathic, they're just great at hiding it and keeping it under wraps. I blame american society and culture, it has convinced people psychopathic qualities are actually something to strive for, by relabeling them as positives. Its a trap, its like a king intentionally getting his own people to rebel against him just so he can justify having his guards slaughter them en masse. Stupid sociopaths and normal people play into the shallow life endeavors, bunch of mind control slaves totally unaware they are being manipulated. It seems like a bunch of elitist psychopaths at the top of the chain have a grand time manipulating the masses, and the lower level sociopaths seems extremely susceptible to their manipulation, doing their bidding for them, becoming their enforcers, like pathetic little sheep who think they are wolves. You are all easily self-deceived fools. Pathetic.

  15. Without self criticism of any sort the world is so much more ...... bland

  16. Good self esteem prevents being eaten by other wolves. Why tangle with another wolf, if not to learn how to be stronger, and choose wiser than the other wolves? Does that make you an inverted socio?

  17. Objectivism is idiotic narcy stuff..

    Rand's philosophy is basically that selfishness is good, everyone who disagrees with that is an idiot and that the greatest human who has ever lived was Aristotle. Second place belongs to Ayn Rand.

    I mean, she scores some points for common sense, but major low points for objectivists, who are a bunch of pathetic idiots.

    Interesting guy, Potens. (potens ~ power? potentia is power or something in latin)

    I'm a neurotypical, but I agree with him on the need to give meaning to our lives.

    Life's purpose is nothing but life itself.

    Me, I like technology and games, and I hope I'll be able to create original stuff related to both.

  18. I like to create original works of art. Now people are putting me into a different category in my field. It is pretty interesting. i never wanted power in the way these people want me to have it.

  19. Rand didn't realise that the world would be one giant shit hole if everyone had npd.

  20. i have a friend who was diagnosed npd when he was a kid. He could easily be a socio. He says he tries to work at it (his supposed npd)every day. He's a very interesting guy, but it's very difficult to tell what he's thinking. Although he sort of "acts" openly his amused look,i get the sense he's judging. He's def weird and thinks he's god's gift. i called him out on something because we were working together, and blamed his relationship for being irresponsible. in small doses, he's a great guy. But he rubs way too many people the wrong way. LOVES himself! He actually carries around his mensa card. Hmm.

  21. correctio: he blamed his relationship difficulties for his bad behavior

  22. Anonymous 11:16, you are the one who is truely pathetic. Basically you are telling me that you let narcissists develop your personality into a lower person. Why woukd anybody cultivate a low self esteem? Sounds like you were very envious.
    Childhood was very competitive, but you gave up, didn't you? You couldn't hack it with all these confident kids so you became insecure.
    Still here you are a adult and your still reeking of insecurity and envy. You were so envious and angry you didn't even make use of paragraphs. Its just a wall of haterism.
    Sociopathic qualities have always been valued in society that's why Machiavelli is widely read amongst people who matter ages after its been written. That's why people hang on our every word and do what we say. This isn't american culture or something that just happened. This is timeless and without borders.
    Get off the envy train and just go along for the ride. Everyone else is doing it.

  23. Envy is better than dislike, it means he could actually follow the same path as the objects of his envy.

  24. How do you manage to keep a relationship UKan? I thought most sociopaths devalue and belittle the partner after growing bored of them. Is she a codependent?

  25. Of course she is. She doesn't bore me. She is a testament to my glory. A living witness to the greatness I bring to a world of trite losers.

  26. What kind of person are you in a relationship anonymous?

  27. I always find it funny when I read these life stories to see similar pieces. Little pieces that are exactly the same as a piece of mine. Like him having the quote that emotion is weakness. I have the mastermind personality as well. While the overall personality of each of us is different there common beliefs amongst all sociopaths. For instance the hate of weakness. I suppose though that this comes from the lack of empathy. We hate the weak because we can't sympathize with them.

    I could say something along the lines of the weak are meant to be weak just as the strong are meant to trample upon. I think most of us would agree but that isn't the curious part. The curious part to me is that something like this would probably have been realized by most of us at a young age. I suppose when you don't have emotions to deal with it makes intellectual pursuits easier. Lacking empathy we all prefer the iron fist to the velvet glove and so concepts like der wille zur macht(The Will to Power) is easier to grasp and makes more sense to us. Let the strong be as strong as they can even if they have to consume the weak. That is what the weak are for after all.

  28. Wow, u r still playing the game.. Except this time you want recognition for your " intelligence" hahaha you are a class A Narcissist.. Ur therapist that was so incredibly stupid.... Probably was like Anne Frank "good at heart." believe it or not.. Some people don't lie when they go to therapy bc they actually do want help.. You are sad. You need help. Get. The. Help. You. Need. OBVIOUSLY.

  29. When you remove sympathy you are left with only your logic. Logically speaking weak people are pathetic. Why help them? I found out in life that most people are dying to be useful, so I try to use as many people as possible. Weak people serve no purpose until you find them one. Sometimes when I contemplate peoples destiny I think they were destined for this single moment in their life where they serve my purpose. After that and before their life was utterly meaningless.

  30. Whatever mood I'm in I think everyone else in the world is in that exact same mood. So if I'm happy I'll walk over to a person who is sleeping and wake them up, if I'm in a depressed mood I expect everyone to walk on eggshells around me.

  31. I'm not sure you are left with only logic. You still have bias. Which isn't logical. Of you course you have still have some of the inward self loving emotions. Which still aren't logical.

  32. There's no bias in nature. They are born to serve the strong or be destroyed because they couldnt make it. Its not uniquely human. Other animals do the same. Sympathy is bullshit. In the wild the weak are killed so they aren't a burden on the pack.

  33. You know what though N, when you are in a certain mood you can change other peoples moods so you are right in a sense.

  34. Hello, M.E.!

    Hello everybody!

    Finally back in motion. I've been back for several days, but have had several issues of various kinds that have held me until now. (Check at the bottom of the post).


    Heh, I also get INTJ in the Myers-Briggs. Okay, the I was the lowest possible, but I'm actually very extrovert. Also, it seems to me that I can alter the outcome according to "who" I think or feel I am at the time.

    About emotions.

    It seems to me that whether or not emotions is a weakness depend on what kinds of emotions you have.

    I always get told (by different clinicians who have diagnosed me on a number of occasions) that I have flat affect. It never seemed right to me at all, but since I've begun researching what my diagnosis means, I can see why they think my emotions are shallow.

    Latest I've found that I may not even know real Anger! That what I've always called Anger is really just Strong Frustration.

    Yeah: Tell me what the difference between strong frustrations and anger is!?

    I asked this question 6 days ago when I was at a 'clinic' for some scans and a test series.

    (It's a psychopathy research program I've been part of for over 10 yrs (I was enrolled during my last prison sentence, it was my ticket to an early release.)

    Guess what they answered?

    "This question alone shows the extent of your emotional poverty!"

    Emotional poverty? Why must they think we're "poor" or "impoverished" from not feeling everything they feel?

    Do you think they even explained what the difference is? Exactly, they didn't. When I asked, they simply said: "You know we don't answer these questions!"

    Why they don't answer? It's against policy, because 'psychopaths become even more "dangerous" if they learn about psychology"!! They haven't realized no knowledge only makes us more primitive, which means our violence becomes accordingly more bloody and vicious as a reaction to being excluded. - This is the AsPD related trait you see in some psychopathic children.

    Personally I certainly did become a lot more vicious.
    I've written something about this topic in today's article (at my website).

    Reader, I think you may have done a good job with your auto-diagnosis. It sounds very likely to me that AsPD is at least one of your issues.

    I'm not sure it's the only one, and I can't speculate based on the information in this article. But you probably know that, right? It takes getting to know someone for real if you're to make a correct and thus helpful evaluation at the possible full picture.


    I plan to take up where I left, and have dealt with an issue that should now allow me to write more, and hopefully better articles.

    Sorry about the the rude communication to my readers, M.E.! This is not something I normally do, as you know, so I hope you'll forgive me.

  35. I can spot an empath easy they always say things like, i hate bullies, all child molesters should die, men who hit women are a disgrace, all these are laughable sentiments. Everyone adores a bully.

  36. True Ukan. Do any of the rest of you find yourself doing that? For instance walking over to the dog basket and playfully hitting the dog, my girlfriend often has to tell me that the dog is trying to sleep and I should leave him alone, of course this pisses me off that they are telling me what to do.

  37. I use to play fight with animals all the time. Like with the cat I would grab her head and shake it till she would start to bat at my hand and hiss. I would continue to do this even when she started to bite and scratch at my hand. To me it was just fun. With dogs I would give them kicks and get them prancing about snapping at my legs and we would go back and forth with me kicking and them snapping. I don't think it was sociopathic though... I never really thought about whether it hurt the animal or not. It was and still is just fun to me.

  38. Hm, I see my comment fell for the spam hammer. Too bad.


    "I also keep a book filled with my quotes. Anyone else do that?"

    I have a document where I paste the quotes I find on my way around the net. Some are quotes of philosophers, some are personal sigs from individual people, and some are my own stuff.


    "OP, I too marvel at the folly of the moral enforcers of our times, especially therapists whose perceived wisdom is merely intellectualised classism made even more myopic by a life of privilege."

    I can tell you you're certainly not alone with that.. I've marveled quite a bit throughout my younger years. I understand why people who were otherwise well equipped intellectually would let themselves be so easily seduced with such nonsense.

    The 'nonsense' is of course reminiscence from our dead religious past, Christianity. The ideology of this religion still rules modern day's mores. The most frustrating part is that not even those who are established atheists are willing to even investigate my thesis further.

    I say 'my' thesis, but I'm not alone. It's just that most of those who understand don't bother trying to explain, so someone like me looks like I'm alone.

    And since most who are not themselves psychopaths, or sociopaths and AsPD'ers, they are social mass-creatures, and they don't believe what a lonely psychopath says.

    It truly takes a strong intellect to grasp this one, and perhaps even a flat affect, or at least the ability to completely control one's own emotions - it means the ability to not be bothered by fear of becoming unpopular, and/or of maybe being persecuted, to act on such a strong message.

    I wonder, are there any such strong loners among the Readers of these blogs?

    Haha. >:-)

    It's good to be back.

  39. My dogs want to be awake when I'm here. They live for me. I wake my wife up at any hour since I keep odd ones and I excitedly tell her new stories or schemes, or ask her to make me food. Most people aren't doing anything important or saying anythig important so I dobt think people mind being interrupted by me injecting excitin energy into their otherwise drab life.
    I don't understand how people say grandiose sense of self worth as if its a dillusion. Have they ever stopped to think maybe some of us really are amazing and its not a pathology to be so. I read some psychological profiles on Stalin, Osama Bin Laden, abd other people who affected the world on a grand scale. The profiles state that they had dillusions of grandeur. Here is a bank robber who became dictator of Russia and turned the decaying empire back into a super power and a guy that caused movements across the world that put him on a Messianic pedestal. These two were indeed incredible people so if they thought they were of great significance they would actually be correct not dillusional.

  40. You realise that Stalin would have oppressed you also.

  41. When war is involved all intellect goes out the window, not completely, obviously. The more brutal, violent and inhumane you are the more chance you have of winning, look at mexican drug cartel Zetas, they are number one because they are so feared.

  42. Since my club closed temporarily I've been looking on expanding but within the same sub culture. I heard about this bar last night that does every first and third fridays and I knew soje people there so I decided to go try to do some business there.
    I was sitting on the stool eavesdropping on peoples conversations when this guy hobbled by who's ankles I broke last october. The guy I posted about back then. I couldn't believe he was still on a cane. I smiled at him and said hello. He came over and asked how I've been I told him I went to some hippy bullshit gathering to make some money off the rich hippy losers, though not in those words. He asked me if I learned anything there.
    I said "like what?"
    He says, "Like love. Like not using violence on people."
    I said, "I'm not a violent man."
    He says, "Like not using violence to resolve situations. You guys didn't have to break my ankle. My doctor says I might not ever be able to jog again or go hiking."
    I said, "Hold on I thought we talked about this. You said you were going to call the police on a illegal venue because they were kicking you out for picking fights while you were drunk."
    This guy rewrites the entire incident to where he's the victim. He tells me he didn't cause any fights in the club. He was being pushed around. Then he says he never said he would call the cops which he said three times even when I gave him a chance to back out of it. He asked me why I say hi to him all the time after that and I told him it wasn't personal.
    Weak people stay weak because they can't see their mistakes. They paint themselves out to be fool victim when in reality they are just fools.

  43. yeah you can't be a king without a kingdom. but if self worth depends on others thinking you are king and then you think others are all stupid, what is being king really worth? see i don't get that. i mean if you need to be a king then the kingdom sort of has you by the balls doesn't it? why does the kingdom matter? how can moving the world when the world is filled with sheep make you anything more than just a leader of sheep?

  44. No he wouldn't because I'm not in Russia and this isn't the mid 20th century. What the point in your fictitious scenario.

  45. Potens, beautiful post. You are very self aware. Congrats.

    I read Mein Kampf in 7th grade which I agree did not represent true power, more in vein of emotional greed which is short sighted. I then turned to the classics and have high school library copies of Greek and Roman Mythology- I was a thief of my passion. I understand. ;-)

    You wrote "My ultimate goal in life is something to give meaning, something almost impossible to achieve"

    Ahhhhh the Golden Chalice of Meaning. Keep defining your honor code. You will find and perhaps have already found meaning is an act of love. Part chase, part presence. You used the correct word "give."

  46. Who else would you lead but sheep. Just because people are foolish doesn't mean they serve no purpose. Everyone has a use. The rare ones that don't should be discarded and never acknowledged.

  47. That guy sounds fairly manipulative himself UKan.

  48. UKan said...
    Who else would you lead but sheep. Just because people are foolish doesn't mean they serve no purpose. Everyone has a use. The rare ones that don't should be discarded and never acknowledged.

    as long as their purpose is not to define my self worth. i mean if you define your self worth by what others think isn't that handing over power to them? i guess the question is can you really affect them without them affecting you?

  49. You obviously overly care Zoe, why does it bother you so much? Is your poor over analytic brain holding you back?

  50. If you want to know what a sociopath looks like, put an opposite to soulfulpath.

  51. Anon opposite to your weakness dear.

  52. No, everything you stand for is weakness.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Anon, you want to believe everything I stand for is weakness. This is proof of your limited mind. I am going out to enjoy my strengths. Try reading these selections and expanding the little box you live in.

  55. Soooooo strong and independent till you meet someone like me. hehe ill crush your little "free spirit"

  56. If you think your image isn't in the hands of others you are living in a self perpetuated fantasy land. If others tell you everyday that you are amazing it is fucking true. You amazed a significant amount of people therefore you are amazing. If you are pathetic and think in your mind you are amazing you are dillusional. Your value in reality is the worth others have for you. That's why loners are such fuckibg wierdosband losers.

  57. I agree with UKan, that's like saying I'm never going to step outside my house again because I am amazing and I don't have to prove anything to anyone, it's delusion. Sort of like budhism, it has nothing to do with ego.

  58. You were so envious and angry you didn't even make use of paragraphs. Its just a wall of haterism.


  59. UKan said...
    Your value in reality is the worth others have for you.

    you just ruled out many great visionaries, artists and scientists who were persecuted or laughed at but kept on their path.

    i get what you guys are saying, but doesn't it take more strength to follow your own path than to jump to the front of the line of the masses? or a different kind of strength?

    so that anonymous can rest easy knowing my little ole analytical brain is not holding me back, what is really on my mind is that the need for power to be worshipped or seem amazing seems narcissistic to me, not sociopathic. but didn't want to offend anyone.

  60. You aren't a sociopath so you wouldn't get it. Scientists artists and visionaries don't get admired.

  61. And fucking what? In the end you can give yourself a little pat on the shoulder and say you know what I did it MY WAY. Fuck that.

  62. Zoe you are a high functioning sociopath right? HAHAHA

  63. You aren't a sociopath so you wouldn't get it. Scientists artists and visionaries don't get admired.

    you're kidding right?

  64. Two admirers don't count.

  65. who the hell keeps their old school homework

  66. anonymous, don't you see that the passion for power is not that different from passion for curing a disease, or making art or changing the world? passion is passion - aka emotion.

    if you believe that emotion makes you weak, then doesn't your passion for power make you weak? passion is emotion. if you disagree with this and you believe that your passion for power makes you strong, then isn't it emotion that gives you strength?

  67. they don't value strength they value power... sociopaths are narcissists

  68. You want to see a differance look at tesla and edison.

  69. The only things that matter in life are money, power, good looks and nice clothing.

  70. Tesla was weaker than edison so he was banished to being a loser bum.

  71. I saved his school work. It was amazing!

  72. how about Darwin and the Church?

  73. 48 Laws of Power II: Fresh MeatJune 4, 2011 at 10:06 PM

    Hello, we are soliciting new examples to illustrate each of the 48 laws of power and felt you might have something to contribute.

    We were mistaken.

  74. Mistaken is just another tactic.

    Law 30 Make your accomplishments seem effortless.

  75. N said...
    Whatever mood I'm in I think everyone else in the world is in that exact same mood. So if I'm happy I'll walk over to a person who is sleeping and wake them up, if I'm in a depressed mood I expect everyone to walk on eggshells around me.

    June 4, 2011 4:23 PM

    L . M .F .A .O . !

  76. When I come home in the middle of the night with my whore, I yell "MOM! MOM! MOM! Look who's here?" Then I go to sleep and let the whore entertain my Mom. -Mom likes to get up really fuckin early, and whore just wants to fuck, fuckin' whore. Mom just wants to know everyone is home safe and sound. She LiKES being woken up in the middle of the night, like the dog. Always wants to be around me --or she'll take the whore, as long as she knows I'm safe and asleep in my beddie bye.

  77. A talking dog responds to 'Kesu'June 5, 2011 at 8:54 AM

    R. O. F. L. M. A. O.

  78. you can lose money as quickly as you have it, good looks fade with age, clothing gets old unless you by new clothes, most to all power have a check and balance-you might terrorize your employees but the district manager is terrorizing you and there is always an equal but opposite reaction to the power you whield

  79. power doesn't make you strong. it's just one way for the weak to hide.

  80. Zoe, excellent point. Recently viewed the Japanese Samurai film "13 Assassins" Excellent story on power, and how weakness can cloak itself through domination. Also covers male warrior creativity and game strategy. A worthy theatre investment.

  81. Also Zoe your point on passion was spot on. Emotion is only a weakness when it is an intense longwinded deficiency which is being expressed with no end in sight. Anger which is compensating unsolvable weakness is an example. Anger which is fueled by passion can move mountains. Passion is an emotion infused with meaning. The satisfaction of a power base fueled by meaning and purpose is potent and long standing. Yet one can still play the trickster on the fringes.

  82. UKan:

    "I don't understand how people say grandiose sense of self worth as if its a dillusion"

    That's what I keep saying!
    Also, your point about people such as Stalin and Bin Laden... Those are the answers to why they hate great personalities! Don't you see? They don't want anybody to do great things, they want to be allowed to sleep on. They don't want us to inject a bit of excitement into their dull lives, and they won't admit that it does excite them - that is, if we have them one on one, then things are very different.

    It's a love-hate affair. lol

  83. Fellow INTJ, just raising the flag.

  84. 11:16 right on.

    not so much bullshit as the rest in here. the balance of lies in the universe outweighs the balance of truth. everybody lies to themselves as well as to everyone else.

    power is not truth because a retard with a gun can take you out, sorry.

    truth is knowing you will live how you want, but if you fuck over the people you will get crushed.

    can i hear an oy! to put a bullit in a totalitarian(a real sociopath)?.

  85. "Tesla was weaker than edison so he was banished to being a loser bum."

    Where did you find this? Edison is pretty much a closed book as far as applying his discoveries to scientific research is concerned (maybe because of his obsession with patents). Tesla's work is still being expanded at the frontiers of science. Its like comparing cereal to smoked trout.

  86. Soulfulpath said...
    Also Zoe your point on passion was spot on. Emotion is only a weakness when it is an intense longwinded deficiency which is being expressed with no end in sight.

    lol, you just described my boss

  87. an intense longwinded deficiency which is being expressed with no end in sight


  88. *Zoe's boss starts barking again, expressing an intense longwinded deficiency with no end in sight*

    Shut up crazy bitch or make some sense. :(

  89. Any suggestions for a young sociopath on how to make their life easier / more successful?

  90. was good up until I noticed you had "friends" INTJ or not a friend is a true weakness plus your a terrible liar. Humans as a whole are weak they may seem strong at first but that is why they always destroy themselves from the inside out. You say you are not blind but you really are giving your life meaning means nothing no one will remember you nor will you whatever you do accomplish whether its for yourself or the world it will always be forgotten humans like to grasp for straws because they are terrified of being nothing, scared to be forgotten humans are always looking for something and there is nothing. You are also a horrible liar unless your dog is hairless dogs bruises are not visible unless you lift their hair and unless your raping the dog I am not sure why they would be looking or messing with the neck. Success is non existent humanity deems what is and isn't success they deem what is right and wrong when that too does not exist because it has been changed so many times. Life is a program and that program your watching though its a low percentage your watching it with the same people no human is different no matter how hard they try humanity is a ugly pig and someone needs to be its butcher. As for me I am a turtle sitting comfortably in his shell watching the sharks kill each other laughing to myself while everyone attempts to be different when they never will be I will laugh to myself when narcissists crumble because of their own arrogance, sociopaths drown in their own pool of blood because they weren't paying attention to the guy next to them and the psychopaths having their heads chopped off because of their lack of concise I am the evil that doesn't have to lift a finger to get his way the evil that never even looked at animals as something worthy of death and pain but only humans when humanity arises from its blood bath then I will make my move but that move will be nothing more than gazing at the art that has been created by humanity's arrogance. Shed all of your humanity and you hit a different level sociopaths and psychopaths are boring people there worse then these white Americans desperately desperately trying hard to impress their peers by fucking some dude, getting that new cell phone, or for the basement types getting the best gear possible. Sociopaths like every pathetic human are just looking for some sort of acceptance evil looks for nothing. Though I wouldn't expect on a blog especially one as needy as this to find someone like me then again every human is the same and everything is a label couldn't you just call psychopaths people that just like killing because they have mommy issues a normal human that just has mommy issues and for sociopaths you could call them people very desperate for acceptance which is actually no different from about every white american so here it is Sociopaths=Needy People that lie to themselves aka White American and Psychopaths=just another mommas boy

    Necessities for one with their humanity(this includes Socio and Psychopaths): everything
    Necessities for one without their humanity: NOTHING

  91. I am 15 and this sounds like it was written by me.
    This is EXACTLY what I am doing with my life now.
    Thanks; though I might have to take away a chance for world domination from you.

  92. This sounds like it was written by me. Regret nothing is what changed my life. Whatever you do, it was done. Whatever you didn't do yet, you will do it. Regret nothing. Not worth.

  93. I doubt you are a sociopath, you only think you are. As for the personality test, you might've just been choosing all the answers that you think would fit with a sociopath's personality because you think you are one. You don't seem like a very logical person. If you want to prove to yourself that you are a sociopath then have a few sessions with a psychiatrist and listen to what he/she has to say about you. Otherwise, stop going around acting like a fool calling yourself something that you are not.

  94. Begin quote :
    "I met a traveller from an antique land
    Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
    Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
    Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,

    And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
    Tell that its sculptor well those passions read,
    Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
    The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed,

    And on the pedestal these words appear:
    'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
    Look on my works, Ye Mighty, and despair!'

    Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
    Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
    The lone and level sands stretch far away."
    End quote.

    Please vie for power and influence. :)

    Try hedonism or sybaritism, instead. It won't have any more significance, but it'll certainly need less effort, and be more enjoyable. Overall, you may not even need to do to someone what you wouldn't have wanted to happen to you, and you may avoid a few problematic consequences along the way. Raw logic.


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