
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Socio song: If you leave me now

Listen to the creep in this, I think it's there:


  1. Uh, no M.E.
    I suspect you have a problem with the lyric "If you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of me", and the general sense of despair the lyrics convey. The lowly human need you are so "above", right? Riiiiight.
    Ok let me dumb it down for you M.E.
    The song is about loss. Loss of a longer term relationship, most likely a marriage, where two people have spent the majority of their lives together as adults building a foundation for their own lives as well as that of society. They have created a home together, most likely raised children, and shared their talents with the society through their work. Through it all, they have weathered the bad and the ugly, and have shared the good and even the sublime. This song is about not wanting to destroy something beautiful and productive in the name of bickering and boredom. This song is about loyalty, faith, commitment, and a willingness to perservere, and well as the despair that comes with loss of a primary relationship. This is a lyric about true strength and sorrow. You wouldn't understand.
    You, as a self proclaimed sociopath, do not have primary relationships that function to benefit you, the other person, and society. You just have sources.
    Despair at the hands of a major loss is not creepy.
    You are.
    You thinking it might be creepy is just your way of trying to express contempt for something you can never be a part of.
    I truly pity you, I am not saying that to be mean. I pity you because you are cut off from the full spectrum of human feeling, and thus experience, and a largely and justifyably despised. You are really pretty useless to anyone but yourself, and that is going to cause a lot of pain and even danger for you at some point. Cuddle your contempt as you grow old. I see an ugly future ahead.

  2. Psychopathy and narcissism are the two biggest burdens one could have.

  3. Agreed. They are afflictions, afflictions which arouse no genuine sympathy in most. Since there is purportedly no cure, that sympathy would be wasted anyway, something obvious to most, and a reality that further condemns sociopaths and malignant narcissists.
    M.E. dubs this a "socio" song. perhaps she means that this is expression is a manipulation towards a long term source run dry. I guess it certainly could be, but that was not the way the author intended it. It's just the warped way she might see it.

  4. This guy 19 has stalked me for 2yrs but Ive only known him for 1. We have our birthdays 2days apart. Our personalities are really alike. We usually think the same. Only thing I dont lack empathy but I can shut mine off depending on a situation. He has absolutely no remorse and has done everyone harm. He gave his brother some type of food that made him paralyzed on and off for 6 months so he wouldnt be able to see me. He hacked my computer my phone and my close friends phone to be able to know read and listen to what I talk about or where Im going. He has followed me to places and has even stood outside of my home just to wait for me to come out.He stole alot of money from his brother and father yet didnt steal from me.I never hung out with him but he always wanted to yet when I told him that I wanted to he ditched me.(Im guessing cause I needed a favor. ride home etc) His brother and certain people say he has this weird obssesion with me and noone knows why. I am very bitchy and apprently sexy(so he says)and hes attracted to my strong dominant personality and my way of manipulating people. The way I have ruinned peoples reputations and made others turned against my targets. High School and college(all for personal ssatisfaction)I dont care about noone only parents and boyfriend but I show no type of affection towards them but I show them my love in a cold way I dont get why. I have no loyalty towards friends when one didnt listen to something I said or simply pissed me off I make sure something is done to them. Back to my socio he has physically done harm to his family and has every other trait listed. BUT he doesnt go to school work and uses drugs. my question is would anyone spend two years just trying to sleep or get with someone to the point of stalking?why? I have told him really mean hurtful things but he still calls me sometimes even changes his number to one he knows ill pick up to.I heard his brother found a letter of how he wanted to sexually torture me and sleep with me. he has beaten all hi gfs and has a kid he doesnt care for. He does get all girls to sleep with him but im guessing hes mad all he can do is jerk off to a picture of me

  5. I'd be one to agree with you youknowwho, but it is not up to you to judge what a work of art means to another individual. Artists don't care(should not) about the vast array of memories a work brings up, as long as there is something. F. ex: take Rhianna's controversial song about killing her abuser. Parents and people who can't relate to her are saying she's a bad influence, while others say she's standing up, and fighting n abuser. Hey if I grew up with a parent or relative who didn't want me to leave them after abusing me(don't know what M.E. 's story is) and played this song while romancing me at a tender age (again, just imagining what that might be like for someone) I might be creeped out too. The whiny voice crying would make me sick too.

  6. Not warped, poignent.

    This song is placed just after 3 posts on loving sociopaths. Cunning and purposeful. Cunning because M.E. is running this blog like playing a musical instrument and we are M.E.'s playful audience. Yet that is what any fine artist, religious leader or political party aims to do. Seduce us emotionally.

    Crazy love, long or short term is like giving a piece of one's self, otherwise we are all robots.

    The creep? The stalker? The hungry? At some level we all want to be wanted, needed, challenged and played with. What a better match then loneliness matched with a banquet.

    "What is the appropriate behavior for a man or a woman in the midst of this world, where each person is clinging to his piece of debris? What's the proper salutation between people as they pass each other in this flood?" Buddha

    "Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others." Buddha

  7. Anyone who is bitter and angry has a long way to go until they heal, especially when it comes to allowing for sensitivity and trust. Acting out is not something easily remedied. It has a mind of its own. I said something cutting the other day to a lovely person. i can only hope that the person didn't take me seriously. - I said it in a joking manner, but everyone knows there's some truth to every joke. Know what that person said back? "Good to know." It stung. He peeled back a layer of mine that isn't so pretty. And it's ok, I won't "catastrophize" it. But I'm terrified my nature has been exposed. I know I'm a good person, but in that moment, what I said was me acting out. I can't take it back. I'D BE A LIAR. So now i have to live with the anxiety of not being "nicey nice," something many people want.

  8. It is up to me to judge when the author of this blog put it up here for me to judge. So I judged it.

  9. Anon 7:19

    That's some story. You've given a bunch of details, but how would you describe the relationship you have with your stalker?

  10. @Soulfulpath
    Poingant??? Really??? Okaaayyy.
    M.E. is not emotionally seductive, she's like road kill. You gotta look. I wouldn't call that seduction. More like a primitive but useful urge to confront a monstrosity as an educational preventative.
    The Buddism quotes? Buddism and it's hypocrisy.....I'm not manipulatied by a BS religion designed to give a dead beat dad/self-conscious rich boy an excuse to roam and navel gaze. Sorry.
    The "it's all within you" crap is so nauseating, like those cloth goody-good shopping bags no one uses anymore (maybe because paper ones are more biodegradeable? Derrrr. But lookatmelookatme I'm so greeeen). Pretentious BS whitemasking itself under benign detachment in order to camophlauge more sinister, yet banal forms of corruption. Perfect for a sociopath trying to pass. :)

  11. Yes, Youknowwho. And maybe you have a relationship with ME that allows you to be judgmental about his/her reaction. I wouldn't know anything about that.

  12. "Ooo oh, no, baby please don't go..."

    Oh my! What a profound and moving ode to glibness.

    Thank you, M.E., for bringing to my attention the most skilful lyricists writing in English today.

  13. Well he was my brother in law. He knew about my existance a year before because of my ex boyfriend. They knew eachother but my stalker didnt know about me til my ex told him about our break up. For some reason he researched me and thats when his obssesion started. What I dont get is why go out of his way waste HIS money (actually earned due to a job he finally took serious for some time)and time?

  14. "she's like road kill."


  15. to youknowwho . . . Yum, you are spunky.

  16. We did have good conversations about ruinning people though. We talked on the phone for hrs.

  17. I'm confused. Is the stalker your bro in law?

  18. And your sister knows about it? Or your bro--don't know if this is a homo relationship

  19. Buddha keeps quotingJune 11, 2011 at 8:27 AM

    You will not be punished for your anger, you will be punished by your anger.

    Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.

  20. hes my boyfriends brother and yeah he knows he kicked the crap out of him a few times but never learned but last I heard hes stuck somewhere out of the US since his father brother and uncles got sick of him being so reckless.

  21. your stalker sounds like a masochist. He likes that you are a bitch. I bet if you slept with him he'd be all upset

  22. why would he be upset though? Wouldnt that be his goal?

  23. sounds like some high drama in that family. This guy has apparently caused a lot of pain. Now he's "stuck" somewhere. Is he in an institution or jail?

  24. 834.

    i don't know. It's a guess he's a masochist. But if I were a masochist, I'd want to keep on getting dominated.

  25. he went to an island for 2weeks to relax I guess and was blocked from coming to the US Idk how though. And not that long ago he said he hated how dominant I was and that he wanted to dominate me Idk wth his deal is

  26. LoL !
    He sounds like an interesting fellow

  27. He is lol I mean he entertains me like noone but hes immature and that annoys me lol

  28. @Soulfulpath
    That's my name don't wear it out:)
    @Budda blahblah
    Aw, who says I'm mad? I'm just right. I think you are mad, hiding behind the sanctimony of chessy new age BS. Can't hope but notice a lot of jerks, even self-proclaimed jerks, are quoting Budda. Funny shit.

  29. Projection is a game. Your game is projecting your trailer trash righteousness, if you are even self-aware enough to notice. Jersey Shore's Snooky gets paid quite a bit for her antics. Funnier shit.

  30. Lots of jerk quote lots of bs because they aspire to unjerk themelves.

  31. Soulfulpath do you watch Jersey Shore?

  32. who here has read the 4 agreements?

  33. No, yet her and her crew's antics recently in Florence Italy were quite hilarious.

    A Tawain Animated video makes fun.

  34. Arrrh, fuck this shit!!! One more time and that's it! BUt only in short, I don't have time to write over and over because the damn program has issues.

    I listened to this song and think it's about anger. She's l;ost her lover and the young womand toook him away from her or something.

    I don't know what you mean by 'creep'. There's nothing creepy or creeping that I can detect.

    To the first commentator:

    Don't pity us. We may not have everything that you have, but we have other things that you don't. It's a question of variation of the human condition. Why can't you see that?

    THat's about 1/5 of the comment I wrote before. This is ... well this shoul dbe deleted. But here it is anyway.

  35. It's amazing the different connotations things take on when you've been involved with a sociopath.

  36. Soulfulpath should be in the next jersey shore.

  37. Just think how hilarious it would be to have a reality tv show with each person having a personality disorder. It would be intersting to see how the schizoids and borderlines would adept to surive around dominant pd's like psychopaths and narcissists, paranoid pd individuals are generally nasty mother fuckers too so maybe they could be in the dominant group.

  38. Bob the schizoid - Does absolutely nothing, sits at the computer all day, has the occasional wank every so often.

    Harry the narc - Forever in the bathroom mirror looking at himself or shaving his armpits.

  39. What do you guys think?

  40. imagine a world where everyone actually cared about everyone else......everyone doing any old fucking thing they wanted, but actually caring about the well being of all other beings.

    well, the reason that doesn't work is because there are "weak losers" who "can't" play by this rule, because they are too "stupid".

    and then you have the other assholes who aren't "stupid" but say..."look, look he didn't care about the well-being, and he got his way" now i will too.

    such is human fucking nature.

  41. troll reviews:

    @youknowwho: definitely the best version of "sarcasm man" i've ever come across. you don't get to see something like that very often, least of all in print.

  42. Wet:

    she is bragging. That's all I see. If she doesn't care whether her best friend dies, then she is an idiot. --She'll be more "alone" than ever. Doesn't seem like she cares. She looks like a hypomanic (or coked up) idiot, if you ask me. Shallow, and not someone I'd want to be around. I'd gag her sooner than the crying baby, and I hate a crying baby myself. She's annoying as hell, and very into herself. I'm an amazing mimic but I don't brag about it. Oops , I just did.

  43. "Harry the narc - Forever in the bathroom mirror looking at himself or shaving his armpits."

    Uggh I want to vomit when I date a man who looks in the mirror more than I do

  44. @10:39

    Maybe they'll let you take a camera into the psych ward during and after group therapy. It's awesome. I sat watching old movies with a lecherous I don't know what, and a guy who kept leaving his wife and kids. None of us could sleep, but the 3 of us liked the old movies. They were creepy. I do not believe I was, but I was there for sumpm!!!!!!!!!!

  45. First time tHere was a crazo who nailed me on something in group at the psych ward. Homeless theif, she was. Stole my watch. Called me out on something. I was like: Are you fucking kidding me? She was guessing. Yeah that would be like an awesome reality show. Maybe Dr Drew will do one around NON-CELEBRITIES, thank you very much..... NOT
    I think that would be a hideous thing to do to people.

  46. THank you, aspie, I love a soulfucky western

  47. People who believe in spirituality are fucking suckers. I hate this new age shit. People just make up this universe shit so they can believe in something. Even if your agnostic you are brainless. You live and die here and life aboit biw much power and status you obtain. Peopke who are buddahists will be doomed to being nothing their entire life.

  48. Why allow constant stalking. Do you like the attention?

  49. Ukan, religion is the opium to the masses. Sheep bow the shepard. Spirituality is another structure of power. The new age is like any fad in history. It serves. I will say a prayer for you when I light my incense.

  50. sparklebugsayssitnspinJune 11, 2011 at 4:38 PM

    Hey! You said YUM about me so I know you just have a bad case of sour grapes right now. So I got you on the Little Buddha deal you don't have to get all huffy. AND btw, projection is a psychological phenomena where someone paints their negative qualities and deeds onto someone else. I was refferring to sociopathic deeds, and since I don't have sociopathic qualities (unless maybe I'm talking back?), all I was doing was expressing my displeasure at their behavior either way you could interpret the song. And then you and this other huff-n-puff came at me with this BS Eastern Mysticism barf in order to PROJECT YOUR BADNESS onto ME. YOU are the one projecting here, because we are talking about sociopaths and YOU are claiming to be one, however...uh, "soulfull", whetever that means. ALSO, calling me "righteous" is a compliment, thank-you. If I were to project that onto sociopaths you wouldn't be so miffed at me. I believe what you meant to call me was "self-righteous". Kay?
    Now calling me "white trash". Oh how original. Bet you were squinting your socio-forehead real hard in order to come up with that scintillating bit of repartee. How adorably classist but likely "green". You recycle right, so you get a pass is that it? Doesn't mean a thing to me. Just because I see through the BS of recent cultural trends such as goody-goody greeny-ism and blame the victim Buddism, doesn't mean I am "white trash". It just means that I can think, reason, and discern where on the continuum to draw the line as I smell the crap before I step in it. Which is something you sociopaths hate. Someone who is onto you. Which I am. And another thing Miss Pilates Princess I have my own compost pile in my kitchen aren't I special: I don't watch reality TV, but apparently YOU DO. So who's white trash?? Hmm? Hmm?
    Sorry to be so hard on you Soulful. But you had it coming. You can apparently be a nasty person. I am sticking up for myself. Deal with it.
    Thanks to those who made comments to the effect that Soulful should star in her own reality series, etc, she turned on me like a hysterical cheerleader so she deserved it. And the one who called me the best sarcasm man ever or some such, I have no idea what that means but I will take it as a compliment. However, I would appreciate being referred to as a Sparklebug rather than a troll. Trolls are ugly. Me, not so much. If I do say so myself. LMAO.
    PS I went to see Super 8 today. It was really cute. Recommend.

  51. stupid fuckers.....everyone knows ALL religion is complete fiction.....even the notion god CANNOT be there is no way to know.......therefore fuckya that even say the word "religion" which is only synonymous with the word "fiction"......PUUUULLLLLEEEEEZZZZZ....don't even talk about any "other" shit society has drilled into your head like......personality there is no such thing....there is only weather u respect the well being of other beings or the start of the day you have the choice to do that....and at the end of the day all you have is weather you got something out of life that day.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Sparklebug, I have never maid claim to being anything except perhaps an enigma. PMS today?

    BTW I like to do green budddha style princess yoga, not pilates,

  54. ....there is only weather u respect the well being of other beings or the start of the day you have the choice to do that....

    Yes anon, excellent point . . . the upper hand of free will is a choice.

  55. This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Bikram yoga. Not for the faint of heart. Yet you seem to have the "roar" for it.

  57. Ukan II didnt know he was stalking me at first. For a year I didnt know he even existed then the second year I found out after months that he was. I had to get a new phone and left my house less. Ive never been the type to want attention especially not from someone that tries to manipulate me.(I hate when people try to) And even after getting a new phone it only took him 3 damn days to figure out my number and hack my facebook account. I love my privacy so you can only imagine how much it pisses me off.

  58. How did he find your number and hack your account on facebook?

  59. He will charm my friends and they eventually will give him their numbers. When I asked how the hell he did it he then told me himself he had this program where you can see the phonebook on peoples phones if he had them added to his. My friend had my new number stored in her phone and he said he saw it. Same with fb. I change my password everyday but it only takes him a few hours and my passwords get sent to him. Also Hotmail yahoo aol myspace when I had one etc.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Haha I have good friends he just manipulates everyone around me. Hes an amazing manipulator but my friends are pretty weak so yeah maybe you are right. I cant stand any of them anyways in fact I dont like most people so it was great watching him do made me giggle.

  62. Just think how hilarious it would be to have a reality tv show with each person having a personality disorder.

    It's called Celebrity Apprentice.

  63. sparklebug, you are fucking funny.

  64. i hear there's a socio or something on the bachelorette

  65. Sparkelbug,

    I'd like to ask you once more: Why can't you acknowledge that we have something you do not, just as you have something we do not?

    Guess I'll never know, will I?!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. they "all don't get upset" because they are running around being selfish? They know it and they are bothered by it. My ex told me he'd like to have a kid. He was lying to himself. Know what he said? "Because I'm not selfish anymore." Really, he believed he might be able to do it. He simply cannot. If you do not think that the majority of these people do not suffer because they cannot stop being selfish, and because they KNOW they are destined to have a limited life, you are not being compassionate. I know another self- proclaimed "emotionally vacant" person who says he envies other people's close romantic relationships but also says he doesn't want to die alone.

  68. Furthermore, my ex saved a bunch of people on 911. He was given an award.

    He also saved all of my sweet notes so it would remind him that he made me happy from time to time. If I'd ripped them up, I would have been discounting the small meaningful favors he did for me.

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  70. Let me be more clear and change my perspective/position a bit: I fantasize I did him a favor by not throwing away notes from me to him (telling him he made me happy.)that HE had plastered in HIS HOME. I keep forgetting that he had plastered them there so that I WOULD LOOK AT THEM, and stay focused (hypnotized) by his crumbs. I am really stupid.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Yes. i left because he tested my limits, and because I was having a hard time with his verbal assaults, his disrespect, his games, his selfish behavior, and because he refused to have sex with me. He ACTUALLY said that he didn't want to be my "boy toy" If you knew how old he is, you'd be rotflyao

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Oh they all say they don't want to die alone, so you think you'll be their special chosen one. They KNOW their gonna die alone. His Mom and his dog r gonna kick the bucket w/in months of one another. Maybe that'll be when he comes sniveling. He knows I am onto him. He always knew. Got off on it. He'd plant fake "evidence" to fuck with me all the while fake-seducing me. He laughs because I called him out on stuff. Our first date he said "Your MIND! It's like a steel TRAP!" He played on the fact that he was untrustworthy. Then turned it around and said I didn't trust him, purposely trying to confuse me. I stopped calling him out on stuff and started to yawn a lot, fucking serial gaslighter. Guess he was insulted I didn't take him seriously.

  75. D O U C H E has-been flacid Narc

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  78. I did gaslight him a bit at the end. It was minimally satisfying, and ultimately ineffective, because he didn't ever trust me either. I kept it that way because I didn't feel it was fair with only me feeling unsafe. I'm sure he said terrible things to his friends/family about me, and I'm sure he thinks I'm a whore. Luckily his track record speaks for itself.

  79. I pass by his work everyday. We bumped into one another. He wanted to know why i wouldn't want to come in to say hello to be friendly. I said what for. then one day I went in to say hello, and all he could talk about was how i was paranoid about the break up. I told his employees not to take any shit from him (they all know he's an idiot narc) He laughed

  80. "Guess he was insulted I didn't take him seriously"

    What were you doing with him if you weren't taking him seriously?

  81. It's complicated, but I'm trying to figure it out

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  83. i know it was for the best. Thanks for the support, Sparklebug

  84. Sparklebug,

    I really, really believe in spectrums within "disorders" as well as personality "styles" or tendencies that also exist on a spectrum that do not reach the disordered level.

    I agree, and I owe you an apology. I was hasty, and in a terrible mood.

    That something so small as a few glitches in a comment board program can send me flying like that is silly, and I'm working at getting better with self control in these kinds of situations.

    It would be nice if that trait benefitted someone besides yourselves, and I do believe that is possible.

    This is what I'm trying to do something about. :)

    Having read some of your postings after I wrote the two comments above, I can see I jumped to conclusions. You didn't lash out at sociopaths and psychopathic people per se, it was meant for M.E., not everybody else.

    I apologize.


    I thought about this piece of music after I wrote my comment, and I think I've changed my mind. That is, I still don't personally sense anything creepy about it. If I listen to it without the visual aspects of the stage, I don't sense much emotion in it at all. Instead I hear a unusual, entertaining, interesting, singing-wise challenging, vocal with some marvelous music to go with it.
    I can hear intensity in the song, but I can't hear if it's intense anger, intense urgency, or just someone giving a lesson about something, or a statement.

    But... everything about this piece spells partially 'creepy'. It's in the name, 'Queen og The Night', and it's in the dark and black clothing (which has been how the stage was made in all versions I remember seeing), and it's in the way the singer carries herself, as well as in the way the present individuals relates to each other in movement, positions, etc..

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  86. Sparklebug,

    It's ok.

    Goodie. ;)

    If you want to make your personality work for others and use your gifts then I would suggest working in a field where there is some danger involved, such as rescue or police work.

    This was for me too?

    Uh... well, I think it's somehow past the point where that would be an option. And, I'm not sure it would work after all. Of course, you never know, but... ah, hehe. What can I say.

    Thanks for the idea anyway!... '^L^,


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