
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sociopath quote: Enjoying people

From a reader: “I enjoy people as other people enjoy good food.”


  1. I feel like my date thinks all I do is blissfully, and blindly enjoy people in somewhat of a removed haze.

    i sense he thinks I have no morals. I do!

    Oh, saw 'Submarine'

    Very sociopathic movie.

  2. Hm. I enjoy people, however no matter how much your body may also need the sustenance, some things should go straight to trash.

  3. is this the sociopath blog or the "benevolent sociopath" blog?

  4. I enjoy people to. That's why I can't understand what all this hub bub about. I was just trying to go out and live my life while I was young. Caylee, well I loved her as much as a young mother could, but I had to let her go for my own sanity. I needed to go out and have a good time. Could you imagine what life would've been like if I was stuck with this fucking kid. I mean I wasn't ready for my life to be over yet.

  5. i just clicked on the link and someone called daniel birdick on august 19th 2009 left a comment... as a 'normal' person i found it very surprising that he seemed to think that ORDINARY people dont have those thoughts, regarding the WHY or WHAT THE POINT OF EXISTENCE? we do, all the time, we go to work because we have to, we have family's because the society we are born in to expects it off us. i assure you, we do not go around blissfully unaware that that's all there is to life, unless your born rich, or dont mind being homeless then theres not alot of choice. if your lucky you at least have a job you love or failing that good relationships with family and friends. ive spent most of my life wondering about the point of it all, but have found that the best anyone can do, is live each day, no each moment as best you can, and strive to be content, because yes.. life is hard, boring and full of stresses if you let it. just cos were NORMAL doesnt mean were BRAINDEAD.

  6. Well, try not to miss the donut by looking through the hole.

  7. Caylee was my daughter.

  8. No, she wasn't. Caylee was my daughter.

  9. Sociopath World, where you can have a frank discussion about cannibalism.

  10. What's a father?

  11. Casey’s Ex-BoyfriendJune 7, 2011 at 12:01 PM

    The kid was a hassle - I just wanted her gone. Casey was easy to persuade, especially when I brought up chloroform, but I made sure she thought putting her baby to sleep forever was all her idea ;)

  12. get out the way yall out the way yall biggie smalls just got dropped

  13. ........................./´¯/)
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  14. Todays post was boring. So instead here you go.

    The post the other day about the kid who was a mastermind personality type reminded me of this test(Since this is the tested related to that). Have fun post what you are.

  15. Arnold SchwarzeneggerJune 7, 2011 at 3:26 PM

    I'm Caylees father

  16. I'm coming for you mummy..... don't worry I won't make a sound. I love you so very, very much, I know life was painful for you, having me and all that, so I'm coming home

  17. sociopathworld, do you idolize these?:

    Ted Bundy
    Jeffrey Dahmer
    John Wayne Gacy
    Charles Manson
    David Berkowitz
    Albert Fish
    Ed Gein
    Jack The Ripper
    Henry Lee Lucas

  18. I don't have idolize and I've never idolized anyone.

  19. i idolize u kesu u arent a faggot looser like the rest

  20. on that jung test i got INFJ

  21. shove ur profiling up ur ass aspie or ill catagorize u as a faggot

  22. sociopathworld, can you see where these are coming from, and like it?:

    Ted Bundy
    Jeffrey Dahmer
    John Wayne Gacy
    Charles Manson
    David Berkowitz
    Albert Fish
    Ed Gein
    Jack The Ripper
    Henry Lee Lucas

  23. why is sociapaths so suttle

  24. I'm an INTJ aspie. My aspie friend is an ISFP.

    why is sociapaths so suttle(Why "are" "sociopaths" so "subtle""?")

    Because being obvious can get you thrown out, locked up, or killed. Also, we work best when the person doesn't know we are working on them. If people knew then they would always look at us skeptically. Mistrust everything we do and say and it would mean we would have to coerce that person that much more.

    People knowing what we are after the fact is fine. As friends come to discover it with me they tend to say you are you. By the time they figure it out though most of them understand how I work and what to do and what not to do around me.

  25. this is crap. all we've got is fucking kesu.

  26. ICON said...
    ... just cos were NORMAL doesnt mean were BRAINDEAD.


  27. Its a stupid question. Why would people on here idolize a bunch of muppet under achievers. Besides jack the ripper they all got caught. The reason they were even out there wasting their time snipping short the lives of strangers is because they could not achieve power otherwise. If you have to take some souls because its part of your business, that makes sense. Killing random women because you can't get any power otherwise is weak to me.
    I mean Dohmer? What a wierdo. This guy was living in filth among the bodies. Bundy? This wacko slept with headless corpses. Ed Gein, fucking hillbilly wierdo skinning people. Charles Manson thinks the race war was coming and he was a prophet, muppet. Seriously, these are broken sociopaths.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. gacy was respected man within the community and ran a very successful business. he was also the captain of a town committee.

    he had power, but still chose to kill.

  30. Grrrl power!

  31. I almost always score INTJ on the Jung test. Occasionally I get INTP. I find them pretty interesting.

  32. "Several teenagers were conned into believing Gacy was commissioned into carrying out homosexual experiments in the interests of "scientific research", for which the youths were paid up to $50."


  33. "If you have to take some souls because its part of your business, that makes sense."

    are you condoning the "taking out" of anyone including innocent people, or would they need to somehow be "evil" enough in order to justify it?

  34. @Jason why am I an F and not a T?

  35. Something I've wondered about sociopathy.

    Would a sociopath derive any enjoyment from a sunset, or a particularly nice day? Are there songs that they enjoy especially for reasons beyond 'it's well-written'?

  36. Beauty is an equal opportunity experience. Yet the less inner turmoil the more appreciation of sunsets. Personally I find music expresses emotions better than language.


  37. I was wondering if there would ever be a post about jung/ myers briggs shit (there should be), it's simple enough to narrow down the personality types that would most likely lean socio.... This was interesting and relevant..

    I always think of my "seduction targets" as something tasty.. Sometimes the scent of their flesh causes me to salivate. Happen to anyone else?

  38. It would be impossible to qualify for a certain personality type, with a personality disorder.

  39. Okay? Well having a personality disorder can't stop you from taking a personality test... it will give you something no matter what.

  40. The personality tests are just as flawed as the measures used to diagnose personality disorders... Doesn't mean they aren't still both interesting to talk about 11:22.. Doesn't seem like you know much about either though

  41. Holy contolling double standard!June 7, 2011 at 11:48 PM

    The ENTP chess player would indeed modify the rules to his advantage and complain that the standard rules were inadequate! The ENTJ would play by the standard rules but insist on making the moves for his opponent as well !

  42. muhahaha -sex toys!


  43. I feel like my date thinks all I do is blissfully, and blindly enjoy people in somewhat of a removed haze.

    i sense he thinks I have no morals. I do!

    Oh, saw 'Submarine'

    Very sociopathic movie.

    June 7, 2011 8:10 AM

  44. tricks herself to lowering herselfJune 8, 2011 at 12:08 AM

    No wonder I like narcs. They're seriously easy to manipulate once you can figure out what their narcissistic supply is!

    They think their shirt don't stink,I am happy to agree (muhahah) andbI gety to congratulate myself for getting what I wat fro them bec I am so clever.

    He loves me! HE must be on to SOMETHING. ( I mean I always knew I was wonderful! deep down)

    He must be wonderful for noticing!

    And by the way, I AM

  45. *Shit don't stink

  46. im suprised friendship is so important to sociapaths if u cant trust each other what is the point

  47. You aren't supposed to trust them. They are meant to enjoy for their good points. ( It isn't as if they're all bad. Some of them have "personalities". ) You aren't supposed to get close to them.

    They tell you upfront. And yo're fool if you don't listen to them. It is surprising how many people actually don't believe actions speak louder than words, Their own needs are WAY more important than anyone elses. They tell you right away. And they ones who aren't disillusioned expect to be left. It is their expectation.

  48. ENFP here. so am i really the only extrovert here?

  49. Zoe's left hemisphereJune 8, 2011 at 5:29 PM

    looks like it

  50. lol.

    Top comment of this entire thread:

    this is crap. all we've got is fucking kesu.


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