
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Let's talk about S, baby (part 1)

From a reader:

A young man who I consider to be a close friend of mine (as well as an occasional “lover,” if you will) began to - seemingly jokingly - assert that he was a sociopath. I laughed, gave an unserious “right” in response, and thought virtually nothing of the matter until I researched the topic earlier this week on no more than a trivial whim. My preliminary discoveries being what they were, my light-hearted curiosity quickly escalated to full-blown panic. Every piece of his character seemed to fit so perfectly, and every article, blog, and comment seemed to conclude with a “run for your life!” mentality. While alarmed and distressed, I am not a runner, and thankfully continued my investigation until it led me to your blog.

I’ll start with some background information on my friend. He is extremely intelligent, and thinks in ways that frequently cause my mind to ache or attempt to shut down completely. He can memorize entire conversations, scenes, large portions of books, and who knows what else. He is also extremely contradictory. He’ll act as the life of the party or show up at my door every day for a week, then retreat completely to his basement for days or weeks at a time, explaining that he is totally incapable of dealing with people and society. After knowing him for a few months, I toyed with ideas of bipolarity and even Asperger’s, as he mentioned once that he believed his father might suffer from the syndrome. But a year of further interaction and observation later, these explanations just don’t quite cut it. The following are characteristics he has displayed or openly explained to me:

  • He claims to hate humanity – or at least humanity as we are now, and will often toy with people, setting up mind games and manipulating people around him in order to observe their responses. He says he no longer believes in truth after witnessing the deceit that man is capable of for personal gain. He’s even said that he thinks we are all sociopaths to some degree. He can charm his way into or out of any situation. He is reckless. He drives too fast, laughs too loud, and eats without tasting. He has told me that he cannot feel and that he does not believe in empathy. He does not cry; he doesn’t get hurt; he doesn’t understand these reactions and emotions.
  • He’s asked me on numerous occasions what it feels like to cry. He’s seen me cry on several occasions due to pain he inflicted and admitted that he cannot comprehend why I feel the way I do. He says he cares for people, but not in the same way that everyone else does. He doesn’t miss people. He would not grieve were one of his family members to die.
  • He was ostracized in elementary and middle school. He didn’t know how to interact with other children and acted out constantly in school. He deliberately enraged teachers and other authority figures with tricks and mind games. In high school and college, he says he learned how to appropriately interact with others through observation, and engages in interpersonal play out of general interest and necessity.
  • He is fascinated by music and film, claiming that these mediums allow him to feel more “real” than real life. Sometimes he believes himself a "real" human; sometimes he does not.
  • He’s deeply hurt almost everyone who has been close to him for an extended period of time, and appears to feel no remorse, yet is noticeably distressed at the idea of being seen as a “monster.” When drunk, I have witnessed incredible bouts of rage aimed at the world, himself, and every mailbox in between. He tried to kill himself two years ago, but failed (whether miraculously or intentionally, I’m unsure).
So after all this, my question for you is what can I do? How do I confront him without it coming off as an attack or negative accusation? If he truly is a sociopath, I want him to know that I can accept it, can accept him, and that I will not think of him as a heartless monster; that I will try to understand him as best I can, and believe we both may have something to gain through mutual understanding, respect, and continued exploration.

But I’m afraid that he has observed so much deceit within humans that he simply will not believe me. He won’t trust it. I want him to know that he doesn’t need to play the games or wear the masks with me that he does with everyone else. That if he will communicate his thoughts to me, no matter how far from my own, I will accept them and offer what I can in return. Do you think this is possible?


  1. is this me? the words are off, plus he/she is showing bisexuality here

    this guy died recently:

    I love you

  2. maybe, he likes you

    i would at least kiss him

  3. reader--- you seem smart and cool. stick around for a good while before you bring it up again... sounds like a really fun socio i think

  4. Anders Behring BreivikJuly 27, 2011 at 1:05 AM

  5. Can all sociopaths tell when someone is lying? Well i can, why dont you ask him that?
    And then tell him how you feel and what you want.

  6. Reader: The trouble with sociopaths (or at least the trouble with me) is that once you get beyond the contradictions, the masks, the lies and all the bullshit there really isn't much left to see. Just a formless psyche ready to mirror whatever comes it's way.

    Anon 1:15: I myself can see when someone is lying but I wouldn't be %100 sure. Especially with such an important issue.

    Aspie: She's said he's an occasional lover...

    ps. Just assuming the you're a girl here, Reader haha.

  7. I like this post so much because I can see myself in it.

  8. He reader. He thinks he is a sociopath. He acts like a sociopath. He does not trust anyone. Why do you think it will help to tell him you accept him? He does not accept himself. He probably trusts you in ways he does not trust others so do not give him a reason not to trust you by telling him to trust you. If he thinks you are his reliable friend then you should enjoy it for what it is. Saying anything to him about it will only complicate the relationship. You already accept him for who he is so just act accordingly. He will know.

  9. Why would a Sociopath that knew he was a Sociopath go around telling his friends that he is one, and that he hates the world, humanity, et cetera?

    I doubt one would.

    A teenager on the other hand...

  10. @Notable maybe he just wants to get some fun, there is no better way to scare everyone around then telling them you are a psychopath.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. To the Reader of the blog:

    You have to think about what he said. You appear to be falling into the trap that many do when dealing with sociopathtic partners. They all say the same thing. I can change him/her. I am that special thing that will turn him into the angelic little being that will spread love and appreciation all over the world. He outright told you he was a sociopath. He told you that he cannot feel a damn thing about you or empathize, despite the fact that you cried right in front of him. You aren't even the only one that he told he was a sociopath.

    Every-time a guy says he can change me, I view him as a weakling. I think people who say that are masochists who fell victim to my charm. We can rob you of your life savings, and if we tell you we love you and will change, you will come back for more.

    Take the only advice that has been proven to work on people like us, run. We bite, and there is no antidote for the resulting rabbis

  13. Come out straight with it that you have been reading up on sociopathy and believe his assertion that he is a high-functioning sociopath (something like "do you remember how you told me you were a sociopath? Well I looked into it and I believe you). If you try to play him or hide things in any way he will almost certainly spot it - that not only means you will never be trusted, but also that he may decide to play you. Let him know it doesn't bother you, it interests you, and that if he ever needs to talk openly without hiding behind an act then you are there for him. The ball is then very much in his court - a sociopath likes that element of control, and the fact you've been open is a good thing as well.

  14. @notable- In spite of the typical socio's mastery of manipulation some don't get much past the basic social skills. what is the "one word" that u doubt. I take it you've never been to Michigan or any of the other god forsaken overcast emo hells where that type of conversation is common place. I don't understand what the point of questioning the validity of every socio story when first allot of these shady sounding stories come from the perspective of empaths who are commonly know to smell roses where there is only shit and second no sociopath has any concept of empathy? Why would this suddenly not apply to another sociopath? I thought one of the big things with socios is the lack of introspection. Can't say it takes one to know one when you can't even see your own blood sucking ass in the mirror.

  15. @anon 430 chances are if u followed this advice you got played. So either your stupid, he was good, or a little of both. Why should any scocio give half a shit if your being honest with them. Its not like they view you as much more then property any way. and yes they love control they know this idea will intrigue and excite you. Bad Boy. Dangerous. Mysterious. common you missed that. Hell even an empath might use that to get some. Masters of manipulation. This concept of control by giving control is manipulation and is just as transparent.

  16. @cosette. Sometimes gotta give um something to fix. Its the whole nurse on the battle field shit. empaths believe what they want. If you tell them something bad chances are if u say it right they'll see this as a cry for help. To say I'm broken is to bait the hook. If you shrink away and come right back as is probably what he expected then he knows hes got you.

  17. @Reader
    Did you have a parent who was dead inside.You tried everything you could to make that person"wake-up" and be real.

    You sound like a socio who has accepted all that goes with it.
    I assume you are a female.Are you married, in a relationship,have children etc

  18. Costette, I guess she didn't read what you wrote yesterday.

  19. @Anon 5:06

    Yeah I play the nurse on the battlefield shit quite often. I mean, if they have something I need for them, I can be whatever they want. I can be that broken bitch that needs a guy to tame her, or the motherly figure that pampers them.

    I play it out of want, not out of necessity tho. People just fall into my lap begging for a spanking. It's like a phenomenon.

  20. @Anon 5:23

    I learned early on to scroll past anything that has the name Erin attached to it.

  21. To the author of this post... If he is a sociopath then there may be numerous reason he told u. There is no certainty. He likely will never trust you and be careful what u wish for. To ask to see his deepest thoughts and for him to actually trust them to you could be more devastating than you might think. NO one is objective and expectation you have will likely be surpassed. You don't have to run away but don't be mistaken that hes capable of an actual social bond. You can give him your hart but don't expect it back. If you are a masochist then dive in and enjoy.

  22. I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it. :D

  23. @Cosette
    You think THAT is a loss ROLFL

  24. lol. Your the asking stupid questions there Erin. No one gives a shit what you lost.

  25. Think of all the woman who run from Socios.
    Why do the few stay?
    That is the question that natural health would ask.
    What is wrong with the host that the disease could flourish

  26. Nothin sociopaths need love too

  27. Is one sociopath enough? If they are so much fun shouldn't one work with a portfolio of sociopaths to make sure there is one available while another is in a 'hiding in the basement' period.

  28. ssdd another dumb bitch trying to get relationship advice on a sociopath sight. I will never understand people. I mean I'm self destructive but fuck. Aside from the self loathing I think it would be great to be a sociopath. I completely relate to the insane annoyance that is humanity. Constantly spewing happy fluffy bunny shit. Glass half full my ass. It makes me sick. Unfortunately I got trained. All this moralistic shit sitting on my chest. Why should I give a shit at all? Why do I give a shit at all? It makes no logical sense. Society holds no real value. Just a bunch of just a bunch of politicians atavists and do-gooders trying to push their ignorant moralistic bullshit off on me. Fuck um.

  29. Is one socio enough (IOSE)July 27, 2011 at 6:04 AM

    I don't believe one socio is enough. You should definitely adopt a whole bunch of them and nurture as best you can. this would be the best thing you've done. You can also experiment with a group better. Tell two that you know they are socio, but don't tell the other two. Give different food to see the impact of food on your socios. Experiment with different ideas to learn how you can make your socios the happiest. Start seeing them as unique individuals while working on your mass desire customization skills.

  30. If the sociopath population would grow and they would be recognized by everyone and everyone knew that 50% of the people you meet are sociopaths then I bet that normal people would experiment on sociopaths the same way sociopaths experiment on normal people.

  31. People act the way they do towards sociopaths because they don't know any better and that gives the sociopath the advantage, but if they knew they would definitely do something about it.

    But maybe a society built on this kind of distrust between individuals wouldn't work very well.

  32. It would be like two different races living amongst eachother. But I think something really interesting would happen to the normal people, having to live in a constant war. The weak ones would commit suicide probably in the face of that much uncertainty.

  33. I sometimes dont understand myself i guess that is what drives me to seek more information on sociopaths if he exposed himself to you you must be careful there is no telling of what he wants to accomplish with that.

    I would also like some advice.
    Im thinking of meting a sociopath, im pretty sure he is one.
    That got me thinking how would i react if someone approached and said hey i am also a sociopath i guess i would be shocked because my efforts to blend in did not work.
    Although i will not tell him i am sociopath because i am not even sure if i am one i might just have BPD and got stuck in this state of mind... Cool story hum?
    Im really excited about meting him but i guess after i do there will be nothing more to it and he would be aware that i know what he is but it will be a hell of a lot of fun just imagine a sociopath fucking with another sociopath face to face holy fucking shit just imagine the things you could do if you a another person like by your side we could go hunt in packs isnt that just awesome?

  34. This site is the experimental lab for the non-sociopaths (the term normal is a stretch).

    When one of your socios confess, tell him 'no, see, how this that you did is not a sociopath thing to do, believe me you are not a sociopath.' This will add to to his grandiosity.

    Never say I need you (too much pressure for a socio to handle, act needy once in a while but don't say it). Don't cry if you want him to come back after the basement is clear. He needs to see what will eventually break you, that is a huge attraction you got, keep it that way.

  35. @R
    I feel this will be good--you and him.
    I can't explain it.I just got a good feeling.
    Keep me posted. (Don't laugh @##$'s)

  36. oh it would be the gay rights/women's rights/wieners rights moment all over again. Difference is this time the wieners are wolves in sheep's clothing manipulating the gullible empathic public with a "woe is me the poor little sociopath" bullshit line and of course they're going to buy it. lol I can hear it now: "Oh they're just misunderstood." "Its not their Fault. They were born that way." It wouldn't be long before the entire sociopath "community" is pulling government funding because they are considered socially disabled. Are you kidding. lol put them in the spot light and lets see what happens. This sounds like fun.

  37. That's right IOSE. You set um up. we'll knock um down.

  38. I am a sociopath. My little brother has a pepper spray to defend himself from me because he can't take the terror. He is terrified by me. My mother also. To the rest of the world I am a smart, funny, corky guy. Knock that down...

  39. @anon 647 the other way buddy. Give the empaths wonderfully ridiculous ideas to set them selves up so we can skip the prep time burn um, blow um and move to the next one.

    Hell then they'll probably just blame themselves and try again thinking "this time its going to be different"

    And by the way terrorizing your family is lame and tricking your gullible neighbors is not all that impressive. If that's all you have you should probably keep it to your self. That's shit dumb as drunks pull off all the time.

  40. Its the people closest to you that u should have in your pocket. No matter how cool the rest of the world thinks you are If you fuck up and family shows absolutely no doubt of your guilt... well people are gullible but they are also fickle. Nobodies backing a dead horse.

  41. i got sprayed in the face with pepper spray, so i'm a socio.

  42. i always leave the seat up and i never wash my hands, so i'm a socio.

  43. i take the garbage out and don't recycle, so i'm a socio.

  44. I think you have something there anon 621. This would bring us into a whole new natural selection process. Stupid people wouldn't survive weak people wouldn't survive fat slow generally useless gone. nobody wants homeless people pissing all over the place. In a matter of a few short generations we will have used up the emo supple. Let the eugenics begin. Once we get the "Life is Sacred" infestation under control we can start selectively breeding out the other useless traits. We may actually achieve a good balance between logic and emotional social.

  45. I am Jason's Bitch and I fucking love it.

  46. i eat pizza and leave out the crust, so i'm a socio.

  47. i went to mcdonalds and didn't leave any change in the tip box, so i'm a socio.

  48. Jason leaves me scraps of chicken on the floor and I lap it all up because I am his bitch.

  49. I am gonna say something controversial that may have people angry at me.
    This is my experience only.
    I bought the book "Cure By Crying" by Thomas Stone.
    It changed my life.
    I bought a paper back for $50 cuz it is out of print.
    He cured all kinds of things by crying including emotional severe things.
    He was abused as a child as most of us on here were.

    I believe in this book so much to cure even PD's that if it went in to print I would set up a fund to buy it for every person on here who wanted it.

  50. Erin. lol you've got to be the most full of shit of anyone on here. I mean do really believe any of this poetry and love for the socios shit u sellin?

  51. gee, i wonder who's impersonating misanthrope.

  52. Jason is my boss and I respect him deeply. I do whatever he says. He likes to punch me in the face sometimes and after that I go into the bathroom and masturbate thinking about it.

  53. @Anon 7:29

  54. shit....ugh...

  55. My ass is bleeding and my girlfriend broke up with me cause Jason fucked me hard.

    I lied about owning my own business. I really am a fifty year old bachelor who can't even suck his own dick. I work at walmart for $8.25 and hour and can barely pay my bills. SW is the only place that will accept me.

  56. Its okay Erin. Thats why u have the cure with tears book right

  57. explain what, erin? that was a sarcastic comment in which i implied that jason is impersonating misanthrope, ok?

  58. Sometimes I go outside and scratch my asshole against the trees. It leaves my scent on it and so dogs won't violate my territory.

    Praised be Jason.

  59. You talk about sucking your own dick as if this is a normal thing. If anyone knows how please do enlighten.

  60. Erin PDs are not only caused by nurture of course nurture plays its part but there is also evidence that points that the brain did not develop as it should.
    Crying will not fix neurological problems.
    I can start crying right now i dont think it will change anything...
    But for empaths yes i guess crying creates some kind of emotional balance.
    Same happens with rage sometimes it's better to unload it at the moment then pretending you dont feel it

  61. If anyone knows how to keep me in line, It's my daddy Jason.

    I am his bitch and he still beats the shit out of me.

  62. jason = fa-git

    who agrees?

  63. The ridiculousness of all of this physiological bull shit. what dose it say about the human race when in a time period that is hundred times more plentiful than any other on earth we still find reasons to be all fucked up. uuuu... my head aint right.... maybe if i cry more of if i start eating more fruit. For fuck sake get some sunlight is shit a doctor should never have to tell you.

  64. OMG jason ur such a fucktard! LOL!!!

  65. @R

    My Astrology study group studied the charts of Sociopaths.
    There are some things with which the person is born but they must be activated by abuse.
    Probably some people are born as sociopaths. However,I think it would be rare and along the lines of a genetic abnormality as far as frequency.
    Just my 2 cents R

  66. Jason is the reason why I am gay

  67. lol @ misanthrope's hacker.

  68. @ jason- you're still a fanny. don't get carried away.

  69. It's not hacked. You just change the name on an account. You can tell the difference if you open the profiles. Your not even trying anymore are you Jason. I don't even know where you pulled some of this shit from either. You don't have clue how I make money. Thanks for doing my work for me though. Carry on.

  70. It wasn't me Misanthrope, I don't know who did it.

  71. I am am on suicide watch because Jason beat me so bad.

  72. jason is the dumbest fuck here. he's worse than erin.

  73. lol i'm gonna start impersonating jasons account.

  74. jason has a bigger vagina than erin.

  75. i'm jason, so i'm a pussy.

  76. ... in a revelatory interview, the model and businesswoman reveals she likes nothing better than to snuggle up in bed with a SERIAL KILLER.
    "I'm obsessed," reveals 33-year-old Katie, "Just fascinated by it all.
    "Harold Shipman, Dennis Nilsen, Ted Bundy and Rose and Fred West, I've read about them in detail - really sick, true crime.
    "I just love the idea of finding out what happened in their past to make them do what they did. It's how I relax at the end of a day.

    Read more and see her provocative photos in:

  77. Misanthrope, you can't have Jason's dick, it's already in my mouth

  78. WTF? cut this crap out jason... it's just sad.

  79. ^ leave him, he obviously has an obsession with dicks.

  80. jason likes Mis's dick.

  81. Wow Erin! I was skeptical but I'm convinced. You really believe that shit hu? I don't know whats more pathetic... u actually believing it or u maintaining the facade.

    Either way though our sophomoric Jason friend hear can that title on all by himself.

    Keep on trolling

  82. jason likes cawk in general

  83. cause Jason has no dick.

  84. I like jason's sophomoric dick in my mouth to gargle.

  85. alright jason now has an inch thick file describing his faggyness.

    you're all faggots but jason has now gone beyond the level of extreme faggot.

    and also

    R. you have been added

    R. = faggot

    that shit's it's official.

  86. All the faggot's on the faggot list are my bitch.

  87. You better not keep a list on everything people might find it.

  88. @Erin

    "My Astrology study group studied the charts of Sociopaths.
    There are some things with which the person is born but they must be activated by abuse."

    You're kidding us right? Please say you're kidding? Even by your own twisted astrologic that can't be true because socios born in different signs and houses will be completely different from one another. Also, I was never abused as a child. Now explain my PD.

    This persona is a fake.

  89. Haven for how long do those intervals of emotions last?
    Is there something specific that triggers them?

  90. 'Even by your own twisted astrologic that can't be true because socios born in different signs and houses will be completely different from one another. Also, I was never abused as a child. Now explain my PD.'


  91. @R.

    Minutes, Hours, sometimes a day or two (with other emotions thrown in). Depends on the trigger. I have lots of triggers.

  92. OMFG!!! SOULFUL WAS RIGHT!!! They ARE doing an intimacy dance!! Jason clearly has repressed sexual feelings for Misanthrope and UKan!!

  93. Cant you control it? Cant you feel whatever you whenever you want?
    By using those triggers to control your emotions?

  94. Jason talking to his mom:

    -Mom, the kids at school say that you and dad are gay...

    -That's not true honey, tell them I said they can suck my dick.

  95. -starts bashing head on desk-

    Dear Diary,

    Today SW went straight to stupid.


  96. So you know reader, sociopaths are not suicidal.

    I knew when I kidnapped erins account it would start a epidemic. Why do you kids want to be me so much? I will always reject you, and your going to get your feelings hurt. Jason youre a sad life form. So is grk and adam. Go shoot your school up if you want to be worthy of my attention.

  97. Ukan is an obvious narc.

  98. Mmmm Ukan your narcissism is epic portions today. How do you ever keep all that ego contained?

  99. I'm a narc? Like a cop? Or is this more psychology slang you fucking muppet. You are such a nerd. Do you guys talk like this in real life. How many people make fun of you for it?

  100. I think you are mad about something. Did a street walker call you small where it counts. I'm talking about the heart of course. wink wink

  101. @Haven
    Nope I am entirely serious.

  102. When people try to change their personalities to mine on here to be accepted I have to call it as it is. I can't contain my ego. Its overflowing. People like tnp, jason, grk, and adam keep filling it with more air. I told them I don't need anymore, and I wont give them any back. I don't want your worship gents. Send money.

  103. wtf ukan? people have been jacking eachothers accounts for ages.

    jason is a pussy.

  104. UKan, you are a significant part of our socio portfolio here along with Erin. Indeed your narc score is high today but that's ok, beautiful to watch. You can never go wrong, we adore you. Give us more of who you are.

  105. Send money indeed. Ukan, is broke.

  106. I am not here to convince anyone of anything. I have my beliefs and experiences just like everyone else on here does.
    As far as Astrology, the markers for Socio are in the aspects for the most part.
    The aspects are the geometry between the planets.
    Also, certain Asteroids are markers for Sociopaths when they are placed in the chart in certain angles with other planetary bodies.
    As far as Sun sign there have been studies which place Sag as the top one for Socio's and Gemini as second.
    However,the Sun is one of many planets and so is a small part of the overall picture.
    I have no desire to preach to anyone on anything.
    I offer them to those of you who would value them.
    That is my only purpose in talking about them.
    I don't care to try to convince skeptics.

  107. UKan, would this help, in case you are worried of catching any disease? Just wanting to help. And, all the other socioportfolios should consider if not cut already.

    21 July 2011 Last updated at 09:47 GMT Help
    A new, simple, plastic device, which needs no anaesthetic, surgery or stitches will be used to circumcise up to two million men in Rwanda.

    Male circumcision reduces the chances of men in heterosexual relationships becoming infected with HIV.

    Staff need very little training to fit it - something extremely important in a country with only 300 doctors for ten million people.

  108. Wow kesu I had to check if that was really you. I didn't know we were in kindergarten making jokes about jimmies. I actually thought some kid hijacked you. Then I remembered that you never have any good pranks. You just try to pull things out about bein short, or small, or........wait is this a pattern. Why are you so obsessed with big dicks and being tall? Is that something that bothers you so you think it would bother me? You certainly had to have conjured it from somewhere, and we have never met. Next time you try to attack me make it personal and make it count kesu, or go cut your fuckin wrists in a fit of depression you bipolar mess.

  109. @Haven
    Do you want to have a serious discussion? If so ,I will.
    You say you were never abused as a child.I would doubt that but am open to hear about your childhood and perhaps see that I am wrong.

  110. Erin you convinced me to be a better person. From today on I'm going to quickly bash in the foxes head before I skin. Generally I just skin them then let them die in the open air.

  111. Check out UKan's blog, that will tell you how much of a poser he is and how much action he has going on in his life. After all... a gangster that blogs !? WTF !? That ain't no tough guy...

  112. Obviously, he is just waiting on his major record label rap deal to go down.

  113. I'm a business man not a gangster

  114. Yeah, I can tell from your picture. You must be going corporate, you sound successful... starting your own blog and stuff...

  115. In da business of making paper. Word, G. You speak da truth. OG 4 lyf.

  116. UKan, I salute you as you take aim in the GOLD. Our golden boy, a sure spot on our portfolio. Can't stop day dreaming about you, fantasy man. I hear you saying 'do I make you horny, baby? do I make you horny?'

  117. @Haven
    This is my POV but I am open to hearing things outside of it.
    95% of the time a person with a PD will have been abused.The PD is the person's response to abuse, a shutting down of the self. How and to what degree of severity is directly related to the abuse,imo.
    If you were not abused, I would like to open my horizons if you care to share about your childhood.
    Yes, a small percentage of people could have been born that way.However,I think it is not more than 2-5 %

  118. Hey UKdude, is that you in the background picture of your awsome blog? That outfit must be closing a lot of deals for you, big corporate guy. Remember A.B.C. - Always Be Closing *wink*

  119. Jason give up. When you talk about dicks and faggots it shows us how much you must suppress your homosexuality. When you make new accounts we know its you. The motives of all the accounts and the acting in the characters you create are the same:
    "I hate you because you rejected me"

    Its pathetic.

  120. UKdude, you digress... Is that because you're embarrassed of the business guy/gangster thing not working out for you? Is it too late in your life to start over? Do you drink a lot because of it? Do you waste nights in a row in pubs drinking lager? I can tell from a mile away that you are depressed. You only post here to lift up your spirit, hence your narcissism. So tell us a bit about your failure as a "business MAN".

  121. @R.

    Sometimes I can control it. Like right now I went and did yoga on my lunch break for an hour and I feel much more calm. Often though it's like a maelstrom sweeping you up in the storm, or a slow decent into a place you didn't even realize you were going until you're already there and consumed by it. It's not always so obvious as to recognize when things are hitting or how they'll hit.

    I can do something one day and have my triggers present and it won't be until a couple days later after a terrible binge that I realize how it affected me. However I can work to recognize my triggers and maybe not make them work for me, but put a safety on them so they do not affect me so greatly. I've made a lot of progress with this in therapy. It's just not perfect yet.

  122. Hard hitting question. Smeagol must be Walter Contrite(yeah for puns.).

  123. @Ukan
    Your being a businessman rings totally true.
    People who harass you are JEALOUS.
    Screw them!

  124. Still failed. Dig deep grasshopper. Play to the audience. Random insults don't give you any credibility, its obvious I'm not depressed. Don't make your jealousy so obvious.

  125. Wow even erin called it. Sad.

  126. @R.

    Sometimes I can control it. Like right now I went and did yoga on my lunch break for an hour and I feel much more calm. Often though it's like a maelstrom sweeping you up in the storm, or a slow decent into a place you didn't even realize you were going until you're already there and consumed by it. It's not always so obvious as to recognize when things are hitting or how they'll hit.

    I can do something one day and have my triggers present and it won't be until a couple days later after a terrible binge that I realize how it affected me. However I can work to recognize my triggers and maybe not make them work for me, but put a safety on them so they do not affect me so greatly. I've made a lot of progress with this in therapy. It's just not perfect yet.

  127. @Erin

    The problem with your theory is that many people who have been abused have never developed PDs. There’s a reason some people develop them while others do not given similar circumstances. The answer is an inborn characteristic that is rooted in neurology. If we could change our behavior merely with thoughts, many of us would.

    Your statistical opinions are not valid. I’ve done a vary wide range of research and in BPD alone the estimated numbers of child abuse is no higher than 70% or so.

    I’m willing to talk, but not here.
    It would have to be later in the day or by e-mail.

  128. Gee, you sound like a gangster more and more everyday UKdude. You and Captain Kirk...

  129. Wow. Leaning on Erin for support. New low Ukan new low.

  130. Really jason? A gangster? Would that be what you were wishing you were yesterday but you didn't have the "connections"?

  131. Not as low as leaning on jason kesu. That's a low nobody in here has sunk to but you.

  132. @Haven
    Thank you for you respectful answer.Our difficulty in ever really seeing eye to eye on this is our coming at it from tow very different perspectives.
    I don't care to argue.My POV won't be changed so unless you care to learn about mine, it is silly to go forward by e mail but thank you for your gracious response :)

  133. LOL me leaning on jason. XDDDDDD We gotta get your magical thinking under control. It's distorting your percept... Who are we kidding? Your fantasy life is all just that fantasy. There is no controling your rampant narcissism. It is too enmeshed with who you are. An unrecoverable disease. Well sucks for you.

  134. UKdude, all this talk about sinking hasn't proven any further that you are a gangster. Posting on blogs and having virtual arguments seems pretty sissy to me...

  135. Tonight UKan is going to bootleg some DVD's so he can prove to himself that he IS a gangster. lol

  136. @Smeagol
    Do you come on here JUST to pick fights.If so, you are in the right place but boy are you glaringly obvious.
    Be more subtle ,man.

  137. Lol xddddd? What does that even mean? You come on here with all this cannibal shit and talk about prison like you've been there. In reality you sound like a fifteen year old giddy schoolgirl on myspace.
    They don't lock you in mental hospitals for psychopathy unless you are in britian. Even those blocks are being emptied now. Where you live kesu they lock you in for drooling on yourself and acting like a wingnut. Tell me what kind of pills did they give you in there? What kind of experiments did they do on you? I always believed that the mental health system should lock up and experiment on all the wierdos out there like you so that the rest of society could benefit off someone who would be otherwise worthless.

  138. Ill be back when there's people over 18 in here

  139. Actually Ukan I'm 12 and what's this? You take your self way to serious. So big and bad. You are the biggest joke here. Talking about TNP's moral code when you are anti-drug. Fucking hilarious shit. You should store all that bullshit for someone who will actually take it. It never reaches me. You just seem like a struggling wannabe. I got married and she serves me. What a fucking idiot. you are so amazingly faithful with your morals. Where you not the one that called me a drug riddle rapist snitch that served too much jail time. Stop back tracking. It show how weak you truly are.

  140. The truth is that this blog is full of insecure alpha-males that try to prove their dominance.

  141. insecure alpha males and hyper agressive maniacs.

  142. i don't think so. name one guy who isn't an insecure male and is an aggressive maniac. all of them are insecure.

  143. Yes I'm married. Unlike you, I'm not on here hitting on every damaged bird to get some kind of love and attention from a female you desperate cunt. If you think me not doing drugs so I dont become a dope fiend slave like you is a moral code so be it. I must have a real high moral standard. I watch people like you go in and out forever a slave to your addictions while I pile up all the money you snatched from purses to relieve your pathetic life. While your sitting in a rubber room "banging your head against the wall" (your words not mine) ill be sitting on a beach sipping on Cognac to your health.

  144. why do you think they're insecure?

  145. actually, that's why they're aggressive maniacs, because they're insecure.

  146. I object to your choice of Cognac. There has to be something better for you to toast with.

  147. i wish a psychologist would come on here and analyse everyone.

  148. Ukan do you have kids?

  149. Well, my POV is that if Ukan or anyone is out in the world in business and married it is an accomplishment.
    It is hard to do anything when beset with all these issues.
    It is hard to go forward when you are pulled back by all these voices of self doubt and worthlessness.
    That is my current struggle as I try to go forward in the world.
    I am procrastinating cuz of fear of failure and fear of success even more.
    I am more afraid of success.I had to hide my light or my mother would hurt me.I am comfortable being a loser but not a winner.
    I got hurt every time I was a winner.I was punished so I would never get uppity again

    Everything feels like a struggle to the mountaintop.
    The people who hassle the doers are the ones who cannot do.

    The people who know who they are do not hassle other people.

  150. I don't know why they're insecure. Each of them has his own issues.

    As to why I think they're insecure, I can tell because there's nothing to gain from their disputes, they just do it to assert their dominance.

  151. "banging your head against the wall"

    My qoute from my aimless anger in highschool. Ahh I'm touched you remember. However you are still grasping at straws. Can you maybe point to the post where I talk about my crack addiction? I would so enjoy that? Awww you can't? Becuase you are just making all this shit up? O wow. How very confessional of you Ukan get me. Keep playing the big bad socio you silly little narc. Leave the crazy stuff to the actual crazies.

  152. i call everyone i dislike for any reason a narc, so i'm a socio.

  153. @Erin

    Do you expect people to pity you here? If so, you're wasting your time.

    Just thought I should let you know to pity you here? If so, you're wasting your time.

    Just thought I should let you know

  154. TheBitch, dude, your comment doesn't make any sense.

  155. kesu is a skinny rent boy who sucks his doctors dick for extra prozac, viagra and antipsychotics. stfu you mother fucker

  156. @TheBitch
    How is Harlem weather today?

  157. erin you're racist... and classist. what's wrong with harlem?

  158. No kids yet.

    You told on yourself kesu. You claim to have no moral code and think not doing drugs is a moral code. So that must mean you are a dope fiend.
    You are in and out of prison and mental hospitals, which was my original clue that you are a dope fiend. You are bipolar, which makes you extremely prone to drug abuse. Don't think you can get past me. I know my clientele when I see them.

  159. ukan stole my job!

  160. Ill be back later. I need to get to the gym.m

  161. @TheBitch
    Are you just trying to be an AH to get out aggression on a faceless blog?
    If you have something to say to me then say it in WORDS not being a dumb ass with niggling comments

  162. LOL

    It's morning, Ukan wakes up, kisses his wife, brushes his teeth, eats breakfast, jumps in his armani suit and goes out into the projects with a suitcase full of coke, x, heroin, weed and amphetamines, takes a seat on the bus stop bench and puts up a sign "We have it all, m8s" and starts selling.

    How much of a faggot do you have to be to be a drug dealer and never do drugs...

  163. erin is full of hate. she's racist and looks down on the lower class. she doesn't like harlem so that validates everything i said.

  164. @The Bitch
    Good try with the Anons AH

  165. Im writting from my phone and sometimes it messes up some of the comments I post by repeating it.

    I meant to post this

    Do you expect people to pity you here? If so, you're wasting your time.
    Just thought I should let you know

    BTW you dumb, fat, dick sucking bitch, I wasn't trying to be an asshole I was just stating a fact. And you wonder why your socio dumped your ass.

  166. I have a question for The Bitch... Who's bitch are you, Bitch?

  167. @TheBitch
    I TOLD you.Tell me what you want to say in words not niggling comments in the background like a mosquito or using stupid Anon's when it is obvious it is you
    If you are such a Biatch--be one then .
    I'm waiting...............

  168. The only fat bitch who sits around all day on a computer is you. You even admitted to using anons before. Good try whore.

  169. Uuuuuu, Erin's going ballistic on The Bitch's ass...

    You go girl...

  170. Erin, I have a legitimate question, how much do you weigh? Are you fat?

  171. @TheBitch
    I am sure there are very good people who HAVE to live in Harlem but Harlem lives IN you.
    That is the Harlem I am talking about--being trash on the inside

  172. Im writting from my phone and sometimes it messes up some of the comments I post by repeating it.

    I meant to post this

    Do you expect people to pity you here? If so, you're wasting your time.
    Just thought I should let you know

    BTW you dumb, fat, dick sucking bitch, I wasn't trying to be an asshole I was just stating a fact. And you wonder why your socio dumped your ass.

  173. anon with the ukan story is unmarried, doesn't own a suit and never brushess his teeth. i got this because he mentioned all of these things which obviously means that he doesn't have or do any of them. he's also a closeted homosexual seeing as he used the word faggot.

  174. @TheBitch
    I used 2 Anons with Frank whom I love now *waves and blows a kiss to Frank*

    I said Frank wears a purse and Frank goes to the Sushi Bar wearing leather.
    That is the life as an Anon

  175. projection guy above^

  176. @Weight conscious Anon
    I am thin.I do Kundalini yoga and eat raw foods.
    Actually,it is hard for me to gain weight.I tend to be too skinny

  177. Weight conscious AnonJuly 27, 2011 at 11:33 AM

    @Erin, Well, I'm glad you're good-looking.

  178. Erin why don't you give me your address so I can show you what Harlem people do? You act so tough because you're sitting behind a screen. You're the type that got bullied your whole life, worthless piece of shit. :)

    Btw anon I'm THE bitch. I beat whores like Erin for a living. I'm never anyone's bitch. ;)

  179. @Erin

    I know its a bit late but, when I read your comment about abuse I figured i'd let you know that I wasnt abused either, and yet I still am how I am.

  180. "anon with the ukan story is unmarried, doesn't own a suit and never brushess his teeth. i got this because he mentioned all of these things which obviously means that he doesn't have or do any of them. he's also a closeted homosexual seeing as he used the word faggot."

    You're either a faggot for defending UKan or you're UKan and you're a faggot. Whichever suits you best...

  181. @ManiAzer
    I appreciate you very much.When I was having a very hard time you were a kind voice.
    I don't understand how someone could have a PD without abuse.
    What do you think?

  182. @TheBitch
    You are a little insecure AH who has to attack people who you think you can bully.
    YOU JUST GOT CAUGHT WITH ME.I showed you your face.
    Hey ,don't be an AH and no one can show you up!!
    Consider that Biatch

  183. @TheBitch
    Maybe you could beat me up physically but you still are Harlem on the INSIDE -----that means low class so you don't have to look it up in the Dictionary Biatch

  184. Lol @ The Bitch. I believe you that you're nobody's bitch, dude. Do you also have a beard and a mustache? Testosterone much bitch?

  185. wow... erin really is classist. what do think of black people and foreigners, erin?

  186. @TheBitch
    I NEVER bully.I NEVER niggle people.
    That is being an AH.It is not being "all that"
    If someone attacks me, I will defend myself.
    That is my ONLY act of aggression on SW and in life.
    Other than that I am gentle

  187. There's nothing wrong with classism. The fact that they are a class proves it all. They're inferior.

  188. @Erin

    Funny thing I have nothing to be insecure about I get it all and have looks to make it sweeter. My comment wasn't even rude and you started coming at me with stupid shit. What I said was true, that's why you reacted that way. You grew up abused and bullied, the rest of your life will be the same. I wonder what you would do if I tracked your IP address and showed up to your place. ;) Another thing quit it with the anons. It is so obvious is you mental bitch.


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