
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Married to a sociopath (part 1)

A reader writes:

I've been following your blog on and off for a few years.. my husband contacted you sometime back..there is no question he is a sociopath and i am an a recovering alcoholic/addict which by the way is a perfect match for a socio as we have been trained to try and accept others as they are, have our own share of darks secrets and take ownership of our behavior in a given situation to a fault...often letting others off the hook...i have known my husband a long time..we were together when we were really young..we were using drugs pretty heavily and things didn't work out...we went our separate ways and reconnected years later when we had each got through our share of struggles ..but had come out on the other side.....anyway...i love him..he loves me as much as any socio can love...he shares his isms with me i understand the risks involved in loving a no fucking eyes are wide open here...he is no angel but neither am i...since we reconnected we each left our spouses and have created what on the outside must look like the average family....but only we know the real deal...we are not normal...i can feel that i live with a cardboard cutout of the man i love,,he is here but not ..i can easily forget that he is not normal and cannot connect with me the way id like him to...he can be "gone" for days at a time..with no conception that i'm trying to reach him, communicate with him etc..i get pissed, shut down and then we blow up until we get things resolved...or not...he's not going to what is a girl to do? i have spent the better part of the day thinking about what to do...if anything...heres what ive come up with...I married a mirage of a man i love...well, sometimes that is..i knew that when we married...somehow i expect this to not be the case here is my may seem cheesy and cliche but here it is...

while he is unreachable at times, demanding and controlling at others..and needy at yet other times...i am his...he is mine..he is able to be there and is there for me in ways i need him to be...that other men cannot come close to being...when it really fucking counts, he's there...he sees me to my core is there no one who can do to me what he does...good and my feelings get hurt, so i get lonely....the good outweighs the bad and if i accepted who he was before we got married, why do i expect he will be someone different now? he makes huge efforts in our relationship that go against his very nature...i can learn to remember who he is and be ok with what he is able to give me...and he gives a lot...he is as wonderful as he is difficult...and im good with that..he has let me into his head as much as i think any socio is is really on me to work with who he is...expecting no more no less..just him in his glorious imperfection.


  1. Is this you The Notable Erin?

  2. I crap my pants every day when a girl talks to me.

  3. Well, I used to, but then I discovered Old Spice! It's amazing! It really works! So, if you were just like me, crapping your pants everytime you talk to a girl, try Old Spice, and you can be the man is wasn't until I started using Old Spice!


  4. I once took 2 guys in the mouth while my socio boyfriend was watching and he didn't do anything.
    Really, everything I told you about him is overrated.
    I exaggerated all of his traits actually.
    I took my dad in the ass while my mom was licking my pussy and my father's dick at the same time.
    I would have sex with anybody on this blog because, really, I'm a whore.
    I used to go to the beach but I always got sand in my vagina and that's why now I'm so obsessed about this expression.
    Well, fuck me everyone. I sincerely tell you that I am a stupid fucking whore with nothing to do all day except follow this blog.
    I have an infection in my vagina and a yellow liquid oozes out of it.
    I like to collect it in a mug and drink it.

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  7. Need I even say that display of raw immaturity is not the real Erin.

  8. Glad you liked it, bitch.

  9. (Continued from yesterday)
    Don't play coy with me Not Able. Lets continue this here shall we so everyone can see who you really are. How you made a full 360 in less than a year. Remember when you first arrived? Yes, the UKan welcome. You tried to tell us that doing good deeds for people was sociopathic.
    Halfway down the page is everyone calling you a boring robot.
    I will continue my exposure of you when I wake. I'm so excited Not Able. You were always a jackpot of laughs for me I can't wait to show everyone the scrap book of your embarrassig moments brought to you by the old crew.
    How do you feel being a narcissist and having your image shattered. I can almost feel your face burning with that shameful blush coming out.
    You think I'm a druggy? I thought you just said I was a drug peddler. If I peddled drugs and did them I would be in jail long ago. I guess someone as naive as you wouldnt know that. So what is it Not Able. Do I run a club? Do I traffic drugs, do I traffic women? Do I do drugs? Do I live in UK? Do I live in Ukraine? Do I live in ireland? Am I IRA? Keep firing off guesses shitbird. The only thing you havent pinned me as over the years is the CIA.You focus on points that are irrelevant. Nobody gives a shit what I do for a living or where I come from. Its who you really are that matters here and nobody will pass by without beig scrutinized.

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  11. Shut the fuck up you fucking whore.

  12. I think Ukan is going to get exposed.

  13. @Jason
    I KNOW that fake Erin is you.

  14. I wish more women were accepting of the socio imperfection.

    Most aren't and that's an issue.

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  16. "I KNOW that fake Erin is you."

    Guess again bitch.

  17. women seem to be idiots

  18. Looks like TNP has gotten under ukan's collar.

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  20. When Not Able crawls out from under his rock, he has to expect a good kicking.

  21. this is my wife writing, I am glad M.E> put it out there...... this is my response to it below

    my wife is not just a modern woman, she is highly educated, wicked smart and extremely loyal, not your normal target.

    i am in this relationship for one reason. for 20 years she is the only person i have felt remotely comfortable exposing myself. both she and my mother had a knack for letting me be myself. as for my LOVE for her. contrary to what others say i love her deeply, its an odd love i guess as i have limited capacities in one area but excel where others would fail. i can look at her faults and understand, even disregard them..... she could kill and eat little children (as long as they aren't ours) and i would find a way to understand and even side with her.

    in our relationship i gain alot..... a dedicated wife, amazingly hot sex, drinks at night when i am thirsty, a homelife that i love...... but none of these things are what makes it worthwhile. the fact that i am free in our home to be who i am.... who i truly am..... i can say things that i just wouldnt say outside of our relationship.

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  23. Then why are you still breathing?

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  25. I think sociopaths are more careless when they are younger, this is the time when things are very chaotic, as they grow older the mask grows stronger, but so does the deviance.

  26. i want to join neo-hitler.

  27. Half of the self diagnosed sociopaths on here are aspies, they actually have a moral code.

    UKan displays all the hallmarks of a sociopath imo.

  28. a sociopath can and should have a moral code...... i learned that after nearly a decade in prison....

  29. ukan is a bitch so stfu.

  30. in fact all the stupid comments show me a non logical response to others, a sociopath shouldnt care to waste his/her time with jibberish.... it really is a waste of talent

  31. UKan is indeed Erin (both original and fake Erin blogs)July 21, 2011 at 5:51 AM

    The following post, which soon may be deleted is not consistent with theErin as we knew her at the beginning. This one has a strong voice, and I have the feeling the person who created the fake Erin account and the original account are the same (looks like UKan) and in the following post forgot to use the fake Erin account and switched to original account. The reason we have ben having original Erin posts deleted at times must be his paranoia of not having voiced Erin right.

    Oh, well. Erin sure was funny, female version of UKan. Like in the last post yesterday, indeed UKan must have gotten a help request from one of the trash ladies around him and said no.

    Oh, UKan, are you lanky (as TNP suggested, new word for me) or are you fat (as people thought Erin must be)?

    Erin said...
    I once took 2 guys in the mouth while my socio boyfriend was watching and he didn't do anything.
    Really, everything I told you about him is overrated.
    I exaggerated all of his traits actually.
    I took my dad in the ass while my mom was licking my pussy and my father's dick at the same time.
    I would have sex with anybody on this blog because, really, I'm a whore.
    I used to go to the beach but I always got sand in my vagina and that's why now I'm so obsessed about this expression.
    Well, fuck me everyone. I sincerely tell you that I am a stupid fucking whore with nothing to do all day except follow this blog.
    I have an infection in my vagina and a yellow liquid oozes out of it.
    I like to collect it in a mug and drink it.

    July 21, 2011 2:01 AM


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  34. it seems to me that the energy wasted with the inane post could be directed (if one were smart enough to have a direction ) and you could be having fun, toying or living..... internet warrior does not equal sociopath...

  35. Ukan is coming off more and more like an idiot.

  36. Dudes, you are all fucking idiots. The fake Erin post was me. I hate that fucking snug bitch.

    In the Ukan vs Notable beef: they are both fucking idiots, but guys, you can't seriously consider Ukan over Notable. At least Notable can write English, not to mention he makes a lot more sense than that fuck up Ukan who is just a street thug that is enough of a loser to visit blogs instead of making money on the streets.

  37. tnp is a bitch as well.

  38. That's what I said, idiot.

  39. Ukan skipped right to TNP in hopes he would be saved from me.

    He just signed himself up for a worse beat-down instead.

  40. @Anon 6:06

    He is a hardcore street thug who uses his droid x to terrorize people on Sociopath blogs.

    Don't fuck with him.

  41. ukan = faggot
    misanthrope = faggot
    tnp = faggot
    kesu = faggot
    jason = extreme faggot
    zwahq = extreme faggot

    bad penny i don't know who you are but i'm sure ur a faggot to.

    do you all understand now?

  42. Cry to laughter in nano secondsJuly 21, 2011 at 6:17 AM

    future socio magnet in the making

  43. "ukan = faggot
    misanthrope = faggot
    tnp = faggot
    kesu = faggot
    jason = extreme faggot
    zwahq = extreme faggot

    bad penny i don't know who you are but i'm sure ur a faggot to.

    do you all understand now?"

    This is funny because it's true...

  44. Pretty much everyone hate sociopaths but there are a group of evolutionary psychologists that say the Psychopathy is an advantage. "the Rolls Royce of humans." In may profession psychopathy is an advantage. ie,a surgeon that will stay clam no matter what he sees, or a judge who can pass sentences based on the law rather than emotions.

  45. @Wet

    But those people often act in their own self-interest.

    There usually has to be something in it for them since they look at everything from a purely cognitive standpoint.

    They don't have emotions that allow them to act in the benefits of others, so in that case it isn't an advantage.

    I would like to hear you develop this further, maybe I am missing something.

  46. Yeah Jason, maybe if the pay was really good...

  47. And lots of other faggots.

  48. How to Apply Yourself towards Skilled Labor--Call for IdeasJuly 21, 2011 at 7:32 AM

    Uber-empaths needed a list for How to Love the Self. Sociopaths need a list for How to Apply Themselves Towards Skilled Labor

  49. What the hell is wrong with this place? Everybody hates eachother.

  50. Read the title asshole.

  51. Sociopathy, second in line after deathJuly 21, 2011 at 8:21 AM


    This place and its regulars are in such a lost state that it totally kicks me out of my petty sorrows.

    Gives me strength to see how low it could have been without added touch of guilt.

    I feel guilty when I feel lucky over people with any other disease, but it is hard to feel guilty when the so called disease is sociopathy.

    Even the sociopaths don't feel sorry for sociopaths. Ouch, sorry SW.

  52. To Just a Bad Penny and his Uber brilliant comrade in matrimony,

    You two deserve some recognition. Love is an art form and hard work which follow the same rules of mastery which apply to all worthy endeavors. And its not for the weak. The weak avoid, run screaming or hide in their addictions. The strong do too, yet keep going back to tango when the prize is a true love not some 'codependent' or 'use them and lose them' short sided charade.

    Love is about the soul. The part of you deep inside making the all these observations. In the timeline of things its felt as the rambunctious child, the ego driven and responsible adult and the part which murmurs gratitude and regret on one's death bed.

    This inner sanctum the two of you have created for yourselves and your children is honorable and the natural progression of bonding, the ultimate expression of "mine."

    We all should and need to be loved and admired for our glorious imperfections. Why not. Life is meaningless and short otherwise.

  53. Perhaps the dance between Ukan and Note is just admiration turned insidious and inside out. Every duel is secret admiration.

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  55. @SoufulPath

    Let me take this moment to duel you, to express my admiration for you, in a weird geeky internet crush sort of way.


  56. Erin soul fidelity and sexual fidelity are exclusive. A little betrayal is good for the love story.

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  59. There's this anon that posts everyday this message. "stupid fucks."

    Well dude, I have to say, most of the time stupid doesn't fuck...

  60. stupid fuckin faggots. suck this shit.


  61. "the Rolls Royce of humans"

    I like it a lot, and it's true. What are beepers a Ford Pinto?

  62. Beepers are Lotusses 'cause they break down all the time. ;)

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  64. Jason you are the most cowardly person on here. How come you were not standing up for yourself self a couple of months ago? You almost seem to enjoy abuse from these guys.

  65. @Anon 9:31

    Yeah I am the coward that cannot stand up for himself.

    Point taken.

    Who are you again? You just used an anonymous name to call me a coward.

    Talk about hypocrisy. I guess I overestimate the people here too much.

  66. jason needs to work on his insults.

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  68. the only person who likes you is a troll. I don't have a name yet jason. Its better than you. You have a name but you ruined it moments after you came on here.

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  70. When you make love to me I will possess your very soul. Every breath you take will be by my leave. I will not love you until you are completely subservient to me.

  71. Notable did you really make someone up on here to cheer yourself? Where's the links ukan. Wake up!

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  73. @Anon

    if you think anybody really likes someone here then you obviously do not know what SW is about.

    And why don't you have a name yet. I know why, you are too scared to make one, so you think that by standing on the sidelines and making crappy assists you are somehow contributing to the imaginary hierarchy you created that you seem to think exists here.

    As it stands now, until you make a name, I am better then you. Nobody will even remember or care about you after today, negative or positive.

    Oh maybe Ukan or someone else will use it to say how all the big bad sociopaths are verbally abusing me, but that's the closest thing you will get to people caring.

  74. Jason ;-)

    Erin, I've only called myself an enigma. I relate to the mind set, the struggles and the playful and aggressive banter. And depth is just a chosen focus. I am sure everyone can say they have a gift or particular expertise, either personally or professionally.

  75. Is this your "I'm not gonna take it anymore" moment Jason? Well fuck you. All you've done is soke up abuse and cling onto people since you first arrived you sponge. Nobody is taking your tough guy act seriously because we've all seen how pathetic you are. If I remember correctly you actually admitted to being worthless at one point. And now you're claiming that you're better than others? For all the impact you've made you may as well be an anon. Now get back down on your knees were you belong you little pussy. Lol.

    Boring post today.

  76. @Misanthrope

    Better then you and Ukan? Yes.

    I mean, I have yet to see one quality, logical post from you that doesn't detail aspects of your life.

    Yeah sure we are long overdue for a fight.

  77. @Misanthrope

    Actually you are like me to the other extreme.

    Rather then actually admit you are worthless, you go to the other end and make these posts about how great and exploitative you are.

    Its like quantity without quality. You are all talk, without the bang.

    You are like Ukan who goes around flaunting his 'victories' of running people off.

  78. imitationrobotmeatJuly 21, 2011 at 10:56 AM

    so whens the SW party???

  79. imitationrobotmeatJuly 21, 2011 at 11:04 AM

    not a very interesting post i must say. The person writing it went way overboard on the ellipses

  80. All talk? Yeah no shit. What else are we supposed to do here you spaz. There is a bang you just don't get to see it because this isn't real life. You think that deep down we all feel worthless because that's how you feel inside. Well we don't all lead pointless existence's. Some of us get what we want out of life, instead of moping about complaining about how worthless we feel inside. You're worthless, I'm great. That's the real difference between us.

  81. TODAY IS AWESOME! I read 4 comments and Erin is hacked and pwned. Fucking hilarious.

  82. @Misanthrope

    haha I like how you purposely dodged the point.

    I know this is a blog full of talk you idiot. You have no bang as far as post quality. All I have ever seen you do is write maybe a paragraph about how great you are, or call someone an idiot.

    See how you felt the need to assert yourself as great, obviously you don't live a fulfilling life.

  83. Really, people? Most of the time I quite enjoy the arguments people have here. Making up fake personas. Exposing them. You get the drift. But arguments and threats like the ones that have dominated SW lately, are just an extremely pointless waste of time. Don't get me wrong, I despise the hippie-fenotype, so I'm not asking "Can't we just all get along?". Without any kind of conflict it would be extremely boring. Just realize that trying to impose your own "bad-assness" on everyone here is retarded, and only makes you look retarded. You can safely assume that most, if not all, of us here are socios, so no one will be impressed or feel threatened by your pitiful attempts at coolness.

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  85. You're so lame Erin. I think I'll kick a puppy to death every time you say something stupid and flowery. God. Stop saying vulva. You discovered that word yesterday and haven't stopped saying it. Are you a fucking toddler? Jesus, but whatever. I really don't care overall about any of this bullshit. It is all just for shits and giggles.

  86. Bellerophon, you got to it (hippie attitude) just before I was gonna. Are you Soulful? I was gonna ask Soulful if she is actually one of those old hippies. That surely would explain her poetic approach, I also suspect she is into enjoying some mind-altering (augmenting?) goodies that are a touch more effective than alcohol.

    Erin character... You got too old.. Just mingle, don't expect any further attention.

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  88. for shits and giggles.... Right on, Kesu...

  89. Yeah your posts are fire crackers jason. You've always got something remarkable to say and that's what makes you so memorable. That's why everyone treats you with respect around here haha.

    "See how you felt the need to assert yourself as great, obviously you don't live a fulfilling life."

    Again, you're projecting your own miserable existence onto me you boy. My life is great. I make money through exploiting people and ripping them off and I pretty much get to do what I like most of the time. I maintain control over ovr people, and I get to bark orders at some slave drones who do whatever I tell them to. I don't detail many aspects of my life either. I really haven't told you that much about myself so far.

  90. I for one am glad to see you stand up for yourself Jason. You get kicked around on here too much I almost thought you didn't have a spine. Good for you hun!

  91. @Misanthrope

    Yeah and name one thing that makes you memorable.

    Once you leave, everyone will forget about you.

    yeah my posts aren't firecrackers and the only people who seem to not treat me well are you, ukan, and some insignificant anons.

  92. Since when does Ukan say hun?

    O well. Whatevas. Today deserves a song. Not the one that the anon posted. BTW I posted the lyrics to that song yesterday so it is yesterdays song.

    Totally appropriate for today. Songs name is "I hurt You".

  93. Beat it charlatan. I don't use the word hun, and I don't have any respect for this pathetic worm jason.

  94. "I wish more women were accepting of the socio imperfection."

    I feel the same way about the BPD issue. Heh. Perhaps there's a reason beepers, socios and narcs fall in together so often.

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  96. Idiots. How incompetant are your admirers jason? If you can call them that. Someones glad you finally got a spine.
    Not Able did you give up after just the beginning of our journey. I had fun going back and looking at our time together.

  97. "Yeah and name one thing that makes you memorable."

    Dunno but it must be something. I've taken time off before and people still talk about me. Like I said, I'm the opposite of you.

  98. @ukan

    Question, why do you even bother with TNP.

    Since I got here, all I have seen him do is pound you and make you resort to lame insults on his character.

    I mean, there is no way someone on your level could run him off.

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  100. @Misanthrope

    Yeah people talk about you because you make these posts about xyz exploit.

    Like I have said hundreds of times, anyone can do it.

    If I did the same thing, and timed my posts correctly I could have people all over me, but I don't wish for that.

    So, name one thing that makes you memorable.

    I mean we all know you probably created those anon posts that say how great you are.

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  102. Can I borrow some happy Kesu? I'm nothing but rage. I want to smash houses.

  103. No the anon's talk me up all by themselves jason believe it or not. People like you who say that they don't want any type of power or respect are always the ones who have no chance of obtaining it. Tell me what you've got going on for you in your life at the moment jason. Have you even moved out of your parents yet? Be honest.

    "Today makes me so happy."

    Me too.

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  105. I know the feeling Haven. You can have all I have to give of it too.

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  107. Thanks. Someone may die today.

    @Erin... you think you border on borderline? That's amusing. I'm pretty sure that just makes you an emotional empath. Like any PD you either are or you aren't. BPD is fucking fantastic or it's a shitstorm wrapped in dead children.

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  109. Don't try to ride Not Ables dick jason. You made fun of him too. Now your trying to jump in his lap when we are rejecting you? Pathetic. You will suck the closest dick to your mouth it seems

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  111. Even TNP rejected jason after a while.

  112. There are various shades of any disorder in its own spectrum. I'm sure there are people that are 'more' BPD than I am. There are those that display less. If you /almost/ have a personality disorder, by definition, you are not actually there. In order to be classified as having a PD there are a minimum set of characteristics to have. These designations are created to make that very distinction between PD and non-PD. I agree that labels are not everything, but there is a reason why we have them.

    If you display some characteristics it can be useful to recognize this in order to help yourself overcome or utilize those traits, however, it does not necessarily mean anything beyond that in terms of actually having a PD. Unless you're a mindless automaton, everyone probably displays a few now and again. What makes a personality disorder a disorder, and not just a personality quirk, is that these characteristics are persistent and pervasive to the point of 'distruption' of a 'normal' life.

    Though how you define normal may be subjective.

  113. Bully to you for avoiding shrinks. If you've ever truly reached a point where you needed to change but didn't know how, they're a useful tool in getting yourself to a point where you function more ably.

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  115. Shit jason's not responding to my last comment. Going by his logic that must mean he's terrified of me.

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  117. Dissociation is not PTSD. I would know. I have a severe dissociative disorder. I had a councilor tell me I had PTSD once. I told him to suck it.

    I suggest seeing a professional. Self-diagnosis is about as lame as any other anon on here claiming to be socio b/c they ever kicked a puppy once.

  118. Who could accept him? He admits himself he has no value. Jason I will accept you only after you come back here and tell us about uow you punched ypur father in the face. Till then you will be walked on by people like your father.
    Its sick really. How you come back here time and time again for more abuse. We remind you of him don't we? How funny. You relive your childhood on this forum because that's what makes you feel right at home.
    Don't tell me anything jason. Why it was just a few months ago you were singing my praises. Now when I trample on you, you are going to tske them all back. Too late. People like you cheer me and I fucking crush them anyway. I have enough fans, and I don't need your worship and adoration. Better that you cheer Not Able. At least then he wont have to make fake accounts to do it like last time.

  119. @Misanthrope

    Heh, Heh my life has significantly improved from since I first joined here.

    When I first came here I was very overweight, still in that moronic thing known as High School, and was not sure what I wanted.

    Now I am like 50 pounds lighter, I am going to college, and I am looking for a job for money to sustain myself in the meantime.

    So that explains why I suddenly don't take shit anymore.

    I haven't moved out yet because I have not sustained the funds.


    Lol. It came from the horse's mouth. You have been riding TNP's dick for days.

    Talking about how badly you exposed him.

    I am just pointing out the fact that you are stupid, and I have seen him woop you.

  120. @Ukan

    I haven't seen you trample anyone.

    Lol you really must think you understand me and my life situation.

    My father is pretty awesome.

    Stop projecting boy. Everyone knows that your father never loved you.

    he just likes the fact that he has a shot at your money.

  121. Erin... I'm raging and you want grace? Are you ignorant? You're not the only one that has had trauma in their past. This is the wrong place to come if sympathy is what you seek.

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  125. Riding someones dick means kissing their ass idiot

  126. "right brain trauma theory says you have to emote in order to heal cuz trauma is stored in the right brain ,not left.

    In a word, you have to cry.
    If you can cry enough,you can heal."

    Bullshit. For an NT this may work, but if it had any bearing on BPD I'd have been healed 1000 times over with some left to spare for the masses milling around me. I'm glad it's working for you. You're lucky.

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  128. I have no need to whine about my past here. I have my own blog.

  129. @ukan

    Aww is it hard for you to accept the fact that you have no shot at TNP?

    I mean you sound like those jock losers I see who say someone is 'riding dick' when they clearly suck at what they are doing and other people point out that others are better then them.

    I mean I am just warning you boy, you are only making yourself look like the fool.

    You are getting exposed tonight, and I am going to sit back and laugh.

  130. How old is everyone? I mean jason cant be any older then like 21 what about the rest of you?

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  135. "Now I am like 50 pounds lighter"

    You're still a fat fuck though aren't you? Or is it just that the skin from your belly now sags down past your ballsack? So now you're preparing for life as a sucker. Fuck the job. Get some heart and go out and steal for a living already. I don't understand whiney little brats like you who complain about school as if it's such a serious thing. You were the fat unpopular kid who was picked on by the jocks and rejected by all the girls right? You're so good at soaking up abuse because you've been doing it your whole life. Lol. You're weakness and insecurity still seeps into everything you write jason. You've already admitted that you're a worthless human being, and now you're picking fights over the internet where you know you're safe. What transformation have you really made over the past few months?

  136. @Misanthrope

    Haha I don't need to steal for a living, and yes I was the unpopular fat kid, but that is my past.

    And yeah I am standing up for myself offline and online.

  137. And I am at a perfect weight right now, with no loose skin.

    And I am light-years more attractive now.

    Now lets talk about your life. When did you move out of your parents house and create this 'wonderful' existence of yours(lol).

  138. "When did you move out of your parents house and create this 'wonderful' existence of yours(lol)."

    I already told you that.

    Why will things be better for you in college? What have you decided to with your life?

  139. @Misanthrope

    Because I have changed drastically from HS to college.

    I already made up my mind that I want to be the best. I prepared for college even when I was still in HS.

    While everyone is bitching and telling me that they are nervous about the 'college life', I am completely calm and excited for anything that comes at me.

    Hmm what will I do with my life?

    In the secular sense I am going to study for a bachelors in computer science.

    What I really want to do is continue to improve myself and patch the hole I have dug out for myself 18 years of my life.

    You know if it weren't for all the abuse I sucked up at school, I wouldn't have wanted to change at all.

    Now I want to be on top of shit.

  140. imitationrobotmeatJuly 21, 2011 at 1:22 PM

    jason... ugh. you're such a pussy.

    stuck in high school. stfu.

    i'm approximately the same age as you... yet you talk like you're 12 or some shit. obviously your being such an unpopular loser fat kid has seriously inhibited your social skills. and you don't seem to be too intelligent either.

    "perfect weight" ??? godddddddddddddddddddddddddddd you are so pathetic.

    I'm not picking a side here but jesus kid.... jesus

  141. I am completely confident that I can be extremely successful at anything if I devote 100% to it.

    I feel unstoppable.

  142. When he was still a adolescent fatty. Your 18 and still a loser. I would like to see you expose me jason. I want you to pull up Not Able or you embarrassing me. Show me when this fantasy happened. I have a link at the top of this comment page of everyone jumping in and bagging on Not Able when he first arrived at my behest. Not Able knows how many more I have. That's why he shut the fuck up last night. Don't try to rewrite history just because I don't want your mouth on my dick.
    Shall we pull out your dirty laundry too jason? How bout we pull out you AND Not Able going at it? And right after we can play the part where ypu are kissing me and misanthropes ass and all of our critics got.mad at you. Remember that? You took a lot of flak for me. How did i repay you. By throwing you in the fucking trash. You can't argue with me jason I have the truth on my side. Nobody has embarrassed or exposed me on here because I'm not seeking acceptance like you and your butt buddy Not Able. You could sing my praises till jesus comes back and I would still cast you aside like rubbish.

  143. imitationrobotmeatJuly 21, 2011 at 1:26 PM

    i don't think you're smart enough for c.s.

  144. @Ukan

    sure you can pull out the dirty laundry.

  145. imitationrobotmeatJuly 21, 2011 at 1:28 PM

    dude no one who feels unstoppable would feel the need to announce it to anyone, let alone people on the internet.

    most pathetic fat kid narcissist everrrr

  146. Computer science? You're exactly how I pictured you. In the end it doesn't how you feel. What I said about you was correct. You've been a loser and doormat all your life, people like you get kicked around forever. First minor setback and you'll be cramming hotdogs in your mouth like there's no tommorow. Is that why you got so fat in the first place? Did you eat for comfort?

  147. This comment has been removed by the author.

  148. Erin said...
    If you want me to shut up,I will.
    (Not permanently lest any here get the wrong idea)
    July 21, 2011 12:43 PM

  149. @Misanthrope

    I got kicked around because I let myself be kicked around.

    Thats not happening anymore, and I am long past hotdog cramming.

  150. imitationrobotmeatJuly 21, 2011 at 1:39 PM

    well then shut the fuck up already

  151. imitationrobotmeatJuly 21, 2011 at 1:41 PM

    fuckin' fatass. I really do hate fat people. They're so fucking gross. They carry around all their emotional baggage. yuuucck. visibly pathetic.

    jason and erin should go watch disney movies and cry together

  152. Keep the weight training going Jason. What is irresistible to others is a superior frame. Most Americans look like old maids. As in standing up for yourself. Respect is earned not demanded. And a fighting wit takes life experience. Growing conifdence takes courage. Let them tear them to pieces.

  153. @Soufulpath

    Thank you very much :).

    Enjoy your life.

  154. It's the internet soulful you moron, if it were real life Jason wouldn't stand a chance. He would been physically coerced by now. Sociopaths have a very low frustration threshold.

  155. Oh I will jason.
    Right now we are creating another moment to put in my scrapbook of degradation.
    Computer science? Ha ha ha. You fucking nerd. I was one of the kids that used and abused people like you in school. Just like them you keep coming back for more.
    "If it wasn't for....... " typical excuse for a loser. I spent three years in prison, and spent my whole youth causing mayhem, yet here I am with influence, money, and power. You....well you told us what your about. Today you put on your superman underwear and think things will be different. Nope. Your still a fat loser.

  156. You're still letting yourself get kicked around. Like UKan said you just keep coming back over and over again, so we can abuse your for our own amusement. That is literally your sole purpose here and I'm only doing this for fun. The only thing that's changed is that you feel different. Soon you'll find out that that doesn't count for shit.

  157. Jason, keep at it. The thing about losers is they want to keep you down low to feel better about themselves.

    You now have a direction, you are getting better at your weight too. So, are you here to understand better the abusers? Or, are you here to fight them to make the HS Jason who did not feel better? I am just asking, whichever is the answer does not matter, it's all good. Fight here, put out the pain, ridicule these losers, but stay focused stay focused hard on fixing your appearance and career. DOn't let the jokers here pull you down.

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  160. Ha ha ha. Yah Erin. Jason wont cheat on you. You guys can watch the little mermaid together.
    Just know, jason, when you sleep next to her at night she will always be wishing it was me next to her, instead of some fat fucking slob with no respect for himself.

  161. Erin, that crying book, is it any good? One of the reviewers said it worked wonders for his wife because she was able to cry easily but he couldn't. How about you? Is that therapy form working?

    Can you share one basic exercise the author wants us to do?

  162. @you go jason

    Nah, I am nearly done compartmentalizing HS.

    I just have a few loose edges to clear up.I just came here to fight.

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  164. Because sociopaths are machines.

  165. tnp does have an odd writing style for a sociopath .. defensive and disjointed

    read the first paragraph of his most recent blog post for an example

    does seem to be doing better in his spars with ukan

    ukan has an account now, hmm

  166. imitationrobotmeatJuly 21, 2011 at 1:51 PM

    yeah jason... why are you doing this?

  167. This comment has been removed by the author.

  168. ERIN BITCH STFU you still have not learned anything obviously. Mouth full of cum and still talking typical dumb whore.

  169. @aspie

    He is improving.

    Every sociopath is unique. What unites them is at their core.

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  172. "ukan has an account now, hmm"

    That is what I said Aspie. Apparently he has had it for ever. Even though it says he registered it in January of 2011. HIS BLOG NAME IS "THE GAME"! OMG!!! You lose THE GAME! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

  173. @imitationrobotmeat

    you are completely dumb and not worth my time.

  174. He's reliving the abuse his father and other kids gave him throughout his life. This forum is a place for him to relive the abuse and a safe place to make symbolic stances against it. Believe it or not it might help him. Then again it might just be another replicated situation that goes the same way as before. With jason becoming submissive. Like Not Able. When we stopped abusing hin and said one kind word he jumped in our laps. Then I turned on him again randomly just to amuse myself. You are a pawn jason. You move when I tell you to. How many times have you licked my feet for just one kind word?

  175. Thats why your ex boyfriend didnt fuck you because he found out how dirty you were. You do know that if he really wanted to as a socio he would just rape you right? Your so called no wouldnt matter right?

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  177. imitationrobotmeatJuly 21, 2011 at 2:00 PM

    jason why are you doing this?

    also if you have to consciously decide to compartmentalize an entire 4 year period of your life then it is very unlikely that you've

    a. ever done it before

    b. will ever be any good at it

    just saying.

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  179. imitationrobotmeatJuly 21, 2011 at 2:03 PM

    obviously i am worth some of your time. i'm helping you. can't you tell?

  180. @ukan

    why do you keep projecting your lack of father figure on to me?

    I mean it was pretty cute a first, but now its simply pathetic.

  181. hahahaah and you believed him? Do you have any idea how easy a person can fake cry? you nut. I wouldnt be surprised if your so called socio was never your boyfriend but a guy you stalked ha. person can fake cry? you nut. I wouldnt be surprised if your so called socio was never your boyfriend but a guy you stalked ha.

  182. Why are you using those nerdy internet slogans, Kesu? That stuff is pathetic.

  183. i think the quality of this place has taken a nose dive as of late

    from the super wack commenting to some of the silly posts like the one about good intentioned people being bad which really should have been called "Incompetent cab drivers and a wimpy ass cab passenger", i think this place needs a little changing up

    what about changing the background from black space moon to pink with flowers or little flying pigs?

  184. imitationrobotmeatJuly 21, 2011 at 2:08 PM

    so i'm not worth your time but any other random internet stranger who insults you is?

    is it cause i'm not one of the popular kids? :(

    seriously, if you can't tell me why you're here than I (and anyone else who is bored enough to be following this) will have to assume ukan's description of your motivations is correct. Sure is looking that way...

    so go a head and prove that you are not pathetic. i believe in you. 100%

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  186. Is that what those are, internet slogans? I thought he was just impersonating a fourteen year old girl making comments on her facebook.

  187. "i think the quality of this place has taken a nose dive as of late"

    Is the doom and gloom invoking ambient abuse too much for you?

  188. @aspie

    It varies on most days.

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  190. ukan one day this entire blog will turn on you because you have no allegiance. when that day comes I will laugh at you.

  191. O no. There be a shitstorm'a'coming.(Because everyone is being retarded today and caring on stupidity)

    STFU Ukan and get your wife to lick your ass more. She is the only one who wants to be full of your shit. No one else cares and you aren't some king. Fuck over inflated dumbass.

  192. why do people remain here, and take a ton of soul crushing abuse when they don't have to?


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