
Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I was reading Sam Vaknin's thoughts on possible co-morbidity of narcissism with different personality disorders, including sociopathy:
As opposed to patients with the Borderline Personality Disorder, the self-image of the narcissist is stable, he or she are less impulsive and less self-defeating or self-destructive and less concerned with abandonment issues (not as clinging).

Contrary to the histrionic patient, the narcissist is achievements-orientated and proud of his or her possessions and accomplishments. Narcissists also rarely display their emotions as histrionics do and they hold the sensitivities and needs of others in contempt.

According to the DSM-IV-TR, both narcissists and psychopaths are "tough-minded, glib, superficial, exploitative, and unempathic". But narcissists are less impulsive, less aggressive, and less deceitful. Psychopaths rarely seek narcissistic supply. As opposed to psychopaths, few narcissists are criminals.

Patients suffering from the range of obsessive-compulsive disorders are committed to perfection and believe that only they are capable of attaining it. But, as opposed to narcissists, they are self-critical and far more aware of their own deficiencies, flaws, and shortcomings.


  1. You'd almost feel sorry for the staggering amount of open doors that got kicked open in this article.

    Unrelated: How come seemingly noone (not even M.E) remembered Sociopathworld's 3rd anniversary?

  2. Happy Baddass Anniversay

  3. Bon Anniversaire sw, mon monde ennui.

    Beaucoup beaucoup bessos

  4. My morning shit curled around the toilet 2.25 times. I think I got that measurement correct. My narcissistic perfectionism is at an all time high today.

  5. Re: Perfectionism, I was once told by an instructor to "mess it up a little"

  6. You'd almost feel sorry for the staggering amount of open doors that got kicked open in this article

    This combo is a jail. Doesn't mean people can't learn to live with it. The variations make it so things manage to balance themselves out. Especially if the person has enough people that will tell them the truth about themselves and how the world sees their distortions of reality.

    2 of my parental role models have narcissistic perfectionism. One of them once attempted suicide. The other is chronically depressed. Both feel their lives passed them by and they never lived up to their potential.. They were both brilliant, but very different. The depressed one would never consider suicide. Both are miserable inside, I would say.

    But they had great senses of humor. Humor is important if you have so much comorbidity. You become so neurotic that you can't help but laugh a little. -I suppose this comes from self-awareness. I don't know what people without humor do when they are bogged down by so much affliction.

  7. what happens when you get a psychopath with narcissistic personality disorder?

  8. What if some dude on the internet had just realized he was narcissist?

  9. Sociopaths are less organized and more chaotic than narcississts. With narcissists, they have a clear goal. To make everyone believe the grandiose self image they have so it is validated. Its a constant need for them.
    For me, my goals are constantly shifting. Im very impulsive and extremely aggressive. I chase something or believe something with such passion that everyone around me is caught up in it and is right there with me while I lead the charge. All of a sudden I vanish and people are left wondering why I was so fervent when I drop everything and move on like it never existed. I fly by the seat of my pants and I'm good at it. I think I'm extremely lucky, because most of my successes and narrow escapes are practically miracles. People think I sat back and meticulously planned them. They are wrong. I make it up as I go along. Things just seem to go my way.

  10. shut up you faggot.

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  12. ukan, is this guy a socio or npd??

  13. You have to use that html shit to link me to anything. I'm using my phone to conversate on here. I don't have time to constantly sit in front of a computerand I don't know how to select text on this thing.

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  16. Old news. Ive seen plenty of this wierdo. He is a psychopath, albiet a broken one. Why are you so obsessed with rodbey alcala, ted bundy, and btk? Do you think they were really that special? Why? Because they killed people? Big deal. Where I come from murder is rampant and life is cheap. I guess I dont really see any mystique in killing someone anymore. It must come from living a sheltered life.

  17. It is their due that you exist for them.

    Yes, but this is what you are doing as well. With every comment. It's like SW is your own personal solipsism. It's not really a fair way to treat people.

  18. to ukan, i became aware of him from viewing this.

  19. just happened across this article on 'rational psychology theory'. it reads like it was written by a narc...

    "Some of the most important irrational ideas which are presently ubiquitous in our culture are these: (1) the idea that it is a dire necessity for an adult human being to be loved or approved by everyone for everything he does; (2) the idea that one should be thoroughly competent, adequate, and achieving in all possible respects; (3) the idea that certain people are bad, wicked, or villainous, and that they should be severely punished and blamed for their villainy; (4) the idea that it is terrible, horrible, and catastrophic when things are not the way one would like them to be; (5) the idea that human unhappiness is externally caused, and people have little or no ability to control their sorrows and disturbances; (6) the idea that if something is, or may be dangerous or fearsome, one should be terribly concerned about it; (7) the idea that it is easier to avoid than to face certain life difficulties and self-responsibilities; (8) the idea that one should be dependent on others and needs someone stronger than oneself on whom to rely; (9) the idea that the past is all-important and that because something once strongly affected one's life, it should indefinitely have the same effect; (l0) the idea that one should become quite upset over other people's problems and disturbances"

    a lot of the type 1 traits of the PCL in there!

  20. @Medusa
    You can twist anything to the way you want to see it .YOU are making my point about you.Do YOU see that?
    It is the weirdest thing with you. You are SO Narc :)

  21. You are the one pretending to be all empath and a good person with a good heart and totally not a narc and totally a victim of everything and whatnot.

    Therein lies the difference.

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  23. "YOU are making my point about you.Do YOU see that?"

    that's what you do here everyday, erin. you take every comment, no matter how unrelated, and somehow relate it back to you and use it as an excuse to talk about, YOUR MOTHER, YOUR SOCIO, YOUR FEELINGS, YOU. you can't have a discussion that isn't centered around you.

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  25. no, i'm not madusa. it is possible that more than one person disagrees with what you're saying, fyi.

  26. ^ very true. Its pathetic and annnoys everyone here. You need to be on love fraud not here.

  27. Erin everyone hates you not just whoever you are stuck on for the week, which happends to be whoever called you on your bullshit. Nobody cares about your problems get over it. You are like old spoiled milk. You think medusa is the only one who despises you? Come on get a grip.

  28. Medusa use to sound the same way now she just knows everything and be bothered to read or look at oppossing imformation.

  29. @UKan. have you ever felt contempt for your wife? as it has been stated that sociopaths feel contempt for those that seek to understand them. If so, how have you overcome that? is it a constant feeling? just curious and here to learn.

  30. I see Erin is badly inflicted with yet another vile case of "mother-itis"....Your mother must be laughing all the way to hell Erin, from the sheer amount of times in a day that you mention her...

    @Ukan, I think that there is a certain similarity between some aggressive male socio's that includes the whole "flying by the seat of your pants" thing. For me, the fervent belief in what I am doing overrides any and all possibility of failure, it just doesnt exist. I wonder if there is a deeper consciousness in socios/psychos that maps out a scenario as its unfolding to help prevent failure?......I also have had things happen that really should NOT have panned out the way they did and appear 'miraculous'. It sure as hell works for me in the respect of making people think I have better abilities in certain areas than I actually do.

    Never fails to amuse me how some people almost deify serial killers...when in fact they are just people who became a little more adept than others at extinguishing human lives, when in actual fact its just as easy to snuff a person as it is to kill a pet. The only difference between so called normal folk and serials is the morality/empathy code or lack there-of. Some call that chilling and scary...I call it a fact. Working only with facts makes things so much easier at times.

    From chaos , comes order...even chaos has predictable patterns enmeshed in it somewhere. Socios are great at finding them, narc's tend to crumble faster amongst chaos because of their reliance on self-validation from a scenario/event. While a narc is sobbing into their milk, a socio has already devised a way to use the situation to their own benefit.

  31. @Ukan
    Ok I will call you on this.WHO do you like on here?

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  33. Anon, about the rod acala thing. My apolagies, there's this kid that's been on here obsessed with rod acala, bundy, and btk. I thought you were him. The fact donna from lovefraud is speaking at high schools scares me.

  34. Erin said...
    Ok I will call you on this.WHO do you like on here.

    Are you REALLY that stupid Erin?..REALLY????

    I think Id like to meet your mother..she deserves an award for her ability to imprint herself so heavily on another human being....
    The fact that she is a narc/bpd/socio..( whatever flavour you choose today) doesnt matter...

    I can hear the narrator now..." And the award goes toooooo...ERINS MOTHER!!.. for being a complete cunt and fucking up Erins life...."heres your gold Rolex...well done!!!..... "narrator fades into a roar of spontaneous applause"....

  35. Erin I like the people in here not lying to themselves: misanthrope, lycan, medusa, post, nikita, eden and sometimes birdick when he's not too professor like. Some on here I don't have an opinion on yet because they haven't been on long enough. The narcissists I don't like at all, because I have to deal with their shit at the clubs and I have had a personal gripe with them all my life. The broken women are cool only when they come in, get their issues solved, and leave with grace. You, erin, are a stain that never comes out.

  36. @Lycan

    Once I turned myself over to my mother psychically ,I no longer saw out of my own eyes or felt out of my own senses.
    I have been possessed by her as if she remote controlled me.
    You are entirely right.
    However,last night I exorcised her

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  38. She got in my like a vampire.

    And now you are a vampire. I'm not trying to insult you, I'm just talking facts. But if you are not careful you are in great danger of turning into your mother yourself.

    It's funny how that works sometimes. The child's hate of a parent ironically turns them into the very thing they hate, and don't even realize it until some major shit happens and they end up somewhere like SW. If they are lucky.

    This is why abusive behavior is handed down through generations, even in families where there is a lot of intelligence and knowledge of psychology. (Hence a large proportion of therapists are fucked up despite their awareness of the human psyche.)

    There's no way to fix it until you let go of the hate. Hate is a prison. Anger is a prison. Fear is a prison. They center your life around the object of your hate.

    I know you want to face your own personal bullshit, and that is great. That is to be admired. And I understand that it may take some time. But first you have to brave enough to realize your own myopia.

  39. The broken women are cool only when they come in, get their issues solved, and leave with grace.

    Ah, Grace. I hope she is well. She was the least full of shit person here.

  40. I wrote the comment at 2:26 before I read this:

    I no longer saw out of my own eyes or felt out of my own senses.
    I have been possessed by her as if she remote controlled me.

    Which is pretty much exactly what I am saying. But you don't see that it wasn't just that one time... it's in your bones.

    That's how this stuff works.

  41. Anyone over there in 'The Colony' wounded?

  42. @Erin

    No you didnt.. you only think you did. She will haunt your dreams, your life, your heart until the day you expire. You will die either hating or resenting her because you are too weak to either take her out/ confront her on your terms, or do anything that might risk losing any further "possible" displays of affection from her.
    THATS why she deserves an award.

    In hindsight though..there may be a surefire to exorcise her..

    A: take a nice shiny bread and butter knife.
    B: Locate a electrical power outlet close to a sink.
    C: fill sink with water:
    D: insert one foot in sink.
    E: Insert sharp end of knife in outlet .
    F: turn on switch.

    I guarantee that this will exorcise your mother. Please film so that we can watch and make sure you perform the exorcism correctly though :-).

    That will be $100 exorcism fee thanks. Please pay at the door before attempting this advice.

  43. @Medusa
    I see you as the Walking Lie trying to superimpose your lie on me.
    Even if you were NOT the walking lie I cannot receive anything from you due to Medusa's Little Helper and such

  44. Yah, my court cases amazed me. I didn't think anything of it till I read about other sociopaths getting out of everything. I thought I was just lucky to find a loophole. I actually got in a fist fight with my cellmate for calling him a idiot when he said that fighting your case was pointkess and I wouldnt get out. I lost the fist fight but I won my freedom. He's still in prison so I had the last laugh. Nature didn't give us the instincts to survive and the ability to manipulate with ease for no reason. People who say psychopaths have no place in society but jail are going against nature itself.

  45. @Lycan
    I see your point in the fist part.

    To the last part--What can I say :(

  46. You dont have to say anything Erin......its sage advice...given freely :-). (the $100 would be nice though)

  47. I see you as the Walking Lie trying to superimpose your lie on me.

    Erin, we are talking about you here, because you made it about you. It's not about me.

    Let me worry about my own bullshit. You think I am not self-aware because you haven't seen me have a moment of "I'm so full of bullshit, I'm all a lie, I'm lonely" or something of the sort that the other people who you say are 'real' have had in your presence.

    The "little helper" has nothing to do with me. Why would I even use that username to support myself? Wouldn't I choose one that isn't so self-aggrandizing so it wouldn't look like it was me posting?

    I've never had a need for fake anon support. I have no bones about saying what I want to say under my own name.

    If I wanted to talk shit about your son I would do so under my own name. But that's not my style. It may be UKan's or whoever's, but it's not mine. I have no desire to use someone's child against them, or someone's tragedy against them.

    I only use people's own bullshit against them.

  48. Watches the 800 trucks full of Erins bullshit roll up outside .
    Hmmm..I wonder if SW validates parking?

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  50. @Medusa
    My opinion of you still stands.There is no use debating it.Your opinion of me still stands :)

  51. @Ukan
    I am surprised you like some people on here.That is good :)

  52. The difference is that you hate me.

    I do not hate you.

  53. @Medusa
    It is not a matter of hate or not hate.
    I see you Medusa.

  54. @Medusa....'hatred' can be harnessed to help focus though. Any emotion (or bastardization of them) can be used as a tool. Tools are good...Tools work with 'fact' nicely.
    That socio/psychos facts and tools are different than those of empaths is irrelevant. they are what they are. I think the level of indulgence in the emotion is what creates problems for some.

  55. No you don't erin you fucking idiot. Jesus christ. If you don't know yourself its impossible to see what's hidden in someone else. Impossible.

  56. How can you 'see' medusa erin?...those rose coloured lenses of yours are so thick that they almost like jam jars. All you see is your reflection...perhaps they are mirrored glasses.

  57. Ukan? You seem very different from, let's say, a year ago. How come?

    Well, apart from you attacking more people (there are more people that ask for it), you seem, well, a lot more dominant. Spraying more testosteron. Why?

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  59. That's *testosterone, actually...

  60. It's hard to except change in other's or change our attitude when someone reminds us of the people that have hurt us. I've even heard it in the socio's, " I know your knid" " I see people like you everyday".

    But if someone explains themselves it better to watch and see if the difference shows and continues. Otherwise we're no better then them.

  61. Long held hatred, resentment and grief are strong blinding emotions. When held too long they can fester with one's vision.

    I prefer my sunglasses lenses clean.

  62. Well I guess I'm more of a narcissist then.

  63. There's a lot more narcissists on here.

  64. aren't sociopaths full of hatred? it's said that contempt and anger are their core emotions.

  65. My point exactly^

  66. If you don't know yourself its impossible to see what's hidden in someone else.

    Bears repeating a thousand times.

    Wheatley, who are you? At first I thought you were TNP after his blogger account got removed. Have you had another username?

  67. @Erin.

    Have you ever heard of the use of 'misinformation under trust' ?...
    What on earth would make you think that I would give you 'fact' about myself when I know very little about you?.......why on earth would I trust a person who does what you do on this blog.....and then drags out what they THINK they know about a person in an attempt to show others that they are 'all-knowing' ?
    You wanted to play a game with me...but you were foolish not to ask what the rules were from MY viewpoint, it was MY game. You just assumed that I would give up truths to you, because you were trying to be truthful and you got caught up in trying to be one better than a sociopath.
    I didn't state how long the game would run, or what its purpose was. Nor did I ever say that the game had finished. BUT, you have proven quite nicely that you cannot be trusted......ONE of those facts is correct..(or is it?). All I had to do was wait to see what you would try and do with the information I gave you.
    I dare-say that under a slight amount of pressure or stress you would spill your guts like a split rubbish bag.
    I think that medusa is right in pointing out your myopia. Your mother is certainly stacking up her awards today isnt she?

  68. No other accounts, just the occasional Anon. Long time lurker though.

  69. Just playing a little catch up. Today's bitty thread looks nothing like yesterday's.
    I must have missed some fun!
    I'm a little on the worn side though, and don't want to skim 380 some comments to see what.

    Anyone care to post a re-cap for me?

  70. narcissists have to wear good quality sunglasses to prevent the glare of the sun emanating from their own asses. They truly are blinded by their own brilliance at

  71. @Eden

    What I remember:

    David was pompous. Hitler hated Jews. Hitler didn't hate Jews. Daniel wants to be a lawyer. Some guy named Nero introduced himself and turned out to be a massive tosser.

  72. What made you decide to join in the fray? I know there's at least a hundred people lurking by the looks of it, when are you guys coming in the lake? The waters fine!

  73. Eden, it was an old-school style thread debating ideas instead of people for the most part.


    1. Debates about what racism is or is not, whether socios/Hitler types are really racist or just made use of the cause for ulterior agendas,

    2. Apparently "social science" is a hard science simply because it has the word "science" in it,

    3. Asians play violin better than a black person by inherent value by birth.

  74. if you look at yesterday's latest comments, david admitted to being sad and lonely.

  75. "Hitler hated Jews. Hitler didn't hate Jews."


    "Asians play violin better than a black person by inherent value by birth."

    lol even harder!

    Baby Kesu?

  76. I said LONG held contempt and anger. If you express your anger its about "them." If you hold it too long it's about "you."

    A good quality pair of sunglasses in the summer is just good common sense hygiene along with not having your head up your ass for too long.

  77. Yeah, I saw that anon. Makes me respect him a bit more.

    I love that ego-death honesty stuff.


  78. if you look at yesterday's latest comments, david admitted to being sad and lonely.

    Fucking hell, I was saving that one and now you ruined it. You took a pawn when you couldve waited for the bishop. Have some fucking patience people.

  79. Lol UKan, I know.

    The chess game ends for me when the self-proclaimed King commits seppuku.

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  81. I love that ego-death honesty stuff.

    This place IS the death of people's egos. Eventually the truth will be ripped from people in here.

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  83. I knew Dave couldn't stand himself. I see alot of self loathing in alot of the people who come here.

  84. @Erin.
    where did I say you 'spilt' them?

    Re-read..... you are missing points.(Genetic myopia?)

    what i said was.. "I dare-say that under a slight amount of pressure or stress you would spill your guts like a split rubbish bag".

    And its "pray"..not "prey".

  85. He was clearly pretty drunk when he typed that stuff out.

  86. And its "pray"..not "prey".

    Lolz. Are you sure about that? You know, Freud and all. As this is the second time someone has pointed that out to her.


  87. I knew Dave couldn't stand himself. I see alot of self loathing in alot of the people who come here.

    All it takes is to find out what they are insecure about and attack it from all angles. The information that pours out in their defensive retorts is amazing.

  88. @Erin.

    No...I cant..oh god..and you won..Oh the shame.... youre just too good for me must be that 'authenticity'...

    "shakes head and rolls eyes skyward"......

  89. Around 3000 would be a better guess. If you look at the 'cult of empathy' video on youtube, it has only one comment, 7 likes, and around 2900 views.

    I decided to join the fray, because it is just that: a fray. The social dynamics here are just so interesting. Furthermore, a lot of the things said here seem so familiar to my own opinions, and have helped me develop, so I want to at least try returning the favor and contributing. Lastly, I stumbled across this blog (now there's a phrase noone here has ever encountered before!) because I was trying to figure out if I were a sociopath or not, and truthfully, I'm still not certain. So I figured that an outside observer would come in handy. :)

    And UKan, when I say you seem different from a year ago, I'm referring to the fun loving UKan that was always very creative with his name. You seemed a little less alpha-male back then. If I were to theorize (and I do) it's either because you've climbed up some corporat/social ladder, got married or try to fill in some sort of authority-void here.

  90. Sssshhhh medusa..I was trying to lull her into false security. Oh darn, now the jigs up... caught out AGAIN!.

  91. @Lycan Darling
    YOU split.Game on as far as I am concerned *coy smile*

  92. Eeewww stop it Erin, your giving me heartburn.

  93. I wonder how long us regulars are gonna be regulars for. Forever? It's kinda nice coming back to this fucked up place and seeing the same names, names you have no connection with or commonality with besides being regulars. LOL. Aint the internet a weird thing.

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  97. "All it takes is to find out what they are insecure about and attack it from all angles. The information that pours out in their defensive retorts is amazing."

    Yeah. Then all you have to do is throw that information back In their face, it can go on forever and they don't even realise that they're hurting themselves. Like with jason.

    "I wonder how long us regulars are gonna be regulars for. Forever?"

    Why not? It's as easy as watching TV.

  98. Have you guys ever taken those personality disorder test.

  99. @Erin

    Thas because Im secretly a biafran socio who has to fight people all day for crusts of bread.

    Or maybe its because Im eating lunch and the "coy" comment made the bile rise in my mouth.

    either reason can be used.

  100. "the stupid comments I made about skin color were probably the only ones to get attention."

    Wow looks like you played us. ~

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  102. It's always "high, high, high very high high, very high" it's hilarious.

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  106. Lycan, Erin, please get a room. :)


  107. climbed up some corporat/social ladder, got married or try to fill in some sort of authority-void here

    You are very insightful Wheatley. However, I've been like this before. When there is sensible people I just talk about conning people, manipulation, and funny ancedotes. I can't really do anything to people with little to no insecurities so I have nothing to do but muse about the life of fellow bastards and cunts. When I first came here there was a bunch of intellectuals. I hounded on all of them.
    I got married, moved up the business ladder, went to school and moved up the social ladder so was busy the past several months. When I came back everyone was gone, except a handful of narcissists who bored me to death with their endless dribble about themselves. Boring.
    There's also more sociopaths (now) on here and in my actual life and that effects me. Its like when they tried to get a bunch of sociopaths together to talk about their feelings and it made them even worse criminals. I don't know if it's this site, but the past couple of years I have become more cunning and versatile. Because of it my business has gone places I only have dreamed of.

  108. "I loved you from the start"

    I bet you did. Thats why you're here right. For any type of human contact. Why would somebody who loves being alone crave company and feel so "excruciatingly lonely?

  109. David's on exctacy now

  110. David has friends now so he is happy. I look forward watching the future backstabbing.

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  112. Guys focus on me now. Comn

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  114. believe me Wheatley when I say...That would be a very bad idea!..lmao

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  117. Pork give us a secret desire or an honest confession besides not being kosher.

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  119. @Ukan

    So the increase in personal fortune allows you more freedom to "indulge" to speak?

    and the freedom to indulge..makes more capacity to refine, to perfect and to further the acquisition of personal power and control over that which you deem to be 'yours'?

    I enquire because I firmly believe that socios seem to be at least a little less susceptible to the "absolute power corrupts absolutely " ideology. The path up the corporate/business ladder seems to be a lot less burdensome to socio's/psycho's than to those with inherently empathic natures.

  120. Funny David:

    You said that the homosexual prostiute from new york's twitter account called Tyler isn't you, because you don't live in the U.S., yet everytime you mention a place you have been it's been in the U.S.
    The person you have as your icon is a gay con artist from New York.
    So let me ask you, dave, since we are your only friends are we the ones that you role play with? Is that what we are playing at here? Is that why you can't be yourself? Are you practicing till you get it down so you can try the act in real life? You don't really like chardoney dave you like beer. Admit it. You have never been sophisticated. This is all a act.

  121. @David perhaps its time to become a culinary engineer. Seems more of a erotic turn on for you. Open a resturant on the lake near Ukan.

  122. UKan said: You are very insightful

    To be fair, I knew about your marriage because you outright told us. I just unintentionally phrased it like I had somehow conjectured that (remember kids! Always proofread comments before you post them!).

    But thanks for the compliment! I (and it's impossible to say this without sounding like the smuggest bastard on earth, so forgive me) have those 'insights' a lot, it's just that I find it really hard to differentiate between the times I might be right, or the times I'm just over-thinking things, so encouragements like these are, well, encouraging.

    And does the UK in UKan happen to 'stand for' Ukraine? I'd understand if you don't want to be that specific, I'm just curious.

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  126. @David

    Since when does Bill Clinton=sophistication?

  127. I can't put my finger on it. It's like I'm on autopilot half the time, you know? I run into the right people at the right times and say the right things. It's an amazing time in my life. When I came on here a couple of years ago I was sleeping on my wife's mom's couch. Made a fortune, lost it, and had gone to prison. Now I'm at places I could not contemplate being even back when I had done well. I understand a lot more about how I function so it allows me to focus my impulses, which I didn't know I even had. Before I just shot from the hip and thought I was aiming. I didn't change it up and start aiming because that's not who I am. I've learned how to use shooting from the hip as a strength because in some cases you need to make quick decisions. I've gathered a councel around me of level headed people and have my wife as well. I use them for advice when I know I'm about to go to far.
    I also quit smoking.

  128. No I'm not from Ukraine.

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  130. The feeling of autopilot is familiar, although I have less serious examples than actually making money.

    Somehow, problems just seems to solve themselves and stuff just falls in the right place on its own. I often wonder if it's just flexibility (i.e going along with everything, or arguably, pretending that the outcome is what you intended all along) or subconsciously making all the right choices.

    But it's getting late over here (and on a school night no less!), and I'm getting less eloquent by the minute so; nighty-niiiight everyone~. (tildes seem to be 'in' right now so, why not use them myself?)

  131. David, you're back. Knew you wouldn't be gone for good. What are you on? You sound all sentimental and shit. I watched Funny Games the other night.
    I watched the German first, then American. They were nearly identical.

  132. Now you are a world class whore? Come on Tyler, the only person you are fooling is yourself. In the end even pieces of shit like me reject you. You are no prince. You are not even a peasant. You are a sexual deviant for hire. Watching you sell yourself this image is amusing at best, but don't think it's believable to me.

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  134. Yep I can understand resonates with some of the situations I find my life heading into at times.
    Things I didnt see as potential weaknesses started to show themselves, so it became a matter of having to either ditch them, or change them from a weakness to a strength. The path from turning them to strengths is what leads me to clarity of myself, and in turn, that clarity can be used for in turn becomes power (in one of its forms anyways).

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  136. In case Nero decides to come out of hiding while I'm out and about this paper (PDF) is the one he linked to (though he only linked the abstract, which suggests to me that he never actually read it) yesterday that he claims supports his point that experts agree that race and IQ are related. Or whatever his point was.

  137. I liked it very much. It was perfect actually. They didn't over dramatize the villains. No, cheesy one liners, and they didn't try to make it some clever for clever's sake, kind of game.

    It was simple, raw, and very believable. My favorite part was when he pushes her out of the boat an hour early.

    They didn't even look to see where the body went... just continued on to the next thing, as they finished discussing what had nothing to do with the game they were playing at.

  138. I should have went to his show in Vegas

    Funny, I almost moved in with the lighting roadie for that tour a couple of months ago but he was stuck in Vegas when I talked to him about it because the show was postponed or something.

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  141. It's rare to find a film that doesn't want to help the audience return to their comfort zone, before the end.

  142. Did you guys forget about them. Theyre scary

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  145. It wont let pick a picture for my profile.

  146. The Wizards ask PMS about them



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  149. What can I say. People prefer the lie...

  150. @Nikita

    Why are you using my name?

  151. Why. I don't like the word darling

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  153. @Erin
    That would be to long of a comment even if I could read

  154. Why are you using MY name?

  155. Did you guys see the picture

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  157. LOL...I wonder who you are hmmmm.

  158. People actually did it.
    I love you guys

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  161. Bateman destroys ripley :)

    I blame M.E.

  163. @Lycan
    You know it is funny how you Socio's think you are '\"all that"......"That is an assumption on your part erin".
    Someone like me is so out of your league in real life......REALLY??
    I have it all....."Apparently not, or you wouldnt constantly feel the need to be validated "...

    My ONLY drawback is confidence in myself..."that is YOUR opinion".

    I would not look twice at a loser Socio now that I am learning about you...."yes you would just dislike yourself for doing so".

    What do they really have to offer besides being sexy but even that that is in a soulless way....." How would you know?...have you fucked a large amount of sociopaths??"

    It would be like having sex with a bull. ...."again, assumption".
    After the physical what would you have?......"a cigarette"
    One gets tired of a bull when one wants soul...."then stop fucking bulls!"
    How can a Socio offer that?..."in ways you cant imagine" .

    I see from you guys that soul is priceless
    You guys might be like a Dildo--plastic :)
    ......or rubber, steel, alloy, wood or polymer. There are a lot of choices with dildos.

  164. Wow that guy hates himself
    Word ver:horips


  165. Does anybody read what I say

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  168. @Erin

    Any lover can leave you this way. Not only socios. It's a Facebook world baby... Sometimes I imagine the masses fucking each other, with their notebooks surgically implanted to their faces.
    Flesh for a hole... screen for what you really want to see, and think.

  169. I need my own website but "what's the Internet"

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  171. You know it is funny how you Socio's think you are '\"all that".


    Someone like me is so out of your league in real life.



    Imagine a sociopath said that.

    Like so:

    You know it is funny how you Erins think you are '\"all that".
    Someone like me is so out of your league in real life.

    Interesting, eh?

    Your fake confidence is a defense mechanism. It's not from a real place. It's from a reactionary place.

    I would not look twice at a loser Socio now that I am learning about you

    Then why are you here obsessively looking at them everyday?

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  174. @UKan"Where I come from murder is rampant and life is cheap. I guess I dont really see any mystique in killing someone anymore. It must come from living a sheltered life." I am very curious, where do you hail from? If memory serves, and many times it does not, you mentioned that you were an American. Much of the language you use reads as if you are from the UK, or post-colony thereof. In the quote above, you mention how "life is cheap," Well, that would mean, on a societal level, that you are not a Westerner. India? Just curious.

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  177. WizardsOfAnotherDimensionAugust 23, 2011 at 6:50 PM

    (Rip wanting more attention)

  178. you're acting as if sociopaths are supposed to have a conscience, erin. stop with the pointless questions, they don't stick around when you need them most cos they don't give a shit.

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  181. David, I don't do fantasy small talk or internet flirting. So no, I don't have any mousse.

    notme may be a good companion for you, though, if Erin does not qualify.

    Or perhaps one of the BPD ladies. Eden or Haven maybe.

    Where would a Socio be in all that?

    Well Erin, most likely they wouldn't be. We all know that. You know that. But you seem obsessed with trying to make socios see the light, but it's not going to happen. Why do you care about the goodness and well-being of a sociopath so much? Or are you just constantly talking to yourself here, like in a diary, not really caring who is listening? Thoughts out loud? Like the people here are figments of your psyche that you are bouncing thoughts off of?

    All you need to do is ignore socios or fuck with them (once you have the tools to do so), and then go find a nice empath boy who will be there on your deathbed.

    You'll never reform a sociopath. And you are not the special snowflake who can, either.

  182. My gosh! Erin would see the goodness in satan.

  183. @Medusa

    "BPD ladies"?
    From what information did you draw this conclusion about me?

  184. ResCog:

    Albert Ellis ? Ok he's the dude whose ego was so big and destructive he got fired from his own organization, right?

    I read a bit on his life. Didn't he claim to have had some kind of lifetime of stress with a borderline woman? I seem to remember him saying that the woman kept making her way into his life over and over again.

    Does anyone here know...? Was he some kind of nut job narc?

  185. Sorry, I thought you had said you were BPD at one point, but it could have been someone else.

    You do like to flirt, though, so I was right about that :)

  186. More than a HALF MILLION views on my YouTube channel — Vaknin's twitter.

    Lolz, I bet half those are from people here. The other half from lovefraud.

    I wonder if he ever visits here. This place must have come up more than once in his referral logs.

    His videos are funny. All he does is read aloud excerpts from his website, verbatim.

  187. Does anyone here believe that a person can "change their thoughts" ?

  188. Isn't that what CBT is all about?

    But I'd say yes, if you are a strong person with patience and the ability to stand back from your thoughts and emotions before acting on them.


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