
Friday, August 5, 2011


A reader asked me how I feel about companionship and how far I would go to maintain someone's companionship. I responded:

I have a hard time answering hypotheticals, but companionship for me is probably like vitamin c. It's necessary and if I don't have enough I can start showing the signs of mental and emotional scurvy. Once I get it back, I show no lasting damage from the deprivation. I get most of what I need during my daily interactions. Finally, in high doses it is toxic. If I find a good steady source, particularly if it gives me a large dose of my other essential nutrients, I'll work pretty hard to keep it. Like a farmer!


  1. what is the difference between manipulation and communication? Why can't we just say that some people are more gullible than others?

  2. It is very difficult if not impossible to ingest toxic levels of vitamin C without taking megadose supplements. Even in this case it is not easy, as, unlike say vitamin A, vitamin C is not stored in the body. Even at super high doses, one might suffer diarrhea and upset stomach. Vitamin A for example, can reach toxic doses pretty easily from food alone, especially with liver.

  3. :) Right on, Aspie. Vitamin C is water soluble, no problem to dispose, hard to keep in. Vitamin A fat soluble, hence tough to dispose and toxic. The analogy was off.

    Companionship is probably the toughest challenge we are all going through. Families getting smaller and more dispersed, cherishing solitude, finding hight contact toxic. That is the developed world. Mass killings right and left. That is both the developed and not so developed world.

    Feels like human relations are going through a behavioral global warming, following suit with the environmental global warming.

  4. The game of social interaction is a fun challenge. I always strive to win, and win absolutely.

  5. Cosette, what do you win?

  6. I win the game, that's all that matters. As long as I know I am on top.

  7. Social interaction can indeed be fun and challenging. It certainly gives me a sense of power to behave like the conservative well mannered young man while I'm the only one who knows what I'm really like. Especially when one is able to con and make money that way. When it needs to happen just for social convention (with family for example) it can be tiring.

    Although my most enjoyable moments are alone. If I must choose between a human or a magazine as company in a restaurant it's an easy choice.

  8. Following up on yesterdays post about Martens, if you go to the w khan tripod site, you'll see a "Member of the Research Council of the International Biographical Centre" reference next to his name.

    Here is a wikipedia article about that.

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  10. Life would be really grey without people.
    As flawed as we all are, we need each other.

  11. Aspie, you are right... I did a search on amazon and his name is not coming up with the book. Typically a PhD would have some presence online in terms of his biography or where the PhD is from and I could not find that either.

    What are you thinking? That the shaky biography guys are trying to collect some fun details?

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  14. Just as empaths need emotion, we need weak people to exploit. The need is as vital as vitamin C.

  15. IMeanItsKindaStupidAugust 5, 2011 at 5:45 AM

    Why did aspie explain the difference between vit c and a

  16. Well shit. Looks like dave is another one of those sociopaths who loves being alone and never has sex for fun. And of course wearing masks and being around people for to long is oh so tiring. ~
    Some people here watch too much Dexter.

    Despite my screen name I prefer being around people then alone because people are something to do. They're an activity. Thats how see it. But just because your my friend doesn't mean I like you. And in the end I'm going to make you pay just for coming anywhere near me because my friendship doesn't come for free.

  17. This is the guy who admitted to being a crazy sex pervert who was 'addicted'. You are pathetic

  18. I could have money galore and would still need people.

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  20. @David

    He said he was addicted to sex. It's hard for him to accept the fact that not every socio is some violent hulk walking around scouting for a dick hole. Everything that doesn't demonstrate his impulsiveness is 'weird' and 'a loser'.

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  22. @David
    Are you the same David as yesterday with the Christian older gentleman you robbed?

  23. I love sex. I don't fuck children or corpses. What's perverted about that?

    Dave your going to have to do better then throwing mindless insults around. And how wrong you are seeing as I don't come from anywhere near texas or america. Your just another one the robots we get in here on a monthly basis.

  24. Oh and now your going to say that I have some kind of moral code, but what kind of man makes a living on his knees? It's pathetic. Cant you do anything else?

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  26. @David
    Awwww big difference ????

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  29. definitely something not right about that martens call-out.

    companionship... you miss it if it's gone for a while. interactions are interesting. it's very difficult in the modern world to go any length of time without any interaction - unless you live like a hermit. longest i've gone is 5 days without speaking to anyone, including on the phone. i'd wager that's a longer period than most people in civilised countries.

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  31. @David
    What is your native language if you care to say?

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  33. Interactions with people can be annoying. They have these things called 'social norms'. Blending into normal social rules is annoying.

  34. i screw men for money, so i'm a socio.

  35. Hi, David. This place has one regular show of cock fighting along with occasional documentaries and intelligent/fun debates. Some of the regulars are in for the cock fighting only, that's what turns them on that's what they are capable of. And like children they can repeat themselves on and on and keep enjoying what they just said despite the fact that they said the same thing ten seconds ago and they said it for ages. Very much fun to observe but not in real time.

    I am curious about this Martens guy. If you write to him, do me a favor and keep calling him Mr. Marten. Let's see if and when he'll snap at you and demand that you call him Dr. Marten.

  36. 'It's hard for him to accept the fact that not every socio is some violent hulk walking around scouting for a dick hole.'

    that is the nature of a 'path.

  37. i screw myself, so i'm a socio.

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  39. David, The Talented Mr Ripley sounds perfect for who you are. Good sense of humor...

    So, it is the material things that motivate you to do what you do for money. That it is really important to have a Brooks Brothers suit, like the law establishment in Manhattan.

    800 K is quite a bit of money. What are you going to do with it?

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  41. How long were you with this Christian guy? Were you his "true love" in his mind?

  42. All I did was recognise davids bullshit. Sociopaths are highly extroverted. Social interaction isnt difficult or tiring. But this guy says that he wishes he could spend all of his time alone. Most sociopaths having high sex drives. But this guy says that he only has sex for the sake of business. All this shit about sociopaths being asexual is bullshit that probably came from dexter. All of this is closer to schizoid PD then sociopathy. Having sex for money isnt exactly the con of the century either. It's called prostitution.

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  44. Some self identified sociopaths have expressed that they do not enjoy sex much beyond observing their partners reactions as they experience normal NT connection and excitement.

  45. @David sounds like that guy with the Indian woman in ME's article.

    I am gonna ask you what might seem like an obvious question and maybe too stupid to even answer but perhaps you will .
    WHY did you hate this guy so much to want to do that to him?
    Why the hatred and not just the "simple" conning of him without the visceral wanting to drive him in to the ground?
    Thank you in advance if you care to answer.

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  47. mis is the sw terrier, ready to explode at anyone, at any time, for any reason.

    although, this time he does actually have a point about david.

  48. David, not sure I understand how the 800K got transferred to you. That was what you made from a law suit? Based on what? Defamation charges? How much of the 800 K did you really pocket in cash?

  49. Erin, kids beat other kids to get their marbles, without any reason to hate them. You have never seen that happen?

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  51. Haha. Was the farmer more or less refined then a man whore? And next your going to tell me that rage is weak.

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  53. David's first day here and Mis already seems to have it in for him.

  54. @Scelli
    What I was talking about was what that Indian man did to the Indian woman.
    It was beyond"taking her for money".It was a PASSION to destroy her.
    That is what I heard from David. That was what my question was about.


    I guess what I am asking and forgive me if it is annoying is this.

    Did you want to get back at him cuz he demeaned you or JUST to be a jerk?
    If he were kind to you and did not demean you would you have wanted to destroy him or would you have just taken the money and run?

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  56. i love the contrast here. there's so many different kinds of antisocials, david is the artful con man, who will do ANYTHING to make a buck, mis is the kind of guy who would beat a man to a pulp in a bar over a spilt drink.

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  58. THIS is misanthrope

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  60. For me I do not despise the Mis, Ukan ,Kesu Socio's who may lose it and explode. They are still "men"
    I despise the calculating ones who would set up a long term con like this and then get angry at the person whom HE was conning.
    This guy is a girl.

  61. THIS is david

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  63. Misanthrope is a faggot.

  64. @David
    It would be a person's worst nightmare that their passions would let them get involved with a whore like you

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  66. omg erin ur so dumb. mis kesu and ukan seem worse then david after everything i have heard them say

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  68. if you look just like matt damon why don't you give us a real picture of urself, david?

  69. Cause' David is jason.

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  71. david = jason

    jason = fa-git

  72. i DO feel sorry for you david... you are only worthy of pity

  73. jason create a david account for attention.

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  76. how comes most people are hated around here?

    how comes everybody waits for ukan and misanthrope to go after them.. instead of going after them first?

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  79. 'how comes everybody waits for ukan and misanthrope to go after them.. instead of going after them first?'

    cos people are stupid, and they believe in some kind of hierarchy here.

  80. Looks like David is a victim of the 'Dexter' virus. A lot of morons seem to have caught it. Robopaths who believe they have some inner dark demon that needs to be shielded with a mask. Social interactions are practiced in a studio apartment in front of a mirror, or with an imaginary friend.

    David, if you were a real sociopath, you wouldn't be on your knees.

  81. @David
    What do you feel pity for ? What do you mean the "emo" ?

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  83. I didn't know that screams translated over the internet. I like how most people here can't understand why you would attack someone if your not angry. It's also funny that I know you wouldn't have had a bad word to say against me if I hadn't have done it first. David is the same as any other street walker out there. If he were a woman he'd call himself an "escort".

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  85. mis likes to start fights... that's his real motivation for going after david

  86. that last mis paragraph has some very ukanian phraseology but that could just be due to their being similar S types

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  88. @David
    Have you ever loved anyone like really deep emotions toward someone--anyone?

  89. So there's a new piece of ass on SW?!
    Better whip your dicks out, and get him while he's still tight, eh?!

  90. ukanian phraseology


  91. "Apparently the word escort has a moral connotation for you"

    Heh. I told you that you would say that. I have no respect for whores and they don't have much themselves. If you had any real confidence you would find another way to make money. You can call it a moral code or whatever you like, but there's no way i'll ever end up sucking cock for a living.

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  93. @Mis
    A man has to be a man even if he is a Socio.
    A man needs to have SOME basic pride in himself or else he is a hair net.

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  95. David, it's not about morality, it's about having pride in yourself. It's about loving your body enough not to be someone's bitch.

    You are just a loser homo prostitution dude who could do nothing else with his life.

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  97. David, I had a post that is not showing, may pop out later, sometimes happens. But, I won't wait. I am curious about the steambath. You made it sound like the only fun sex for you would be in a steambath (and related that to not being able to see). How do you explain that? WHo is the one who is getting in the way of your fun (how your own body looks, or his? size issue? scars? abnormalities? std marks?)

    The guy you pay for, do you take him to steambath too?

    Wen with him, do you treat him like a sex object or a lover (if there is a difference in your mind about the two, of course)?

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  99. @David
    You got money as your God. I mean paper napkins when you feel good inside is a MILLION times better than fine dining you got by selling your ass.

  100. I don't really have a family anymore. I make good money now. But really it's all about enjoying the way I live and doing whatever the fuck I like. I cant believe I'm saying this but erin is right. You have no pride. Anyone could do what you do but for most people it's a last resort. You've skipped past all the desperation and excepted the lowest of the low. I don't care how much cash you make or how you see yourself because in the end you're just a whore. Oh and pizza hut tastes like shit. I'll take dominos any day.

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  102. David, its refreshing to read your level of combat.

    You throw multiple languages around like candy. I know your type. Very entertaining. You provide more than just your body. You entrap the mind. A true seducer. And you seem to practice enough self-care which dabbles in philosophical pursuits which keeps your mind busy. And also gives you more of an arsenal of charisma to dominate with.

    They pay for your mind and the fantasy circus you take them too.

    Why are you here, really?

  103. Using sex as a there something seriously non-socio about that? .are you seriously going to judge someone for that? whether or not they are not on their knees makes no difference. I love these judgmental socios who decide someone is not socio enough for their club. Sounds like the best and easiest con ever and if it affords you the lifestyle you enjoy, more power to you. Some of you need to get off this computer and live a bit. You have very black and white views of "proper" sociopathy and and what makes a con "acceptable" con which is laughable. Socio-etiquette lol..if he weren't sucking dick but fucking women instead, you would be applauding him.

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  105. Perhaps you are seeking some like minded vitamin C?

  106. if i was gay and didnt have a bad gag reflex i would do it for a living, seems easy way to make it..... hell even if i wasnt gay and didnt have a bad gag reflex i may do it, however i may just rob them as well..... i could easily see being a dom top and get paid for it..... i think many of you just are homophobic and see it as a weakness not as a sexual preference

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  108. Yeah obviously eating pizza is beneath a man such as yourself. A whore with standards. Fancy that. Projection doesn't go down so well around here david. I'm not going to tell you exactly what I do, how much I make, what car I drive because I don't need to defend myself to you. Plus it's funny to watch you throw a bunch of random shit out there and make yourself look stupid. I wonder what will happen in 10 years when nobody wants to fuck you anymore.

  109. One of my best friends lives in a trailer park .She is not trash.She lives in a low quality place but she is high quality.
    I know many people who can buy anything and go anywhere who are the worse type of trash.
    You are missing the heart and soul of life. You are loser as much as any man you con.
    You don't have the last laugh. Your hubris is destroying you as you laugh at others.

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  111. Oh you fucking trust fund baby. Lol.

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  113. The key to prostitution is an exist plan. There was a great radio call-in show I heard a while back in which the smarter prostitutes interviewed used the money to put their selves through graduate school. Mis, called you a trust fund baby. Funny.

    I know a woman who is in the process of retiring. Stunning woman. She uses everyone around her. Her exist plan of marrying wealthy has been experimented with four times. Eventually she will get it right.

    Icarus, careful, hubris can be like wax in the sun.

  114. @David
    You don't know me but I am at the level to which you aspire
    I did not have to sell my ass for it.However,I KNOW that it is not what is most important in life.
    That is what makes me way above you not my money, my heart.

  115. I am a bit surprised at the level of disapproval David is getting. He said nothing that is in major conflict with his very first introduction of himself. He fits the definition of a sociopath and is actually wiling to tell about his life with specifics and in an area that is not so familiar.

    Sick of cock fighting every hour, really.

  116. It's amazing how judgmental this blog is about prostitution. It's a business and the world's oldest profession. A perfect socio career path. People need to read their history.

  117. Soulful, you mean exit plan. repeated it twice, just saying..

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  119. @sceli

    he's getting shit on because this is what mis does. he'll start an argument just for the hell of it, and then get everyone to join in.

    read back through the comment section, nobody went after david until mis decided to hit him with a bolt out of the blue. i strongly doubt that mis even has an actual problem with the guy...

  120. @Soulful
    Prostitution is a lot more honorable than conning.
    They are two entirely different things.

  121. I just noticed my name on the twitter on the right of the page (I don't get the tweets, too much). I suppose ME agreed with that statement.

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  124. Hee hee. Thank you Sceili. My dyslexia turns up in funny word faux pas's.

    Or perhaps it's a Freudian slip-a-roo meaning . . . to make a grand exit, one must first have a strong hold on existence.

  125. @David
    My intellect is up with anyones. That is not the point at all.You are missing the entire point
    The true beauty in life is love. This may sound trite but if you don't share warmth,kindness and bonds with people you are poor.

    That is what is pitiful about you with the Brooks Brothers suits and fine things.

    They are cold.

  126. oh, no, we're discussing what is more honorable between two things that have no bearing with honor as defined by non-criminals:
    prostitution and conning!

    Maybe you mean honesty.

    Erin, you are not going to act like missionaries out here, are you? I understand being here with the need to entertain yourself or understand differences, but to think that you'll teach honor on SW is a lost effort. Same as thinking you'll win an argument.

    I had earlier claimed I would never directly address UKan, the list now includes Mis. Nothing to learn from these two for all practical purposes.

  127. I've got a problem with everyone anon. Answer this soulful. How would you feel If your children ended up selling themselves?

    Haha. Yeah I'm the most moralistic person you'll ever meet david. Anyone here will tell you that. ~

    "I had earlier claimed I would never directly address UKan, the list now includes Mis."


  128. Soulful, actually I had thought that too. Exist plan and exit plan are pretyy much same, how long to exist or when to exit. it just was not the standard term, and I was sure you knew that too.

  129. David, what schools of philosophical thought entice you. Or are you just a generalist? Philosophy and ethics are bed partners. Or do you use it as a tool of the devil? Perhaps your intellect is the God you worship.

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  131. @Sceli
    I am no missionary.That is Tik
    I am just talking.I am just learning.
    I need help. I am not emotionally stable the way I want to be.
    I am just sharing my two cents nothing more ,nothing less .
    This discussion is helping me see things that mean something to me and to be glad they do.
    I am no teacher here.Maybe when I am in good shape I will come back and be like David and give classes *wink*

  132. @David
    I have many sides to me.One is a Born Again Christian .

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  134. Mis, I feel a war coming on. Mis, you are Alpha in my book. No contest. David is a newbie. Just being part of the welcoming committee.

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  136. @David
    I guess I have come to a point in my life where I have done most of what you aspire to.It has left me cold.
    If a person gives me a warm comment or a present from their heart, that is my joy.
    I feel my life is rich because of that.

  137. David, you are sooooo attached to the glory of youth.

  138. @David
    What do you mean "in court"

  139. I was actually amused (and impressed) that my declaration did not get a similar reaction to MIs' by UKan. UKan is one notch above Mis in terms of intelligence it looks like, holding back once in a while.

    Time to send another Godiva.

  140. "You could say I'm a sort nihilist, I read Nietzsche over and over again"

    It just gets more and more hilarious. Do you believe in evil dave?

    "you are Alpha in my book."

    Oh well thank you very much. You never answered my question though. Would you still feel the same way about prostitution if your children became involved in it(I think you have children)?

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  144. @David
    Hmmmm You should be a Muslim
    Times are shifting

  145. That was a snarky little piss taking comment that I made dave. I never cared about answer. I always laugh at Nietzsche wannabes like you who comr here going on about how they don't believe in good and evil.

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  147. David, what is the difference between nihilism and saying all religions are welcome? Actually in action what you are doing is all religions welcome, and can be used as they serve my interests. Not much different than Erin, really. She expects guidance and constraint, you expect use and flexibility.

  148. I don't have children dave. I don't give a shit about the gays. You're pathetic because you're a whore.

  149. "It's amazing how judgmental this blog is about prostitution. It's a business and the world's oldest profession. A perfect socio career path. People need to read their history."

    Soulful, you and I may be two very different people, who think very similarly, just the same.

    Wouldn't prostitution only be a low way of making good money, if you are able to feel shame, and do it anyway?
    I don't see what the problem is.
    David, welcome to the party. You just raised bar on the level of entertainment in this place. :)

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  151. Mis, most parents want their children to be strong, successful and independent. Its a biological imperative. I stay in that ball park.

  152. Haha. If your trying to offend me your going to have to sling some shit that actually sticks to the wall. None of what you said applies to me.

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  154. @soulful
    Many parents don't want the child to be anything besides an appendage.
    That is why we have so many screwed up people

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  156. No. I left them when I was a teen. I've never made a family of my own. Try again.

  157. I know you didn't say. I asked what you'd think of that philosophical thought? It's all in words really, this way or that way, the two extremes. Do you actually think a two Christians are the same in their views? A lot of the old car salesmen are turned preachers, and vice versa. A part of you is taking religions very seriously when you say you are nihilist.

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  159. @Erin, appendages are a cage. Exchange is a gift. We are all connected (vitamin C nutrient plug) Yet we are also independent whirling tasmanian self-absorbed mental demons. When are you going to face your Madre?

  160. @Soul
    Maybe I will throw a few more Vagina's on here before I face the Uber Vagina

  161. Unrelated question
    How are Views on your profile calculated?
    Is it people who click on to see you?
    If you go on does it show as one time?
    Thanks so much.Sorry to interject here with it.

  162. @Erin, you are a coward until you are not. I don't think you'll ever face her. The payoff in staying where you are is just too comfortable for you.

  163. I'm impressed by your ability to analyse me just going by an image I randomly pulled off the internet. I only talk about my own life when I feel like it here. You talk about yourself non stop, I take that information, I laugh at it and then I throw it back in your face. If your bored of this now its not a problem. Do whatever you like I don't care.

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  165. @David
    Yes, at some level. Its a very functional system, if one can move out of preference.

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  167. "I don't blame emopaths for having feelings.'

    Good deal, I was getting worried over there for a second, David.

    Emopaths is a good one, he he he.

  168. aspie, do you have a MacBook?

  169. David,
    ME is already unto you. Check out the twiter.

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  171. Give me some examples of emotional statements. Like I love you or I miss my gf/bf/son?

  172. @David

    What are your long-term goals where money is concerned?

  173. Oh, here is a big one for Europeans coming to US. "I'm proud of you" For no good reason (from a European's point of view). Current mess in the US has a lot to do with being so proud of children all the time.

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  177. @David
    So you have a real class type thing with"regular" people and monied people,old money Darling

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  179. Is this the real Misanthrope? It can't be...

  180. I'd agree with that, David. Emotions in US are often expressed very differently.

    Mostly shallow and sometimes way out of proportion/exaggerated. Like recently (in the middle of a major financial crisis wrt the debt ceiling) for them to say that one vote was so special and fussing about it over and over again in the congress totally looked like a bunch of socios trying to sell ability to express emotions. I'm referring to the congress-woman who was shot in Arizona and came back only to vote with her new grown hair and dazzled looks.

  181. 'Is this the real Misanthrope? It can't be...'

    why not?

  182. How about clapping like maniac in the morning when the Dow Jones go down over 500 points. Hilarious..

    What's with that clapping every morning? Monkey business? You think those are emopaths or sociopaths?

  183. @David

    I would do the same thing you are doing, if I didn't have two children. Well actually, I only have the eldest to concern myself with, but she'll be gone in 4 years.

    Many women (naturally), judge me for not caring that the younger child's father is not in the picture, but I see it as freedom. They also judge me for not caring if I ever have a close personal relationship, but again; I see this as freedom. When my eldest has left the nest, I plan to do as I please.

    Make my money on my terms, and not have to work with other people. I find, (and this is related to the blog too.) that the more money I make, the more satisfied I am in being solitary.

  184. @ 11:21

    Something to do with him saying David has no respect for himself because he's a prostitute- that doesn't make any sense at all. It's just sex.

    His tone also seems to have slightly changed somehow...?

  185. @Sceli

    no I don't use apple products

  186. is sexual gratification an emotion? or a muscle spasm?

  187. you mean not yet, aspie. they'll find their way into your world. you like good visual.

  188. i prefer sound.. apples are toys, they can't handle 20 programs at once, poor multitaskers... wacky OS too imo

  189. I see.. You're right about poor multi-tasking, even with four programs (idvd, itunes, mail, preview) I get start-up disk warnings. It could also be me though. I wish I had a friend like you in person, aspie.

  190. prostitutes are the scum of the earth

  191. This comment has been removed by the author.

  192. @David
    You call THAT rough. Hold on to your scrotum


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