
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cult of empathy


It's hard to watch these things and not think that empathy is some elaborate hoax, meant to lure people into cult like behavior.



  1. Increasing the degree of self connection for the person receiving that presence (aka empathy), predicated on partnership and cocreation rather than dominance and submission.

    His beard was cool but that was long.

  2. The way he speaks about it makes me think i dont know what empathy really is not sure if i do anyway lol

  3. Empathy makes you a loser.

  4. looking out for friends and family is still empathy.

  5. empathy makes u a looser no empathy makes u a wickid hardcor psycapath like me

  6. I can just stare and watch people get beaten crying whinnying whatever and think to myself -i should be feeling something right now- In fact it kind of pisses me off when people are crying so i do feel something just not what i was supposed to i guess

  7. Yeah his beard is funny

  8. A sociopath might know the difference between right and wrong, but they can't consistently do the right thing. Think of a time where you were in love, or angry, and you knew what you were doing was wrong, but you did it anyway. Now think of that on a consistent enough basis to the point that it becomes the norm. That's a sociopath. They always think someone is out to trick them, or to one up them, and if you do one up them, you get the silent treatment for the rest of the night as a punishment. If sociopaths are not mentally ill, I wonder what the definition of "mentally ill" would be? Depending on the type of sociopath, they can be passive aggressive, physically aggressive, more proactive, more reactive, it varies, just like any group of people. It's similar to how all people on the spectrum are different, but have things in common. As for "can they be good people" yes, absolutely, but not on a consistent enough basis, or they will think you are trying to take advantage of them. That's why they always have to take advantage of others, so they can make sure they are in control, not you. It's not even about controlling someone else as much as it is making sure someone else isn't in control of them, but even this can vary. It depends on their experiences.

  9. If you are lawful, the sociopath sees you as being "chained down."

    If you are generous, the sociopath sees you as "wasteful."

    If you are trusting, the sociopath sees you as "gullible."

    If you are kind-hearted, the sociopath sees you as "womanish" and therefore beneath contempt in the eyes of the strength-favoring sociopath.

    If you are merciful, the sociopath sees you as "weak-stomached."

    If you are intelligent, the sociopath sees you as "an egghead."

  10. The sociopath, unlike your dog and cat, cannot be beaten harshly enough for that person's psyche to be affected except in the desire to exact revenge.

  11. "I worked for this woman, Annette. She was charming, funny, very likable but a pathological liar. I would see her lie straight to someone's face when I knew the truth. She was deceitful and if she could get out of paying for something, she would do it with no remorse even when it was technically stealing. I got along fine with her, and after I left the job I asked her to be a reference for a new job, which she cheerfully agreed to do. I didn't get the job, with the comment "after that reference no way." She denied all, so I got my brother to ring her. She said every terrible thing about me she possibly could, most of it flat lies. She must be a sociopath, there was simply no reason other than her own sick pleasure."

  12. Guess i fit the profile i know im fucked up and i dont really care

  13. "I met one of these people, he wasn't a pleasent character but I believe most personalities come in two types: The benign and the malignant. I recommend you get a book Emotional Vampires by Bernstein, it talks about different personality types. We are paranoid personalities and are totally different to the antisocials we call sociopaths. Antisocials love parties, contrary to popular myth. They sit around pacing in everyday life, controlling their longing for excitement and danger. The use anything they can to get this excitement: Drugs, alcohol, performing in a band, skydiving, whatever gives them the thrill. They laugh at other people because they think they are suckers for having a conscience."


  15. Yeah mabye sociopaths are just freedom fighters who resist the oppression of the cult of empathy.

  16. @misanthrope
    would you say you have a seething hatred of humanity? if so, why?
    @all sociopaths
    do all of you share misanthropic views? i have , in the past heard lots of you express contempt for other people.tnp,and kesu,you both said,outright, that you hate everyone.

  17. It's not a seething hatred. I just look down on everyone because I see them as worthless until I make them useful. I dont want friends I want labourers. Part of the reason I came up with name was to see how people would react. If I had come on here and started spouting racist or misogynistic hate speech the whole place would be up in arms. Instead I come on here and tell you people that I think of everyone as worthless shit, that I use and and abuse them regardless of who or what they are and most of you don't have a problem with that. People are blind until they see the details. If I told you everything you'd be shocked and disgusted. People here aren't even offended until I attack them on a personal level(most of the time). People here have a soft spot for total bastards.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I hate cults. Watching this guy talk creeps me the hell out.

  20. I thought about making a cult before, for money.

  21. This guy didn't make much sence to me. He's putting a lot of effort into making other's see his point, for what reason? Must be easy money and travel.

    Who really needs to explain empathy?

    It's automatic to most, takes little effort and is freely given. Unless your a S/P.

  22. empathy can be given and taken away.

  23. a person with low self worth takes drugs to numb them out, a sociopath takes drugs, because they are impulsive. sociopaths also have an ability to drop addictions at their desire.

  24. Anonymous said...
    looking out for friends and family is still empathy.

    if you only do it so you won't be alone, it's not.

  25. Some people take drugs to surpress their anger and some their reality.

  26. i completely agree tik. he talks without really saying anything. like he's trying to sell something or hide that he doesn't know what he's talking about. my brain didn't buy it. it translated everything into "blah blah blah" and kept moving on to the topic of what-else-is-there-to-eat-in-the-fridge.

    there was something funny about the expression on his face. i watched a second time with the sound off. it's like his face is carefully arranged to present a picture of sincerity, broken up by these silly little smirks where he's making his points. he's got that wide-eyed look little kids get when they're lying. maybe it's just his idea of what an empathic person looks like?

    did he write a book or something? i'm too lazy to check. i felt the urge to wring his neck that second time which makes me question my status as an empath!

    anyway maybe that's just me sunday morning, needing more coffee. to me there was a huge disconnect between his face and his words (such as they were). what i read in his face is intelligence and a calculating mind, but he's not an emotional guy. and if i were to work with him i would check all the info i got from him - twice.

  27. @anon 5:15

    the most dominant emotion in psychopaths is CONTEMPT. contempt for the people they manipulate and abuse, contempt for the people they view as inferior, contempt for people in a general sense. on the inside, they're all misanthropic.

  28. Misanthrope said...
    I come on here and tell you people that I think of everyone as worthless shit, that I use and and abuse them regardless of who or what they are and most of you don't have a problem with that.

    not true. i just couldn't be bothered responding.

    i appreciate the intelligence and effort you guys put into your comments, and your insights. that's why i'm here. not for the black and white thinking, or your stories of violence or the pissing contests among you. that's boring. i can get all that just by watching the news.

    but also to some degree i get it, how the aggression and violence is hard to shake. i knew someone who had a really difficult past. his girlfriend snuck up on him one night as a joke, after he told her never to do that, and he reacted without thinking and almost strangled her. when he was triggered, there was a point beyond which he couldn't return if he crossed it. he never drank while i knew him because he was afraid of what could happen if he got pushed too far.

    we talked a lot about that, and his past. but he didn't tell me everything. there was always something haunted in his eyes, at the very back

  29. mis is trying to force us to believe that what he does is acceptable... stop forcing your opinions on us you fascist!

  30. empathy to me is a blurring of what is me and what is you. it can be either emotional or intellectual blurring. doesn't have to be all feelings

  31. narcissists feel contempt too, anon. lots of it

  32. psychopaths are narcissists with anti social pd.

  33. no they're different. narcissists only have one tune and no off button. when others are around they can forget you're there.

    psychopaths change their tune and they can make you believe they're singing only for you.

    some empaths are narcissists. maybe some psychopaths are narcissists too?

  34. Erin's dog has more empathy than the guy in the video

  35. This guy talks about empathy as though it were some form of witchcraft, or telepathy.
    Like His empathy can invade someone's body as he, "lends his presence" to them. His presence becomes air born like a virus ("contagious") and they become infected with him, ready to carry out his will as though it were their own.

    What a creep. I'd fuck him though, as long as it doesn't lead to being infected with something worse than empathy.

  36. 'a person with low self worth takes drugs to numb them out, a sociopath takes drugs, because they are impulsive. sociopaths also have an ability to drop addictions at their desire.'

    A person with fucked up brain chemistry can take drugs too, self-worth doesn't always come into it. Sociopath or not.

  37. "some empaths are narcissists"

    the biggest indicator of a narc, is a complete lack of empathy, so you are wrong. you mean they pretend to be empaths, as narcissists are great actors.

  38. Sam Vaknin is a good example, of what most true narcissists are like.

  39. Why is empathy all about him, that's what I want to know.

    This dude has the same sort of after-statement smirk-smile-then-suddenly-super-serious-intense face the shaman dude had, though this guys smirk is much less pronounced. Like a 5:48.

    What is that? Like a, "What I just said is very important and profound and you should know I have divine secrets that no one else has"?

    Or what?

  40. it would be like saying that a super rich CEO has empathy, because he gives a tiny portion of his wealth to the poor, then idiots will be expressing how much of a generous deed it was.

    that's what narcissists do, they give to get praised, but if it came down to actually going out of their way to help another person, they'd never do it. giving can be a form of control with abusers --

    -- "don't forget all the things i did for you, you'd be nothing without me" "you owe me big time, i'm so nice that i don't ask for much in return, if it were anyone else they'd ask you for everything"

  41. All psychopaths are narcissists, some empaths are somewhat narcissistic.

  42. Erin says: "I think empathy is as simple as that;knowing what someone feels when you see it cuz you have felt and can feel the same way too."

    Erin, no, when you see your own pain in another, even if you feel deeply "for them" it is about yourself. You are mixing up empathy with sympathy for yourself.

  43. Didn't kesu say he feels the empathy, but chooses not to act on it?

    wasn't someone vehemently ::headdesking:: that day?

  44. narcissists are pretty much the polar opposite of an empath. as far as we know, a sociopath is synonyms with a criminal. a narcissist is mostly seen, as a person who is extremely selfish and arrogant, nothing like an emopath.

    it used to be a theme on sw, that narcs like to think of themselves as empaths, but that is far from the truth. like psychopaths, narcissists think empaths are fools.

  45. @5:15

    Misanthropy implies that one should view them as more than toys or pieces of a machine. Just as I find inefficient and poorly crafted parts contemptible, so do I find suboptimal people.


    Nice Comic Sans, weirdo. :/

  46. If I can do empathy like this guy says, (and I completely agree with you, Zoe, he's got something creepy going on) but I resent it, and I am kind of tired after the day, feeling like I have sacrificed a bit, doesn't that make me a phony?

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. @Medusa: All his body language is off. The dead eyes, the incongruous nodding and head shaking, and his inability to summon up a real smile except when he's really proud of some little point he's come to. He tries so hard to hide it, but he just loves to talk about it. Especially when he's basically saying "I brought empathy to all those uneducated morons."

    Is empathy really a "new" concept?

  49. narcs like to think of themselves as empaths

    In my experience, this is true. They see themselves as the ideal human being, and want to be sure that others see them this way as well, which would mean having empathy, or at least convincing yourself you have it, so that you can convince others.

    That recovering junkie dude from last year was always going off about how he had so much empathy and was so sensitive (while at the same time telling me that he has a "limited range of emotions", not sure how you can have much empathy if this is the case) and made a point of letting me know when he did something altruistic for someone. All this is order to prove something.

    narcissists think empaths are fools

    They do not think empaths are fools, they think everyone is a fool, without qualification.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. 'like psychopaths, narcissists think empaths are fools.'

    exactly, psychopaths and narcissists are full of contempt because they view empaths as suckers. psychopaths aren't just indifferent to other people, they're hateful, sadistic misanthropists, no matter how charming they appear on the surface.

  52. "They do not think empaths are fools, they think everyone is a fool, without qualification."

    not really, they usually idealize other individuals, that they view as powerful. vaknin claims that narcissists can't feel any emotion, because bad emotions come with any good ones.

  53. was your ex a narcissist?

  54. narcissists idealise powerful people's, psychopaths respect nobody.

  55. Which ex?

    Doesn't matter, either way the answer is a probable yes.

  56. THE JUNKIE* :p sowwy..

  57. Abuse me? Not egregiously. He was mostly just a total douchebag. Definitely had some sadomasochistic proclivities, though, for sure.

    I have a feeling that anon = zoe.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. "Abuse me? Not egregiously"

    you must have did everything he asked of you.

  60. if you did any of these things to a narcissist, you would have been abused.

    How to Avoid the Wrath of the Narcissist

    * Never disagree with the narcissist or contradict him

    * Never offer him any intimacy

    * Look awed by whatever attribute matters to him (for instance: by his professional achievements or by his good looks, or by his success with women and so on)

    * Never remind him of life out there and if you do, connect it somehow to his sense of grandiosity

    * Do not make any comment, which might directly or indirectly impinge on his self-image, omnipotence, judgment, omniscience, skills, capabilities, professional record, or even omnipresence. Bad sentences start with: "I think you overlooked ... made a mistake here ... you don't know ... do you know ... you were not here yesterday so ... you cannot ... you should ... (perceived as rude imposition, narcissists react very badly to restrictions placed on their freedom) ... I (never mention the fact that you are a separate, independent entity, narcissists regard others as extensions of their selves, their internalization processes were screwed up and they did not differentiate properly) ..." You get the gist of it.

  61. you must have did everything he asked of you.

    Nope, he was scared of me.

  62. he couldn't get control over you?

  63. Anon 10:56

    Oh I got the wrath for all that stuff, but he was more of the silent treatment/passive aggressive/blame-shifting type. And a huge coward.

    I guess you can consider that 'abuse', but that doesn't mean I took it for very long.

    Hence the relationship was very short-lived.

  64. why have you had so many narcish dudes, medusa? and why do you think you attract them?

  65. not to be a hater, but narcissists usually choose insecure types.

  66. 'why have you had so many narcish dudes, medusa?'

    she hasn't, she just thinks they're narcs because they treated her badly.

  67. i agree. she'd be drugged up and over at lovefraud now if a real narc had her.

  68. but seriously, you can't just decide that your ex is a narc because he was an ass hole to you.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Eden Ralene said...
    What a creep. I'd fuck him though, as long as it doesn't lead to being infected with something worse than empathy.

    Eden don't touch that's ICKY!!!

  71. shut up erin. without us, you'd have no one to tell people to build you a house.

  72. I've been trying to recreate myself as the nice guy to my wife. She thinks everything I'm doing or saying is some diabolical scheme against humanity or just hatered towards anyone who's nice.
    I took her to work yesterday which happened to be some mansion party three hours away. I didn't have the directions, so I was just going the general direction of the city while calling people on speakerphone trying to get a address for my navigation. This one guy went the extra mile for me and looked for it on the internet for a half hour and emailed me, This other guy text me the directions.
    I told them thanks and that I really appreciated their help. When I got off the phone my wife said, "Wow, they are really nice to you."
    I said, "Yah, those two are solid."
    She said, "Don't lie to me. You see them as weak. You are using them."
    This started a big arguement. She believes I think 'nice' is weakeness. This is because when I first met her she was nice to a fault. She was a sucker. In reality I think being naive is weak, and that's what I was trying to explain to her. When we got to the party the cops came a hour later raiding the place. Fortunately we were walking on the road in our change of clothes (Dress clothes so we didn't look like we were with the party) when we so the police cars rolling by.
    When I got home my wife told me my pitbull ate my playstation controller. I was already angry. My wife was supposed to train that dog. She told me that it was hopeless the dog would not be trained. I walked in while she was standing there and stomped the dogs head several times. She told me, NO DONT. I told her if the dog is untrainable than I will stomp him out evertime he fucks up. That was my night.

  73. that wasn't me Medusa. just checking in now, and not sure what i'm supposed to have written.

    narcissism is interesting, and my first language in a way. post more later. life calls

  74. but seriously, you can't just decide that your ex is a narc because he was an ass hole to you

    Yes, I know.

    I've met two other girls who've come to the same conclusion about him independently.

    What exactly is it you are trying projecting onto me?

  75. it's not always projection.

  76. "I walked in while she was standing there and stomped the dogs head several times"


  77. what the hell is the point of your stories ukan? who gives a damn about how you stomped on some dogs head or hit some dude with a mop?

    your tales are becoming very boring...

  78. @Ukan
    You make ME look sane :)

  79. your dog is next erin.

  80. She was a sucker.

    If you saw her as weak, then why were you attracted to her, except for what use she might have, and that she was easily to manipulate?

    So if you taught her to be less of a sucker, then don't you shoot yourself in the foot? Won't you then not be able to manipulate her so easily, and eventually she gets a clue?

    I don't think stomping on heads is the way to train a pitbull. Besides, I think you are exaggerating.


  81. Oh I got the wrath for all that stuff, but he was more of the silent treatment/passive aggressive/blame-shifting type. And a huge coward.

    I guess you can consider that 'abuse', but that doesn't mean I took it for very long.

    That's not abuse. That's shit birds do. The guy sound like a chicken shit.

  82. it's not always projection.

    I think it usually is. You can tell people's insecurities by what they talk about the most, what it is that catches their interest, by what battles they choose to fight, and by who they decide to attack.

  83. @ukan

    are you a misanthropist? do you hold everyone in contempt, or only foolish/ weak people ?

  84. My stories are true, however, I tell them because all you hen's feathers get ruffled and it destroys whatever romantic image of the nobel sociopath is that you built in here. Nothing works on my pittbull. I tried the positive reinforcement. I tried negative reinforcement. The only difference has been the negative reinforcement feels better for me.
    My wife is extremely intelligent. She had potential when I met her. She just needed a crash course in real life grit. I didn't marry her so she would be easy to manipulate Medusa. I married her because she was strong enough to handle me.


  85. are you a misanthropist? do you hold everyone in contempt, or only foolish/ weak people ?

    Only weak people

  86. That's not abuse. That's shit birds do.

    Most 'experts' consider it abuse.

    Doing stuff like that is like a parent taking a lollipop from a kid, not out of the kid's best interest, but out of spite.

    Girls that act like that are just immature.

  87. I see. So girls who act like that are immature and guys who do that are abusive. Sounds a little like a double standard, medusa.

  88. I tell them because all you hen's feathers get ruffled and it destroys whatever romantic image of the nobel sociopath is that you built in here.

    How 'nobel' of you to teach us, for our own good!

  89. Nothing works on my pittbull

    Well then you probably shouldn't have gotten a pitbull if you can't handle it correctly.

    Why you get it anyway, just so you can be the tough guy with the pitbull? Clearly it's not the kind of dog you really want.

  90. Pitbulls chew on shit, no matter how well-trained. Just deal with it and stop blaming your wife.

  91. not a fucking animal lover..


  92. 1. Most 'experts' consider it abuse.

    Doing stuff like that is like a parent taking a lollipop from a kid, not out of the kid's best interest, but out of spite.

    Girls that act like that are just immature.

    2. narcissist = immature

    Confused. So are all these characters narcissists, abusive, or immature?

  93. what would you do if someone stomped on your pet, medusa? (if you have one)

  94. I wanted a Chihuahua.


  95. Why you get it anyway,just so you can be the tough guy with the pitbull?

    I got it to play with my husky, medusa. Maybe if you liked 'tough guys' more instead of acting like such a dyke you wouldn't have men that act like birds.

  96. Got nothing to do with being an 'animal lover', is has to do with having some common sense.

    He stomped on the dog's head for the power feeling and nothing else. Because punishing a dog way after the fact is of no use whatsoever in training, as the dog has no idea what the fuck your problem is. UKan knows this, I'm sure.

  97. hey ukan, what would you do if medusa argued with you in real?

  98. You have no clue what abuse is. If what you are saying is abuse than I'm the victim in my relationship. Believe me if I could use that card I would play it daily. There's nothing like the role of being the victim.


  99. hey ukan, what would you do if medusa argued with you in real?

    Your assumption is I would hit her. Your wrong. I know how to be civilized.

  100. My point was you could've gotten another breed to play with your husky.

    I do go for 'tough guys' but so far they've ended up being full of shit.

    I don't like metrosexuals.

  101. obviously you are sensitive to animal abuse, medusa. you bad mouthed erin in the past, for putting glasses on her dog.

  102. Yeah, because it's Erin and she probably thinks the dog enjoyed it.

    Again, just pointing out logic fails.

  103. I stomped the pittbull because I was angry at my wife for arguing and the cops ruining my night. During the day my pitt tried to bite some dog that was saying hi to her. I told my wife that I was taking her to a dog trainer and she said not to because she was handling it. Yet, she ignores the dog and rags on about how bad she is. I stomped on the dog till she showed sympathy for her to get her to do something since she feels I will be cruel to the dog until she agrees to train it or take it to a professional.

  104. hardly, you are an empath, face it.

  105. Wow, that's some hardcore unabashed manipulation.

    Anon, I have never claimed to be a socio or an empath.

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

  107. UKan, you know that it's your actions, not your words ("I've been trying to recreate myself as the nice guy to my wife") that makes her think you are a demon.

  108. My husky is a rough houser. He needed a pittbull to play with. He still fucks the pitt up. I don't hit him. He is mixed with border collie so he's very smart. He's almost human. I smashed him a little over a year ago once to show him who was alpha in the house since he growled at me. Since then we have been best of friends. He fetches sticks off the dock and swims back. He can even climb up the ladder.
    These are animals. Something you people tend to forget. In the wild they maul, bite, and fuck each other up. The alpha male smashes on the others in the pack to show dominance and further his will. Your human compassion has no place in the world of animals medusa. It's artificial at best.

  109. I imagine Erin having that same smirk the dude is the video has after saying something inane.

  110. grrrrrrr, ukan, grrrrrrrr. i'm going to urinate all over your wife, then she will be mine... grrrrr

  111. First you said that it was 'training'.

    Then you said it was because you had a bad day.

    Now you are saying it is science.


  112. @Medusa
    Your contribution to Mankind is so people can see that Gross and Revolting really DOES exist :)

  113. UKan said...

    hey ukan, what would you do if medusa argued with you in real?

    Your assumption is I would hit her. Your wrong. I know how to be civilized.

    August 21, 2011 12:10 PM

    But you would wanted

  114. "What would be the ideal owner for this breed? The ideal owner of a pit bull is an extremely responsible person committed to the care, training and exercise of their dog. Such an owner should be knowledgeable about the breed (or at least willing to learn), very aware of the dog aggressive but people loving nature of the breed, and dedicated to protecting not only their dog, but also the breed as a whole from the continuing media hysteria generated by bad press and bad owners. The ideal owner of a pit bull would never allow their dog to roam the neighborhood, be off leash in a public place or around strange dogs, and would not leave their adult pit bull alone and unsupervised with another dog of any breed, since fights can start between unsupervised dogs, especially dogs of the same sex, and such fights can have serious consequences. This owner would spay/neuter, make sure their dog remains socialized with all types of people, contain their dog securely when not supervised by an adult, obedience train their dog, and insure that their dog is well exercised every day. This owner would NOT be looking for a guard dog, as pit bulls are typically very people friendly and not naturally inclined toward "man work." This owner would either have no other dogs or an altered dog of opposite sex, since many pit bulls are same sex aggressive and can be placed with a non-dominant dog of opposite sex."

  115. "The ideal owner of a pit bull would never allow their dog to roam the neighborhood, be off leash in a public place or around strange dogs, and would not leave their adult pit bull alone and unsupervised with another dog of any breed, since fights can start between unsupervised dogs, especially dogs of the same sex, and such fights can have serious consequence"

    shit, i wonder how these little angels got such a bad rep.

  116. Ukan, why didn't you just tell your wife "this is why he needs training" in other words "I told you so"?

    Now you undid everything you were trying to accomplish in convincing your wife that you have a good side.

  117. I knew a guy whose pit bull took off his scrotum
    Better wear a shield Ukan
    If any dog had a reason yours would.

  118. 'shit, i wonder how these little angels got such a bad rep.'

    that's what they want you to think, they're clearly manipulative, opportunistically violent sociopaths.

  119. Funny tik, because as we speak she is training the dog and she made me a big breakfast this morning to make up for irritating me last night. Clearly she understands that it was her fault i was angry.

  120. You don't even need to have compassion for animals to believe that hurting dogs is a bad idea. I'll explain why stomping on a dogs head is a poor decision, even if you do not take empathy into consideration.

    I never understood people who are not capable of controlling their dogs. Dogs are much easier to understand than human beings. The idea that a sociopath would have difficulty training a dog is especially baffling.

    Hurting a dog to manipulate the wife into training it seems to make sense, but that wouldn't be needed if the dog was trained in the first place.

    You don't even have to train a dog not to chew cables if you simply spray it with that bad tasting anti-chewing spray they sell at pet stores.

    If Ukan wants to convince his wife that he has become a nice person, stomping on the dogs head seems to be the least effective of possible actions he could have taken.

    Suppose the point of hurting the dog is to gain control over it. Well, hurting it is still not the most effective way to do that. Pit bulls have a reputation for violence, and establishing a relationship of violence with the dog merely increases the chances that it will snap and kill you in the future.

    I watch dogs interact a lot. Dogs frequently nip each other and play dominance games to establish boundaries, but dogs do not HURT each other without suffering the social consequences. A violent dog will be avoided by the other dogs, and will probably begin to avoid other dogs in turn, making that dog more likely to become a social outcast.


  121. First you said that it was 'training'.

    Then you said it was because you had a bad day.

    Now you are saying it is science.


    All the above. Get over it you animal rights activist. Animals in nature snap growl and bite each other. I'm a fucking animal. I'm no different.

  122. ukan is a complete fool.

  123. I wasn't trying trying to be rude just presenting a different way of handeling it that wouldn't have put you in a demonic light.

    Just because she trys to get you out of a bad mood doesn't mean she's excepting blame. She could be worried for the dog and trying to protect him. And this is not to say that she doesn't understand why you reacted the way you did just that there could be more motives then one.

  124. Uh, is it just me or was my comment just deleted? My post criticized Ukan's actions (politely). Is this guy a mod or whatever?

  125. Nevermind, it is back again. Maybe something's wrong with blogger.

  126. This comment has been removed by the author.


  127. I knew a guy whose pit bull took off his scrotum
    Better wear a shield Ukan
    If any dog had a reason yours would.

    My dog pisses itself when I come home or when she thinks she's in trouble. She knows what will happen to her if she acts crazy.
    Sounds like that dog didn't know it's place. I know when dogs are getting resentful. There's no cure for resentment in a animal but a bullet in the head sending him to the pound to get gassed.

  128. This comment has been removed by the author.

  129. Refudiate said what I wanted to say but couldn't be bothered to.

    Also, long comments often get caught in the spam filter here.

    Erin, I still don't get what your problem is. You are still confusing me with something else.

  130. My dog already is a social outcast. She bites other dogs faces. She won't bite humans though because she knows she will be dead if she does.
    Tik, she was worried about the dog. That was the point. She was apathetic before, now she's propelled to action. She said it was her fault. So she's not just trying to pull me out of a bad mood. Today I'm in a great mood. She needs to accept responsibility.

  131. This is the stupidest argument for a while.

    "establishing a relationship of violence with the dog merely increases the chances that it will snap and kill you in the future."

    Beatings in moderation is the key. I've got an Irish bulldog and I only hit him when he steps out of line. It sets an example and but doesn't push him over the edge.

  132. @Medusa
    I KNOW you. That is the thing.I wish I didn't but I do *smirk* -to save you the trip

  133. How is it you know me, Erin?

    Have you bugged my house? Tapped my phone calls? Watch me at night with binoculars?

    What exactly do you think you know about me?

  134. I really like your wife Ukan, she's strong. I wish she would come on the blog sometime, I have a lot of question's.

    She wouldn't have to let anyone know who she's married to, just add some pearls of wisdom.

  135. That's not really empathy per se. It's more like new age hippie bullshit that uses the term empathy as a buzzword.

  136. You think I'm your mom because you see me as having some intelligence? Is that your logic?

  137. "Beatings in moderation"


  138. Tik, what makes you think she's strong?

    Sounds kinda pathetic to me.

  139. This comment has been removed by the author.

  140. “My dog already is a social outcast. She bites other dogs faces. She won't bite humans though because she knows she will be dead if she does.”

    That proves my point, dogs will not tolerate anything more violent than nipping from other dogs. Violence is not normal social behavior for dogs. This is why humans should not be violent with dogs.

    “Beatings in moderation is the key. I've got an Irish bulldog and I only hit him when he steps out of line. It sets an example and but doesn't push him over the edge.”

    You never know until it is too late. In the news you often see articles about pit bulls that acted nice for it's whole life, and then one day kill a child without warning. A dog can secretly build up anger just as well as a human.

  141. I am not up for telling you how I know you.

    You are often very conveniently 'not up' for discussion when someone asks you to clarify something you said.

    If you try to degrade and humiliate me again I could get up for it though

    Ah, so now you are explicitly requesting abuse. Interesting.

    Re-read this thread and decide who exactly is trying to humiliate who. Interesting.

  142. This comment has been removed by the author.

  143. Okay, tell me what I've lied about.

  144. @Medusa
    You see *I* would be stupid if *I* stepped in to the den of lies.
    You ARE a lie.You don't just tell lies.There is a big difference to which you can't comprehend.
    Read the book if you care to understand
    I am not stepping in dog poop I see outside my door. I have learned to walk around it :)

  145. Medusa, I have not been reading this blog or it's comments for very long, but I get the impression that many of these people are not real sociopaths. They act more like people with anger issues with some control issues thrown in. Even the author of the blog is like that, why the hell is he angry at aspergers because aspergers is socially accepted? Why would a sociopath care enough to get pissed off about that? I don't know what the point of what I am saying is, except that this crowd doesn't seem like the most reasonable crowd ever.

  146. I don't think his wife is pathetic.

    I think she is strong for now but this is going to add up later on.

    Erin, how is your site going? *

  147. Nah he's a big pussy. He's scared of running water. He only attacks other dogs when they mess with him. He only gets aggressive with people when they mess with me. He looks intimidating though. There's this street preacher guy who stands on the corner rambling not so far from where I live. Every time I walk by him with my dog he crosses over to the other side. Sometimes I throw my dogs ball in his direction so he runs after him.

  148. You must have a different definition of strong than I do.

    I don't call being able to put up with abuse as the definition of being strong.

    Oh but she didn't cry! She must have strength.

  149. Erin please go find a therapist.

    Oh but now I'm gaslighting you now, right?

  150. I'm not phycically abused so I'm not speaking from experience in that. But I've gotten stronger from anyone in my life that has tryed to bully me.

    Sometimes you just have to wait for the right timing then let the ammo fly.

    Pick your fights, don't let them pick you. Actions speak louder then words. You fight everyone and it makes no difference what you have to say, they won't care.

  151. This comment has been removed by the author.

  152. misanthrope, why do you have animals? i thought sociopaths are not compatible with animals?

  153. @Medusa
    I meant I will not comment about YOU unless you provoke me.
    Then I will.

  154. I don't know. I never planned it. I had to go see somebody one day, his dog had just given birth to a litter, I decided I wanted one, I took one.

  155. Because you thought it was cute! Admit it.

  156. @Zoe

    What's so icky? I just want the dude to put his empathy inside me.

  157. Haha. I have to admit I liked the big fucker from the minute I saw him. The guy was selling them of but he owed me anyways so I just told him that I was taking it. I chose him because he pissed all over the guys girlfriends high heels, and she tried to give me grief every time I went round.

  158. 'I have to admit I liked the big fucker from the minute I saw him.'

    awwwwww, that's the only show of warmth i've ever seen from mis, i want a puppy.

  159. even tough guys have a soft side it seems,

    with ukan it's his wife... sort of.

    with mis it's his dog... sort of.

  160. o, ukan also has a soft spot for that ugly aussie, rupert murdoch.

  161. Just came across Vaknin's YouTube channel.

    Hilarious how he has taken over the whole field of narcissism.

  162. 'Tik, what makes you think she's strong?

    Sounds kinda pathetic to me.'


    The number of trolls here is not even funny. Tik, who are you? I mean, wha? I'm so confused but can't care enough to work anything out here.

  163. "Just came across Vaknin's YouTube channel."

    another lie.

  164. I also noticed the guys face as he talks the eyebrows that stupid face that seems to be smiling but isnt i dont know why but i think there is something off i dont think that is the way someone would talk and "represent" his ideas i need to read more psychology books

  165. Why notme, because i don't whine?
    I don't air personal issues, their small compared to the ones on here.

    I use to use the name , this i know but shortened it.

    I have noticed a change in you since early spring, I hope your ok.

  166. In an act of self-preservation, past civilizations had confined The Stupid to certain settlements, replete with their drinking establishments, entertainments, and sports arenas. There the "intellectually-challenged" could safely torment each other with their vulgarities and rampant, uninformed idiocy. The advent of radio, television, and, most egregiously, the Internet has changed all that: now stupid people have unmitigated access to the kind of technology that allows them to pollute the airwaves and the broadband with their inferior analytic capacity, low-brow output, trivial observations, monosyllabic exclamations, and harebrained queries. Thus, the New Media have transformed stupidity from a mental endemic to a viral epidemic. The wise and knowledgeable may broadcast while the Stupid merely narrowcast -- but the Stupid have the upper hand, what with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and YouTube decimating the traditional print and electronic media.

    Ah, Vaknin. This is hilarious and brilliant on so many levels.

  167. you obviously were lying, medusa. vaknin's videos have been posted a couple of times.

  168. Brilliant as in, he's kind of talking about himself.

  169. "In an act of self-preservation, past civilizations had confined The Stupid to certain settlements, replete with their drinking establishments, entertainments, and sports arenas. There the "intellectually-challenged" could safely torment each other with their vulgarities and rampant, uninformed idiocy. The advent of radio, television, and, most egregiously, the Internet has changed all that: now stupid people have unmitigated access to the kind of technology that allows them to pollute the airwaves and the broadband with their inferior analytic capacity, low-brow output, trivial observations, monosyllabic exclamations, and harebrained queries. Thus, the New Media have transformed stupidity from a mental endemic to a viral epidemic. The wise and knowledgeable may broadcast while the Stupid merely narrowcast -- but the Stupid have the upper hand, what with Google, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and YouTube decimating the traditional print and electronic media."

    who said narcissistic rage wasn't right?

  170. it could be a hatred of an aspect of himself that he doesn't prefer or abandoned. maybe he was like this at one time and received a narcissistic injury, when someone tore him down to reality. now he is becoming closer to his false self aka, robot.

  171. The narcissist consistently baits authority figures into punishing him and thus into upholding his delusional self-image as worthy of their attention.

    Hi Erin

  172. all cluser b's are attention whores.

  173. You think any girl not as pent up and defensive is pathetic Medusa. I know I side you are not the ice queen. You melted like butter with that shaman. Right before it got serious you broke up because ypu were scared of being hurt.

  174. i don't mean it personally tik, it's just it's hard to keep track when people are using other people's names and when i'm not here so often to get the thread. Plus, my head is a bit weird right now. Don't mind me. :)

    What do u mean, a change in me?

  175. @Medusa
    Are you provoking me Prey tell?

  176. "Are you provoking me Prey tell?"

    it's "pray tell" not "prey tell".


  177. This comment has been removed by the author.

  178. You got a lot of cognitive dissonance, UKan. You are only defending her now because she's your wife.

    If she was some random person on SW you'd be all over her telling her she's a pathetic abused victim, go to lovefraud, blah blah blah....

    Never said I was an Ice Queen, love.

    I got rid of the shaman because I was scared, yes, but scared because he was ridiculously self-involved, paranoid, and not ready for an real relationship, and I didn't feel like doing that bullshit all over again.

    It wasn't going to get serious. So I bailed.

  179. No actually you would be a better fit for lovfraud with your bitterness toward men and paranoia.
    I commend women like my wife. Like when Aieranne was on here. I love seeing women who aren't trash talking men and sociopaths. People with actual relationships instead of relationship problems.

  180. @ Notme, like your spark went out. No joy.
    Maybe tired.

  181. Is it life in general or something happened?

  182. So psychopaths have little self-control but you guys say they are not prone to addiction. Thoughts?

  183. Oh and i heard psychopaths usually keep a routine isnt that what addiction is about? a routine?

  184. You think so highly of yourselves it becomes hard to see the reality of things sometimes, hell that reality changes everyday only some things remain, one of the them is the routine, the day to day life creates a pattern...
    Notme probably broke his routine it is affecting him.
    Change is followed by the unknown, and it creates confusion amongst the creatures of habit, humans.

  185. um, i guess both. Was seeing a guy recently until it all went haywire. But, general life stuff too. I dunno, just one thing on top of another. I don't come across well in text either. lol. I tend to offload my negative emotions here. :D I wish I was my silly, sparky self too. Maybe soon :D

  186. Notme is a cute little female, not a socio either.

    I hope your light comes back Notme!

  187. extreme narcissists have to be willing to enter the realm of their feelings again. They have been the masters of covering and hiding, even to themselves. They now have to start uncovering painful wounds. They have taught themselves to stuff and disconnect their own feelings for years. Because of this, they tend to live inside their heads, in the realm of so called reason. They are likely to live in the world of rational principles, laws, rules, which are all linear. This domain is a realm they feel they can control. It is devoid of feelings. The realm of the heart or feelings is very intimidating and unsafe to them because it is non-linear and there is very little control of the outcomes.

  188. Anon 5:30
    Brilliant !
    A true intellectual and well said :)


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