
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Defining normal

Before I jump into a small rant, let me say that I believe there are true differences between sociopaths and neurotypicals. I also believe that the number of people who could be classified "neurotypicals" may be an actual minority (e.g. less than 50%). Furthermore, I understand that defining someone as being neurotypical does not necessarily mean that this person is "normal" or somehow better than everybody else who is not neurotypical. Let's call those the three assumptions.

My problem with some of the sociopathy research et al. is that too often people do not account for these assumptions. We talk about sociopaths being 1-4% of the population as if the other 96-99% are normal, maybe even the opposite of the sociopath. Maybe we believe that if sociopaths have low empathy, then everyone else has robust empathy? Maybe if we believe that if sociopaths do not feel guilt, everyone else must? Maybe if we say that sociopaths frequently engage in crime, then no one else does?

It's interesting, I started this blog in part to help people realize that sociopaths are natural human variants. I thought at the time that the big challenge would be to try to showcase some of our strengths in a more positive light, that we have more in common than people maybe realize. Recently I have been thinking that the real problem is not in getting people to believe that we're better than they think, but that they are worse than they think.

The weird thing about the three assumptions mentioned at the beginning is that I think most people don't believe them, not really. Most people assume that they are that minority of "normal" people instead of thinking that they might be one of those majority of people who are a little jacked up. Equally if perhaps more troubling is that many people lament that the psychological world would label half or more of us with a diagnosis/neurosis. So what if the majority of people have a label? Doesn't that seem equally if not more probable than assuming that half of the people in the world are pretty much interchangeable in terms of brain/emotional function? I understand the urge to define normal as the way most people are, but if there is not a clear way that most people are, is it really that helpful to distort our definition of "normal" to arbitrarily include some small deviations and not others?

The appeal of defining normal as whatever you happen to be is quite convenient. No need to confront the possibility that maybe you aren't as empathetic as they seem. Maybe your conscience doesn't have quite the sway that you thought it did. Maybe you are both capable and incapable of much more than you had hoped. Maybe you have a lot more in common with sociopaths than you'd like to think. Maybe it is just one big long spectrum with only a few of us at the extremes and the rest of us huddled closer to the middle. Could it be that self-diagnosed sociopaths are just much more honest with themselves than the rest of you who sneer, "that's not sociopathic, everyone does that." Could both be true? That something could be sociopathic and that everyone does that? Or most people do that? Specifically, you -- that you sometimes do those things? Does that make you normal or me?


  1. Maybe, maybe, maybe.

    Sociopaths are in a few things neurotypically different, and in others very normal and average.

    "Could it be that self-diagnosed sociopaths are just much more honest with themselves than the rest of ... yadda yadda"

    No, a variety of different types of people can be very honest with themselves, to think otherwise is somewhat delusional.

  2. @Twitter:

    Yay! :)


    No way? Were you the guy with the glasses being interviewed? I couldn't understand everything, but it was quite clear you were being asked about your cryogenics-scheme.

    On one hand, it does satisfy some of my curiosity, on the other, it kills of some of the mystery. :)

    @Today's topic:

    People have to normalize and standardize everything because it's more convenient that way. The problem is that people get completely wrapped up in their defintions, and forget that they're just convenient labels, not the absolute truth.


    "Are you calling about the tumble-dryer, the fur coats or the basketball hoop?" "Yes/No/No"


  3. @Wheatlay
    I guess you'll never know if that was me ...

  4. "The average person thinks he isn't."

  5. @David

    Well, not for sure of course. How can we now anything for sure when all your brain does is release Na-ions into your neurons, disrupting the electro-chemical balance in your synapses, which results in an electrical current rushing in to restore said balance, and which causes information to be processed?

    But rest assured, I'm not the kind of person to pointlessly ruin people. Were you drunk last night and regretted sharing that link, hence the deleting of it? Because again, I only guessed at your geographical location using circumstantial, incomplete and anecdotal 'evidence'; I didn't track your IP or anything.

  6. @Wheatley
    When you take a sleeping pill and go on doing things instead of laying down and sleep, you get the same effects as being somewhat drunk.

  7. @Wheatley
    Did you get up at 6.30am this morning?

  8. Nobody has the answer to the questions everyone asks, that's why everyone asks.

    From wikipedia:
    Social norms are the accepted behaviors within a society or group. This sociological and social psychological term has been defined as "the rules that a group uses for appropriate and inappropriate values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. These rules may be explicit or implicit. They have also been described as the "customary rules of behavior that coordinate our interactions with others."

    Then we have that phrase that says "Nobody is normal"

    Think about depression the % of people who have/had/will have it.
    People just like to think they are the most sane person at the face of the Earth everyone else is a fuck up that pisses me off i just want to slap them to death using blades for fingers

    If you think you know something, you must be insane.
    Humans, humans, humans fuck human kind
    Most people obey to social norms because they were born wired that way (thats what they believe and accept), the environment shapes evolution and we are constantly evolving most people dont realize that.
    It is all about acceptance, knowledge and perception, the three together are the base of a personality then it develops further.

    But hey thats just what i think what do i know? im just another fuck up

  9. I always like to point out to people (the kind of people that think there's only one right and everything else is wrong) the incredible coincidence that everyone seems to be born in an area where their moral perspective is shared by the majority.

    See also religion.

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  11. @Erin
    Thank you, still a couple of days to go though.

  12. PBS Interviews With Famous AuthorsAugust 30, 2011 at 3:48 AM

    Today we have an interview with Medusa M, the author of the best selling book "Gaslighting".

    Alistair Cooke :"Miss M, What was your purpose in writing this work?"

    Medusa : "I think to fuck with people"

    Al: "O..K.. Please give an example or two... ha ha "

    Medusa: "Well, I go after 2 groups of people, the weak and others"

    Al: Explain, please.

    Medusa: "If I see a weak person, I like to smash her in the face with my fists,tie her intestines to her ass, and then try to be nice to her and see what happens. Will she be my bitch?"

  13. PBS Interviews With Famous AuthorsAugust 30, 2011 at 3:53 AM

    Al: "Why do you do this, Medusa?"

    Medusa: "I like power over people, Al.
    I want to shove shit in someone's face and see if I can make them eat it.Then I feel good"

    Al: " Medusa, any last words?"

    Medusa: "Well, if you let me fuck you up, it is your problem, you stupid turd. Then, I will fuck you up more for being stupid enough to let me fuck you up in the first place."

    Al: "There you have it folks. That was the Divine Miss M.
    This has been Al Cooke. Over and out"

    PS How was my punctuation, Wheat ?

  14. Are you Erin? Or did I just become everyone's spell-check?

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  16. You forgot one space after a comma, you have a dot in the middle of a sentence that doesn't look like it belongs there, you've spaced worng after and/or before two colons and you've forgotten one set of quotation marks.

    B+ :)

  17. this site has become so very... pointless.

  18. Well, we could hate on David some more. :)

  19. that's pointless... it's been established that david is a waste of space.

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  21. We should all become nihilists and not believe in it.

  22. Wheatley said:

    "Well, we could hate on David some more. :)"

    Quiet there, dutch boy.

  23. Erin how was it when you mother molested you? I mean did she fingered you? Used toys? Made you lick her clitoris? To who was she aiming the sexual pleasure? Herself? You? Did she used to say anything? Before/During/After?
    Perhaps something she would repeat often

  24. Because you think you saw translations from dutch in my english, so you most probably speak dutch. Almost nobody speaks dutch when they're 16 unless it's their mother language.

    You stayed up "very late last night", and had "to get up in 3 hours". That was at 3.30am and 6.30am CET.

  25. And as you said, after a bit more than 3 hours when 'going to sleep', you posted on here.

  26. Need to go now for a couple of hours.

  27. Wheatly is clearly English, or at least from the UK.

  28. @Anon
    Would that be prurient interest you have, mate?

  29. @David

    Hmm. Interesting. Thought you might say that. :) But really, you yourself are doing all the arguing for me, because you say almost nobody speaks Dutch at 16.

    Even if it were my mother language, that could also mean I'm from South-Africa or Suriname.

    Not to mention all those other languages I speak. :)

    And CET applies to countries including but not limited to Algeria, Nigeria, Tunisia, both the Reoublic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Cameroon as well, so what are you trying to prove with that?.

    I mean really. Why are you even bothering? Your 'evidence' is even flimsier than mine, and the only reason everyone now knows were you live is because you freaked out and spilled your beans.

    Besides, I'm already from Sweden, remember?

  30. Did she used to say anything? Before/During/After?
    Perhaps something she would repeat often


    word:v mated

  31. I have a deep interest in sex yes although none of what would be considered "weird" fetishes some people listen to music watch a movie go out i like having sex and i do not discriminate

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  33. @Anon
    You will have to keep guessing, then
    because this chick is not gonna tell you.

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  35. @Wheat
    Are you kidding?
    That is scary, if you are not.

  36. is this a prank, wheatly? what's the link about and why does it involve david?

    if that is really him, he's no tom ripley...

  37. I dont need you to tell me i just wanted you to think about it so i could laugh for a while

  38. hold up, is that little asshole with the vest in davids account photo him?

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  41. Thats not his name

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  44. Yeah I thought he'd look something like that. Weedy with glasses. Not exactly Matt Damon are you Dave? Your clients must be fucking deformed hunch backs if they pay for you. Pathetic.

  45. I couldn't find anyone by that name. So that is not his name.

  46. "I couldn't find anyone by that name. So that is not his name."

    It really doesn't matter anon. Just go with it.

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  49. @Wheatley
    Yes, delete them, sooner rather than later, Darling.

  50. Hmm i found something hard to tell i dont speak dutch but seems like he was involved in something as an offender

    Without more info it is hard to tell anything if you can post age city an email phone number anything really

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  52. Yes he's certainly a cryogenicist

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  54. @Anon

    "I've had sex on stage with man, women and animals and everything in between."

    What the hell?

  55. GOOGLE:

    "Wat bezielt ons? VARA 80 jaar jong!"

    skip to 54:00 to see david the fag (guy with the glasses)

    suck it, wheatly (:

  56. Recently I have been thinking that the real problem is not in getting people to believe that we're better than they think, but that they are worse than they think.

    This. All day long. Excellent point M.E.

  57. I love it the way you're wondering who I am. Look at my new profile picture I took with my cam, you like it?

  58. @Anon
    My new profile picture is me darling.


    you look like a little boy, and your head is to big for your body, david. LOL.

  60. 'you look like a little boy, and your head is to big for your body, david.'

    Omg, so true, ha! :D

  61. I know its not so we will keep searching you cant stop us.
    Keep being afraid.

  62. my head too big for my body? that's the first time I heard that one

  63. awwwwwwwwwwwwww, poor little baby face david comes to play with the big bad psycho's on sw, aint it sweeeeet (:

    you look a little bit like edward norton to me

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  65. Officier UkanezeliasiacAugust 30, 2011 at 6:51 AM

    Let me introduce myself. I am Detective Ukanezeliasiac. You can call me Ukan.Fuck,shit, Dammit .
    I have been commissioned to walk the SW beat.
    I will file periodic reports.
    Watch your ass's.


  66. @Anon

    So tell me, is my hand out of proportion with the rest of my body now?

    Btw this one was custom made for misanthrope. Fuck you!

  67. no, just your head. you're not particularly ugly, or particularly attractive, just kinda average and funny looking... like ed norton... but more funny looking! :)

  68. So who are the scared faggots around here? Show me your faces.

    If people in real life would now what I am they would cross the street if they pass me. The one with no morals and nothing to lose, that's the one you should be scared of.

  69. @Anon
    Well there could be worse comparisions I guess.

  70. @David

    That's actually not what autism means at all.

  71. @Wheatley
    So now you've analyzed me? Tell me, I'm curious.

  72. i'm sure everyone is terrified of your 'inner darkness', david.


    now run along and play

  73. @Anon
    We can read your bullshit without you using capitals, it's annoying.

  74. Lol you will win only when you take a pic with a shoe on top of your head

    people do cross the street when they pass me and i like it

  75. @Anon
    Why? Are you homeless and do you stink?


  77. No i am not homeless and i do not stink, they are just afraid of what might happen to them

  78. @Wheatly

    I answered your comment in yesterday's post, but forgot to say your guess is wrong.


    You asked me another question in that post fro a million days ago... I was raised by a whole pack of wolves. My mother was not in the picture. She was too busy bleeding in another state.

    And the person who inspired the poem is in this room.

  79. @Anon
    Do you walk on the street showing around your gun?

  80. @Eden

    And when you say room, you mean...?

  81. @Eden
    You mean now, as we speak, the person is in this room?

  82. Was it the Miss Scarlett, with a spanner in the study?

  83. @Eden
    Hmmmm have not played that in ages, but will give it a shot.I am feeling very good about myself, now that I can write like an intelligent person :)

    OK, does this person like the finer things in life?

  84. @Anon

    I prefer being a fucker over a wanker. ;)

  85. I don't remember how to play Clue. Let's play: I Spy

  86. @Blog

    "the real problem is not in getting people to believe that we're better than they think, but that they are worse than they think."

    Damn Skippy!

  87. This is very true, people are notoriously bad at being aware of their own illogical thinking. This is a good website for explaining that.

  88. " We're all walking the tight rope of normalacy." Read this somewhere.??
    This site should be called " ADDWorld" You people have a very hard time staying on topic.

  89. Speaking of staying on topic, I've been thinking about how I dream, in comparison to other people.

    How do you think dreams differ, or are similar in the world of PD vs. "Normal", or average?

    I hear people talking about funny dreams, heart warming dreams, dreams that are like cartoons. Mine are nothing like that, and never have been.


  91. @Anon
    Well why don't you start an interesting topic?

  92. @David

    How bout you suck my dick, so neither of us have to talk about anything!

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  94. @david

    i thought you would have had more style, being gay and all..

  95. why did my picture change, that's strange.

  96. How would you know how much style I have, you've only seen a picture of me in my underwear.

  97. they weren't even designer.. HELLO!

  98. Well I'm not sissy if that's your definition of, no.

  99. I shop at Brooks Brothers, my clothes are the most boring you can imagine.

  100. And sometimes at Bergdorf Goodman, if I had a good month.

  101. @Erin
    Are you taking a bubble bath?

  102. 546 lol

    I always eat the body of christ at a rock concert. And then I get raped by the jesus front man. I eat his feces like communion.

  103. Hitler's inside of him!
    who'd admit to this????????????????????????????????????????????????

  104. Ubermensch will you please describe ADD and relate it to the link ME provided from the older post? =trying to stay on topic?

  105. clings to others vs. pushes others away
    acts weak & vulnerable vs. acts strong & invulnerable
    overwhelmed by feelings vs. cut off from feelings
    is other-centered vs. is self-centered
    addicted to people vs. addicted to activities or substances
    easily invaded by others vs. "armored" against others' attempts to get close
    low self-esteem vs. falsely inflated self-esteem
    acts incompetent vs. tries to "look good"
    depressed energy vs. manic energy
    acts insecure vs. acts secure
    acts weak vs. acts strong
    feels guilty vs. blames others
    craves intimacy & closeness vs. avoids intimacy & closeness
    acts self-effacing vs. acts grandiose
    has victim behaviors vs. tries to victimize others first
    is a people pleaser vs. is a people controller
    neglected as a child vs. abused as a child

  106. People with counter-dependent behaviors appear strong, self-confident and successful on the outside. On the inside they are weak, insecure, fearful, and needy. They may function well in the world of business, but often they are failures in the world of relationships. Frequently they have poor relationship skills, are afraid to get close to others, and avoid intimate situations as much as possible. They are also very well defended against anyone seeing their secret weaknesses and vulnerability. In short, they keep very busy trying to show other people that they are OK and do not need anything from anyone.

  107. 945,
    The zhawq man just did a post on hyperfocus. Is that post ME's description of hyperfocusing?

  108. 946

    Yeah, and
    Comorbidity with narcissism OR having sociopathic tendencies?

  109. Narcissists and psychopaths are counter dependant.

  110. 946

    Wow this seems like a tough way to live. What does a person like this do in this life to cope. Just curious about your opinion.

  111. oh. Feel free to add any other personal opinions.

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  113. codependents do not like having other people do things for them.

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  116. @Erin
    It's funny as I read some would try to find an address and phone number. I don't live where I officialy 'live', and even that changes every few months. Although not on the run I live like a shadow.

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  118. I dream of raping, maiming, and running from the cops.

  119. @beeper vs Socio
    I am way more Beeper than Socio. I would rather be Socio, though.

    Funny with the neglected and abused thing cuz I was neglected. My b/f was abused.

    Funny,how that would play out. What do you think?

    I am very Beeper like? Is co-dependecy like the teenager to full blown Beeper?

    IOW, is co dependency a milder version of Beeper. I kind of think it is?

    What do you think?
    That list was brilliant.

    Someone knows his categories.

  120. I dream of running from cops and soldiers.

  121. dreaming can mean the freedom to do what would get you put away in the waking world.
    your'e mind wants to sort it out the things you keep pent up. it wants to get it out of the system somehow.

  122. I never really remember what my dreams are about.

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  124. @Ukan
    Why should you run from soldiers when you have your own? Shouldn't you fight them?

  125. @Eris

    It's mu opinion that dreams are just random neurons firing, and your subconscious trying to make a story from random pieces of info.

    I dreamt last night, but the only reason I know is because I can remember remembering I dreamt (does that make sense?).

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  128. @Punctuation

    I'm just going to go ahead and stop commenting about that, lest I be demoted to nothing but a spell check. :)

  129. @David

    You're not interesting anymore. I don't scavenge.

    You seem like some severe aspie, sitting in his parent's attic all day in his underwear, pretending to be some kind of sophisticated whore. Go smoke some weed or something. :)

  130. Well you thought you had me didn't you. You shouldn't be surprised to be fucked with win you come in a place like this, even if you're only 16.

  131. After waking up have a notepad and a pen at hand to write everything you remember about your dreams after doing this for a long time you wont need the notepad any longer

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  133. For Wheat

  134. I went to get ice cream to make a frap and I saw this old man pushing grocery carts in the parking lot. I had my music blaring. I got these new bass speakers that rattle windows. This old loser was giving me a dirty look. I walked over and grabbed a grocery cart and two were stuck together. I didn't want to figure it out so I just put them aside and went to grab another. This old man yelled: "sir! Sir!"
    I turned and he said that if I pulled the top part up you could pull them apart. I told him "good to know" in a annoyed voice. These old ladies next to me said "Look at you, you have so much knowledge"
    He said "That's not knowledge that's common sense"
    I told him, "if you had any common sense you wouldnt be the basket boy at the age of seventy."
    I took the unstuck baskets and left the others in the road. When I came out I waited till he was on the other end of the parking lot collecting baskets and gave my empty a push down the road. It was hilarious seeing him chase after it so it wouldn't damage anything. I jumped in my car and rolled the windows down so that my speakers blew out the parkig lot and drove towards him fast like I was going to hit him and turned at the last minute. It was priceless.

  135. why didn't you hit the old bugger?

  136. @Erin

    Oh come now... surely you can share a dream experience where you're the Not victim?

  137. @Eris

    That interview thing was hilarious, reminded me of that monty python sketch. Seemed staged though, especially when the guy in the background started talking.

    And does Sol Reosenberg happen to voice someone in Family Guy? His voice seems kinda familliar.

  138. Its a brand new car. It'd be a shame to dent it.

  139. The Title. This alone makes for a long comment. One that is likely to never find it's completion. :) Passage.
    "I also believe that the number of people who could be classified "neurotypicals" may be an actual minority (e.g. less than 50%)."

    Yes, that's what I've been saying all along. But I think that percentage is getting smaller by each year.

    2.nd passage.
    It's a problem in the general population. Professionals and the so called experts are aware of the things you mention here.

    3.rd passage.
    There are many who owe you for being one to pave the way to more understanding, in the general public, but even more so in the minority you write about.

    I for one am happy to follow your example.

    "Recently I have been thinking that the real problem is not in getting people to believe that we're better than they think, but that they are worse than they think."

    Maybe it's one of the things some readers dislike about 'Psychopathic Writings': I don't make a secret of neither our strengths nor our weaknesses, our 'worsenesses'.

    Passage 4.
    "...most people don't believe them, not really."

    Or not at all. The mainstream of society is getting accustomed to being labeled, diagnosed, it's becoming part of being normal.

    Normal and Abnormal are synonyms for Good and Evil, and their purpose is control, just as it always have been.

    Control people by keeping them occupied with the illusion that some mystical evil exist which is fundamentally different from themselves, all while keeping each of them focused upon being and remaining included as Good, Normal people. Passage.
    Not all neurotypical people are as narrow minded as those you address here. Maybe they ought to give that a thought. I'd link to an article I read on this topic, written by a non-psychopath (sociopath, i.e.). I'll send it to you when I find it.

  140. UKan:

    "I had my music blaring."

    Was that what threw you so completely off track the other day when you kept repeating yourself about shit you accused me of, and about all of which you were in complete error?

    I wonder, can you admit to making a mistake?

    That's something I respect. Any sociopath ought to get acquainted with the technique, if you ask me. ;)

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  142. @zhawq

    why would he want to humble himself?

  143. Zwaq don't try to get back up. You lied so many times on here you can't keep up with them. The sad part is you lied about shit to make yourself appear more psychopathic. Thats pretty pathetic in my eyes. You haven't raped or murdered anyone so stop with the bullocks please. Nobody is impressed.

  144. I have a suburu legacy.

  145. That's a nice looking car. Is it any good to drive?

  146. For comfort riding there's nothing better than a mercedes benz.

  147. Once you come out saying your a rapist and a murderer, but back off the claim when you forgot you said it, and then claim it again you look pretty foolish zwaq. It shows you are lying since you would most likely remember rape and murder. People remember the truth. People who lie a lot forget which lies they told.

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. Its heavier than the wrx, but its way roomier and has more features. I got the V6. Its great for the snow and the mountain. I love driving it on the mountain.
    Mercedes benz is typical, Tyler. You remind me of my busniess partner david- tyler. He lives above his means instead of making wise investments. Hes extremely pretensious. He bought a fake rolex watch the other day and I just laughed at him. He told me we coukd get a shitload of them and have our guys sellem on the street as real. I asked him, 'why is that how you ended up with that shite'.

  150. ALLAH AKBAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  151. @Ukan
    A Benz is very comfortable, a very smooth ride, I drive a C class.

    You said that your savings were 6 months of rent so I guess you're not the one who has to give lessons about 'living above once's means'.

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  153. @Eris

    Why am I a killjoy?


    David's not Tyler, he's actually David. :) Follow the instructions of the Anon at 5:50.

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  156. @Erin (for the time being ;))

    I think Eris is fitting, seeing how you descended the blog into chaos when you first got here. And you still like to stir up trouble on occasion. :)

    I'd never seen the Jerky Boys before. But Sol sounds like Mort, from Family Guy, doesn't he?

    HTML failed, link didn't show.

  157. Wow david you are a idiot. Did you really put your arse out there like that. You look like a potato. Your head is big. I guess I shouldnt be surprised by that. Did you honestly think everyone here would change up and start adoring your body. You look like total shite. A undershirt? How refined.

  158. what was he talking about in that interview? let me guess... dick?

  159. @Wheat
    You have a point about my entry here.

    Well, maybe if I am good in the future, I could graduate to a better name of Sir's choosing, of course.


  161. So do would any of you go out of your way to help someone u "cared" about? Aka ukan with his wife?

  162. Did I get knighted when I wasn't looking? :P

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  164. @Eris

    Well, maybe...
    Probably more the booksmarts sort of Teen Genius. I mean, yeah, compared to the average person I'm pretty intelligent, but I assume that most people here (if not all) are of above average intelligence.

  165. @Erin

    My dreams are either violent, perverse, or end of the world kind of shit. Like UKan, I dream of running from the cops too, but it usually involves me committing multiple murders.

    When in my teens, the murders usually involved babies. I wrote about that a lot.

    I've also killed family members many times in my dreams. Those of course, are my favorite. :)

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  168. Yeah, I saw that post.

    The first thing I have to say is you should probably stop taking everything you read here, as the gospel truth, just because it's writer has a strong intellect.

    I think I can agree with the majority of it, but add that neglect is a form of abuse. Not all
    who are neglected, end up needful... just my opinion.

    As for which I'd rather be, I will only ask why anyone would choose the option of BPD?

    I do often ponder why one "disorder" is do different from another... I only care to know their basic traits so I can either move among them, around them, or plow them over.

  169. That is... I *Don't often ponder

  170. @UKan Suburu Legacy=Hippie, stay @ home soccer mom. It is really yours or did you steal it, or just con some stupid bitch to pay your payment

    @David Benz C Class=I wish I could afford a real benz. Present from sugar daddy or daddies. Now I know your face, watch out. I had your IP anyway.

    Me: M6 BMW=Me=Awesome.

  171. I'm going to see a movie with friends, not to mention that the praise is making me suspicious. :)

    Cya l8er.

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. Anon:

    "why would he want to humble himself?"

    Not humble, raise. It would raise the respect for him, mine and others who witnessed his failure.

    That is how it always is: The one who can admit to a mistake will always be the larger person in the eyes of those who watch. And in my opinion that's a worthy reason for doing it.

  174. @Ukan
    No I didn't put my arse out but the picture in my profile is me yes. Why does everyone keep saying I have a big head. Never saw that before and nobody ever mentioned it, but yes you're quiet right about I guess.
    Why not an undershirt, I have a great body. I would like to see your body's and faces, bunch of ugly missfits.

  175. This comment has been removed by the author.

  176. What are you rambling about. I exposed you and you want to talk to me of mistakes? It is you who need to apolagize to all of us for your false claims of being a violent criminal, your pathological lying, and your inconsistent boasts. You also need to apolagize for constantly wasting this comment section's space with your great wall of texts that say absolutely nothing interesting at all. The only thing people witnessed in our last exchange was your covers being pulled and your subsequent vanishing act immediately afterwards. Now days later you want to come back with some delusional expectation of a apolagy. That's a tool I use so seldom that I had to look up the spelling of the word. You sir, are a total fool. I suppose you came back after a few days of thinking it through to tell us more lies about the lies you made? Go ahead, tell us the fable that is supposed to save your head.

  177. @David

    It's the angle you took the picture with.
    If you'd like to see what I look like, it would be all too easy to find me. I kind of like to hind in the open.

  178. Because putting a picture of you in a undershirt on sociopathworld shows how pretensious you really are. The only other idiot who did something like that was Jason. Yet another idiot looking for people to validate him

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  180. This comment has been removed by the author.

  181. Hey,What if you throw in bipolar, heavy on the hypomanic ubercycling with a counter dependent something or other

  182. @Eden Ralene

    My...what big eyes you have.

  183. This comment has been removed by the author.

  184. Its always intrigued me how people attach a preconceived image of the person they're conversing with.

  185. Prove the picture is you. do a waving picture.

  186. I own a salon, David. It makes sense.

  187. This comment has been removed by the author.


    David needs to Photoshop a chin on that mug. Nice eyeliner! I do not like to admit this, but I really do hate fags. No because of what they do, but because most of them act like David.
    I am new to this forum, a month or so, I have yet read anything that would make me think that David is a S/P. Please, David, elaborate.


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