
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Manna from heaven

A funny thing about being religious is that sometimes an exploit happens so perfectly that it must be a gift from god. I like to think that if there is a god, he must be a fan.

One time I was meeting my boss for the first time (telecommuting from a different office before). I had gone to the symphony the evening before, which although it is not an unusual occurrence is also not an every week type of thing (I happened to get fantastic tickets from a musician friend of mine with connections to what turned out to be a blockbuster performance). The next morning I traveled the hour plus to the office where my boss was located. We met, I pulled out all my seduction stops, we got on the elevator to go to lunch and I immediately recognized a threesome of men from the night before at the symphony (I had noticed one of the men wearing outlandish orange frames the previous evening, and he was still sporting them the next day). I started salivating because I knew something special was about to happen (all for the sake of my boss?). I could tell upon entering the elevator that these men were talking about the performance 14 hours later and in a different city. Coincidence? That I noticed them, that we were at the same performance, that I recognized them, that they happened to be talking about the concert, that the concert happened to be an incredible blockbuster with incredible amounts of buzz? With only four floors to go until we hit the lobby, I knew I had to act quickly.

"Are you talking about the XX performance last night?"

"Why yes!" (heavy German accent).

"Wasn't it outstanding?"

"We absolutely loved it! What passion! Maybe you could help us, which concerto was it? We can't remember whether it was the second or the third."

"Oh, it's the second" (it turned out to be the third, but who cares).

"Thank you so much! You've saved us much discussion."

And then we got off the elevator. My boss gave me this astounded glance of what-the-hell-just-happened, and from then on my boss was putty in my hands.

This sounds harmless, I'm sure, maybe god would want people to succeed in their job. But would god also drop love triangles into people's lap, purely for their pleasure (as he has several times into mine)? Would god have someone unwittingly confess a harmful secret to you so you could use it against them in a clever power play? Is god in the business of giving good little sociopath girls and boys gift wrapped victims for personal consumption? Sometimes I think that can be the only explanation for it, not that I'm complaining.


  1. You obviously got some points scored with God. He drops love triangles and xxx performaces on your lap. I have to run and grab those by the horns we I see them.

  2. I don't consider myself a religious person, in that, there is no religion I see as a true, unquestionable, or he'll, feasible belief system.

    But the strangest shit has happened to me in my life, far beyond coincidence, to make me believe that if anything, there are unseen forces at work. I don't neccessarily mean that in a supernatural way, but perhaps, a misunderstood, or unknown way. I'm not foolish enough to try and define something that I, nor anyone else for that matter, truly understands through communication or experience. It's too easy to be seduced into accepting an explanation that fills the void of understanding. That especially applies to Sociopathy, not just religion.

    More on topic though, I too have seemed to have many things in life practically gift-wrapped for my manipulative and or sadistic hungers. Do I think some omnipotent Jerry Garcia in the sky threw me a bone? No. That even surpasses my own arrogance...

  3. @Notable

    Personally, I view religion as this enormous sea of different shades of grey. And apparently, to be a moral and conscientious balanced person, you have to pick your favourite grey (preferably the dominant grey in your culture), build a fence around it and close your eyes while you constantly yell at other people that your grey is the best kind of grey. And I really can't be bothered.

  4. Hint: life isn't rational :p

  5. Anonymous, I quite agree with you.

    In fact, I despise this age of so-called scientific rationalism - to my mind much of life, not to mention 'human nature', is deeply irrational.

    To believe otherwise is merely to try to contort a known universe to fit our manmade structures.

    Label me an 'unscientific irrational' but I believe that our rational human faculties are not our highest source of trustworthy knowledge - they never were, and they never will be.

    Much is superior to reason.

  6. "Label me an 'unscientific irrational' but..."


  7. @M.E.
    What you're talking about in your article is arbitrary inference. Most people do it all the time.

  8. Why not try to cum on his back ?

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  10. if you think that sociopaths are rational, then you are sadly mistaken. sociopaths are very unreasonable people.

  11. Divine intervention? Nah.

    You went to the concert for a reason.
    A reason that may have played a role in why you took this job.
    A reason that may be related to the reason those men went to the concert.

    Or, it was pure coincidence. But I think the former is much more likely.

    That being said, there's plenty of room in the universe for a supreme intelligence to exist. I just think it's amazing how people try to chalk up their petty day to day experiences to said being's intervention. Really, just... wow.

  12. The thing with psychopaths is, at first site they are the most mentally sound people you could come across. After knowing them for a while, they are the most mentally ILL people you could meet..

  13. No contact is the key to healing . Even having a tiny bit of contact with a psychopath gets you more than youre fair share of abuse because you have starved him for so long he needs to get as much supply from you in a very short time , he goes into feeding frenzy mode and you come out of any interaction with him feeling drained and shattered .
    The trouble with a Psychopath they look and sound so normal , on first inspection , when i first met my narc i would have said he was the one of the most together person i have ever met but by the end of the relationship i knew he was the most mentally ill person i had ever met .. How can they seem to be one thing and trun out to be the complete opposite ? The answer isnt rocket science , the answer is he was acting , he was acting from the minute he woke up in the morning untill the moment he went to sleep .. How exhausting must that be for poor little narc , his whole worlds a stage ( Will Shakespeare) and how true that is .
    A psychopath will have a diffrent persona , taylor made for everyone he knows ,for you , for his mum , for his best friend, for the office , for the church , for the milkman right down to the cute girl in the corner shop ,all of them diffrent , all of them carefully crafted to manipulate as much supply as possible from each victim .
    It takes months , years even to truely grasp the fact that there are people walking around us that are so mentally ill that if they ever did get to see a good psychiatrist that doctor would have to lock them up and throw away the key , but the statistics speak for themselves 1 in 25 ... 1 in 25 people on this earth are psychopathic ,that means we have all met one most of us have met one too many and thats why we are here . ..

  14. Are there any Sociopath Vegetarians, for moral reasons?

  15. I am a sociopath vegetarian. I object to the systematic manner in which the animals are slaughtered. There's just no pleasure taken in extinguishing a life, anymore, and that saddens me to the core. What message does that send to our children? Should we not extract every ounce of pleasure out of the end to such a precious thing as life? By restricting our consumption to flesh, we are wasting the agony and personal satisfaction that could be gleaned through a good, old fashioned personal kill, and that's truly reprehensible.

  16. Anonymous said...
    The thing with psychopaths is, at first site they are the most mentally sound people you could come across. After knowing them for a while, they are the most mentally ILL people you could meet..

    yah, so true

  17. "if you think that sociopaths are rational, then you are sadly mistaken. sociopaths are very unreasonable people."

    r u joking raping an killing for kicks is very resonable things to do

  18. @Erin
    Just had an easy date but a bit tired nonetheless. I stocked my fridge with fresh and nice things yesterday and am not leaving the apartment this weekend. I hope the phone doesn't ring anymore today so I'll have a cosy tv-evening.

    Concerning Ukan, I don't feel as I have to explain myself to him. He can sometimes be fun to play and roll around with. He's nothing more than entertainment to me. Although he's certainly clever in some way at the same time he can get tiring and uninteresting because in the end his best quality and what he's always doing is lashing out. But as said he can be fun at times ...

  19. @Erin

    Have you no opinion on today's blog? I'd be interested to know how the Christians feel about a socio's claim, that God is in favor of their exploits.

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  21. There's no G'd interference, it's just arbitrary inference as I said, people have an urge to explain things and make links that aren't there.
    The last days of one of my grandfather's life I slept in his home waking by his deathbed (all the emopaths were scared, "what will you do if something happens?", the man was already half dead, I had to hang his x in a bottle so he could pee and put the food into his mouth, so what could happen? his death wasn't gonna be some extraordinary event, just a last sigh).
    Talking about arbitrary inference, he told me that sometimes he saw a bright light on top of the church he could see from his bedroom, he told me he thought it was some kind of sign from G'd (probably because he felt he was 'going'). I smiled kindly and said nothing when he told me that. It was just some light shining on the church's lightning deflector from time to time.

  22. @David

    I find it interesting that you have a problem typing out the full three letters in the name,'God'. Is that a some sort of rebellious gesture, aimed at someone in particular?

  23. @Eden
    You don't speak out what you're not able to speak of.

  24. @Eden
    I'm sure the shitska around here will gladly give you the full explanation :-)

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  26. @David

    Is that so? Who's rule is that, yours? Or is that some kind of social etiquette you follow that I am ignorant of?

  27. @erin

    sometimes i have to wonder if raw foods and juices are really that good. most of those raw guys only take those foods, due to being completely against the ill treatment of animals..

  28. Ah... I'm a little slow on the draw today. So you're Jewish, or just wish you were?

  29. @Erin
    As you know the 'shitska' wasn't ment at you.

    No I didn't know that about raw food. I should be totaly fine in one or two days, what I did this week wasn't good at all for my liver, I guess that's why I'm still somewhat tired. I need to be fit by the end of next week because I have to appear in court. The sentence should be by the end of september, I hope I don't get to many community work :-(

  30. @Eden
    I'm Jewish when it fit's me :-)

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  32. @David

    Are you a Barbra Streisand fan?! lol
    sorry... just couldn't help myself.

  33. @Eden
    Not really a fan no :-) But I like her yes.

  34. David you won't spell out the word god, but you fuck men up the arse for money. Do you pick and choose which laws you follow from the Torah or are you being Jewish for chic. Faygala

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  36. @Ukan
    The only laws I live by are the ones that suit me at the moment.

  37. So what would be the point of following a Jewish law, at the moment of posting a comment on a Sociopath Blog, David?

    You use the whole "out of the box" thing a lot. Wouldn't subscribing to a very specific recipe for following God, such as Christianity, be one such box? What is, being a Christian?

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  41. @Eden
    Well writing G'd instead of God is hardly a 'Jewish law'. I'm an atheist, but it makes more sense to me to define G'd in a non anthropomorphic way instead of this 'almighty' father making a virgin pregnant to hang his kid on a cross. 'Snow white' makes endlessly more sense.

  42. On the article:
    This is what I was commenting on earlier with sociopaths being "lucky". I believe luck is preparation meeting opportunity. Had M.E. not made the decision to go to something that made her look more refined she wouldnt have been able to exploit that opportunity.
    I was once in this club I needed in my route. I went in blind with no contacts in management or security. I didn't even know the promoters. I walked outside and lit a cigarette and said to my friend that it would be great if I could meet the owner of this place. That very same moment this guy came into the smoking section yelling back at someone behind him. He seemed frustrated about something important. I told him he looked like he needed a smoke (I usually don't give them to anyone even if they ask). He agreed, but said he wanted to quit. I told him not to worry, around me nobody will ever quit a habit. We talked for a hour and he turned into butter. We reached a mutual agreement.

  43. Astrology must be one of the most preposterous examples of arbitrary inference.

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  46. A 'pyschic gift' is nothing more than 'cold reading' and using the info the other party gives you by listening and then telling him/her what they want to hear. It's common knowledge that some psychics don't realise that and actualy believe they have a 'special gift'.

  47. @Erin

    "I do not argue with people who do not believe in Astrology."

    Smirk :-)

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  50. @Erin

    So what you're saying basically is: When some belief system you've prescribed to, does not agree with your new subscription, you step outside of the box, and make it fit all your new beliefs?

    There are scriptures in the Bible that say Psychics and Astrology are tools of the Devil.

    You might need to start thinking outside of the Bible box too, I guess. :)

  51. I've thought about going into private counseling, maybe starting next year (I have the needed education to start as an official psychotherapist where I live). I think middle aged women would be a great clientele for me, it would surely also be an ideal way to meet 'interesting people' (read; easy marks). I would base my counseling on the rational-emotional therapy, and a lot of shit to make money (although I have to learn about the rational emotional therapy yet, but that can be done quiet fast). I think there's a good chance I'll try it (there's no investment so nothing to loose). My problem is maybe my age, I'm only 34, but with glasses and the right clothes I can look a couple of years older I guess.

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  54. So if the 'Holy Spirit' tells you, why do you read the stars? Who needs a map when you have a GPS?

  55. @Ukan

    I agree with your statement, "luck is preparation meeting opportunity." I was trying to think of a way to say just that until I came across your comment.

  56. Have I missed any "important/interesting" conversations that I should know about in my absence for the last little while?

  57. @Erin
    About RET. I know, I've read about it in the past. I have the theoretical and practical guide at home but haven't studied it yet. I guess the trick is to make it 'last long' so you can make good money out of every client.

  58. @ManiaAzer
    Yes, all my comments, you should read them religiously ;-)

  59. I could fuck a client on the coach at 1pm and listen to a client on the coach at 3pm. Ofcourse I would desinfect the coach at 2.30pm.

  60. @David

    I'll be sure to remember that :-)

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  63. @David

    Yesterday you mentioned The Good Son.
    I actually went to see it at the theatre when it came out.
    I was 18.
    It was thrilling for its time. It would probably still be thrilling for the audience of today.

    My favorite part was when he reveals his promise of: "something amazing... something you'll never forget."

  64. @Erin
    In the end I guess some RET may do you good.

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  66. @David
    have you never experienced something that you can't explain, that would qualify as paranormal?

    i don't worship the paranormal or see the experiences that i've had that i can't explain as something that makes me special. but i take note and file them away. they're pieces that don't fit yet, and you never know when you can make use of them down the road. they just may be gifts from god.

    each time you dismiss an experience to bolster a belief system, you close your mind further to reality, to what the senses perceive. even if it's something that you can't explain, that seems too far out to be real, it's still your experience. dismissing it is like throwing out a piece of a puzzle before the picture is complete and before you have all the pieces, because you just can't see how it can possibly fit.

    it's arrogance of the mind that makes us think that we know everything when what we know is just the map.

    but i suppose the habit of dismissing experiences that don't fit in with the reality you believe in can be pretty useful if you want to justify staying in a relationship with a predator.

    to the sociopaths here: do you dismiss experiences that you can't explain, or file them away for future reference? where do you draw the line?

    (my word verification is "dying" - ooh scary)

  67. WowWwwwwwwwwwwwwwWwWWwwww
    kesus gone

  68. deleted his posts?

  69. @Zoe
    Trying to explain something you don't understand with a 'supernatural' explanation is reasoning the other way around.

    Creationists (or intelligent design as they call it these days) will for example say; the darwinist theory doesn't explain everything (that is true, but it explains more than any other theory and brings together a lot of scientific disciplines), so, it must not be correct or the parts that cannot be explained by that theory must be the cause of God.

    If you don't understand something you don't explain it by something endlessly more complex and unlikely, pink elephants coming from Mars, an omnipotent guy with a grey beard, or some unknown star energy that affects our life.

    It's not because we don't understand some things yet you have to fill it up with some exceptional extremely unlikely theory. Even being an arrogant prick that has nothing to do with arrogance, but with essential rational reasoning.

  70. I don't know did he.

  71. No, Zoe has some great points that expand on what I said earlier. We can't explain them, that doesn't mean it should be defined or thrown away.

    I've talked to more than enough people who have had nothing extraordinary happen to them to make them question their beliefs, religious or otherwise. But those who I have talked to, the ones whose beliefs were directly challenged by what they came to previously accept, those people often seem like in a state of denial. Like they'll keep their old label, but in reality, they fell very differently about the subject.

    I entertain the notion that it could be many different things, but like you said Zoe, I file them away. I don't make it more, or less than it was. Nor do I pretend that I know all the variables and possible outcomes.

  72. @Erin

    I don't read stars to navigate my way through this life. If you can't see yourself clearly by the age of nearly 37, you haven't been paying attention, and stars are not going to help you with that.

    All my answers to where I'm going, come from within. I listen intently, and watch with careful eyes. These momentary distractions never blind me to my surroundings.
    My purpose in life does not elude me, and the unknown does not stir in me the need to ask it questions.

    But for people who are blind enough to need a guide dog... I'm glad there are people like you. With nothing better to do; I get high watching people stumbling through their existence, hoping it means something more than it does.

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  74. @David
    i agree with you. but it's tempting to fit the experience into some belief system slot. do i say it's supernatural, a "brain fart", or accept it without judging it? that last is hardest.

    i've experienced what i could call a near death experience while i was asleep. people can die in their sleep. so was i dead? or did i just dream it? i could pretend it never happened, but that's a slippery slope.

    the concept of the supernatural makes no sense to me. there is only one reality. but i don't believe we can grasp all of it. it doesn't exist in the absolute sense.

  75. @ManiaAzer
    Im assuming that your mania... would you mind if I asked you a question? (other then this one of course)

  76. Good Eden
    I guess we both are happy so that worked out well :)

  77. Sophie,

    Are you another Diana? I can't imagine why so many women come here suddenly needing to know Mania, who doesn't talks here very often.

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  79. Well all the supernatural bs can be of help with a lot of desperate people, I don't doubt that. I have no problem with people believing that their cellulite is influenced by the gravity of Jupiter. I find it and it is bs.

    I quit extensive discussions with people who 'believe' many years ago. Throwing rational arguments at believers is useless, it's a contradiciton.

    A last example. Homeopathy (and I know classic medicine is big business too, yes), I'm sure some of you believe in it and use it (sure Erin will be one :-) No matter how much you give evidence that homeopathy is like pooring your medicine into the ocean and drinking that ocean, people keep believing. They were snotty or something else and think the homeopathy cured them. Not realising that most diseases go away naturaly without any medicine, sudden rare healing appear, ... If homeopathy would work for example I wouldn't be writing this down right now. I've been part of 'suicide with homeopathic 'medicins'' in our faculty more than once, well we all survived. But it's useless, the press attention you get goes to the people who know it already.

    'Believing is believing', nothing more. Rational discussion with believers is a total waste of time. I would say get that money out of their pockets if it makes them feel good.

  80. @Eden

    Erin said that mania was differnt then most of the socios here... I just figured that I would get another opinion.

  81. @Erin

    Bullshit. Sophie has never even seen his comments before today, unless she has already been here under another name. So why would she be so interested in someone who was only brought up by you?

  82. @Sophie

    And what makes you think Erin is qualified to make that judgement?

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  84. @Erin
    don't let the others get you down. your approach may not be like theirs but you're searching. most people stop when they're at 25 or so and never again think about who or why they are. the point isn't to figure yourself out but to keep trying. that's being alive. to completely figure yourself out is like being dead. that's a narcissist.

    you've been accused of being one but i would say you're not one. you're preoccupied, venting, and maybe for the first discovering your narcissism. been there. months of venting where my emotions possessed me. lol, it sucked.

    some narcissism is healthy. that may be the secret slice of the sociopath that you're after. :)

  85. On the contrary Erin. Mania only stick out to You, because he is more subtle and withholds information about himself.

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  87. @Eden
    I dont know, I didnt think that it would hurt to ask.

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  89. @Zoe

    I'm glad you have Erin to identify so well with. I'm sure you will go on to be great friends. Soul mates are so hard to find. :)

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  91. @Erin
    Oh well ok then :)

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  93. @Sophie

    And did it occur to you that asking Mania himself may not even produce a truth? This is a site for sociopaths. Erin may put them in a box until one of them Seems sweet to her, but her bias is just that.

  94. @Rip
    Have you ever felt somthing more then possessive love for someone?

  95. Um, there's this guy thats calling me, DINNERS READY, I should answer that one sec

  96. Um he said that it can wait where were we

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  98. @Eden
    Yes that has occerd to me but it cant hurt to try right?

  99. @Erin

    Just because I don't agree with what you say, or have ideas of my own, does not mean that I don't think you have value.
    That was my point to Zoe through sarcasm.

    Just because I say all my answers come from within, does not mean I think you should believe the same as me.

    I think it is strange the way Zoe seems to think she has to defend you over something that was merely a discussion on differences of opinion, as if you're so fragile you can't handle me having a different view of life.

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  101. Is it still abuse if one of thems a baby and ones a lion

  102. @Eden
    lol. you are not so different from Erin. she's a target because she throws out things that most of us hide. she reminds us of our own weaknesses.

    confession: i reacted exactly the way others did when tnp first sniped at Erin. i just didn't post it. i don't often post my initial reactions. sometimes they are knee-jerk and bullshit. when i feel a strong reaction i want to know where it's coming from. am i being manipulated? or manipulating myself? do i hate it only because it reminds me of me, of something i hate about myself?

    i think everyone who posts here is amazing for trying. that's rare. i look at the bus people and it's hard to imagine most of them ever reflecting on their busy little lives.

  103. @Rip
    i love YOU Rip

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    Where fat people wear diapers for your pleasure

  106. @Erin

    How does having a sense of humor, or difference in opinion make me a bitch?

    That's the funny thing about you Erin... only the men are allowed to challenge what you say.

    I assure you, I am nothing like Erin.
    If you knew my mind as well as you know Erin's, you'd understand why I say that. But I don't need people to know me so well. Especially in a public forum.

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  109. And having a difference in opinion does not mean you're calling people out on a weakness.
    I don't even see why we went from talking about God, psychics, and reading stars, to assuming that I consider that weak.

  110. No ones talking it must be the truth

    (I'll started adding subtitles so people know what I'm talking about)

  111. @Eden
    not strange as much as revealing. my seeing her side doesn't mean i disagree with everything you say or agree with everything she says

    i have a question though. why is my defending Erin strange but attacking her would not be?

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  113. Rufio es mi amigo

    (I wish I had a friend named Rufio)

  114. @Eden
    i was never allowed stupidity when i was growing up. now i feel entitled to it. everyone should be allowed to entertain "stupid" thoughts and i feel the need to defend their right. :)

  115. @Zoe

    I don't see Erin being attacked today. I see people simply speaking what they believe. Erin sees herself being attacked by me... that is only one of the many differences between her and I.

    She has a very rigid way of thinking outside of the box.

    Tell me what I did Zoe, that qualifies an attack?

    Asked her questions?

    Said what I believe for myself?

    Joked about how people who go to psychics amuse me?

    Where is the attack? You assume so much, and it all goes in the same circles. I don't see the room for your confusion. I'm allowed to be curious, the same as anyone else.

  116. Hey Rufio, B-OY,-ROS

    (let's be friends Rufio)

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  118. @Erin

    What makes you think I haven't faced myself? Because I don't spew stories about my life all over the internet?

    What I have to say about myself, I save for the manuscript. Just because I don't reveal to you all my purposes, or intentions, does not mean I'm afraid of who I am. You and I are not close. I think it's interesting how desperately people need to believe that everyone is the same as everyone else.

    If you're curious to know who I am, all you need do, is ask. Somehow I "assume", you really aren't that interested, as long as I don't disagree with you about your beliefs. :)

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  120. @Erin

    I don't despise you.

    How could I?

    You've done nothing to me.

  121. Eden, i should clarify, i didn't mean specifically you and i didn't mean just today. i thought that was obvious but maybe not. you just happened to be there. it could easily have been Medusa, UKan or Lycan.

    i just see people in general post go-away-Erin type posts when they have nothing much else to say. they attack her opinion to the point where i question theirs.

    so while i don't agree with everything she posts, i know she's posting her opinions. what i mean is i can't tell if you really disagree with going to psychics or just take that position because Erin believes in it. see?

    anyway, i'm having a wicked migraine today, so may not be explaining myself so well. good for playing online, but not so much for getting errands done. :(

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  123. Why don't you girls have a picnick in Battery Park in Manhattan, all will be solved ...

  124. David did you hear about my dream

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  126. @Erin

    Um... I just did?
    I said I have no reason to despise you. Was that not the answer you were hoping for?

  127. @Erin

    lol okay, I'm going to humor you. What is this mask I'm wearing hiding?

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  130. Oh my god Zufio get out of here I hate you.

  131. @Erin

    I answered your question already.
    And I do see my masks. I polish them every day, before I put them on. I think it's funny that you think I somehow applied that I don't wear a mask.
    Masks are to keep others from not seeing my true self. It does have anything to do with not seeing self. I want you to tell me what's under them though. Do you know... really?

  132. i am staying, get used to it

  133. that's *doesn't have anything to do with*

  134. I knew there was something about Rufio showing up as soon as I mentioned him
    I will hunt you Zufio

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  136. @Erin

    Whatever. You're just looking for a fight like always.
    But just for discussions sake, I will say that masks are very useful. To people who need to blend in, so they can get what they want.

    Weather you want to think outside or inside the box, there is a large world out there who would see my true self as a threat, and I would not have what I have, without masks.

  137. that's *Whether*...
    Damn, I need to sleep.

    What up Rip!

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. Shhhh help me hunt Zufio he's hiding

  140. @eden
    Erin wouldn't help so I asked you

  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. @Erin


    You have no interest in knowing me. True dat! I must be your Medusa for the moment. I'd love to see the comments where I show this "all that" attitude, you're talking about.
    And the masks I wear are nothing to do with being tough. In my life outside of this forum, I must make people feel like I am soft, and deeply caring. They trust me. If you see tough... then you are seeing part of the real me.

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  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. You want me to list off what I despise about you... like I did when we first met?
    That game is over Erin. You may say things I don't agree with, but you affect me no deeper than that.

    You'd have to be very important to me indeed, for me be affected by you in anyway other than the decisions in this forum.

    Your disbelief in that is not new to me though. I've pulled the mask off with a few people in the last two years, and they refused to believe I could be what I showed them.

    People may belief men can be as I am... but they can never really believe a woman can, till she commits a serious crime. Even then... they want it to be a crime about passion, or men.

  146. Zufios last comment was that he wouldn't leave.

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  149. my brother Zufio will be back. you just wait

  150. This comment has been removed by the author.

  151. Now then...

    I must ready myself for the evening. I have to take my younger brother and my daughters to see Harry Potter.

    Time to switch gears a bit.

    See yous guys later!


  153. @Eden

    you wrote; "People may belief men can be as I am... but they can never really believe a woman can ..."

    I think there's some truth in there. Use it to your advantage.

  154. Zip
    Holy shit you just blew my mind I'm gonna go lie down

  155. This comment has been removed by the author.

  156. this video on obama is great.

  157. we'll be right here Rip

  158. vaknin and obama both have similar body language.

  159. @Erin

    Just kidding of course. ;)

    This has been bugging me for a while: is the dog in the picture your dog? And if so: why is it wearing sunglasses?

    Or are you that dog?

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  161. I don't know what I would do without triangles. I can't even begin to imagine it!

    I really enjoy your articles when you describe things you've experienced.


    Funny how it is just never quite obvious enough to be stated as fact. Maybe we do influence events in ways we aren't consciously aware of?
    It could explain why some of us always are lucky when others seem to run into bad luck in everything they do. I think unlucky people sometimes unconsciously assist in making their bad luck continuous.

    It's common knowledge that people often unconsciously believe themselves that they somehow deserve to be unlucky and that god makes sure they remain so.

  162. @Erin

    And I'm sorry I called you a paedophile (wich isn't even the correct term; it's ephebophile. Paedophile only applies when the subject is younger than 13). I am rather flattered that you thought I was older. :)

    To be honest, it is nearly my birthday. And I did start college two years early, so I may be a little bit more mature than your average 16 year old (but a lot more arrogant, obviously).

    Okay, next question: if you're really a psychic, have you tried the James Randi challenge?

  163. Maybe we do influence events in ways we aren't consciously aware of?
    It could explain why some of us always are lucky when others seem to run into bad luck in everything they do. I think unlucky people sometimes unconsciously assist in making their bad luck continuous.

    This is pretty much what the Secret (Law of Attraction) is about. The bullshit part was it being marketed as some literal ancient "secret" as if no one has ever thought of it/noticed it before, and simplified it to the point that anyone with a logical brain cannot take it seriously.

    But yes, attitude effects outcome.

  164. @Zhawq

    Talking about luck. I realized in second grade that the numbers three, five and seven sound a lot more random than, say, five, six or eight. And every time my teacher gave away candy or something similair, she would think of a number below ten, and we would have to guess it. Guess who was seen as the luckiest bastard in my class. :)

  165. This comment has been removed by the author.

  166. Five sounds more random than five... Fail... I meant four.

  167. @Erin

    If you can prove in a scientifically controlled enviroment that you have paranormal/psychic powers, you will be awarded one million dollars (not to mention the fame afterwards).

  168. Anon 6:40,

    "The thing with psychopaths is, at first site they are the most mentally sound people you could come across. After knowing them for a while, they are the most mentally ILL people you could meet.."

    Have you ever met a paranoid schizophrenic person during a manic period?

    You sound like someone who's biased because you've had a bad experience.

    Eden and Erin, you guys need a third participant in your drama. But keep it up, you'll no doubt get there eventually.

    Any takers?

  169. @Wheatley
    Psychics don't need to 'prove' their powers. You have to believe in it first, otherwise you can't understand what it's all about ;-)

    I'm surprised Erin doesn't know the James Randi challenge.

  170. Have you ever met a paranoid schizophrenic person during a manic period?


  171. a million isn't enough. you'd have to go in hiding, afterward

  172. @Zoe

    Now I'm kinda curious. What's that like?

  173. what's what like?

  174. The manic paranoid schizophrenic, that is.


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