
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New sociopath (part 1)

From a reader:
Hi, I'm beginning to question whether or not I'm a sociopath. I've been called observant and perceptive and adaptive and bright all my life and up until now, I've just been puzzled by this. I remember having a friend who I would convince that he didn't need to see my parts but would get him to let me touch his all the time, even though he didn't want to. He followed me around all the time. I remember that my grandmother, who everyone said doted on me a lot, died but when she did I didn't ask any questions I just assumed she was gone somewhere yet I didn't care. I stole almost two hundred dollars from my aunt and never felt guilty when I was caught. I also stole at least twenty dollars from my elementary school every week so I could eat. Anyway, this stuff isn't really important.

I just need help, a mentor if you will, in controlling myself better. I can't control my anger or annoyance very well and I can't get myself interested in "normal" things that other teenage girls do, like posting pictures together and all that stuff. I can't control my initial reactions of being confused or annoyed when people want to be affectionate with me or say they love me. Until recently, I've been very distrustful of people because I thought they all thought the same way I do, using every single word or action to try and get something from me but I'm starting to get over this. I had to stop smoking pot because I would get so sucked up into my head plotting that people would get weirded out and I wouldn't be doing "normal" things. Which is something else that angers me uncontrollably is when someone points out something I do and says how weird it is, I get very defensive and angry and end up looking suspicious. Anyway, another thing I have a problem with is attention. I literally can't control myself, especially when drunk or on MDMA, from seeking attention or approval. I constantly message people on facebook, sometimes who consider me a friend, sometimes those who consider me a distant friend, sometimes people I want to sleep with...I can't help it and I get so angry when they don't answer or stop answering or I just weird them out. Is there anything you can do to help me with control? Is it because I'm young? I'm not in the mood to lose the people I just got to be my friends and start all over again, I'm in college and in a sorority so I have several roles to play.

Anything you can do to help would be great. And also if you think I'm a sociopath? It doesn't bother me in no way to think I am, instead it makes me feel excited. It actually pulled me out of months and years of wondering if there was something wrong with me as a result of most of the people in my family resenting/hating me.


  1. Wow......

    Hun, the only thing wrong with you is your pathetic, clingy, obsessive personality. People don't hate you because you are a "sociopath", they "hate" you because you are a nuisance, a drama queen. Instead of looking for labels to blame your lack of character on try gaining some self esteem and charm. All I got from this travesty of a post was a person who will in the near future be the main attraction at a suicide crime scene.

    Stop worrying about labels, having one will not suddenly transform you from a loser to a winner. Figure out your negative traits, what causes them, and learn to discipline your actions on your own. You ain't a baby, no one should have to hold your hand.

    Fuck facebook


  2. I can't control my anger or annoyance very well and I can't get myself interested in "normal" things that other teenage girls do, like posting pictures together and all that stuff

    Do whatever you feel like. Who the fuck wants to paste all their business all over the net with facebook. People keep telling me to get a facebook, but I've done fine without it. If you don't have my number I don't want to talk to you. I don't want some knob sending me email out of no where.

    I can't control my initial reactions of being confused or annoyed when people want to be affectionate with me or say they love me.

    It is annoying, especially at that age. There's all these suckers and pathetic losers trying to latch onto your energy. I liked to play tricks on them and humiliate them in front of a good crowd.

    Until recently, I've been very distrustful of people because I thought they all thought the same way I do, using every single word or action to try and get something from me but I'm starting to get over this.

    Keep it up. Don't trust anyone. People are either so foolish they will make mistakes or they are smart enough to turn on you when there's something to gain. When you're building something with your friends make sure you are in the most advantageous position to keep them under control or eliminate them when you become more successful.

  3. Also, your last paragraph betrays beyond a doubt how much you really want to be a sociopath so you don't have to take responsibility for yourself.

    Without the label you see yourself as pathetic. With the label that same patheticness seems really cool to you. Now you are special just by adding the word "sociopath".

    How retroactively convenient.

    Kinda like gothy kids really believing they are vampires. It's a make-believe that pretends to turn flaws into strengths, but it's all narcissistic, defensive, non-self-aware fakery.

  4. The Facebook scourge. What an unfortunate time in which we live.

  5. It actually pulled me out of months and years of wondering if there was something wrong with me as a result of most of the people in my family resenting/hating me.

    Maybe there is something wrong with your family.
    Take a good look at them.


  6. Which is something else that angers me uncontrollably is when someone points out something I do and says how weird it is, I get very defensive and angry and end up looking suspicious

    When the world revolves around you what does the insignificant thoughts of people lesser than you mean at all? If people question anything you say or do turn it around and put them on the defensive. Answer their question with questions to take control of the conversation and then start sounding angry as you keep peppering them with questions. Make them stress out so that next time they think twice about asking you questions. For me it's natural. I'm offended when people question me. Who are they? Pathetic cockroaches.

    I literally can't control myself, especially when drunk or on MDMA, from seeking attention or approval.

    Don't take exctacy. It makes you tell the truth. So does drinking, but hey you are young. Put exctacy in your friends drinks if you want to find out something (remain sober of course).

    I constantly message people on facebook, sometimes who consider me a friend, sometimes those who consider me a distant friend, sometimes people I want to sleep with...I can't help it and I get so angry when they don't answer or stop answering or I just weird them out. Is there anything you can do to help me with control?

    The more you try to desperately control people, the more they will try to run away from you. You need to focus on yourself since you are young. When you know how to wield power people come flocking to you to be used. Luck is preparation meeting opportunity. You need to get prepared so that opportunities aren't passing you by without you seeing them.

    I'm not in the mood to lose the people I just got to be my friends and start all over again, I'm in college and in a sorority so I have several roles to play

    If you are a sociopath you will probably start over quite a few times. It doesn't matter. Everything is temporary and you just ride it hard till the end of it. Everything should be taken to the extremities. One day you're here the next day you are gone so just live for the moment. Con, lie, steal, fuck, destroy, manipulate, and have a great time. You are young and have plenty of time to fuck your life up.

  7. You know, we have to water the garden. If you kill every plant we won't have anymore to torment.

  8. Facebook = chocolate covered vomit chunks.

  9. I would have said something worthwhile, but UKan's some kind of conversationalist all of a sudden and he's made all the good points.

  10. I see the wolves are all out in unison. The weak have scatterd.

  11. I have to justify my existance. We got so rowdy last time that we scared everyone away.

  12. Naw, it was that we gathered around Erin and then she calmed down and got all God so there was nothing to do.

  13. I meant months ago

  14. And little of value was lost. Take the bad with the good. It's the first entertaining story all week (except for that laughter coma I went into after the reality show thing). I'm almost excited for part two.

  15. Yah what was up with the reality show? Voluntary exposure? I can't believe people do it.

  16. I can. Whatever they assume will make them "famous".
    Damn....there is gonna be a part two, huh :(

  17. Only people with empathy/remorse/guilt would be willing to do that, or someone so narcissistic that the benefit of exposure and attention outweighs the consequences of being an idiot.

    So why bother with sociopaths?

  18. Maybe it's like To Catch a Predator but for secret prostitutes and contract killers instead of pedophiles.

    I'm definitely gonna look for it when it starts airing. Gotta wonder about the sort of people who took up the offer. And what were they expecting from a sociopath blog?

  19. There's no dollar amount you could pay me to voluntarily ruin my entire life. I can't think of a sociopath signing up for that rubbish. Could you imagine? What would you do after? What a disaster it would be. Whatever job they got you would be temporary at best. The longest I kept a job was two years.


    "Oh, hey, friends, family, population of North America. I'm a secret sociopath, and I'm now the public face of everything you hate and envy about people who aren't you. I'm legitimately trying to get better with the help of this show. You can tell because if not for the show my entire existence would be wrecked, so I must be legit.

    I promise, America. I'm not the bad guy. Tilde.

  21. All reality shows consist of the same types of people, attention whore morons with no self respect or tact or even talent who were sick of whoring themselves out for a measly buck, so they take the next step, MTV! It's trendy, it's hip! They'll be sure to be seen then!

    Sadly though, if so many didn't capitalize on the utter stupidity most people seem to exhibit, these shows wouldn't exist. Folk are watching them, so they'll keep making them.

    I can't front though, I love watching the baby daddy drama on Maury. Not so much reality, but it does demonstrate utter stupidity.

  22. Oh so that's why David ran away so fast and erased his entire existence here.

    To Catch A Pretentious Prostitute

  23. Ouch! You have to wonder, Tyler, how long was I saving that.

  24. Why am I not shocked, yet another gay new yorker art student prostitute. Somehow using the word "art" makes the act of whoring more sophisticated.

  25. This is a poor soul. The only thing remotely sociopathic is the stealing with no remorse, and the lack of caring for the invasive behavior.

    I am curious to see how this young person deals with sorority life.

    She is wearing her neediness on her sleeve. I would wonder whether her clingy behavior would lead to bullying. Clingy is very unattractive and transparent.

    I can certainly understand the need to focus on things outside the self in order to feel fulfilled, but with people? not good.. -That is what sororities and fraternities are about. They take advantage of people who need belonging. she is desperate to belong to people who have a sort of contract set so they won't leave her. It's sad codependency. It works but it's fake. Her self may become underdeveloped.

    But Ukan is right. She is YOUNG. you guys are fucking harsh, man!

    If she gets pissed when social interactions don't go her way, and shifts into using people because she's angry, couldn't she become a self made pseudo and needy sociopath? Or is that more like a narcissist?

    I feel bad for her youth. She DOES need a mentor or a good therapist.

  26. I've only found one way to control the impulses, dont leave your house.
    Just dont act on anything, you dont need to, you dont have to. Its easy to say.

    Anyway i've concluded you are not paranoid regarding social networks, and taking pictures, i dont even want to think want to think about why all psychopaths are frighten of having their faces all over the internet, and all kinds of info that could expose you.

    You seek attention, why? Either there is a very fucking complex reason for that or you are not a psychopath.

    Who likes vodka? Cheers up my soulless people.
    What do you all think about creating a group to take over the world? I mean this is the best place to start, imagine what 10 fellas couldnt do. I actually have a plan on how to destroy the whole world, its something that can only happen once in a life time. HAHA i really it would work

  27. ME should start e-mailing these people when she posts their shit. It would be alot funnier if the authors of posts like these were around on the comment section.

    Looks like Dave pulled a GRK.

  28. I cant stop but noticing most psychopaths are american, oh you and your tv some people have no conscious others have no brain i guess no one is perfect, except me.

  29. where r u frm 428?

  30. 419 has a secret death wish?

  31. "where r u frm 428?"
    Im from wonderland, my name is Alice.

    "419 has a secret death wish?"
    Why would you say that?

  32. she doesn't seem extreme enough to be a sociopath. sociopaths are much more pathological.

  33. I notice the blog is in English and that the English speaking countries put fewer restrictions on civil liberties.

    You may be low on empathy but the emotions described anger and annoyance, can easily cover quite a bit and further contribute to your detachment. You seem low on esteem and high on anxiety, not very sociopathic. Also you believe you're different and have a fear of being known which has much to do with your discomfort in relationships and with behavior you see as being out of control. Eschew the label and look for what you do like and enjoy. And see a therapist.

    Facebook is useful for maintaining relationships with limited investment (choc covered vomit--lol). Fraternities and sororities confer social power but when you join a herd, you have to expect you're going to be performing a number of herd like behaviors. Both can have a high return.

  34. "I notice the blog is in English"


  35. I can't believe David is still trying to rally the troops. Wonder who he thinks is going to lead?

    Or perhaps he's part of that government social media play to foment threats and apprehend agitators.

  36. I'm not denying how you feel, but honestly it sounds like you could possible have Borderline Personality Disorder. Just my personal opinion, but I'm not a psychologist. It may be something to consider. I know trust is a big issue cuz I have the same problem, but maybe you should ask a therapist or a psychologist or what have you.

  37. Come on not everyone needs a personal disorder to be fucked up really check anyone?

  38. There is no David here.

  39. Nobody seems interested, im gonna say it anyway.
    The Gulf Stream. I have a plant to stop it, anyone interested now? Guess not you apathetic fags

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  41. I meant black and white thinking

    Good Freudian slip as they all are

  42. Yeah not everyone has or "needs" a personality disorder but some people actually do. And if that is the case whats wrong with getting treatment to make things better?


  44. Erin your mother seems more like a person who puts moral values above everything else.
    But doesnt see her own nature, i dont know what to call it, or the name of it, maybe conservative?
    I know it doesnt make much sense but most child molester are have this twisted morals.
    I dont fully understand it anyway ever though about going all psycho and deal with it? Because you need to deal with it so deal with it.
    Coming to a blog sharing pieces and bits of whatever you want is not dealing with it, no matter what you tell yourself.
    When will you give me your email adorable Erin?

  45. The only treatment to change who you are is death.
    Or a fantastic memory easer i wonder when somebody will invent something like that

  46. Im sorry Erin i shouldnt have wrote that, you seem like a good person, im sorry... I guess you know im not, but you get the point...

  47. It is possible to change yourself, if you really want to.

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  50. Well sort of, a child molester has this ongoing sex drive directed toward children i dont know why maybe mental problems or a PD like you said but i think its unlikely, i guess that the most important personality trait is opportunism, they are opportunists and dont plan ahead they just do whatever their desires tells them, innocence is usually a big turn on.

    But hey Erin, this isnt about your mother, this is about you, what is it that you want?

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  53. @Nikita, Im a different person to everyone i know, i change almost everything if not everything at all, my personality is unexistent.

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  55. If it is power that you want, then you only need to give it to yourself, allow yourself to feel and to think, do not judge yourself or others, simply be superior.
    Dont see yourself as a victim, you're a survivor you allowed yourself to get to where you stand now, go one step further. whatever that means to you

  56. why does sociapaths so obses bout no identity and bpd it is relly sooo very borning

  57. @Anon 7:02
    TOTALLY <3

  58. I dont think there is a feeling for that well sometimes it is frustrating

  59. Why does sociospatics eat jeely and squeeze the monkees head? To wat end?

  60. You guys are so mean, I think I'll go cry now. Anyway, this is my article.

    Thanks to UKan for the helpful comments. Thanks to Piles and Medusa for projecting their own insecurities onto me. I'm not pathetic nor have I ever seen myself as such. But thanks for playing.

  61. all sociopaths are suffering on the inside.

    they see themselves as lower than others and are terrified of people seeing them for what they truly are.

    who agree's?

  62. @Anon
    Why do you say this? Are you kidding or serious?


  63. all sociopaths are suffering on the inside.

    they see themselves as lower than others and are terrified of people seeing them for what they truly are.

    who agree's?

    That's not a sociopath. That's a narcissist.

  64. I agree... sociopaths need treatment, they will never admit it because they lie to themselves... they are among the most unhappy people in the world

  65. I'm not suffering. I don't care about being outed or alienating people, all of that can be remedied. I don't live in fear, I'm not miserable or depressed, I'm not hollow on the inside, I didn't feel "different" when I was growing up I felt just fine. I don't give a shit about most of the things that the average person worries about. I'm happy with my life but I still live as though I've got nothing to lose. Sociopaths rarely seek treatment because they don't need it. Other people say there's something wrong with us because they're the one's getting pissed on. It's like if a mouse were to complain to all the other mice that they're friend just got devoured by the hawk. Of course the prey are going to hate the predators, it's just that weak people whine more than animals instead of just keeping their heads down and trying to stay out of our way.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. @erin

    cause it's obvious.

    why else would they be so hostile?

    why else would they claim to be better than others? it's cause they are jealous and resentful of stable people.

    @ukan & mis

    i don't believe you.

    if everyone is saying that you have issues, why can't all you people just except that?

    you are in denial.

  68. "if everyone is saying that you have issues, why can't all you people just except that?"

    For fuck sake I just explained that to you.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. You could be a socio(you meetenough of the traits), but the concern over getting attention and seeking approval seems more like Narcisistic Personality Disorder or Borderline Personality Disorder.
    Maybe I'm falling into the trap of labeling females as bpd rather than antisocial, but I'm thinking BPD. To be diagnosed, you need to have 5 of the following nine traits.
    You have:
    1. transient, stress-related paranoid ideation
    "I've been very distrustful of people because I thought they all thought the same way I do"

    2. difficulty controlling anger
    "angers me uncontrollably"

    4. at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging
    (stealing, drugs)

    6. Identity disturbance
    (your on a website asking if people think your a sociopath)

    8. frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment
    "constantly message people on facebook, sometimes who consider me a friend, sometimes those who consider me a distant friend, sometimes people I want to sleep with...I can't help it and I get so angry when they don't answer or stop answering"

    You might have:
    3. affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood
    (It is hard to tell from a short post, but I can kinda infer this one.)

    You did not mention these :
    5. Suicidal whatever

    7. a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation.

    9. chronic feelings of emptiness

    You could be a socio as well because you seem to meet 4 of the traits:
    1. failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest
    2. irritability and aggressiveness
    3. lack of remorse
    (no guilt when stealing)
    4. reckless disregard for safety of self

    I wouldn't claim to be an expert, and a short descriptive post isn't exactly ideal for a diagnosis, but I still think BPD.

  71. @Robert
    To whom are you speaking ?

  72. "why else would they be so hostile?

    why else would they claim to be better than others?"

    I look down on most people because they're the mice and It's my job to bleed them dry. In the real world I see people similar to me as competition and that's why I hate those types. If I let them anywhere near me it's only to destroy whatever power and influence they've got and to keep them from fighting back for a while. Otherwise I keep them away from me. I don't partner up with these people because I don't share power, I surround myself with less ambitious people who are happy take whatever I give them. But whatever I give is nothing compared to what I take in the end.

  73. @Robert
    Identity disturbance LOL

  74. The author of this post is an angsty teen girl and this sociopath phase will blow over in a few months time. it's the same as her asking "Do I look fat in this". Not everyone can be diagnosed with something. Why does everyone come here to play psychologist?

  75. Re: help manageing your condition

    Seeking approval/attention: Don't stress. Just remember, there are 6.8 BILLION people on the planet. Anyone, including you, is expendable. Anyone you lose can be replaced by someone better.

    Drug use: Don't do drugs! Nothing causes a mask to slip like a half dozen shots of tequilla. (voice of experience talking)

    Impulsiveness: This one is a bitch. I still struggle with this one, but what I do is a risk/reward thing. If the maximum gain is worth the maximum punishment, I go for it. If the maximum gain isn't worth the max punishment, I don't.

    Paranoia: Keep it. Individuals might like a sociopath, but people don't. If they find out what you are, a lot of doors will close.

    Any other problems?

  76. 'The author of this post is an angsty teen girl and this sociopath phase will blow over in a few months time.'

    true dat

  77. Anonymous you are just bitter. Actually nobody agrees. Not even Robert Hare.
    Excerpt from a email written to a reader:

    "In the first place, no one understands what sociopathy really is. The term "sociopath" is a description, not an etiology. In other words, "sociopath" is simply a name for a someone who evinces certain traits such as callousness to the feelings of others, or the ability to manipulate another human being as a pawn without guilt or regret. But naming explains nothing about the causes of sociopathy. Is sociopathy a disease or "condition" as the "pathy" in its name implies? Is, for example, sociopathy a kind of high octane narcissism which insulates and isolates the sociopath from feelings and emotions, leaving only the ego and the gratification of its desires as the sole active principle in motivating actions? If so, we might understand sociopathy as one step along a spectrum of alienation from ones fellow sentient beings: a level of dis-function more alienated than narcissistic personality disorder, but less alienated than, say, schizophrenia. But since one in every twenty-five people is a sociopath (to use Stout's figure), perhaps "sociopathy" is better understood not as a disease at all, but as a normal human personality variant which, having served its possessors well in the struggle to survive and multiply, has perdured over the countless eons of human evolution and consequently persists as part of the psychological portrait of present day humanity. And make no mistake about it: society may label sociopathic behavior as ""cold" or "criminal," but in many social roles, for many purposes, the sociopath is useful. Society knows this, and makes good use of the sociopath..."

    Robert Hare
    Full Letter:

    Most experts today are studying the theory that sociopathy is not a disorder, but a evolutionary adaptation as it does not damper the prospect of success in life. It increases it in the most primal way i.e. reproduction. Sociopaths do not suffer which is why they don't seek therapy. Further therapy makes sociopaths "worse" since they learn more about themselves and are able to manipulate easier. So anon, you don't have to believe me. Believe the experts

  78. @ukan

    these so called experts are wrong.

    end of story.

  79. Ukan = Stupid faggot
    That's not even dr hare's site... dumbass

  80. Dr Robert SALTZMAN is his name... dumbass

  81. @Robert
    I don't mean to be self absorbed but have you been talking to me at all here.If so,please address me so I know.
    I appreciate your opinions and would like to know if they are addressed to me or not and if so which ones.
    Thank you

  82. Experts = wrong
    Anon with no credentials = Right

    Sounds like you could work for Rupert Murdoch as a anchor.

  83. It does matter... I have never even heard of Robert Saltzman.
    Admit it... for once.


  84. ...Which leading experts agree with you, Ukan???
    does Rob hare?... all you have managed to show me is some guys blog.
    Every one else agrees that S's are pathologically screwed up and disordered... how do you like them apples?!

  85. I just gave you links idiot besides that doctors site. You are the one who is wrong. You said "everyone" agrees we have "issues". Obviously not everyone. Obviously not even the psychologists. Obviously not the leading psychologists. You don't have the foggiest notion what sociopaths are feeling because you are ignorant on the topic, bare resentment against them, and are not one to begin with. The only people who think sociopaths suffer are peopke who get duped by them. Its a pathetic hope that karma makes them miserable.

  86. Blah blah blah blah blah blah STFU.
    I am right, you are wrong + you are a FAGGOT SHIT LICKING NIGGER.
    What you got to say about that darlink??? (:

  87. Misanthrope sounds paranoid and suspicious, both of which are born of fear. You can’t be constantly on guard and happy. Not without cognitive dissonance and denial.

    If sociopaths, the real sociopath and not the wannabe’s here, don’t suffer it’s because they are cognitively disabled. It would be like a blind person crowing to sighted people about how wonderful their endless darkness is.

  88. I would like to say that you've proven yourself a fool, and me intelligent. You accomplished the opposite of what you sought. Perhaps you should see a therapist for your suffering.

  89. Truth Teller:
    Blind people don't control and manipulate people that have sight. Your comparison is ridiculous.
    If you fool and manipulate people all day its not called paranoia. Its called being aware.

  90. omg, what is this? 'paths are paranoid, aggressive malevolent people. i couldn't tell if they're happy or not, but i can tell you this:

    sociopath does not = really cool guy who believes in himself.

    why do you folks glamourize sociopathy? i can understand the 'paths doing it, but why do you 'normal' folks join in?

  91. No Ukan, my comparison is fitting. Sociopaths manipulate people because they don’t know how to relate in any other way. They do this because they are without the cognitive and emotional capacity to relate in any other way. It’s like being stuck in one small, tiny groove and calling that little groove the whole world. That’s what you all do here, elevate your diminished emotional capacity to unreal heights because deep down you know how shallow and small you actually are on the inside. You call your moral insanity sane. That’s what all insane people do because to do otherwise is to admit that they have a problem. And as everyone who has studied this area knows, actual sociopaths never admit to having a problem.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. They don't do that just because they "can't" relate in any other way. They do it because they want to. The suffering happends to people like you. You are the peopkd having to go to therapy because people like me fucked with your head, manipulated you, and had you under control. You are the ones you end up broken and defeated. I walk away and do it again. Am I broken? No, I'm accomplishing my goals. My goals are to make a lot of money off people, live lavishly, be constantly entertained, and laugh at other people's misfortunes. I am succeeding at accomishing those goals, so how iz that a disorder? Tell me Truth Teller, what are your goals?

  94. Erin, I don’t think that most genuine sociopaths/psychopaths suffer much internally. My research indicates that their “victims” suffer far more than they do. But their lack of suffering isn’t because they are somehow superior. It is because they feel everything shallowly and because they lack other emotional abilities that the average person takes for granted. Which is why I compared the psychopath to the blind. Both are disabled, only in different ways.

    There was one article I read a while back however which did point to the possibility that some psychopaths do indeed suffer due to their condition. It probably depends on how much of a conscience they actually have. If I’m not mistaken, ME actually wrote about it.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. "Sociopaths manipulate people because they don’t know how to relate in any other way."

    So? I'm not interested in any other way, I'm more than happy with my way. How else are you supposed to get people to do what you want? You're researce is only research.

    "That’s what you all do here, elevate your diminished emotional capacity to unreal heights because deep down you know how shallow and small you actually are on the inside."

    and then

    "I don’t think that most genuine sociopaths/psychopaths suffer much internally."

    Contradiction much? You don't know what you're on about you fucking loony.

    If I'm happy with they way I am, and it's lead me to success then what exactly is wrong with me?

  97. Here's your typical victim truth teller. She thinks this sociopath is her boyfriend when she's not even sleeping with him. He's sleeping with other people. I find it ironic that you call us disabled.
    Tell me, truth teller, how is it we are disabled when you are the ones who are suffering. That is like saying the lion suffers from eating the zebra. Pathetic victim support propaghanda.

  98. Ukan, I don’t think so. To choose means, among other things, to be aware of other options and to know those options are actionable. The genuine and unrepentant sociopath is the way he is in part because he does not truly see that there is any other way to be. To repeatedly cause others to suffer is not a lifestyle choice as much as it is a disorder of the mind.

    Your goals, like your rhetoric, is shallow. You can’t see that because you’ve never glimpsed the broader world inhabited by the rest of us.

  99. Could that be Erin because his mind wants it given to him and not have to do that part himself?(stuck in that groove)
    Then his frustration or ego take over and impulse gets the better of him and he distroys whats in front of him.

    He sees things he wants but only knows how to use them to a point.

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  101. Misanthrope, you don’t even hear how child like you sound, do you? “How else are you supposed to get people to do what you want?” Really? If that’s all that matters to you then you sound no more mature than a 5 year old.

    The two statements you lifted up out of my comments are not in any way contradictory. I find this so interesting, this display of the disordered mind. Of course shallow people don’t suffer much. They don’t have the capacity for it.

    Ukan, the capacity for suffering also comes along with the capacity for psychological complexity. It means you can actually see the wider world around you, take it in, think about it and act accordingly. Among other things. The relative lack of suffering is not necessarily a sign of mental health, let alone superiority.

  102. @Ukan
    You are telling on YOURSELF to think that sex is everything.
    When the lights are out all woman look the same.

  103. You began this conversation by saying that I suffered from a disorder. Now that it is established that you are the one who suffers it is not a disorder. Wow, you are so flexible when it comes to your shortcomings.

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  105. Erin, I didn’t see your other comment. You and tik could be right. I don’t want to say your boyfriend is a sociopath because I don’t know him and frankly, a rotten behaving boyfriend does not prove that he is a sociopath.

    Your 11:56 comment though does shed light on part of the problem that many deeply self centered people have. They don’t know how to make some things work in their lives because they don’t want to do the things necessary to make them work, like honest effort, empathizing, delaying gratification, cultivating integrity and so on. Even those hypothetical high functioning psychopaths who are in business and politics understand that it takes a great deal of conscientiousness to make it to the top. In other words, they have to act against their nature and behave like the despised “normal” to get anywhere other than their couch, prison or dead.

  106. In no way contradictory? So now you're telling me that feeling small inside isn't a form of internal suffering? Well there's another contradiction right there. And I'm mentally ill because I'm not suffering and because I force other people to what I want to get the things I want? Bullshit. You're basically telling me that strength is a disorder. Is holding hands and living in peace and harmony like some fucking hippy your idea of power? You need a reality check my friend. You can claim that abusive and controlling people are fucked up all you like, it doesn't stop us from walking over people like you to get what we want and then laughing in your face once it's done.

  107. Erin, the kind of happiness that Ukan claims to have is only possible for people who have neural deficiencies or are psychologically stunted. Sure you can be “happy” if you kill certain parts of your brain. I imagine low functioning autistics are “happy” in their way as well. See what I mean?

  108. @Truth Teller
    I see what you mean to a point and I agree but if HE thinks he is happy he is.See what I mean lol

  109. Ok, Misanthrope, slowly now. Not for you but for any other impressionable person reading this and thinking that sociopathy is super cool. Having a limited cognitive and emotional capacity and even knowing it on some level does not necessarily mean that you will feel badly about it. Why? Because you wouldn’t know any better. You can’t miss what you’ve never had.

    You call forcing people to do what you want strength? I’m sure many rapists, child molesters and other “powerful people” would agree with you. Self control is the true strength, however.

    And you’re right. Name calling never stopped anybody from doing anything. But bullets do. It’s what we call law and order. Sure, there are plenty of people who won’t listen to reason and shit all over other people. You may even be one of them in real life. I do however advise you to watch who you shit on. You shit on the wrong person and you’ll find yourself being forced to eat it. Trust me my friend, not all of us are trusting, love besotted little lambs.

  110. Erin, I’m what they call a moral realist. I think that there really are right and wrong, better or worse answers to questions of human flourishing. And the answer “kill your empathy, dampen your emotions and believe and act like you’re the only person in the world that matters” is not the right answer to the question “how can I be happy in this life?”. Sure, psychopaths can say that's the right answer. But then again flat earthers deny that the earth is round. People can say anything they like, but that doesn’t mean that rest of us who live in Saneville are obliged to take them seriously.

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  112. It doesn't matter how you obtain power. What matters is that you get it. Self control isn't strength if you don't get anything out of it(I'm not saying that you can't get anything out of it). The only thing that matters is results. You can spend a lifetime forcing people to do what you want, abusing them, hurting them, destroying them, conning them, but If you don't get anything substantial out of it then you're still a loser in my book. The point is that I have gotten something out of it and I enjoy it at the same time. You have to do whatever works for you.

    "You shit on the wrong person and you’ll find yourself being forced to eat it."

    Lucky for me I know all the right people to shit on.

  113. @Mis
    Unless the right/ wrong person pushes your buttons the wrong way and you kill them

  114. Truth Teller you are a breath of fresh air.

  115. "but for any other impressionable person reading this and thinking that sociopathy is super cool."

    That's half the people here then. Like the girl in the post today. She might go out and get herself into a load of trouble after UKan's advice. Lol.

  116. Why do people come to the snake pit to complain about the snakes? Alot of the people here should really be on Love Fraud or some other psychopathy survivors forum. But I know that none of you are going anywhere and thats the beauty of it

  117. Truth Teller is a pretty cool guy he knows some shit and doesnt afraid of ip truckers.
    You know some people just want to see the world burn, i understand why in my own way...
    I can create a purpose for my own life, i dont need to feel compassion towards others for my life to mean something because i know all life is meaningless there is no right or wrong no good nor evil, no reality only infinite possibilities which are likely to happen.
    It is not about other people, it is not about empathy nor emotions, i am the same as you organic matter put together, those of you who are so desperate to connect to relate to feel you need professional help.

  118. @Anon
    I don't agree with what you said but it was so beautifully written it took my breath away.

    @ Ukan ,Mis Any Socio what cares to answer
    When you go after a "weak" person do you know it is "wrong" but you want to have the fun of seeing the weak person squirm?

  119. why does sociapaths make cruelty seem so funny?

  120. They know it's percived as wrong by everyone else, but thats not how they see it and their the only one that matters to them.

    They smell weakness like a K9 dog's pick up the sent for drugs.

    They pick their target's for what they see they can get and get away with. It's their nature.

  121. @Tik
    Ok do THEY know it is wrong but don't care as in "Screw it"
    I think that is what it is.I don't think they would do it in front of someone they wanted to impress.
    Do you get my point ?

  122. If you want to be a realist understand that the strong thrive, the mediocre survive, and the weak perish. That is the way of the world. All the religions and idealogies have all had to bow to the laws of nature. That's why you can never form a consistent system that doesn't bend it's own rule of law and order to get what they want and keep control.
    You are not a realist by any stretch of the imaginiation. Using morals to hinder yourself from succeeding is not a realist, it is a idealist. People's feeling and emotions don't count. They have no rights. It's all about getting what you want in life not helping your fellow man.

  123. I think it depends on each ones indivisual mindset whether they even concider it wrong. But they all have something they want or will benifit from.

    The weak don't fight back.

    I think Mis is pretty clear that he doesn't concider it wrong as long as he benifits or Ukan if it gets him what he wants. But let someone cross them and it's wrong.

    Double standard, they make rules but follow none.

    Their have been some that feel there are things that are beneath them to do, Kesu is one. Other's who take in more of the bigger picture are Soulful and some anon.

  124. Truth Tellersaid...
    Misanthrope, you don’t even hear how child like you sound, do you? “How else are you supposed to get people to do what you want?” Really? If that’s all that matters to you then you sound no more mature than a 5 year old.

    lol, so true, the only problem is that these people aren't five year olds. they're grown-ass men capable of causing serious harm.

  125. I don't care about wrong or right so there is no double standard. If you cross me I will crush you, or you will crush me. If I can take advantage of your weakness I will. I do what I please.

  126. I remember having a friend who I would convince that he didn't need to see my parts but would get him to let me touch his all the time, even though he didn't want to.

    I literally can't control myself, especially when drunk or on MDMA, from seeking attention or approval.

    Reactive attachment disorder (RAD) RAD is characterized by markedly disturbed and developmentally inappropriate ways of relating socially in most contexts. It can take the form of a persistent failure to initiate or respond to most social interactions in a developmentally appropriate way—known as the "inhibited" form—or can present itself as indiscriminate sociability, such as excessive familiarity with relative strangers—known as the "disinhibited form".
    RAD arises from a failure to form normal attachments to primary caregivers in early childhood. Such a failure could result from severe early experiences of neglect, abuse, abrupt separation from caregivers between the ages of six months and three years, frequent change of caregivers, or a lack of caregiver responsiveness to a child's communicative efforts.

    You were stealing money to eat dear was your family unable to feed you? As mine used to say, if you are not loved, than no one will feed you. I'd say you're among friends, but that would be pointless.

  127. Saneville community associationAugust 16, 2011 at 2:02 PM

    Application denied.

  128. If you have to hide your intentions and wear mask so that Saneville will not know what your up too. Then you know your wrong.

    Double standard- is the unjust application of different sets of principals for similar situations.

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  131. Double standard- is the unjust application of different sets of principals for similar situations.

    What principles

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  133. sociopaths aren't angry because they are emotional, anger and name calling is apart of the controlling aspect of the sociopaths personality.

  134. Why is the world filled with retards Erin? Meh, forget it.

  135. @Ukan and Misanthrope
    "People's feeling and emotions don't count. They have no rights. It's all about getting what you want in life not helping your fellow man."

    What if there are people out there who feel good when they're emotional? Like feeling thrilled and fulfilled when working in a team, or some empathic thing...?

    Now, I'm not saying such people exist, because I know you socio types are skeptical to the core about such people existing.

    Just consider it as a hypothesis - that there are people who feel happy in a fundamentally different way than you do. IF such human diversity exists, THEN there is no denying that there are other forms of power and happyness.

    The question is: are there such people? Or is everyone a cheating bastard?

    I'm sure you'll think "everyone's a cheating bastard, but some are horrible at it and some are born talented, that's why there are winners and losers", but that doesn't allow you to consider the hypothesis - that maybe there are different people from youself.

    Maybe there are different types of people and everyone's playing at the same time, but they're playing different games.

  136. @AMoralBing

    The people who feel emotional for others are egotistical too. They want to get rid of their own bad feelings for the weak person and decides to help him instead. In that way everybody is egtistical whether or not the person chooses to.

    In life there are two kinds of people, the winners and the loosers. If you dont succeed you can give an aplause for yourself.


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  138. @Truthteller

    I can understand why you say sociopaths are inferior, and in your own way, you're right.

    You say that empaths are superior to sociopaths because empaths are better at doing the things empaths do, while the sociopaths here say that sociopaths are superior to empaths because sociopaths are better at the thins sociopaths do.

    Am I making sense?

    I was going to explain this in much more length, but I found a metaphor that explains the principle much better:
    Consider someone on (halluciogenic) drugs, and someone who isn't. Now, the guy who's on drugs is going to tell the guy who isn't that his version of the world is better, because the colours are more vibrant and greater in number. Also there is a unicorn. Of course the guy who is clean is going to say he's stupid, that the colours are all in his head and that his own world is better because he sees the world for 'what it is' and is not caught in what he considers to be a fantasy world.

    Also, I'm not trying to be condescending by making the empath a junkie (although most emotions are caused by chemicals altering the way information gets processed, you know, like drugs are). I'm just saying that by their own standards they are superior and they both don't understand why the other won't acknowledge that.

  139. @Wheatley
    You are a Socio I presume.Are you happy?

  140. @Erin

    I never said I was because I'm not sure, and yes. Although content would be a better word.

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  142. And I wouldn't say that 'giving love' is stupid. But you at least have to acknowledge that the reason other people's smiles are rewarding to you, is that it makes you feel good. So empathy is just using one's egocentricity to benefit others. But at least your version is win-win, whereas the sociopath's way is mostly win-lose.

    Does this make you feel better or worse about yourself? I'm genuinely interested. :)

  143. With content I mean that I have nothing to be unhappy about, but there does seem to be a lot more to life than I'm living right now which I'm kinda curious about.

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  145. There's only one form of power. If teamwork doesn't get you anything then there's no point in doing it in the first place. If doing it for the sake of doing it makes you happy then you're a little bit "out there". People who feel good about helping people for no reason are completely off the scoreboard. They're sitting on the fence and just waiting to be put into action and then put back again. I've met plenty of people like that. They can go about their business until I find something better for them to do. They're fucking mindless lab rats in my opinion. They're content with doing nothing with their lives until the experiments begin. Stupid people are a happy bunch because they cant comprehend what they're missing out on. Ignorence is bliss and that's why people like that walk around with a goofy fucking grin on their faces and stop to smell every rose.

  146. Strangely a lot of ex drug addicts are super nice and super open. That's probably what led them to drugs to begin with.
    I had this annoying next door neighbor (ex drug addicts) that would always want to bring me by stuff like cookies, biscuits, and other nonsense. I didn't want it because I knew the obligation that it puts on me. They want me to feel obliged to go over there and play cards, and stupid neighbor shit.
    I just took their food they gave me until they stopped sending it. I saw him throw his back out trying to move some dresser into his house. My wife told me to call the ambulance, and I told her he didnt want one. He wanted his pride.

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  149. i'd love to see it, erin. address please!

  150. If you are worried about getting killed I wouldn't share it, regardless of anyone taking this blog serious enough to actually kill you. I mean, losing sleep because you're worried about getting murdered, would that be worth it? But it's your call, obviously. :3

  151. @Wheatley Thank you !

    @Zoe Maybe privately at a later date !

  152. Do woman enjoy to have sex with psychopaths rather than normal males?
    Erin seems to think so
    And i get this a lot im wondering if the same happens to everyone else

  153. If a child is never allowed to be themselves, what do they grow up to be?

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  155. @Richard and Wheatley

    the reason other people's smiles are rewarding to you, is that it makes you feel good

    Ayn Rand popularized this rationale, I guess. That people are good for ultimately egotistical reasons - if they feel good when people are feeling good, then they did it for self a reward, right?

    Except it doesn't take something into consideration. People who claim to feel good by nice deeds do it to feel good with the other person. The difference might seem small, but it's a whole different concept.

    They feel that both of them are happy at the same time, sharing the same experience. Like both accomplished something together. THIS is empathy. It's a feeling of mutuality.

    It's not the same as "ok, I've done a good deed, I feel better having accomplished something". No, this is common for everyone. What I actually mean is something that is, presumably, exclusive to empathy, wich is more like "look at us, we're both happy, at the same time. We're sharing something".

    Believe it or not, that is what empaths claim to feel.

  156. @Ukan and Misanthrope

    I know it sounds crazy and nauseating from the explanation above, but if you consider the possibility that some people are true on the above - wich you know is absolutely not what you feel - then you'll grasp the concept.

    You'll probably feel like opening up to an attack unnecessarily just by getting near such excentric notion.

    Anyway, I don't think it gets further than that.

  157. you're so damn special Erin. you're the only one like you, and thousands of other dumb bitches.

  158. Making someone happy is second nature, automatic. When you make someone happy it's a reward for something well done.

  159. Wheatly, I don’t think I said empaths are superior to sociopaths. I believe that in the bigger scheme of things, no one is superior to anyone else. We all were born and we all die. That is one measure of absolute equality. Another measure is the fact that we are all members of the same species, genetically speaking. Sure, different people have different talents, skills, levels of intelligence and so on. Some are better singers, others better at sports and yes, some are master manipulators. But outside of specific arenas and when it comes down to dying, superiority means very little.

    Like I said, I am a moral realist. By the way Ukan, by moral realist, I did not mean realist in the sense you meant. I was referring to a specific philosophical theory. I believe it is objectively, measurably true to state that a sociopathic lifestyle, one that involves routinely leeching off of other people, constant deception, callously using and discarding people, pathological self centeredness, destructive behavior, habitually breaking the law and so on, is generally worse than it’s opposite. Just like I believe seeing is better than blindness and having a normally functioning brain is better than having a severely autistic one and health is better than sickness, etc. We could go there with the relativistic view that nothing is better than anything else. But outside of the ivory tower and internet forums where faceless folks argue with each other and nothing real is at stake, very few people can actually live that way. It is neither practical nor rational.

  160. Truth Teller said...
    The genuine and unrepentant sociopath is the way he is in part because he does not truly see that there is any other way to be.

    this is so funny. do you see the irony?

    Truth Teller i've noticed the genuine and unrepentant empath is the way he is in part because he does not truly see that there is any other way to be. he is so deep in the pit he wallows in that no light can get in.

  161. Believe it or not, that is what empaths claim to feel.

    AMoralBing,we claim it is true because it is true.

  162. Thank you Erin, tik and anonymous for your kind words. And you are right tik. If sociopaths and narcissists and other disordered minds were treated as contemptuously as they treat others they’d raise the roof with their howls of indignation. That’s one of the ways I know they are full of shit.

  163. Zoe said...
    i'd love to see it, erin. address please!

    Zoe clone!!!!!

  164. I see the irony you see Zoe. It is only ironic if you honestly believe that, say, raping and murdering a 6 year old boy to relieve your boredom is as valid a choice as loving and protecting that same 6 year old out of a sense of responsibility, duty and love. Is that an extreme case? Of course. But it still demonstrates the point quite nicely I believe.

    Nice rhetorical sleight of hand there, by the way. But turning one of my comments inside out does not say anything about the rightness of my argument, nor does it erase facts or history.

  165. My contribution to the blog.

  166. Erin said...
    @Zoe Maybe privately at a later date !

    that was not me. that was Zoe clone. but she behaved so let's let her stay.

  167. If sociopaths and narcissists and other disordered minds were treated as contemptuously as they treat others they’d raise the roof with their howls of indignation.

    That is exactly what they do.

  168. Truth teller, you do have a way with words.
    Thank you.

    Amoral you just became hot in my eyes.

    Truth Teller have you ever worked with youths?

  169. truth teller i'm jealous of the simple world you live in.

  170. When you don't care that you have stolen something, yet complain when that thing is stolen from you, isn't that ironic, don't you think?

  171. @Truth Teller
    But outside of the ivory tower and internet forums where faceless folks argue with each other and nothing real is at stake, very few people can actually live that way. It is neither practical nor rational.

    Just making conversation here: it's not practical, I agree. But it's not irrational.

    Morality may be measurable, but it may very well not be objective, because you'd try to draw morality from, say, nature (wich we would all take as an objectivist system, if we're talking 'nature' just like in physics and biology).

    Drawing morality from nature is fine in a practical and societal sense, but if you try to draw an ultimate sense of morality from nature it would be moot, because nature just 'is'. It has no ultimate destiny or ultimate meaning.

    If each person has a nature, and if nature provides diversity - be it adaptive or not (remember, 'sickness' and 'health' are relativistic concepts by their very essence) - then, are there not as many moralities as are there individuals? What is a biological trait other than a situational thing?

    Such are not the questions that materialist systems can grasp. It's just interested in how, not why.

    PS: By the way, I'm an empath. If you see me saying 'empaths claim such and such', I'm just being argumentative. :P

  172. @tik

    You're just teasing. Fortunately for you, I'm that cheap. :)

  173. Don't waste our time with this useless post about an angsty teenage girl bitching about her trivial issues.

  174. Once upon a time there was a guy who said something along these lines:

    I don't wanna be a product of my environment.
    I want my environment to be a product of me.

    Years ago, we had the Church.
    That was only a way of saying we had each other.
    But now, I don't know. It's a funny thing.
    It put hate in your heart.
    The Knights of Columbus were real head-breakers.
    True guineas.
    They took over their piece of the city.
    Twenty years after an Irishman couldn't get a fucking job¡­.
    ¡­.we had the presidency. May he rest in peace.
    That's what the niggers don't realize.
    If I got one thing against the black chappies, it's this:
    No one gives it to you.
    You have to take it.


  175. I know we can all get along it aint that hard bitches and from hwat i've learned there are no true psychiopaths hjere i mean there are these guy who post eevery day on this motherfucking cursed blog but COME On! Here is my psychopath test

    question 1:
    Would you save someone that was about to die?

    Yes = 1 Point
    No= 1 another point

    those who answered DEPENDS are the motherfucing psychopaths ooooh ohh
    anything to feel powerful right-?
    i think i need to kill something
    TAKE IT CHAPPUES lol fucked your brain fucker

  176. "When the lights are out all woman look the same"

    come again?

  177. LOL I had my doubts about Erin but now...
    It all comes down to a hole i think thats what she meant

  178. M.E. so i know you must be about to make the new post of today and i would like to ask you a question, how's life? Please do tell.
    I love you.

  179. "If a child is never allowed to be themselves, what do they grow up to be?"

    arrested development.

    Deprived of living with childhood abandon?

    Searching for the rollercoaster rides. Searching for the perks of childhood.

    Entitled to every damn thing they couldn't feel back then.

    Bitter. Sad, repressed? Any number of dysfunctional things.


  180. How is it that someone who manipulates people to get what they want, doesn't see when others are manipulating them?

  181. @AMoralBing

    Everybody is egotistical, but i havent said its bad to be it.


  182. @ Anon 8:13 PM. I started to laugh when i saw your comment! How much fear do you have against psychopaths? I bet you dont even know what a real sociopath/psychopath is. You should really meet a psychologist so he can shape you up, if you havent been there already...


  183. 11:08

    sometimes I like it when my boyfriend receives information about me that I have conveniently made available. i let it sit.

    He's very self confident and I love that about him. I want to keep him. I like to let him (sometimes believe) that he is making decisions. It's a turn on. he is so hot.

    (I will try to explain this so the feminists out there feel more powerful, too.)

    Sometimes I plant a seed in his mind, in his subconscious (like the time I mentioned how I thought threesomes were "interesting concepts", for instance. Let's face it, everyone is interested in a threesome but lots of people think their gf might be prudish. And then they like it when they had the power to "open you up sexually" Also men like to think women are "virginal" It's their thing, whatev.

    I don't ever feel bad. I love him to feel masculine, and men need that. I don't think it's a dirty little secret I do this. (Well, only sometimes.)

    I love when he feels sexy and powerful. it doesn't even make me feel bad if i catch him manipulating me back. When he feels good about himelf he makes me love him more.

  184. "If sociopaths and narcissists and other disordered minds were treated as contemptuously as they treat others they’d raise the roof with their howls of indignation."

    Very true.

  185. Kind of like dishing it out but not being able to take it?

    Yes, i guess not many people are like that

  186. @Richard Fear? How the did you manage to interpret my post that way?

    I spotted a psychopath this week im still planing an approach.

    I was actually a little drunk when i wrote that post. Since you seem to know a lot of psychopaths you might have noticed that they consider all possibilities, that was my point.

  187. I agree that the Socio's can dish it out but not take it--100% :)

  188. @ Anon 12:50

    "I spotted a psychopath this week im still planing an approach." Clearly I managed to interpret your post the right way. Everybody can clearly see that you are afraid, but thats nothing to be ashamed about?


  189. Being a sociopath 101

    Don't be an idiot if you're angry, yeh you want to kill someone rape someone torment someone, cool. Don't be the R-tard who actually does it


    Don't tell people that you have no empathy or no remorse or w.e. the fuck you lack, definitely don't tell people that you would betray them for a fixed value.

    Invest in gold, the value of my gold has increased by 30% since I invested shit is worth it


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