
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Smelling fear

From a reader:
Nervous people have sweat that contains pheromones which in neurotypical people activate regions of the brain responsible for empathy.

One psychopath interviewed by Hare's team said quite frankly: "The first thing I do is I size you up. I look for an angle, an edge, figure out what you need and give it to you. Then it's pay-back time, with interest. I tighten the screws." Another psychopath admitted that he never targeted attractive women - he was only interested in those who were insecure and lonely. He claimed he could smell a needy person "the way a pig smells truffles."

I once noticed that I could smell some girls when I walked behind them or when they walked past me and they usually have a similar scent. Nobody else could relate to me about this. A year later, I decided to walk behind a very shy girl that was attracted to me and smell her. She had this scent, and I immediately felt like devouring her, something like having sex with her or beating her, which have a similar feel. I don't understand the sexual appeal of intercourse and my entire sexuality is based off of scents and tastes.

I have a fairly even mixture of factor 1 and 2 traits but I am by no means a "primary psychopath" because I tend to be more anxious than the average person. I'm not hotheaded like "secondary psychopaths" are said to be, but rather, I set a grandiose goal for myself (#1), so I have to watch what I say. I definitely don't have the trait "callous and lack of empathy" and I get a certain feeling when someone is crying or when there is sad music playing. It's like sadness, but it's shallow, neutral, and only momentary. Anxiety and empathy both function through connections from the amygdala to regions of the frontal lobe, I think that maybe this is intact in me but some area of morality isn't since I have shallow emotions and a lack of morality.

The primary psychopath has many brain abnormalities but mine is probably quite intact, I wouldn't think that something as peculiar as pheromone hypersensitivity would happen in my brain. But it appears to exist. Have you encountered the smelling phenomenon?
M.E.: I don't think I've noticed the smell thing, but there are certain people that I suddenly feel like violating. It does generally tend to be people who have a certain vulnerability to them, typically women although not exclusively. I wonder if that has something to do with smelling them? It doesn't seem farfetched, as some people say that sociopaths are supposed to have super sensitivities, like other people on the autism spectrum. although i'm pretty impressed with your talent.


  1. I don't understand the sexual appeal of intercourse and my entire sexuality is based off of scents and tastes

    Where do you find these muppets.

  2. What's that even called? "Aromasexual"? He probably gets off on the smell of his own farts.

  3. I just confronted this narcissist last night it was hilarious. I pulled a full scale sociopathworld exposure on her. I took apart every lie it was so great.

  4. "Aromasexual Muppet"

  5. Maybe he doesn't see the point in intercourse for recreational purposes? and his entire "sexual drive" is through scents as opposed to looks, and is purely hormonal, pheromonal?

    Asexual people are strange.

  6. Yah when you don't get off you start to go insane. I can imagine this nutter going around person to person sniffing them. What reactions does this psuedo werewolf get from the general public? He must be a real piece of work, this one.

  7. are you japanese, ukan? do you come from 'ukan, Okayama'?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Or are you a trekkie?

    It keeps saying I can't make it target a blank page, what's up with that?

  10. Spotting vulnerable people is easy and fun, you dont need to give them the world for them to like you just some sympathetic words, like a puppy, you start petting it, then you can beat it to death, the next day it will be there waiting happily for you to pet it again, they really do have alot in common with dogs, are obedient, most are afraid of rejection, i like dogs

  11. I believe that there is a combination of smell and micro body language that operate at an unconscious level. Interpreting them was programmed into us across millions of years, to survive and procreate. We talk in terms of “sensing” that someone is afraid and or attracted to us and I believe this is literally true. Dogs' primary sense is smell, followed by hearing and, lastly, by sight. Our smell may not be as acute or concious but it is there.

  12. I forgot to say that if you haven't read the sociopathic "Perfume" by Patrick Susskind then this topic should prompt you to do so. If you haven't read it, you will be richly rewarded.

  13. I've been meaning to read that.

    And I think you're on to something the the micro body language, MHT. Every girl I'm attracted to turns out to be mentally unstable in some way.
    Probably because the crazy girls are fun.

  14. Hmmm, I think we all have the ability to follow a scent trail - but, of course, not all of us are hunters.

    It doesn't surprise me when a hunter tries to catch my scent (usually from my neck) and as they do so I'm creating a scent mark of them.

    Incidentally, public transport is an especially good training ground for catching airborne scents and trying to read them...

  15. i am going to bath in milk an honey daly to through u off my sent take that sociapaths.. take that!!!

  16. "It doesn't surprise me when a hunter tries to catch my scent (usually from my neck) and as they do so I'm creating a scent mark of them."

    Lol. Tell me how you create your scent mark anon. Do you leave a ring of piss around you? How often do psychopaths come up and sniff your neck?

  17. why does sociapaths want to know what there scent is

  18. mht, you sound like notable.

  19. *spritzes self with Eu de Empath and slips on Groucho glasses*


  20. it's not words, scents or looks that make you size up a target, it's actions. you can easily tell a good person from a bad, because a good person is a giver.

  21. @MHT

    Susskind's Perfume is in my pile of books to read.

  22. Giving is easy if objects mean nothing to you.

  23. "it's not words, scents or looks that make you size up a target, it's actions. you can easily tell a good person from a bad, because a good person is a giver."

    r u and seth the good cops to mis's bad cop

  24. *slams palms down on desk* Just tell me goddammit!

  25. We're all "bad cops" here haha

  26. "I forgot to say that if you haven't read the sociopathic "Perfume" by Patrick Susskind then this topic should prompt you to do so. If you haven't read it, you will be richly rewarded. "

    This was also made into a movie. Visually stunning and eerily done.

  27. Gaddafi won't get killed by the rebels, he has many many more soldiers than you think and gaddafis brother has just come out on the news saying that they let the rebels take tripoli so they could deal with them away from UN forces (if that's true, a massacre is coming) The only way I see gaddafi being killed anytime soon is by betrayel, or if NATO decides to overpower libya like they did with Iraq. BTW Gaddafi has lured enemy forces into traps so it could well be credible.

  28. "The first thing I do is I size you up. I look for an angle, an edge, figure out what you need and give it to you. "

    Don't needy people do this too?

    I can usually tell when someone is trying to see "my angle" in real life. (Here it is more difficult bec you are all mask-wearing retards and I can't see your weasely faces)

    I'm curious---do any of you ever come into contact with a person who wants to read you so they can manipulate you into liking them?

  29. Gaddafi is only alive because he's smart, as long as he has power he survives, but power eventually wares off, it will ware off and when it does, he dies.
    When you are worth more dead than alive, there is always someone trying to kill you. Learn this psychopaths its a lesson i dont teach everyone.
    Anyway i dont know much about whats happening with Gaddafi but i know history, and it tends to repeat itself.

  30. Young gaddafi.

  31. @10:22 Doesnt happen too often but it happens

  32. "Giving is easy if objects mean nothing to you."

    what does this mean?

  33. @10:40 When you have something that you dont care about you can easily give it away. Think of it as charity except you dont do it for any particular reason, simply because you dont care

  34. true, but that will make people think your a sucker.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Guess who said this quote: "In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good
    people at heart."

    And now guess how much it helped them to think that way. :)

  37. anne frank... it didn't help much.

  38. @Wheatley
    You got a point about Anne Frank

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  40. So as a woman that would rather not continue to be marked as a target, how do you exude the right scent, body language, and other traits so as not to be marked?

  41. just stand still, sara. sociopaths vision relies on movement.

    and be careful NOT to go out when it's breezy, sociopaths can pick up victims scents in the wind from over two miles away.

    sociopaths, being nocturnal, are also known to sleep in the bathrooms of strip clubs during the daytime, so avoid strip clubs.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. 'I hope I survive this'

    good cos nobody else does.

  45. I wanna smell your cunt
    taste what i hunt
    mark you as my target
    confess that im almost retarded
    hide in sight
    hide from my might
    before i take you out at night
    you cant resist my fucking brain deficiencies
    all you care about is living happily
    so many people i want to kill
    maybe i wont, maybe i will
    i wanna catch your scent
    control your life and the present
    rape you if you bend
    control the future too
    i wanna smell you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I still have a lot to learn also need some practise

  46. I don't know about fear, but i can smell ukan vagina miles away .

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. David i know that is... You should see a doctor as fast as possible you still might have a chance

  49. @David
    Be careful. It COULD become serious if you are negligent with it

  50. Anon 12:24 LMAO, perfect!

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. there are only two things you need to know about someone. a) there needs and wants b) their fears.

  53. @Anon 12:44

    How are you? Have not seen you here for a while.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. @Erin

    Ive been pretty busy with family stuff which always frustrates me, but other than that Ive been alright, thank you for asking.
    How have you been doing Erin.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. MANIA YOUR BAAAACK why dont you ever talk to meeeee Erins an annoying little bitch :'( but you like her more then meeeeeee :'(

  58. MANIA that wasnt me :( I sware.

  59. im talkinfg to a narc right now and i want to stab hinm in his fucking

  60. just stand still, sara. sociopaths vision relies on movement.

    and be careful NOT to go out when it's breezy, sociopaths can pick up victims scents in the wind from over two miles away.

    sociopaths, being nocturnal, are also known to sleep in the bathrooms of strip clubs during the daytime, so avoid strip clubs.


    Yeah, it was a dorky question.

  61. gadafi before he went insane...oh wait

  62. there is this pale guy that i see every day. wears nothing but black and plays weird shitty death metal music full blast on his ipod.

    i'm going to stab the loser in the eye and show him who hes dealing with. there is nothing more disgusting than a sheep in wolfs clothing.

  63. He could be mentally ill Ralph, you bastard. Leave the guy alone.

  64. @ralph
    I will if you do

  65. I used to hate death metal. Then I liked it. Now I hate it again.

  66. Interesting. This is my horoscope for the week that just came out today:

    Of your five senses, which is the most underdeveloped? If you're a typical Westerner, it's your sense of smell. You just don't use it with the same level of acuity and interest you have when you're seeing, hearing, tasting, and touching. You may speak excitedly about an image you saw or song you heard or food you ate or massage you experienced -- what they were like, how they made you feel -- but you rarely do that with odors. You easily tolerate an ugly building or loud traffic noise or mediocre food or itchy fabric, and yet you feel a deep aversion to an unappealing smell. Having said that, I want you to know it's an excellent time to upgrade your olfactory involvement with the world. You'd benefit greatly from the emotional enrichment that would come from cultivating a more conscious relationship with aromas.

  67. yeah, he sounds like he probably deserves it, ralph.

    conform or die.

  68. *farts and then ruminates about the 'aroma'*

  69. that's not interesting, medusa.

  70. Maybe those girls didn't have the best hygeine? Overweight women, every mildly overweight, can really reek sometimes. I'm always surprised they can't seem to smell it themselves.

    I think "smell" and scent information and impact is overrated. Levels of muscular tension and poise is more an indicator of fear and state of mind even to animals than any scent in my experience.

  71. Maybe he just doesn't get out much, likes black clothes and enjoys listening to shitty death metal?
    And anon up there somewhere, it doesn't matter if people thInk you're a sucker. So long as they don't think you're an empathy deficient sociopath with a lack of morals.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Someone farted and they all ran away.

  74. Well you wouldn't want to been as a sucker would you?

  75. Maybe scent isn't an indicator at all. Maybe the fact that they were unaware enough that they allowed you to get so close to them is the real indicator that they are victim material.

  76. And Touché of the Day Award goes toAugust 24, 2011 at 7:23 PM

    Haven 6:23

  77. Hmmmm..Ive often wondered if my peculiarities were mine alone or were sometimes shared by others....
    I too am able to use scent in ways similar to the author, though in truth Ive often wondered if it was merely a 'grandiose' aberration of my mind. Many many times I have used the scent of a woman to judge her availability, receptiveness, strength or things in those veins. Certain womens scent is completely unappealing to me, so much so that it turns me off, even if they are the hottest thing since the easter bunny. Unless the scent does it for me...I usually wont go there.
    No..I dont go around going sniff sniff sniff loudly...nor do i make it apparent in any way that I am 'scenting' them, as I have no wish to be 'snapped out' and caught at my own game.I am subtle, and can use any measure i wish that will place me within four feet of said woman. Curiosity, empathy, concern....I'll use them all if it achieves what I need it to.
    If that scent isnt there, or if it is a scent that I dont like, a wall goes up immediately, and it shuts down all aspects of the 'normal' date/sexual approach on my part. For me the 'scent' triggers a sexual response...then a 'hunt' response (though that is really just scratching the surface)...then the appropriate abilities kick in and away I go....
    I have learned that women with the scent I like are usually strong, willful....and often have an intellect i can connect with. Its much more of a challenge for me to manipulate/dominate or 'catch' women of that calibre than needy souls who I tend to damage very quickly. I used to put it down to a pheromone thing...but the difference in the types of women that have the scent are often extremely varied and go against an archetypal figure or a 'type'.
    unlike the author though, sex appeal is important for me...and the whole scent thing is definitely based around sexuality. The thing is though, that I can base my actions and responses on what I smell in that way and know that a high percentage of the time I am going to be bang on the mark (pun intended).I can also scent a mood change before I see the person ( but have to be within ten feet or so), can tell in a split second if they will reciprocate my actions, if they will accept what Im putting out there. It isnt a 'body odour' the women who have it are usually very hygienic and fastidious with their femininity and cleanliness. Perhaps it is indeed a mix of pheromones and scent...perhaps something else..I really havent taken the time to rip it apart and analyse, but I think i will now ...hahahaha. So there you go people...Ive added a wee dish of stuff to rip apart and throw around the room!.....oh..BUT ladies?...even if you wear the strongest perfume...scent or whatever..I can still pick it up. Its a base scent apon which everything else is layered. And errr..another thing...the scent changes with mood swings on the womans part. you were...

  78. Fuck an A, paragraph breaks, sir!

  79. The ex-junkie dude I knew was sensitive to women's scents/pheromones.

    Funny thing is he didn't have any himself.

  80. apologies medusa. Im doing 5 thousand different things here today and paragraphs and associated grammar isnt high on my priority list.

    Ive been told that my own scent is rather intoxicating...
    That may however have merely been flattery and I paid little heed to it.

    There, a paragraph.

  81. I enjoy the scent of a woman (hoo-ah~), but come the fuck on. Predator fantasy, much?

    Do some controlled experiments and get some results together, or I'm just going to have to assume this is the usual fantasy drivel that submitters with magical powers have such a knack for.~

  82. i think it's a fetish thing, PMS.

  83. @postmodern sociopath

    were you referring to what I posted also?

  84. i just don't get the fetish scene

  85. @haven

    there are numerous psychologists claiming that gaddafi has a borderline personality disorder. does this infuriate you?

  86. @Lycan: Yours was kind of painful to read, formatting-wise, but what I managed to skim out of it doesn't seem as fanciful. Scent is important, but the whole thing with pheromones is that you usually don't notice them.

    Analogously, the correct amount of perfume or cologne to wear is next to none at all. If you can smell it on yourself, there's too much. If they can smell it on you before you're face to face (and quite close, at that), there's too much.

    The attraction of scent is in its subtlety. Scent is meant to evoke unconscious reaction.

  87. Read Perfume when it was published.  Gave it to two people.  One developed a habit of drugging and raping women (I didn't know him well enough to speculate about that devlopment or his personality), the other is an epic sociopath.  Huge amounts of social information are stored in scent, and while most people are triggered by scent, intuitively, very few realize it.     

    Some still recognize where their responses originate. I am acquainted with a woman who does smell emotion, specifically fear, which she describes as acrid.  It makes her uncomfortable, provokes anxiety, so she moves away from it as quickly as she can.  There is nothing sociopathic about her, she is however a very successful as a nose. 

  88. Post-structuralist EmpathAugust 24, 2011 at 9:19 PM

    Pms-- returning to the tri-state area in a fortnight. Don't wash

  89. Perfume was one of the stranger movies I've seen at a Hollywood caliber.

    I saw enough weird shit in the eight or so episodes of 'Stan Lee's Superhumans' to make me question what is and is not possible for a human to do, and that was just a cheesy tv show. There's no proof that this kind of sensing would not be possible through some sort of mutation or brain variant, but is it sociopathic? No. Not through scent, at least.

    An ability like this would be greatly advantageous if honed at a broader level, so it wouldn't surprise me too much that the people who developed this trait would thrive and multiply.

    You lucky guys need to figure out how to utilize this ability for more general purpose. The possibilities are intriguing.

  90. @TNP: It's mostly good for cooking, I expect. The greatest seductive technique there is, after all.~

    Re: Stan Lee's joke of a show. Did you see the one with the Shaolin monk? They kept changing the scale by which they measured the force of his punches, so it was impossible to tell if it was actually interesting, or if it was meaningless.

  91. Post structuralist apathAugust 24, 2011 at 10:32 PM


    Sorry about your blog! It was a strong forum. Your thoughts were distinctive and generated great discussion.

    All our inormation regarding dominance and social Hierarchy is encoded in smell, most of us have simply lost the behavioral triggers. I sometimes think scent is to interaction what classical languages are to written communication; Antiquated, out of favor but underlying and essential to all.


    Springfield, of course. And all of them at once. As a post structuralist I need never commit.

    PMS you are so very civilized and logical. I cannot help but wonder what becomes of that studied, meticulous character when you become animal. I find it hard to believe that you only smell of smoke, elbow patches, chalky equations, and lamb stew.

  92. @PSA: A delightful answer.

    The most compelling performances are those that appear out of character, don't you think? Let me assure you that I lose all of the civility and none of the acuity.

    I don't wear enough tweed to justify elbow patches, and stew is the most dreadfully boring way to eat anything. Other than that, spot on.~

  93. 'there are numerous psychologists claiming that gaddafi has a borderline personality disorder. does this infuriate you?'

    most insulting and nonsensical argument of all time. Purleeeeeeeeeeeease.

    Haven, i liked your point about the closeness factor. Quite true.

  94. I just watched I Love You Phillip Morris.

    Good movie about a gay conman sociopath and his emopath boyfriend.

  95. @TNP said
    You lucky guys need to figure out how to utilize this ability for more general purpose. The possibilities are intriguing.

    I think you are right TNP, I really haven't ever given it much more thought until now.
    But having read the various comments, and noting PMS's comment about controlled experiments appeals to the part of my brain that likes a challenge.
    Perhaps I will indeed perform some controlled experiments, though this is far from my forte so I have no idea as yet how i will go about it. I may become completely bored with it all and just resort to making mental notes for myself for further use/action. In the spirit of the furtherance of the 'sociopath world domination program' though (hahahaha), I will endeavor to share anything of real interest I manage to dig up with you all. Who may be fun. I go...sniffing and snuffling my way to sociopathic nirvana.
    All hail the olfactory organ !!!

  96. I caught a whiff of this 18 year old boy. He was pale white and skinny with straight muted brown hair to his shoulders. You could tell how soft his skin would be. I didn't like his sandals, but his skin smelled good enough to eat. It could have been someone else, but I believe I smelled him just when I entered the same room... either way I feel something when I smell sweat or skin, that human scent, it's so intoxicating it makes me crazy


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