
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Back for more (part 3)

Do you know why I love him? I feel sometimes that it's silly that I do. He is obviously bad for me, or for anybody in fact. But....

The other night, he invites me over, and his friend A is there. He takes care not to pay a whole lot of attention to me. He doesn't include me in the conversation, he doesn't look at me while he talks. Every so often he responds with much irritation to something I say or do, but that's all. He flirts with A, and when I sit down he makes sure to sit somewhat far away from me, even at the expense of comfort. It made me feel crazy-sometimes I don't really know if these gestures are purposeful and other times I'm sure they are. I go into his room, look at his wall, he's covered a section of it with his artwork. One of his pictures has written along the sides "this is nothing but a torture game". I walk out of his room and the words echo in my head and I feel better, like I can see through him.

Later that night, it is only me and him and A. He asks A if she's heading out soon, and she says, well, at some point she is. Ten minutes later, he asks her again. She says, yeah, she's going to bounce. And she does. So I can't help but get the feeling he's engineered the situation so that she would go, and I'd stay. And we go in his room. I sigh for no particular reason. What is it? He instantly asks. Is something wrong, what's up?

I think to myself, you expect me to complain about how jealous I feel. But I won't, I've seen this coming all along. So I just laugh at him, say, nothing.

We sit down on the bed, I'm somewhat far away from him, he asks me again what's up, I assure him nothing is up. And I'm like, I'm not going to play into this and he's not going to get into my pants. But then he pulls me closer to him and puts his hand on my thigh and I realize that I'm going to let him win. Because I want to. Because if I get so turned on when he touches me I might as well just go with it. I don't know why all the emotional manipulation makes me frisky. But it does.

Later, I say, "you like to toy with people, don't you?" but he dances about with his reply and I allow myself to be led away by his evasiveness.

I suppose something must be wrong with me. There's a perfectly nice guy that I know who is attractive enough and very into me and sweet as hell, but if he touches me I just squirm and feel antsy and turned off and cold.

Maybe it's because I play mind games myself, which has been pointed out to me before. I don't really know, but how can you go against that fire that some people just spark with their skin?

Sociopath boy has this raptor gaze, like he is devouring me with his eyes. Like a hungry predator. It makes my heart pound, those eyes on fire. and I just feel like I would very much like to be eaten-what can you do?

Sociopath boy, he consumes life with this same fervor. At heart he is nomadic, forlorn, there isn't a place for him. He says he'd like nothing more than to travel the world endlessly, never settling, forever without a home. Sometimes I think he feels a poignant emptiness. I love him because he ripped me from my comfortable little nesting place inside my head, he threw me into the world and showed me the silent places in the mountains where he once drove aimlessly down mountain trails alone in his car, smoking pot and possibly reflecting on the space inside himself where something seems curiously absent...he lies, yes, pathologically. I told him once how much I admired his natural talent for lying. He seemed quite flattered until he realized that I had been implying more than I'd said, and at that point he looked at me and said, "stop trying to pin me down as the bad guy".
His lies, they can be part of what makes him such a pleasure. It is grand to hear him weave tales of nonexistent crescent fishes that live off the coast of nonexistent islands, describing their mating habits and hunting grounds as if he'd known their etymology his whole life. He is fantastically amusing, and his whim's inventions are hard to tell from his factual knowledge. Those instances are endearing, but this same talent is used to regularly manipulate you with ruthless grace. He lies so masterfully that one cannot help but be awed.

But really-I really love that he is a sadist, sure, and I like that he kicks me hard and pretends it's a nervous tic, or when we kiss he bites my lip so hard I feel it hurting the next day. But really I love that something about him seems perfectly innocuous and shameless, like a child. A selfish lust most are too tame to seize. There is nobody, nobody like him, nobody with fire like his, with such savagery and yet such an artistic wondering mind, craving beauty even whilst destroying many a beautiful thing.

I'm an empath hands down. I have a heart like jelly, I cry easily, I feel deeply, I'm empathetic to a fault. If a character in a movie is embarrassed, I cringe and look away on his behalf. Cheesy abandoned animal commercials make me extremely sad. I can see the world from any perspective and make it my own. But when I can manipulate people, I do. I'm very good at it. I play mind games. When I'm not into a person and I know their into me, I make a game out of trying to get them to fall in love with me. And they do, and then I'm bored. And I don't want them, not one bit. But I can't win with sociopath boy. The game just keeps going. It changes every day, it is always some new puzzle piece that he hands me, but really none of the pieces fit together so I just have to keep puzzling.

The people on your site are always saying what idiots empaths are, to fall in love with sociopaths. But I'm not stupid. I know he will never be mine, I will never ever have him like I want. he will hurt me because it excites him. And I will be hurt, but then and again it will excite me to be hurt, so am I stupid and pathetic for feeling? It is part of your natures to be the way you are. It is part of our natures as empaths to fall, from time to time, head over heels in love. And if you already know that he is a sociopath, that he will hurt you, but you want him all the same....does that make me a very stupid empath? I am an existentialist, m.e., I'm not very judgmental, I forgive too easily. I have a strong moral inclination against murder and rape, but I feel that right and wrong still bear only contextual meaning.

If we live once, why not live for the deepest and most enthralling sorts of pleasures and passions? So yes, it is harmful, dysfunctional. Even if he cannot feel love for me like mine for him, it is still worth it, to keep his presence in my life.

Emerson: "Why should I cumber myself with regrets that the receiver is not capacious? It never troubles the sun that some of his rays fall wide and vain into ungrateful space, and only a small part on the reflecting planet."


  1. You remind me of the first girl I slept with. You're older and more articulate, but your hindsight and rationalizations for someone like me are about the same. She would say some pretty outlandish things about me and my intentions, so I'll keep this simple for you.

    He's not entertaining you at that age. He isn't playing you. He's a confused, unaware, 19 year old sociopath with a libido still rolling strong and you're willing to crawl back post-abuse, which is petty from what you've described so far.

    I don't think you're sad and pathetic at all for wanting him. Sociopaths are an offshoot human with it's own breed of eccentricities and latent seduction. We don't have the full palette of emotions, empathy, or compassion, but we do feel things. We're not always conmen for relationships. We're not always malicious abusers to our partners(though Narcs are, watch out for those guys). We have a lot to offer that the average normal doesn't nor ever will, in a relationship. What those specify as, well, you can use your imagination.

    Just don't be dumb and think you can ever change him. It never will happen. Ever.

  2. We do not choose who we love, intellectually. It's all pheromones, hormones and tractor beams, like a predator to prey.

    Capricious excitement junkies, all of us, on both sides of the fence.

  3. Kao, you're a fucking tool.

    You claim you make sociopaths? You call them your pets? You call your friends your bitches? You brag about being sent to the principals offices? Annnnd you're homophobic. Hilarious.

    Let's not forget that you hang on Erin's every word. My personal favorite was when you said you'd tell us your dark thoughts, oooooooo, scary.


    M.E. the forum is kind of self-defeating when you have idiots like this on the main stage. Erin and this fuckwad Kao are your most religious posters. Talk about misinformation.

    I should have known SW would go to he'll in a hand basket when the idiots from Psych Forums ASPD section showed up. If you ever want comedy relief, read that for five minutes. Then you'll realize what a blessing this blog is.

    Kao, let's hear some of your darkest thoughts, I'm intrigued.

    Just wait first, and tell us when your balls drop.

  4. Whatever your into hun. After being married to a psychopath for five years, I can no longer stand the sight of one, if he is a sociopath and he wanted to punish you, it would be much much worse, he would not think twice about physically torturing you.

  5. TNP, you just like to rant. Yes, you will never change.

  6. A psychopath doesn't try to lure you and make you admire them, a psychopath makes you want to despise them, they see you as a piece of garbage, they don't want to charm you, they want to humiliate you.

  7. The person I was back then and the person I am now seem completely different, but both of us were sociopaths, and that part of us hasn't budged an inch.

  8. TNP ok, you now rant with finesse and better language skills. Same core.

  9. You should be thankful, most women who have come out of relationships with psychopaths are severely traumatized and have PTSD.

  10. Well sweetcheeks, do what you need to do.

    Just a word of warning, that once this whole thing is over, you will be extremely traumatized for a very very long time. Way more so than any relationship you've ever had.

    I do hope you aren't prone to suicidal ideation, but I have a feeling that you are.

    You said yourself that he makes you crazy, makes you feel like you don't know up from down. It will only get worse. And it will be even more worse once it ends.

  11. More worse? Is that even grammar? Why is worsier not a word?

  12. Yes worsier is an appropriate word when the venom of every small interaction starts to take effect and she is caught in the web.

  13. Medusa, this person is Bluebird, not sweetcheeks.

    PTSD, anon? Is that a fact? I'd like to see something to back that up.

    Third, the Psych Forums ASPD section is a fucking joke and so are most of the people from there. Jason would pass as hardcore there for christsakes, and you can tell Beepers moderate it with names like 'Onebravegirl', 'butterfly_faerie' et cetera.

    Let's not forget our esteemed edition from there, Kao, the sociopath factory who spends hard time in the principals office. Didn't someone say he was Wheat's friend the other day? Take your Psych Forum scum out of here kindly.

  14. Whoops, mental dyslexia. Thanks TNP.

    Looks like Zwang moved on to psychforums. Just waiting for UKan to rip him a new one over there.

    You'd think he'd at least change his username.

  15. My advice to this love lorn existentialist:

    Counter act with a commitment to survive. And make numerous investments in your own innate ability to thrive. Use your instincts. Nurture your talents. You come first. He is your untamable object of desire, not your black hole to disappear into.

  16. There's a couple of folks over there that are alright. Myers, Sabratha.

    Haven't been there in ages, though, until today. I visit the narc forum for time to time.

  17. TNP, women who have been severely abused and degraded, usually develop PTSD.

  18. The concept of a Sociopath forum sounds stupid to me, one that's moderated at least. It's sort of like, here's a vague picture of sociopathy, and you're only allowed to be vague! And act civil too!

    Fuck the fuck off...

    I joined three different forums (ever) since I started using the net, and I was banned from all of them rather quickly. I can't behave on those things for the life of me. I think moderators are a bunch of bored housewives, power trippers, and retired old men with nothing better to do than shove their Morality Stick up your ass and take it for a spin.

    I'm sure there are actual sociopaths there, Medusa, but the ratio of claimed:actual is probably vast. 1000:1 I'd hazard to guess.

  19. Who are these sociopaths that severely abuse and degrade their partners all the time? If it gets to that point of loathing my partner, I leave.

    Are you sure you're not talking about Narcs?

    I'm not saying it doesn't happen, because it does, but to claim that it usually happens and that it usually ends up as PTSD is a fucking hail mary of a stretch if I've ever seen one.

  20. "If it gets to that point of loathing my partner, I leave."

    Why? Most normal men do that.

  21. Why do I stop fucking and spending time with someone I loathe...?

    Is that a real question?

  22. There are a hundred reasons you could stay with someone you loathe - For one, you could leach off them, financially, I could name many more reasons.

  23. Make no mistake, I'm not just talking about me, either. My most common email from someone while I ran my blog was about their sociopath or narcissist ex.

    Most of the time, they weren't actual victims, in that the abuse was aimless, basically, just being around the sociopath, and everything that comes with it. Very very few were actually sadistically abused by their sociopath ex over an extended period of time, and those who were, it was a majority psychological abuse.

    Most of the habitual wife-beaters, child absuers, and perpetual pain trains seemed like Narcissists by description. A sociopath isn't going to waist their time spending a good chunk of their life and energy on a fucking doormat unless it comes with a huge bank account. Even then, it's a con game to get it at that point, not to stick around.

    I've got 99 problems and a bitch I loathe ain't one of them.


  24. TNP, if you battered a helpless woman or child, would you feel guilty?

  25. Kao apparently knows a Wheatley, the same David found after using his exceptional internet skills.

  26. TNP You have a frustrated edge to your normally slashing advice mask.

  27. Is TNP the formerly known the Notable Path?

    Have not been following for a while, traveling in a foreign land, will play catch up next week.

    I do have a situation and am curious what SW reactins would be. I've known a potential boy toy for two years in a city I travel to once a year. He is hot, would love to see him naked. But, worried that it could become a torture game, particularly because his pursuits have been unsuccessful in the past. I'm afraid he'll assume the position of 'I'll show you once I land you.'

    He is much younger, but financially well off. Not clear why he wants me, he could get any younger girl he wants. When I asked him how old he thought I was he said he did not want to know.

    A part of me wants to play the game, but another part of me is not sure if it's worth it. There is no danger of me getting emotionally hurt, but there is the danger of getting irritated at a time life is moving along nice and easy.

    I am also worried that he may be an empath under the disguise of cool socio, and the last thing I'd want is to emotionally hurt a young empath.

    I'm trying to get him meet somewhere and talk, but all he wants is to take me to his home and try to impress me in there.

  28. When you say helpless, do you mean quadriplegic? Because that would be bonus points for me as far as I'm concerned.

    To answer your question directly, no, I wouldn't regret it. But I ask you this, why am I battering helpless women and children? Am I being coerced? :p

    I like these inane questions you keep asking.

  29. thenotablepath have you been to lovefraud? you should listen to some of the stories of the women with sociopath sons and ex husbands, to say that sociopaths aren't physically abusive is laughable.

    one woman talked about her son who i think is a sociopath in particular. the son murdered a 16 year old girl over a minor incident and tried to kill his mother for financial gain, that's a sociopath. not saying all sociopaths are as obvious as that guy, but all are capable of what he did.

  30. "To answer your question directly, no, I wouldn't regret it. But I ask you this, why am I battering helpless women and children?"

    Because it's fun.

  31. The distance will create a barrier to your fears. Fuck him. And if the sex isn't satisfying then its over. If you fall for each other hurt is part of the ride.

  32. Who said sociopaths aren't violent and abusive? I didn't.

    What the fuck is this, Fox News? Am I being interviewed by Schill O'Really?

    My point is simple. My partner is my partner. My mark is my mark. Those two people are not one in the same. I might abuse my partner, but it's because I want to break down their weaknesses, naivety, and other useless things holding them back. Not because I loathe their existence and want to make them pay. I want my partner to be worthy of me, not some piece of dirt wedged on the bottom of my boots.

    And Lovefraud, really? Because all this women k ow the difference between Narcissists and Sociopaths... Right. Unless you've spent time with people from both crowds, you probably couldn't tell.

    Yes Sceli, that is me.

  33. I don't really see how battering a child is fun when you're a grown ass man. I'd have to hold back not to kill them right away, and then, I'm holding back, so I'm not having much fun, am I?

    Logic fail anons tonight.

    Helpless women? It can certainly be fun. But someone who is closer to your level, someone ready for you, someone whose fear and adrenaline you can practically smell, and someone who might just win, now that's fun. It's a high like you wouldn't believe. There really is nothing more exciting.

  34. "Logic fail anons tonight."

    I create my own logic.

  35. You're doing a smashing job.~

  36. @Nikita
    "make numerous investments in your own innate ability to thrive. Use your instincts. Nurture your talents. You come first. He is your untamable object of desire, not your black hole to disappear into."

    This is exceptionally good advice. Over the course of our relationship, the hardest thing for me to get a grip on was that I could not use him as an escape or a security blanket. He was my constant for the longest time-he removed me from my world when my dad was dying of pancreatic cancer, and he was my stable immovable rock when my dad died. He was the only one of my friends who didn't cry at the funeral...and this was immensely valuable to me. I needed that strength. I'm afraid after that I sort of became dependant on his presence-it kept me sane, it kept me from brooding too much about my mortality. His wildness and the crazy things we always did together was the perfect escape from a reality I don't think I was tough enough to confront.

    Over time, I learned the hard way that I couldn't rely on him for my functional autonomy. What a recipe for disaster. I used to need him, I can hardly describe this, he was like a drug, being with him made me feel sane, and I do believe it was because he was like this infinite vacuum for me to dissapear within.

    And now since I have somewhat evolved along the of course of this disturbing relationship...I feel like I'm standing on more level ground with that my emotions no longer influence my perception at least, and most of the time they don't influence my actions either...and since I feel I see him more clearly, there are aspects of his personality that are more amusing and enjoyable.

  37. Can bluebird get any cornyer?

  38. @anon

    If I wanted to, yes, I could. It just so happens I have a corny life and a melodramatic way of viewing the world. 'Tis all a matter of perspective.

  39. Can the anons get 'worsier' tonight?

    Enjoy it, Bluebird. Most anguish from jilted lovers is a lack of understanding. Most of those emails from people with sociopath ex lovers asked me if they should go back and salvage it.

    It's not like they were all freshly popped cherries who just emerged into the real world. These people had been married before and had other long term lovers, but even after learning how a sociopath acts and thinks, they want to go back and get more. They aren't disgusted in the least. If anything, they become more hungry for what they can no longer get with regulars.

    It's not really bad boy attraction, either. It's definitely selfish and morbid though, like we're vampires or something novel compared to a regular lover.

    When you tell someone that their ex doesn't truly care for them, have compassion for them, and will never be truly faithful, and that person says I don't care, then maybe you shouldn't care for them. Capice? They found something more meaningful and addicting than love. Obsession trumps almost any emotion, if not all.

  40. Love is similar, for me, to an obsession. Sometimes it is hard for mr to tell the difference. They've found that the brain in love looks indistinguishable from the cocaine addicted brain. The person you're in love with becomes the drug of choice. They induce a dopamine reaction in the brain. You become obsessed with them, too-they consume you. This wears off after awhile, of course. Passionate romantic love goes away because the brain can't function for extended periods of time in such an infatuated state.

    But I'm still in love with him, and it's been an awfully long time.'s a bit more lucid for ms, and I can manage the way I feel much better...but the love and obsession have not gone away...seems a bit unfair

  41. Wonderful writing; beautiful use of words.

  42. Cheese cake ConnisaurSeptember 22, 2011 at 3:49 AM

    I agree with the Anon that if you lived with him day to day, it would be like too much cheese cake.

    After you eat 2 pieces,the rest makes you sick.

  43. Too much of anything is a turn off, unless your weird.

  44. There is something called "traumatic bonding" and "stockholm syndrome" that you appear to be suffering from. Google the terms and you will learn a lot about them and about yourself. This form of bonding is a survival tactic that your mind unconsciously does when you are trapped in a bad situation. Your socio is exploiting this bond and using it against you. Don't blame yourself -- it's not your fault, it's his. Socios love to invoke this kind of pain. It's entertaining for them. They love to see people get desperate and do things they normally wouldn't do. As I said, though, it's not your fault, and it is the result of repeat trauma caused by him.

  45. Hi Note, are you still on?

    Bluebird, you have been given good advice by the posters.
    I learn so much by reading the comments and todays are good.

    So is it just a game? Very few regular's seem to have any lasting relationships.
    If thats what it is then i guess we all have a shelf life. So empaths should always have something in the wings to fall back on.

  46. First of all, just wanted to say that I can relate a great deal to the guy in these stories.

    Secondly, all these women on here talking about PTSD and emotionally scarred and blah blah blah sound like they're weak, pathetic people who need company and hope you'll be that company. You wonder why you were used? Because in this world there are two kinds of people; cows and people who love a good steak. Stop being a cow, we'll stop making steak out of you.

    TNP-I love it, you and I are almost completely on the same page. As related to your last post, when I was reading through some of this site yesterday (just stumbled upon it then) I was thinking about how obvious it is that vampires in many shows, movies, descriptions are clearly modeled after sociopaths.

    As to the cattle, first of all, anyone that "creates their own logic" is obviously some sort of scorned woman. Sorry, but you're the only breed of people that would say something so stupid.

    The rest of you can listen to TNP if you like, listen to me if you like, I don't really give a shit personally, but TNP is the only one of you that makes sense as far as who we are, what we are, etc. I like the child/woman beating bit. Could I beat a helpless woman or child? Come over, piss me off, and find out. But would I? Depends-what's the point? Is there an end result that's positive for me? Then sure, why not?

  47. aSocioRuinedMe-"it's not your fault, it's his"

    Interesting. I'd say it's your fault for allowing yourself to be so vulnerable and foolish as to fall into that to begin with. Seems pretty obvious to me that SRM has a little bit of a bias here...

    Just because you're cattle, doesn't mean the cattle rancher is at fault for giving your ass a sting every now and then with the prod.

  48. Have you ever loved a woman?Explain, please, if you have.

  49. Gotta love people who come in here thinking they know the deal.

    And that was a stupid analogy.

    Just because the gun is pointed at you doesn't mean the man holding the gun is at fault when he pulls the trigger, eh?

  50. I've loved every woman I've ever met, some for ten minutes, others for ten years, until I'm done with them, and then I move on and forget they existed.

  51. Medusa-look in many mirrors?

    If you walk in front of a gun on a firing range knowing full well that the man holding the gun is about to fire it, no not his fault when your dumb ass gets shot.

    It wasn't an analogy, you are cattle, sometimes you need to be put in line and treated as such by the cattle ranchers of life. Those that are better, smarter, faster, and stronger than you are-physically, emotionally, and intellectually. After all in real life those are the qualities that make cattle cattle, and the ranchers the ranchers. That the ranchers can dominate the cattle through use of their superior abilities. There can be no more accurate description as to how sociopaths see you-at least in my case-as cattle.

    Predators prey on the weak. If you're going to be weak and in their path, they're going to prey on you. If you don't want to be preyed on, get out of the predator's way.

  52. lol

    It really is funny.

    Come on down to Sociopath World to get your sound relationship advice, from every color of disordered personality in the crayon box!

  53. Absolutely. Are you?

    I must say however, the place I most relate with the guy described in this story is with his seeming confusion. I don't think this is fake (presuming this story is real, etc). I think it's something we all go through when we begin to realize exactly what we are. I'll never have any type of connection with any people because I do honestly see them as nothing better than cattle. Nothing more special about one than the other-like two grains of sand you might compare and try to find something special about one vs. the next.
    I do hope to change that at some point however. I hear being how I am is thought to be hereditary, so I hope that my son will be more like me and less like another grain of sand.
    I've pursued relationships with people-like actual real relationships-in the past, but don't find they help one be happy. Quite the opposite, they are annoying things. My god I can't stand it, they drive me nuts. I much prefer being alone, and hope to die that way.
    I posted on another post here regarding loneliness. I laugh at the thought that being a sociopath is a lonely existence. The times in life I'm happiest are either when I've successfully destroyed someone, or when nobody else is around me annoying me. I am not lonely because to be lonely by definition you must be depressed over being alone. I could never be depressed over being alone.
    I'm not influenced by what other people think, I don't care about them at all, not what they think, say, or do. Who are they to affect me or my mindset? They are grains of sand with an overly inflated sense of self-importance. How could I not be happier than the rest of the world that seems to spend most of it's time running around catering to the frivolities of theirs and others emotions? Meanwhile I get what I want, get what I need, and get it quickly, effectively, and efficiently. But I'm the one that might not be happy? The suggestion makes me laugh a bit.

  54. TNP are you the owner of the site or something? You reference emails you received, this is why I ask. I like this site a great deal, it's my new home page.

  55. It's a harsh but sound discription for anyone involved with a sociopath or even for someone thats looking to distance themself.

    Like being splashed with cold water.

    Better to know then not know the way your being viewed.

  56. Oh its turned into a farm now. I don't like when you people come up with these random scenarios and talk about what you think you might do in those situations. Who cares? It means nothing. Everyone has dark and violent thoughts.

    And now we've got another "LonerPath" in here. Brilliant.

  57. Why do you want to change how you view people as grains of sand? You said you are happy that way.

  58. Seriously, why don't you look for somebody who will be able to love you back and appreciate your qualities? There are strong guys who will at least try to care about you without having to treat you with kid gloves, if you don't like that.. Girls are attracted to bad boys because of the "I don't give a shit"-mentality and as soon as they hook up with them, they struggle against the fact that they are not an expection to that rule and try to rewrite reality on their own terms.

    I agree with the others commenting here, you're romanticizing this "relationship" and trying to prove to yourself that you're up to something special with this "exceptional" guy.. If you abstract from the words you've used to describe your story, it seems insubstantial and just pathetic. What's the purpose of staying with a guy who is self-absorbed and doesn't give a shit about you? It seems like you're relation is so empty and insubstantial, that you have to fill it up and embellish it all by yourself, because you vaguely realize that it completely lacks sense and doesn't provide you a veritable personal satisfaction somebody with self-respect would demand. He should serve you as an example of pure self-interest (if he's really a socio).

  59. Not people in general, but I've always thought it would be interesting to find another person like me, see how that worked out. I tire of being surrounded by people I loathe and seem unable to change that-the fact that those who surround me sicken me. It would be a very new and intriguing thing to have someone I found...worthwhile around. I like new things.

  60. Are you thinking it would be a female sociopath?

  61. I've never given their sex much thought, although I could see how that could be helpful as females are certainly capable of certain things men aren't, and that could be highly useful.

  62. what do you men you've never given sex much thought, luke?

  63. If you didn't take out the word "their" and read the prior two or three comments I wouldn't have to explain myself. And since all those comments are there, I'm not going to.

  64. You are saying you are Bi sexual, or homosexual, mainly.

  65. no, how do you get that?

  66. Luke
    Have you ever been attached to anyone?

  67. not that I can recall, although I suppose it's natural for babies to develop some form of attachment to their mothers, so perhaps her when I was very young?

  68. "Oh its turned into a farm now. I don't like when you people come up with these random scenarios and talk about what you think you might do in those situations. Who cares? It means nothing. Everyone has dark and violent thoughts.

    And now we've got another "LonerPath" in here. Brilliant."


    I'm always happy to see your input. It's never complicated, or full of self absorbed fluff!

    You have a wonderful way of breaking it down to the basics, without sounding like a know-nothing idiot.

    Love it!

  69. How many times have we heard about SHEEP and CRASH DUMMIES, from Ukan?

    Mis, if Ukan said it instead of Luke you would have been right on the farm with him.

    Your just pissed Mis, that luke had something to say about TNP that wasn't negative.

  70. Oh, was her comment directed at me? Wasn't sure, can't please everyone I guess, lol.

  71. Erin thinks she's a sociopath now.

  72. Luke, I'm thankful you said steak not hamburger.

    Nice to hear a new opinion, it gets repetitive. Also one big pissing contest.

  73. Because deep down, past the emotions, shame, and grief... she feels like a socio. That's my guess from what she is spewing up there.

    I'm amused by this kao character too!
    Last night I was reading his bullshit, and the fact that he thinks he can "make" sociopaths put a huge smile on my face.

  74. lol, if you really wanted to go on with that example you could probably classify some "steak" in it as hamburger...

    Thanks, nice to find this site, I really do like it a lot. I must say Mis, I find it funny that you would go to a site on sociopaths looking for anything but true loners...

    I did not realize until a few moments ago that Bluebird, you were the author of this story. I've been reading some of your comments, etc. You seem like someone I'd like a great deal. To be honest it makes me wonder if a certain person is far more attractive to a sociopath than others. I didn't even have to meet you, just read a few of your comments-didn't even know you were the author of this particular entry-and somehow after 1 or 2 comments you just seemed like someone I would like. Interesting.

    Thanks Truth. Not sure how attractive most find my opinions, lol, but I'm always happy to share them.

    I'm glad to have stumbled upon this site. I know I'm a sociopath. I've been told that by people-my mother is a therapist, so is my aunt, and my gf is a psych major-and I fully fit almost all of the traits with the exception that I don't take joy in killing anything-primarily because I don't like blood and guts in actuality, they're messy. I don't torture things for no reason, however I have no problem hurting or torturing for a purpose. I've lived a high-risk life, spent most of my time living on the edge and breaking any law, rule, or regulation I could.

    I had a very human moment recently that shook me. That is honestly what caused me to come to this site, to see if such a moment is possible for someone like me, or what it means. I'm at peace with the monster I am, I know that's what I am, I have no problem with it. In fact I think that I'm the way I am for a purpose, because someday I'll need to be that way for the sake of my child, or for some other use. But this moment, this moment truly shook me and I just don't understand how I could have had it, and what is suddenly wrong with me.

    The moment has passed, as all moments do by definition, however the fact that it happened at all still puzzles me. It was the first time I'd ever experienced empathy in any form, and it was...shocking to say the least. I'd love to write my own entry, is there a particular process required?

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Well thats nice Eden.

    Truth. UKan doesn't say shit like so whats the point of your comment? If he talked like Luke then he wouldn't be UKan. Yet another randm scenario. Plus I don't care how other people talk to TNP. If you payed more attention you would know that so shut the fuck up.

  77. why don't they comment where it matters?

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. I'm not sure if I can handle the amount of batshit on the forum...

  80. "I must say Mis, I find it funny that you would go to a site on sociopaths looking for anything but true loners.."

    I find it funny that so many people come here with misconceptions about sociopathy.

  81. "I find it funny that so many people come here with misconceptions about sociopathy."

    What does that have to do with me?

  82. You took too many of me, Damn it

  83. Oh and Erin, I may do that later tonight. Thanks.

  84. @Mis-so nothing? Okay, consider it worked out.

  85. @luke

    mis is obviously (once again) talking about the fact that sociopaths are extroverted, not introverted.

  86. Erin, nice work with the transformation.

  87. I see. Well, I see many things, thank you Anon. I see Mis is one of those that a) likes to think she knows all about all and no one else could ever know. b) likely not a sociopath herself and c) likes to go on about the same insignificant (and often wrong?) points.

    Personally, as a sociopath myself I'd say we're introverts disguised as extroverts. I'm sure Mis read a book somewhere, or perhaps the "majority of an article"-to quote one of my new favorite commercials-and therefore has convinced herself she's the expert on these matters, but that's just my take.

    Being a sociopath by nature you're something of an introvert. You hide who you really are from people and adapt their characteristics in order to get what you want and/or need.

    It might shock Mis to find out that other people have google as well. When the whole sociopath conversation started for me I started doing a lot of research to find out if that was what I was. I think this link hit a lot of things on the head:
    Of course none of us are lucky to be as educated on all subjects as Mis is sure to be, but that's just input from someone who has done plenty of research on the topic and has been a sociopath his entire life.

    @Mis-just to reiterate, your little joke of a comment has nothing to do with me. Don't start talking shit to me unless you're prepared to eat your words on a fairly regular basis. I live to eviscerate people that want to start shit with me. I have one rule in my life-leave my name outta your mouth-or leave me alone in other words-and I'll do the same for you. Very simple. Learn it.

  88. @Wheatley

    I love it! I like to wallow in other people's absurdity and lunacy.
    The more absurd and dramatic, the more enjoyment I get!!

  89. interesting, lol, short name like Mis one would think female. Not that it matters.


  91. @Luke

    You're cocky, and soooo perceptive!
    I can't wait to see what happens next!!!

  92. The comments on here are a bit confusing about love for a sociopath - the definition says a sociopath can love and it'll be the most intense love you've ever seen/felt. Everybody on here seems to think sociopaths can't or won't love, no?

  93. He isn't cocky, that's why people don't like him. If you want people to like you on here you have to be overly cocky, like UKan. Luke is in the middle.

  94. A sociopath loves like an animal but once in a while you have to get out of bed.That is when it gets tricky

  95. That was sarcasm Anon...
    I thought it was obvious.

    I'll do this ~ from now on

    Probably not though.

  96. If you come on here with only logic, like Luke, you'll get slaughtered. You have to have the ability to twist reality to fit yourself.

  97. I looked at one of the threads and it seemed to be the boring kind of batshit. I think I'll stay here and how Mis reacts to this new guy.

  98. My bets are with Luke. Mis and Ukan got old already.

  99. My advice to the poster is this:

    When you can say you can take or leave him and you are certain you can execute this mindset, you can and should have him.

    Life is short. I'm not being callous. I am being realistic.

    Cultivate hobbies and friends no one can take from you. When this relationship ends it will feel like any relationship ending . There is nobody in this world who can ruin you .. Sociopaths are not fucking wizards.

  100. and see*

    And the anon is right. Logic alone is completely useless.

  101. The forum is like my lil fry cuddly. Here is where the action is...

    And so i'm with you Wheatley. I'm ready for action!

  102. I don't think people take kindly to new people here.

  103. "And the anon is right. Logic alone is completely useless."

    Agreed. If people respected logic scientists would be famous rather than lying amoral celebrities and politicians. It's all about manipulation.

  104. I see a lot of very real sociopathology (Chrome tells me that is not a word) in a show like True Blood-you'd have to have watched it to get it. The vampires on that show are clearly model sociopaths. Sociopaths-I think, you'll have to ask Mis up there to be sure-can hold an object of desire, yes. They may have great sex with you, they may make you feel great, but we don't love you. Look, I care about what happens to my gf/fiance/whatever she wants to call herself, but I don't know that I love her. I don't feel any real attachment to her. If she left me today I wouldn't really notice anything about it, or care at all, and we've been together for 5 years.
    Movies, books, etc describe love as some sort of feeling you have in your heart about someone. I don't know how to describe it because I've never felt it. I've told people I love them, hell I tell people that all the time, but it's generally for a purpose. I don't have that feeling however, if that makes sense.
    My girlfriend will tell you I'm a wonderful boyfriend. She wishes I "cared" more, but I'm a great protector of our family, I provide for them, I don't go out and cheat, or get hammered and beat on them, or whatever, but I also don't feel love for them beyond what I'm capable of, which is basically just to make sure that nothing happens to them because my son is my flesh and blood and she's stuck by my side through a lot of bullshit.
    I don't know if that makes sense, but it's the only reply I can give to talk about whether or not someone like myself can "love". I suppose we can demonstrate affection-and do so very well-but the affection isn't there, if that makes sense.

  105. Sexy Rating
    Luke wins over Mis and Ukan who have little to no sex appeal

  106. See :
    "Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage, in which the hostage shows signs of loyalty to the hostage-taker, regardless of the danger (or at least risk) in which the hostage has been placed."
    "Loyalty to a more powerful abuser — in spite of the danger that this loyalty puts the victim in — is common among victims of domestic abuse, battered partners and child abuse (dependent children). In many instances the victims choose to remain loyal to their abuser, and choose not to leave him or her, even when they are offered a safe placement in foster homes or safe houses. This unhealthy type of mental phenomenon is also known as Trauma-Bonding OR Bonding-to-the-Perpetrator."

  107. @Luke
    You described that very well.

  108. You have to have the ability to twist reality to fit yourself.

    Reality isn't big enough.

  109. "likes to think she knows all about all and no one else could ever know"

    Funny you should say that because thats exactly how you're coming across. You've been here two minutes and you think you know everything about me. Basically what I'm saying is that we always get weirdos like you coming on here all the time going on about their inner monsters and how they love to be alone and all that. And they always sound like such smug little cocksuckers as soon as the come on. As if they expect exceptence and respect. You sound just like one of these people. Prove me wrong or I promise that you'll be one who has to eat his words.

    "and has been a sociopath his entire life."

    Would you like a medal?

  110. Luke, you sound like an introvert, hence the unattractiveness of you.

  111. One more reference (last one):

    "The Stockholm Syndrome comes into play when a captive cannot escape and is isolated and threatened with death, but is shown token acts of kindness by the captor. It typically takes about three or four days for the psychological shift to take hold.

    A strategy of trying to keep your captor happy in order to stay alive becomes an obsessive identification with the likes and dislikes of the captor which has the result of warping your own psyche in such a way that you come to sympathize with your tormenter"

  112. I think the difference between Mis and Ukan and Luke is that Luke is not an asshole,as a default position.
    I can't see him going after someone for the pure desire to be an asshole.
    If they stepped on him, he could.

    I am not saying he is never an asshole but he is not ALWAYS an asshole, either like Ukan and Mis who are most of the time.

  113. "Luke, you sound like an introvert, hence the unattractiveness of you."


  114. "I think the difference between Mis and Ukan and Luke is that Luke is not an asshole,as a default position.
    I can't see him going after someone for the pure desire to be an asshole.
    If they stepped on him, he could."

    That's because misanthrope and ukan are the real deal.

  115. "I am not saying he is never an asshole but he is not ALWAYS an asshole, either like Ukan and Mis who are most of the time."

    I take it you've known Luke a really long time then...

  116. Not all sociopaths are assholes as a default position like Ukan and Mis.

  117. Luke should've lurked more before picking a fight. He was probably under the impresdion that a site like this wouldn't have any kind of social norms and that everyone here is completely accepting of everybody else.


    Also: not wanting people to say your name seems to me like a huge disadvantage.~

    My money's on Misanthrope.

  118. "He was probably under the impresdion that a site like this wouldn't have any kind of social norms and that everyone here is completely accepting of everybody else."

    That would be LoveFraud, this site is elitist.

  119. this is such faggot shit, we all know that whoever ukan or mis goes after is a dead man walking cause you guys always rally behind them, even if they person has done nothing wrong

  120. @asocioruinedYOU

    Why would anyone choose to define themselves THAT way?

  121. @Mis-amazing how some resemble their own comments so completely. Also-learn how to spell the word "acceptance" it's really not that hard. Next week I'll teach you which witch is which and why you'll never get a letter from the male man.

    As to how people sound, act, or whatever, my monster, lmao-you've been watching too much Dexter. I don't have a "monster" inside me, lol. I am what I am, and frankly I don't really give a shit how you feel I sound.

    I came here to this site because this is where research lead me. I didn't see some episode of Dexter and decide it would be cool to be a sociopath so I'd go to some site and say I was one. I came here because of that moment, that's it. I don't give a shit about acceptance, lmao, you're a little full of yourself if you think I do. And if you think I'm worried about some little insignificant member of the herd like yourself making me "eat my words" you're downright delusional.

    @Anon-I'd consider myself an introvert, and frankly I'd consider all sociopaths introverts-although I don't have my degree in psychology, (again, you'd have to check with Mis). By nature we enjoy being alone-introverted-and simply mimic others to fit in, not exactly an extroverted personality trait. Whether or not you find that attractive is of absolutely zero interest to me.

  122. I don't rally behind UKan and Mis aaallll the time, I just think Luke's boring as hell.

  123. It's hilarious how people would call bullies assholes or whatever, then come here and try to act like the sociopaths are somehow different and misunderstood. Sorry I just find that Ironic.

  124. Anon 10:23

    Where you get that shit from?

  125. "It's hilarious how people would call bullies assholes or whatever, then come here and try to act like the sociopaths are somehow different and misunderstood. Sorry I just find that Ironic."

    I think Dexter brainwashed people into that idea.

  126. Shut up Abigal
    Go play with Barbies

    Luke is the main man. Mis is out like yesterdays news.

  127. I don't think my opinion matters but I don't believe Erin is a sociopath.


    I just have a "romantic" perspective. Sociopath boy always yells at me because he says I write a fairy tale in my head. I don't. I just try to keep life more fantastic then dreary-and why the hell not? I dont believe in a completely objective material reality why not romanticize?

  128. that anon who smears everyoneSeptember 22, 2011 at 10:29 AM

    If luke is taking misanthropes place, then I'm leaving.

  129. That's the vibe I'm getting from the new forum. "I'm just misunderstood." "Please don't look directly at my emptiness!" "I just want to be able to love and walk outside during the day without turning to ash."


  130. @Bluebird
    You are hooked. Face it. If he withdrew, what would happen to you?
    Be honest.

  131. I'm a guy, Anon. If I had breasts, I would be fondling them right now. And I'm not. So I don't.

  132. "I dont believe in a completely objective material reality why not romanticize?"


    People are material... not just some dream state you're in. At some point you will need to learn to see things for what they really are, if you are to get results that favor survival, and prosperity.

  133. Bluebird is what Vaknin would call "blissfully ignorant"

  134. Haha. You're a paranoid fuck and you're already making all the wrong moves. Dont correct me on my shitty speling you want want to torn apart. All it does is show how weak, petty, and out of ideas you really are.

    Now where's your inner monster? where's your inner monster?

    "I'm at peace with the monster I am, I know that's what I am, I have no problem with it."

    Oh there it is!

    YOU have been watching to much Dexter. Your ideas about sociopathy are lifted straight from it(now I know for sure since you mentioned it, thanks).

  135. Dexter has nothing got to do with psychopathy, it was made to appeal to the masses, it's soft. If it portrayed a real psychopath nobody would watch it, except psychopaths and sick fucks in general.

  136. lol @ those that don't think I'm an asshole. You just don't know me well enough yet. As to everyone loses to Mis and whoever else because the crowd always backs them...blah blah blah. I hope that's true. They'll need the crowd's help if they're coming after me.

    Wheatley-not sure how you get that I started this. Mis was the one who apparently started with me, as Truth pointed out. Find a place before Truth's post where I'm even aware of the fact that Mis exists. Go ahead, look, I'll wait...not there is it?

    As to the rest I can't speak to others, but I am a bit of a bully and a massive asshole. I'll kill you as soon as shake your hand, take your house as soon as borrow some sugar, and eviscerate you in an argument with the same tenacity whether you're my longest known acquaintance or my worst enemy.

    To Mis and whomever else takes issue with me or what I have to say, I say this: tread lightly. Don't start fights with those better and more equipped to handle them than you are. And Mis-learn to spell. It's pathetic. How are you going to be all high and mighty, force people to "eat their words" when you can barely even spell the phrase? Channel your inner Billy Madison and go back to the second grade, learn just a few basics of the English language. Seriously-this isn't really who people here rally behind is it? You guys gotta do something about those low standards, lol.

  137. UKan is going to give this guy a spanking.

  138. oh right Mis, I used a word which makes me somehow obsessed, or something less, or whatever in your sad little world. Too bad we don't have the opportunity to have this conversation face to face.

    (ps If by "making the wrong moves" you mean I'm not on my knees in awe at your brilliance-get used to it, you never even thought about being in my league.)

  139. I've never watched Dexter, but I Did watch 'Six Feet Under'. To go from playing a basket case of a gay man, to a sensationalized psychopath, is impressive where actors are concerned. It means he didn't end up being typecasted by the industry.

  140. @anon

    He did cut me out once. I went crazy as fuck and then I had to simply deal and I would call it an extremely valuable experience. So I think I'd be depressed but now I can function without seeing him for sizable periods of time.

    @ Eden

    People and things are material but attitudes and perceptions are immaterial and they are the difference between entirely different realities that we all experience in our separate lives

  141. I didn't say you started it, just that you were obviously the one looking for a fight when Mis was still kinda even-tempered. I also don't see how you could think that if you came in here with guns blazing as if you own the place, no one would mind.

    I'll revise my statement that you're boring, you seem to have some interesting qualities, but again: know your place.

    And argumenting with someone over grammar is really fucking pathetic.

  142. "I also don't see how you could think that if you came in here with guns blazing as if you own the place, no one would mind."

    i thought it was the opposite, he wasn't arrogant enough.

    people get attacked on other forums for being arrogant, you get attacked here for a lack of arrogance.

  143. Really? I never acted overly arrogant (I think), and I've never been attacked.

  144. Abigal
    Shut up
    Go fondle your breasts

  145. Luke... I'm sorry. It's just that... I
    don't know. I don't have anything in
    common with you.

  146. You sound just like the rest of these losers on here Luke. Dave, Zwang, Jason. You dont understand that I dont want your respect. You make a wrong move every time you open your mout. Arguing over spelling, telling me that you're out of my league, that you're more capable in an argument than me. All of this without any proof. I can tell you that its alot easier for me to make you look like a fool here than it is for you to make me look like one. In fact you've already started doing it to yourself.

    "Too bad we don't have the opportunity to have this conversation face to face."

    Oooo was that a subtle internet threat? Funny.

    Now tell me about your inner monster. Does it exist or not? Make up your mind. And I never said that you were obsessed with Dexter. You did.

  147. "Really? I never acted overly arrogant (I think), and I've never been attacked."

    You've been attacked a few times.

  148. Misanthrope, Davey is actually legit, he earned his badges for what he did to Erin.

  149. @Bluebird

    Yes doll... don't think I'm not getting your point of view. But perception can not imagine a broken arm, into an arm that is whole. The body can me damaged in ways that can effect your lifestyle options, and the brain is a physical thing. Lifestyle will change the way the brain keeps a balance, regardless of mind perception.

    There needs to be a balance of you're perception, and the reality of the grand perception of the masses. Just because you're able to manipulate your own way of perceiving things, doesn't mean you have the power to manipulate the results of peoples actions towards you.

    Don't romanticize the entirety of your life, is what I'm saying. Keep it for the bedroom. You can't separate your mind from your body child.

  150. Say Blue, using a philosophical justification like that really should tip you off about how you really feel. It's like saying: "There's infinite number of "me"s that are happy with their lives, so why should I be?" What matters in life (or more precise: what feels like it matters) is what feels real to you, regardless of if it's not are there's no way to be sure.

  151. Nah Dave was just doing it for brownie points like UKan said(still funny though). Hes not the most pathetic person on here, He's not the least either.

  152. I really don't remember ever getting attacked. I attacked people on occasion, and I was accused of being someone I'm not, but actual attacks? Like what happened to Jason and shit?

  153. How does coming here and iteracting with others in an exchange of personal views get twisted into owning the place?

    Wheatly, it's funny how similar your posts are to Luke's. Hump

    Mis and Ukan go after anyone and they aren't even provoked. Looks like pure insecurity. Then all the little sheep start trying to bolster them up hoping to ally with them so they can appear to part of the established badasses of the blog.

  154. make no mistake wheatbread or whatever your name is, my place is wherever the fuck I want it to be. As for looking for a fight? Nope, but when someone brings one-no matter how small-to my doorstep I'm not one to shy away.

    In my opinion it's sad that people think that they can botch the english language in whatever manner they see fit and still consider themselves intelligent. Very sad. We are in a day and age where most of us communicate most of the time through writing, whether it's IM, email, or even letter and as opposed to that being the motivation behind people learning to write, we're adopting phrases and abbreviations to help people too dumb to learn to communicate like intelligent adults. Just sad.

    I'm not arrogant at all, I simply do what you suggest-I know my role. Do you? Because your role sure as hell isn't admonishing me for defending myself, so step the fuck aside.

    See Mis here, well he's pretty played out. He's like that kid on the playground in elementary school. Maybe he was held back a few times, maybe he just hit a growth spurt-who knows-but he's a lot bigger than the other kids. He's mad because mommy doesn't love him or whatever his whineass problem is, so he picks on the kids smaller than him-which is fine, they really oughta learn how to defend themselves anyway. But then one day another kid just as big shows up. The original big kid tries to push around the new kid and just doesn't know what to do when the new kid pushes back. He hasn't encountered that before, an even match.

    I'm not the new kid you want to push around. I don't go looking for fights. Like I said, leave me alone and I'm happy to do the same for you. Fuck with me and I'll feed you your fucking tongue. Literally if this were real life-which unfortunately it's not. Mis, Wheat, whoever, I have no problems with any of you as long as you learn to keep your idiotic comments to yourself. I didn't come in "guns blazing", just came in with them loaded. They started blazing later when I saw someone else draw first.

    Sidenote for Mis, they used that word in Dexter because it fits. Give me another one that fits better there wordsmith, we'll take it for a test drive, see how it feels.

  155. David bragging about his self-awarded PCL:R-score forever denied him of being taken seriouly, if you'd ask me.

    By the way, Eden. How was Charlie's roast? Haven't gotten around to looking it up yet. The commercial is pure gold though.

  156. truth said...
    Mis and Ukan go after anyone and they aren't even provoked. Looks like pure insecurity.

    looks more like pure sadism... you could be right though, mabye.

  157. It has nothing to do with insecurity, it's an ego boost. Is a silver back insecure for bullying the other gorillas? When a victim calls a bully insecure, it is usually to salvage one last pathetic high ground to the bully.

  158. @ Medusa

    that anon wasn't me...i have never been married to a psychopath- just a loud narc lol. just had to clarify that

  159. @Mis "You dont understand that I dont want your respect..."

    It's cute that you think others want yours. You think anyone comes here for some sort of validation from you? Laughable. For that's what started this isn't it? You coming up and wanting everyone to know you're the man, you're the one who validates who knows what about what aren't ya? You'd like to think you are anyway. You can compare me to whoever you like, pretend you are whatever you want, but at the end of the day you're not much at all, and you're certainly no threat to me so do yourself a favor and stop trying to pretend you are. We'll all have to read less of your bullshit, and listen to less of your delusional self-important garbage.
    As for the face to face-no, I just find it entertaining when people say things online they'd never say in real life. Where I'm from we call that spineless, where you're from you apparently think that makes you some kind of what? Internet folk hero?

  160. plus, regarding blue and her man... i think i said enough yesterday

  161. @Wheatley

    I was a bit disappointed that Lisa Lampanelli (The Queen of Mean), wasn't there. She's a blast! There were a lot of new people, and I'm used to it getting really down and dirty... but it was still pretty funny, and worthwhile.

  162. Luke is all man next to Mis who should shine his shoes

  163. Well we all know what happens in a short while when Ukan wakes up and sees Mis was being taken down by the new kid.

    Same shit Luke under a different name.

  164. @ eden

    you have got to watch dexter when you get the chance

  165. "you have got to watch dexter when you get the chance"

    Why? It's awful.

  166. Ukan must be having nightmares

  167. Lisa Lampanelli is hilarious, love her.

  168. @Truth-you're obviously pretty intelligent. Wheat, you are as well, however I'm guessing at some point you had a run in with Mis there and you'd prefer to not have another one.
    See truth, number one-you're right about the insecurity bit to an extent. The big kid on the playground sees the next big kid and wants to see a few things a) am I still the biggest kid here? and b) are we cool or are we fighting? he'll then test the new kid with some subtle thing, see what happens.
    I think however, that you have Wheat and co. mispegged however. I don't think that they bolster guys like Mis up because they want to be viewed as some sort of online badass, I think that they do it out of something of a sense of survival if you will.
    Again, I may miss my guess, but I'd bet Mis has taken a run at most of the people on here at one point or another. My guess is they'll back Mis now because they figure I haven't been around very long, and maybe I won't stick around. Mis has and likely will, so they want him to remember down the line when he's about to take a run at them again that once upon a time they were on his side. Funny how he never remembers isn't it guys?
    Mis wants to run things. He feels he's the god of the board if you will, and wants to be the man to validate this one or that one, see if you belong (aka are you subservient in any manner to him). In short, he's a bully and he only likes potential victims, other bullies being around just isn't good for business.
    What he needs to realize is I'm not a threat to his business. I have no interest in picking on others in an unprovoked manner. I like lighting up people like him myself. That's where I'm a threat to him, and now that he's seen that he'll do everything he can to try to drive me from the board or site or whatever it is that makes him think he's powerful. Soon he'll learn, there's no chance he bothers me even slightly, I don't need any form of acceptance from him, and frankly I'd prefer if he didn't accept me at all as I'll never accept him for much more than what he is-a mere nuisance, that's it. I attracted his attention, not the other way around.
    You're welcome to side with who you like, find me boring, unattractive, whatever word it is you feel like using, at the end of the day-hell at the start of the day and throughout the middle as well-it just doesn't matter one bit.
    Now Mis, stop hijacking Bluebird's thread. Your bullshit doesn't have me fooled, concerned, worried, or well, anything but rolling my eyes a bit.

  169. @anon - why do u think it is awful? have you ever watched all the seasons or just a show to two

  170. I've encountered this alot of times Luke. They all fight back and they all do it in the same way as you which is why they fail. I cant even be bothered to wait anymore. After being here for a while, I can spot people like you on their first day here. Your not the big kid in the playground, you're just another nothing.

    You're the one who claimed that I needed validation in the first place so dont try to flip things around. I don't care what people think of me. It's alot funner to focus on what they think of you.

    "I just find it entertaining when people say things online they'd never say in real life."

    Me too. But stop talking about real life. This isn't it so I don't really give a shit about your fantasies of what you could do to me outside of here.

  171. I watched an episode of it, it's boring.

  172. @luke

    "You're welcome to side with who you like, find me boring, unattractive, whatever word it is you feel like using"

    I just see a bunch of long winded dribble...and since you tend to write fucking books as a response, it seems as though you are high jacking the comments section

  173. Luke, you're obviously not familliar enough with the social dynamics here to act the way you're doing right now. Mis really isn't the only person acting like this. And nobody's hijacking anyone's thread. Yesterday Bluebird got all the attention we could give her (for a while).

  174. Are you going to kill all the bullies like Dexter?

  175. I don't attack other "bullies" on here Luke. When I see something that looks like weakness I test it and see where it goes. It's like putting together a jigsaw. If the pieces don't fit, I leave it. Its got nothing to do with feeling threatened and I don't want you to leave. Trust me. I just want to see what happens.

  176. Luke, you've got quite the imagination. Your perceptions are so off, and it's hilarious that you think you know the pecking order/social structure around here after being here for what... a day?

    With every word you type you are tightening the rope around your own neck.

    Any sociopath with any salt, experience, and intelligence would do the smart thing and sit back for a while and watch and observe before slathering their fragile ego all over the place.

  177. It's funny that you think the comments section can be hijacked here.... fucking lolz

  178. Oh no, it's fine. Don't bother trying to say something I haven't said before...


  179. "With every word you type you are tightening the rope around your own neck."

    Yeah. And what Wheatly is right as well. This guy should have lurked a while to figure things out.

  180. Didn't see your comment until after I posted, Wheatley dear.

  181. @Mis you come across how you come across, I just call it like I see it. You wanted to play with me, we're playing. don't worry bout me, I'm not going anywhere, lol.

    @Wheat-fair enough, although not sure I care too much about the social dynamics, lol, and again, I'll point out this interchange wasn't exactly my idea, I'll act how I see fit.

    @sweetcheeks-don't care what you think. sorry, just don't. didn't mean to confuse you with all those words.

  182. What pecking order? Everyone is an idiot here.

  183. although not sure I care too much about the social dynamics,

    What utter bullshit, considering everything you have written so far.

  184. oh fun another idiot.
    @Medusa-your opinion also, doesn't really matter. but keep typing, by all means. You make Mis feel better about himself, lol.

  185. If it really doesn't matter to you, why bother responding?

    Again, fragile ego.

  186. Social dynamics and pecking order aren't the same. But indeed, there's no pecking order here. There's only people who think there is one.

  187. You come off like a little chihuahua who has found a pack of pitbulls, thinking you're a pitbull and doing some kinda "I'm the toughest pitbull around with the loudest scaries bark" dance, while yapping the annoying shit-zu yap yap. We all know how that ends.

    Not saying you are a shit-zu, but you sure are coming across that way so far.

  188. That's right Luke. You call it like YOU see it. Shame nobody else see's it that way.

    In the future don't write these fucking walls of text as a defence. It's boring.

  189. People will kill each other over a piece of dust on their shoe.
    Like whose dust is bigger?


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